3. THE BUSINESS POINTERS'THE .LOCAL HAPPENINGS OUR PERSONAL COLUMN ROGUE RIVER COURIER GRANTS PASS, OREGON, NOVEMBER 3, 1904. D I S H E 5 Closing out prices on odds in Dishes CLTS and SAUCERS per set while they last, - 50c PLATTERS from 20c up Patent COFFEE POTS worth $1.00 and $1.25 to close nt 50c and 75c each. Fresh New Breakfast Foods Crespo, like its name, crisp and very appetising; Dr. Price's Wheat Flake Celery Food, its good, try it. The White House Grocery. II. C. BOBZIEX. ...Newell Bros. 1 ullrt llulliliiL, LMMUugmffWiwuMu, m ft MM1 ilMBHrni W Now is lb time 1 If you intend to paint before the wet season sets in, I come and select your colors now from our large i stock, ratton's Paints are acknowledged the equal I of any, and they are guaranteed to give satisfaction. 8 I Cramer Bros. I I Odd Fellows Block. I I BRUSHES OILS LLa'fi..,ark3 m Ml" 6 Sent Mm off to hit if or k. I B B wtth good J&reskfatl J?yl 8 You can prepare it J lasJ ; Easily and Quifkjyi J jMM Size No. 0 $1.25 T f Hash for the family j - J" chnpiicd in two min- ivll, 1 l.OU vriv utcs. x ' . M rt.-iS Cbopi everything I O. Z I.O else with like rapidity V Set that "UnlmrttV It No. tl 2.50 . yx on ttit machlnt Iron Otis. I T. There art fj NVy inferior imitations. i ftjEj Tht gtnulnt Ma 4l J.'! Halr-Rlddlo fri Hardware Co. Hair-lliddlc Hardware Co. Stationery Door Mats at COc Jelly Glasses at 40c dozen Some bargains in Jewelry. Our brooms sweep clean. CAME DOWN TO SEE BUGS Owing to rVain Thev Were in Hiding Prof. A. K. Cordley. entomologist of the Statu Agricultural college, I assed through Grants Pass Tuesday on his way to Corvallis from Jackson ville, where he had been to examine the roiiditioi) of mime Asiatic laily bugs tliat he plmitfd Inst year in an abandoned orchard in P. Eritts pasture, near that town, hot owing to t lie day being cold aud rainy, lie could find no trace of the bans. Thts bogs in their native haunts feed nion the San Jose scale and the department of agriculture it introducing them into the L'nited Suites in the expectation that they will eradicate this pelt which is causing sach damage to the fruit industry of the country. The department sent Prof. Cordley 50 of the beetles and 30 of them curvlved the joorn y from Washington, where the department is breeding them, and were brought to Rogue river valley, the pruf'SMir counts the condition more favorable to their survival than in any oilier section of Oregon. Palmist and CIo.trvoya.nl. Dr. Lyon, the' renowned psychic jalmist aud clairvoyant, will be with you fur a short tiros. Remem ber the doctor gives you a wonderful life reading cf the put, present and future; uaim s given. Satisfaction or no charge. If you are in trouble cons-ilt me in all matters. Miners, a word to yon it will be to your interest to tall and see me. The dortci also cures chronic dis eases of long standing: druglcss treatment; life reading'. . Consul tation tree. Western lioteL D I S H 5 SIXTH STREET. Racket Store... Hixlli Hlrcct FLAGS GIVEN TO SCHOOL Handsome Gilts by Ladies Woman's Relief Corps. of Last Thursday afternoon three flags were presented to the Cirnnts Pass schools by t lie Women's Kelief corps. The ceremony wan quite interesting and impressive aud was attended by a number of people outside of the schools All the pupils of the three school houstl assembled under charge of their teachers at the central building. The presentation speech was made by Mrs. Uildreth aud an impressively patriot io address was made to the pupils by the W. R. U. inspector, Mrs. Rosa Schenck of Toledo. R. Thomas, chairman of the school board, In a brief speech, expressed the thanks cf the school for the gifls of tin organi zation. The flags are of wool bunting 5iU feet in size aud are very hand some. The gifts are greatly appre ciated by the schor ls. At Private Se.le. I will dipsose of at private tie, the following: One milk cow, household furniture, copy of Eucyclodia Britannica, Standard Dictionary, latest edition other books, bric-a-brac. Dr. R. E. Smith, A and Seventh street. Sheet Music Reduced. Five Uundred sheets of regular 10 cent music in stock. FiltT sheets of vocal and instrumen tal music, ranging In price from X to 60 cents for sale at 10c per sheet. Twenty sheets of two-steps and marches, regular GO cent music at 10 cents. Anon" al 10 cents to close ooL Grants Pass Masio House, JCNT ItECEIVJil) 11 V EXlMMiSS, LADIES lUJt CAl'iN Al? 11. O. rCJlONI13Y'H Peopla ex They Come o.nd Go From Day to Day Mrs. L. C. Hyde of Provolt, visited Grants Pass Sunday. W. L Sweet land wag al Ashland Saturday on business. Rev. W. G. Connell returned from San Francisco Wednesday. Mrs. Goo. W. Martin of Coquille, visited Grants Pass last week. E. W. Outlier, the Riddle merchant, visited GrauU Pass last week. Albert Coe returned from Portland Sunday ou the delayed passeuger. Ora Smith aud F. W. Sawyer of Kerby were in town ou business this week. Mrs. Henry llarth and Mrs. A. P. Harth returned from their Eastern trip Saturday ereuiur. II. L. Gilkey, II. G. Kestorson aud John Baker returned Wednesday from their hunting trip ou Evans creek. Rolls Stopheusou, who is employed in the Western Union work at West Fork, spent Sunday visiting in this city. Misses Elva aud Glen Provolt of Provolt, have been visiting in Giants Pass with Mr. and Mrs. Johu Lettken. J, J. McFadden returned to Fort Jones, Cal., Tuesday, after spending two weeks with his parents at Murphy. y L. Samuel, Oregon and Idaho timu ager cf the Equitable Life, arrived in Grants Pats Wednesday to spend a few days. Mrs. B. F. Doerfus returned ou Thursday to Igerua, Cal., after a visit here will) her sister, Mrs. Edith Rehkopf. Fred Blackmail returned on Sunday to rename his positiou ls fireman on the work traiu now ut Rice Hill, north of Roseburg. Mrs. C. N. Hathaway aud daughter Ruth returned Wednesday morning from Portland after a stay extending over sovoral weeks. Mrs. F. R. Bowersox of Jackson ville aud her two children nrovisitug here at the home of her parents, Dr. aud Mrs. J. M. Kitchiu. Sam Luttken has returned home from Provolt, where ho has beeu visiting with his grandparents, to attend school in this city. Win. Turner lift Tuesday night for San Francisco. From there ho will go to the St. Louis fair, returning home in eight or 10 weens. MisB Ethel Davis of Grants Pass, who has been visiting ut. lioseburg with Miss Ituhy Thomas, left Wo lues day for Portland. Review. Mrs. J. R. Brazalo returned to her homo at Areata, Humboldt couuty, Cal., Tuesday after visiting her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Jess. E. F. Furucss, bookkeeper and storekeeper at tho Greenback mine for the past year, ii in Grants Pass, hav ing lately resigned his positiou. W. J. Sturgpss and family have re turned from ABliluud and are now located ou their !!0 aero tract in the norther portion of the city limits. Dou Stephenson, formerly of Grants Pass, lost a lliunib recently while working in a mill at Parkcrsburg. Tho member was cnt oft ou tho edger. Charles J. Roberti, special ageut of the Equitahlo Life Assurance Co., ar rived last week to lncatu in Grants Pass in tho interest of tho Equitable Life. Superintendent J! F, Willat of tho Opp niiuo was here Tuesday evening accompanying Mrs. Willett home from a visit to the mine. Ho returued ou Wednesday morning. School Superintendent Ravage is visiting schools this week. He spent Tuesday at Leland, Wednesday at Wolf Creek aud Grave, and will then go to Greenback, Placer and Jump off -Joe. Miss Gertrude Barrio returned Sat urday after a two or three mouths visit with her sister, Mrs. Hauiia at Port laud aud on their farm. She alto spent somo time with her sister Her tlia at Dallas. Frank Sickles and wife who have lived near Selma for the past 10 years havo come to Grants Pass to reside. Mr. Sickles owns valuahlo mining ground, in tho Illinois country which lie recently bonded. Mrs. I. J. Howard and daughter, Miss Inez, r turned on Friday from u visit to Gold Hill. Mr. Howard, who is employed in a mine mar that place, came down with thorn aud remained over Sunday. Fred Pracht and family returued last Wednesday from a month's visit at Concordia, Kan., Mr. and Mrs. Prarht's former home. Although the country has been improved greatly in the 11 years of Mr. Pracht's absence, he prefers to live in On gon. Peter Deisch of Jacksonville, sten ographer for District Attorney A. K. K. ames, and one of tho bright young pothook artists in Southern Oregon, is lu Grants Pass this week taking down evidence in the water right case of Simmons, Logan & Cameron vs. Deep Gravel Mining Comjatiy. Mr. aud Mrs. Charlton IS. Perkins arrived here Tuesday eveuing to visit tli Mr. Perkins' parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Perkins. Mr. Perkins has lately been located at Hong Koug, China, where be has a lucrative jiosi- tiou. In company with bis wife, he is now enjoying a vacation in Ameri ca, after an absence of seven or tight vears. AWARDED GOLD MEDAL Pacific Pine Needle Co. Awarded Another Gold Medal. D. A. Cords writes from Sao Fran cisco that the Pacific Piue Needle Co. was awarded a gold medal at the Louisiana Purchai Exposition at St. Loois. This makes the third gold medal secured by this company, the other tno coming from the Pan American at Buffalo aud the Inter state aud West Iudian Kipcsitiou al Charleston. News Notes From tho Business Men to R-eidere. Dr. Flanagan, Physician aud Dentist. Goto Corun for Plumbing. Own a Wellington piano. M. Clement,, prescription Druggist. Look Here! A Smith A Barnes. Have O. O. Lund saw your wood. 'Built fur Music" Steck IMann. Talking Machines aud Records at Paddock's. Worth Having. A Kingsbury piano, A splendid line of Royal Charter Oak Ranges at Coron'i Let the "Steck" Prove Itself. . All extras for Oliver Plows sold only by Cramer Bros. Let the "Steck" Prove Itself. Fishing is good yet. Yon will Mud all kind, of tackle at Cramer Bros. A lady wishes family sewing by the dav or week. Inquire at 501 D street. Worth Having. A Kingsbury piano. Another shipment ot meltou boards and picture matt papers just received at the Courier ofllce. Let the "Steck" Prove Itself A nlco suite of ofllce rooms will soon be for reut. Inquire of A. E. Yoor hios. I,et tho "Sleek" Prove Itself. ) i,argesr biock or isoiia goia eugnga- ment rings; wedding and children s rings at Letcher's. Own a Wellington piano, I.onk Here! A Smith & Barnes. U try a Blue Ribbon S-cout cigar. ' Ilulll for Mumc" Steck Pianos. Buy -1-f t wood and have Lund saw it for yon. I.cl the "Steck" Prove Itself. Eastman Minis for sale only by A, E. Voorhios. Worth Having. A Kingsbury piano. Air-Tight Heaters and Box Air- Tight Stoves at Cramer Bros. Irt the "Sleek" Prove Itself. The largest lino of Storling ever brought to the county; snitable for wedding presents, nt Lotcher's. Worth Having. A Kingsbury piano- Don't forget tho Chicken Pie sup- r.cr nt tho Woodman hall on election lay, Tuesday, November 8th, begin ning at 5 o'clock. Supper 3'io. I,ct the "Steck" prove Itself. Writing in Sight mentis UNDER WOOD TYPEWRITER, and that mean BEST TYPEWRITER MADE. Agency at ('5 Front St., Portland. Worth Having. A Kingsbury plana. Don't neglect that guessing contest ou the vote for Roosevelt in OREGON AT THE SUGAR PINE STORE. The ouo guessing tho nearest receives iJ.'i worth of any goods in tho store. THE SUGAR PINE STORE. Own a Wellington Piano. U try a Blue Ribbon, 5-ccnt cigar. -It ii 1 1 1 for Music" Sleek Pianos. Mnuarcli Malleable Iron Ranges nt Cramer Bros. Worth Having. A Kingsbury plana. Eastman's non-curling films for sale bv A. E. Voorhies. worth Having. A Kingsbury piano. Pattern's Sun Proof Paint is sold oulv bv Cramer Bros. I, link Here! A Smith Jt Barnes. Don't fail to examine the lino of Air-Tight Stoves nt Cramer Bros. Own a Wellington Piano. If yon wish to rodoce your wood hill, buy 4-foot lengths aud have O. O. Lund suw it for yon at your door. I, onk Here! A Sinllli A Barnes. Ask your dealer for Rogue River Creninery Butter mudo at Medford is now t'l'i cents per two-pound, square 'nil weight, tiu.ik lit re! A Smith A Barnes. Curtis & Co for Watches, Clocks, Gold Kings and Jewelry, linn watch repairing, engraving. Goods sold at reasonable prices. Come aud see us. I. O. O. F. Building, Grants Pass, Oregon. Own a Wellington Piano, The Jury of Award at the St. Louis Expcsltioii has spent a good deal of time examining into the merits of the several typewriters ou exhibition. The Visible Writing Underwood was awarded tho Grand Prlzo on every point. The Oregon Underwood Agency is at d'i Frout St., Portland, and will furnish a catalogue ou appli cation. Hi uli School Literary Program. The in ogre in rendered on Friday last, Ot -tuber 2th, was a thorough succ.'ss in every way. A number of vihitorn, including three of the lower room It achers 'were present. Tho pro gram opened with a song by the st hool. Ben George "reigned" with dignity as president and Helen Clark oMiciutvd as secretary. Hin following pupils carefully and skillfully rendeied their parts: Ella Savage, recitation, Atldiu Itnhiusou, "The Yellow Htune. Park" essay. Ethel Higgs, recitation. Ora Lone Williams, "Benedict Arnold" essay. An instrumental solo was given by Prof. DaveuiJHt. The questinu for debate was. "K'-m Iv iI, That tho powers should intervene to rut au end to the war io the east." The aflirniative was rep rin nlid by Fritz Deanaud Blanche Tardine; the negative by Lloyd Harvey and Katie McCarthy. The debaters were confused by great disturbance on the outside some show people who were exercising their vocal organs. The instrumental solo by Prof, Davenport was a thorough success. Jane, 11. S. girl. Business Villi Be Belter. Advertise liberally, do it intelli gently, aud business will be better. You can do it intelligently If you read Pacific Coast Advertising, the h-ading advertising journal of Western America. It is published monthly at i$i Mercantile Place, Los Angeles, CaL It is practical -gives the actual exporieuce of business men In their own language, and shows bow you can adopt their plans successfully, Subscription 2 per year. No free cotdes. single cony 20 cents, colu or tamps. Brief Notes t.nd Items of Interest avnd Import&nce. P. M. Cornm on Saturday pnr chased two desirable lots in tho Ire land A Meade addition. Jas. Melutire this week purchased a 10-acro tract of laud in the north part of town from 3. A. Savago. W. A. Paddock has sold an Orient runabout automobile to a Grants Pass man, who wishes his name withheld. The machine will arrive in five or six weeks. A Hallowe'en dance was given at the Opera House on Tuesday evening. There was a fair attendance and the event was a pleasant ono to all at tending A. R. Cleveland ou Friday waived preliminary examination before Jus tice Fnrmao lu answering to a charge of bigamy and was bound over to await tho action of the circuit court. The Woman's Club will meet at the Presbyterian church pallors at 2:30 Saturday afternoon, November R, at which meeting Mrs. Jos. Moss will give her report of tho State Federa tion of Woman's Clubs. Rev. J. W. McDougall has beeu transferred to the M. E. pastorate at Albauy. His departure from Grants Pass is siuoeiely aud universally re gretted. Rev. D. T. Suniiuerviile as sumes charge cf tho Grants Pass Held. Rosooe Jarvis, tho Id-year old son of D. W. Jarvis of Neil creek near Ashland was killed ou Saturday by a fall from a lumber flninu which he was walking. Ho fell SO feet into the oreek, striking his head on the rocks of the stream bed aud (hath was In stantaneous. A. C. Hoofer of the Pitt Hydraulic Milling Co., passed through Grants Pass last Thursday, returning from Portland. Mr. Hoofer states that they have installed an arrastre at the mine, and expected it to bo in operation this week. Tho arrastro does tho work of a two-stamp mill. Services at the Christian chnrch next Lord's day at usual hours. EvangcllN- tio services will hi gin at the Chris tian church Sunday, November the 13th. Rev. J. J. Evans, State Cor responding Secretary, will do the preaching. Services lath t veiling ut 7:30 All invited. Tho A. A. C, football tteim will go to Medford Suutluy, pinvull-d the trains aie near vuongh ou time, and will play the Medford team. The boys intended to go to Ashland last Sunday but were prevunted by the lateness of tho traiu which was delayedd by tho wreck ut Jetlerson. Dr. Arthur W. Lister, a graduate of the Paeiflo Northwest Dental College, will locate permanently in Gold Hill. His oflloe will bo temporarily at the C'ottago Hotel, one block above tho postofllce. Dr. Lister la well equip ped to do any and all work In the most np-to-dnto methods, at usual prices. Gold Hill News. Monthly, a 10-stsmp mill for the Opp mine, near Jacksonville, now under boud to Dr. J. F, Kedtly, ar rived in Medford and Is now being placed In position at the mine, says the Mail. Dr. Reddy lias great con fldeuco lu tho prospect for future favorable developments at tho mine, as is shown by tho substantial In crease In the plant. In tho absence of the pastor a popu lar meeting was held last Sunday evening at Bethany Presbyterian cliurch, under tho direction of the Ladies' Beuoflt society. The subject was "Mormouisin" and interesting papers were read by Mrs. R. Thomas and Mrs. H. 8. Prescott. A recitation by Miss Ethel Riggs and a long by 1(1 little girls were special numbers up predated with pleasure by the congre gation, All the, towns of Southern Oregon sro. prospering unci expanding tlieir territorial area. Even little old Woodville is feeling tho impetus of new life and is taking on u growth that has created a demand for more lots and last week J. S. Howard, the well known civil engineer, laid olT nn sddition embracing 40 lots for Hall Bros. This addition lies between Ward creek and the county rout anil is a Tory desirublo location for resi dence property. City Auditor May ben disclaims any defiant attitude in declining to BjM-hd all of his business time at tho city hall during the registration month, an accusation contained in a sarcastic communication published ill the Herald. Ho liitiiuateed his willing ness to resign if tho council reiitiind an auditor who would spend his whole t itto there. Mr. Mnylx-u has other business which hn cannot afford to utterly Ignore for the audi tor s salary, f.sn per mouth. II It wi re required by tho city law tbst the registration be done at the city hall, Mr. Maybee would havo resigned, As there is no such r tiuiretiieiit, la- kept the books oxn at his ofllce ex ccpt for two hours in the afternoon, when they were ojs u st the city hall, Mr. II ay tse Is a good olllcial, js-r forming his duties satisfactorily. The question has been asked In what war are Chanitierutiii's Stomach and I. iter tablet superior to the or diuary cathartic and liver pills' Our answer is They are easier aud more pleasant to lake sud their eflect i so gentle aud so agreeable that one hardly realizes that it l produced by a medicinx. Then they nut only move the bowels, but improve t lie appetil aud aid the digestion For sale at i cents per bottle by all druggists. ii troubled with a weak digestion try Chamberlain Stomach and Live tablets. 1 bey will tlo you good. ror sale by all druggists. MARRIED. DAVIH GOFl-Iii this cliy Wed nesday, November 'i, llKi?, Burt Davis aud Miss Carrie A. Golf. HER!UOTTJOIIS-In this city Wednesday, October 5, Wti, Ed W. Ilerriott aud Miss Edna Ger trude John. The bride is ono of the popular and highly esteemed ycuug laidr of thl county, the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. David John of Williams. Mr. Her riott is a member of the livery firm of Bunch Se ilerriott and is well kuowu and esteemed here. P. H. HARTH & SON, Outfitters to Particular People GRANTS PASS, OREGON. A Sniff of Autumn is in the air ... . An ounce of prevention, you know, is worth a pound of cure, and if you . are a mau ofpr udent judgment you will provide yourself with clothing of heavier weight and take no chance of catching a Fall cold trying to get a little longer wear out of your thin and seedy Summer Suit. We are now displaying some particularly snappy Fall styles for Men selected from the best productions of Schloss Bros. & Co. the Fine Clothes Makers, whose celebrated ready-to-wear clothing has raised the stand ard in Men's Apparel. You will Cud fit and grace in cut, quality in fabric and honest workmanship in the making. Add to these the fact that you have seen nothing like these clothes, aud you have exclusiveness. Take these points altogether, amlyou have the foundation for the fame of superiority enjoyed by Schloss Hand Tailored Clothing. The picture represents a popular Fall winner, and has to be seen to be appreciated, at these suits before they have been picked over. Exclusive Walk-over WALDO'S BIG MINING SUIT Testimony Being Taken Before Reporter Calkins. Litigation pertaining to water ights is coming to be a matter or much importance lu thu court pro- endings in Hoiilhern Oregon, aud with the rapid increase lu the do- m inds for water for Irrigation and mining tho value of water rights will steadily enhance and the contest for their control will bo tho more closely Irnwn, The principal cause for this great amount of litigation over water riuhts are the loose laws that have been lu effect under which thvse rights were acquired. The provisions of thu state luw were so Indefinite that a watel right could be expanded as occasion might retpuire io ine serious detriment of other users, or a new right acquired that would in fringe ou a prior right. A water right suit Is now pending in the circuit court loi josepuiuo ninity, tho rulings ou which will have an ImiHirtitnt bearing on tho relativo rights of water owners or those, wishing io secure water rights. This case Is that of an an tinn brought by Himmons, Lngau A iinernii to restrain the Deep Gravel Mining Company from using the amount of water that tho Jat'.er claim they are entitled to nsn. Both rights are for mining purposes and the ditches of both companies are located near Waldo and takil water from tho Illinois river and tho water rights are among the oldest In South ern Oregon, those t f Simmons, Ixigun & Cameron being tnkeu np In the early 'M's ono of their three ditches nig opeimd in IH.'.H or til, while thai of I ho Deep Gravel Mining (,'oiniany was acquired III IW.'I. Tho point of oiilentloii Is that the Deep Gravel company has enlarged their dldtoh un til it now carries a much larger quan tity of water than It did at the time it was first put Into use, thereby de priving the Hlinintiiis company of the in.iutity cf water that formerly came to their ditches. The Individuals concerned lu this litigation aro Mrs. Jaun Kimmoiis and J, T. Logan of Waldo and Theo. Cain emu of Jacksonville, who am the plaintiffs and are represented by Judge W. C. Haiti and A. 8. Hammond, while the defendants are W. J. Wlmer of Waldo Slid A. K. Hcnn.es, of Jackson ville and Mr. Keames is handling his own and his partner's interest in the Deep Gravel Cnmpaiir. Being a suit In equity and the evidence to be voluminous. Judge II. K. Haniia ap pointed F. M. Calkins the official court leporter, refereo and he began Monday to take the testimony aud on Wednesday completed the evidence for the pluintiff and he Is now taking the evidence for the defendants and It will probably m Fildsy or Haturday Is font all the witnesses are examined, of which there are a dozen or more. Card of Thanks. W11 wish to extend our thanks to the kind friends who assisted during the. illness of our child and mended symtthy. Mr. aud Mrs. V. G. Mo In Iv re. has stood the test 25 years. Average Arvnoal Sales bottles. Does this record of merit appeal to you ? Eadow wHh every rJiiiiiMf P$l wmMl H K M THIS PRICLO RANGE STARTS AT - $15 "Drop in and let us talk it over." Agents SCHOOLS ARE CROWDED No More Primary Scholar Re ceived until February 13. At a regular moetlug of the school board of the Grants Pass schools held Tuesday night It was deaitled that no more primary pupils would be permit ted to enter school unltl the beginning of the next school teim, February 13, IV05, at which timo they may enter during the the period of two weeks only. The crowded condition of the schools will not permit tho eutry of students In the primary grades at all times of tho school year without do ing Injnstioe to both the teachers aud the pupils previously enrolled. Many Mothers of s Liks Opinioa Mrs, Pilmor, of Cordova, Iowa. asys: ' One of my children was sub ject to croup of a severe type, and the Riving of Chamberallu's Congli Itemed promptly, always brought relief. Many mothers in this neigh borhood think the same as I do about this remedy aud waut no other kind for their chlldreu." For sale by all druggists. iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiii P IANO J. M. Ward, I'lionc 4 w 1 1 iiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimhiimmiiiiiiihiiiiiiiii 1 minimi Earn Money sssWlnTT'frri'JrTS'-1 WU WILL PAY YOU FOR YOUR TIMlv. A DOLLAR SAVF.1) IS A DOLLAR F.ARNF.D. BY C()MINO ; TOOUk STORK AND TAKING ADVAN'TAGK OF OUR HIQ IHSCOUNT JMLK JZ? You Earn Money Big Saving ou Kacu Article Purchased. Ladies' Shirt Waists from 75c to 1.50 now 50c Ladies' Skirts $ J. 50 now $50 " " 4.00 " 3.00 " 4 50 " 3-5o And all Summer Goods in Proportion. i t MYrrrti' vr -ti t 1 -.:- New Department Store Whitc-IIcnicnway Co.Mgrs. I uiini 11111111111111111111111111111111 iiiniiiimHiiHHi Grove's Tasteless Chill Tonic aotUe Is a Tit Cant package of Grove's 1 XcopvmofTe6Tv04 r r mHL055,BR0SCO fins ClntTie Maker BALTIMORE X. NCW YORK Look GRANTS PASS. Odd Follows, Allentlonl Grants Pass, October 81, 11)04. All Odd Fellows are earnestly ro quested to be present at regulat lodge meeting hold In the I. O. O. F, hall on November 6, 1U04, as soino very Important business Is to be trans "ted on that date. Be sure and come. By order of the N.Q., Robt. fiexaner It. Hoo'y, T. Y. Dean. I,et the Hirck I'rove Itself. 'k A Stunning Portrait" Moans only jit P latino Carbon print from Clovengor's Utudio. bklll aud artistic training in the post) and lighting, combined with In dividual treatment in the print ing, toning and mounting muke the Aristo Carbon print from Clcvonger'a a synonym for all that Is newest, most exclusive and best In modern up to date pho tography. They will interest you, C. L. CLCVCMQCR. H St, bit 6th and 7th Ttlrphone 701. J TUNING 71,;, Grants l'ass, OreRon 1 "'I'll over One and a Half Million No Cure. No Pay. 50c Black Hool Liver Pills.