Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927, October 13, 1904, Page 4, Image 4

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r arm r or aaio. " "
& Rio Grande, in
Points for Piano Buyers
The Sterk Company is one of (lie
notable Industries in the country de
Toted to the industry of manofactur
ing pianos. Established in 1857 it
linn built a reputation second to nono
for the manufacture of fine i inurn
ment. The reliability and finan
cial responsibility of the company ii
nun, nest ioned. Thil fact alone makes
the liberal guarantees nndir which
every Stock piano ia aold, au absolute
protection, in the moat literal aenae
to the purchaser. The artiatio merit
of Hteck pianoa placet them among
the few instruments whom aoperior
ity lifts them above the price rivalry
of other pianoa. The beautiful tone
of the Steck will appeal to yon, and
familiarity witli ita good qualities
will breed ever increasing admira
tion. Our fourth Hteck (in a little
over a month) ia now on display at
onr branch atore In L O. O. P. 111k.
because ita a Hteck, you'll admire it,
and because of the discount prico,
almost anyone could afford to own It
Allen & Uilbert-Kamaker Co.
Established in 1840 and succeeding
a Arm established in 1820. Over 1).
000 Fischer pianos made and aold.
No ill her piano can equal this record.
One of the atricteat principles of the
Fischer company is that nothing ia
too good to nse in the construction of
a Fischer piano, and the testimonials
that they receive prove their wisdom
in following this principle so closely.
The standing and reputation of this
lionso is one of the strongest guaran
tees that can be given with a Fischer
Hold by Allen & Qilbert-Kamaker
Iu 1884, Mr. O. A. Smith, the
pioneer pfauo builder of the West,
began in a modest way, making a
thoroughly good instrument for an
honest living price. Most of the sub
stantial dealera that aold the Huiith &
Barnes pianos 20 yeara ago are atill iti
best customers and friends. The
piano gave universal satisfaction or
this would nut be true. The real and
final test of a piano comes through
years of use iu the home, studio and
This company lias attained to the
enormous output of 6000 pianos per
year. The benefit of dealing with a
firm having audi large facilities ia
mutnal ; the purchaser gets mora for
liia money and the firm sella more
Allen & Oilbert-Kamaker Co.
Yon should own a Packard piano
If yon would secure a beautiful tone
of moat enduring quality.
A Hue Instrument bespeaks elo
quenty the musical feeling the artia
tio appreciation of the family and
lends a oortain distinction to its sur
roundings, however aimple.
Although there are varying gradea
of pianos built with regard to
different tastes, there is but one grade
that iuteresta people who seek an
artistic instrument. The Packard be
longs to thil grade; its tone la rich,
brilliant, sympathetic and Imagina
tive. It is an instrument In which
the finest materials and infinite skill
iu manufacturing unite to make its
tone unalterable with time.
While sharing every refinement of
modern construction employed by
other makers of the best class of In
struments, Packard pianos possess
many distinctive features.
One of the finest samples of Packard
Instruments Is displayed at our branch
store in I O. O. F. Blk. and we in
vite the discriminating public to call
there and see it.
Allen & Oilbert-Kamaker Co.
Almost three quarters of a century
have passed since William Kuabe L
brought to bear bis genius on the art
of piano making. The Kuabe has set
the pace in all things that go toward
making the perfect plana From
1&J7 when the lath century piauo waa
but in ita infancy, the Kuabe piauo
liaa gone forward, sacrificing mere
commercialism to artistio endeavor
and excellence not content with do
ing well, but intent on doing things
beat. The position which the Kuabe
piano occupies in the beginning of the
20th century shows that these efforts
toward continual betterment have met
with deserved success
They were the best pianoa in the
world m yeara ago. They are the best
in the world today. They cost much
more than other pianos, but worth It.
Allen & Uilbert-Kjuiakor Co., of
Portland, Ore., sell the Kuabe iu
Under the leveling process of com
petition, no piauo can commend a
higher standing or price than its
merit deserves. The great musical
public is quick to detect uerit, and to
support merit in a manner couimeu
aurate with the interests involved.
Philanthrophy should not enter into
a piauo consideration. Ilie high Voae
Prestige la the logical result of skill,
genius and capital, controlled and
advanced by an eiperience covering a
period of 60 years. You judge a
piano by ita tone. The toue ia tbe
uuerring Index that tells what la back
of it Mot how it looks but how it
sounds should be the standard of
piano Judgment.
Voae & Houa pianoa are sold in
Oregon only by Alien & Ollbert
Kaniaker Co., Portland, Ore.
Manufactured by the Cable Co..
formerly Chicago Cottage Orgaa Co.
General offices and wareroonis in
Cable buildiim, Wabash avenue,
Jackson Boulevard, Chicago, III.
Two factories, Chicago and Ht.
Charles, I1L
Probably the above named firm la
the largest maker of pianos iu
Amerioi. In manufacturing ao many
instruments per year as this compauy
does (30,000) they must ncceasarily
cooflue themselves to something under
the artistio grade. Hut such an out
put backed by such unlimited capital
as they command, proves that they
must give the very beat for the money.
They can afford to and as a business
proposition, would be compelled to do
so iu order to keep output op to nor
mal aud keep their 1000 employes
workiug full time. There's no back
ward steps allowed in business.
Their line of pianos will range iu
price from (245 up. - Sold in Oregon
by Allen & Oilbert-Kamaker Co.,
Portland, Oregon.
Made by D. H. Baldwin Co., backed
by a capital of over 11,000,000. Their
new factory at Chicago completed in
11)00 was designed aud built epsecially
for piano making purposes. Every
convenience that is known in making
pianos is provided, electrio motors
run by their own dynamos, hot air
distributed to all parta of the build
ing. Mo dirt, no dampnei-a. Every
thing possible bus been provided to
assist in producing the best piano for
the least money. Hold in Oregon by
Allen & Oilbert-Kamaker Co.
Were awarded medals for superior
merit at Paris I'M) aud at London
aud buffalo aud no doubt will win
deserved notice and commendation at
Ht. Louis this year. This piauo came
into being ouly lit yeara ago and over
80,000 Ludwlg pianoa are already iu
They do not make organs. Tho
company doea busiuesa with ita fac
tory employes on a profit sharing
basis, aud is recognized as the ouly
high grade piano sold at such a rea
sonable margin above cost. Hold iu
Oregon by Allen & Uilbert-Kumakcr
Co., Portland.
Represents the best of human en
deavor lu piauo construction. It is
au art product appealing to the oult
nred musical taste. It has won tho
highest attainable place iu the esti
mation of those who have carefully
atudied it. Mot only musicians, but
all those who are ever ready to ac
knowledge marked superiority, have
reoogulxid lis superlative qualitiea
and voluntarily paid it unstinted
This result has come about because
the Everett iniitatea no other piano
but possesses many featurea entirely
ita own. Hold in Oregon by Allen &
Oilbert-Kamaker Co.
Have a new improved scale, with
full metal plate, elegant figured casea
with paneled enda, doubled veneer
inside aud oot, artistic pilasters and
trusses, paneled fronts, top aud bot
tom. All mouldings are solid. Top
f.anels are artistically carved by
land, full front swinging musio desk,
and rolling fall with continuous
hinges on top and fall board. Patent
mouse proof pedals aud guards. Tlireo
nuisous, overstrung bass, patent re
peating action, with brass hammer
butt flange, ivory keys, aud polished
ebony harks and seven aud oue-third
oc taves. Could any piano pe con
structed better? Hold iu Oregon by
Allen & Oilbret-Kuinaker.
In I. O. O. F. Block, Grants Pass. J. M. Ward, Salesman
October 27, 2 and 29.
Through the efforts of the Ureat
Korlhurn Hallway, World's Fair ex
cursion tickets will be sold on
Ootober 87th, 28th. aud IWth in addi
tion to October 8d, 4th, and 6th. For
full information apply to auy Oruat
Northern Agent
Southern Oi agon State Normal.
The Southern Oregou State Normal
School begun the year's work Wednes
day, September the 14th, with an at
tendance unprecedented in numbers
and character. It bus become the
policy of the state to maintain the
school, and new buildings with good
equipments have sprung up as if by
magic, aud the largo campus covered
with shade trees la uow alive with
busy, ambitloua happy young people
who have come from various parta of
the atate, from Washington aud from
Northern California.
The course of study la ao arranged
aa to qualify teachers for the public
schools of the atate, but music,
literature, elocution, and the lan
guages are taught, aud many )iersous
are taking advautage of the opportun
ities here offered for general culture.
The faculty is composed of eleveu
Dieu aud women, who are specialists
iu their reejiective linea of work.
The dormitory life la wholesome and
many of tho bist students live at the
campus in the commodious buildings
provided for their home. The ex
penses, lucludiug tuition, board and
lodging, may be estimated at f 1!I5 to
1 150 pur year.
Studuuts may enter at any time.
For catalogue of Information address
Y. H. Neil, Secretary of the Faculty."
1). F. Ml'LKKY, Pres.
Mtny Mothcri ol s Like Opinion.
Mis. Pilmer, of Cordova, Iowa,
asys: "Oneotniy children was sub
jet't to croup of a severe type, and
the giving of Chaiuberaliu's Cough
Uciucd) promptly, always brought
relief. Many mothers in tins neigh
borhood think the same as I do about
this remedy aud want uo other kind
for their children." For sale by all
What It Coats llaal Vmrm Prvdaots
Over Bad Head.
Tbe need of good roads was brought
out vividly by Congressman Zenor of
Indiana recently when be gave the
bouse some Interesting facta and fig
ures. Tbe coat of transportation of farm
products from farm to market place or
shipping point over wagon roads Is 1
ccuts per ton per mile.
At this rate the total annual cost of
hauling of farm products Is 11,000,000,
000. Kullruad transportation, according to
recent statistic, is one liulf cent per
ton per mile.
The aggregate receipts of all the rail
roads lust year waa f 700.000,000.
It thus appears that the farmers of
the country paid more by $300,000,000
for hauling their products over bud
roads by team than all Interests paid
for rail transportation.
Mr. Zenor estimates good ronda will
reduce the coat of transporting farm
products from farm to market from 10
to 11:4 cents per ton per mile. This
would make an aggregate saving of
Just f:l,0O0,(l per annum.
In the light of such facts the good
ronda question la not a question at nil.
It la n plain duty required by rational
public spirit.
October 27, 28 nnd 29.
Through the efforts of the Great
Northern Railway, World's Fair ex
cursion tickets will be aold on
October S7th, 2Hth, Hnd Sutit, iu ad
dition to October 3d, 4th, aud fith.
For full luforniatiou apply to any
Great Northern Agent.
Worlds Rates Extended.
World's Fair excursion tickets to
Chicago, St. Louis aud all eastern
cities will bo aold by the Great
Northern Hallway on October 2Ui,
8Mb, aud 2Mb, iu addition to October
3d, 4th aud 6th. Apply to any Great
Northern agent for rates aud full information.
The Underwood Visible Typewriter
does everything any other tyjiewriter
can do and man thtnus 11 n nilw.r writ.
ing machine will do. Ageucy at U
rroui ou, ronianu, will luiuisli oat
Ask vnnr Htnr fp Unun,
Creamery Butter made at Medford is
uuw ixi wms pur iwo-pouutl, square
loll weight
onalrurtlim sail MalnKaam v.
At the national good nmd enliven
tlon W. I.. Miklnson of Hprliigtleld.
Mass., secretary of the New York ami
Chicago llond association, told of the
experience of MnNxachusctts under
state nld laws. The road supervisor,
he said, used to be elected because lie
win a good fellow or bud a political
pull, but people luive realized that road
building nud lunlutcmimv are as much
of a trade ns anything else, ami now
trained men are In demand for such
positions, ns the other sort of super
visor Is too expensive. Mr. I licklinuii
emphnslicd this hj saying: "It Is an
actual fact that the two secrets of the
gissl loads of Kurnpe are proper mil I
atriictlou and a system of constant i
maintenance. You cannot have muni
roads without a system of continuous
repair any more than yon can aliow
your buildings, your horses, jour bur
ness. your wagons or anything else to
be constantly used without repair You
must keep up a system of constant re
Ckambtrlain'i Cough Rmdy.
No oue who la acquainted with ita
good qualitiea can be surprised at tiie
great popularity of Chamberlain's
Cough Kemedy. It not ouly cures
colds and grip effecutally and per
manently, but prevents these diaeaaes
from resulting iu pneumonia. It is
ulso a certaiu cum for croup. Whoop
ing cough is not dangerous wheu this
remedy is giveu. It contains uo
opinio or other harmful substance and
may I giveu as contldetnly to a
baby aa to an adult It ia also pleas
aut to take. When all of these facta
aro taken into consideration, it la not
surprising that people iu foreigu
lauda, aa well as at home, esteem
this remedy very highly and very few
are willing to take auy other atfer
having once used it For sale by all
A Uuaranleei Cure for I'llea.
Itching, Blind, Bleeding or Pro
truding Pi lea. Druggiata rt fund
mouey if PAZO OIX f.MKN 1' faila to
cure auy case, 110 ter of bow long
standing, iu to 14 days. First ap
plication gives ease and rest. nOc.
If your drugigst hasn't it aeud MV iu
stainiwaud it will be forwarded post
paid by Paris Medicine Co., St.
Louis.. Mo.
Cauie of Lockaw.
Lockjaw, or tetanus, is caused by a
bacillus or germ which exists plenti
fully in street dirt. It is iuactivo so
long at exposed to the air, but wheu
carried lieuimtli the skiu as iu the
wounds caused by iercussion caps or
by rusty nails, and wheu the air is
excluded, the germ is roused to ac
tivity and produces the most virulent
silsou known, 'these germs may be
destroyed aud all danger of lockjaw
avoided by applying Chamberlain's
Pain Halm freely as soon as the in
jury is received. Pain Balm is nn
atiseptio and causes cuts, bruises nil'1
like Injuries to heal without matura
tion and lu one third the time re
quired by the usual treatment It ia
for sale bv all druggists.
Cost of Bad Roads,
At a good roads convention rweuii..
Joseph II. Itrlghain, tint assistant s.v
rotary of agriculture, spoke hi favor ol
national aid from the farmers' auind
point, w hich would Im ait-iintl by edu
eating the people up 10 demanding It at
the hands of congress. Of the cost of
bad road he said: "1 regret the tax
that la Imposed upou all our elttaens by
bad roads aa the luoat onerous and Use
lee of taxes, and the way to get rid of
that tax la to tnnkt better ronds. That
will fot money, but it will pay. We
cannot afford with tbe other Improve
menta that are being made in this
country of oura to continue longer to
drag our bodies through the mulls
turbed mud we Dud at certain aeasona
of the year lu these great, rich agrlrut
tural aUUax."
give fine pictures of
Gen. MacArthur and other
army ollUvrs describe the re
cent military maneuver iu
California, each article being
profusely Illustrated with
1ml fi ones, aud colored draw
ings by Kdward Cucuel. In.
tereatlng article on Califor
nia and Oregou, how Olive
Oil I made, how Almonds are
Grown, and fine descriptions
of IMumas and Sutter, two
great California Coiinticw.
-H .ig of arllcUfs western
stori(v sketches aud verse.
You Can bnv
Sl'NsKr MAGtfclNK
at all News Stand
I kavt ksd ercailoa to ut vour
Blk Drautnt Stock and Poultry Meet
tin and am pltitfd to lay that I atver
uttd anything fur stack that vt half ai
good utlilactloa. I htartily rtcom
imnd It to all ewntrt af stock.
J. B. BELSMER. St LouU, Mo
Sick stock or poultry should not
eat cheap stock f.ssl any more than
sick person, ihouM expect to be
curd hv food. hen your stock
ami poultry are sick give them med
icine. I 'on t atutf them with worth
It's, stock foods. I'nhmd the bowel,
and elir up the torpid liver and the
animal will I cured, if it be possi
ble to cure it. Hlvk Praught Stock
and Poultry Medicine unUiada Uia
bowel, and stir, up the torpid liver.
It Cure every malady of stock if
taken in time. Secure a iS-cent ran
of lllac-k-lraught Stock and Poultry
alfdirins and it will pay for itself ten
tunc over. Hone, work batter. Cow,
give more milk. Hogs gain flesh.
And hen, lay more eggs. It aolvea the
problem of making aa much blood,
Aesh and energy aa Kossibla aut of
the auialleit amount of food con
aamed. Huy a can from your dealer.
v The MmiVrn ImmikhIv for Womt'ii 2
k th orM of J!
K "u.", Leucorrhoca j
( Ai7 f?-
...V I -.- " ar
In the six dny bicycle races the
tells terribly at the end. J.Iiii :i.tcr
man fails out e:;haus ed. The vicior
vaU k-s wemily over the line. In tl.e
busiue's race it's the same.- Man iiftrr
man drommil exhausted. The success
ful man is oittn a dyspeptic, una! lc to
enjoy success. When the stouiacn is
diseased there is not enoiiRh
assimilated to sustain the Ixxly aud re
pair the daily waste of tissues. The
result is weakness, teiunng lo couarse
Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery
cures diseases of the stomach and other
organs of digestion and nutrition. Jt
enables the Tjcrfect assimilation of food
by which the Ixxly is. built up with
sound, healthy llcsli.
"I hsv 1nl:en one bottle of Doctor Pierce
Cnlilea Medical Uipovtry for Inritf-ti'-ti si d
liver complaint." writi-n Mr. C. M. Wil"ti o:
Yailkiu ColltKe- luvid-on Co., N f. "Hiv.
had no tv'l aills bitice I cv.miueiit.eil t..k'i:k
your medicine in fact, htive not f.-il liV t!-..
same msn. luforc 1 look the "l.otdin M(!?.: '.
liiwovery' 1 cuuld not cut allthiitK wit!."-. I
awful distress. I.ut now I cm cat anylhiin: 1
wish without haviiiK iiiiptiaint fie'iili1-. 1..'. 1
summer otir haby was Pethiuc p.nd waa vo pi.ot
he was slmot a kilrton. We gave lii'a voui
'Goid.n Medical liivrery' and now ltv I
healthy and tvv-ll aw any ,-hitd. I will ) t.i a
good word for your medicine whenever I h
an opportunity."
Vr. Pierce's Pelleui cure sick heatlaciie.
Farm Tor Sale
KiO acres, 60 acres of fine snb-inl
gated bottom land under fence aud
cultivation, a million feet of fine tim
ber, hundreds of cords of hard wood,
near towu and all down grade on flue
road. Uotd two-stcry dwelling with
L. Well of splendid water at the
door. Fine big barn and out build-
iugs. Lots of frnit aud berries of all
kinds. County road and daily mail at
the door. A splendid place for health
and a pleasant home. Address Box 117,
Woodrille, Ore.
Sound Arsramruta Tbnt Warrant Ex
pendltarea on Our lloacls Convlut
Labor In fllahmny ilnlldlna A
County' Wise Investment,
It Is customary when tliHcusslng the
question of good roads In a country to
(chute the mutter chiefly from the
viewpoint of material advuntngea, con
siderations, of pleasure being ruled out,
ays a writer iu the Sunny South.
lint stop nnd reflect. In the connec
tion slight between this mutter of the
country's highways and the other mut
ter of high import flint is, the recrea
tion of the men and women who make
S country's weulth? No. It la Intimate
ly close, as one can see nt a glance.
The queetlon of excursions awheel, on
horse, by carriage or wagon, with cam-
l.tev AoaST, WairiD)
Send lor llooklrl. f SS Jew, Cal.
The Go Ahead Farmer Since this new
road waa built I ran haul a load of (.000
pounds to market and make two trips In
the time it took me to make one on the
old mud road. Then, too, I can haul in
wet weather, when I ran't plow.
His Horses It la Just play to haul thla
load on the new road. Hee how fat we
era, sketchbook, gun or rod, is deter
mined by the rondltlou of the public
ronda. And no one denies today that
the consideration of recreation, espe
cially of those wholesome outings
which fine roods promote nnd bring
within the reach of men of moderate
means, la among the most Important
nay, most vitul-to the general welfare.
Vet, again, leaving the question of
mere recreation, lis we leave that of
mere commercial gain, we mill meet
countless sound nrgumciita that war
rant expenditures on our highways.
There is the mutter of rural mnll de
livery, which nfTcots In Ita turn not
only the contentment, but the Intelli
gence, of agricultural populations.
(Julto as Intimately related and yet
more vital la tho matter of country
schools, whoso upbuilding and growth
must depend upon their accessibility lo
pupils lu sulllclciit numbers. Commcr
clul ends lose their slgnlllcnnce for tho
moment when these two points are un
der consideration.
Hellectlng upon the considerations
enumerated, as well as upon others
presenting themselves, one is readily
convinced that the good roads move
ment, as It has now come to be called,
cannot too speedily or too vigorously
sweep across the entire country. Hut
most especially should every corner of
the agricultural south nud west be
ready to welcome and promote It.
A notable measure lu connection with
this revolution Is the utilization of con
vict labor upon road building and Im
provement In fact, the confining of
that labor entirely to such public w orks.
Thla experiment Is being tried Just
now with county convicts in various
sections of several southern states, and
excellent results ore shown when" the
measure is carried out with due Intel
ligence and care, the supervisors of
such labor lielng chosen for their prac
tical acquaintance with the scientific
principles of road working and uuik
The county of Kultou, In tho state of
treorgla, may be tnkeu fairly to repre
sent the receut progress made In road
building In the south, with the 11tllir.11
tlon of convict labor iu a way that
diHH not oouipvte with private effort
and yet keeps the convicts in robust
physical condition, it t wholesome occu
pation, where they can somewhat serve
the commonwealth and be least bur
densome to it.
Half a doxen years ago there was not
a Ove mile stretch of really good road
In this county, for It lies lu a broken
and billy region. Today you enn take
the driveways radiating from the capi
tal city In every direction and follow
any of them five, ten and even rlftivn
mile beyond municipal limits, bow ling
pleasantly along over comparatively
level chert ronds, where all heavy
grade have been cut down and de
pression filled, thus rendering the
driving tbnt waa lately dangerous now
safe and exhilarating.
While the cost of constructing Kul
ton'a new highways has been immense.
It I compensated for lu the Increased
volume of taxable value on proiwrty
touched by these road. Pleasant drive
ways from the handsome country man
sions now springing up In great nuui
br from a doaen to twenty miles out
of the city connect with the main
roads or lead to little way station on
the local rallroa.1 and trolley linea
that multiply as the fine and perma
nent country highways create an In
arewslng demand for such accenaorlea.
Can a better lnvetment of county
fund be snggewted than Fulton and
ether counties pursuing a similar plan
I bare made In the past five year
United Slates l-and Ofliee.
Rotburg, Oregon. Spt, 12, 11104.
Notice is hereby eiven tint the fol
low ing-nained settler has Bled notice ol
his intention to mate final ptoo:
n support of his claim, and that
aid pioof will be made before John
M nor iiooili, U. . Commissioner, at hir
ollice ai Hiatus l'aB,Ore(on, on Novem
ber 1. 19)4, viz:.
on hii 11 E. No. !i5o;i, for Ihe Elij
SVV'j-. SWJ4' SE"i, SE,!4 NWI-4, Sec 3J,
T. 40 8., K 8 W.
lie names the following witnesses to
prove his coniiuuoua residence upon and
cultivation ol said land, viz:
Allen Ira UewioliK of Waldo, Ore.;
Oliver J. Waldo, Ore.; John
O'lltien, of Waulo, Ore. ; Frank Stair
wait, oi Waldo, Ore.
J. T. Hmidukh. Register.
World' Fair Excurelon
The Denver & Rio Grande, in con-
npction with the Missouri Pnciflc.will
run a series of Personally Conducted
Excursions to the World's fair during
June. These excursions will run
ihrnnsh to St. Louis without change
of cars, making short stops at princi-
pnl pomts en route. me nrsi oi
these excuisons wiil leave Portland
Juue 7th, and the second June 17th.
The rate from Grants Pass will be
T7.50 to St. Louis and return. Ex-
curHionists going via uie ueuver o
Kio Grande have the privilege of re-
. : 1 luvanf mnta ThlH IB
luruiufl ill a iii ...... ii . ' - --
.1. . .. t .......... . ... i n u (cell aa fim
IOC llHI-1 Jill Il-lllll nnji " " - - "
most delightfnl route, to cross the
..n.inanl T l A BtnTlS ArrAII!7cd CiVO
an opportunity f visiting the varions
points ol interest in ouci aooni nia
r 1 1 .. . .. .1 L'snnuH Pitv
ImIKT, 11 II 111 aim --""" " J '
If you wish to accompany ouo of
. 1 . , rt .-i naia kt ei to af nnpo tft W
C. McBride, 124 Third street, Port-
laud, tor sleeping car reservations.
The Beit Doctor.
Rev. B. C. Horton. Sulphur Springs
Texas writes July lllth IH'J'J: "I have
used in my family Ballard's Suow
Liniment and Horoliounti nyiup nun
they have certainly proved i-atiefact-ory.
The liniment is the best we
have ever used for headache aud pains.
The cough syrup has been our rinctoi
for the lust eight years." 25c, 50c,
l.00 at Model Drug Store.
Mining Scientific Press
Deputy Clerk .
Deputy Sheriff.
School Hupt
J. 0. Booth
i J . T. Logan
HJ. r. Lovelaet
S. F. Cheshire
T. P. Judson
Geo. W Lewis
Ernest Lister
J. T. Taylor
....Lincoln Savage
W. II. Fallin
..B O. XlcCullocli
...W. H. Flanagan
Mayor H. L. Ollkev
Auditor and i'olice Judge C. E. May bee
irea-turer 1.01. W.Joliuson
City Attorney II. 1). Norton
Marshal (Jeo. Finch
Street Supt John Patrick
Louncilinen ev. M. Mair, It. J. liaclier
J. L. Calvert, T. W Wilhains, W. C.
Smith, J. A. ltehkopf, 11. C. Per
kins. James Trimble.
Grants Pass Lodire A. F. & A. M.. No. M
reuular comuiiiliication lirst and third
Saturdays. Visiting lirotliers cordially
iiivucu. ii, n . iviuus VV.Al.
A J. Pike, Sec'y.
Ufival An. I, f..u.,nD. -IVau...n ,t . u
..V(,... ...... Mv-,ii.--,irnuira v uuiit:r iu.
W meets second and fourth Wednesday
.UUSOIIIC Uail. 11. Li. oobzikn.
J. E. I'KTxasoa, Secy. H.
Knights Templar Meiita Cointnamierv
No. 8, meets, second Friday of tach
AJ until m Masonic Temple
W. II. 11 am axon, Em. Com.
Oso. II. Calhoun, Kec.
Eastern Star Josephine Chapter. No. 20
nieeis iirsi aim tniru Weilnesdav
evenings of each mouth in Masonic
nan. .Mabv L. Cox, W. M
.nits ii, .)i,, oec y.
I. 0. O. F., --Golden Utile l.odge No. 78
meets every Saturday night at I. O. O,
r.tian. F. 11. SciiaiuT,
T. Y. Dkan. Secy. S. O.
v isiuiig iiroiners invited.
1'aran Kncaintinient I. O. O. F. No.
meets second and fourth Thursday at
I.O. t. F. hall, Fkeu Sc iimiiit,
T. I. PitAB, Sec y. C. P,
Reliekahs Etna Rehekah. No. 4!i. meet
sei-ond aud fourth Mondav, I. O. O. F
hall. Klsik Uhken, N.O.
M. Jenki Davis. Secy.
- i ever. j
u. . writ, xvacogodohe. k
says Ins daughter had chill, .p; i
for tliree years; he could not j
thing that would help her HI ill '? t
Herbiue. His wife will L '
house without it, and cannot . ' '
niuch lor it, 50c at Model"
The largest sum ever paid lor.
scrintion. cbanued Immli i.. u.
oieco, Autf. 30, 1901. The tr(l!'W'
volved in coin and stock $1 12 500 Qi
was paid by a party of business m,
aspecinctor cc right's Dieatei.d ,
betes, hitherto incurable iliroasti
They com nienced die serious i'Lr .
gat ion of the specific Nov. 15 "J"
l liey tnlerviewed n-oree of the 'p. j
and Hied it out on ii Mmh. 1.. . !"
over three dozen cases on the 1 r.-."1
and watching thein. Thev stleogoi
sicians to name chronic, incuiablecili'
aud administered it with ti e mIhski,
forjudges. Up to Au,:. 25,7pe'rM
o( the leal cases were eni.u. 1
prcgrtssing favorably. 01
lliere tietlig nut tiilrteen perreBtli
ilnres. Ihe Haiti, s were u!,.c...i' .
closed the transaction. The piocetijt!
of the investiiratitiir cnminiiiu -j
1 1- - "...vwBijy
clinical reports of the te6t raws.J!
tiuuiiuucu nn, uk mailed trepr.
application. Address John J. Fum
roMPASV,420 Montgomery SI.SanFuv
cisco, Cal.
rr 1 c ii rr h
Daylight trip across the Cascade
and Itocky. Mountain.
For tickets, rates, folders and full infor
mation, call on or address
132 Third Street, fontanel
ill 2 First Avenue Seattle, Wash,
We give expedited service en finiuht
K'HUe your Fliipments via Great North
ern. Full itifnrinatiou from
Wu. H.AiuiKH, General Auent,
Portland, Oregon.
Originul nnd only genuine
Fkknch Tansy Wai-khk fur
Nile by leading druggists,
per box. Hafo and reliable.
Accept no substitute.
Skoit Line -
AND Union Pacific
Three Trains to the East Daily
Through rulJman standard and tourist
Klt'epin ncars daily to Omaha, rhk'ujro.. Spo
kane; tourist slucpinH curs daily tu Kaiu
( ity ; through I'ullniau tourit sleeping
cars (jicrsoiiiilly conducted) weekly to i ti
cK". KaiifdM City; reclining chair cars
(Beat free) tu the Kat daily.
No change of cars.
3 'VilMtBS
1 i""-tosa&d
Bt.j." J1f fi.a
Copyrights &c.
Anynnc ponding m nkoteli mid dcnorijillo"! ihhj
qulrklf ascertain our opinion frvc wlo' an
InTHiitlnn tu probnlily ptuentHhlo. f'innni;ii,tv
tuniiitrlctlyroiirjJenlinl. HanrtNHib on l'htiitr
ent frfa. (.ildont aumicy for scfurmc paii'
l'atantri taktm ttirtriiu-h Muttn h Co, ru;.-elro
tptfUti nolict, wltliotit ctmrgo. tu tti
Scientific American.
A tiandftrtmft' tllnntrntrvl wwklT. Turcpst rlr.
culatlon of any uncut nif 1tinuil. 'ivcm, ft a
ytnr: four moittia, $1. HoM lj nil newji.i.-iiler'i.
Bmnrh omiw. its V Kt.. Wntil"v .. It ('
Dkpakt Time 8 hkih-le8 Akhive
Knit I Kriini l' inland i fkiim
Clik-iiffii Salt Lako, Denver, Kti
I'ortlund j Worth, Oiuulia, .r):i" p. in.
Special I Kansas City, St.l
9:1") it. ni.j Iiouis, Chicago and.
via Hunt j Kxst.
Kx press
8:1.1 p. in.
via liunt
Ht. Paul"
l"ast Mail
8) a. m.
Suit Luke, Denver-
Ft. Worth, Oinalia!
Kunsurt City, St' 7:l."ia.m.
Louis, . Cuicniro!
nnd Ktist.
Walla Wuilu, Lewis
ton, Spokane, Will
luce. Pullman, Min !
ncniwiUs. St. Paul.!
Duluth, Milwaukee.
ClilciiHO nnd KustJ
Ocean and ltiver Schedule.
For San Francisco F.very live dayn at II
p. in. Fur Astoria, way points ami Nurih
lleach Iiaily (except Sunday) at K p. iu.;
Saturday al 10 p. ni. Daily sVrvice (water
c r 1 1 i 1 1 i 1 1 k ) on Willanielte and Yauilnli
For further inrunuation ask or write yuur
nearest ticket aent, or
Oeneral i'assenirer Axent,
The Oreuon Kailroad Jt Navigatiuii to.
l'ortlaud, Oregon.
t'niletl Artisans (irant.s Pass Assembly
No. 4ti, meets alternate Tuesdavs in
A.O. I'.W. nail. A. K. VonaniFs,
J. H. I'Aimoi k. Secy. Master Artisan.
Woudnien of the World Hogue Kiver
I amp No. nieetn second and fourth
I rntuts at Woodman Hall.
ieo. 11. Slover. C. ('.
t!. K. Mayiiek, Clerk.
Women of Woodcraft Atalea Circle, No.
Is:;, meets first and third Mumlays at
WiMMlmeu hall. Mrs. M. K. litnny,
Mrs. lone Frier, Clerk. t, N.
Modern Woodmen of America (Irants 1'asn
t amp No. mor meets Jmi ami ith Wednes
day livening at Woodmen hall at 7: JO.
Ike .M. Davis. V. C.
W. T. Couider, Clerk.
Foresters of America Court Josephine
No. I's, meets each Wednesday except
the lirst, al A. t). U. W. hall.
F. (i. Mricker. F. S. F. Fetsch, C.K.
Insephine Liaise, No. H , A. O. II. W.
meets in A.O. I. W. hall, Dixon build
ing every Momlav evening,
F. W. lit iK.Kuiii, M. W.
U A. STAKAKn, Keconler.
Haw llmrne I.udge, No, 21, 1). of 11., A. O.
I'.W. iimels every alternate Tuextav 1
evening in A. O F. W. hall. Dixon
Imildinii. Man. A. .McCahtiiy.C of II.
Mas. 1.VD1A Das, Keconler.
Uojal NeiKhlxirs of America Fdr.h C.
.-iipe ( amp No. :V!i. meets Isl and 3rd
Fridays al A. O. I'. W. hall
IIoe (iravlin, Oracle.
Henrietta oiler, Hecorder.
Order of Pernio White llwk Count il No.
Pi, meets in W.Halmen Hall r-aturdav
nights. tixo. A llvnr. Counselor.'
M-aci's, W. ItnHHiNs, f-ccretarv.
Itwl Men rahktlma Wigtsum No. Ill
I, O. K. M. It M. Khkhlk, S-ochem!
t). A. TnnA8, Chief ol HeitirJs.
Knights of ttie Maccabees tlrants I'a-s
Tent, No. t;t meets lirst and tl.ird
Tliursdayn at Woodiiieu hall.
Win. Aided, r'. A. ,Momn,
litvoril Kee)er. C-Jiuniander.
Ladies of the Mat-canes (Irants Pas,
Hire No 1 holds regular "liaviews"
lirsland llurd Thurmtava at A. O. I'.
V. hall Visiinig M-ler-i cordially
invited. Mrs. Deli Hale, 1,. C.
Mary ."ininionsJtertird Kreiier.
I'nited Hr.illierlio.wJ of t'arprntrra and
Joiners of America l llion No. Ills
meets second and fourth Fhdava of
each month ai A.O. V, W. 1111."
tt. D Cole. It. See. J. P. (ilner. Pres.
D. A. Fitzgerald, K. Sei-'y,
Knights of Pythias Thermopylae No. Ml,
meets each Tue-dav nu-lil T Sn W. O.
W. 1111. M.'T. I tlev, C. C.
T" Wii.liavs. K. of K. and S.
Jrtid Army of Ihe Kepublic (xu. Logan
Post No. l, merlaliritWe.lnrs.lAV at
A. O. F. W. hall. Join f atki.
J. K. I't riasos, Adjt. Com
Wcman's Kelief t'or- -drnrral Ijman No.
i-. meets id n.l tth .turdT 2 p.
in at A. O I'. W. hall.
Mrs. Knse W riorum. Pre.
Mr. T It. Cornell, kmt.
Tho first Jay of Doeoniber. It is now at its very
best. And there is no better time to traval than
now. So bo ready for the trip.
From other points, rates proportionately low.
. :t, .1 orfi, ret ui-nliijj within 1Mtln h
You will have your choice of the finest Secnie
Routes in the World, if you use the Burlington,
Let mo tell you about them.
A. C. SHELDON, Otvtral Agrnl,
luo Third Street,
'i''ai iiilii ii"
u G G N"ur' ' Art 0"ry'0' th Rocki' ' '"ii0"
w ,tttKUon, m s, louil Thji cin only duM ky
joiaj or rtturain, VU th "SCENIC LINE OF THE VtORlD'
N EQUALLED DINING CAR c r o w i r- c-
Writ, lo, Ulu,tr.Ud boekkt .1 Color!.', Ummm .?M, d
W.C.3ICIIUI1M-:, (;ener..l AKe,.t
124 Third Street .
Sevan MQBoa
TTo P.IirP a Pnlrl in Aha T.
woAau v M aji umu quinine Tablets. JS ft ,
rankixhHatiaaxthv Thb signature. v& VrCTr,
Cures CHb
b Two Days,