ROGUE RIVER COURIER RANTS PASS. ORKGCW, SEPTEMBER Ji, 1904. OUR PERSONAL COLUMN THE MINERS ASSOCIATION (THE LOCAL HAPPENINGS UyvWWWVWVMVMMWVV $ I i D I S H E 5 D I , S H E What's the use Waitins: People They Come s.nd Go . From Day to Day Organized Tuesday- Evening Committee Appointed. ' Brief Notes) ivnd Item of Interest e.nd Importance. H. 0. Kinuey is at Hilt tliia week oa business. J. B. Paddock, wont to Roebeurg Moudiy on busiuess. Miss Zella Hare went to Eugene Friday to enter the U. of O as a eta dent. Mrs. S. C. Clark and daughter. Mis Joanita, left last week for Sil On Tuesday evening a meeting was held in the miuing exhibits baildiug for the purpose of organising a local aimers association. There was a good I attendance and a lively interest was manifest. - The meeting was called to older by C. L. Mangnm who stated its object Mr. Mangum was chosen a chairman Miss Fraukie Trier of Ashland has 0f the meeting and O. II. Poindexter Closing out prices on odds in Dishes CUPS and SAUCKUS per set while they last, 50c PLATTERS from 20c up Tatent COFFEE POTS worth $1.00 and $1.25 to close at 50c and 75c each. Fresh New Breakfast Foods Crespo like its name Crisp, and very appetising Dr. Pr ico's WHEAT FLAKE CELERY FOOD Its good, try it The White House Grocery. II. C. BOBZIEN. SIXTH STREET. THERE'S PURE DELIGHT ' these cool mornings from a little fire in the heating stove. If your stove is not up, call now at our store and see the lino for 1904. All styles and prices. e Cramer Bros. Odd Fellows Block. STOVE BOARDS. GARLAND STOVES. fDOE IT PAY A Bridge (Si Beach COOK STOVE will perhaps cost you a trifle more than a cheaply, poorly constructed stove, but you wilt . soon be repaid by the satisfaction of having a good cooker & baker. And you will not be coming back for repairs the frst season. BUY THE BEST Hair-lliddlc Hardware Co. jaajaj ...Newell Bros. Racket Store... TullW Iluildiiitr. f-ilxtli Street Stationery Door Mats at COc Jelly Glasses at 40c dozen Some bargains in Jewelry. been visiting friends in Grants Pass this week. Geo. Calhonn and family returned to Grants Pass Saturday after visiting in California. M. M. Kohlerltft Ti es lay evening for Tnmwater, Wash. He will prob ably be absent some time. Johu A. Larson and two children went to San Francisco Saturday on business and for a short viBit. Walter Dvte left Monday evening for McMinnville to finish his course at the college. Mr. Dyke is manager of the college par" ,TI, Review" Miss Susie Bannard left Friday n'ornlng for huene where sue teaches iu the Eugene high school. Miss Margaret Banuard is teaching at Baker City ' Mr. and Mrs. John Taylor and little grand daughter, Caruelita Pool, are here from Ashland repairing their home aud expect to return to Grnr.ts Pass to reside this winter. David Prlggs, O. H. Benke, Cliaa. Yaeor. Robt. Creed, Mr. Gardener, and Mr. McDougall were iu from Sucker creek this week to testify in the Wisccarver-Klippel ditch case Miss Mrytle Lee returned Saturday from her summer s visit at Heading. She was accompanied home by her sister-in-law, Mrs. Frank Lee aud child, who will visit in Grants Pass. Mrs. C. H. Walker and littlo daughter, who have been visiting for several weeks with the families of R. H. Giltillan aud M. W. Wheeler, returned on Friday to their home near Albany. . Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Hathaway aud danchier. Ruth, went to Portland last week, called there on account of the murder of the husband of a dear friend. Mr. Halimway returned home Tncsduy. Perry McDanlel wns in Grants Pass last week 10 snip ins pnnscnoin goous to Lake Citv. Cal., where he will take his baud of sheep forthe winter. The sheep have been summering near Mt. Shasta aud are now being moved southward, Geo. Harvey of Tacomn, arrived this week to visit friends at Murphy, It was his intention to go rartner sonth to locate but is so well pleased with Grants Pass that he lias decided to remaiu here. He is looking over the town and seeking an opening. Henrv Wiley, one of the old pio neers or Douglas couniy, aieu ni Myrtle Creek, Sept. 11, aged 84 years. Ho mined in me aiiiioubb district in Josephine county in early invpnd his brother Daniel Wiley, wan killed uv t lie mourns mere hi 1855. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Robinson, Mr, and Mrs. Harry Hubbard, Mrs. (..has. Rnsnre mid daughter of I rbana, IU. spent Tuesday night iu Grants Pass viKlting K. W. nowser who arriveu from L'rbana recently, the party is returuiue home from a stay at San Francisco. ' U. H. Chamberlain nived Sunday frnm Alberta, Cairnda, to spend the winter in Josephine county. Mr, rtmmmiraliu was a resident of Jose niiina mnnrv bpfore the town or Grants Pass was (nought or. lie i; ui li . , . 1 I , .-...! . t - lttn I - . DOUKHi IUIH KIJU IHCll nnmu several years, leaving the country 22 years ago. A number of Grants Pass people are ntiendimr tho Southern Oregon sol diers and Sailors reunion at jiickboii ville this week. Among tho number are Mr. and Mrs. John Patrick, Mr, unit Mrs. J. K. Peterson. Mr. and Mrs. Noah Da', Mrs. Lee Calvert, Mrs. J. W. Griffith. Mrs. O. W. Colvig, Mrs. Mary Maybee. Mrs. John S. Silsby of Ashland was called to McMinnville Monday by tin death of her uncle, John ll'indley, well-known farnior and native Ore- soniau living near that place. About 10 dnvs nrevious to ins ucatn, air. Hundley stepped on a rusty nail, from which blood poison supervened, and notwithstanding the efforts of physicians, ended fatally. tidings. I)r F. W. Van Dyke left Wednesday morning lor an extended irip to Korope, covering a period (,r pcrnnps 12 months. His-traveling companion is Dr. PicUell of Medford. The doc tor will spend ninny moniiis in uer nmny during which time ho will take up somo line or study in ine meincai profession. Ho will also visit Hol land and other couutries of Kurope. Rev. J. W. McDnngall and party returned last week from their ("rater Lake trip, extending over a period ot nearly two weeks. They went iu a lumber wagon and travel was necessarily slow, which cut their stay at the lake snort, i lie party was composed of Rev. J. Vt. MolJougall, Mr. and .Mrs. rreeuinu oawyer, t.iar. ence and Freehmd Sawyer, M isses May j White and Alfreda Smith ami Knlh White. Mrs. McDougall joined the party at l'ort Klamath, where sho has spent severul wesks past. Jacob Klippel, a veteran mini r of this comity, spent several days in town this week. Mr. Klippel is the owner ot Hi" dlguinga nn nullum creek wlirre ho took out a II. .i nugget a few weeks ago. Among a number of smaller piuces, Mr. Klippel has a little nuugct (if uhout fi in value which is quits a curiosity. It is the exact slmie of a lady slipper, minus he heel aud is perfectly smootli and vminetrical. running to a sharp point Bt tlio loe. n.npiei s mine is In the siune aisirici aim only a lew mile distant from the Briggs Eldorado. as secretary. On motion by Arthur Conklin a committee of three was appointed to draft rules and -by-laws. The ohaie mau named as the committee, Arthur Conklin, W. B. Sherman and C. O. Higgius. D. H. Weyaut, who is soliciting ore exhibits for the Lewis & Clark fair, was pre.tent and addressed the meeting. Ho urged that the ore displays be col lected as fast as possible as it was im porrhut that Oregon should have a large exhibit, as it would be op (gainst California, Colorado aud other states that wonld doubtless bave fine eihib its. Other Oregon districts are enthu siastic aud Josephine county was urged to make every effort to have one of the grandest displays in the state. W. Jf. Morphy, president ot the Americau Geld Fields Co.. commend' ed the exhibit, hot was of the opinion that the matter snonld be taken np earnestly aud early if it was to be a success. He mentioned some of the needs of our district saying that we need more deep miuing, more capital and better roads. On motion by 0. C. Higgins, a com mittee of three was appointed to inter view tho merchants and business men for the purpose of interesting them in the new organization. O. O. Higgins, Joseph Moss aud J. B. Crawford were appointed. . , Chairman u. u mangnm regreiien the absence of the Grants Pass mer chants from the nieetiug. He stated that 10 per cent of tho pay roll of the Granite Hill mine for one month urnnM nay the exnenses of the ex hibits building for one yoar. Ten per cent of the Greenback's pay roll for a mouth would pay tho expouses for a year and a half. L. B. Chase mmle a few remarks in favor of the organization and said that all who benefit from the mining indus try should be interested. Rev. J. W. McDougall was called upon and made a few remarks, nrging the importance or a general interest in the purpose lax which the organis ation was made. MBVor H. L. Oilkey and W. M.lialr spoke briefly on the importance of the exhibit. Mr. Hair enjoyed the dis tinction of being theouly Grants Pass merchant present at the meeting. W. H. Sherman, Arthur Ui'niun, A. E. Voorhies, J. M. Booth aud J. S. Crawford were appointed as a committee of co-operate with the board of trade to help entertain the delegates to the Oregon Develop' ment Leaano meeting. The meet um was artjoornod until October which time tho organiza tion will be perfeeed. The principal oniect or tins associa tion is to maintain a permanent mm eral exhibit in this city and the desire is to obtain a large enough niomDer ship so that the fees and dues will be sufficient to defray the expenses of maintaining the exhibit. COURT DOCKET Cases to Coma Before the Court Next Week. m:wi:ll ijiios. Oyr brooms sweep clean. Teacher Wanted. School district o. 4, Waldo, is in I need of a qualified teacher for a two mouths term, coniineiic ing Immediate ly. Address W. J. W imer, clerk, Waldo, Ore. Fishing Tackle Is still in demnud as now is the best nailing season, i rnmi r Bros, can sell you just what you need. Bcwvt of Oiatnwnt (of CUrrt Thst Con- Uint Mercury, as mercury will surely destroy the sense of smell and completely derange the whole system when entering it through the mucous surfaces. Such articels should never be used except on prescriptions from reputable phy sicians, as the damages they ill do is teu fold to the good yoo can pos sibly derive from them. Hall's Catarrh Cure, manufactured by F. J. Cheney Co., Toledo, O., contains do mercury, and is Ukeo internally, a-tiug opon tho blood and mucous of inrfaces of the syi-tem. In buying Hall's Catarrh Cure be sure yoo get the genuine. It is taken internally and made in Toledo, tlhio, by F. J. Cheney & Co. Testimonials free. Sold by urugaisis. rn ,x yr, . bofle. Take Hall's Family Pills for constipation. PIANO TUNING Join the Tuning Club. mms. STEVENS At Woo.dville, Ore., day, September 1, 11X4 to Mr. Mr. L. Stevens, a daughter. Frl and MARRIED. Here's the proposition : Member ship good for 18 months. The fee for membeiship is the price for the firt tuning to be paid wheo work is done. Half price to members afterwards. Free regulating. You can call me iu between tunings if anything needs attention and pay nothing for it I am here often. Orders attended to as promptly as possible. Join now. J. M. WARD, Toner for Allen A 3lIbert4 Ramsker Co. at L O. O. . Bldg. WINKLE JOHNSON At Grant Psss, Tuesday, September 20, l'j4, E. Winkle and Miss Ignore Johu son, Justice Furman officiating. JESS GENTNEK At Willervilie Monday, Sept. ID, l'Jt, Alexande M. Jess and Miss Emma Geutuer, Justice Furmao officiating. STOCKTON DEAKIN At the home of the biide's sister, Mrs. t. B. Huthrford. at McMinnville, Ore Thursday, 8-pteruber 14, l'J4, Ed sir Stcckton of Grants Pass and Miss .Marguerite ueaiin.i I Mending, Key. (loyd II. Adams officiating. Mr. and Mrs. Stockton arrived from McMinarille Saturday. DIED. ZL'MWALT At Merlin. Ore., Satur day. September IT, l'J)4, Win. Zum wait, aged (A. Daisy Sollger vs Wenzel Sollger; divorce. Lizzie M Duulap vs Robert Duulap; divorce. S W Smith vs Nellie Smith; divorce. Crimiual Docket. Stnt.i of Oregon vs James Yooum and Honry Williams; assault with in tent to rob. State of Oregon vs Enunett Conger; assault with a dangerous weapon. Stato of Oregon vs Andrew Grimes assault with a dangerous weapon. Stato of Oregon vs Arthur Conklin ; information for lilicl. 1 Statu of Oregon vs John Knapp; as-malt wttn intent to commit raiw. State of Oregon vs J Stovall; information for wounding an animal the property of another. Laura M Nichols vs Al Nichols; suit for divorce. James Lyttlo vs Theodrlo Cameron, et al; suit in equity for an injunc tion. The Curtis Publishing Co vs Pacific Pino Needle Co; action for money. C A Trefetheu vs T F Rourke; ac tion to recover damages. F W Chausse and T Y Dean vs J A Jeniiiiias: action to recover money. James Camp vs Althonse Mining Co. a corporation; action to recover money. I.ora McKinuey vs A M Mctunucy; nil for divorce. .Ihcob Meir vs W O Long and uiiust Fclsch i action to foreclose cm. A Brown vs John Hotter and Hat Hotter: acliou to recover money. C D Smith vs H O Mcintosh and Mr Mcintosh: acticn for money. Ellen St Louis vs Henry uootn, t ul snit In eouitv F Fetsch vs Lucy rerreu, et al; suit in equity. Marv Ramsey vs John l.oekhardt action for damages Simmons, Cameron and Iigan vs Deep Gravel Miuing Co; action for mimires. M D L ( rooks vs A al Daniel ; ton r ininnctlon. James ( amp vs Aitnouse Alining Co suit In rciu ty, James T Logan vs Deep U ravel Minins Co: suit for Injunction. M Blumeuthal 6c Co n J U Anteo; action fur money. T K Mclar aue vs T r Koursc, et al; forec'osure mechanics loin. muel li retting 1 1 1, et al, vs L A Lewis; action for damages. N E Emerson vs T L Cousiuo, et al ; suit to quiet title. W illiams tiros iioor ot i.unioer At Pacific Piue Needle Co; action lor money. II U rtor'on vs wiiiiauii cmersoo ; i-hnn for money. E li Pickel vs John R Harvey, etui, action for money. S N Avers, et al. vs O (J Lund ; suit to quiet title. r.siaie oi " ,ki , lebtor; J O Booth, assignee. J F Wiserarver ys Jacob Klippel; suit to quiet title. H 11 McCiung vs i-ncy jiauer; set ion for money. II C liobzien aud Alice H Culver, et al Jos Moss vs James suit to quiet title. Stella McCiung vs divorce. Tillulsh Turner Turner ; divorce. . Sarah K Robertson vs Chas II Rob ert sou ; divorce. Margaret Akers vs Roful Akers; divorce. Anna E Biown vs Lawrenoe Brown; divorce. T K Anderson, et aL vs The Oalice Cousolidated Mioes Co; action for damsjes. Dr. Flanagan, Physician and Dentist Go to Coron for Plumbing. Bicycle repairing at Cramer Bros. M. Clemens, Prescription Prmgist. Have a O. Lnnd saw yout wood. Peach paper at the Courier office. Oliver Plows at Cramer Bros. Diamond Riugs from 3.40 to $100 at Letcher's. Talklug Machines aud Records at Paddock's. Full cream cheese 15c pound White House Grocery. Order seals aud robber stamps of A. E. Voorhies. A splendid line of Royal Charter Oak Ranges at Coron't For first class table board go to Smythe's, 114 E St. Plates and Films developed and printed at Cleveuger's. Great Rednctlon" In Summer Wrap pers at Mrs. Rchkopi's. We want fresh eggs ; will pay 80e dozen at White House Grocery. Diainoud ear drops from 13 to tiO at Letcher's. Amateur Photo work promptly and carefully attended to at Cleveugvr's. Don't fail to sea the new line of Diamond and opal rings at Letcher's. For a short time Ireland & Meade will sell yoo a lot for 10 dowti and f.) per month. Now is the time to buy House- dresses. The sale is now going ou at Mrs. Rehkopf's. Why pay retit? I will soil you a house anil lot or a ranch on easy pay ments. E. L. Cuss, If von are not getting good shws, for your money, Try tho Red htar Store, where good shoes are sold. If yon wish to reduce your wood bill, buy 4-foot lengths aud have O. O. Land saw it for yoo at your door. An old stand under a new manage ment ! City Msat Market I Plnmmer & Martin Proprietors after Octuber 1. Ask vour dealer for Rogue River Creamery Butter made at Medford is now B5 cents per two-pound, square lull weight. Next week. Tuesday and Wednes day, September the Stitli anl27tli, two days only. Dr. Lowe, tho well kuown ocolo-opticiau, will be iu Grants Pass at Hotel Josephine, iiavo mm lest your eyes, DiBO Harrows at Cramer Bros. Buy 4-ft wood aud have Lund saw It fer 'J-ou. Full cream cheese 15o pound White House Grocery. Tablo Board at Teasouublo rates at Smythe's, 114 E St. Our Heating Stoves Bre on the floor. Call aud see them. Cramer Bros. A new line of Diamond jewolry on baud at Letchor's Jewolry store. Fresh eggs wanted; must bo strictly fresh; 80o dozen. -s-Whito Honso Gro cery. 700 piecos of vocal and instrumental sheet ninsio at 10 cents each at the Grants Pass Musio House. "Atheism" will be the theme of the evening sermon at the Bethany Presby- terian church uext Sabbath, If you do not come soon yon will miss that nargain nine in nuinmoi wrappers at Mrs. Kehkopf s. Tho Glendale city council last week grunted a water and light fran chise to A. R. Black for a period of 40 years. Have Dr. Lowe euro your head and eye ache with a pair of his superior olimsca. consult him September the 2iUh and 27th. lie solicits aimcuii cases. Bicycles cheap at Cramor Bros. . TJ try a Blue Ribbon, 6-cent clgnr. This week there art) WO scholars enrolled iu the public schools. A new lot of Stransky Steel ware for Cold Weather before buying your Fall Suit? By getting it now, you have longer wear for your money aud a larger assort ment to pick from. If you want something that will put you in a dis tinguished class by your self, come here aud walk off with a snappy suit of "CORRECT CLOTHES" N hand-tailored by Schloss Bios. & Co. The picture shows the reigning favorite in Fall Apparel. This is the natty suit the best dressed youug fellows iu the big cities are now wearing. There Is nothing in the style, lit, fabric or tailoring that would suggest the idea that It wus "Itcady made." On the other hand, there Is everything to Indicate that the swollest incrchaut tailor might have made It. He wouldn't think ol charging you lone than t-5 for ' t-B'1 flt you Fob fw LlTTl.K A t'UICK AS 815. Leek For This Labs) TAtri.ta st.yle grace CorrectClothes CENTUEME corrsKKTtD no SCHLOSS BROS.&'.q Fine Clothes Makers B.ltimort' . AVwftrX Exclusive Walk-over Agents GRANTS PASS. SHIPPING COPPER MATTE Takllmo. Smelting Co. Send Car, of Malt to Seattle. The T'akllma 8moltiugCo. is operat ing their smelter to its capacity and 1(1 to 20 four horse teams are busy hauling 2-ton loads of coke 40 miles to tho smelter aud 2,' aud 8 ton loads ot ooiiner matte to Graiits Pass to be shipped uorth. Onn car load of cornier left lor Seat tle Wednesday and several more are at the smelter awaitiug transjiortatinn to dimcnity in YOUR ti'S NEED GLASSES Have them Examined AT ONCE FHK K By THE STURGES-WATSON Room 5, Bcballhora Building, rear of Dr. Dixon's. OPTICAL CO. GRANTS PASS, OREGON. the railroad. They find 1nst received from Germany by Cramer securing a sufficient number of men to t. I n I, a fnll..ijt nk. tiros. Dr. W. F. Flaimgan this week sold his homo on Fifth street to W. N. R Thomas vs ; suit iu equity. C Every, et al ; C II McCiung; vs Edwin W Rinehart, H. CI. Kinney picked a bunch ol grajies frnm his vines this week which wns a monster, weighing pounds. Some rare bargains In second-hand typewriters of nil makes can be had at the Underwood Typewriter Agency, 05 Front St , Portland. Ask for sam ples of work nud prices. As I desire to leavo Grants Pass, 1 will sell anything that I possess and lie entire S. F. Cass estate on easy terms. See Jos. moss lor list oi real estate and houses. E. L. Cuss, Curtis & Co for Watches, Clocks, Gold Rings and Jewelry, fine watoh repairing, engraving. Goods sold al reasonable prices. Coiun and see ns. O. O. F. Building, Grunts 1'uss, Oregon. The Underwood Visible Typewriter docs everything any "'her typewriter can do and many things no other writ ing machine will do. Agency at i.n Front St., Portland, will furnish cat alogue. Since Dr. Lowe's last visit to Grants Pass, ho hns Decn to Mw York, where ho took a course on the eye and Is now bettor prepared than ever to correct your eyes with his su perior glasses. Garland Stoves at Cramer r.ros. U try a Blue Ribbon 5-cent cigur. Rubber Stamp ink in stock at the Courier oflico. Now is tho time to paint your house. Try Patten's Sim Proof Paint. Sold only by Cramer Bros. Trimblo & Cook now cany a stock of buggy and hack wheels III all grades. The prices aro right. Tho Literary department of the U, , mini's rluh will meet with Mrs. W. M. Hair, Friday. Septemls r M, I'JOI. Iinportut business The entire estate of 8. F. Cass, and all real estate, belonging to E. U ('ass for sale on easy terms, i all at my ofllce. Joseph Moss. The Ladies Aid society of tho Pres byterian church will hold a cooked food salo at It. L. Coe & Co. 'a store Saturday afternoon. An opportunity is offered for housekeepers to secure bread, cakes and pies lyr Sunday, The darkness is good. Good for sleeping. But not for working. Not for tywriting. One stumbles in the dark. Turn ou the light. Write in sight. Get an Underwood Visible Type writer. Agency B5 Front St., Portalnd. Already plans for the coming work for theChoralL'uion are b. ing thought of by those most interested in the woik and a meeting of all members and those who wish to become mem bers is announced for Monday even ing at b o'clock in ti e parlors oi Bethany Presbyterian church to talk ovir plans for the coming seaKin's work. All interested in musio are in vited to be presvut. C. E. Hturges and J. Clars Watson, the former of San Jose and the latter of New York, comprising the Storgea WaUHin Optical Co., arrived in Grants Pass this week aud have taken room 6 io the Scballliorn boildiug. These gf-Dtlcmeu have had years of exper ience 'n the fitting of glasses and ooroe to Grants Pass highly recom mended. They will probably make Grants Pass their borne. imrrv mi t ie wora to its lunesi OB' pacify and nearly evoryone who shows an for work sets a lob. W. II. Good- ell, who has been superintending the work at the smelter, Lift Inesday evening with his family for Northport, Wsh.. where he hits a posltlou with the Le Rol smelter. E. W. Walter is now In churgn of the sniulter as man ager. . I now havo on display a lull assortment of TAILORED MTJ n REflDT-TlVWEflR HflTJ STREET MTJ And all the latest novcltios in Millinery r Southern Oiegon State Normal. The Southern Oregon State Normal School began the year's work WedneB' day, September the 14th, with an at tendance unprecedented ill numbers and character. It has become the policy of the slate to maintain the sc hool, and new buildings with good equipments havo sprung op as n uy niaglo, and the large campus covered Willi shade trees is ucw alive with busy, ambitious happy young people who have come from various parts of the state, from Washington and from Northern California. The course of study is so arranged as Io qualify teachers for the public schools of the state, but music, literuture, nlocotion, aud the lan guages are taught, and many persons are taking advantage of tho opsirlun itii s here offered for gene al culture. 'I be faculty Is composed of eleven men aud women, who are specialists iu t ie r respective lines oi wurs. The dormitory life is wholesome and many of the bist students live at the campus in the commodious bnlldlngs provided for their home. The ex penses, including toltion, board and lodging, may be estimated at 1 11)5 to fl.'ri) per year. Studeuli may enter at any time. Kor catalogue of information address F. It. Neil, Secretary of the Faculty." B. F. MULKEY, Pres. A Popular Band. Gorton's celebrated baud has loug ad the reputation of being the best organization of Us kind traveling. This season will be no txceptlo tne baud Is composed of some of the best musicians known to the musical tirofessifin. They have an extensive rciiertolr rangning from the popular electios of the duy to the more dim- cult solos and overtures, all of wiheh are rendered In the faultless manner uhlcli is characteristic of the Gorton baud. The company will be seen at the Gr-uits Pass nn-ra house, Bcptcmlier TJ Concert and isiradu at noon, seats on sale at Horning & Dopoy's. The Social Business Meeting of the Christian Endeavor Society of the Presbyterian church announced for Friday night has been postioued outil Friday ot next week. The person who lost a tent iu Grants Pass Friday, September 17, can have tint same by proving property aud paying for this ad. Call at Ryan's shop ou Sixth street. Key. W. O. Council will preach In the Presbyterian church on Sabbath morning on the ttxt "Bee Thoo to That." The subject for the evening termou will be "Atheism." 'I'll Baptist people have made change io the hour of Monday school and morning preaching services. Heretofore they have held their Sabbath school before the preaching services at the same hour as the other churches in the city. Commencing next Sunday, however, the preaching service will commence at 10:30 ful lowed by Sunday school at 13 m. Other churches wil bold their services at the usual hours. Call and soo my coniploto lino, Miss Ida Weston Front Street, between 6th and 7th. t KM V -::VV iSelf-FillinqPbn nrMTiit rui itMtr THERB ARE ONLY TWO KINDS OF FOUNTAIN TENS COIN li I-.IIVN AND ALL TUB OTHERS. CALL AND SEE THEM AT 1JEUT UAKNES, . Reliable Jeweler. Clemens' Drug Store, Grants Pass, Oregon Earn Money WKJWILL J'AYJV'OUJ-pR YOURTIMI A DOLLAR SAVED 13 A DOLLAR EARNED. BY COMING TO OUR STOR Iv AND TAX ING ADVANTACE OF OUR BIG DISCOUNT SALE j& You Earn Money Big Saving on Each Article Purchased. Ladies' Shirt Waists from 75c to $1.50 now 50c Ladies' Skirts $3.50 now $150 " " 4.00 " .. 3.00 'V 4 5 " 3-50 Aud all Summer Goods in Proportion. New Department Store Whitc-IIemenway Co. Mgrs. - HCIIOOL HIIOI FOI I CIIir.TIti: - II. O. JIcCROSKEY