AofltJB felVBfc COfcRIEfl, GRANTS PASS. OREGON. NOVEMBER Id. 1904. Grants Pass Banking & Trust Co. fAIU CP CAPITAL STOCK Transact a General Banking bndnea. Receive deposit subject to check or on demand certificates. Onr rnktomeia are ansnred of courteous treatment and erery consideration con latent with sound banking principle. boies (or rent. J. FRANK WATSON, Pre. K. A. BOOTH. Vice-Pre. L. I,. JEWELL,. Cashier. The First National Bank OF SOUTHERN OREGON. CAPITAL STOCK, ... fSO.OOO.OO. Keceire deposits suhiect to check or on certilicate payable on demand. Bells sight drafts on lHew York ban Francisco, and Portland. Telegraphic transfers sold on all point in the United Btale. Bpecial Attention Riven to Collections and general business of our customers. Collections made tbrouKhout tioulheru Oregon, and on all accessible points. K. A. BOOTH. Pres. J. U. CAMl'HKM,, Vic Pres. H. L. Oil. KEY, Cashier. MARBLE AND GRANITE WORKS J. B. PADDOCK, Pbopi. I am prepared to famish anything to the line of Cemetery work In any kind of MARBLE or GRANITE. Nearly thirty yean of experience in that 1 can nil your order in the very neat Can furnish work Id Scotch, Swede Maib:e. J. B. PADDOCK, Front Street Next to Greene' Qnnahop. BARGAINS ...Real Estate... J. A. TURNER & CO., Fkont Stkkt. Bargains also in SECOND-HAND FURNITURE at the Auction Room. Sale of New Goods Saturday, Nov. 12 C. K. McLANE, Proprietor. BIGGINS & PHILLIPS Assayers and Chemists OIIAUQES: Gold, Silver, Copper, Lead, fl each. Gold and Silver, fl. Each and every aimay done with the Idea that it may be chocked. Ill C. FINDLEY, M. D. Aixe Practice limited to EYE, KAK, NOSE and THROAT. Office hours D to l'J; 2 to 0 Evening hours Tuesday and Fridays, 7. -SO toll. Telephones 241 and 77. G mants Pahb, Oheook. JjlRED'K D. STRICKER, M. D. HOMEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN and SURGEON. Masonic Temple, Rooms 2 & 4 Grants Pass, 'Phone 633. Obkgon. Q II. DOUGLAS, M. D. TUYSICIAN AND SURGRON Ollloo: J'ltrnny' rcnidonco, cor. 8th and E street. Duy and night phono No. 631, Grants Pass, Ore. J) P. L.OVE, M. D. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. twice lu William Ilros. block, over Oram l'au Grocery. Kenhlonoe. I'lioue 414. Utllce Plioue 141. Uhanth Pahs, . Oukion C. HOUGH, AITOHNKY-AT-LAW, fr act Ices in all State and Federal Court Ollke over Firt National bank. OaANT Pas, . . Osmium. SWEETLAN1) & CO. FRESH and SALT MEATS. (,-Fr Puoni 21 N. E. McGRliW, PIONEER TRUCK and DELIVERY Furniture and Piano Moving GRANTS PASS. OREGON. The popular barbar ahop Get your tonsorial work done at IRA TOMPKINS' On Sixth Street Three chairs Hath room In connection E. A. WADE dry noons, UNDERWEAR, NOTIONS, Kto. Fiont Street, west Palace hotel GRANTS PASS, ORE. Palace Barber Shop ). It. Ml lLEN. Propr. Shaving, Hair Cutting Baths, Etc. Evtrvliina, neat and clean and all work First I'lmui. Photo Amateur. Amateur nliotniiraiilier very ofteu gut Into the habit of thinking they oauuot afford to buy the beat papers on account ot the eipeiise. To those I can offer a hijh grade developing paper, two doren, 4x5 iheeU at 5o or two doxon 8 ',1.1' sheets lor 20 centa. Tliis paper i not a good a Velos, bat 1 neit bent. Tho new N-A Developer now on the market is tho best that ha ever been offered for aalo. The prints re main a cauary color until fitlug Is thorough. For sale ouly by A. K. Voorlile. V2S.000.0O. the Marble business warrant my laying manner. or American Granite or any kind of BARGAINS jz? WANTED Dry Placer Ground. If yon have any write lo MoClintock&Son, Bnrton, Wash. iirVWvyyei IU. C. Z. XI. Column All matter for this column Is supplied ly the Urants Pass Wouian'a. Christian Temperance Union. Our local W. O. T. U. la arranging with the pastor and Sunday School superintendent of the chnrchei to properly observe World' Sunday School Temperance Sunday a sug gested In the above call. The hour and place will be announced lator. In a moment of falluro, hold fast, have a care, Keep thy faith in good work, for the right I still there; And the labor of life unto other hall call, Loud a hand ; love 1 all I In a niomont of triumph hold fast to thy ahara, Keep at work lu good faith, for the right I still there; And the lifo of thy labor 'tis tliluo to command, Love I all ; lend a haud I Chariot W. Stevenson, in the Boston Trauacript. In an address at a great banquet rucently held lu Chicago, City Prose cutor Dr. Howard 8. Taylor placed tho responsibility for Chicago's preaeut condition a regard crime upon the rightful shoulder. He tnid: "We have 7,000 licensed saloon In Chicago, aud in my Judg ment, it I immaterial whether they are closed on auy equatorial time-line at uiglit The saloon-keeper la a good a hi license; the lioens as good a the oftlclal who aigned; the signer a good a the legislature which made it possible; the members of the legislature a good a those who elected them. If blame there be, It fall on the quality of our citizenship. " Tho fourth Suuday in Novniber of each year ha beeu designated World' Suuday School Temperance Suuday. " Tho highest ecclesiastical bodle of nearly all denomination havo given recognition to this day. The ap pointment I also mado by tho Iutor uatinnal Sunday School Couveution, through the Iuternatioual Lesson Committee, and provision i made for a World' Sunday School Temperauce Lessiou, Ikb iuh 8:1-13. The drink curse is world wide, aud young people in particular should be taught that it is a crime against the nation and a siu against tied. It ti tilting therefore that the subject be presented from loth national and per sonal point of view. We therefore call upon all pastors, Sunday nchool superintendent and teachers, all W. C T. V. worker in the Sunday school and all frieuds of teuiierauce teaching in the Suuday school to innko the observance ol World' Holiday School Temperance Suud.iy, November 37, a notable oc casion. Let It be the great annual Teiiiiieranee Field Pay for the Suudav school of the world. Mrs. Wilbur F. Crafts, Supl. Sunday School IVpartmeut, World W. C. T. IT. Mrs. Stella il. Irviue, Supt. Sunday School IVpartmeut, National W. C. T. V. CHunbtrUiai Ceujh Rcnwdy II Plttunt to T.. The finest quality of granulated loaf sugar is used In the manufacture of Chauibcrlalu's Cough Keuiody, aud the root ued iu it preparation give it a flavor similar to maple syrup, making it quite pleasant to take. Mr. W. L. Kodorlck, of Pool.wvillr, Md., iu ixakiug of tliU remedy, ays: "I have used Chamberlain's Cough Henicdy with my childreu for everal year and can truthfully say it I the beat preparation of the kiud I know of. The childreu like to take it aud it ha no Injurious after effcot. " For sale by U druggist. WORK OF. CITY COUNCIL Judge and Clerk of City Elec tion Appointed. Council met Thursday evening, Nov. 3rd. All the member present, except Richer and Trimble. The marshal ordered to remove the dead tree 00 lot facing Main Street, a they are dangorous. On motion, the service of a day mar shal wa dispensed with. Tbe saloon bond of Geo. Good wa ap proved and license granted. Ad ordinance to regulate auction tale was read a third time nd passed. Tbe city nominating convention for the various ward will be held on Tues day, Nov. 22, at 8 p. m., at placus to be designated in tke various wards. The general nominating' convention will be held Wednesday, Nov. 23, at 8 p. m., at City Hall, at which time May or and Treasurer ill be nominated. The city election will be held Di ce ni cer 5tb. The following' were appointed Judge and Clerk: 1st Ward Geo. Evan, C G Ament, and P II Harth, Judges; Geo. Slover and L B Hall, Clerk. 2nd Ward J C Campbell, S Norton, N Snow, Judge; E S Van Dyke and M E Stock bridge. Clerk. 3rd Ward II Zoller, John Winder, It M Thompson, Judge; Peter Gravllo, G P Furman. Clerk. 4lh Ward-J W Holman, Robert Ba ber.JH Child, Judge; W L Alfred aod B A W illiam, clerk. II. C. Perkins wa appointed mem ber of the street committee in place of Councilman Rehkopf, deceased. Following accounti were approved and ordered paid: Hill paid : O C Ileal, atroet work I 45 G6 R II GillilUn " " 62 00 Geo Know. " " 41 60 Dick Patrick, " " 28 00 Everett. " 3 00 G H Binns, use of lick 3 00 Geo Ilartman, hauling 4 00 C M Snow, labor IB 60 Dr. Love, med service i 76 Peter Gravlin 1 75 T U Cornell, f, roc Mr Stevenson 11 23 Veatch A Hayes, bay 2 70 Kinnuv 4 Truaz. hav and feed. . 2 06 G. P.N. W.L A P. Co 10 70 Joe Miswald, ep police 2 00 II A Uougle 2 60 Hair-Riddle lldw Co hardware. . 110 25 J C Handle, (pocial police 2 00 r rea wtckman, " i uu Geo Hartman, " " 2 00 Council then adjourned. The Companion Inform avnd Entertain. The Youth' Companion uses enter tainment a a moan rather than an end, conveying alway lu Ita fiction aud It article some convincing troth or some contribution to the useful knowledge of it reader. The 225 men and women enlistod to write for The Companion represent an infinite variety of taleuta. and call ing. Through The Companion they addtvs not only the yonng and im press ion ah lo, but the father and mother of the nation. The eutire family claim a share In the good thing which fill The Companion' page. Full. Illustrated Announcement, de scribing the principal feature of The Oompaniou'i new volnme for 1006, will be seut to any address free. The new subscriber for 1005 will re ceive all the issue of The Companion for the reiualuing week of 1004 free from the time of subscription, alao The Companion "Carnations" Calendar for 1005, lithographed in twolve colors aud gold. THE YOUTH'S COMPANION, 144 Berkeley Street, Boston, Mass. Saved till Lilt. J. W. Davenport, Wingo, Ky. , writes, June 14, 1002: "I want to tell yon I believe Ballard' Suow Liniment saved my life. I wa under the treatment ot two doctors and they told mo one of my lungs wa euitroly goue, and the other badly affected. I also had a lump In my side. I dou't think that I conld have lived over two mouth longer. I wa induced by a friend to try Ballard' Suow Liui- meut. The first application gave me great relief; two 60 cent bottle cored me souud aud well. It I a woudorfnl medicine and I recommend it to suffering humanity." ilio, 60c, fl.00 at Model Drug Store. Announcement to the Public. We are pleased to announce that onr newer plant I now completed aud we are now letting contracts for a transmission liuo to extend from Ashland to Grant Pass. We are uow ready for 1 usinoH, to furnish power, light and water to town aud farms, plactr mine aud quartx mine along our trauuiirsiou liuo. We will devote special atteutlon to the irrigation of farm by a system of electrio pumps, which are being used with great success iu Southern Cal ifornia and other arid region. Our rate will be fairand reasonable commensurate with good services; correspondence solicited. All lu- duirie will receive prompt atlentiou. Dr. V. K. Kay. Manager Condor Water A Power Co. Tolo, Oregou Curts winter Cough J. K. Dover 101 N. Maiu St. Ottowa Kan writes: "Every fall it ha been my wife' trouble to catch a severe cold and therefore to oough all win ter long, l-anttall I got (or her a bottle of Horehound Syrup. She used it aud has beeu able to sleep soundly all night long. Whenever the cough trouble her, two or three doses stops the rough, ami she i able to be op aud w ell. " 3.h 60c, 1.0u at Model Drug Store, Farm For Sale. 1M acres, 60 acre of fluesub-lrii-gated bottom laud uuder fence and cultivation, a million feet of Due tim ber, hundreds of cord of hard wood, uear town aud all down grade on flue road. Good two-story dwelling with U Well of spleudid water at the door. Flue big baru and out build lugs. Lot of fruit and berrie of all kluda. County road aud daily mail at the door. A spleudid place for health and a pleasaut home. AddreaiBox 117, Woodville, Ore. NEARLY BROKE HIS NECK President R.oosevelt Nsrrowly Esc&pes Serious Calamity. A Washington dispatch of November 2, says President Roosevelt escaped death by almost a miracle a week ago last Sunday. This fact became known tonight for tbe drat tlms. Tbe presi dent wa thrown from hi horse while riding in the conutry. He wa riding at high speed toward a high fence. The horse stumbled and fell The president struck on his head, and was so severely stnnned that he remained unconscious for several minutes. He was then too dizzy to remount, and for some time conld not regain the ute of hi arms aud legs. He was alone at the time. Finally, he was able to r mount, and Joined hi orderly, who was wait ing for bim. The president. In fall ing, struck his head a glancing blow on a atone, which raised a large lump on the aide ot hi head aud caused a scalp wound above the right ear. The ont reached down into the forebear" , Biood wa flowing from the wound, which was pressed after hi retnrn to the White House. Measures were also taken to reduce tne swelling. That hi neck wa not broken by bis fall is regarded by the president as equivalent to a miracle. He believes if he had struck the stone which wounded him, tquaroly, his skull wonld have been crushed. Mr. Roosevelt ha been very reticent, even to hi intimate friends, about the circumstances attending his acci dent. It is known, however, that In the immediate vicinity In which the acoi dent occurred, there 1 a 10-rail-atake and rider fence. When the fall came, the president wa galloping rapidly for a flying jump. President Roose velt wa thrown many feet, and by hi own admission (truck head first. Hi head struck the rock, imbedded in the earth, and glanced iuto the dirt When he recovered consciousness, Mr. Roosevelt fonnd hi face covered with blood aud dirt, fresh blood streaming from a long cut iu his scalp, reaching down hi forehead, and hi no.k and right shonldnr strained by the fearful wrench he had received iu lauding. Only his wonderful physical condition enabled him to recover as quickly as he did. Under the laws of the United State (Section 2324, pago 142ti) reqnlr lug that the location of mining claim must b3 distinctly marked on the ground, so that Its boundaries can be readily traced, and section 2329 (pago 1433) directing that placer claims hail be subject to entry and (latent under like condition, bnt that where the land have been previously sur veyed by the Uulted States the eutiy in its exterior limit shall conform to the legal subdivision of the public lands, an attempted location of a pla cer mining claim by posting a notice on a troe, claiming tho exclusive right to prospect on a certain quarter sec tlon, without any effort to distinctly mark tho location on the ground, is insufficient, and no rights are thereby acquired. A failure to complete the work is of nn avail where work is re sumed before relocation, and the fact that some of the co-owner abandon does not proveut.the others from ac quiring entire claim by compliance with statute. Wortheu v. Sidway (Ark.) 70 S. W. Rep. 777,-Miuiug Reporter. A Question of Toxics. Auy reador of this paper, sending 25 cent In silver, by postal note or one and two cent stamps, will be seut THE DAILY JOURNAL one mouth : or THE SUNDAY JOURNAL two months; or the SEMI-WEEKLY JOURNAL three mouths or the WEELKY JOURNAL four months aud iu addition a match safe filled with tacks, pnstugo prepaid. Address THE JOURNAL, Portland, Oregou Chamberlain's Stomach aud Liver Tablet are becoming a favorite for stomacli troubles and constipation. For sale by all druggist. Order acala aud robber stamp of A. E. Yoorhie. Th Brit Liniment. "Chambcrlaiu'i Pain Balm is con sidered the best liniment on the mar ket, " write Post & Bliss, of Georgia, VL No other liniment will heal a cut or bruise so promptly. No other affords such quick relief from rheu matic pain. No other is so valuable for deep m ated pains like lame back and paiua iu the cheat. Give this liniment a trial and you will never wish to bo without it. Sold by all druggist. The Best Doctor. Rev. B. C. Horton, Sulphur Spriugs Texas write July 10th ISsiO: "I have nse in my family Ball aid's Snow Liniment and Horehound Syiupand they have certainly proved satisfact ory. The liniment is the best we have ever nsed for headache and pains. Tho cough syrup has been our doetoi lor the Inst eight years. " 23c, 5lV, I.IX) at Model Drug Store. BRIQHT'S DISEASE The largest sum ever paid lor a pre scription, changed hands in San Kran Cisco, Autf. 3d, UK) I . The translur in volved in com and stock $112,500 (Vain! s paid by a party ol business men fur a specific lor X right' Disease and Dia betes, hitherto incurable disease. They commenced the serious investi gation of the specific Nov. 15, I'M). I'hey Interviewed score of the cured and tried il out on it merit by putting over three dosen cases on the treatment and watching them. They also got phy sician to nam chronic, incurable cases, aud ad 111 mistered it with the physician lor judge. I p to Aug. 25, 87 per rent of the test rase were either well or progressing favorably. There being but thirteen per cent ol failures, the parties were satisfied and closed the transaction. The proceedings of the investigating committee and th clini.-al reports of the test rases were published and will be mailed Ire on application. Address John J. ti'iTN I'onrANT, 4J0 Montgomery St. San Fran cisco, Cal. Ha Blood the Teat of 2a Year The old, original GROVE'S Taste less Chill Touio. Yon kuow what you are taking. It Is Iron and quin ine in a tasteless foim. No care, no py. Pevss Weather. Following ia a summary weather ob servation at Grants Pass, during the month of Oct., 1904, a reported by B. Paddock, local voluntary obsetver for the Oregon State Weather Serv:ce. Mai. Mm. Haute PAT JpuM.!". Irm- 1 1 03 43 SO 2 ... 90 44 4ti 3' bS 40 4H 4 00 40 40 5 9 41 4H 6 1 70 33 45 7 o7 37 30 g 67 47 20 9 65 47 18 10 '9 47 22 II 64 44 SO 12 ti5 31 t 13 56 41 34 14 6,' 47 10 15 60 46 14 10 58 40 18 17 60 3. 26 18 69 35 34 19 '2 34 38 20 79 7 42 21 79 37 42 22 "7 37 40 23 76 38 38 24 76 40 36 25 78 Mi 42 26 75 35 40 27 74 34 40 28 70 34 36 29 60 34 26 30 61 37 24 31 69 31 26 inch , Simuahy: Mean temperature, I maximum temperature, 93; date, 1st; minimum temperature, 32; date, 17; Total precipitation, 2.29; Total enow fall 0; No. of day clear, 16 partly cloudy, 2; cloudy, 13; Dates ci light frost, 0: wind S.W. When a woman gives up it is because slie lias gone to the utiwM limit of strength ami ewturance. It w a marvel how women will stagger on under the daily household hun'ns when the whole body 13 racked with tT.iin. For the iiervout, run-down condition whirl so many women exjerience, as a result of overstrain in household can's, there is no medicine can equal Dr. Tierce's Golden Medical Discovery. It strengthens the weak stomach by cur ing diseases of the organs of digestion and nutrition. It purities the Mood of poisons which cause rheumatism and other painful (lipases. It nourishes the nerves, and builds up the body with omul, healthy tlcsli. There is no alcohol in "Golden Med ical Discoviyy" ami it U entirely fiee lrouv opiutiv cocaine ana all other nar colics. Accent no substitute for the"Disrov. ery." There is nothing "just as good" tor weakness, nervousness and deUmy. "! want the whole woild to know what lr Pierce' meinour have dune for me." writ Mrs. Helen HanlKrot-c, of ftunrn, Knox Co.. . I had tunny of the Itli of woman's life. My luiiKi and Ihront troubled me beau leu, and I hue rhetiTmitiiiu. About a yeur nto I had to (five up wors 1 wm no oaa. i nnu ncarn o timer about your medicine I thought I would try it I took four bottle of vnttr ' Itolden Medical I)ij. covery' and '1'elleta, and hy the time I had taken nan 01 ine nrm nome 1 neifrtu to Rain, arm k-j-i on trettinir better. And now I have nn more ol my old ailments and am entirely cured of rheu matism, I feel tike a new woman." Dr. Pierce's Common Sense Medical Adviser is sent free on receipt of stamps 10 pay exense ot mailing only, hi-ud ai one-cent stamps for the hook in Caper covers, or it stamps for cloth Hiding. Address Dr. R. V. Tierce, Buf falo, FROM SOUTH AFRICA. New Way of Uiln Chimberlsln'i Cough Rmtdy. Mr. Arthur Chnpmnn writing from Durban, Natnl, South Africa, snys "As a proof that Chamberlain CourIi Remedy is a enre snitublo for old aod yonng, I pen jou the follow ing: A neighbor of mine liad a chil just over two months old. It hn 1 u very bad cough and tho parents did not know whut to givo it. I tag Rested that if they would get a bottle of Chamberlain' Couli Remedy and put some UOii the dummy teat th baby was suckiuK, it would no doubt cure tho child. This they did am brought about a quick relief and cured the baby." This reiui dy is for sale by all ilruguiBls. To Cure a Colli In One Iajr Tako LAXATIVE BROMO OUIX INK Tablets. All druggists lefun the money if It fail to euro. E. W Orovo's signature is on each bos. 2, Ithedfohd's THE GREAT FAWlYMEDiClfJE Thedford'i Hl.ick-PriiKht has 3 mtto uiutis inns uir mure iikiu siity yfars. Fur tlif common fam ily ailmruts, such as constipation, indigestion, lard, bowel con. plaiuts, chilli and ferer, bilious no, heaihuhe and other like complaints no other molu ine it nivwiarr. It invigorates and reff ulatea the liver, anjistt di'-r-"io:i. stimulate action of the, j purities the U,h1, and purges the M bowels of foul ni'ctmmhil inn. It ' cures liver complaint, indigestion, r"j nir stomach, dizziness, chilit, wl rheumatic pains, sideailie, lak- I ache, kidney troubles, constinat ion. I .l,.,i..... .1; ...1.' 1 1 1 cohln and headache. Kvery drug gist tiAsThedford's I' lack-1 'rant tit in 2o cent pack&ret and in mam moth sire for f l.iV. Never accept a substitute, hunt on having the original made by th Chattanooga Meuicine Company. I bclkvs Thcdfonf s BWk Dru,hl b trw but imiiUtns on csrth. It 11 gaod for any and tvervthina. I hsvt family of twclv crilldrtn. and for four yrsrt I hiv kspt thtra on foot and netitnv with no doctor but BUck- Draurnt A. J. GKEE.N. Ulswan, U A Gsiaranirrd Cure for IMIr. Itching, Blind, Bleed jug or Pro truding Pile. Prnggists rvfutid money if PAZO OINTMENT fails to cure any case, no matter of how long staodiug, In 6 to 14 days. First sr plication gives easo and rest. .vv. If yonr drugigit hasn't it send 5Y iu stamp and it will be forwarded post paid by Paris Medicine Co., St. Louis,. Mo. Only Makes a Bsd Matter Worse. Perhaps you have never thought of if, but the fact nasi be apparent to everyone that couBtipathn is caused by a lack of water in the system, and the use of drastic cathartic like the old fashioned pills only makes a bad matter worso. Chamberlain's Stomacli aud Liver Tablets are much more mild mid gentle lu their effect, and when tho pro', er dose is taken, their action is so natural that one can hardly realize it is the effort of a medicine. Try a 25 ce nt bottle of them. 1'or sale by nil druggists. DIRECTORY JOWKI'llISK .1 uiIko CniiiiiiiNMoiiers. . Clerk llepiltv Clerk Mierilf Deputy herill. . Treasurer. N'houl ."-upt Assessor Surveyor Coroner CO I NTY OFFICERS. J.O. linotli I J. T. Logan IC. fr l.ovelaee f. F. Cheshire T. P. judson Geo. W Lewis F.rnest l.i.ster I. T. Taylor Lincoln tmvtttfe W. II. Fallin . .. It O. MeCulloch VY. 11. Flanagan CITY OFFICERS. Mayor 11. L. (lilkev Auditor and l'olie Judge ('. K. May bee Treusurer Col. W. lohnson City Attorney II. II. Norton Marshal Ueo. Finch Street Supt John Patrick Couiii ilinen ,V. M. Mair. II. J. Harlier J. L. Calvert, T. W Williams. W. C. Smith, J. A. Hehkopf, II. C. Per kins. James Trimhle. FRATERNAL SOCIETIES. Orants Pass Lodge A. F. A A. M., No. M. regular communication iirst and third Saturdays. Visiting brothers cordially invited. 1). VY. Riuus W. .M. A J. 1'IKK, Sec'y. Royal Arch .Masons--l(eaiiies Chapter No. l!H meets second and fourth Wednesday Masonic hull. H, c. Hoszits, J. E. I'KTEiuioN. Seey. li, p. Knights Templar-Melita Commander)' .V. S, incfts, second Friday oi lath Month in Masonic Temple W. H. Hahaton, tin. Com. Ueo. II. Calhoun, Rec. Eastern Star Josephine Chapter, No. i meets Iirst and third Wednesday evenings of each month in Masonic bail. Makv L. Cok, W. M iws, rec y !. t). (). F'., tiolden Rule Lodge No. 7, meets every Saturday night at I. O. O F. hall. P. il. Schmidt, T. Y. 1)as, Secy. N. (i. isiiing brothers invited. I'Hrilll Fill'!,, ,1,1, ,...,. I it L' K !"" " r . iu. meets second and fourth Thursday at ,. nuo, r Khu PotiMttiT, T. Y'. IIkan, See'y. c. P lieliekahs Etna Kehekah, No til. meets second and fourth Mondnv, I. O. o. F. ball, F.isis liKEKs, N. U. M. JlKKIE Hams. Secy. I'nitcd Anisans-ttrants l'ass Assembly No. 4!i, meets alternate Ttlesilavs iii A.O. C. W . mill. A. K. Vookh'ifs, J- Pa (K. Secy. Master Artisan. Woodmen of the World Itonue Kuer v oht mm sfconil auu lourtn rndajs at Woodman Hall. tieo. II. Mover. C. C. C. K. M iviiks. Clerk. Women of Woodcraft Azalea t'lrcle. No. is-.', meets Iirst and third Mondays at Woodmen hall. Mrs. M. IC. Dtnny, Mrs. lonerruT, Clerk. t. N. Modern Woodmen of A inerica tlrants l'a-s t amp No. mi7 meets '.'nd and Ith Wednes day r.veniiifM at W oodmen hall at 1 M Ike M. Davis, V. C. W . T. (ioiildcr, Clerk. Foresters ot A inern a - Court Josephine No. IN, meets each Wednesday eicelit the Iirst, at A. O. C. W. ha I. F. ti. .-in. ker. F. S. f. Feisch, C. K. losepliine l.iHine. No. 11.', A. O. P. VZ ineels in A. O. 1 . W.hall, IMxon huiid ing every Mondav eveninir. F. W'. lie,,,, ram, M. W. H A. Muikii, lireonler. Ilawtliorne lodk'e. No. J I. i. ol II., A. (. I . W. -ineels every alternate l uesdav evening 111 A. 11 C. y. m. l,xi, huiMinir. Mks. A. Mct'Ariiv,C ot H Man. I.voia Dsas. lireonler. Itojal Neilll,rs of America-Kdith C Slis? t amp No. 'l, meets 1st nd :lrd' Fridays at A. O. I . W. hall ltoe i.ravhn, Oracle. Henrietta oiler, Hecorder. Order of I'endo -While Kwk Council No Hi. meets 111 Wmnlnien Hall .-atunl.iv iiiKht.". tiko. A.Hvnr. Counselor. ' M ak, i s, W. hoimlss, Secrelarv. I!el Men -lahkilma Wi);am No "1 I O. it. l. i M. Karars. wn l. A. liiiiVAs, I tnet ol liciirds. Knights of ihe Mjircrtle. - I, rants i'a- lent. No. II m,(i. nri and i,,ro lhtiisdais at Woodmen 111. A!:re.i. F. A. Muile. liecord Keeper. t Jmmai.d, 1 Ladies of the Maccau-es i,ranls p.. Hive No Is holds rrtuiar "l.evies' tiri and third Ihursdais at A. o. t , W. had Vlsiimi! si-lers eonliallv invited. Mr.. Delia Hale. 1 c. ' Mary Mimnons. tieiord Kter I nitcl ltrotherh,,i of Cariientera and Joiners ol America I nioll No. lHa meets eond and fourth Fridays of each month at A. 0. V. W. Had K. D. 1 Vie K. Se,-. J. p. (i,leener, Pres. D. A. Fiti;crald, F. Sec'y, knights of Pvthias Tberuiopvlae No. ao meets e. U luedav nvtit 7 :i W. o' W.llall. M.' 1. Ctlev, C. C. Ton Wiu iAva, k. of K. ami S. Urand Army ol th Krpuldic-tien. Ugn l'o-l No. li. meets Iirst Weduexlav at A.O. C. W. hall. Jons I'Arai. K J. FI'STSRsos, Adjt. Com Woman's Itelief ( orps- -t.eneraj Logan No" i. meeis Jd and th aiunlays at t B m at A. O I'. W. hail. v . Mrs. Hose Weidnian, I'rea . Mrs. T. II. Cornell. Sn y. Take Laxative Bromo Quinine TaMets. js Sevca Mil&oa 1 toU bi yaX 13 A Secret about Your Best Dressed Friend. MAYBE you never guessed it of that friend of yours you envy for being always richly and stylishly attired 1 The one of whom you say, " I'd oMo nn hit Inilnr hiltc " K"J The simple Theftkufinan Garment His clothes money Is probably the same as you invest as little or less. But he expends It wisely: for garments of style, worth, wear and beauty that have all the qualities of the exclusive merchant-tailor's pro ductseven thefashlonable 6t at less than half tbe price: Art-Tailored Kaufman Garment. Learn the Kaufman way of money-saving stylish dressing. The Kaufman guarantee is good. robV5ale Calvin Welch JVHf 50 YEARS' Mla; EXPERIENCE V, .. 'tftirr CorvrTohtsAc. Anyone (Mnfltnji a nketrh and dpurrtnttnti may quli'klr avrtam our (ipmton free wfii'tlier ail Itirnntinn is prubaitly patentablA. Cnniniiiniriv ttmiif4tPlt?llyfifitj,teiUlfil. Hantlhtmlion t'ntfutr en t frM. ttlitt aiifnry for ifcurnnr put im it ft, 1'rttcnm taltt-n tliroiiirh SI unit & to. receive yptciol notier, withnut choriro. lu llio Scientific Jlmerican. A hanrlnomPlT llhtntnttM worklr. I irirt rlr. fnltttiini of any Hrit-iitillc jmirtnil. Tt'iun. 9'i a yi-ir; four m"tti8, L olJly;.H iU'WB'-:!or llrrh con.,., r ft.. IV- ASK THE AGENT FOR rr ICKETS VIA TO SPOKANE, ST. PAUL. DULUTH, MINNEAPOLIS CHICAGO, ST. LOtIS and ALL l'OINTS KAST AND SUfTH 2 OVERLAND TRAINS DAILY o THE FLYER AND THE FAST MAIL hi-i,i:ni)ii skiivick l I'-TO-IIATK Kgf ll'M h:ST I'OlltTKOtM KMl'I.OVKS l)a)lltht trip across ibe Cascade and ltocky .Mountains. For ticket, rates, folders and full infor mation, call on or address H. DICKSON, c T. a l'2'i Tlilril Street, Portland S. . YKKKKS, (t. W. V. A. 012 First Avenue Seattle, Wash. We give especlited service on lieinht Route vour fhipuienlsvfaUrcat North ern. Full infiirmution (rom Wm. IUhiikk, tieneral Anent, Portland, Oreuon. ,4 v A Citv in Itself Have you ever stopprd to consider that a modern express train, like the St. Louis Special, is practically a city in itself a place where you can sleep, chat, smoke, read, dine, and go a-visiting, just about as you would at your own home? It makes little difference what you want, you have only to summon a porter and be will swiftly and smilingly get it for you. Omnli,,, itlm citv, St. LouiM ami iutM hcyontl Write for folder givini; full information, or call nt near est Northern PaciSc Ticket Office. A. C. " II f I J- HO' FOR ST. LOUIS AND THE WORLD'S FAIR WILL YOU BE THERE7 066 N"urt ' Arl 0"try-0' ,h M' ' " ww .ttrKtion, t St. Uuls. This can only U don by la$ or r,lurninj via lh -SCEMC LINE OF THE toORLD ' u N E QUAUE 0S t&VSi. ATTRACTIONS RsURPASsrr,0 KINrGCAR SERVICE ivour-tr'ASSED IN EFFOPTC t r di rlSC ritt lo, illM,tr.,fl bo.klt ol Colors.', fmout ,iht. d W C'" Mf,,,"K. ienerl Auot 124 Third Street - ,rnu V!l PORTLAND. OREGON To Cure a Cold in On Bomb. This signature, - J! k 1 secret Is Cures ChitlsTniT FevtrT- fl VST Writ- XT J.. for three years; he could not fiudu, thins that wonld htiln hr ni i ; -,- fin uj mw Htrhinn Hia ujta .:n . house without it, aod cannot mt,! mnch for it. Sfln u rji k Store. "uu" m Oregon ShoitLine AND UNION Pacific Three Trains to the East Pail) Through l'ullmon standard and Uinrs leepini! ears daily to Onmlm.,. kane; tourist sleeping ears duilv to Kn City; through 1 ullman tourist sleei:m cats (personally conducted) weekly toibi capo, Kansas Citv; reclining chair im iseais iree) 10 me fcasi oauy. 70 HOURS PORTLAN D TO CHICAGO No change ot cars. DKPAHTJ TlMK ScllKDl l.KS i Arkiii for I I'roni 1'ortluiid j kkuk -Chicago Suit Lake, DenverTFti ' Portland! Worth, Oinuha. o:25p.i.' Siiecitil nunsiw eity, ht.l Loui,Chiciif;ound 9:15 a. 111. viallunt ington. Atliintie Kxjiresa 8:15 p. 111. via limit iuutun. St. I'auf Fast. ISult Lake, Ienver- Ft. Worth. Omaha Kansas City, St- 7:15a.n Louis, ChicapJ and Kant. W alla Walla, Lewis I Kat Mail ton, Spokane, ul i f lace, Pullman.: Mill 8:00 a. .f neapolis. St. Paul. l)iiluth,Milaiikei, Cliicauo and Kast, 8:15 p.m via SHkune. Ocean anil Itiver Schedule. For San F'ranciseo Every live days tl p. 111, For Astoria, way points and North . Reach Daily (except Sunday) at p.m.; Saturday at 10 p. 111. Daily service (wild permitiiiiK) on Willamette and Yamhill rivers. , For further information ask or write join nearest ticket aent, or A. L. CRAIG, tieneral i'asseneer Airent, The OreRon Railroad ,t Navigation Co. , Portland. Oreiton. SHELDON, Otr.trat Agent, 100 Third Street, PORTLAND, OREGON iw & ia Two Day. on every box. 25c r i i