Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927, November 24, 1904, Image 3

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fa jrorn CARE
is the man who has
an adequate Endow
ment Policy in the
Strongest in
s."ll or writ for
I. Samuel. Maraurrr.
puimmg. rorusna,
,1 u
.1 , iv,j.;,ivj
Chu J. Roberts, Ruidcnt
Grants Pass Banking & Trust Co.
Transacts General Hanking business. '
Receives deposits subject to check or on demand certificates. ' .
Our customeia are assured of courteous treatment and every consideration con
istent with sound banking principles.
Eafety deposit boxes for rent. ' j. FRANK WATSON, Pres.
K. A. BOOTH, Vics-l'rea.
- L. L. J K WELL, Cashier. '
The First National Bank
Keccive deposits subject to check or on certificate pavahle on demand.
Sell sight drafts on New York Han Francisco, and Portland.
Telegraphic transfers auhl on all points in the I'nited States.
Special Attention tivin to Collections and general business of our customers.
Collections made throughout Southern Oregon, and on all accessible points.
K. A. JSOOTH. Pres.
J. C. CaMI'I'.KI.L. Vice Pres.
H. L. lill.KKY, Cashier.
i am prep red to furnish anything in the line of Cemetery work in auy kind
Nearly thirty years of experience in the Marble business warrants my saying
that I can till your orders in the very DeBt manner.
Can furnish work in Scotch, Swede or American Granite or any kind ol
Mat bis.
front Street N'eit to Greene's GonHhop.
The New Meat MarKet
Manufacturer of all kinds of foreign and domestic
Sausages. Pork Packer and dealer in all kinds
of First-class Fresh, Salt and Smoked
Meats, Wholesale and Retail
Main Street, West of Palace Hotel TELEPHONE 223'
Agent liig Horn 1 Sii.-in Land Co.,
Wyoming. Anchor Wire Fence.
Practice limited to
Uilice hours 0 to 12; 2 to B
Evening hours Tue-ilavs and Fridays,
7: to It.
Telephones 201 and 77.
(.1 wants Pass, Ohkgon.
Masonic Temple, Rooms 2 & 4
G kants Pass,
'Phone 633. Ohkgon.
Physician and Sukokon
Olllco: Figtiey'e residence, cor. Gth
and K stri ct.
Day and night phono No. fi.'Jl
Grants Pass, Ore.
jy P, LOVE, M. D.
Oflioo in Williams Pros, block, over
Grants I'hss Grocery.
Residence Phone 414.
Of'.ieo Phono 141.
Grams Pass, - . OhkooH
Ciacticesin all State and Federal Court
Uilice over Kiret .National Hank.
Grants Pass, - Okkoon.
Pnox 4.'.;i
N. Ii. MeGKEW,
Furniture and Piano
The popular barber shop
Get your tonsorial work done at
On Sixth Street Three chairs
Bath room in connection
Palace Barber Shop
J. n. MULLEN, Propr.
Shaving, Hair Cutting
Baths, Etc.
Everything neat and and clean and all
work First-Class.
Ma Stood the Tent of 23 Year
The old, original GROVE'S Taste
less Chill Tonic Too know what
yon are taking. It is iron and quin
ine iu a tasteless foim. No core, no
has stood the test 25 years. Average Annual Sales
Eoclote with every
the World."
JO Orvgontnn
Agent, Grants Pan, Orejon.
Assayers and Chemists
Gold, Silver, Copper, Lead, 1 each.
Gold and Silver, f 1.
Each and every away done with the
idea that it may be chocked.
XXX. t. Z. XX. Column
All matter for this column Is supplied
by the Grants Pass Woman's Christian
Temperance I'nion.
A new ft 100, 000 hotel with 240
rooms especially (or the moral, re
ligioua traveling public la one of the
latest lirojects in Indianapolis. It
will be without bar or billiard room
and curd playing will not be allowed.
The Total Abstinence Society
Copenhagen, Denmaik, reports
membership of over 100,000, among
whom are 87 ministers and 403
teachers. Last year the society ar-
rauged for il'.ibl temperance lecture
at a cost of about 1 17,000.
Out of (nO members of Parliament,
87 are rep ined to be total abstainer!.
England and Wales are credited with
50 abstainers out of I'.i'j representa
tives, and Scotland with 7 out of 72
members, while Ireland with loll rep
rcscntutivoa has aa many as 1)0 ab
Geiiernl Coronnat, commander in
chief of the French troops in Iudo
China, if making especial effort to
suppress drunketiness among the sol
diers. He expresses his regret that
warnings concerning . the serious
effects of drinking habits uKu the
health are not heeded.
Mr. Arthur Sherwell, in his "Drink
Peril in Scotland, " has a chapter on
the growth of alcoholic insanity in
Scotland. Having traced this
growth of insanity to alcoholism, lie
produces the terrific figures that,
while the population his increased
siuce I808 but 4V per cent, insanity
has increased 1X0 per cent.
At a banquet given to Dr. Lorenz,
the famous surgeon, wine waa served.
Ho pushed his wine-glass aside and
called .for a cop of tea. Some oue
inquired if he was a total abstainer.
He answered, "I am a surgeon. My
sueress depends on having a clear
brain, a steady nerve, and firm
muscle. No oue can take any form
of alcohol without blunting these
physical powers; therefore, as a
surgeon, I must nut nse any form of
. , Farm For Sale.
lfiO acres, CO acres of flue itib-iril-
eated bottom land nndcr fence and
cultivation, a million feet of fine tin)
ber, hundred! of cords of hard wood,
near town aod all down grade on fine
road. Good two-atory dwelling with
L Well of splendid water at the
door. Fine big barn and out build
ings. Lots of fruit and berries of all
kinds. County road and daily mail at
the door. A splendid place for health
and a pleasant home. Address Box 117,
Wood i lie, Oru.
Grove's Tasteless Chill Tonic
kottto Is a Ten Cnt tacmra uw
Foiest Reserve L&nda May Be
- Filed on March I. 1905.
There ia much rejoicing in South
ern Oregon over ' ti e notice fiom
Washington that the forest lands of
Southern Oregon withheld from entry
several years ago, are aoon to be
thrown open to buyers, settlers and
squatters. From preparations being
made, it is evident that there will be
a great rush for these lands as soon
as they are released. ,
The lands here are not the regular
forest reserves, but they cover a large
area of Josephine, Curry and Jackson
counties, in Oregon, aud parts of Sis
kiyou and Del Norte counties, in
California. Practically all this
land ia mountainous, aud not much
of it will be available for immediate
farming, except on a small scale, or
as Block range. Some of it is covered
with sparse limber, but a great por
tion of it has a dense growth of fir
and pine, with considerable sugar
pine, which ranks close to the famous
redwood in point of geuoral valne.
There is no question but that the
throwing open of these lands will be
of great benefit to this section of the
state, as the reserves surrounds Jose
ph i 110 county on three sides, practi
cally "bottling" it op. It likewise
was detrimental to mining progress
as prospectors are slow in prospecting
lauds that are held in close title by
thh Government A good many
squatters have already been placed ou
locations, and others will be taken np
rapidly, as the number of sawmills
and the crest ' demand for lumber
make timber lands, even in the more
remotu parts, of exceptional value..
Some of the land is yet ousurveyod.
Following is a complete list of
those liniils included in the Rogue
River forest reserve withdrawal in
Southern Oregon, which are to be
immediately thrown open to settle
ment by the. local lund officers at
lioseburg, aud which are to be open
to entry aud filing at the conclusion
of a 90 d.iy period of advertisement :
In township 40 south, range 8 west,
sections 10 to SO, both inclusive, aud
sections 32 to 3t, both inclusive.
In township 41 sooth, ruugo 8 west
sections 3 aud 10,
All township 31 south, range 9
west In township 40 south, range 9
west, section 1, the southeast quarter
of section 11, the east half and south
west quarter of section 12, the north
east quarter of suction 13, sections 25
and 2IS, the east half of section 34, and
sections 35 and 8fi.
In township 41 south, range 9 west,
sections 1, 9, 3, and sections 10 to in,
both inclusive.
All township 31 south, range 10
In township 85 south, range 12
west, the southeast quarters of sec
tion 9, the south half of section 10,
section, 11 the south half aud north
west quarter of section 12 the west
half of sectiou 3, the north half of
sections 14 and 15; sections 10, the
sooth half and northeast quarter of
section 17, sections 20, 21, 29, 30. 31,
and 82.
In township 38 south, rnugo 13
west, the southeast quarter of section
22, the south half of section 23, sec
tion 27, the southeast quarter of sec
tion 33, and the west half of section
Iu township 89 south, rango 12
west, sectiou 4, the south half of sec
tion 5, the southeast quarter of Bee
tiou A, the southeast quartor of sec
tion 7, section 8, tho northwest
quarter cf Bcction 9 sections 17 and IS,
the northeast quarter of section ltl,
the north half of section 20, and the
west half (or whut will probably bo,
when surveyed, lots 1 to in, inclu
sive, of sectiou 30. )
In township 40 south, range 12
west, tho west half, or lots 1 to W,
inclusive, of section IS.
In township 41 south, langn 12
west, lots 3 and 4, the south half of
the northwest quarter, and the south
half of suction, 5 sectiou (1, the west
hnlf, or lots 1 to Hi, inclusive, of
section 7 ; the north half and south
east quarter of sectiou 8, tho south
half mid northwest quarter of section
li, and the west half, or lots 1 to 12,
in clnsive, of section IS.
All of Willamette Mi ridiuti, Oregon.
Publication on the above tract has
been commenced and the lands will he
thrown open for entry at tho Roseburg
laud office ou March 1, l'.Hw.
Men Put Sixty in Danger.
More than half of mankind over
sixty years of age suffer from kiduey
and bladder dicoidcra, usually en
largement of prostate gland. This
ia both painful and dangerous, and
Foley's Kiiloey Cure should be taken
at the fir-it sign of danger, as it cor
rects irregularities and has cured
many old men of this disease. Mr.
Rodney Burnett, Rock Port, Mo.,
writ's: "I so (lend with oularged
prostate gland aud kidney trouble for
years and after taking two bottles of
Foley's Kidney Core, I feel better
than I have for 20 years although
I am now 91 years old." H. A.
Cures Chills and Fever.
G. W. Writ, Nacogodohes, Texas,
says his daughter had chills and fever
for three years; he could not find any
thing that would help ber till he used
Herbine. His wife will not keep
house without it, aud cannot say too
much for It. 50o at Model Drug
Music Lesson Free.
Anyone purchasing a piano or an
organ of us before December 1, lvX4,
will be given three months' free in
struction by Mrs. Laura H. Grout,
1221 Fifth street, south. Mrs. Oroot
uses the Kingsbury piano.
Allen Sl Gilbert-Kamakor Co.
oyer One end a Half Minion
Everywhere one hcu Hint express i
'hnrry up!" It is genuine Americanism
eiprcsmve 01 t
rush" in which w
live. Nothing is wift
enough for us. We
race wain at steam
stitj lighininjr and find
them slow. We
grudge the time given
to eating, and ruh
through meals as
though life depended
upon our haste.
Life does depend on
our nasie, out not in
that sense. Look at
the obituary columns
of the papers and
se how many promi
cent men aTe carried
war by "stomach
trouble, "acute lodi
gestion and other re
lated diseases. Their
lives have in renetal
been sacri6cea to the
baste and rush of
business which over
looked the fact that
food can only uourinh
the body when digest
ed and awimtfiitcd
and that the ditrestire
aud assimilative processed can t be hurried.
Dr. Perce's Golden Medical Discovery,
cures deat. a of the stomach and the asuo
ciated organ of digestion and nutrition.
The aouice of all physical strength is food,
properly digested ana perfectly fcs.imiUted.
liy enabling the perfect digestion and sMsi im
itation of food "Golden Medical Discovery
Increases and enriches the blood supply
and sends new strength to every organ of
the body.
"I was at one ((me as I thought a.tpont at
death's tloor. writes Mr. J. S. Dell, of Lesnrio,
Van Uiiren Cf., Iowa. "I was oon6ttcd to my
hutiae a 11. 1 part of the time to my bed 1 had
taken quantities of medicine but tbev only
seemed to feed the dineaw ; hut I must my thnt
'Ooldeu Medical Utttcovery has cured me. and
to-day I am st'mter than I havs been for twenty
years. 1 am now forty-three years oj6
Fker. Dr. Pieroe'a Medical Adviser sent
free to you on receipt of stamps to pay
expense of mailing onlv. Send thirty one
one-cent stamps fur cloth bound book or
twenty-one stamps for paper covers to tti.
R. V. Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y.
New Way of Using Chamberlain's Cough
Mr. Arthur Chapman writing from
Durban, Natal, South Africa, says:
"As a proof that Chamberlain's
Cough Remedy is a cure suitable for
old aud young, I pen you tho follow
ing: A ueighbor of mine had a child
just over two mouths old. It 1m l a
very bad congh and the parents did
not know what to givo it. I sug
jested that if they would get a buttle
of Chamberlain's Congh Remedy aud
put some ujon tho dummy tent the
baby was sucking, it would no doubt
cure the child. This they did and
brought about a quick relief and
cured the baby." This remedy Is for
sale by all druggists.
Pholo Amateur.
Amateur photographers very often
get into the habit of thinking they
cauuot afford to boy the best papers
on account of the expense. To those
I can offer a high grade developing
paper, two dozen, 4x5 sheets at 25o or
two dozen H.'x.l'j sheets lor 20 cents.
This paper is not as good as Velox,
but is next best.
The new N-A Developer now on
the market is the best that has ever
been offered for sale. The prints re
main a canary color nutil filing is
thorough. For sale only by A. E.
Not s Sick Day Since.
"I was taken severely sick with
kidney trouble. I tried all sorts of
medicines, none of which relieved me.
One day I saw an ad of yonr Eleo
trio Bitters and determined to try
that. After tnking a few doses I felt
relieved, and soon thereafter was
entirely cured, and have not wen a
sick day aiuco. Neighbors of mine
have been cured of Rheumatism,
Neurulgia, Liver and Kidney tronbles
and General Debility." This is
what B. F. Bass, of Fremout, N. C.
writes. Only SOo at Clemens aud
National Drug Store.
A Card.
This is to certify that all druggists
are atithoriw d to refund your monoy
if Foley's Honey aud Tar fails to
euro your cough or cold. It stops
the cough and heals the lungs,
Prevents pneumonia aud will euro in
ciiilent consumption. Contains no
opiates nod is safest for children.
Ask for Foley's Honey and Tar and
insist upon having It. Stops the
couuli aud heals the luniia. H- A
Doesn't Respect Old Age.
It's shameful when youth fails to
show proper respect for o'd age, bu
just tho contrary in tho casn of Dr,
King's New Lifo Pills. They cut off
maladies uo matter how severe and ir
respective ,'f old age. dyi-iepsia, jaun
dim, fever, constipation all yield to
this perfect pill. 2'M at Clemens' and
National Drug .Store.
Best Sheet Music 10c
New Popular Standard and Classical
Sheet Music
Full alzn, lient Paper, Hand
some Printing. Any of the 5u
and 75o niuio nniuivl Ix-low
sent iHint paid for J -. Our
luriiu catnloguo cantains over
a thousand others equally good
fur HJc per copy. Why not buy
your music at lllc a copy? Cut
out this ad, mark with an X
piw-ea you wish, eneloan We.
and wo will send by return
mail. You will also rwcivo free
catalog no.
A wakening of the Lion,. T.'c
VbIsh Styrieiiue, op. 27, ...Mm
Schubert's Serenade Wit
2d Hungarian Rhapsody.. I 23
Gondolier Walt-.
Chapel in thcKorestop 152 Mic
Loin de 1 Patrie, 1.00
Free To 'anyone buying one
or more 'of the above piera,
who will "send In addition the
names and addresses of U-n
pen-otis who play or sing and
would be iuU-mtl in our cat
alogue, we will send an ad
tlitional piece without charge.
Write names plaialy.
1'li-ase send me your fn cat
alogue, alo pu-c marked X
Town ... fV-
Grants Pass Music House
0 ; i. u MEXT. .-.! .
In (he Comity Court for Josephine
County, Oregon.
In- the Matter of the" - , t
Estate of Robert I
M. Bayfield. De- f '
ceased. J
Notice Is hereby given that A. H.
Mock, the administrator of the estate
of Robert M. Bayfield, deceased, has
filed his notice of fiual settlement in
the matter of said estate, aud all
persons interested therein are hereby
notified to appear iu the Couuty Court
for Joscplnue County, Oregou, at the
Cou-t houso in Grants Pans, Oregon,
on Friday, ' December 16, 1904, at the
boor of 10 o'clock a. m., then and
there to show oanse, if auy, why said
fiual account should not be settled,
and allowed, the said A. II. Mock
discharged from bis trust, his bonds-
meu exonerated ami Dual distribution
ordered aud that such other orders be
made as are proper aud suitable in the
Dated tills 17th nay or isovemuer,
A. V., UK 4, ,
. A. U. MOCK, Administrator.
In the Circuit Court ot tho State of
Oregon for the Couuty of Josephine.
Grants Pass Banking &
Trust Company, a cor
poration,' . PlaiutifT,
Bertha May Borrall,
Vera Oertrude Bor
rall, Mary Pearl Bur
rail, Leah lone Bor
rall, all infants, and
Marlon A. Rorrall,
To Bertha Muy Borrall, Vera Ger-
trndo Borrall. ; Mary Pearl Borrall,
Leah lone Borrall, all infants, and
Marion A. Borrall, Defendants:
Iu the name of the State of Oregon,
yon are hereby required to appear
and auswer the Bill of Complaint
tiled against you iu the above entitled
suit within six weeks Irom the nrst
nnbllnutintt nf thia unmmniia. to. wit !
within six weeks from the wtn nay or
November, 1U04, as prescribed In
the order for puhlicutiou hereof, aud
if you fail so to answer for want
thereof, tho plaintiff will apply to
tho court for t'io relief prayed for iu
his complaint on file, iu said cause,
to-wit: for a nocrcu thnt the planum
have iuutMuciit aitainst the defendants
for the sum of Two Hundred Twenty
live ff?$i) Hollars and interest there
on irom aud siuce tho 6th day of
June, l'Jitt, at the. late of teu per cent
p-r annum, anil tcr tho further sum
of Fifty .( ) Dollars attorney's fees
and for tho further sum of Ten Dol
lars and Kighteeu cents and interest
thoruou at (lie ruto of six percent
per annum from and siuce the 2th
day of October, 1111)4, and for the
costs mid disbursements of this suit.
Thnt the mortgage desotihed iu tho
complaint of the plaintiff may be
foreclosed and the following described
premises mentioned aud described in
said mortgage sold by the sheriff of
Josephine Couuty, OregDti, according
to law, to-wit: Beginning at the
northeast corner of tho northeast
quarter of the southeast qnarter of
Section ia, Township Mil Mouth,
Range n West, W. M. and running
tneuce south 60 rods; thunco west 32
rods; thence north 50 rods; theuce
cast 32 rods to the place of beginning,
oontiiitiitig ten acres.
That the proceeds of sain sale may
be applied to the payuicut of the
costs of said sale and the costs aud
disbursements of the suit, the attor
ney's fees in said suit and the amount
due the plaintiff, aud the residue, if
any there bu, paid to tho tjlcrk of
the court, subject to tho further order
of the court. That the said defend
ants aud each of them and all jiersons
claiming by, through or umlur them
may be forever Larroil and forever
closed of any and all right, claim or
equity of redemption in or to said
premises and for such other and fur
llitir order aud relief iu the premises
as to the court may seem meet aud
This summons is to be published un
der and by virtue of an order of thellon.
II. It. I lan n madu ou the 11th Hay ot
November, 1001. aud the first publica
tion hereof is on the 17th day of No
vember, ltHVt, and tho last publication
hereof will be ou the '2vth day of
December, 1U04.
Attorney for Pluiutiff.
In the County Court of the State of
Oregon, for the Couuty of Josephine.
In tho matter of tho
,K. )
mi. J
Kstiite of Agnes
Sawyer, Deceased
To John Ricker. Mary Remmick
I.vdia June Hammond, Ruth Kimball,
Agnes Hilton, Ahnizo Ricker, rummer
Kicker. Lemuel Boothby, Diana R.
Iibbv. John Roothhy, Nellie Mo-
Kinney, Mary Boothby, John Kicker,
David Ricker mid F. W. Sawyer,
helrs-nt-law of deceased; and
F. W. Sawyer, Agnes Smith,
Clarence G. Sawyer, Freuling F. L
Sawyer, Allledu M. Smith, Cbaunccy
Messiuger, Tannin linker Wonlilrldge,
devisees of deceased, aud all heirs and
devisees unknown, if any there be,
In 1 1 iu Name of the Stut.i of Oregon,
you are hereby cited and required to
appear in tlin (loutity ( ourt of tin
State of Oregon, for the Couuty of
JoKciihinc, at the t ourt room thereof,
at Grants 1'iich iu the County ol
Josephine on Saturday the 17th day
of December, IUo4 at It) o clock
tho forenoon of that day, then aud
there to show tause, if any there be.
wiiy mi btiier sliotitd not be made for
the sale of tint Lot "("' iu Block
"F," linuriie'H First Addition to the
City of Grunts Pass in Joophino
County, Orison, and particularly de
scribed and hounded us contained In
the petition for Ihn sale thereof, as
urn veil for ill the Administrator's
js'tilloii therefor.
Witness the Hon. J. O. Booth
Jui.'itn of the County Court of the
State of Oregon, for the County of
Josephine w ith tho seal of said ( ourt
Hllixed, this I Mil day of November, A.
D. 1'JOl.
Attest: a F. CIIKSHIRE. Clerk.
Department ol the Interior
I'nited Slates Land,
ltoaehurg, Oregon, Nov. 2, 1!K)4.
A iiilheient contest afllilavit having
been filed in this mine he II. J. Hehuntl
cutitea'ant. irairi"t homu'ead entrv .No
11.014. made July 14. I'.srJ lor W.'. HW';
KW W, he.lion la, iooiohip 117 r.
Kaniie7 lames A. IWi-b, con
lestre, in which it m sUckf,) that lli
said entry man died lu Pxhruarr, i'.KJ.J
that tluriiit! his lib-time he failed ami
neglected to establish a residence or r,
side upon said land, but resided upon ad
ittcent land ; that since Ma death the
heirs-al-iaw nave hour lanrn ami log
Ifctrd to reside upon or impiovs, tin
land, as required hi law. rud partie
are bertby notified to appear, respond
and otter evidence touching said allega
tion at 10 o'rloi k a. in., on April IS, I'M
triors John M. Rootn, t. S. Commis
sioner, at his office in. Grants Pass, Ore
gon.and that final hearing will tie held
at 10 o clock a. m., on April 11, l'JtXi
before the Itesnler and Keceiver at tin
L ulled Mates Land Uilice in Hoteburg
The said rontestant havinr, in a pro
per afhilatit, filed November ., 1 4
set forth facta hlch show that aller due
diligence personal servid of this noticn
can not be msule, it is nertby ordered
and directed that sarh notice be given
by dus and proper publication.
I t. 11. Bouru, Receiver.
Saved His Lilt.
J. V. Davenport, Wlngo, Ky.,
writes, Jnuo 14, 19D3 : "I want to
tell you I boliuve Ballard's Snow
Liniment saved my life. I waa nudor
the treatment of two doctors and they
told mo oue of my lungs was euitrcly
gone, and the other badly affected. I
Iso had a lump in my side. I don't
1 1 in k that I could have lived over
two mouths longer. I waa iuduoed by
friend to try Ballard's Snow Liui-
ueut. Tho first application gave nie
great relief ; two nO cent bottles cured
mo sound and well. It is a wouderful
medicine aud I recommend it to
u Iter ing humanity." 25o, (jOc, $1.00
t Model Drug Store.
Announcement to tho Public.
We are pleased to aunonnce that
ur newer plant is now completed and
we nro now letting contracts for a
ransmission line to extoud from
Ashland to Grants Pass.
We are now ready for bnsiness, to
furnish tower, light aud water to
towns and farms, placer mines aud
inarta mines along our trnusmissiou
Wo will devote special attention to
the irrigation of farms by a system of
leotrio pumps, which are being nsud
with great success in Southern Cal
ifornia and other arid regions.
Our rates will bs fair aud reasonable
commensurate with good services;
correspondence solicited. All in
quiries will recoive prompt attention.
Dr. O. R. Ray,
Manager Condor Water & Power Co.
Tolo, Oregon
. A Uisaranlrrd Cure for I'lles.
Itching, Blind, Bleeding or Pro
truding Pitas. Druggists refuud
money if PAZO OINTMENT falls to
cure any rami, no matter or now long
standing, iu (I to 14 Uays. First ap
plication gives ease and rest. OOo,
If your drnglgst hasu't it send SOo in
stamps and it will lie forwarded post
lkld by Paris Medicine Co., St.
Louis,. Mo.
iTV Constipation is nothing more I
n 1 thnn a clogging of the bowels'
ami nothing less than vital slag-
nation or ileal ll if not relieved.
If every constipated sufferer
could realirn that he is allowing
poisonous filth to remain in his
system, he would soon get relief.
Constipation invites all kind of
contagion. Headaches, bilious
ness, cohls and many other ail
ments disapsar when consti-
Jialed bowels arerelieved. Thcd
ord's (Hack-Draught thoroughly
cleans out the bowels in an easy
and natural manner without the
purging of calomel or other vio
Elvs Cream Balm
Thla Remedy I a Speolfle,
ure to CIvcs 8atlfactlon.
, oivia aiLiir at onci.
It cleanses, aKithi-s, heals, and protects ths
dianaaed uieiuhrnua. It cures ('atAfrh and
drives awny a C-Jd In tlii Head quick Iv.
Itawtore the Kenx-a of Taate and BmelL
Fsy to us,. Cont-iiiia no iiijorloua drugs.
Applied into the u.trils and alaajrbad.
Larg Hit, ri c-nta at lnvit or by
Butill Trial Vim, 10 rent by tnalL
ELY BROTHERS, 66 wVrsa St., New Ytrk.
V lent cathartics.
I lie sure that you get the origi- 1
K nal Thedfnrd's lllack-Draugiit, ff
J made by The Chattanooga Alcdi- ft
. cine Co. Sold hv all druggists in ib
I 26 cent and 1. (JO packages. I
I trvaa. Ark., MJir tft, IWII. I
m lfaa,trriMrNtlH,ilrrs'MIrfe.
f llrsussl Umi blyhlf . I krrp. II Is mi !,,
L all U lias ! bus . II fur fh.lxt B
C Urn yrara. I a,r vaia mr rblldra n
I uf u4Nr laiallta. I lltlall I ronH U
H Sa aala b, wark wlihoat II
M am arroaat af In-laa lroallS allk. . a
sTSJSa ruawllaallwa. luar MadlrlM la afaa
m all U,at kaaaa a aa. Jp,
t. m MrfAULAND.
Your Own Distinctive -Style
Not like the other fellow's. , . , 'r: . .-:
Don't eo by" the usual standard of judging
ready-to-wear clothing when
' I HERE is no more dreary mechanical sameness in
Kaufman garments than there Js in the work of the
best merchant tailors. ' '- 1
Each Kaufman overcoat or suit is the individual hand
finished product of an artist tailor.
It ia made to fit and give good Service, '
at the aarue time Imparting to the wearer
that snappy style and distinctive touch
that marks the well-dressed man.
KaMfatan canaanta
& For Sale Calvin Welch
aksa Kidneys ami Bladdar Right
kfcM44 BO YEARS'
wv V. cvDrDirtio
Trdc Marks
Anronfftwndtnt s nkMrh atttl rtrwrtptron may
qtiii'kiv Moenam tur (iiriion rnw wtiitin
l h?r sit
lnTfttitlun la pivlifttiljT PAliithlv
tltiT.a atriot ly ml1,liitUI, IlitiiillwMik ou I'alttutr
Mitt frua. tH'ttHit aftnrr for m-urniif tliiit.
I'alitnia tahon tltniiiifh Mium A t-U. rwwlra
ifcUu tXtc wit tmul cnarve, iu tlia
Scientific American.
naly Htaatmttwl wklr. LnnrMt Htv
t any it'ittitiu ton n int. TiTiiitt, :t m
nio'itli, $L MultlbyaH nowitlonlara.
& Co e,B"""' New York
OIW Ot T St, Waahum. un. U U
rauob omna. I
Hi'i.K.NDin nr,it in;
l)l'.TO-lATW Kgtll'MKNT
Ilayllglit trip across the Cascade
and llocky Mountain.
For tickets, rates, folders and full Infor
mation, call on or address
II. DICKSON, o. T. a.
Vi'i Third (street, Portland. ,
013 First Avenue Seattle, Wash.
We give eipeditail service on freight.
Route your shipments via Great North
ern, pull information from
Wm. IUhuku, General Agent,
Portland, Oregon.
A Poor Dinner
Spoils a Good Trip
Your are served Good diuners. if you use tlie
Btirlington. Edward Bok, editor of the Ladies'
Hhine Journal, writing about tUcm editorally a
few mouths ago, said:
"One dlnas In the dining cart
of this railroad fooling all the de
light that accompanies a private
dinner In'an artlstlo bomo,"
A. C.
joinj or retumlnj via ths
Writs for Illustrated booklet of Celorsde'l famous iljhti and resorts
W. C, HelllMUI'I, Gouejrul A(jnt ? -
124 Third Strset
you consider
are moiieyttk-tara&toed.
Cotiatcrfcitlng the Genuine.
Foley, &; Co., Chicago, originated
Honey aud Tar as throat and lung
remedy, aud on aocount of the great
merit aud popularity of Foley's
Hnney and Tar many Imitations are
offered for the genuine. Ask for.
Foley's Honey and Tar and refuse
any substitute offered as no other
preparation will give the same satis
faction. It is safest for children and
delicate persons. IS. A. Rotermnnd.
- m
Three Trains to the East Daily
Through Pullman standard and tourist
leepintt cars dally to Omaha, Chicago, Spo
kane; tourist sleeping cars daily to Kansas
City; through Pullman tourist sleeping
cars (personally conducted) weekly to t'hi
cairo, Kanas Citv; reclinlug chair cars
(seats free) to the daily.
No cuangs of car.
:lo n. m.
via Hunt
Timk SoHnnt.'i.ioi
From Portland
SiiTt Lulto.Denvor, Ft
Worth, Omaha,
jf:25 p.m.
Kunas City, BU
Louis, Chicago audi
nig Urn
Athmtio Halt Lake, Denver.
8:1)1 n. m
via Hunt
Kaurftw City, Bu
IjouIh, Chicago
7:15 a.m.
and r;nt.
Hi. PauT
WaCunVSIla', LeWU-i
Kant Mail
ton, Spokane, W nl
luce, Pullman, Min
neapolis, St. Paul,
Dtiluth, Milwaukee.
Chicago and Fast,
6; 15 p.m.
Ocean and Itiver Hohedale.
Kor San Kranclseo Every five days at 8
p in. For Asttiria, way poinls and North
lleaeh Uaily (except Sunday) at 8 p.m.;
Halurdny at 10 p. m. Daily service (water
periuitung) on Willamette and Yamhill
Kor further Information ask or write your
nearest ticket agent, or
Oeneral Passenger Agent,
The Oregon Kallroad Navigation Co.
Portland, Oregon.
lav talMmi ssr Jfe .
SHELDON, Onural Agnt,
IOO Third Street,
Nature's Art GalUry.of the Rockies la addition te the
attractions at it. Louis. This caa only b dens by
; ; - PORTLAND, OREtsort ;