Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927, November 17, 1904, Image 1

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    VOL. XX.
No. 34.
Ten Day
For the next ten days we are go
ing to sell Overcoats at a great re
duction. We are compelled to do
so aii our stock Is large and our
room limited, therefore we must
sell at a big sacrifice in order to
make for our large Holiday
Slock that has already been
shipped and will be here at our
doers before wc have a space large
enough to put them in out of the
Now is the time to buy while you
can get the first choice and the
cream of the sale.
We have Overcoats and Rain
'roof Coats in all the latest and
authoritative styles and patterns.
Complete line of Furnishing Goods and Shoes
Ligersoll Watches
f.r fale at
Paddock's Bicycle Den
Fast of Depot.
AV. 1 duller
at cost
As long as they last.
Former price f 1.75 gallon
Now 1.45 "
National Drug Store
J.C. Smith. M. !., l'R'ii.
Agents for Patrick & Co. rubber
Xo. 21'i. 2iV) acres; l-Matr.-s cleared ; 15 acres in alfalfa; 100
ares iu grain; 2- acres in paMure. Good water right, and good hoaso
nf uiiie rooms. If uu 40 x 4(1 feet. Orchard with all varieties of fruit
Price, f.'O per acre.
No. 2 14. f0 acres; good water right; do improvement. Must be
sold soon. Cai-h f Vjo.
No. 2j:i. ir.0 acres about 13 miles from the city. Good bouse cot
about floa About fiou.Ouu feet of good saw timber. Will sell for
lnuo. ,
Stop pa v in j rent. $10 down and a mouth will purchase lot in
almost any portion of tthe city.
Cull on or address
Headquarters fur Real Estate.
Otfiee on E Street, between Fourth and Fifth Streets,
Sale of
Curt Winter Cough.
J. It. Govor 101 N. Main St. Ottowa
Kau writes: "Ever; fall it lias been
my wife '1 trouble to catch a severe
cold and therefore to cough all win
ter luig. Lastfall I got for her a
bottle of liorehound Syrop. She used
it and lias been able to sloen soundly
all night long. Whcuever the coouh
troubles her, two or three doses stops
the cookIi, and she in able to be up
Biidw ell. " 2"e, 60e, fl.Ou at Model
Drug Store.
Front Street, west Palace hotel
I Sells
opp. Opera bouse
What the Miners Are Doing.
Foot Creek Dredtfe.
George Christy, who with bis
father, H. C. Christy, is running a
saw mill and a shingle mill near
ing a big steam dredge on Foots
creek was in Grauts Pass Saturday
evening on a brief business trip. He
stated that dredging operations were
going with euergy and a day and
night shift of men wero employed.
The Company employs about 30 men
one half of whom are in the woods
cutting cord wood for the boiler, fur
naces and the dredger, but this big
item of expense is expected to be re-
ducod as the company is planning to
secure electric power from some one
of alio Roguo river electric stations to
operate thn dredge macbiuery.
While this dredge has been in opera
tion, less than a year, yet so profit
able has the venture pioveii that the
company is investigating the advan
tages of several locations with a view
of later on putting iu another
More Equipment et Armstrong &
Reid Placer Mine.
Milton Armstrong of Medford, with
Thomas Keid, also of Mcrffoid. who
are the owners of a placer uiiuo on
Taylor creek, were in Grauts Puss
Sunday and Monday ou business con
nected with their mine. They have
all iu readiness and will stnrt piping
with tho wuter that comes. Their
equipment now consists of a No. 2
giant, bat another No. 2 will bo in
stalled this wiut r. Work will be
commenced tho lane of (Mb month to
put in another ditch of a mile in
length, which will give n larger
quantity of water aud a higher head
than tho present ditch, which is also
a mile in length. Willi two pipes
aud the water more than doubled,
Messrs. Armstrong & Keid will be
enabled to handle a largo urcn of
earth aud having comparatively loose
soil to work iu a bank of medium
depth, they will he quito certain to
have a hniidsomo clean-up next spring
as a result of their winter's work for
their placer is oue of the rich ones of
this district.
New Exhibit.
Tho mining exhibit received this
week somo very handsome quartz
specimens from Ed. F. llauuum's
mine near Kubli. It is very huavilj
mineralized, giving nigh asrny values
witli considerable free gold. A shaft
has been sunk on the ledge to a depth
of 27 feet, the width of tho vein bting
about 12 inches.
Some fine looking ore spicimeut
have beeu received from the old
Sugar Pine mine of Galiee. This
mine when first discovered was ex
ceedingly rich aud produced limy
thousands (I dollars firm its uipci
workings when opt rated by Green
Bros. Later, tho pay chute was lost
and was drifted for by various lessees
with indifferent success. Under the
present management of Mr. Dowell
the mine is making a good showing.
Win. Van Dorn lias brought iu souk
rich looking specimens from a new
discovery on Rogue River, near the
fi rry en the Galico road. Tho find is
a two foot vein of quartz uud por
phyry currying high values in frer
go d.
Some specimens from the "Tobiccc
Group" near tho Ilriggs property o)
Buckir creek are on exhibit. Thii
group is the property of W. I. Dob
son and Nell Harnett. A shaft of 2(
feet has been senk and tho prosper!
are very encouraging. Picked sample
have given asi-ny values of oie fKX
pur ton in gold.
The Gold Standard & Promising
II. E. I'octh, miner and crehardist
of Pickett Creek, was iu Grants Pass
Saturday. Mr. I2ooth owns the Gold
Standard group -of six claims thai
contain ledges of both gold and cop
per bearing roek, the copper assaying
as high as ill r n nt aud the gold f
to f7 per ton. Ti c copper is found iu
a clearly de fined h ilge of 12 feet In
width and thu development work oi:
it consists of 20ii feet of tuuuel aid
Pi feet of shaft and fully 100 tuns ol
high grade ore has Lieu tuki n out
and lies ou the dump as proof of tin
ritliuess of thu mine. Tho gold i
found in an extensive porphyry dyke
and on this a Sflfnot shaft lias been
suns aud an cpeu t ut of 75 f 1 1 made.
The rook is well decomposed, giving
an ore that is very Ireo milling. Mr.
Booth has had several good offers foi
his property, but he proposi s not to
place it on the market until be Lju it
o fully developed that prospective may readily e its value that
he is confident his miue ihium s.-s.
The prorerty is well situated on
Pickett Creek which would afford
ample water for power and other pur
poses, and is bnt six miles from the
railroad at Merlin ty a wagon rcod of
easy giadi .
Mr. Booth is also an extensive or
chardist and farmer. His orchard
contains 3,200 fruit trees, embracing
apple, pear, peach aud cherry of
which 1M trees are of the hwii win
ter varieties and it is known si on.
of tho best! kept and thriftiest
orchards iu all Roguo River Vallny.
has stood the test 25 years. Average Annual Sales over One and a Half Million
bottles. Does this record of merit a&Deal to vou? No Cure. No Pav. 50c.
Endot4 with every
Development Bit the Monumental
D. T. Blue, superintendent of con
struction work at tho Monumental
miue, urrived in Grants Pass Monday
evening by the Crescent City stage
and left the same evening for bis
homo at Gold Hill, where he will re
main with his family until after
Thanksgiving, when he will return
to the mine.
Iu regard to developmnet work at
the Monumental mine, Mr. Blue
stated that very satisfactory progress
was being made. Tho main shaft,
which is 8x17 feet, is down 181 feet
all but the tipper !!0 feet through a
solid ledge of high grade ore.
Several hundred feet of tunnel work
has been done iu demonstrating, the
extent of tho ore. deposit, which is
found to be much larger than was at
first supposed. About 30 men are now
employed, mostly iu the iniuo) ai the
construction gaug lias beeu laid off
until Mr. Blue's return, when the
original nuuiler of 43 incu will be
Tho buildings now erected nt the
mine aud which wero constructed
under tho supervision of Mr. Blue,
embraces a shaft and power house
27x100 feet, store 24x50 two stories,
upiwr for lodging rooms, niachiue
shop 2l)x.'i0, assay oftlco lfix.'lO, cook
house K'.xj."), buuk houso Itix.'iO, and
a barn 10x70. So soon as Mr. Bine
returns, work will begun on the
quartz mill, orchitis and chute,
which will carry tho ore down the
hill 700 feet to tjie'niill. Tho Com
pany's sawmill Is shut down for tho
present, they having all tho lumber
cut for present needs among which is
2i'."i,0(X) feet for the big flume thnt is
to bring water from rHielly creek to
tho power station, that operates the
mill machinery and the ohotrio light
plant. A part of tho machinery is at
tho mine and tho remainder is being
hauled in from Crecsent City by six
aud eight horso teams aud the work
is expected to be completed within
tho next threo weeks. This mill
will be tqnipped with the roller pro
cess for handling thu ore, the rock
passing through a sories of rollers
uutil it is of the proper fineness to go
to the concentrators. This 1b thought
to bo a more rapid and economical
method of handling ore than by the
stamp process.
The geueral superintendent of the
iniuo is C. C. Leavett, who has the
reputation among California mining
men, of being a thoiougli, practical
man, who is well up In his profession
and who has had good success at every
mine wliero he has beeu employed, iu
getting satisfactory results for its
owners. The Monumental Is now
said to be owned exclusively by Col.
T. Wulu Morgan Draper, Mr. Davis
ami Mr. Gunu, all wealthy capitalists
of San Francisco, and they are put
ting money into it with a liberal
hand and will huvo ouu of the best
quipijd ami most modem mining
probities on tho Pacific coast and
having fully demonstrated that they
have tho body of ore of value? that
will ju-tify this big exioiise, they are
certain to find their Investment a
most prnuianio ouu. With such a
mine as the Monumental promises to
he, both in productive calamity and
in modern equipment, in operation in
this district it w ill be a splendid ob
ject lesson to capitalists as to what
may bo dono in the lino of milling
investments in Southern! Oreogu and
It will be tho means of greatly stimu
lating thu industry, for this district
contains many properties of fine
value now lying idle for tho lack of
capital to handillu them.
A. II. Guiiuell will return to Grunts
Pass the last of this month from New
York slate, wln ru he has been since
last spring on business connected with
his company, tho Nlw York & West
ern Mines Company, of which ho is a
lirector aud with his associate, II. E.
Foster, is the eastern representative of
tho Company, with headquarters iu
Grants Pass.
W. I.. Irelar.d left on Tuesday!
morning to bo absent some three
weiks at tho "Hustler" mine In'
which he owns a hulf interest. Thn
Rui-Jler" is located in the Forest
Creek district, adjoining thu "Ore.
goli Belle," now owned and operated
by the New York A Western Mines
Co. Tho "Hustler" is the discovery
claimtf the group and is a property
of excellent promise.
Henry Warwick arrived in Grants
Pass Friday from Burko, Idaho, and I
Saturday lie left for Murphy to join j
hii wife who is residing ous home-(
stead that thny took up last year, j
Mrs. Warwick is making her home
ou the claim as she has better health
and enjoys tho climatn better than!
she did that of Idaho. Mr. Warwick!
has beeu employed for the last five'
years In the machine (hop of tho!
Mammoth Mine at Burke aud as he j
has a go d position and high wagn
ho will retruu to his job after taking
a rest aud doing some work on his!
claim. Mrs. Warwick will remain
ou the ranch aud Mr. Warwick will
for ibis coining year bold his
tiou with the Idaho company.
Grove's Tasteless Chill
bottle b a Ten Cent. (Mcksge of Crovs't
Stockmen, Hopman. ye.y Raisers
Have He.d Good Year.
John. W. Pernoll, who, with his
mother, Mrs. E. Pernoll, and
brother, aud sister, conduots the
store at Applegate and the postollico
for that place, was in Grants Pass
Saturday to examine drummer's mm
pies and to place an order for goods.
The Pernoll store is one of the largest
couutry stores in Rogue Biver Yalley
and has an extensive trade in the rich
farming and mining districts of tho
Applegate Yalley. Mr. Peruoll
stated that farmers of his section
were exceedingy prosperous this year.
Beef stock, of which there has beeu
several hundred head sold from his
section, came off the range in the
best of condition aud brought tho top
market price. Tho hop growers are
even more prosperous for ou the rich,
easily tilled lands of tho Applegate
Yalley they are able to pioduoe hops,
at an average cost of seven cents per
pouud and they wore able to sell this
year' crop at from 28 cents per pouud
to 31 vents, the ruling price this lust
woek, thus giviug them a margin of
profit that if long continued would
make them all millionaires. The
acreage to hops is quito largo in that
locality aud Mr. Peruoll reports that
it will be increased fully 20 per
cent this next spring. Hay is ouo of
the big products of this section for
the rich sandy loam of tho bottom
lauds on which ample water for irri
gation can bo had from the Applegate
river, makes it possiblo to raise three
to four crops of alfalfa each season,
I ro lacing six to nine tons per acre,
readily selling Iu tho markets this
fall for from $12 to fl4 per ton, maku
the Applegate hay farmers quite as
prosperous us their neighbors, tho hup
men, the stockmtu, the miners and
tho lumbermen. Lumbering will be
a big iudu4try of this valley, but tho
distance from market is retarding its
development. Applegato postollico is
in the center of ail oxtcusivo mining
district. There aro several of thu most
extensive placer iniues iu Southern
Oregon iu this district, ono the Oro
Graude, operating four giants, and
there are many promising quartz prop.
erties on whieli extensive develop
ment is now being made and such
good showings nro being ma. la that
it is certain that Applegate is to ho
ouo of tho leading mining" districts' of
this section.
i Notwithstanding that the Applegato
Valley is isolated and distant from
railroad communication, Mr. Pernoll
reports that it is rapidly stalling up
aud that tho settlers are all prosper
ous, contented and happy iu the con.
victlon that they live iu ono of the
most favored valleys in all Oregon.
Churches to Hold Services at
Newman M. E, Church.
At the meeting of tho Ministerial
Association of Grants Puss, Novem
ber 7, it was decided to request all
the churches of the city to unite in a
Union Thanksgiving service in the
Newman M. E. church November 21,
and that Rev. J. B. Travis oi the
Baptist church, preach tho sermon.
The services will begin at 10:30 a. m.
Tho following is thu program :
Instrumental Voluntary.
Heading of Thanksgiving Procla
mation and announcing the first
hymn, D. T. Suuiiuervilli'.
Scriptum Usson, C. F. Sanderson.
Prayer, W. T. Goulder.
Anthem by tho choir.
Collection for tho needy of the
Hymu, C. F. Sanderson.
Sermon und Prayer, J. B. Tiavis.
Hymu "America" W. T. Goulder.
Benediction by tho Rev. Mr. Evans.
1). T. Suimuerville,
Seo'y pro- tern.
The Youth's Companion as e.
What other Christinas present can
you choose that will give so much
ple asure for so little money us a year's
subscription for The Youth's Com
panion? The Holiday Numbers und
the Calendar, joyously welcooied ou
Christmas morning, making good
gift in themselves, am hut tho fore
taste of a whole year's feast to couni.
Tho nil nd is entertained with the
numbers in hand, and tho imagiim.
tiou revels iu tho pleasure that each
new week will bring until Christmas
comes again.
If you desiro to muku a Christmas
present of Thu Youth's (Tompauiou,
send the publishers thu name aud ad
dress of tho pcisou to V In in you
wish to give The Companion, with
11.76, the annual subscription price,
stating that It is to bo a gift. The
publishers w ill send to tho address
named, iu a pared to ho opened
Christmas morning, all thu remaining
Issues for I'JOI, published after the
subscription is received including the
Double Holiday Numbers The Com
panion's "Carnations'1 Calendar for
): i.',, lithographed in twelve colol.
and gold, and subscription certificate
for lh hfiy two issues of 11. ij.
Full illustrated Announcement,
fully describing the principal features
of lhe Coinpuiou'st new volume for
I 'jo-'), will be sent to any address free.
44 ItarktlfV Ktrrfit. Ilfifltnn Mhu
Black Hoot. Ltvsr Plllk
Buildings Being Erected and
General Improvements Made.
Rev. It. Tweed, pastor of the Pres
byterian church iu Woodville, was In
Grants Pass Saturday. Rev. Tweed
also holds services at Phoenix on al
teru.ite Sundays with his servioes at
Woodville, next Sabbath being his
day to be at Woodvillo. A Suuday
school is held each Sabbath at the
WoodvillP church at 10 a. ro., of
which E. Stevens Is superintendent;
Miss Mabel Schludlor secretary aud
Mrs. K. Whipple, orgauist aud treas
urer. It is well atteuded and a live
iuterest is taken in its work by the
young people of the village.
Rev. Tweed stated that Woodville
is feeling the impetus that is now
giviug all sections of Rogue River
Valley a splendid period of prosperity
and the town is making somo substan
tial improvements. New residences
aro being put up by Samuel Mathews,
G . Thrasher and F. Sanborn. Both
hotels, the Taylor House aud the
Woodvillo House are being repaired
and put into the boat of ordor for the
comfort of their guests. The Wlloox
hall is also being repainted and many
other improvements are being made
about town. An addition embracing
40 lots was recently platted by F. W.
Bull and as It has a very desirable
location, It will soon be popular resi
dence soctlou of the town.
A Csrd.
This Is to certify that all droiralsts
are authorised to refund your money
if Foley's Honey and Tar falls to
cure your cough or oold. It stops
the eough and heals the lungs.
Prevents pueuinouia and will core Iu-
clpleut consumption. Contains no
opiatos and Is safest for ohildren.
Ask for Foley's Honey and Tar and
insist Jipou having It. Stops the
rough and heals tiie lungs. II. A.
Dlititroui Wrtcks.
Carelessness is responsible for many
a railway wreck nod the same oauses
are makiug human wrecks of sufferers
from Throat and Lung troubles But
since the advent of Dr. ' King's New
Discovery for consumption, coughs
aud oolds, eveu the worst cases can bo
cured, and hopeless resignation ia'no
longer necessary. Mrs, Loll Cragg ol
Dorchester, Mass, , Is ' ouo of many
whoso life was saved by Dr. King's
New Discovery. This great roniody Is
guaranteed for all Throat and Lung
diseases by National Drug Store aud
Clumeus. Prlco fiOc, and 11.00, Trial
bottles froe.
Counterfeiting tht Gcnulns.
Foley & Co.. Chicano. originated
Houey and Tar as throat and lung
remedy, and on account of tho sreat
merit aud popularity of Foley's
Honey mihI Tar many Imitations are
(ilTereirfor the" genuluo. Ask for
Foley's Honey and Tar and refuse
any substitute offered as no other
preparation will glvo the same satis
faction. It IS safest for children and
delleato persons, if. A. Kotcrniuud.
Wanted! 100 Men
at tho thooting gallery to shoot for
Thanksgiving Turkeys.
Good HI tie and money prizes to he
shot for at tho shooting uallorr near
Lister's livery stable. Turkeys
wanted for Thanksgiving shoot. '
A. I. Bann&rd 1nderta.ksir.
! . -
Bigger Values Friday and
Saturday of This Week.
Although there aro
varying; grades of pianos
built with regard to dis
criminating taxtiM, there
Is but onegradnto select
from if you sock an ar
tistic instrument.
To this class our
pianos bulung.
You Judge a piano by
Its tono.
risen LR
I I'liVVIC no piano should com.
LLUlll'J niliad a hiubnl- atnnilin,.
or prion than Us morll
HAKDMAN d'1,urvo'-
To buy a piano blindly
VrVVt risay as vj ouy an
lALKAKI) esiM-nslvu horso and not
know its peUigrsv,
CON'OVtR The real and final test
ol apis no comes tlirongb
vULt. lit nut
SMI I II & ' ....
BA R N r.S " h tiy to
acknowlixlge superiority
in a iiium,. .tmulil
CALLE our high grudu luukos
We do sot ask the
KINGSBURY00""""'"'""'"1. 01 "T-
to lie askod to par for It
HAMILTON W W no oorussusjloi's.
The huncfit of dealing
tLLfXGT0Nr"h ?rTIlthTto "
large facilities as w
bavis is that you got
WILLAKD m,T r four; Duiaey.
and we soil mure pianos
AM. & Gilukkt-Ramakeu Co.
.', V. Ward, Manager.
I. i). O. F. Hide;., Grants Tass, Orf
50c Pictures for 15c each, mats and all 17x15 .
Turkey and Thanksgiving Platters price
. , Turkey Roasters solid Copper Boilers for $2.35
Camp Stoves price
; j ' : Walter Trays
s Cut Glassware less than elsewhere
Rugs usually sold for $2.50, out they go $1 .25
Carpets of 1 or 2 room patterns 20 per cent off
Wall Papers regular 30, 35, 40, 50c goods for 24, 28,
32, 40c; some patterns prices will be cut in two.
Full Line Wagon Covers, Tents, etc.
" ).-,,
Immense line new Cut Glass, exquisite goods
Beautiful New China, let us show you some fine goods
Handsome Lamps in great variety
Hall Coat and Hat Hooks, new ideas
- Medicine Cabinets, Couches, Lounges, Center Tables
Iron Beds, Rugs of exclusive patterns and colorings,
$1.25 to 30 each, Navajo Orientals, Indian Robes
Portieres best values ever offered in Southern Oregon
Lace Curtains of entirely new design; see the cew di
vided curtaiu, ,
Thomas (Q. O'Neill,
Ua Housefurnishers
Grants Pass, - Oregon.
W. c. Z. XI. Column
All matter for this rnlumn in kii,,i,UA,l
by the ttrsnts Pass Woman's Cbrbtian
Tsmpsranee Union.
The W. O. T. U. will meet on Frl-
day, Novombor 18th at 28:0 p. m. with
Mrs 13 u in inert i He at the M. E. par
sonage. . We expect to have an inter
esting meeting and invite all who will
to atteud.
Discipline in the army of the United
States has not entirely gone to pieces
In spite of the ruthless oloslna of
regimental grnggeriei known as the
oauteen system. The annual report
of General George B. Davis, judge
advocste general to the Secretary of
War, shows the total number of trials
by general court-martial during the
year to have boon 4341) whloh is 102(1
fewer than in the preceding year"
"Ti e marked dimunitlon In the num
ber of trials by general court-martial
which amounts to nearly 20 per oent
of the number of eases tried in the
year ended Juno 80, 1903," says the
Judge advocate general, "U very
gratifyiug, indicating that the con
ditions of the military service are
now suoh as to require loss frequent
resort to court martial procedure to
maintain discipline in the military
establishment" It is noted that
only two persons were , trlod by
military commission seventy fewer
than in the procoding year. Ignoring
this ollleial report entirely some I in
bloile will arise shortly and observe
that the cantoou is au absolute neces
sity, that it most be restored or our
army is doomed.
Dr. H. II. Rurgen, in rofutatlou of
the gnuerally aooepted theory that
beer Is the least harmful of all intoxi
cating drinks, says: "I think beer
kills quicker than any other liquor.
My attention, was first called to its in
sidious etleot when 1 beiiau examining
for life lusoranoe. I passed as un
usually good risks five Oermsns
young huslni'ss men who seemed iu
the best health, and to have superb
constitutions. Iu a few years I was
a msited to soe the whole five drop off,
oue after another, with what ought
to have been mild and easily curable
diseast'S. On eaisring my experi
ence with that of other physicians, I
found they were all having similar
luck with confirmed beer drlukera,
and my practice since has heaped con
firmation upon continuation. The
beer driuker is much worse off than
the whiskey drinker,- who seems to
liavs mors elasticity and reserve
power, rte will even have delirium
trumens: but aftor the tit is gone
you will soinetiuii'S find good material
to work upon. Good management
may bung him around all right. Hot
when a biwr drinker get Into trouble
it scows almost as If you have to re
create the niau before you can do anv
thing for hi in. "
Come and See Bert
At M. Clemens'.
.Newell Bros.
Titiis llulldlntr, ttlxtli Street
Door Mats at COo
Jelly Glasses at 40c dozen
Somo bargains in Jewelry.
Our l rooms sweep clean.
Apptee.te Farmer Ma.kes Over
$I00 per Acre On Alfafa.
Herman Offonbaoher, who with Ills
brothers, John, Walter and Frederlok,
oarry on a large hay and stock ranch
for their mother, the widow of the
late H. Offunbache, on the Applegato
two miles above Applegate poatofilce,
was in Grants Pass Saturday with a
load of two tons of fine alfalfa hay,
whloh he readily sold for 18 ton.
As hs had made a 90 mile drive, he
remained ovor night and returned
home Buu.lay with a load of supplies
which he had purchased of the local
merchants. Kven with the long
haul they have to make to get tholr
hay to market, the OfTcnbacher bnva
are able to make a handsome profit on
their hay land as thov raise seven to
eight tons to the acre with but little
expense for Irrigation for they own
tholr water right and uo other ex
pense exoept thai of outtiug the hsy,
tnts giving them almost a not profit
of almost $100 an acre per year, a
profit that would amaze an Eastern
farmer with'' his timothy meadow
producing two tons to the acre with
a largo expense for fertilizers and
realizing but lift to $20 per ton for
the hay when In tne barn.
Favortd by Both Ptrtlcs.
Republicans and Democrats alike
praise Foley's Honey and Tar for
coughs, oolds and all throat and lung
diseases, as uo other remedy can corn
pare with It It is safo and sure. K.
i'. Hlater, merchant, 171 Main St.,
uiouoneiter, Mass., writes: "Foley's
Houey aud Tar cured me of a very
bad Cnuirll wtitnl, bail for rltruu
months though other remedies failed
h ixinonc me. i can highly recom
mend it for coughs and colds. " II. A.
UA Stunning
' Portrait"
Moans only 'a Ptstlno Carbon print
from Clovengor's Studio, bkiil
and artlsilo training in the poso
and lighting, combined with In
dividual treatment In the print
ing, toning and mounting make
the Aristi) Carbon print from
Clovotigor's a synonym for all
that is newest, most exclusive and
best In modern up to - date pho
tography. They will interest you,
H SI., bcl 6th and 7th
Telephone 701.
Different J
Barnes' display of J
BARNES, Jeweler, j
Racket Store