noetm tivfid cowtBt, eAtirs pass. 6rM6M. KoVkiitkR i4. w. THE POSSIBILITIES JN FRUIT RAISING I FACTS ABOUT THE GRANITE HILL MINE T organize elks lodge I !- . . . . r ... .V "'.l . ft jubcpmne uouniy ban ce maae une ot the breat fruit Has the Extent and Value to Make It One of the Great Districts of Oregon. ., ' ' , ; . Mines of the West-Has Fine EauiomenL i Grand Plan to Have Lodge ot Elk.. Editor Condor : SiDce 1874, I hare beeo a resident of Josephine County and daring that period have been engaged in horti onltaral pursuits. Daring 20 years of that time, I ran what was mown a tha Redland Nurseries and propa gated thousands of nursery tree tliat are now oommtrolal orchard in Jack on, Donglai and Josephine Count ins. Orchard! that aro now producing Incomes to the fortanate owuers that they never dreamed of at the time thoy were induced to plant them. - At the present I am growing table grapes, having 85 arret planted to grape, and will plant next spring 10 acre more to grapes,aud will continue to plant the grape until I have 100 acre in vineyard. The possibilities of Josephine county aa well aa all of Southern Oregon aa a fro it locality ha nerer been fully comprehended. A few progressive men hare looked over the opportunities of fruit growing In this county and are now profiting by it. Such men a H. B. Miller, who ha 65 acre in applo two mile wet of Grants ;Paas, Bun Dimick wilb 16, crate of strawberries, raspberries and blackberries to supply the local trade. Many of these berries are brought from California points. This borne market is an onoortnnltv that should be taken advantage of br small fruit growers living in this county, lor there is no place on the Pacific Coast where berries of all kind can b grown better than we oan grow thnm in Josephine county. In Dlaoe of importing berries of all kind. each year for domeatio use, we should supply our borne market with borne grown berries and export large quan titles to Sound cities and Interior market. Our olimate and soil is so weil adapted to the berrv industry the want in this respect of the home market should not any longer be neg lected. A ' few small strawberrv grower around Grants Pass hare de monstrated that with water for (rrl gallon, this fruit can be kept bearina through the season from May to Noreniber. But few acres in eight or 10 miles of Grants Pass planted to berries and irrigated would employment and good liring to a largo number of energetlo families. Many may say the want of water Only a few months ago the Courier contained a detailed account of the fast growing Granite Hill mine, of the wonderful strides the property had made within a few short months, of its raat system of rich ledges, its great area of plaoer gold fields, its forests of timber, and of it excellent and well appointed equipment. But linoe thst time great changes hare taken place out at the big Loose Creek property. Its management is oomposed of men of expansire ideas, who beliere in doing things on the Tory bent and biggest possible scale. bs derired from the water to operate erery tiling. The risitor to Granite Hill who sees all there is to be seen on the surface, enjoys a treat, but he mimes a great big part of it if he does not climb aboard the hoist cage and drop down the shaft into the mine. It is a city underground, with its hroad. hiuh and well-lighted stations; the clatter or machine drills in the drifts and slopes, and the thunder of ore cars on the underground railways. Every thing down there, as on the surface, is made big, and made to stay, made to t lni : V;V:i ' "net M I uuu tjt Sj nuu IAS SI t IlJIaHJU Thus it Is that anew story l to be withstand the wear and tear of time. ; ui wis uraoiie nine inis policy has cost the American Gold sirlasinfuimAnr I D:..i.i. When the Courier spoke of it a few dred thousand dollars, but when von months ago. it was Granite Hill examine the ore body and size up the mine, now It in Granite Bill camn. I nnllmitari nnm.iii. m k.i.,,. . I t J ""uB And a very busy camp it is indeed, rook the mine has in sight, you can With wa il.ll. - U-IS - I I ... . .t.u ..or.,. u 1 reauiiy unaorsiaua wny tne American freight teams aomlng and cminff. ftnrl cinA li'iaM, rnn.. t - uvuijnuj una LVJ 1 1 1 IT enormous expense of developing and . . .. . . -..u nv, ... u uiwiH. nm iias equipping theuranite Hill on such an lrewiiu" uuo ui inn wuib iravoiea in i enormous scale. Josophiue county. It is a very pleas- The lodge iu the west drift has on an. aays trip out there, and many ened out to a width of from 10 to 20 of our citizens have taken adrautase 'net. Ami oimisnne mi weather and driven foot level, east and west from the OUt lul.I.rt I, a. nrwnJ n .1.,. l.l Im ..tao " 11 uu ui biia jnuffn iw fxAt M.xhl.m Hrlll. ... .l.l ..!. Grants Pass aliont 8:30 and arrived way on the ledge, and oil the several ..4 ,1.. . 1 i.. , 1 mil- I. . us wmc imiuro eleven. J.I1IS Kove .eve n, nml nlln.r. rU ,i i,,l, I., ,i. nuur iu iwik arounn, an noor lor stotx-a The hiir IiuIda .1 Kumia uiiiiiHr as any messnouse izod from wa 1 to wll. n.nnl. i ever served, and tlve hours to go com- high grade and exceedingly rich ore pietety over the property, and get linarklintr with free !,!. I,nil. u mo rmtm. lb is me nenregc nnmpi nn Iia uLiifr l II. ... I quarts mine to Grants Pass, being only eight miles away. The differ ence in altitude is about 12(10 feet. Grants Pass being 060 and Granite Hill mine 3100 feet above theses- There is quite au Infltwof water he tweeu the 380 and the 370-foot levels. but this is eariily put out of the way hy a No. 8 Sruith-Vailu pump. This monster pump is sot iu a commodious l - l i. v i vi a uuiiimuuiilUB just the right altitude to make the stution out in the rock from the shaft I.. (-I. .J ! I . u.. mu Tigurooi. od Uih 70-toct IotoL Near the tumn u. .... . wing e,octea at is a 10,000 gullon sump into which all the camp to make homes fur the miners with families. Many are now camped in tents, as the former quarters of the mine were far too inadequate to accommodate the big of the nater from the lovels above is drained, and ii in torn taken up by the pump and thrown through a 0 inch pipe to the surface. A smaller pump is hung in the shaft and picks A BASKET OP BOUTUERN OREGON GRAPES. acres in the sumo locality, Elsmau Bros., six miles west of Grants Pass with 45 acres bearing apples, aud will plaut this winter 2000 additional trees, making them TC acres iu apple orchard. At Wildervillo, 10 miles southwest of Grants Pass, J. II. and Iiluhard Robinson have 30 acres in apple orchards. At Merlin, Wm. M. Crow, L J. UusHoy and the Booth aud Avery peach orchards market from 10 to 16 thousand boxes of poaches each year. At Korhy iu the southern part of the oouuty, in the Illinois river valley, Dr. J as. Siieuoe has 45 aores iu or chard, mostly pears and apples. There aro hundreds of small or chards throughout the county vary ing from ouu to flvo acres in sixe. To better understand the fruit out put of Josephine county, I submit the following table of fruit exjiorted, shlpiHHl east and to foreign markets for tho years tabulated : will prevent extonslve berry growing in this section. There is not a 40-acre tract of land iu Josephine county but on what an abundance of water can be had by digging wells aud with ohoap gaso line or eleotrio power It is a practical aud mouoy making scheme to dig the wells and nse the water. Especially is this true when It Is known that ont aore intelligently handled with water to irrigato with will, during a year, produoe 10 times aa much as without. To illustrate, Olwoll Bros, of Con- tral Point oommerolal annle itrowors have niado a succoss srowiuir annlns without Irrigation. These successful niou do not allow themselves to drift they keep on doing things. As an experimental venture, last year in thoir orchard at Central Point, they put in a gasoline rumnlno piaut, which oost them well aud gasoline enlgne with gasoline for the Apples 10,000 boxes Pears 1,000 " lW'ho 20,000 " Prune 7fi,(HsJ lb, cured Apples, dried 8,000 " Peaches " 10,000 " 1U00 ' 30,000 boxos 600 " 600 ' 60.000 lbs. cured 10,000 " 4,000 1001 20,000 boxos 1.200 " 6,00 " 60.000 Dm. 7,000 (.000 HHV. 2R,0l 0 boxes 2.IHK) 50,0i)0 lbs. 8,000 4,000 AN OREGON PEAR TREE. All fancy 4-tior apple, Yellow Nowtowus, Hpitzonherg nud Jona thans are sold iu the Eai-t. Suits nn.1 Jonathans going til Middle, Went and Atlantic cities, while the Yellow Newtowns are nearly all sold In Eng land and Germany. I.aM year lino' boxes of Hen Davis, four and live tier apples, were exinirted from Grant Pass to Ma t'huaiig, Manchuria, with ' satis'aetory results. ! The apple is the leading fruit for I this locality and with the profits de-' rived from growing it hero in a few years, with progressive men manag ing large commercial orchards, is bound to bo. a very profitable aud paying brauch of horticulture that this lvioality is so well adapted to. There are hundreds of aores of choice apple lands situated In Josephine oouuty uuplanted waiting for meu with capital, energy and intelligence to Ukj advantage of the opimrtuuity. Grants Pass is a oity of 4500 pu latiou, engaged principally in lumber ing, box mauulacturing and mlulng. As a local nnrket, for its population, it is tho best I have ever known. Each and every year the grocery firms of this city ship in hundred of seasou-ir'.'O. They irrigated 100 .appio trees and last fall sold the , pies from their irrigated trees for more than their pumping : plant cosi them. I Without Irrigation, these 100 apple trees, owing to the very dry season, , ami tlm very dry ground, where they were situtated would not hava m. lured a dollar's worth of marketable ; apple I cite these facts, because I have personal knowledge of their tmih that progressive men can look nrer i these opportunities and not overlook them. Josephine rouuty, with only a population of about 7500 people, uas ine natural resources iu soil, cuiuate anil adaptability to tb growing of all kinds of fruit, in con nouttou with her timber and niiiiirl to support a largo population, and ruaso homes for many more indus trious people. Prult growing is like an occupations; It means work. With ludutry, intelligently directed. It means a good livtug, and a eom peteucy for old age. A. II. OAKSON, Horticultural Commissioner, Third District The But Doctor. Rev. B. O. Horton, Sulphur Springs Texas writes July lWih 18V9: "I have use in my family Ballard's Know aud llorohound By i up aud they have oertaiuly proved satlsfaot ory. Ihe liuimeut is the boat we have ever used for headache aud twins. Ihe cough syrup has been our dootoi lor the lust sight rears. " Joe, &Hp 11.00 at Model UrugWor. ' orew that i now employed by the un all of the water of the !.,, i.i. oompauy. Aftnr emerslus from the nranita III Ii a n.nntl A , I 1 ... I., . nninui, ui tliesa DUUUinffS. 1 tllll. a hrluk wnllr nf - !...... and all other structures about the took as past the saw mill and across new camp, regularity aud system Is the placer diggings of the company to OliservnH Tt.. ..Ill I ti.n- w..i lucviuiuiy ueiuienea jacket mine. It might be a ton n out there and while there is stated in passing, that the l.,,hri no "townslte" schema In tha I Jr... I In .nA n.l III I.--: .. ,. .,, . , iiuiui uumuBBs oi ine uranite Kill fnlanwl.. .1. . . I . .... i" ""'i iio niaDaaemen. oe-i mil niitiAs is Muif - i, ; .. ... r sires that there be ttreots and alleys but is oonfiued solely to the supply! v. .u irregaiar jumDie or ing or Iumbor for building and gen buildlngs aud houses. Ural mining nnrDosos. In tl.i. rD.rrt The old mill has been almost onm. I the Amrin.n nM vi.m. n I UUIU I ID1UI VJU11I1MII J IB pletely dismantled, and the mlllhouse particularly fortunate. Their vast is usea now only for meashouse holdings are riensnlT m..H .lit, ti.. store-room. The boiler and engine celebrated Douglas fir, aud also much hare beeo taken over to the Red Ivnllnw ..,.. i. w vsja Jliur, n 1 til aajuiv Jaoket claim of the Granite Hill nnrl.r .,.,1 h.i .j projierties, aud are nsed there in The I 1' u.fa,ntio wo SJ1 UMOU KU- operating the skip and hoist. ing to the Rod Jackot. The new millhoaae iu the Uravat bloo jrrtivnl nhiniii .s,---i k-.j-.j mine itraotare la Boathern Oroirnn r.wHn mh. ...j - r I -v iiuiu JV IU UU I UIH and already houses one of the very deep. This ground lies in strata of oesi auo most complete eauiDments blue and nr .iii, . ...j i.. - - o- jt ...... mvm vin unj- found on any Oregon mine. How- ping top, and the 300 and more ever. It is yet Incomplete, which is aores covored by the channel repre- to say that whou complete there will sent a frocd part of the placer dig- not be another in the whole statu of ain? nt ti, n...r,.n. ti.. h j Oregon to equal it. The battery will gray stratas carry heavy values in ultimately consist of 80 or 40 stamps, ooarse gold. Lighter aud finer values Ten aro now used, and others will he added as the ore bodies may Justify. At the Red Jackot we found not a for these 10. four Kru ranuers segre- claim, but a well developed mine, gate the oonoeutrates. Two other equipped, as before stated, with au vaunersare in place and will be put ougiue, bollor, hoist aud skip for the u vvuiiuiMiun Wliun Ilie OatterV lu lieml-frMiitA irl i.w,ll..J mi J - j - ' luuiniru nn ni L. X llvru enlarged. For the character of ore are lrn,w i....i.j produoed by the Granite Hill reins, underground workings, and much of .... . .o.iuo. i. me inuai ooucen- the ore has been hnu nit in il. n..,i( trator. It la far more satlsfantnrr fnrl him ti.. v. a t. . .. . J I uu iikiui coouiius this kind of ore than the Wilder throe well dofined veins, lint, tn or.n. niin..iii..n. I t. 1.. . " ""i' wihiu uj uiaur i.iregon i lie as is tun urun in inn in.... I There are now, 24 Elks in Grants Pass, all members of the lodge at Roscburg, as there is no lodge in I Oregon south of that town. Under a late rnln nf that nrrtnr nn lnilun nf . ., ...... Elks can be instituted iu a town of less thau 6000 inhabitants, thus here tofore Cutting nnt nil the. tnuna nf Rogue River Valley from having a lodge. Sow that it is reasonably cer tain that Grants Pass ha passed the I limit and has the required popula ' tion, an effort is to be made by the local Elks to get a charter granted from the Supreme lodge for a local lodge in this town. There Is also quito a membership of the order in Gold Hill, Medforrd, Jacksonville and Ashland and as it is more con venient for them to reach Grants Pass than Roseburg it is expected that they will join iu a petition for the charter and tranfer their member ship to the Rogue River Valley lodge. Grants Pass fraternity people never do things by halves aud the local Elks are no exception to the rule and they will leave no effort un tried to secure a lodge of their order and when Instituted, they will make it a place where the grass is ever green aud tho water cool and linipld to tho sojourning mouarchs of tbe forest Favored by Both Parties. Republicans aud Democrats alike praisii Foley's Hjuey and Tar for ooughs. colds and all throat and lnug diseuHi s, as no other remedy cau com pare wiih it. It ia safe aud sure. i T. Slater, merchant, 171 Main St, Glouulierter, Mass., writes: "Poley's Honey aud Tar cured mo of a very bad cough which had for throe mouths though other remedies fuiled to bun lit me. I can highly recom mend it for coughs and colds." II. A. Rotermuud. Nonsense Lullevby. Little Goldeuhair sailed one night Sailed for a foreign shore; Rowed away iu the dun twilight With a moonbeam for an oar "Oh where aro you going, dear little maid?" The moonnian said with smiles; "I am seeking the flowers tjiat never fade That grow on the starry isles." She sailed faster than you can think, Till she reached the milky way; Then with the great dipper, took a drink. And watched the clouds at play. Go no further, the moonman said, And shook his head, as he frowned. "Oh, I must seek," tho little maid said, "Til! the fadeless flowers are found." She sailed and sailed, both fast and far, Tho mi on was low in the west She came in sight of the morning star In her long and earnest quest. The moonman said, "Oh, wait, my dove, I must tell you, ere we part The flowers you seek, are faith, hope and love Iliey grow iu a child's pure heart." L. M. WHIPPLE. Mining Investments Gold and Copper Mines and Prosneota ; -!!: : j r r rvv,ia ill vumuruia uuu vregon ior sale by C. L MANGUIY1, orntsNPaliBnd.D Highest References Fifteen years experience on tbi. n Letters answered promptly. Dcafneii Cannot Be Cured by local applications as they cannot reach tho diseased portion of the ear. There is only one wny to euro cieaf uess, and that Is by constitutional remedies. Deafness is caused by au inflamed condition of the mucoas lining of the Eustachian Tube. When this tube is inflamed, you have a rumbling sound or imperfect hear ing, and when it is entirely closed, Deafness is tho result, and unless the iuflanimatiou cau be taken ont aud this tobe restored to its normal con dition, hearing will bo destroyed ior ever ; uiue cases out of 10 are caused hy Catarrh, which is uothiug but an inflamed couditiou of the mucous surfaces. We will give One Hundred Dollars for any case of Deafness (caused by catarrh) that cannot bo cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. Send for circu lars, free. F. J. CHENEY & Co., Toledo, O. Sold by Druggists, 75c. Take Hall's Family Pills for constipation. aV' '' i . 'I' - ,"i ' ' - , " 1 H , REAL ESTATE I BUY AND SELL REAL ESTATE OWN YOUR OWN HOME No. 245. 200 acres; 140 acres cleared; 15 acre iu aifalf. . m acres in grain ; 25 acre in pasture. Good water right, and good h of nine rooms. Barn 40 x 80 feet. Orchard with all varieties , If " Price, $30 per acre. """ No. 244. 80 acros ; good water right ; no improvements, v... i sold soon. CashttlOO. Am) No. 228. 10 acres about IS miles from the oity. Good linna... about $400. Abont 600,000 foet of good Baw timber. Will LTi 11000. KU ,ot Stop paying rent flO down and 5 a mouth will purchase a lt i almost any portion of the city. ' la Call on or address JOSEPH MOSS Headquarters for Real Estate. Office on E Street, between Fourth and Fifth Strocts, GRANTS PASS, - - OREGON. A WELL CULTIVATED APPLE ORCITARD. UA Stunning Portrait" Moans only a Platino Carbon print from C'levengcr's Studio. Skill und artistic training in tho poso and lighting, combined with in dividual treatment in the print ing, toning uud mounting make the Aristo Carbon print from C'levenor's a synonym for all that is newest, most exclusive and best in modern up - to - dato pho tography. They will interest you. C L. QLEVENQER, H St, bet 6th and 7th Telephone 701. Wanted Anything you hv i - isu to notifr me, it may mean a better price to ii for your articlea and it will cost in nothing for mo to call, bo get my prioa Will Trade- trade. -New goods lor old ' or pay cash, or part FARMERS FEED STABLE J. E. KKKI.KY, Psora. Last stable south on Hixlh street. Uoom under cover for l.V) horses and 40 wajtons. Hoi stalls. Corrall for Ioofo stock Olllv tllA tlt llftV I'Un unin .Il, fed. Kolled barler and nther Drain No diNPANPll llliruO. .1 lliurul l...A . nini? water and trough cleaned every dsv WHitiriir rnn,n .ml . ...,. l' . .. - n Mine, mum wnere lailies can leave wraps and arrange their Prices rpssonalilA .ml l..u iai. Kireu stock, " Will Sell Anything forththoiM I farm, mine, saw ui or camp. (Jun fill uny order. ISlg SlOCk fargest in CranU 1 Pass, that means it all Southern Oregon, of New and sec ond hand goods. EaSV Terms Installment or ' rent. No charn for delivery. Ike M. Davis, The Supplier of Wants South Sixth St., west side. To Core a Cola in One Day Take LAXATIVE BROMO QUIK INE Tablets. All druggists tefood the money if it fail to cure. E. W Orore's signature is on each hoi. 25c. ItliL A-IL1 properties. It is a simpler machine aud saves a much higher percentage of the couoentratos. The tailings from the Granite Hill mill have been thoroughly tested by Superintendent Wickorshara aud aro found to coutalu less than 80 oents a ton. This is practically all of the values, aa at least 90 or V5 per cent of the fre milling ralues of the rock are caught on the plates. Thus at least IW per cent of the assnv v.l... of the ore are sared bv the Granite tllll mill and enniimitmt Tl.l. 1. but iu diorite. These reins are from three to flvo feet wide, and while rich all the way across, hare a pay streak of some 18 Inches of remarkable richness. Ouo such pay streak, ou the hanging wall, was overlooked by the original "coyote minors" who operated tho lied Jacket for its oiidized or surface ores This streak carries from 1100 to f 150 a tou. Much of the Ked Jacket ore eucouutered iu the drifts runs $100 a tou In the Bed Jacket alone, the Ameii an Gold Fields Company has a big I ltt4 1. OF m CERTAIN iH i.o, to KiieMH alKur quality and relative pi-u-e ol ilillVMeiit iiinkcN, BUT TO KNOW, and take tha trouble to find out - I v.wi.l (lllj lB a u an eitraordluary allowing, aud speaks mine, and a rich mine Though it won not only for the plant, but for thosa who designed aud placed It. The ore is damned from tlm nw.,. luto two 100-ton bins above tbe vnck crusher and from the rrn.i,.,r .,. dirotly into the stamp feeders. While tne ore from the Graulte Hill lmlue worked in conjunction with the Grauite Hill, it la naturally au iu dependent property, and will no doubt rival its big sister when given ade quate development. Time did not allow us to see the Goldivu Terry aud Ida claims. " ...... .u .lit. IWIMd I is bard, It is also brittle aud yields oeutly added to the American Gold reailllv tn tho ..... ti . .. s' l,.,i.n....u ..i. . , -- ..nuip, Alia BIHUIISI I " ..v.....n Wll UI WHICH are of 1000 pounds weiuht each, and are well develowd. But wa h,l rraiiuy grinu out four ions each every noum, which is nearlr twioe the oapai-lty of an ordinary stamp mill. Power Is supplied br two lurufl bollvri. wad tn ginitu, bulSnpor.utomlrut Wink is now engaged In briiminir almi ohauge. The furnaivs wood ftt tlie ntof from 13 in ii morals. each day, and to keep them supplied requires a large crew of men in the woods constantlr. Till. I. ,,...... for the management, and frequently annoying to the aupnrluteudeut. The company controls tint ,(,., rlghU of both forks of Louse Creek, ana already has several miles of ditch bringing water down from .. rr Both of those ditches will be length ened and united at a common bulk head on the mountainside rlinw-tu above the mill A nlrw will hrieo he water down from the bnUl,..,i and deliver it to the wheel under a gravity pressors of r feet This leou euouuh to feel safe in ri rait ing the conclusion that out there ou the two fork of Louse Creek, em bodied by the Granite Hill nronerties. is the big, big thing in a quart war in Southern Oregon. Ihe Greenback has passed the Interesting stago of quarts development, and has become too well established to riciteany special inter est; but it may be said that even the great Greeuback, during the davs of its youth, was not as promising by one. half aa Is the Grauite Hill today. Iu it is embodied every necessary re quisite for becouiiug a great nrooertv. Ihe kiud that makes millionaires. W, J. Murphy, the general jianairer of the conipauy, recently visited the mines and upreaaed himself aa being much pleased with the Sue showing that the mines are making. Disastrous Wracks. Carelessness is responsible for many a railway wreck aud the same rauws will give at least 100 hnrseoow.r n,k'0 hnniu wrwk' " off"" by the widening and deenenin. of Thrit ud Lo" ,rouhl B dilcho. it may be Increaaed even above 'U U'" 'T N"W tl.l- Tl,nn.h ... . DiK'orery for rousuuiption, cough n.. UI u TMV liii , trie mnmr . k. . i ... " o''la. eveu the worst cases cau bt , . w .VWiMUU Mil, 111 IB 111, power will be conveyed to the pomps K"'"1, 'uJ Uollv K,'K"tion is no i. .1.. i . . ' I louger necesaarr. Mrs. Lois i"ru ,w .no uiiun. ii win aiso oe used to operate the stamps, vauuers aud crusher. The holsl and will still be operated bv hm only a small amount of wood will be ueoasaary, and suUicieui nou mav ixm-nesier, .Mass., is one of many wnoee nre was saved br Pr. King's New Discovery. This great remedy is guaranteed for all Throat and Lung iiiaeasea oy nanonai lrug uire and t'lemen. Price N)o, and l.oa Trial bottles free. Do you know about the KNABE piano? Do you know about the EVERETT piano? Do you know about the STECK piano? Do you know about the HARDMAN piano? Do you know about the PACKARD piano? Do you know about the FISCHER piano? Do you know about the LUDWIG vosu' CONOVER, CABLE, HAMILTON WIL LARD, ELLINGTON, WELLINGTON .,uuuuul jcxji.njai i rn pQ"'t Be Put Off rtjvnoioj 1 I FIND OUT FOR YOURSCT.-P 1 1 AND THEN YOU WILL KWfw M S I flilfiil & Oilhpnt.Ramalon 1 m ....Bi iimvi l iiuiiiuio nil rf V m j J. M. Ward, Salesman, Grants Pass, Oregon 0. mmmsmmmml