1 miter mm VOL. XX. GRANTS PASS. JOSEPHINE COUNTY, OREGON, THURSDAY, OCTOBER so, 1904. No. 30. r . . -1 J..A-.Sl.Jl.M.....J.J.J..Jl..M.M.M.f OUR HIGH OTMflNG lidieving that the very best obtainable wt.uld be none too good for our many patrons in Heady-to-Wear Clothing, we have constantly been on the lookout and find that HIGH AKT Clothing is the best that can be produced by any Amer ican manufacturer. All HIGH ART Clothing possesses that touch of good tatite and good style that is required, by the well dressed of any commun ity. It will be to your advan tage to give us a thought before you buy. - SHOES For Ladies, Children and Men Hats. Caps and Furnishing Goods WELCH'S uLOTHING STORE, OPERA HOUSE BLOCK GRANTS PASS, - OREGON. I now hnvc on display a full assortment of DRESS HATS And all the latest novelties in Millinery Ca)l and see my complete line, Miss Ida Weston . Front Street, between 6th and 7th, ...Newell Bros. Racket Store... I iiIIh ItulMin;j, Ciixtli Htri-ot Stationery Door Mats at 00c Jelly Glasses at 40c dozen Some bargains in Jewelry. Our brooms sweep clean. BARGAINS ...Real Estate... J. A. TURNER & CO., Fkont Stkket. Bargains also in SECOND HAND FURNITURE at the Auction Room. Sale of New Goods Saturday, OctoU-r 22nd. C. E. McLANE, Proprietor. REAL ESTATE I BUY AND SELL REAL ESTATE OWN YOUR OWN HOME No. 245. 2"0 acres; 140 acre cleared; 15 acres in alfalfa; 100 acre ill grain ; 25 acres in pasture. Good water right, and good house of nine rooms. ttnu 40 x 8u feet. Orchard with all varieties of fruit. Price,$20 per acre. Sa J44. 80 acres ; good water right ; no improvement. Must be sold soon. Cash fr'sJO. No. 228. 100 acres nhout 13 milea from the city. Good house cost about $400. Abont 000.000 feet of good saw timber. Will tell for I1UOO. Stop paying rent $10 down aud 5 a mouth will purchase a lot in almost auy portion of tthe cliy. Call on or addreiu JOSEPH MOSS Headquarters for Real Estate. OlBc on E Street, between Fourth and Fifth Street, GRANTS PASS. - - OREGON. AIM ART r I BARGAINS 1 THE BRIGHTNESS rtf r-w r-rv uniir ur LVLKi nunc nude safe and sure with little work il "3 in One" is used. ,, a " cleant and polishes the eVf vJfUz choice t or cheapest furni ture. Removes the itaia and soil from expensive piano cases. Brings brightness to grill work, hardwood doors U finished surfaces. in- keeps clean and prevents CJAf Ct? rust on fauctt, nickel work on stoves all tceUl surfaces in the house or out of it. n jn oil everything; sewing sjLtG,7Z0 machines, clocks, roller skates, fine tools, bicycles funs, hinges. Free from e answers thirty oil use in any home or office. Caeap, too. t W. A. PADDOCK, Grants Pass, Oregon. HIGG1HS & PHILLIPS Assayers and Chemists CHARGES: Gold, Si Ivor, Copier, Leed, $1 each. Gold nud Silver, $1. Each and every assay done with the idea tltut it may bo checked. C. FINDLEY, M. D. Practice limited to EYE, EAR, NOSE uiiiTTIIUOAT. Ollice hours 0 to 12; 2 to fl Kvening hours Tuesdays and Fridays, 7:30 to !. Telephones 2(il and 77. Grants Pass, - Oiieoon. JRED'KD. STRICKER, M. D. HOMEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN and SURGEON. Masonic Temple, Rooms 2 & 4 Grants Pass, 'Phone 633. Ohkgon. G. H. DOUGLAS, M. D. Physician and Surgkon Office: I'ijjney "a residence, cor. Oth and E street. Day and nijjht phono No. 631. Grants Pass, Ore. P. LOVE, M. D. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Office in Williams Bros. Mock, over Grants Pass Grocery. Residence Phone 41-1. Ollice Phouo 141. liKANTH l'Afcd, - . OllKUON C. HOUGH, ATTOK.NKY-AT law, Pi act ii e, in all State and Federal Courts Ollice over First National Bank. JKANTH Fash, Ohkgon. SWEETLANl) & CO. FRESH and SALT MEATSST Pimm 21 N. i:. McGREW, PIONEER TRUCK, and DELIVERY Furniture Mid Piano Moving GRANTS PASS. OREGON. The popular barber shop Get your tonsorial woa- done at IK A TOMPKINS On Sixth Street Three chairs Hath r'Mini in connection House Moving If you have a building that you want Moved, Raised or Levelled up, Call on or address Work reasonably aud prom ptly dime. Residence 2 miles west of Grants Puna. A. E. Holloway. E. A. WADE DKY GOODS, UNDERWEAR. NOTIONS, Etc. Front Street, west Palace hotel GRANTS PASS, ORE. Palace Barber Shop J. H. MULLEN, Propr. Shaving, Hair Cutting Baths, Etc. Ev ryhing neat and clean aud all work First-CIaou. In the Pa'aoe Hotel ASSESSMENT ROLL FOR JOSEPHINE COUNTY A Very Substantial Increase Is Shown Over Last Year's Valuation. The assessmeont roll of Josephine county for the present year shows a very substautial increase of values throughout tho conutry during the past year. Iu the past two years, siuco Assessor Fallln has been in office, the roll shows an increase of $075,000, an iucieaBe of abont 40 per oeut during that time. For the year just past, the increase is 1259,000, 25,000 of which was added by the board of equalization. The following classes of property show the most marked additions iu valuation: Value of lots, 111.800. Value of improvements oa lots, 15,523. Value of laud not deeded, 14050. The following table shows the and a comparison of the present year with 1003: 1H03 1004 1903 1904 Acres tillablo hind 18,745 19,035 $228,745 $219,700 Acres of uon-tillable land -815,881 335.8V0 585,870 641,416 Value of imp on deeded or pat laud. . . 100,850 111,405 Value of all lots 154,345 10(1,146 Value of improvements ou town lots . 175,133 190, (MO Value imp on land not deeded or pat. 60,055 0:1,705 Miles of railroad bod, telephone, tele graph lines, oto 211 211.20 150,375 11)7,083 Value of rolling stock 14,705 14,705 Valuo of stationary engines aud nifg. . 01,075 1C2.775 Value of nidso aud stock iu trade 111,740 11 SI, 225 Value farm implm'uts, wagons, etc.. 10,030 20,235 Money.. 0,700 5,150 Notes and acconuts 60,115 45,790 Nojof shares of ttock 8,057 3,880 1,780 1,730 Household furniture, jewolry, eto - 30,025 43,145 No of horses aud ninles 837 1,438 211,320 - 33,505 No. ofcattlo 3,508 4,711 63,095 63,255 No. of shrep and goats 477 1,811 1)15 3,820 No. ofswiuo 840 011; 1,035 1,375 Gross Value of nil property County Clerk's Seml-AnnueJ Report. Showing the amount of claims al lowed by the County Court of Joso phine County, State of Oregou, for what allowed, tho amount of war rants outstaDdiug nnd utipaid from tho first day of April, 1004, to the first day of October, 1004. County warrants outstan ding April 1, 1004 1 83,603 70 Warrants issued from April 1, 11.04 to October 1, 1004 County Court aud commis sioners salary 5i8 00 Circuit Court, jurorB, wit nesses, haililf, eto 1,168 10 Justieo Court, jurors, wit nesses, constable- and justice 198 40 Sliori ft' office, sheriff and deputy 1,380 0 Clerk's ollice, clerk aud deputy 1,289 DO Treasurer's office, culary of treasurer 300 00 Corouor's ollice, coroner, jurors and witnesses . 00 75 School supt ollice, salary of sunt 324 00 Assessor's ollice, ealary of assessor aud deputy 007 00 Tax rebate 87 30 Current expeuses, printing, hooks aud stationery.. 708 18 Court House expenses, janitor, water, lights and fuel 884 20 Jail, board of prisoners 120 OA) Care of poor, medical at tendance, eto 2,627 10 Insauii exaiuiuatiou and ex pense 25 00 Reform School, exieuse of. commitments 80 So Bridges, repairs, material and labor 740 76 Eleetiou expenses, June election 10114 830 82 Roads and highways, lum ber, labor anil super visors 2,541 27 County High School 1,000 00 hstiiuated accrue I Interest on outstanding war rants 10,000 00 Total $117,71)4 0(1 CONTRA. Warrants cancelled from April 1, 11)04 to Oct. 1, 1004 $10,414 06 Cash with county treasurer niiplicaljlo to county warrants 7,413 09 Amount doe county from slate (scalp bounty) . 325 84 Current taxes unpaid for year 1003 10,017 88 Amnjnt due ccuu'y from tax sales 600 00 Net liabilities 82,624 86 Total $117,701 CO State of Oregon ) County of Josephine ( I, S. F. Cheshire, County Clerk of the County of Josephine, State of Oregou. do hereby certify that the foregoing is a true and correct state ment ol the number aud amount of laims allowed by the Couuty Court of said county for the six mouths end lug Ort. II, IUOI. ou whatl account the tame are nllcwc 4 and amount of war rants drawn aud amount of warrants outstanding aud unpaid, as the same appears Uxu the records in my olllct aud in my ollicia: custody. V. linen my hand aud omclal seal this 12th day of Oct. A. V. 'MH. S. F. CHESHIRE, Couuty Clerk. BttUr Than Pills. Hie question has been asked In what way are Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver 1'sbleta superior to the or diuary cathartic aud liver pills? Our answer is They are easier and more a-ant to take and their (fleet is so gentle and so agreeable that one hardlv realize that It If produced by a medicine. Then they uot only move the bowels, but improve the apjirtite aud aid the digestion For sale at 26 cents iK-r botile by all druggist. It troubled with weak dige'tion try Chamberlain' Stomach and Liver I ablets, lliey will do yon good. For sale by all druggist. October 27. 2ft and 29. Through the e Irons of the Great Northern Railway. World s Fair ex cursion ticket will be sold on October 27th, 28th and 20th, In ad dition to (October 3d, 4th aud 6th. For fall information apply to any Great Northern Agent. luorease on ruilroad assessments, $37,810. Machinery and mining plutts, $10,800. Merchandise $74S5. Farm iiuprovcmont,$4205. Household goods, $12,620 Horses and mules, $13,245. Sheep aud goats, $'875. The board of equalization nt its recent sessiou raised the values nil aggregato amount of somo $25,000 on the following properties: ' the Grauile Hill mine, the Greenback mine, the Deep Gravel uiiuc, the Simmoiis-Canierou mine, the Uublo plncors, the Grants Pass New Water, Light & Power Co. aud the Armour Packing Co. distinction of the property values $2,031,005 County Treasurer' Semi-Annual Report. Following is the County Treasurer's repoit lor six months, ending Septem ber 30th, 1004 : GENERAL FUND. To balance from last report $ 1,007 61) Amount from sheriff, cash.. 80,300 13 Amount from sheriff, war- rauts 0,427 37 Amount from sheriff, poll tax 211 00 Amouut from County Clerk loos . 1,610 60 Amount lrom Cemetery lots Amount from Justice fines . Amount from Liquor license Amount from tax sulo re demption Total CONTRA. By warrants cancelled 15,414 (ID Interest ou same 3,3'JU 07 Amount school apportion ment 12,005 76 Amount to high school 1,000 00 Amouut to slate, treasurer, tax 11,025 00 Amount on hand 7,413 I'D Total $50,308 00 SCHOOL AND OTHER FUNDS. To balance from last report. 8,021 27 Amount ror school ustricts special tax 0,873 61 A meant for road districts . 2,02',) 20 Amount from estate fund . . 6 00 Amount from city tux 2,0113 01 Institute fund 3(1 60 Amouut from state school fund 4,038 37 Amount from general fund, school apportionment 12,051) 86 Totul $30,2611 33 CONTRA. By County Superintendent's orders county apportion ment 12,007 85 Uy Couuty SuKriateiideut s orders, slate apportion ment : 8,0111 10 Amouut paid city treasurer 2,0'.,1 01 Amount paid road districts . 2,062 II Amount paid school districts - 0,077 10 Amount 011 baud 3,(175 07 Total $30, 25(1 33 I, J. T. Taylor, do hereby certify that the foregoing is a true and cor rect statemeut of the amouuts receiv ed, paid out and remaining on hand in the county treasury fur the six mouths ending September IP'th, IUOI. Witness my band this 12th day of October, A. 1). , 11)04. J. T. TAYLOR, Treasurer of Josephine County, Ore gon. MINES OF INDIAN CREEK Los Angeles Men Developing Placer Properties. A syndicate of Los Angeles capital ists, under the company namo of the Rlcoro Gold Mining Company, at the head of which Is Capt., U. G. Mul lens, a retired army officer, and who is in charge of tho company' mining 0ieratious, has bought the Classic Hill mine, located at the bead of Indian creek midway between Happy Creek and Waldo, on what was known iu early mining days us the Sam Howard place. In addition to thlr miuu the company has bought C00 acre of additional placer ground aud is preparing to owra(o one of the biggest placer mines of the Coast. A sawmill, that cuts 10,000 feet per djy has been erected, (f which E. A Head is sawyer aud J. D. Maluey l,a the logging contract. to cut lumber for the flumes aud for the niesshouse and other Lulldings. Water will be ha I from the west folk of Indian creek, by two ditches one I1,' mih-s ping aud the other Are mile long and an ample supply will be bad aud with s preMore of 375 feet. CapL Mullens expect to have all work completed and the giant in operialon by lh mioaie 01 November. twntlucL Trimble A Cook now carry a stock of buggy and back wheel In all grade.. The prices are right 35 00 65 0 1,000 00 8 42 $"i0,808 0 VACANT OREGON LANDS Shown by Report of Labor Com missioner Hoff. The Oregon state labor commission er, O. P. Hoff iu the compilation of his biennial report for the State Leg islature had occasion to nse the report of the acreage of the state of Oregon, and the amounts appropriated and un appropriated. The data has not boeu published iu full cud therefore will prove of interest at this time. There yet remains in the state 20. 174,254 acres unappropriated aud un reserved, 14,637,627 of which have been surveyod aud 5,040,905 remain uusurveyed. The total appropriated Iu the state is 20,208,219 acres aud the reserved, 14,804,007 acres, the total creage of tho state bolug 01,377,440 acres. The reserved laud Includo forest reserves, Iudian reservations aud other reservations by the govern ment. The Southern Oregon U. S. laud district, 'with bcadqnartora at Rose burg, comprises 1,188,120 acres of which 77,135,037 aoro have been ap propriated aud 8,429,631 have been reserved, leavlug unappropriated and unreierved 1,31(1,103 acres of which 804,193 have been surveyed aud 451, 900 remain uusurveyed. Jackson Couuty Jackson oounty has 199,183 acres iu publio roserve out of a totul area of 1, 779,012 acres. Of her total area 1,273,629 sores have passed from the government leaving a total of 850,1)50 acres of unappro priated land, of which 229,077 acres are surveyod nud 77,875 acres ensnr veyed. Josephine Couuty JoBpehiue'a totul area, 1,073,010 acres, 875,203 aores having been appropriated aud 599,040 acres reserved. Ont of a total of 97, 714 acres of unappropriated land In the county, there are 23,056 acre uu surveyed and 75,149 acres surveyed. Klamath Couuty Klamath oounty has an area of 8,836,800 acres. Of this area. 1,203,020 acres have been appropriated and .3,233,149 acres re served. There is a total of 399,191 acres of nureservod publio laud of which 271,938 acre are surveyed aud 127,253 acres uusurveyed. This laud, is about two-tenths agricultural nud five tenths-grasiug. Lake County Lake county la the third cou'ity Iu size In the statu, con taining 6,009,300 acres, 1,081,660 aores being included Id a publio reserve, and 931,467 acres having passed from the government's ownership. Tlieie are 1,018,293 acres of unreserved laud that has been surveyed, aud 700,000 acres yet uusurveyed, or a total of 23,81(1,293 acres of laud which the government offers or will offer to the intending settlor or purchaser of tiin 1st laud. This land is three-tenths timber, one-teulh mountainous, three tenths agricultural and three-tenths graining. JUMPED INTO COW CREEK Strivnge Antics of Pullman Coach St. Helens. The Pullman sleeper, Mount Huluns, nl Inched to the rear of tho northbound overland train, broke loose, left the rails and plunged over a 15 foot em bankment Into Cow Creek whilo the train was rtjiinlg at full seed at about 9:45 Thursday night, oue mile south of West Fork. Noue of the oo- cupauts of tho car wuro killed, al though many were seriously injured. Iu Its mud leap, tho car tipped over and slid top downward, slopping at tho edge of the water. Had It gone a little further it would have been in the swift water of the creek, which s somewhat swollen by the receut ruins and doubtless many would have been drowned. The train crew euteied tho car through tho windows and assisted the lavsi'iigers to disengage themselves from the wreck. One man was firmly caught by the neck betweeu berths aud was rescued with difficulty. Ho was iu a serious condition when the train passed through Riddlu at 12 :10 a. m. Dr. Klrkpatrick boarded tho trulu it Riddle to render relief to the injured. Conductor E. P. Tynan Is iu charge of the train. Resident Engineer H. L. Donald was a passenger ou the train aud remained at the scene to direct wrecking opera tions. A working crew was aaiut from Itosehurg lo lift the car lo the rails. A I'elny of two hours and 16 minutes was caused by the occurrence. World's FeUr Revles. Extended. World's Fair excursion ticket to Chicago, Ht, Irfiuls aud all eastern cities will lie sold by the Great North ern Railway ou October 27th, 28th mil 29th in addition to October 8d, lib and 6th. Apply to auy Great Northern agent for rate aud full In formation. While it is true that a man, by pan mug, can very closely estimate iu many case the value of a gold ore, fiaiiuiiig I by no means reliable. Possibly In mine where the or is quite uniform aud Hie panner baa bad wide experience he can nine time out of ten come very close to actual work ing result. Rut even In that case he is apt to make mistake. For ore that he doe not know, panning ihould only be used quallltatlve, aud oven then It la not always reliable. Wo have known catea where the gold was free and yet tanuligs failed to Unclose colors. We have in mini st liis writing three different ores that v these results, oue from Colorado, mother from California and another from Costa Rica Iu each case the ire assayed well over an ounce to the ton. fcx. zpmmim! Homes Furnished Complete. Over 2 Gar Loads FURNITURE Let us show you tho Now Goods Now Jron Bods Mattresses pure wool Now Couch Covers Now Rugs Oriontal and Navajo, $1.50 to $15 Now Curtains, 65o to $7.50 New Portieres, $3.50 to $10 Now Wall Taper tho finest 20 and 25c lino over shown, closing out season, reg 25c for 10c Whilo Blankets Stoves pot our prices on Cook Stoves Heater Stoves, $1.85 to $10 Camp Stoves, regularly $5.50 now $2.75 -Room Mouldings got our piicos on now goods Now Picture Mouldings New Pictures Thomas SL O'Neill, X3ha Housefurnishers Grants ass. - Oregon. The W. O. T. U. state convention is In session this weok iu East Port land from October 18 to 31. Mrs. Esther Torrtll's address Iu Courier of Oetobor 13, should have been George, N. O., instead of Goor- Tho W. C. T. TJ. will nioet on Fri day, November 31st at the home of Mrs. Lee Calvert ou F street, be tweeu Sixth and Seventh. Session from 3 :30 to 4 p. in. Remember the subscription list you will want to get the Union Slgual Iu time to got the uows of the National Convention. The National Convention will be held in Philadelphia, Pa., Noveiubor 2(1 to December 6, 1904. The usual rates will be observed. Oue and one-third fare on the certifi cate plan has beeu granted by all the association. Ticket from the west, over the road tho delegate will take, give few day atop-over Iu Washing ton on the leturu. The excursion to Washington for the unveiling of the statue of France E, Willard given by the legislature of the state of Illluols, in Htnturay Hall will atari from Philadelphia early on the moruing of December fl. WILL INSTALL 3 STAMPS Thompson Ciaek Mine Will Be Systematically Developed. The Maid of the Mist mine nn Thompson creek, owned by Ben Thurston of Applogato and White & Armstrong of Grant Pass I likely to soon be a producing miue of tome Im portance. Thi ledge In been worked In a small way foi the past two years and ha yielded good value in the ore taken from tho development work. Mr. Thompson with Albert Cully assisting him ha been at work for several mouth pat extending the tunnel 10 learn the extent and value of tho ledge and so premising Is the allowing that It has beeu decided to pot in a mill and inaugurate regular milling operation. Negotiation are now on for the purchase of the three stamp mill nsed iu the development work at tho Opp mine and which will no longer be used a the 20-stamp mill will soon be In operatiou at that mino. With thla three stamp mill to handle the ore extensive development would be carried on, the ore being rich enough to more thau pay for cost of opening np tho mine aud if the outlook warrants it a larger mill would be Installed and the mine worked a a premaueut piopoistlou. Sentinel. Curtis & Co for Watches, Clocks, Gold Rings and Jewelry, flue watch repairing, engraving. Good sold at reasonable prices. Come aud see oa I. O. O. F. Puihllug, Grant Pass, Oregon. r v v ww ww v v iSlLT-FlLLINXlPrtN tattPiaiTW fUla Itevalf " L SALE OF OLWELL ORCHARD Famous Fruit Property Pur chased by Portland Man. Fiua! papers have beeu drawn, ab stracts submitted and the deal i al ready practically consummated by which the famous Olwoll apple or chard and valuable property In Cen tral Point, owned by P. W. dwell and sons, John D., Joseph and Frank W. Olwell, will pas to the owner ship of F. H. Hopkins of the firm of Hopkins, Downing & Co. of Pot Hand, the consideration being $.'10,000, Tiie orchard tract embraces 298 acres, a very large portion of which Is set out to apple trees, which, according to all reports have yielded very hand some returns In recent year anil promise still greater things for ths futnre. Included in the sale are also two block of laud in the town of Coutral Polut where the Olwoll family home aud the warehouses used iu the apple growing and shipping industry iu which the dwells have beeu so extensively engaged, are located, aud iu which they have made a reputation far aud wide for their uncqualed prod uot, ihipptug fruit to Now York and Londou. The purchaser is gutting a great bargain at the price he is paying for thi valuable and extensive property. So all fruit growers say. TO SPEAK FOR ROOSEVELT Spellbinder Will Be Turned Loos About the 20th. Frank C. Baker, chairman of the Oregou State Republican Committee, ha oompiled a list of speakers for use in the presidential campaign In this state which lie anuouuees will bo otKjud op from one eud of the state to tho other about October 20th, with "Oregon 80,000 for Roosevelt" as its slogan. The speakers have beeu nominated by the member of the state committuo, by the chairmen of tho oounty committees aud by the local republican organizations, and will be assigned to date by the chairman npou the requests from the differeut localities. Tho list comprises a galaxy of 160 orators who are ready aud willing to go forth iu the cauie of .republican ism, protection aud coutiuued pros perity Iu the nutiou, and do their ut most to roll up a rousing majority iu the state for the grand old par' and it proscut peerless leaders, Theodore Roosevelt and Senator Fairbanks. Amoug the Snthern Oregou spell binders whoso uames are in the list are W. II. Gore, W. I. Vawter, Med ford; Gu Newbury, Jacksonville; Joseph Ilatnmorsley, Gold Hill; W. M. Colvlg, Jacksonville; O. B. Wat son, Ashland; O. W. Colvlg, A. C. Hough aud Geo. II. Durham. Grants Pas. 700 pieces of vocal aud instrumental sheet muslo at 10 cent each at the Grants Pas Musio House. ww ww ww 1 THERE ARE ONLY TWO KINDS OP i Fountain r e n s COIN' ICII IV' s AND ALL THE OTHERS. CALL AND SEE THEM AT 1JERT BARNES, Reliable Jeweler. Citmens' Drug Store, Grants Pass, Oregon