.4 JtOOUB ftlVSK COURIER, GRANTS PAS3, OREGON, SEPTEMBER 99, 1904. A Full Line of GROCERIES Incluiltntf WASHBURN -CROSBY GOLD MEDAL FLOUR Bhe The Crusader and U. S. Army SHOE Tor Men Reduced Rates lo Si. Louis Expo Hlon. Tho Southern 1'iiclflo Co. will loll round trip ticket ut greatly reduced ratoa to HU Lou la and Chicago, ac count the St. Lou in, KiKaltio'i, on the following dates: October 8, 4, 5. doing trip niust U) completed with in 10 days from datu of salo and a aeugera will bo rmiUtd to .tart 011 auy day that will enahltt them to reach destination within tho 10 day. limit. Kcturu limit IK) dnya, but not later lhau Dcceuiticr 81, 11104. For full Information an to ratoa and route, cull on Agent Southern l'e. , at Urania Pa. W. K. Coman, U. 1'. A. "Knobi o" Tennea.ee." Another large and enthusiastic audience crowded the Macrtonoogh theater taut uight aod applauded the Humphrey-Chapman Company to the echo, for tho "Knoln 0' Tenues.eo" aoouia to have naught the popular faucy, and like the proverbial good iiewa traveled very rapidly over the city. It ia evident that thia la Jut what the people, have been looking for, fur the eouitiiy and the plav ate the talk of the theater going public. And Justly no, f. r never have the good people of Oakland had auch an opportunity to pee audi ao excellent company lu auch a repcrtoir and at ucli price. The product loua are all conilete aud under the direction of Louie Ilelmour, the couiiwny do full justioo to every part. Orral Hum phrey ia all that could be deitirod in a leading man, having nil of the liecvaaary qualifications. He ia tall, handsome, with good clean-cut feature, and baa a voice that carries with It a tone of conviction. With it all he ia young and energetic and it ia not bard to foretell a bright aud brilliant future for him lu the bla troulo world. Mlaa Klau Van Uralin, tho loading woman of the organisa tion, is a very callable actreaa and poaacaaoa as well, the art of dressing and to some of the other plays will have an opportunity to display aome ery bandaome gowns which will enrva to greatly enhance her native beauty. Oaklaud (Cat ) Times. Trimble & Cook now cany a stock of buggy aud back wheels la all grades. The pricea are right. SUGAR Kinney WK are making a Great Record on Shoe Sales for the simple reason that we carry only Shoes that we can back up with a Guarantee that means business, and that aside from the (act that our prices are right for the quality, we are making lots of people happy, the first of every month, by noti fying them to call and get the money paid for shoes the month before. We must admit that this method of advertising costs a little more than printer's ink, and probably does not suit the Courier, Observer or Mining Journal as well for which we are so sorry that we will get them to print this letter to you in one is sue of this valuable sheet. But we prefer, like Roosevelt, to suit- the majority, Sud that we are doing this is proven by the large number of satisfied customers" that are buying their shoes from us. REMEMBER, the more shoes you buy of us the more you compel us to give away, as we refund the money on ALL SHOES sold in some ONE DAY in EVERY MONTH, the date being announced in the local papers the first of the month for the previous one. In four months, since we started this method, we have made forty-seven people presents of a pair, or more, of shoes, making a total of fifty-one pairs Uiat have cost the consumer nothing, in addition to hundreds of pairs that have given per fect satisfaction, or a new pair given in place of them. The number is increas ing every month, and Jyou might do worse than get in with the majority. - IF YOU WANT A GOOD SHOE AT THE RIGHT PRICE, ASK WILLARD DENISON OR OTTO DUNLAP TO HUNT UP A PAIR FOR YOU AT THE SUGAR PINE STORE. A Grand Fall Sale. Oct. 1 to Nov. 8 All Outing Flannels, including Teazle Downs and Daisy Cloths, and over four hundred yards of fleeced Wrapper and kimona goods, regular u to 18 cent twils for this sale at the one price of 10 Cent par ytvrd. In addition to this we will, from October ist to November 8th, give with every pair of Shoes or Dress Pattern, including Calico, and every sack of Flour sold, a card which entitles the holder to four guesses as to how many votes Roosevelt will receive in Oregon November 8th. The one guessing the nearest will receive a check good for $25.00 worth of any merchandise in the store. The McKinley vote in 1900 and the Republican vote in June will be printed on back of the card to guide you in your estimates. Sugar THE HIGH SCHOOL SHOE ...FOR MISSES... Emergency Mtdlclnas, It la a great convenience to have at baud reliable remedies for use tncaava of accident aud for alight injuries and ailments. A good liuiiuent and one that is fast becoming a favorite If not a houaobold nooeanlty is Chain bcrlniu'a l'aiu Halm. Ily applying It promptly to a cut, limine or burn, it allays the ialn aud oansoa the lu Jury lo heal In about oue-thlrd the time usually required aud as It is au anltaoptlc it prevents any dauger ot blood poisoning. When l'aiu Halm is kept at hand, a paiu may be treat ed before Inflammation acta in, Wnicib luaurea a quick recovery. For salo by all druggiata. Sour Stomach, When the iiunntitv of food taken la too large or the uualitr too rich, aour Btomach in likely to follow, ntid es pecially so if the digestion hal boon weakened by coin! malum. Kat slowly aud not too freely of easily di gested food. Masticate, the food j thoroughly. Ut five hours elnie ' be 1 ween meals, and when you feel a fullness and weight in the region of , the atomach after eating, take Cham berlain's Stomach mid l.iver Tablets and the aour atomacb may Ik' avoided. For aaht by all druggists. Bucalcn's Arnica Salve. Has worldwide fame for marvellous cures. It aurwHos any other salve, lotion, ointment or balm for cuts, coma, burn., boils, sorea, felons, ulcers, letter, salt rheum, fever aoioi, chapMd hand, akin eruptions ; infellahlo lor pi lea Cure guaran teed. Only as cenla at National Drug atore and Urauta 1'aa l'har macv. Notice to School Bo&rde. learning that certnlu school aupply agent., ,i order to induce school board, to purchase their goods, great lv exaggerate the nmonnt of school fundi you will get during Una aud next year, and also Inlwiuote how then funds at all be used as stated In the school laws. 1 wish to tell you to he careful of all auch agent. Investigate thoroughly In-fore pur. haj.lng bow the school funds should I used and how much von received this year. No one can tell how much you will get next year. Your Irulv, LINCOLN rUVAOK, County Kupriiuteudru U PIPE STORE & Truax. Fine Store Neglected Coldi. Kvery part of the mucona mem brane, the nose, throat, ears, head aud luugs, etc., are subjocted to disease aud blight from neglected colds. Ballard's lloreho'uud Syrup is a pleas ant aud effective remedy. 25c, 6O0, 1.00. W. Akendrlck. Valley Mills, Texas, writes: "I have used Hal lam's Honihound Syrup lor coughs aud throat troubles; it is a pleasant and moat effective remedy. " For sale by Model Drug store, How About Your Summer Vaca tion? Newport ou Yaquina Bay Is the ideal seaside resort of the North l'aoitlc Coast, itouud trip tickets at greatly reduced rates on sale from all Southern Pacific point lu Oregon, on and after June Ist Aak agents for further Information and a handsomely J illustrated souvenir booklet, or write to F.dwln Stone, Manager O. K. R. It., Albany, Ore., or W. K. Coman, I O. I'. A.. 8. P. Co, Portland. Mil Sold a Pile of Chamberlain' 1 Cough Remedy. I have sold Chamberlain's cough remedy for mere than SO years ami it has given entire satisfaction. I have sold a pile ol it aud can recommend it highly. Joseph McKlhiuey, Liu tou, Iowa. You will Dud this remedy a good friend when troubled with a cough, or cold. It always a.T.irda qnick relief and is pleaanut to take. For sale by all drugigsta. Abacus. W. It. Harrisoo, Clevelsud, Misa., writes, Aug. 15, 1U03: "I want to sny a word of praise for Ballard's Snow Liniment. I stepped on a uniL which caused the cords tu my leg lo contract and au abscess to raise in my knee, aud the doctor told me that I would have a stiff leg, so one day I went to J. . Y. Lord's drag atore. He recommended a bottle of Suow Liniment; I got a AAt aise, and it cured my leg. It is the beat lint niout in the world," AHSCKSSKS, with few exceptions, are lu Orally of constlpatkui or de bility. They may, however, result from blows or from foreign bodies. Introduced lulo the skin or ttesh. such as splinters, tliorus. eta. For sale by Model Drug Store. WE STEAM, SPONGE and SHRINK YOUR DRESS GOODS For You without extra charge. The Angeles and The Rosalind SHOE For Ladies BUCK DRAUGHT! yCOHSTIPATlOH, Constlmtion is nnthinrr more 1 than a clogging of the howela I and nothing lor than vita it air- nation or death if not relieved. If every const irated annVrr could real ire Hint be is allowing poisonous tilth to remain in In. areteni, he would soou get relief. Constipation invites all kind of contagion. Headaches, bilious ness, oolds and many other ail ments disappear whim conati patcd bowels arerrlirved. Tlied tord's Wack-Draught thoroughly cleans out the bowels in au easy and natural manner without the f .urging of calomel or other vio ent cathartics. He sure that yon set the origi nal Thedford's tlat'k-lranghl. made by The Chattanooga Medi cine Co. Sld bv all druggists in '!& cent and 1.00 packagoa. ma. irk., May ti, lt. I nasMt ra.-Mn.,l TfcrJfurS'i Hi.. tr..MI.klrhli. I rrp II I. mj km .11 IS. 11m MS kaf. Ml II fur lb Ut Us I'.ra. I a.r s l rkllar.. Uf Mkrr la.llf., I thlak I .U Mi.r a. al to awt alUVial It mn c Mi.. mairs na . r.tir.ii.a. ir SMStcIss la i I au tax ...... u . trtau.i. Fruit wrapping paper can be se cured at the Courier office. MOTHERS and DAUGHTERS try K EXICOaNA The Modern Remeiiy for Women Baticost has Curetl Mime of tti wurst cases of OVARIAN AND UTRI piSOROERS tMuvfct?. I.cnoorrluea THE REXICONA CO. I.inv AUTS WalTSUi Send fur Itookls. ( San lute), Cll. Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery CURES Weak Lungs. $3,000 FORFEIT Will tie rjaitl bv the World's Disnensan Medical Association, Proprietors, l)u- iulo, N. Y., if they cannot show the orig inal aignature of the individual voluu leering the testimonial below, and six of the writers of every testimonial among tne tnouaauoa wlncn tney are constantly publishing, thus proving their genuine ness. "When I eommracrd taking; your m ft k1 n n clshlrco Dioiitlit igo. my hclth completely broken duwn." writei, Mr.. Cora L. Sun.lerUnu. ol O.sneyville, Calvert Co., Mu. "At Itme. 1 could not even walk aeroM Die roum without pain, in my rhttit. The ituthtr who atttntttd mi laid had lyig ttoubtr, and that I wtmtd nrver be writ aqam. At lat I concluded to try jr Fierce'. -run .lies, i uuukii. ouuii o, .iu.i.ii ...vm- lc.1 Iviacoverv.' t.jok It, .nd Mjon conimeticed to feel . little belter, then you directed me to take both the '('.ol.Vn Medical Discovery' nod the 'Favorite Prescription.' which 1 did. Alto- E ether I have tsken eiyhteen bottle, of 'Golden ledical Diacoverv," twelve of the ' Favorite I're acription.' and five vial, of ' Pellet..' I am now almost entirely well, and do .11 my work with out .ny pain whatever, and can rum with more caae than 1 could formerly imi..n Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellet cleans and regulate the bowels. A Boy'i Wild Ride for Life. With family around expecting him to die, and a- sou riding for life, 18 miles, to get Dr. King' Now Dis covery for consumption, coughs and ooldn, W. H. Brown, of Leesville, Iud., endured death's agoilie from asthma; but this wonderful medicine gave iuHtant relief and soon cured him. Ho writes: "I now sleep soundly every uight." Like marvel ous cures of consumption, puenmo'iia, bronchitis, coughs, colds aud grip prove Its -matchless merit for all throat and lung troubles. Guaranteed bottles 60c and tl.OU Trial bottles free at National Drug Store and Grants Puss Pharmacy. DIRECTORY JOHEI'HINK COUNTY OFFKKK.S. Judge J. ). booth Commissioners i'T- '-oiran It. r. Lovelace Clerk H. F. Cheshire Denutv Clerk T. P. Judson Sheritl Geo. W- Lewis Detiutv Hherilt K.rnpst I. inter Treasurer j. T. Tavlor School Hupt Lincoln HavnKe Assessor W. II. Fallin Surveyor B (). McCullmh Coroner W. 11. Flanagan CITY OFMCKKM. Mayor H. L. (lilkey Auditor snd Police Judue .('. K ll,u Tressurer Col. W. Johnson City Attorney II. n. Norun marsnal Oeo. F tu b Street Supt John Patrick t'ouiicilmen V. M. Mair, H.J. Hsrh.r J, I.. Calvert, T. V Williams, W. c. Smith, J. A. Hehkopf, 11. C. Per kins. James Trimble. F'KA TERN At SOt'lETlKS. Grants Pass lxlge A. K. A A. XL, No. M, regular communication first and third Saturdays. Visiting brothers cordially lnuiln.1 U It.' ... .. 1 ......u. ,i. . ivit.UB T. At. A. J. 1'iki. Sec'y. Koyal Arch Masons--Keames Chanter Nn Wt meets second and fourth W ednesday J. K. l'sTsasuw, Secy. ....-...u,i, aii. 11. t. DOSZlgN. 11. P Knights Templar Melita Couiiuanilerv no. a, meets, second FridHc ..i .u.,f mourn in jinsoruc Temple. W. H. Hamaton, tin. Com. Uso. II. Calhoun, liec. Eastern Star Josephine Chapter, No. 3U meets first and third Wednesday evenings of each month in Masonic !:! m . ... .tiabi l,, cos, vr.ai. ji as n. .oi.LrB. Bee y I. O. O. V., Uoiden llule Lodge No. 7H, uircin avery caturuay lllgni at 1. O. U K. ball. F. 11. Schmidt, 1.1. Dvak, Secy. N, (i. v lsiiing broth. rs inviteti. I'sran Kncamnment I. (). O. K. Ni meels second and fourth Thursday at t. w. r. nan, rasu ociiMinr, T. Y. Ukas, Sec'y. c. i uenekatis r.ina itenekali, No. 411, meets second anil fourth Monday, I. U. O. F. nan. f.ijos Ukkkn, S. O .m. Jkssil havis. mh v. United Artisans drama Pass Assembly no. in, meets alternate luesdavs in A.u. u. w. nail. A. E. VooHiuaa. J. B. 1'aih.oi s. Secy. Master Artisan. WotHlmen of the World Kogtie Kiver amp Mi. (vi. meets second and fourth rridajaat nootlman ILall. ico. II. Slover, C. C. C. E. MAvnss, Clerk. Women of Woodcraft Azalea Cinle, N 2, meet, tirst ami third M. .inlays at noouinau nan. .urs. M. r.. litnny, Mrslone Frier. Clerk. I,. S Modern Woodmen of America (irants Pass t anip .-so. itou, meets Jiui anil -till Wednes day Evenings at Woodmen ball at 7 :m. Iks .V. Davis, V. C. W. T. Iloulder, Clerk. rore-Oers of Aiiierna Court Josephine No. 28, iiieet. esch WediMadty exctpl t..e iiit, a. v.. t. n . nail. F. U. siricLer. F. S. F. Fetseh, 0. K, losepbine Unlge, No. Hi, A. O. t. V. iiiihiI. in A. O. I'. W.hall, Dixon build ing every siotniav evening. F. W. Ill ouaarii, M. W H A. Stasask. Ke.Mr.ler. llawlhorns Ledge, No. 21, ). of II.. A. O. I . W. inel..very alternats Tuesdav evening in A. O I'. W . hall, liixoii buii.linii. Msa. A. Mcl Aaruv.O ol H. Mas. Lvuia Dear. Keconler. Royal NeiKhbors of Aiuenea-Kduh C. Snpe I amp No. '.SMI, ineei- Isi and artl Friilays at A. O. I'. W. hall Kose liravlin, Oracle, llenrietla Zoller. Keivrder. Order of Pernio While ltock l nun. il No. leu, ibawta ill Woodmen Hall alurday logins. tiro. A II nt. Counselor. .Ma. l. W. Koaaiaa, Nareiary Hed Men -l ahkilma Wlgaaiu So. ill I. O. K. M. II M. Kuaaua. Soeliem. O. A. I h'I'ii, Chief ot Kn-orda. knights of the Maccabees dram. !'.. lent. No. 13 meets lirsl aud third Thursdays at Woodmen hall. W in. Allreil, F. A. Mn .., liecord Keer. C'jtumaiider. Ijidies of tba MaivaiHSFs-Orams Pais Hive No la bolda regular "itevieas" first and third Tbursdaya at A. O. I'. W. ball Visiting ustrr cordially invited. Mr. Delia Hale. L. c. Mary siniiiioni. Hevurd krvwr. I'nilesl ItrolberhiMid of Carpenters and Joiner, of America I'nion No. I its meet, second and .fourth Fridays of each month at A. O. I'. W. Mall. " K. D. Cole, K. ric. J. p. l.aieeiier. Pres. 1). A. F'ttigerald, F. Sec'y. - Knight, of PythUM Thermopylae No. M, meets M.-a lueniay night , ; w . O, n . li.il. M. T. I rt . f. C. Tom W M4.U.S, k. of K and Urand Army of tba Krpublie (in. Logan Post No. Si. meet, nrst WVtnexlav at J. ir. . nan. Joh t'Atai. a . I. 'araaw,.s, Adjl. I'oru Womaa a Krtief Corps- -t.cneraJ Uigan So! , meet. 2tl an.f iih aurday. at 3 o. m at A. O l. w.hall. V rv Kow Watdoiau. Pnas. Mrs. T. B. Cornell, Secy. Fcs ful Odds Ajsintt Kim. Bedriden, alone and deetito te Such, ia brief, was the condition of au old soldier, by. name of J. J Haven,, Versailles, O. For years he was troubled with Kidney disease and neither doctors nor medicines gave him relief. At length lie tried Elec trie Bittnrs. It put him on his feet iu short order and now he testifies. "I'm on the road to oomplete recov ery." Best on earth for Liver aud Ki Inev troubles and all forms of Stomach and Bowel complaint ' Only 50c. Gurauteed by National Drag Store and Grants Pass Phar tnacy. ' Special Excursion to St. Louis October 8, 4 and S are the re the mnining dates upon which tickets will lie sold at tho reduced rates to the St, Louis Fair. These rates apply over tho Denver & Rio Grande and Mia souri Pacific. For the patrons of these roads special excursion cars will be run through from Portland to St Louis without change. See the many points of ii tcrcBt about the Mormon capital and take ride through Nature's pciture gallery. During the closing months travel to tho Fair will be very heavy. If you contemplate going write W. C. Mo Bride, general agent t Portland for the Denver & Rio Grande, for partic olars of these excursions. Farm For Sale. 1(10 acres, 60 acres of flue sub-In 1 gated bottom land under fence and cultivation, a million feet of fine tim ber, hundreds of cords of hard wood, near town aud all down grade on fine road. Good two-story dwelling with L. Well of splendid water at the door. Fine big barn and ont build ings. Lots of fruit and berries of all kinds. Comity road and daily mail at the door. A splendid place for health and a pleaHant home. Address Box 117, Woodville, Oru. When troubled with constipation try Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets. They are easy to take and produce no gripping or other nn pleasant effect. Lor sale by all drag gists. SUMMONS. In the Circuit Court of the State of Or egon, for the County of Josepliiue. Daisy Seliger, i Plaintiff, Suit vs. S for Wenzul Seliger, Divorce. Llerendant. ) To Wenzel Seliger. Defendant: In the name of the State of Oregon : Yon are hereby rennired to amiear and answer the complaint filed against you in me uuove entitled suit on or before six weeks from the date of the first publication of this summons, which i the 18th day of August, 11)04 ir yon fail to appear and answer, the plaiutitf willannly to the court for the roller demanded In the complaint namely: A decree of divorce dissolv ing and setting aside the marriage re lations existing between the plaintiff ud nelendant. This summons is published hv order oi rue iion.j.u. fiootli. Comity Judge of Josephine Couuty, Oregon, made on the 18th day of August, lDO-l. The date of the first publication is August io, in, ana me last publication Sep tember 29, 1!K)4. ROBERT GLENN SMITH, Attorney for Plaintiff. SUMMONS. lu the Circuit Court of the Stato of uregon, ror the County of Josephine. Anna Frost, 1 Plaintiff, Suit y- for Thomas J. Frost, I Divorce. Defendant. J To Thomas J. Frost, Defendant : Iu the name of the State of (Ireoni. You are hereby required to appear and auswer tne complaint tiled against you in the ahve entitled smt on or before six weeks rrom the date of the first publication of this summons, which is tne intn day ol August, IU04; if yon inn iv pieur ana snawer, cue plain tiff will apply to the conrt for the re. lief demanded in the complaint, name ly: A decree annulling aud setting asidn the marriage relations existiug between tho plaintiff and defendant, aud fnr the custody of the minor chil dren, 1m, Delia, Herbert, Merle and John Frost. This summons is nnbliihed hv nr.w of the Hou.J. O. Booth, Comity Judge of Josephine County, Oregon, made on the 18tl, day of August, 11HI4. The (Lite of the first publication is August 18th l'.HU, and the last publication Sbd. tember 2!, IU04. KOBKRT GLENN SMITH. Attoruey for Plaintiff. SUMMONS. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for the Countv of J.i.enhl,m Mildred Sparhawk, ) Plaintiff, Suit vs. V for Charles Sparhawk, Divorce. Defendant. I To Charles Snnrhawk, Defendant: In the name of the State nl drear,,, You are hereby renuired to annear and answer the complaint filed against yon in the above eutitled snit ou or be fore six weeks from the date of the first publication of this summon. which is the 18th day of August, 11K4; if yon fail to appear and auswer, the' plaintiff will apply to the conrt f,,r tho relief demanded iu the complai"t, nam ley: A decree of the conrt rlu. soslving and fetting aside the marriage relations existing between plaintiff aud defendant and for the custody of t ie mu or ennureu, Lynilen Sjiarhawk and Mildred Htwrhawk. and for .neh other relief as to the oonit may seem eriuibtble. l'his aummous is nubl.sbed hv nrrler oi toe nou. J. ii. tsootli, Couuty Judge of Josephine Couuty, Oregon, made ou the 18th day of August, 1W4. The dale of the first publication la August is, iuv4, ami the last publication. S,.n ember 2U. ISKM. ROBERT GLENN SMITH, Attorney lor Plaiutiff. 81'MMuNS. lu t e Circuit Coort of tl.e State nf lUcgon, for Josephine Count Laura M. Nichols, 1 Plaintiff, Snit vs. V for Al NU-hola, Divorce. Defendant J To Al Nichols. IVfendant: Iu the name ot the State of Oreonn You are hereby required to appear anrt answer tie complaint tiled agaiost voo in tne auove eutitled suit ou or before six weeks from the date of the H. publication of this summons, which is the 18th day of August, 14; if TOo fail to appear aud answer.the plaintiff will apply to the court for the relif emau.ied in the complaint, llama. I For a decree dissolving and setting aside the marriage relations existing IsMwevn the plaiutiff and defendant aud for the custody of the minor child Leoua Nich ls. This summons is published by order of the Hon.J. O. Booth, Couuty Judge of Josephine County, Oregon, road ou the IKtli day of August. IM04. The date of the tint publication is Angnst 18. likvt, and the last publication Sep tember 21), l4. KOBEKT GLENN SMITH. Attorney fof Plaintiff. , I World's Fair Excursion The Denver & Rio Grande, in con' nection with the Missouri Pacific, will run a series of Personally Condncted Excursions to the World's Fair during June. These excurBious vill run through to St Louis without change of cars, making short stops at princi pal points en route. The first of these excmsoiis wiil leave Portland June 7th. aud the second June litn rho rata from Grants Pass will 77 sn tn Sr. Louis and return. Ex enrsi.inists eoing via the Denver & kin firnnrln have the criviloge of re turning via a different route. This is the most pleasant way, as well as the most delightful route, to cross the continent The stops arranged give an opportunity of visiting the various noiniK of interest in and about Salt r.nk f'itv. Denver and Kansas City. If vnn wish to accompany one of these excursions write at once to W, C. McBride, 124 Third street. Port land, for sleeping car reservations. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. United States Land Office. Rosebnrg, Oregon, Sept. 12, 1004. Notice is hereby given that the fob lowing-named settler has filed notice of his intention to make nnai prooi in suDoort of bis claim, aud that .aid proof . will be made before John Minor Booth, U. S. Commissioner, at his office at (irants parB.Oregon, on Novem ber 1, 1904, viz: . JAMES FRAYNE on nil It. r io. nooa, tor me r.' SW!tf. SWi SE'i, SE.'i NWS, See 3-'J T. 40 S.. K. 8 W. He names the following witnesses to nrove bis continuous residence upon aud cultivation of said land, vis: Allen Ira Reynolds, of Waldo, Ore.; Oliver J. Adkins, of Waldo, Ore. ; John O'Brien, ol Waldo, Ore.; Frank Stair wait, ol W aldo, (Ire. J. T. Bkiouf.h, Register. ASK THE AGENT FOR TIC K 13 T iS VIA TO SPCXANE, ST. PAUL. DULUTH, MINNEAPOLIS CHICAGO, ST. LOUIS and ALL POINTS EAST AND SOUTH OVERLAND TRAINS DAILY 0 ' THE FLYER AND THE FAST MAIL ril'I.F.NDIK HKKV1CK VI-TO-I)ATE Kytll'MKNT CO L' It T KO U 8 K M I' 1 .0 Y KB Daylight trip acrnne the Cascade ana Kocky Mountains. For tickets, rates, folders sml full infor mation, call on or address H. DICKSON, c T. a. 122 Third Street, I'ortland S. Q. YEKKES, U. W. P. A. Gl2 First Avenue Seattle, Wash, We give expedited seiviceon height. Route your shipments via Great North ern. Full information from Wh. llAKPtK, General Agent, I'ortland, Oregon. '14 ou t CAny 'ZxN EXPERIENCE '.r... -' Trade Mrr3 Designs Copyrights Ac. Anrone wndlng ketch mn 1crlntloi maj lalchl wtrtin oiir npmimi frea nt'lhtr nn Inrmiilnn In pmbuMj piitmiUhtp. rnnimtt:il-n-tlnitsHrlctlrfonntlentlftl. lUmlhookim futeiit ent fre. 4)if1vt ifrnr fir ruriiitf pfili-uli. rattntn taken thmuifh Wunn tt t u, recti t fpiviui notice wtihom crutire. In tho Scientific JImcricaa. A fcAnrlsnmely HlimtnitM wivklr. jirctM rtr cuttUnn of ny 'ienf H Jonrn.il. Trm. M a ypr : four months, 1. 8iM by alt m wad.' I era. MUNN ft Co.'--- Ksw Yorli nranrrt tintfw. .TV. K Mt.. Wn vS aaw fit THE WORLD'S FAIR WILL CLOSE IT GATES FOREVER The first day of December. It is now at its very oest. And there is no better time tn fmvl now. So bo ready for the PORTLAND TO ST. LODIS AND RETURN . . . From other points.' rates proportionately-low. r. :,.. 01..-;, roturiiluir vitlti,i t,a. m Vou will have your choice of the finest Scenic Routes in tho World, if you use tho Burlington, Let mo tell you about them, n A. C. V5t HO' for st. Louis and the world's fair WILL YOU BE THERE? OGG HHUn ' ""V'"1 addilto. t. th. artrattioii. at St. leuU. ThU can only b don, by SS or rtturain, VU the "SCENIC LINE OF THE WOULD' NSURAiLsDE D j fj EFFOR T S S"TO V A A S E u riU la ihtrfraud beoakt Ule,', lttma ,i,M, ruo, W. C. MoIIKima. General Airent In Prain of Chamberlsia's folic, c1m, and Diarrhoea Remedy "Allow me to give yon a few word, in praise of Chamberlain's Coll Cholora and Diarrhoea Remen.M Ttr- t . t ,. . . -i najn mr. douu nanilett, of Easts Pnss, Texas. "I suffered with bowel trouble and one week took nll aiu.io mi uiuiiioiiib without getting any relief, when my friend. V, n Johnson, a merchant here, advi,j me to take this remedy. After taking one dose I felt greatly relieved ti when I had taken the third dose , entirely cored! I thank jon from tl, bottom of my heart for putting n, great remedy in the hands of ma kind. " For sale by all druggist BEIGHT'S DISEASE The largest sum ever paid lora nr.. scription, changed hands in Kan Krr Cisco, Aug. 30, 1H01. The transfri volved in coin and stoclt 112,500 O.iand" was paid by a party ol husinesa men lur a specific for M right'a Disease and l)ia betes, hitherto iuciirahle diseases. They commenced the serious i'nvesii. gation of the specific Nov. 15 myn They Interviewed scores of the 'cured and tried it out on its merits bv putting over three doren vases on the treatment and watching them. The? also got ph,. aiciauB to name chronic, incuranlecaees aud administered it with the physicians forjudges. Up to Aug. 25, 87 per eent nf the teet cases were either well or prcgrvBsiug lavorauiy. There being but thirteen per cento! failures, the parties were satisfied and closed the transaction. The proceedings of the investigating committee and ths clinical reports of the test cases were published and 11L be mailed free on application. Address John J. Ii itok Company, 420 Montgomery 8t. San Fran ciBco, Cal. IT oatooe LADIES, ATTENTION! Onginul mid only genuine Frknuii Tanhv Wafkrs for wile by leading druggist, fj'2 tier Imijt. Snfo and re uil.ln L Accept no substitute. J t.o..ato9aaoooooosoi)tj Oregon Shoitline and umon Pacific Three Trains to the East Daily Through Pullman standard and tourist sleeping cars daily to Omaha. Chicago, ."po kane; tourist sleeping cars daily to Kuii-hs City; through Pullman tourist sleeping cars (personally conducted) weekly to Chi cago, Kansas City; reclining chair cars (seals free) to the Kast daily. 70 HOURS PORTLAND TO CHICAGO No change of cars. 70 Dkpaht Time Sc'hkdl'lkh iAkkivk fk I From Portland fkom Chicago SuTtXiTke, DenveTr7PtI Portlund Worth, Omahii, 5:2."i p. 111. Special j Kiinsas City, St.! 9:15 a. in.1 Ixiuis, Chiouitnandi via limit. Ivist. ngton.l Atluntic Salt Lake, Denver Express r't. Worth. Oiiinha 8:1" p. m. via Hunt Kansiia Citv, Sll 7:15 a.m. Louis, (Jhicago! ington. and r.ast Tit! PiiuTAVaTlri VainS cast Mail ton. Kpokune. Will n:i;p.m. luce. I'tillniaii. Mm :(! 11. 111. via neaiMilU. St. l'nul.l Sokane. Duluth.Milwiiukpe, J Chicago and Kust. Ocean and Itiver Wclietlule. Korean Franciwo Kvery five duvs at s '. 111, Kor Astoria, way points and Norili ileaeh Daily (except Sunday! at N n. in .: Saturday al ill p. m. Daily sirvieefwaier lniiitungi on vniiamelte anU i an. lull rivers. Kor further information ask or write vour nearest ticket agent, or A. L. CRAIG, Ueneral Passenger Ajrent, 1'heOreiron Railmn.1 a XnviuAtu,,. i'n Portland, Oregon. asirifiw is trip. $ 0 1 SHELDON, Ont,-,,! Ari IOO Third Street, PQHri.AND, OREGON wmu afl'I.II'l.T 07.00 f':. 1 r if t 124 Third Street ' PORTLAND, OREGON