Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927, October 13, 1904, Page 2, Image 2

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Fubllahed Every Thursday.
Subscription Rates 1
One Year, in advance,
dix Months,
Tbres Month,
Klngle Copies,
Advertising Racaa
Furnished on application at the office, or
by mail.
Obituaries ami renolulion of con
dolence will be charged for al 6c per line;
card of thanks 50c.
A. E. VOOKHIK8, Pbopr.
Entered at the poit oltlce at Grant .
Oregon, aa cona-claa mail matter.
In a mining note iu Toemlay'e Tele
gram, the Greenback mine is de
scribed as being in Douglas county.
TbA Greenback belongs to Josephine
as do also three-fourths of the other
good minoi and pronpoct of Southern
The presidential campaign is so
qoiet in Oregon that it is hard to
realize that a presidential election is
to be hold in less than foot week.
Oregon is so hopolealy republican
that neither party deems it worth
' while (o spend good campaign money
in sending political spellbinders to
this state.
Oar citizen mast not furgot the
coming city eleotion and moat further
recollect the noeeuity of registering
daring the present month. Though
city politics are quiet now, there is
a possibility that there may be an
awakoning nearer election time. Few
TOtcrs have yet registered and pioba
bly many rotors will neglect this
duty to their Inter sorrow and rela
tion. Tom Watson, the presidential nomi
nee of the populists, is bosy making
speeches. He is not merciful in hi
arraignment of either of the old par
ties and JndKe Parkor is to him
favorite object of attack. Thi mani
fest partiality on the part of Watson
has caused him to be accused of being
in the pay of the republican. Wat
son strenuously denies auy such posi
tion on Ills part
Late war news Indicate that Knro
patkln'i army has assumed the ag
groaiive and seems to have been sno
cesaful iu the first movements. The
Japanese have made a sllgli retro
grade movement, probably for
strateglo reasons. The opinion is
quite widoly hold that the czar has
peremptorily ordortd Kuropatkin to
retake Liao Yang. A dooltive battle
will probably occur immediately.
Will Probably Put in a Smelter
Later On.
John F. Wickham, mauagor of the
Almeda mine, Iu the Galioe district,
Is iu the oity for a few days on busi
no in connection with the develop-
..,.,.. i . .. . . ii. -.
everything moving along nicely, aud
says that prosiiects are becoming more
encouraging with every luch of work
on the tunnel. The company has
about l00 feot of tunnels so far, and
a force of men ia atvadily employed
blocking ont oro.
"We are building roads aud block
lug out ore," said Mr. Vbkliain this
morning, "aud we feel highly en
couraged over recent find that give
groat proiulu). We are figuring ou
puttiug iu a smelter Iu the near
future, but iu the meautlme develop
ment work will go ou. Right here I
might say that it is coalmen mis
take among mining pooplo to start
with wlyt machinery they should
have last, and so find thouiiulves In
a bole before able to get on their feet.
To put in cruahers aud smelturs be
fore enough development has been
done to eetabllah to auy degree of
certainty the worth of the property
is a pieco of work uot uuoouiuiou iu
this atato. Thia ia a bad feature, for
it does uot prove aatlxfactory to the
"For instance, we hear of a fellow
having lost iu mining, luveatigate
aud yoo will learu that this man put
his money into some proapcot hole
that waa uever tested by meu of ei
poriouoo, aud that the mouey intend
ed fur duvelopmeut work had been
put iuto o Selena macliiinery, causing
the whole thing to fall through when
the draiu ou the truaiury became too
"Oregon is uot a free-milling state,
for tho greater amouut of gold is to
bo fouuo) iu the bane."
Little rain ha fallen iu the Gallce
dlitriot, so far, Mr. Wickham report,
but aa a rule operation ou the placer
do uot commence uutll the latter rl
of October. Telegram.
Santa Fe People Building.
The San Kraucisco & Northweateru
road, the name under which the
Satita Fo ieoplc are building a line
betwecu San Franeicao aud Kureka,
will have iu a few daya, M ml lei ol
road in operation aouth from Kureka.
Juit ninth of the towu of Scotia,
Huuihnoldt county, a tunnel 1300 feel
long hit been bored and a large grad
ing force is uow at work on the road
bed south of the tunnel.
It snoms to be the plan of the Santa
Fo people to build southward aud
bore a dozeu or more tunnels In the
heavy uiouutaiu country of Humboldt
aud Mrmlooiuo counties before itart
iug work northward for some xilnt ou
the liay of San Kraucisco. The pro
posed lino is to be practically StKi
miles iu length and it is estimated
the coat will be iu the neighborhood
of (13,000,000, It a.iears mat it is
the plau or the Simla Fe to parallel
the California A Northwestern road
most of its length between Willrt
and Tlburon.
Wiht the Sauta Fe building along
the coaat from Sau Franciaoo to
Eureka or withlu 100 miles of the
Oregon Hue it begiua to look like the
dream of a coaatwiae road to Port
laud ia about to be realised. With
two electrlo lines tappiug a coast
road at Coos Hay aud Florence, West
era Oregon r-liould develop rapidly in
the neat few year.
Strictly up-to-date
Extra well Fitting and well Made
For a. Cavalry Post Sit In
Southern Oregon.
Major O. A Gillette of San Fran
oinco was in Medford for a couple of
days hut week for an Investigation
with regard to the establishment of
an army cavalry poit in Jackaon
county. The officer is looking about,
so It is understood, with instructona
from General MacArthur to find the
moat suitable place for the establish
ment of anch a post. He was driven
over the valley by Captain Gordon
Voorhies, one of the big oroliardiit
and every site suitable was ahown to
The government will require four
sections of land upon which to erect
building! and for maneuver ground.
There ia a great area of level laud on
all sides of Medford, and it Is not
improbable that a suitable site will
be found. It is understood, not
officially, however, that Eugene and
Portlaud are the only other loralitiea
which can posaibly be entertained in
competition for the location of the
It is stated that Major Gillette will
be in Roaeburg In a few days to look
over the country tributary, to m
what it offer as a suitable tract for
the proposed cavalry post site.
Congressman Hermann is also just
in reoeipt of the official report of
General MaoArthur In which he
recommends the establishment of such
a post in Weatern Oregon.
We waut mothers who have boys to clothe to know all
about the preparations we have made for the little men for the
Fall and Winter seasons. We have everything for the boy
who wants things like pa's, and for the little fellow who has
just stepped Out of dresses. Suits, Shoes, Hats, Caps, Shirts,
Sweaters, Hose, Ties, Suspenders, etc , etc. We make a spe
cialty of clothing for boys of all ages, and
Very few stores are able to show a better variety of boys'
wearables than can be seen here. Our prices always please,
for they are never extravagant or unreasonable. It's seldom,
if ever, that a mother brings her boy here and does not find
exactly what she wauts, at the price she wishes to pay.
VVilderville llama.
Mra. Liudsay is ou tho sick list
Leo Sams is buildiug a house near
Chauey creek.
J. M. Hocking made a business
trip to Ursula Pasa Tuesday of this
J. W. McColluiu is hauling lumber
for a uew house to be built ucst sum
mer or fall.
These rains seem to have stopped
the lumber hauling from the mills for
a few days.
Forgot to mentiou last woek of
there being an apple cuttiug at K.
M. Krbluaou's.
Mr. Verdiu, while iu towu fell
from a bridge on Gilbert creek and
broke his leg betwecu tho kuee and
Adda Cart ia teat iug dowu the
house ou Cheuey creek ktiowu aa the
the Cart house and ia goiug to move
it up on Slate creek.
W. Huberts' children are having the
whooping cough. The baby, aeveu
weeks eld is very sick aud hardly ex
pected to recover.
What nice showers we are having,
li it'll fouud some pick iug apples aud
others at various kiuda of work, get
ting ready for winter, which will
soou be hern.
Mr. Armstrong's sister who has
been visiting them has returned to
her home. Zauoni.
Has Stood ihe Teat or ild Year
The old, origiual GKOVK'S Taste-
leaa Chill Toulc. You know what
you are taking. It is iron aud uuln-
iue iu a tasteless foitu. No cure, no
Burdeite Organ (or Sate.
A flue Ilurdelle organ, walnut case.
high top aud mirror, f r sale at a bar
gaiu, on time. Mrs. Lura H. Grout.
1221 South Fifth street.
A U. Bannard Vndertakfr.
W. E. DEAN & CO.
Therefore a Yonng Msvn Takes
Strychnine swnd Diee.
A sad affair took place at the Plow
nier home
below Pine Creek hut
Sunday evening says the Lakeview
"Examiner." Oleve Plummer, a
young man aged about M year
swallowed strychnine with suicidal
intent and died from the effects of
the poison a few hours later. We are
informed that during the day (Sun
day) a number of yonug people were
out buggy riding aud the young man
was driver. In the crowd was a
young lady with whom he was infat
uated. He was deirou of having
ber ait with him on the front seat
aud ihe would not comply with hie
wihea, preferring the company of
another yonug man In the crowd
Mr. Plummer was greatly affected by
the girl's action and her attention
toward another man waa too much for
him to bear. After leaving the
crowd he atarted lor his home. On
the way he stopped at a friend's
home where he procured some strych
nine, aud after leaving the friend's
house, swallowed the poison He
went ou home and went to bed before
the poison took effect, but died
hortly afterward. Mr. Plummer was
said to be a nice young man aud wai
well liked by all who knew him
Trimble & Cook now carry a stork
of buggy and back wheels In all
grades The prices are right
Hood villa Heme.
C. Sams was Iu Grants Pasa
Mr. Witt aud Kalph went to Gold
Hill ou a visit to friends
Mr. MoUill of Medford. was visit
lug iu town for a few days.
mr. aim Mrs. Vltt returned from
Gold Hill after a pleasant visit
airs, imrtou and family a ere iu
Grants Pass Saturday on business.
Mr. Potior went to Medford Thurs
day aud relumed aud left for the
Mis K. Williams or Grauts Pas,
visited with Mis G. Stevens for a
lew days.
K. ling ley from Ashland was in
towu and left for Portlaud for a short
bnsiiiOKS trip.
Mrs. Thrasher of Grauts Pas was
iu towu ou Saturday aud made a
pleasant visit.
Kv. Tweed left to atteud the meet
ing of Presbytery which met at Kose
burgou the 11th aud Syuod iu Port
land ou the 11th.
Mow'i This T
We offer One Hundred Dollars He
ward for any case of Catarrh that
cannot be cured bv Hall's Catarrh
Cure F. J. CHKNKY Co.,
Toledo, IX
We, the undersigned, have known
K.J. Cheney for the last 13 year,
aud believe him perfectly houorable
Iu all business transaction, and
llnncialy able to carry out anv obli
gation uiacie by his firm Waldiug,
Klufau it Marvlu, Wholesale Drug
gist. Toledo, O
Hall' Catarrh Cure ia taken in
ternally, acting directly apou the
blood aud mucous surfaces of the
system. Testimonials sent free.
Price. T.V per bottle. Sold by all
Take Hall Family Pill for cou
ttpatlon. Some rare hargalu. in seonad baud
typewriter of all makes can be had
al the I nderwood Typewriter Agency,
rtA Front St . Portland.
Ask for eam-
pies of work aud price.
Casee Acted Upon in Term Just
Circuit court adjourned on Kridaj
atfer a two weeks session. The fol
lowing docket shows the busiuegt
tranweted daring the term.
Criminal Docket.
Slatd of Oregon vs James Yotmui
and Henry Williams; assault with in
tent to rob. Continued.
State of Oregon va Emmett Conger;
assault with a dangerous weapon. Ac
quitted. State of Oregon vs Andrew Grimes;
assault with a dangerous wenpnn.
State of Oregon vs Arthur Conklin ;
information for libel. Convicted aud
auenced to fine of $250. Notice of
State of Oregon vs Stephen Can
non; larceny in a store; acquitted.
State of Oregou vs John Kuapp;
assault with intent to commit r- pe.
Cni.victed anl sentenced to five J curs.
8tate or Oregon vs J F ! V..11 ;
iuformation for wounding an uuijjal
the property of auother.
Mary A Levens vs ('has H Morri
son; dismissed.
Suaau Clark vs H J Clark, divorce;
C H King vs A F Nelson ; default
and judgment for $ Iil7. 05.
J T Flyun vs J P and Margaret
Tuffs ; dismissed.
W 0 Fry va Sarah E Fry, divorce;
Anna Frost vs T J Frost, divorce;
Mildred Sruriiawk vs Chaa Spar
hawk, divorce; decree.
Civil Docket.
Weuzel Suliger;
Lizzie M Dunlap vs Robert Dunlap;
S W Smith va Nellie Smith;
divorce. Dismissed.
Laura M Nichols vs Al Nichols;
suit for divorce. Decroe.
James Lyttle v Theodrio Cameron,
eta!; suit in equity for au injunc
tion. The Curtis Publishing Co v Pacific
Piue Needle Co; action for money.
C A Trefethen vs T F Hon rke; ac
tion to recover damages Defendant
allowed until December 9, ltfOJ, to
complete pnrchaso of property.
F W Chauaao aud T Y Dean va J A
Jeuuiuga; action to recover money.
Jamea Camp vs Althonse Mining
Co, a corporation ; action to recovet
Izora McKiuuey va A M McKiuuey;
nil for divorce. Decree.
Jacob Meir va W C Long and
August Felach; action to foreclose
A lirowu va John Ketter and Hat
tie Ketter; action to rceover mouey.
C D Smith vs H O Mcintosh aud
Mvra Mcintosh ; action for money.
Verdict for plaintiff.
Ellon St Louia vs Henrv E Booth.
et al; auit in equity.
F Fetsch vs Lucy Ferren. et al :
suit in equity.
Mary Ramsey va John Lockhardt:
action for damages.
Slmmoua. Cameron and Tainan va
Deep Gravel Mining Co: action for
damagea. Referred to court reporter
to take testimouy.
M D L Crooks vs A M Daniel: suit
for injoncttcu. Referred to Ixnia Sila
by to take testimony.
James Catnn va Althonse Miniua
Co; suit in equity.
James T Logan vs Deen Oram!
Mining Co; suit for injunction. Re
ferred to court reiwrter to take tsati
mony. M Rluiueuthal & Co vs J B Auten:
actlou for mouey. Dismissed.
T E McFarlane vs T F Rnnrk
et al; foreclosure mechanics leiu. Or
der allowing additional testimouy.
Samuel 13 Pettinirill. et al. vt
L A Lewis; action for damages.
N E Emerson nTL Couaiuo. et al :
auit to quiet title.
Williams liroa Door & Lumber Co
va Pacitio Piue Needle Co: action
lor money. Decisiou for plaintiff aud
order of sale.
II D Norton vs William II Emerson:
actiou for mouey.
E H Pickol v Johu R Harvov. etui.
action for mouey.
S N Avers, et al, vs O O Lutid : auit
to quiet title.
Estate of W F Kremer an insolvent
debtor; J O iiootli, assignee.
J F Wiaerarver v Jacob Klippel;
uit to quiet title.
H II McClung vs Lnoy Rader:
action for mouey.
II C ilobsien aud R Thomas vs
Alice II Culver, et al; suit in equity.
Jo Mo vs James C Every, et al;
uit to quiet title.
Tallulah Turner v Edwin W
Turner ; divorce. Decree.
Sarah E Robertson v Chas II Rob
ertaou ; divorce. IXn'reo.
Margaret Akera vs Rnfus Akers;
divorce. Decree.
Anna E Ittown vs Lawreuce Brown;
divorce. Decree.
T K Anderson, et al, vs The Qalio
Consolidated Mines Co; actlou foi
J. P. Hale holds a note against me,
dated March IS, A. D.. I 'JO I. Due
March IS, A. l. 11HW. I hereby warn
the public uot to purchase same.
Lelanri Siding
Our blacksmith ha all he cau
aud alro has a helper.
The apple crop i good iu this dis
trict, although the apple are falling
off badly.
Our school is iu Hue condition, well
represented. Our stage is doing a big
basilicas with Espy as mall coutractor
aud driver.
We have no sickness to report;
everybody is happy a marriage or s
birth occaisoually, aud sometimes a
eparalicu, o the world goes.
Tho millers are very busy fitting
up their mines for the winter. Long
.llt.'hes require plenty of work to
clean them out.
Col Ulasdell ha returned from
California, where he was called to
the bedside of hi mother, who was
very sick, but a she Is now im
proving, he was able to return and I
uow tilting op hi mine for the
We are having cloudy weather with
th appearance of rain aud ratu would
be very acceptable so the farmers
could dig potatoes, also plow for
grain. This is the direst fall for
eaveral year, although the took oil
riiqimfqq .he rUKe i. doiB weii. ot botcher. Mil D COSTS MILLIONS! Among me taie arrivals, 01 new goods at
the range i doing well. Our butcher,
Ed Light has no trouble iu finding
plenty of beef cattle.
While the bridge carpenters wen
working ou big Hade Bridge one ol
the men fell off a distance of -K
feet; it shook him up pretty badly,
aud he was taken to the hospital ai
Portlano. We have no late report!
from him.
Gordon Stout, a youth, while hand
ling a pistol, abut one o' hla finger
off We have uot heard whether it
waa careless handling of the pirdo)
or not, for all youths are considered
apt with the pistol and are not per
fectly dressed uutil they can owu huc
carry a sii shooter.
Blalock Brothers have erected a saw
mill on Grave Creek about throi
miles up the creek from Ihe Ktagi
road, which will fill a long felt wuui
aa the people needing lumber had t
haul it frcm a distance. Some uew
miues are being 0ued on Coyott
creek which promises well.
We could find room for some
uew comers if the buyers had
money to buy with. The railroad
company has some very choice piccef
of laud, but we understand they havt
pulled their land out of the market.
That keeps a part of (ho imuiirga
tiou out of this place. Theie ia Bonn
very good land iu this section ; new
laud as nature made it, but peopli
with push and energy cau make r
home aa others have done here.
Wile Awake.
Provolt Items.
Miss May Smith of Provolt is stay
ing at Williams at preteut.
B. W. Baldwin of Provolt uiudt
Grants Puss a pleasant call this week.
Miss Hazel Zumwalt of Tuleut it
visiting relatives and friends at Pro
volt this week.
Mr. Drake the hop contractor ol
Grauts Puss was at Provolt Satunla
on hop business.
Hiram Messingcr, a young catth
raiser of Provolt, was at Grunts Pas
Monday ou business.
James Coffee of Williams paascri
through Provolt Thursday nu lib
way to Gold Hill to move his sister,
Miss Ella, home.
L. W. Smith, the Provolt merchant
made a business trip to Grants Past
Wednesday uud returned Thursdu
with a load of groceries.
Richard Yining of Eastern Oregon
ia at Provolt at present aud probably
will make his home hero thia wintei
instead of at Eaateru Oregon.
Say, we have the best coouly road in
Oregou for both winter uud summer
since Jamea Ke :nedy was electee
road supervisor from Williams dis
trict. The cattle raisers of Provolt spent t
few days the past week iu the
mountains gathering up their cattle
for pasture aud some fur tho Grouts.
Pasa meat markets and county at lar-c.
There will be a dance at the public
hall at Williams creek Thanksgiving.
Dance, aupier and horse feed, t'.
All be ready when it comes. L. W.
Smith Is giving the dauce.
There is lots of sickness in the val
ley this week, both typhoid fever aud
chills, and also three cases of malaria
fever, but none arc dungerous except
Beuuie Harriett of Hridgepoiut, Ap-
The new school house at Provolt is
being paiuted this week to that it
will be dry when school starts. It
will be seated with patented scats
next week, which will be something
uew for districts No. 8 aud 30.
A party of young men iu our
vicinity left Thursday for a three
weeks huut iu the Crescent City
mountains. Their expectations are of
rinding lota of game such as bear and
deer. They have with thetu three
bear hounds, which will be used when
oue is wounded aud gets away.
The Powell's Creek Lumbering Com
paiiy oi rrovoit are husy running
their uow planer filling out bill
that were collected during the sum
mer. They have a uew grade of fir
lumber for ceiling and flooring, which
can be obtained at a reasonable price
that cau be easily paid. Atiybody
wanting lumber call and seo Mr. John
llackett, before going elsewhere ; mil!
one mile from Provolt postofllco.
The Houe of Content ion mine Id still
moving onward with good results and
a neat body of ore which ia good in
value. They have now completed "to
feet of tunnel work. They have good
faith in tluding another Eldorado be
fore they quit or leave the mountain
side. There are several uew mines in
tho Thompson creek mining district
that w ill start soou. Prom last ac
counts the Jordou & Thompson mine
aa moving along with good results,
fhey have been moving the old quart7
arrastre lecenty purchased of E. N.
Provolt, to their mine ou Thompson
creek, four mile beyond tho Apple
g;tu post office.
The Fields Bros and Thomas Carter
of Provolt who have becti iu Kasteru
Oregon for the past three mouths, re
turned home Friday. Ou their way
home they came through Foit
Klaiuuth and ou to Crater Ijite where
they sUynl for a few days and took
iu all Ihe beautiful scenery that
could bo sceii iu the aurrouding dis
trict. They came by the taliuou city
on Rogue river and stayed there
awhile and took iu the sights that
could be seen there. They report that
there is quite a number of salmon
be. i g caught, but there are 4S to .V)
there to gt them as fast as they are
aught. They also stopped at Jack-'
oiiville aud took iu the exercises that
were goiug on there, and reached Pio-1
volt for dinner among friends audi
If you wish to reduce your woid
bill, buy 4 foct lengths aud huve O.
O. Lund saw it for you at your door.
Otlre Meaaa.
Tlwre are KW miles of oiled roads iu
California. This state was the llntt to
mke use of crude petroleum oil In '
road Improvement It having thus far
hardly pa! beyond the exiMrliucn
tst ta-e elsewhere. It has hern, how
evt, a marked succeea In the west.
Enormous Sum Lost Annually
in Marketing Crops.
"The American people have reason tc.
appreciate the fact that the good roads
quextlou appears at last to be taking
on a thoroughly practical aspect, with
promise of great benefit to every per
son living in this country," said au offi
cial of the department of agriculture
to a representative of the Washington
Stur recently.
"Every foreigner coming to this coun
try is amazed on the oue baud at our
general progresnlvenens and enterprise
uud utterly disgusted on the other
baud nt our almost totul lack of good
roads nnd our almost utter want of ap
preciation of the advantages of prop
erly Improved highways. As a result
of this our deplorable roads have ut
taineU a worldwide renown, which
greatly detracts from our reputation of
being tin exceptionally enlightened und
progressive people.
"The willing submission of the Amer
ican people to the neeillesg nnd burden
some condition of our country roads Is
a remarkable circumstance. Cnrefu!
study of this matter seems to indicate
that this Is wholly due to luck of
knowledge und appreciation of the
comparative benefits of improved road
ways over hud ones nnd the ease nnd
low cost by which the beat of roads
niny be secured.
"It Is wholly Inconsistent with the
characteristic enterprise of Americans
that they should willingly submit to
the continuous and needless losses due
to hick of good roads, especi.illy when
these losses lire so great In a few years
lis to equal the cost of building the
fiiiest roads in the world throughout
the entire country. This remarkable
fact call only be accounted for ns tin
result of our ' deplorable Ignorance of
the comparative economies, comfort
and pleasures of good und had ronds.
"It Is conservatively estimated by
government ollieials tin. t we are need
lessly losing or wasting over JdOO.OOO,.
000 each year because of our bad
roads, making n mud tax of over
000. 000 for every woikitig day In tilt
year nnd an Individual lax of nearly
$9 each year for every person In this
"This estiiuale Is for the direct mon
ey loss and takes no account of the In
cldentnl disadvantages, discoui forts
nnd inconveniences of bad roads,
which would probably exceed the di
rect moneyed loss. Besides this, the
Increased values of farms reached by
good roads would n mount to un enor
mous sum. In New York and other
states tills Increase In selling values
has equaled from $-o to $100 au acre
In many cases.
"An Increase of only $8 an acre on
the estimate of (Vlo.Ono.OoO acres for
the country would amount to some
thing like $j,ooo,0(i0,u00, or more than
enough to build the best and finest
main ronds In the world about 1,000,
000 miles throughout the entire coun
try several times over, and by recently
developed methods In road building the
best roads can be built for a coat which
liould not exceed an average of $2,000
a mile. The Interest on this sum of
1. -..PU 1,000,000 nt 4 per cent would buljd
all the mainly traveled roads In the
country lu less than ten years nt a cost
of only 40 per cent of the increased
fnrin value.
"l'rom this It appears that we would
receive benefits from Improving our
main roads In the Increase of farm val
ues alone equal to two and one-half
fold, or 250 per cent of their cost.
"A direct saving of $i!00,000,000 a
year, figured at 4 per cent Interest,
would carry n cost of $1,300,000,000.
This Is over six times, or 600 per cent,
of the necessary costs of the main
ronds for the entire country. .
"If the Indirect comforts, benefits
and savings will equal the direct sav
ing wo will have another Item of $000,
OOn.isjo. This makes the total benefits
from good main roads equal to some
thing like f IO.(XW,000,000, or fifteen
times their cost. The Interest from
this sum nt 7 per cent would pay the
cost of building the finest and best
main roods In the world throughout
the entire country each and every year.
"These benefits are so enormous that
It Is difficult to rightly comprehend
them without mnklng some compari
sons. The benefits of $30,000,000,000,
for Instance, nre nearly a hundred
times the amount of the cost of the
Spanish war and certainly appear to
make this the greatest economic ques
tion Isefore this country at the present
Cures Winter Cough
.1. E. Gover 101 N. Maiu St. Ottowa
Kan writes; "Every fall it baa been
my wife's trouble to catch a severe
cold and therefore to cough all wiu-
bottle of Horehonnd Syrup. She used
it and lias heen able to sleep soundly
tor hub. i,astia)l 1 got lor her a
all night long. Wheuever the cough
trouble her, two or three doses stops
the cough, and she is able to lie up
ludwell. " 2."c. 5. 1.00 at Model
i'iuk oiore.
Will Save
1 it Miait 1
has stood the tat 25 years. Average Annual Sales over One and a Half Million
bottles. Ithu record of merit appeal to you ? No Cure, No Pay. 50c
IjwJo wU mk to a Ten Cnt acag, of Crove' Black Hool uwr Kni
Bannard's Big Furniture
and House Furnishing Store
Axminster and Velvet
Large line of new styles Portieries,
Fine Pictures, Picture Frames and
Mouldings and the whole stock is
most complete. Come and see it
you cannot afford to pass it by.
Goods Sold on the Installment Plan
Opposite Western Hotel.
Kerbv Items
J. Turner and family have returned
to Ketby.
A bui prise party was tendered to
Tom Floyd ou his lt'th birlhd.iy,
October 10th.
Many smelter people are atoi ping
iu Kerby. We assure them a hearty
The meat merchant of Kerby,
Harry Brown, is euteitaining his
mother aud sister, who are limning
a visic
The Kerby law office ia being nicely
finished within, New wall ppper aud
furnishings are giving the iuterior a
very uice appearance.
Mr. aud Mrs. Hendricks are stop
ping at the home of their brother-iu-law,
Mr. Frank Floyd. They are ex
perts in the use of gnus, aud big the
Mrs. Dr. Floyd is doing very ex
tensive business in fixing grind) rs
and'making plates to fit in Ihe mouth.
Shu oucL-rstiiud the work and extracts
teeth to perfection.
Let all Kerbyitt-s unite iu making
this pluoe desirable to all, by imurnv
iug property, by giving stimulus to
every enterprise for the betterment
of conditions generally. The pros
perity of oue helps all. Reader.
WANTED A partner in one of the
best paying stores in city for money
invested; either a one-third or two
thirds interest for sale. If you
have not at least, 100 do uot an
swer as that is whut it takes to
boy a one-third interest. Store
pays about ' a day clear mouey
now. Answer at once; no exper
ience needed. Address "D" care of
WANTED To invest ."00 to J2o00
and services In a good legitimate
business. Address II. G. , Care
SITUATION wanted by experienced
camp cook - aud baker, Ueruian,
Julius Kirsten,care of Fetsch, south
west corner Sixth aud J street.
GOOD t'ASTUKE for horses or cattle,
near towu. M. W. Wheeler.
OFFICE to rent and furniture for
sale. Inquire of J. P. TntTs.
FULL BLOOD registered Holstein bull
Address J. II. Croxtou, Grauts Pass.
FOK SALE 2000 Cedar posts. L. B.
Akers, Grants Pass.
FOK SALE Nearly new 80S Savage
Hi tie; combination rear sight,
ivory bead front sight. Price, if20,
cost :,"). Inquire K. H. Hurrison,
N. 2d street.
IMKM FOK SAI.K-two miles from Mer
lin, lim acres -aUmt 50 acres of good
bottom land, 25 acres in cultivation, small
house and barn and aHitit to acres under
fence, lis lance of land suitable for orchard
or pasture. For further particulars ad
dress W. M. Crow, Merlin, Oregon.
ranch, good prune and
dn3Tltf' U
springs on every 40 ai
orchard, small fruits in
for lrjigation. besides
range country;' two dwalliug houses, nig
ham, every thing complete; well sheltered
i 'ro1" frosts, good mining markets, une-
mlle """" ol tunnel W, price 2,.J0,
' Inquire at this othc
You Time and Money
This Fall
Come aud have a talk
with us. Lasv terms
Pass Hardware Co.
j. L. CALVERT, Secretary ind Tre..urer.
nAA.,., . f -
Grove's Tasteless Chill
Lots of Reading Matter
For 10c
The brightest story manizine In th
West is
Published in Seattle. Sixteen pHe
each month, llllcd with stories of love
and adventure, suggestions for the
hon e, etc. Intensely interesting from
cover to cover. To build up a big cir
dilation in the West Tun Tklescopi
will be sent to any address for one year
for one dime 10 cents, bend today to
Room A-l Hancock fildg, Seattle, Wash.
opp. Optra house
Successors to Slover Drug Co.
Toilet Articles,
House and Floor Paints.
W. P. Fuller
at cost
As long as they last.
Former price $175 gallon
Now 1.45
National Drug Store
J.C. Smith. M. L., Prop.
Agents for Patrick & Co. rubber