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About Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 29, 1904)
ROGUE RIVER COURIER GRANTS PAS3. OREGON, SEPTEMBER 9. W. D I S H E D I s H E, 5 OUR PERSONAL COLUMN People . They Come Bind Go From Day to Day Miss Fannie Nichols loft Friday fi r Marion, win-re she lias bwn engaged 10 (elicit. " . ' A. U Morris left Weduesdny oven- Francisco on mining THE SOLDIERS RE:UNION;THE Successful Meeting al Jacksonvlll. Week. Closing out prices on odds in Dishes 50c CLTS and" SAUCERS per set while they last, ' 'PLATTERS from 20c up Patent COFFEE POTS worth fl.00 and $1.25 to close nt 50c and 75c each. Fresh New Breakfast Foods Crcspo like its name Crisp, and very appetising Dr. Prics's WHEAT FLAKE CELERY FOOD Its good, try it The White House Grocer v. H. C. BOBZlEN. SIXTH STREET. I - THERE'S PURE DELIGHT these cool mornings from a little fire in the heating stov.e. If your stove is not up, call ' now at our store and see the lino for 1004. All styles and prices. Cramer Bros. Odd Fellows Block. STOVE BOARDS. GARLAND STOVES. iug for Sau business. - Mrs. C. L. Cleveuger is enjoving a visit fiom her raronts, Mr. aim airs. E. Wiuiberly of RoseLuig. Mr. anil Mrs. G. L Gillett arrived Friday from Fort Klamath to speud a week or more with relatives. 'j. W. Cowder of Suinptcr speut Wednesday iu Grnuls Pass ou his re turn from a business visit to San Fraucisco. Charles Suow aud sinter with their mother, who has been ill iu Portland for many niruths, arrived home hut week. Mrs. J. H. Booth returned to Rose burg Tuesday morning after a visit in Grants Pass with her parents, Mr. aud Mis. J. C. Campbell. Miss Graea Good went to Portland Tuesday to take a course iu one of the business colleges. Miss Vera Good also went to Portland for a short visit. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Bell of Burtles- ville, I. T. ,ajo visiting their brother Dr. Fiudlev. Mr. Hull is owner 01 several nrotltabl-J oil wels in Indian Territory. Fred Pracht, wife and fonr children left Sunday for a visit' at Concordia Kan., the former nonie or uotn air. and Mrs. Pract. Mr. Priicht has uot been back there for If) years. P. R Stark, wife and three child ren arrived last week flora Boise, Mnlio. to make their home in this nnnntv. Mr. Stark lias followed mining for the past 20 years. Editor Lee Wiuiberly of the Rose- burg Review' passed through Grants Push Mniiflav ou his return from at tending tlio Sovereign Grand Lodge L O. O. F. at Sun Francisco. J. Sargeant of Allegan county and O. Eberhart of Grand Rapid, Michigan, arrived hero last week to spend the winter and perhaps remain permanently. Mr. Eberhart spent last whiter here. Mrs. S. C. Norton is sufferiu y frm tint effects of a fall.. In coming down stairs she ennght her foot on the step mwt relieved a very hard fnH. No bout s were lirolieu, but she was quite severely bruised. A. D. Custar is nt the Opp mine near Jacksonville assihiing in ink erection of tho new stamp 11TIII iu company with Frank Willett. They worked last winter Dunning ine mm at tho Granite Hill mine. Geo. W. Rtiv of North San Juan, Cul.. was in Grants Pass Monday ou busiuess. returning homo on the same evening. Mr. Ray iH the pnnci pal owner of tho Ray groupo of mines on the Illinois river, near Kirtiy. Rev. D. T. Snnimervillo, presiding older. Rev. J. W. McDongall of the Newman M. E. church and Kev. John A. Mears, pastor of the Merlin and Wilriervillu churches, left Monday for Eugene to attend tho annual Conference. Lonnio Moon was in Grants Pass few davs packing up and on Monday lie and his mother left for Portland where they will reside. Mr. Moon wait tine m tiut .iij o iiii.c-v .. ........... vnnniz men and we are sorry to u se nim. He has a good positiuu in the O. R. & N. olhees. Friends of James Slovcr to thenuin- her of 20 or more made lim u surprise visit Monday evening, the event being in calculation of liis birthday. Mr, .Shiver was presented with hand unmet nmbrellu. .The evening was verv nleasantlv spent with whist Refreshment following later. Brief Notes &nd Items oi Interest a.nd Importance. The Soldiers aud Sailors re union, held last week iu Jacksonville, is re ported as one of the most successful meetings jet held, the enrollment be in; larger than ever beforo. Officers were elected as follows: Comuian.ier, E. M. Nealon of Table Rock; LieutcuantCouiniaiidur, Ed. E. White of Ashland; Major, A. J. T. Smith of Gold UiUt Chaplain, G. L. Evans of Grants Pass; Quartermaster, Mary E. Hildreth of Grants Pass; Chief of Artillery, Byron Mooro ot Woodville; Adjutant, T. E. Hills of Ashland. Addresses were given by Seuator Fultou, Rev. J. W. McDongall of Grants Pass, Htji. O. B. Watsou of Ashland aud Department Commander B. F. Pike. The ucxt meeting will bo held in Grants Pass in September, 11)05. The following Grants Pass people attended: Veterans G. L. Evans, John Pat rick, T. L. Sims, J. W. Heston. K. Wriuhi. W. M. Haunuru. " J. A. Ni- dav, E. Tnthill, Noah Day, W. B Hildreth, L VanDom, D. S. Holtou, O. W. Thomas, J. V. Griffith, Chris tiau Gonimel, J. E. Petersou, M. El liott. A. Morris. J. L. Scovill, Thoo. Mott, J. K. Pigney. Woman's Relief Corps Rosa Morris. Elizabeth Day, Harriet Patrick, Mary C. Hildreth, Mary Haunnm, Nellie Mott, Susnnua H Ahlf, Snsainmh'Will, Annio Walker, R D. Gravlin, Hattio Calvert, Hen rietta Zoller. . Sons mill Danghtors of Veterans R R. Patrick, Bertha Goettsche. LOCAL HAPPENINGS t''V'Vt'' . - Z What's the use wgitins; ' i CIRCUIT . COURT DOINGS Justice Being Dispensed e.1 Court House. the in D OE5 to Buy the Best? IT PAY WINNING $5000 WAGER Two Michigan Men Touring the Vnited States. (& Beach STOVE A Bridge COOK will perhaps cost you a trifle more than a cheaply, poorly constructed stove, but you will soon be repaid by the satisfaction of having a good cooker & baker. And you will not be coming back for repairs the frst season. f " BUY THE BEST f Ilair-lliddle Hardware Co. C. M. Darling aud C. C. Murphy of Jackson, Mich., were iu Grunts Pass Monday having traveled from Detroit, Mich., on their wheels. They are traveling on a fj)00 wager the condi tions of which are (lint they shall visit every statu in the nnion, must st irt without a cent, mnst not work, beg, borrow nor steal, hut must pay all expenses by the sale of a souvenir aluminum pin tray. They have already visited 17 states, have met with nianv thrilling adveutures and nnirow escapes, but they seem 10 i' that the trin is rasing them ill ex- nerience. They started from Detroit May, 2, 1401, aud have until Aovom her, 2, P.K).-i, to complete tho tasK. Tlii.v uiiv 1 In v are six davs ahead ul their schedule. Nellie Smith Al Nicnols III Bros. Racket Store.,. lulls Itiilltlinur, Ciixtli fitroet Stationery Door Mats at COc Jelly Glasses at 40c dozen Some bargains in Jewelry. , 'ISWISI-lVHHOS. . 1 Our brooms sweep clean. BORN. APl'LEGATE At Grants Pass. Ore gon, Wednesday, hcptcinncr -:i,, to Mr. nml .Mrs. it. m. rtp- plegate, a daughter. MAKIilKll." MONTGOMERY BROWN Grants Pass, Ore., Wednesday, Scptcuiinr 2S, P.Kil, W. I.. Jioiiignmt ry ami Martha Brown, Rev. J. W. I'ravis ojliciating. Mt'RRAT IIILI.ER At Hotel Lay- ton ill this city Wednesday, r-cpi. W, 1VKI4. by Justice (ten. P. r'urmaii, Johu Murray and Mrs. Annie Killer. VAN EUSKIRK M'CALLA At the home of the bride's t r, Schariincsoii, at Grains Pass, Wed nesday, Sept. 21. I'.sU, Robert Van Husk ilk and Miss Carrie MeCalla, Riv. (J. F. Siudersnii ollii iating. The bride and groom are both well known urauts Pass youug people snd highly esteemed. The ceremony was ituesseu bv (he ininieaiuie n iuuv and a few Intimate friends. Mr. Slid Mrs. Van Busk irk left tho saino nay for a visit in California. They w ill make their borne iu Grants Pass. DIED. Biwtrt of Ointmnt lor CMrrh That Con- Uint Mercury, as mercury will surely des(roy the seose of smell and completely derauge the whole system when entering it j through the mucous snrfaoes. Such articels should never be nsed except on prescriptions from reputabls phy sicians, ss the damages they ill do is teu fold to the g'xxi yoo can pos sibly derive from thera. Hall's Catarrh Cure, manufactured by F. J. CbenerCo.. Toledo. O., contains no m'TTury. ami is acting 'opon the taken internally. blood and morooi ot orfre of the system, in ooyins; Hall s Catarrh Core be sure you p-t the genuine. It is taken int.rn.lly and made in Toledo, Ohio, by Y i. -t.-.,.. X- I'n. Tendmcnials free. SMps -r j J oouxipajiou. ' Estrats To.ken t'p. There came to my place, formerly known as the Custar place, on Ap plegate, two miles from Murphy, the following described stock : one large. nan neck lid cow. marked with nuderbit in right ear; one red cow, cron In right ear, split in left; out roan yearling steer, ondetbit in right ear, split aud nuderbit in left; one red yearling steer, crop and onderbit in right ear. onderbit in left; one yearling boll, crop and split iu right ear. No visible brands. Owner mtf have- tunc on payment of charges and damages; otherwise the stock will be sold. Mrs. M. S. Jennings. for bouse BROW S At Grants Pass, Saturday, Septeuilx r 2t. l'A(, of consumption, Charles Brown, agul 27 years. TAYLOR At Portland, Saturday, September 2, '. Gcmnde Frances, (he 20-months old daughter of Mr. and Mrs..W. A. Taylor. . Mrt Taylor was visiting at Waco, wlun the child was taken sick, (he r.nlt of children feeding (lie baby on gr)e. There seemed to b no help lor the cnil'l at ra nn en (aken (o (he Good Samaritan hospital at Portland. SEELEY In Fresno, Cai., Thurs day. Sert- 22, l4. Mis. tlliatietn Necley, sged W years. Mrs. Neeley was (he w ife of Jam's Neeley of Merlin and a pioneer ol this countv, well known snd esteemed by slL ibe remius were brought home anil (lie interim ui ' "' j " Moudsv s( (tie Pleasant Valley ceme tery mar Merlin, with a lurtre attend .. .,f I riends and The iniieral services were condueled by Rv. Stepueu JewelL The September term of circuit court for Josephine county opened ou Mou day with Judge Huiiua ou tho bench. Monday was consumed mainly running over the docket ana assign ing dates for trial The case of Smith vs. Mcintosh was tried beforo a jury ou Tuesday and a verdict was given iu favor of tho plaintiff. On Wednesday was held tho trial of Eiumett Conger for striking Sm. Munson with a hammer last July Tho iurv returned a verdict of 80' qnittivl. The case of Stuto vs. Kuapp was taken op on Thursday. Eleven jurors were obtained from the regular panel mid Iho court adiournod until a now venire of (hreo could bo obtained. Criminal Docket. Stat.i of Oregou vs James Yocum and Henry Williams; assuult with in tent to rob. State of Oregon vs Eiumett Conger; assault w ith a dangerous weapon. Ac- uitted. State of Oregon vs Andrew Grimes; assault with a dangerous weapon. Slate of Oregou vs Arthur Conkliu ; information for libel. State of Oregon vs John Kuapp; assnalt with intent to commit rnpo. State of Oregon vs J F Stovall; information for wounding an animal the property of another. Daisy Sellger vs Wen.el Seliger; divorce. M Duulap vs Robert Dunlap; divorce. S W Smith vs Ml divorce. Laura M Nichols suit for divorce. James I.yttlo vs Iheoiirio (jameron, et al; suit in equity for nil injunc tion. ... The Curtis Publishing Co vs raeine Pine Needle Co; action for money. C A Trefethen vs T Kourko ; ac tion to recover damages. F W (. Iiausso sun T X uenn vs .i a Jennings; aclion to recover money. James Camp vs iwtnnuso .inning Co. a corporation; uctlou ro recover money. lzora McKinncy vs A at Mcriiuncy ; suit for divorc e. Ji.cob Meir vs w u Long nnu August Felsch; action to foreclose A Brown vs John Retter and Hat tio Rettur; netiiin to recover money. C I) Smith vs 11 C Mcintosh and Mvra Mcintosh; action for money. Verdict for plaintiff. Ellen St Louis vs Henry E Booth, et al ; suit in r'Uity. F Fetseh vs Lucy Ferreu, suit iu equity. Marv Ramsey Vi action for damages Simmons, Cameron and ligun Deep Oiavi 1 -Mining t o; action damages. M I) U ('rooks vs for in junction. Janes Camp vs Co; suit in crpitfy. James T Lognu vs Deep Gravel Mining Co; soit for Injunction. M lilimieiithal At Co vs J H Aulen; ..r-tien for money. T E McFarlaiiH vs T F Rourke, e( al fori c'osnre mechanics h'in. Samuel 11 Petlingill. et al, vs L A Lewis; action for damsges. ' E Emerson vs T L Cousino, et al ; suit to quiet title. u illiams Bros Door & Lumls-r l o i-j piifiiio Piuh Needle Ci; action lor money. 11 I) Nor'on vs William II Emerson anion for money. K I! Pickel vs John u liarvey, eiui actum for money. S N Ayers, et al, vs 0 O Lund ; sul trt mlii ( title. Kstate of W F Kremer an insolvent del tor; .1 O Booth, assignee. J F Wisecarver ts Jacob Klippel .ml tn .hi let title. li IL Mil'lung vs l-ucy naaer act ion for money. H (; liot..ieu and Alice H Culver, et al Jos Moss vs James soi( to quiet titlu. Tallulah Turner Turner; divorce. Sarah K Holjerlson vs cuss u nun erts'in; divorre. I Margaret Akers vs Rufus Akers; divorce. Anna E Btowu is Lawreuce Brown ; divorce. T K Anderson, et si, vs The Galioe Ciinsolidated Mines Co; action for damages. Choral Union. The Grants Pass Choral Vnion hold i. flr.t nutting of the season on Monday evtning. There was a good jtteiidancc and a spirit of enthusiasm seemed to prevail. It was decided thai instead of taking op a new work this year, to repeat two of the former ontcrtaiumcnts, one to be given in De cember aud the other in March. The first work will be the ean(a(a "(Juecn Ksdier." The second production will probably be "Pinafore." et al; John Lockliardt; Dr. Flanagan, Physioinn aud Dentist. . Goto Coron for Plumbing. ; Oliver flows at Cramer Bros. Bicycle repairing at Cramer Bros. ' M. Clemens, Prescription Drusgist. Have O. O. LuuTI saw your wood. Peach paper at the Courier cilice. Gcueral repairing at Jud Taylor's. Pleuty of Fishing Tnckle at Cramer Bros. Diamond Rings from ft. 40 to 100t Letcher's. Talking Machines nud Records at Paddock's. , Full f ream cheese 15c pound White House Grocery. Order seals and rubber stamps of . E. Voorhies. A splendid line ot Royal Charter Oak Ranges stCoren't Air tight heaters nro uow on the floor at Cramer Bros. For first class tablo board go to Sniytho's, 114 E St. 1 he best trout flies and lenders In towu nt Cramer Bros. Plates and Films ' developed and printed at Clevenger's. Great Reduction In Bummer Wrar pera at Mrs. Rehkopl's. Dinmnud ear drops from f 13 lo 20 at Ix teller's. Amateur Photo work promptly nud carefully attended to at Clevenger's. Don't fail to see the now lino of Diamond and opal rings at Letcher's. T7ir a fchnrt timo Ireland & Meade will sell you a lot for 10 down and f.i per mouth. Now is the time lo buy House dresses. The sale is now going on nt Mrs. Rehkopf . It von aro not getting good shoes. for vour lnoney, try tho Ked Star Store, where good shoes aro sold. I have some flno business and resi dence hits for sale. Sixth street, Any old terms. " . J. D. Drake, If yon wish to reduce your wood hill. Imv 4-foot eiigths and liuve o. O. Lund saw it for you nt your uoor. An old stand under a new manage ment I City M -nt Market 1 Pliimnicr & Martiu Proprietors after October 1 Aafe vnnr dealer for RngllO River Creninery Butter Hindu nt Medford is now 05 cents per two-pouun, square lull weight. Baby carrlago tiros put on nt Judd Taylor's. Buv 4-ft wood aud have Lund Baw it for you. Full cream cheese loo pound White nouso Grocery Table Board at reasonable rates nt Smvthe's, 114 E St, Pulton's Sun Proc f Paint ill all shades at Cramer Bros. Jnd Taylor soils blcyoleB and ull bi,lu rf t, level., UllllllH. A uew lino of Diamond jewelry ADOPTED on hand at Letcher's Jewelry store. tnfl nieces of vocal and Instrumental dieet musin at 10 cents each at the Grants Pass Musio House. If von do not come soon you will miss that Bargain Sale iu sin wrappers nt Mrs. Rehkopf 'a. The Lad'es! Aid Bicioty of Newman V. K. church will servo dinner mid supper on election day, Nov. S. There will bo services next Sunday at the Episcopal church, morning and evening. Sermon Dy nov. rruueric C. Williams. .T. H. Kiiicnld of Williams killed a rattlesnake recently that sported 2)) rattles. TJie reptile, exclusive tif the unususlly exnheriiut caudal append age, was not oi reinaiKituiy litrgu simi. U try a Blue Ribbon, 6-cent cigar. Umbrellas repaired at Judd Tay lor's. Steel Box Stoves In all sizes it Cra mer Bros. It E. Turner has completed build ing the store for Dnnbar oi Kuykeli dall at Wolf creek and is now engaged in minim? tint Wolf creek hotel and putting foundation under the build' iug. Ciiitlit & Co for Watches, Clocks, Gold RiiiL-s nml Jewelry, line watch ronairiuii. engraving. Goods sold at renurnmlillt IirlceS. ('oll:e llllll See US, I. O. O. F. Building, Grants Pass, Oregon. The I'ndcrwnoil Visible Typewriter does everything any other typewrit cau do and many things no other writ ing machine will do. Agency at u Front St., Portland, will furnish cat alogue. G. II. Belike of Sucker met k Is Lasy working on an etxeusion lo the quart, leflm. (Ill lio land creek. which is called the .Mother l.oiie for Cold Weather before buying your Fall Suit? . By getting it now, you have longer wear for your money and a larger assort ment to pick from. If you want something that will put you in a dis tinguished class by your self, come here and walk 'off with a snappy suit of "CORRECT CLOTHES'" hand tailored by Schloss Bios. & Co. The picture shows the reigning favorite in Fall Apparel. This is the ntitty suit the best dressed young fellows in the big cities are now wearing. Thorn is nothing In the style, lit, fabrio or tailoring that would suggewt tho idea that It was "Ready made." On tho other band, there is every thing to Indicate that tho sweliesl merchant tailor might have made it. Ho wouldn't think ol charging you loss than t-i"i for it. Wo can lit you Foil so LlTTI.K A I'ltll'K AS 815. Look Tor This label Thero is STYLE GRACE in. these CorrectClothes for GENTLEME j : la? COSTSlCSTtB ISO1 SM sc moss; bros;scq! fiirB ft ATiirc M.4irrtc 1 1 . l V.LU I 1 1 1. J j ll L. ..J Baltimore fewYbrK Exclusive Walk-over Agents GRANTS PASS. RESOLUTIONS Nowmsn M. E. Churcn. Conier- ence Commends Minister. YOUR fSs!:'S NEED GLASSES llnvo thiim Examined AT ONCE - 11 JO l'J for A M Daniel; suit Althousu Mining At the tpiarlorly conference held nt Newuiau M. K. clinroli ou Siiptemhor i the following resolutions wero adopted ; Whereas, Rev. J. W, McDougall has been tho pastor of this church for Ihu past three years nnd has proven Him self to bo a careful, judicious and in spiring administrator, uml Whereas, During each year of ins pastorate this church has become stronger 111 all (loiaitiiinnta as a worker, force and prestlgo in the town and country surrounding it, and Whereas, Onr Pastor, Hey. J. W. McDougall is known to be a raitiuui, plain, able and aoceplublo prencner and pastor, a man who Is pleasant aim Ingratiating 111 ins social ni"i m.-.-foio Resolved, That wo appreciate Brother .1. W. McDougall as a preach. or nnd pastor and man in social lit". anil the ildellty Willi wnicit no iw labored among ns ill such capacities, and further be It Resolved. That as a quarterly con Ti reuce, we ask that Brother J. W. McDougall bo returned to this church as pastor fur inn coining year hT by riquest our Presiding Elder lo iniiliii our w isle s nnd neiiniis In Ibis auso known to lllshnp Spell yer, and to use his Influence to have such wishes reali.ed. Bg THE STURGES-W ATSON Room 0, Scbullhorn Huildhii,', ronr of Dri Dixon's. OPTICAL CO. GRANTS PASS, OREGON. now lnivo on display a full uKHortment of TAILORED MTJ . -REflDT-T0WEf1R HflTJ 5TREET MTJ And all tho latest novelties in Millinery' 'MWWSJUwv' R Thomas vs ; suit in equity. C Every, et al ; vs Edwin W The leilgo is IU feel and morn across and carries big values iu inlphurets. . R. L. Coo has- just purchased two lots at (he southeast cornel of Fifth and E streets, on which he exs'cts to erect a warelioui o. The business of K L. Cob & Co. has increased to snob nil extent that more, room Is a necessity. U try a Blue Ribbon 6-cent cigar. Ainirican pedometers at Judd Tay lor's. Rubber Stump, ink iu stock at the Courier ollice. Dr. H. C. Dixon Is building a neat oottllL'0 on C street, between rticouu aud Third. A freiuht car o'f the track iu the deimt yard last week blocked (he shit track fir a nay. Wo are Informed by I. W. Baker, tirnorletor of the Grants Pass steam Lmulrv. that ho will resume it management on October .i. i or some tune past the laundry has been under lease to J. Hansen. The publiot school enrollment the first of this week had Increased IoChX. It has been found uecessary to employ one additional teacher for the Sixth grailo to accommodate (he Increased uumlier of scholars. Pauline, llm lid hi daughter of Mr. and Mrs. T. Y. Dean, was quite badly i. mi ii in the fact) l.v a dog witli which die was playing. Tint annual for limit reason iM-eami! aggravated aim eizd her cheek with his (ec(h, in flietimr nuite an ugly wound, one cul r nriiiu three stitches by tint sur bimiii. No serious renlts are exis cted. M. E. Horr has purchased two lots at the corner of Second nud C streets and has commenced (he bcilding of a house. Hit is putting up the back portion of a house, for occupancy this winter and next spring will com plete the house. Mr. Horr came licit? three moulhs ag" from Abtrdeeu, Wash. Mrs. Horr sud sou arrivtu last week. The darkness is good. Ootid for sleeping. Itu not for working. Not for typewriting. One stumbles in tli( dark. Turn on (he light. Write in sight. Get an Luderwood Visible Type writer. Agency 6u Front St., Portalud. Whereas, Our Presiding Elder, D. 'I'. Suiniunrville, has lor ine past six years had one of (hit largest tils- triell rill lilt! Coast Sjllll 111 IIIOSl OI which the means of conveyance are rude ami tiresome, and Whereas, In spite of these and many other obstacles, bo lias tnorougnir , sns rvised and frequently visite'i an barges ill his district, i.nn inn rt mills, both spiritual nnu tempt, rat, Imvtt been very encouraging. Now, theieforn be it Resolved, By the Fourth Qunrtt rly t 'linrorenoo of Iho Grants Pass Metho dist Episcopal church (hat wo recog nize that the faithful, businetis llke administration of our Elder has never been excelled on this Hold, and we wish him continued success iu his new Held of labor. Call and sec my v IvVVVVVVVVVTVVVVV if iSelf-Iillinu'Pjn I? nksPsaTltatfUlsltielf '' oniplclo lino, Miss Ida Weston I'ront Street, between 6th and 7th. THERE ARE ONLY TWO KINDS OF FOUNTAIN I'ENS AND AU. TlIIv OTHERS. CAU, AND SEE THEM AT Ill-RT ItAKNES, Reliable Jeweler. Clemens' Ding Store, Gorton's Mln(rels. Welby and learl, black face come dians, who havo been one of the stellar attractions with Gortons Minstrels for several masons, have Included Miss Cleoiio Pearl-Fell in their at t, and Iho team Is now known an Welby, Pearl and" Fell. The set introduces tlm dancing of Miss Fell, tint laughable negro comedy of Jake Welby, together with a ina.oniku dance in which tho three participate most effectively. Welby ami Peail uiadti (heir repuln 11,.,.., i.Yii.rt ilmicers long Ago, and both aru adepts Iu the art. Tin y dance every step known to tho pro fession, and each aplicarahce is a sinal for applause and numerous recalls. Miss Fell's presence lenus additional interest to an amusing nnd delightful performance. They will be seen with Gorton's Minstrels st the ois-ru house, Thursday evening, S-p- (ember 2'J. Reserved seats at mim ing Depuy's. Libre. rv Notice. Beginning Oedibcr 1, the will be cqs'ii 01. Saturday duf iug the winter nioudis. Jetinlo 11. jutisnn, nee 7. library aftcruoous Earn Money vi: wii.r, pay you i'or your timi A DdlJ.Ak S.WI'.I) IS A dollar EAKNI.D. i:Y CDMIN'll TO O'R STOKIC AND TAKINCi ADVANTAOE -COt'N'T SALE Ol' oi'R LK1 1)1: jz? You Earn Money j& i!.'i.v'r ' Ji."frai Js.ivinj; on Each Article I'lirclused. La.lic Iridic Shiil Wai-.t s fiom 750 to ft. 50 now 511c Mints Si.$' now : $i 50 4 00 " '. .. . . 3 0 " 4 50 " 3-50 Ami Summer Goods in riopottion. To Trade. I will trade flno luslde lots for lum ber or lean., harness nd wagon. J. D. Drake. siL'i.i,rr New Department Store White-llemcnway Co. Mgrs. m4,tKiKri niimwwmmtnmnn ins e4 CIIII.1IM2 H - NWILVT10HS - u. V -- 18. O. 3f Q"XS'