Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927, September 29, 1904, Page 2, Image 2

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Fublished Every Thursday.
Subscription Rates 1
One Year, in advance, - ll.SO
till Months, - .76
Three Months, ... .40
Hingle Copies, - .05
n Advertising Races
Furnished on application at the office, or
by mail.
Otiituarlea and resolutions ot con
dolence Kill be charged for at 6c per line;
card ol thanks 60c.
Entered at the poat office at Grant l'ss
Oregon, a second-class mail matter.
The Oregon Development League
meeting la said to mark a new epoch
In Southern Oregon progress.
Whether or not the new epoch will
prove. different to the old depends
very largely upon the extont of the
harvcHt of actions which will follow
the season of word planting.
The Jaineae are said to have
honored the wishes of the Chinese In
not making battle in Makden, the
"holy city," where Chinese eniperori
are bnried. The Japs probably have
little sympathy with Chinese senti
ment, but they .know the value of
Chinese friendship in their present
Stand op fur your home town. It
may not be the largest aud best place
In the state, bat yon can help make
it a little better and a little greater
than it is if yon will only do yonr
duty. Patronize home merchants;
par ton I ze your home paper, regardless
of its political complexion, and don't
send your dollars earned in the town
to the mail order house. The boxcar
merchanta don't do niucli toward pay
ing the expenso of running the town,
do not help pave your streots or
maiutain your schools. Then don't
patronize them. Omaha Trade Ex
hibit. The farmers of any oommonity
who cannot see how they will be
benefitted by helping their home
town, must be short-sighted indeed.
Money soul to distant cities for sup
plies cannot do auy good to the com
munity in which he lives; it cannot
build np local industries, or make
conditions attrsotivo for capital seek
ing investments; it cannot help to
make a good market for his products;
it cannot contribute to good roads and
othor rural improvements; it cannot
increase the value of his land aud
farm property. Even granting that
he is able to save a fow dollars each
your by sending his (money to the
largo concerns in the cities, which
we do not beliove, he loses it again In
mauy ways. Co-operntlou between
faruiors aud merchants is absolutely
necessary for the continued welfare
of country community. The longer
this co-operation is carried ou (lie
greater will bo the increase of beuo
flclul resnlts to all coucerned. A
farming community, Including
its towns, resembles a hugd corpora
tion, whureiu many peopl hold stock.
Each farmer is iu a senso a stock
holder in the county corporation.
The more he contributes to the reve
nue of the corporation, the greater
will be his dividend, and the mure
valuable will his Interests iu it be
come, lie takus business away from
hi own corporation each time he
buys outside of the community that
which ho cau buy in it.
granitHill's rich ore
This Week 4 1-2 Fool Body of
$500 Ore Struck.
A strike of great importauco was
mado at tho Oranito Hill mine this
week. While working in the west
drift at the 200 foot level, a 4'' foot
body of very high grade oro was en
countered, the lowest assay ou which
ruu over .'100 per ton. The some
body of ore was also encountered at
the 800 loot level at about the same
time, assays on all of the ore run
ning very high.
There is quite a city under ground
at the Ornnito Hill. Flfty-flvo men
are working in tho different shafts
and drifts, aitldu from those above
Tim Red Jacket 1 now down 10,1
feet and tho workmen are constantly
at wotk sinking deeper. The old
machinery of the liriiuite Hill mine
has been tHkeu to the Hed Jacket
While Riding In & WaSon. With
Mrs. llaiiuuiu, an old resident nl
Josephine county, dropped dead on
Tuesday while riding iu a wagon a
few miles from this city. Mrs. Han
num had been at Placer visit ing her
daughter, Mrs. Geo. Jloxle, aud had
tarted home to Williams from Urants
Pas Iu touipany with her sou-iulaw,
David Vineyard, and hi daughter.
They were nil rld'ng quietly along
and talking with one another when,
Willi hardly any warning whatever,
Mrs. Ilannuiu fell dead from her seat
Her health up to the time of her death
was apparently good aud the unex
pectedness of the blow accentuated the
sadness of her death. Hhc was ahout
0 years of age and had been a resi
dent of this county for many years.
Courier Article K.ece.11 Old
J. J,l Westou, au old time ristduut
of Josephine county, writes to the
Courier from Cliutou, Iowa. Mr.
Weston lived here from lh."i4 to lS,sl
and was one of those pioneers who
"pocked" their blanket over the trail
from Crescent City to old "Sailor
Diggings" near Waldo, in the early
gold digging day. Mr. Weston still
ha several uuggeta from three to live
ounce each which he secured in
Scotch Gulch near Waldo. In a T
aonal of the Courier, Mr. Wcstou
notes two name familiar to him,
thorn of Brlgg ami Appleg:it, though
doubtless a onusl.lerable uumher ol
hi former acquaintance are yet resi
dents of this county.
Strictly up to date
Extra well Fitting and well Made
5 W. E. DEAN & CO.
HifH Mountains and Heevy
R.e.lnfe.11 Useful.
Oregon has an asset soon lo be
realized npon which did not always
appeal to oar progressive citizt uship,
i. e., high mountains and heavy rain
fall. The age of electrical power is
just dawning. Electrioity will drive
the motar car of commerce, turn the
wheel of manufactures and become
the handmaid of agriculture. All
natural facilities for generating
electricity will be in demand, es
pecially strong streams of water,
where a natoral head may be had for
the power wheel. In this respect
Oregon excels all sister states. Her
mighty uplifls and heavy rains main
tain streams admirably adapted to
power purposes. The rush made
within the past Ave years for power
sites along the most prominent
streams Is bnt a forerunner of what
may be expected in nuother decade,
when electrical generation and trans
mission has been more thoroughly per
fected and power from fuel has be
come an Industrial anchrouism, Ore
gon's superb stream will have a
value not even coucolved now, En
glish progress was vastly quickened
by abounding fuel. That principle
of industry stand today, and injlargor
measure than England was able to
famish power. Oregon is the home
of the now aud much less costly
motive onergy. Portland Journal.
You can't afford to overlook
The Store In the Middle of the Bl ock
Opposite Depot.
The largest and most complete stock of Dry
Goods, Underwear, Hosiery, Ladies' and Misses'
Jacket. Walking Skirts, .Cravcnette Coats, Op
era Shawls, and Sweateis, Boys' and Youths'
Clothing, Wool and Cotton Blankets, and Fur
nishing Goods. Misses' heavy Shoes a specialty.
Ever had that uncertain feeling after making
a purchase. It's never known to buyers here.
There'! a satisfaction when you know for a
FACT you are getting the best.
Quality, price and methods make our busi
ness lively.
Standard Patterns 10c and 15e.
Young Man From Albany Has
Harrowing Experience.
A few mornings ago a young man
knocked at the door of cue of the
homes iu the south part of towu aud
asked if he might come iu and get
warm. He was barefooted, hatless
and coatlesa, and what cloning he had
was liadly toru. lie was ravenously
munching a raw ear of corn and:
seemed to be nearly famished and in a
state of mental bewilderment.
After he had been iu tho house a
few minutes ho was s.'1.ed with such
a tit of trembling that the lady of "the
home was alarmed for fear lie might
die and she hastened to call iu the
neighbors. Iu auswer to questions the'
Ixiv said his uaiiie was J. Walling and I
that his home was at Altiany. Itelmd :
started south to Jejoln his brother in
California and while he was in Grants'
Pass he was persuaded by some men, 1
with whom he picked up an ae-1
quaiiitance, to go with them to Takil- j
ma aud try to get work at the smelt.r. j
Thev had gnue out of towu ahout two
wiles and camped at a deserted place
near a farm bouse. He was first sent j
to the house for some milk, then they '
seut hlru !ck for sugar, hut before he
started, on the plea that he looked j
pale, they gave him a dose of "medi-!
cine," a white powder. As he turned!
to go he heard one of the men say,
"Now you'll see him go right up in
the air Iu a uiiuuts. " llefore he
leached the house he became crated. !
threw off his coat aud hat and started
for the. wood where he wandered
aUmt all night.
The case was put Into the haiidi of
the sheriff who made an effort to lo
cate the srpetrator of the outrage,
but without uoces. The boy kuew
his collisions ouly by sight and wa
unable to give a description sutllcleut
to lead to their capture. W alling re
turned to Albany Huuday.
Southern Oregon State Normal.
The Southern Oregon State Normal
School began the year's work Wednes
day, September the 14th, with an at
tendance unprecedented in numbers
aud character. It has become the
policy of the state to maintain the
school, and new buildings with good
equipments havo sprang ap as if by
magic, aud the large campus covered
with shade trees is now alive with
busy, ambitious happy young people
who have come from various part of
the state, from Washington aud from
Northern California.
The course of study is so arranged
as to qualify teachers for the public
schools of Die state, but music,
literature, elocution, and the lan
guages are taught, and many persons
are taking advantage of the opportun
ities here offered for gcne'al culture.
The faculty is composed of eleven
men and women, who are specialists
in their respective lines of work.
The dormitory life Is wholesome and
many of the btst students live at the
campus iu the commodious buildings
provided for their home. The ex
pense, including tuition, board and
lodging, may be estimated at f 1H5 to
fI50 per year.
Student! may enter at any time.
For catalogue of information address
F. K. Weil, Secretary of the Faculty. "
B. F. MULKEY, Pres.
Ladies are greatly annoyed and in
convenienced by the crowd of men
continually loafing around the cor
ner of Sixth and Front street in front
of the saloons. A few days ago a
lady was nearly rnn over by a man
who was kicked out of, the saloon, and
many times ladles take the road in
preference to passing the crowd. The
corner should be kept clear for the
passage of pedestrians.
vhiou you cau save a year rent on
one by purchasing one now of Alleu
A Uillert liamaker Co. at I. (). (.
F. Block.
Von cau also pay in small amouuts
as easy as rent if you like. The first
imyment would of course be lurger
than one month's rent, iu fact we don't
care to put out a good, new piano as
these are for less than '.'5 down.
If you have an organ, yon can turn
it iu a wrt layuieut for all it
worth, thereby catting down the cost
tou cau also make a saving by
istyiug cash or large payment. Put
in iaying the balance after you have
started and made the first paymeut.
there s where the convenience ol
dealing with as come in. We havt
ample capital to carry a good reliabli
party as long a time as Is neccsNiry.
So, if you want a piano, and will
do right by us, you had a well liavi
one now no matter how moderate
your means. Monthly, quarterly.
semiannual or annual imyment
taken, llankable note or any ar
rniigement consistent with good bus!
lies can lie lurued in a paymeut
Kight per cent Interest on all
accounts running over Ik) days from
Alleu A Oilheit Kamaker Co., I.
O. O. lllk , J. M. WAK11, Manager.
W ill be in town October S, for one
day ouly, uulesi work on band will
make it m-cessary to tay longer.
Join the club. Place order with
Mis Mittuie Ireland at her reaideuce;
phone No. tUI, or at Allen A Uilbert
Kamakar C x ' branch store iu I. O.
l F. lUk. Mr. Ward will be home
about two or three tluiic a mouth, o
there will be little delay. Bettet
eeud iu order fur Monday.
Duto Harrow at Cramer Brest
Lawyers Disagree ava to lie Con
alltutione.l(ty That the direct primary law does
not go into operation until l'JOft,
aud need not be reserved in mtnlciiml
elections prior to that time, is the
opinion found by Attorney-Oeneral
Crawford after examining the ques
tion that has recently caused so much
public discussion.
That the direct primary law Is now
In effect, Mr. Crawford does not
question, bat he says that by its own
terms it is evident that it was not in
tended to become operative until 1U06.
He says also that previous, laws
governing primary elections have
been repealed and that In his opinion
candidates for municipal offices may
be nominated by any method that ha
been pursued in the past.
lie believes it will be best to pro
ceed in accordance with tho laws last
in force, not that those laws are now
binding, bat because they provide a
good system of making nominations
and the people are familiar with
them. Mr. Crawford believes that
any form of nomination which results
in a free expression from the voters
at the poll wijl be upheld a legal
Attorney-General Crawford believe
that iu municipal election prior to
100ft, candidates should be nominated
and city elections conducted as they
have been in the patt. Since the
system of choosing party candidates
and party managers by direct vote
does not take eflect until IDOfl, it fol
lows that until that time the present
party organizations are entitled to
use the party names as they have in
the past.
When the ucw law becomes opera
tive only those candidates nominated
in the direct primary will be entitled
to use the party name.
United States Senator Fnlton ex
pressed tho opinion -that Oregon's di
rect primary law is unconstitutional
"That provisiou which requires
voters In announce . their political
faith alone is sufficient to reuder the
law unconstitutional," declared
Senator Fnlton. "The Constitution
of the Uuited States provides the
qualifications of the voter, aud the
state legislature cannot add to not
take from the qualifications stipnlated
by the National Constitntion, uor
impose auy additional couditiou to
the right to vote.
"Perhaps, in othor respects also,
the direct primary law is at variance
with the Constitntion, but iu requir
ing voters to register their political
faith it Is certainly unconstitutional
I regard it as a most unfortunate
measure, aud am satisfied J could
beat it in the Supreme Court." i
Work Is Being Steadily Prose
cuted on All Properties.
Activity is increasing iu the
Qalice mining district and work is
being undertaken that displays great
oonHdence ou the part of those in
terested. Now grounds are being
worked and machinery and buildings
are steadily being added to the camps
there. This in short, says the Tele
gram, is the substance of the report
brought out by A. 13. Cousin, of the
Us lice Consolidated Mining Com
pany, who arrived in the city Satur
day night after a long stay at his
claims, which, it might be said, cover
a distance of over five miles. Mr.
Consin will remain in Portland for a
fow day only, then return to his
mine to superintend oiieratlons dur
ing the Winter.
"We are working 700 acres and
half a dozen giants," sad Mr.
Consin, "and have opened np some
new ground ou the Rogue river at the
ite of the early Indian fights near
the old poitofNce. This ground has
nevor been covered by water before
and we are now working it under a
100-foot pressure. The gravel pays
V) cents to the yard iu flue gold
By One gold I meau that it is flm r
than the regular Oalioo wash owing
to the fact that the gravel at that
place is finer. It Is worth about $11)
an ounce. We have our sawmill in
good working order aud are doing a
great deal of improvement work in
'All other properties in the .district
are dolug well. The Old Channel
mines, running parallel with the
Qalice Consolidated, are showiiig up
nicely, as they should, luring pro
duced in the past something like
y0,000 a year. The Rocky Oulch
mines, managed by Harry Lewis, of
Grants Pass, are operating low river
bars similar to those operated by the
Ualice Consolidated, and getting from
lX) to $150 per day with oulr three
men at work.
'The Van Doru mine at Hell Gate,
along the Rogue river, is being equip
ped by the new owuet and the pros
pects are that the property will
produce handsomely this seasou.
The big Silver creek hatiu, being
opened np by Kastern capitalists, aud
for whom F. IX Meta is a ling maua-
er, ia giving promise of a splendid
future. The tuuuel work Intended to
tap the canrou above ia progressing
rapidly and when completed will
drain several huudred acre of old
placer bed that heretofore have been
beyond reach, and which are known
to be very rich.
" Jump-off-JiHi creek propertle are
all being thoroughly equipped, while
Grave creek, Picket creek, Rrlggs
creek aud all the Applegate aud the
Uliuoj river will soon be making the
streams a rich red from the operation
of the placer mine there."
Mr. Cnufiu ha spent 10 years iu
the Ualice district and started with !
a 20 acre piece of ground, whereas his
operations uow extend over a dis
trict covering some 40 claim, with
extensive aud expensive improve
ments. Estate Transfers.
K. W. Van Dyke aud Mlnuie E.
Van Dyke lo Teua Horr, lota 10, II
aud 1 Iu block 2. Original Towosite.
Albert Lougenbecker to James T.
Lewis, I AO acres on Jones creek.
Above sales were made through the
real estate agency ol J oseph Hose.
Lls.nri Sifting.
Some of our people took in the Pass
last week ; they report business good
Col. Blaisdell was iu far burg la-ili
week; he reports all mineis busy
filing up for the wiuicr.
How nice it seems to see the air
clear from smoke again; the tires did
not do auy damage on Grave Creek.
Mr. Philips of the Hotel Lelaud is
doiug a big business; the stores are
alto uoing well and sell lots of goods.
We understand the Greenback min
ing comranr has bought another mine
on the Greenback mountain. It has
proved to be rich.
Some of our prospectors have come
in and brought some rich rock. As
soon as they can lay In supplies; they
will go back into the hills again.
We have no sickness to report ; the
weather was moky so long, people
thought that it might bring on sick
ness, but as this is a heallliy place,
there has been no sickness.
How easy and level the cars run
south from Tunnel U, because Bob
Crocket is section foreman. He has
his section iu good shape. - He has at
present a gang of Greeks as section
A spur is being built at the Ander
son point, three miles south of Hugo,
for the benefit of the : a v mill on up
per Jnrap-off-Joe,- also for the miners
iu that vicinity; a boarding house
will be bnilt for the trade and other
necessary buildings will be built in
tho near future.
For the last two days we have had
light showers, which will atart the
grass on the range; a little more rain
will enable the furrncr to start plow
ing for gruiu. The farmers in this
vicinity have done well this summer,
as a big lot of hay is raised on Grave
creek the ruling price is f ID per ton.
A good crop of fruit has been raised.
There has always been a big de
mand for tenant houses at Leland for
the people who are working in the
mines, also for other work, bat Port
land parties own the ground, and they
will never let a person build nor lease
the ground for .building purposes. It
looks like a dog iu the mueger; very
often pr.oplo coming from a distance,
want to settle here, but cannot tlnd a
house to rent and are obliged to go to
some other place.
Heurr Ball is first clrek for T. J.
Macken. He is very efficient aud
obliging and always has a Binile for
the ladies. T. J. Macken is known
far and wide, for selling cheap and
good quality of goods ns he is a single
man it might be well for some of our
young damsels to look after him a
little. He would be a good catch,
having a nice temper, plenty of
money, good health, everything thai
goes to make up a good mui.
Wide Awake.
Provolt Items.
Dr. J. A. Lewman of Provolt
made A) plegate' a business call Mun
day. Wh are having some rain nt the
present time; there is some hay ot.t
but not any great amount. There are
some that will cut some if the
weather will permit. Hay is quoted
in the Bold at present at !).f) per
ton ; in thu barn at l, for alfalfa
and clover. The hay baler has
started ; Clinton Cook has started up
Applegate with his hay baler; his
expectations are of having a loug run
iu that section of ti e valley. Mr.
C. has been down Rogue river nud
thrnngh the Missouri Flat countrv
for the past threo weeks. He reports
that the bay cropB are very good
throughout thu country where he has
A patty of vonng folks of Provolt
started from Provolt the 1.1th of Sep
tember on a trip to the Kogno river
naileries. The stopped lor supper on
the Bybee dejert ; from there they
went to Trail creek station l' miles
this side of salmon city or Kogue
river fishery.. After dinner they wvnt
on to tliu city and tiuilt a camp.
There were already several families
camped which made iu number about
35 or 80. On the arrival of the last
party, they had to have a dance for
them which was great lv enjoyed by
all prjmciit and a finer supper
could not be asked lor, nnd it was
free to those who were camped there,
so as to get acquainted. mere were
people from Grants Pass, Medfnrd,
Williams, Hugo and Central Point
mid Fort Klamath to. get fish for the
winter. The Rogue river fishery is
the grandest thing that UrcKon has
ever produced for the increase of fish
And salmon iudustriea and the peoplo
from far or near who conld not get
fish any other way, can now go to the
government and get all the fish they
wnnt n salt down and fine ones too.
They havo two - racks lower and up
per. One is to keep tho fish from
gniug up the river nnd the other is to
keep the green ones from going down
the stream, when thrown out of t! e
slaughter peu. They havo two peus
and two run-ways which are rnn
down every morning nnd night will)
eeina. Their boss is John Fankey i f
Wlldervllle Items. ,
Health is good at presout. These
having colds are all better.
W. II. Cart ha bought the Will
Browti ranch up Slate creek.
J. W. McCollnni aud J. Hocking
made a business trip to tho Pass Mon
day of this week.
We had a fine rain since our last
writing; the farmers have commenced
putting in Uieir grain.
We bear that the dsm that bi longs
o the irrigating coiniiaiiT is agaiu
needing reiairs. What will it be
wheu high water comes:
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Williams made
a business trip out in this lwrt of the
world last week. while hero tne
horse they were driving took a notion
to run a little and ran f rem R. M.
Robinson's to the Conger , mill but
fortunatelv nd cue wits hint. Mr.
Williams was the only cue iu the
hupgy at the time of the intiaway.
Mr. Crawford of Grants Pass, will
preach at J. Hocking's home Sumbiy
it 8 o'clock, Uctouer the id. All are
invited. Zauoni.
Wood villa Items.
Mr. Neil went to Ashland Tuesday.
M. Gibson, went to Gold Hill
M. Pracht of Grants Pass was In
towu Thursdav.
Mrs. T Williams of Grants Pa
was here Friday.
Mr. Juhnstoue went to .Ashland
Tuesday morning.
M. F. C. Kliue, went to Grain's
Pass Wednesday on a visit.
Mr. Laws of Kvans Creek retc nud
from Jacasouvtlle Thursday.
John Pitman returned from Jackson
ville aud reports a goon time.
Mr. White had ID tous of splendid
hav burned near towu recent 1 v.
Mr. K. Tweed and R. U Tweed
were in towu Saturday ou business.
Mrs. Witt, of Gold Hill, has been
visiting with friends aud returned
Tuesday to Gold Hill.
Don't forget the basket social Fri
day, the -loth. Come and have a good
time; music and scuts and ice cream.
Mr. and Mrs. Moore and Miss
Carrie, relumed from Jacksonville
Saturday ar.d report good times at the
G. A. K. renuion. -
Died Thursday. September S3. 1U.
infaul daughter of Mr. and Mr. L.
Steveu. The a.vmpathy of the
community l with the pareut iu
their loss. I
Eevstern Owners Visit and In
spect Their Property.
Superintended H. E. Foster came
i from the Oregon Belle mine Wed
nesday having with him Mr. mid Mrs.
F. Troutwine and Mr., and Mrs. .
S. Roberts, . ho had pcut the pre
vious three days at the mine. TI.e
Oregon Belle is owned by tne new
York Western Mining Company, a
New York corporation of which Mr.
Roberts is president and Mr. Trout
wine is a member of the board of
directors, and these gentlemen weie
on au inspection trip to their mining
property. They -were . well pleased
with the ehowitg that the mine
makes and have confidence that it
will develop into a profitable prop
erty. They stated that tneir company
would expend mouey sufficient to
thoroughly prospect the mine and if
It continues to carry the values now
to be had that iu the near future they
would put in a 10 stamp mill. There
a ample capital on an extensive scale
for all the stockholders are wealthy
New Yorh business men. President
Roberts is manager of the Aetna Life
Insnrance Company of Albany, New
York and. Director Troutwiue is the
owner of one of the largest leather
manufactures iu the Uuited States,
his factory being at Gloversville,
New York, a city of tanneries.
1 This was the first visit of Messrs.
Roberts and Troutwine and their
indies to the Pacific Coast and they
were very expressive iu thoir com
pliments of tho country, they being
especially pleased with the beanty,
the climate ana tue possiuiinies ui
Rogue River Valley. The prolusion
of roses and other flowers at this sea
son of the year was a revelatiou to
the ladies, at whose hoaies flowers are
a thing of tho past the last of &ep
Superintendent Foster stated the
new compressor plant would be ready
to run within a i few days. The two
Burleigh drills, recently ordered by
him from San Francisco, had arrived
and were now at the mine aud that
by next week, day and night shifts of
men would be put to work extending
the two tui'nels now opened, which
are each in about 100 feet. While the
company has some 300 cords of wood
on hand, a contract has been made for
cutting 400 cords for immediate de
livery at the mine.
VVe-ldo Items.
, We soe many strange faces aud
therefore have the opportunity to
broaden our acquaintances with our
fellow man.
The copper people want it distintly
understood that they desire to act in
liarmouy with the people of Josephine
county; they are intelligent business
men. attending strictly to their own
affairs and ever ready to do their
part in the upbuilding of the coun
try. Among our new arrivals is Dr.
Ha.lehnrst, whom President Tutt of
the W. S. & M. Co. brought here
from Colorado for the purpose of at
tending the sick among their own
employes; the doctor is practicing on
the outside agreeable to the Smelting
people and with good success. Dr.
Hazlehurst is au accomplidied gentle
man and we are glad to say has come
here to remain permaneutly. His
wife will follow him soon. A doctor
wks needed here badly; since the
death of Dr. Morey some weok ago,
ho has been missed sadly; he wai
always ready, though getting old and
feeble, to do all that he could for the
sick, aud especially for the poor aud
needy. Dr. James Spence used to
ride over a good deal, but has of late
years been so busy with his copper
ledges and fine frnit and berry farm,
that he does not care to practice; he
being au exellent nurse, was very suc
cessful iu his practice.
Coming Events.
Oct. 5 Veduesdny evening Walter
Thomas Mills iu the Opera House,
political address, admission free.
Burdetta Organ for SeJe.
A flue Durdette organ, walnut case,
high top aud mirror, for salo at a bar
gain, ou time. Mrs. Lura H. Groot,
1321 South Fifth atreet.
County Treasurer's Notice.
There are funds iu the treasury to
pay all warrants protested to April
'.'), 1HWI. luterest will cease from
this date.
September 15, lirOJ.
J. T. Taylor,
Treasurer ol Josephine Co., Ore.
A V. Banna.rd-Underta.krr.
opp. Opera house
Benicia Disc
Will Save You Time and Money
This Fall-
Among the late arrivals of new soods at
Bannafd s Big Furnitiirc
and House Furnishing Store
are. 1 '
Axminster and Velvet
A large line of new styles Porteries,
Fine Pictures, Picture Frames and
Mouldings and the whole stock is
most complete. Come and see it
you cannot afford, to pass it bye.
Goods Sold on the Installment Plan
Opposite Western Hotel.
Eight Pianos Sold Here So
Far and Plenty of Sales
in Sight.
It ia safo to say that no towu in
Oregon, of the size of Grants Pase
has a more discriminating purchasing
public when lower grades of pianos
are considered, uor a more ap
preciative people when the high
grades ire offered.
Wo have aimed steadily ut selling
our best pianos and iu no instance yet
have we been asked to order one of
the cheaper grades. Iu fact our best
grades are so highly appreciated that
we are not going to make any effort
to sell cheaper ones.
We do sell them sometimes. Any
first class firm is compelled to have
something very cheap for canes where
such is demanded aud insisted upon.
Bnt how much better for the pur
chaser it is to spend (TiO or f 100 more
while at it and get a good one.
We do not claim tu have the best
pianos in the world to the exclusion
of other firms, bnt we do justly claim
that we push our best grades harder
aud cheaper prudes less than nny
other firm in Oregon. And it costs
more to Bell high triced pianos, they
cost more, expense is more aud
profits are lees. But that is how we
are making our great reputation and
establishing au increasing business
with the very best clas of peoplo ou
the Paciflo coast Call at our place
in L O. O. F. Blk. and Bee some vory
flue instruments. Alleu & Gilbert
Ramakor Co.
J. M. WARD. Manager, Orants Pats.
Now Fall and Winter Tailorad
Hats, all the latest the market
affords at Mrs. Rehkopf's.
WANTED To invest $500 to- a;T0
and Bervice? in a good legitimate
business. Address H. O., Care
WANTED Ladies and gentlemen to
board a t Smythe's. Everything
new, clean and up-to-date, 114 E
SITUATION wanted by experienced
camp cook and baker, Uerinun,
Julius of Fetsch, sooth,
west comer Sixtli and J street.
GOOD t ASTURE for hones or cattle,
uear town. M. W. Wheeler.
FULL BLOOD registered Holsteiu bull
Address J. H. L'roxton, Grants Pass.
FOK SALE-2000 Cedar postal LTb.
Akers, Grants Pass.
FOR SALE Nearly new 8i3 Savage
Rifle; combination rear Bight,
ivory bead front sight. Price, J0,
cost tin. Incmiro It. H. Harrison,
N. 2d street.
J.AKM Kolt SAI.K-two iniles from .Mur
lin, lim arres -aivut . sere ot (rood land, 2j seres in cultivation, Mnall
house and ham ami IU,, -i ........ 1
fenee, hslanee of land anitahle for 'on-hard
,r injure, ror niriiier particulars
"ress W. XI. Crow, Merlin, Oregon.
200 At K,h rnon- Bd prune and
apple on-hard, aimill fruit in
abundance; wster for inipiiion. Iii,e
springs on every 4U acres: renter of a good
range country; two dwsdinft hiiuen hiit
rn, every thing complete; well sheltered
from frit. good milling markets, one
half mile north of Tunnel I), price tiM)
Inquire at tins othre.
Come and have a talk
with us. Fasy terms
Pass Hardware Co.
The Lambert
Indestructible ..Records
for Edison and Co- .
Jumbia Cylinder Machines-.
All makes of Talking
Machines and supplies.
Write for catalogues.
Grants Pass, Oregon.
Successors to Slovcr Drug Co.
Tolltt Articles,
House and Floor Paints.
Board of Equo.lize.Uorv.
The Beard of Equalization for Jose
phiue County, Oregon, will meet at
the office of the County Clerk, Mon
day, Oct. 3rd, 11104, nt o'clock A. M.,
and will remain in session eac h suc
cessive day for one week, All parties
iuterested are requested to appear and
examine their assessment for the year
IIKM, and have all errors corrected, if
any there be, as nu corrections can he
made after the adjournment of said
board. W. 11. FALUN,
Assessor of Josephine County, Oregon.
Grams Pass, Sept. 11)04.
W. P. Fuller
at cost
As long as they last.
Former price $175 gallon
Now 1.45 "
National Drug Store
J. C. Smith. M. I)., I'rop.
Agents for Patrick & Co. rubber
J. I. ClLVERT, Stcretary aad Trri.orer.
1 1 mmmmmt0i0tim