Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927, September 22, 1904, Page 2, Image 2

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Fubllshed Every Thursday.
Subscription Rates 1
one Year, in advance,
elx Months, ...
Three Months, ...
Wngle Copies, -
Advertising Rates
Furnlxhed on application at the office, or I
uj uiaii.
yimuanea ana resolutions of con-
aoience will he charged for at 5c per line;
A. E. VOORHIE3, Propb.
Kntered at the post office at Grants Pas,
vregon, aa secona-class mail matter.
Friace Herbert Bismarck, eon of
the "Iron Chancellor," died on Sun
day at Friedrichsruhe in Germany at
the age of 65. Independent of the
fame of bis father, Prinoe Herbert
was a distinguished man with a bril
liant reeord as sold lor and diplomat.
Strictly up-to-date
Extra well Fitting and well Made
W. E. DEAN & CO.
Man Shoots His Wife's Family
Kills Himself and Child.
Reports from the Russo-Japanese
war are to the effect that the compar
ative qolet which has prevailed dur
ing the past week has been rudely
broken. The Japs have begun another
fiorce attack on Port Arthur and al
most simultaneously another grunt
battle has began at Mukden between
the forces of Oyaina and Kuropatkin.
It appears that the Japs have more ad
vantage than was the case in the Liao
Yang battle in which they gave the
Russians such a severe defeat.
Que.rlz Mill e-nd Machinery Soon
to Be Inat&lled,
Work on the big quartz mill for the
Opp mine began Monday and a force of
8fi men are employed In blasting off
the rock and doing other work on the
foundation at the building. About
100,000 feet of lumber has been tur
chased of the Jackson County Lumber
company and the Iowa Lumbor Com
pany and it will soon be delivered,
Mining Exhibit Constantly In
creasing In Size and Excellence.
Heently the Courier has reooived Tl" offlo Dullll"8 formerly occupied
. . ... I k. 41.. r t .
advertising propositions lrom Portland uw" unioer company was
firms which compute directly with our
merchants in various lines of business.
we declined to consider the offer be
cause we believe in patronizing our
resident merchants, the men who are
among us and of us, who pay taxes In
this county and who are personally In
terusted In the welfare and develop
mcnt of our district. The Courier be
lieves in patronizing the home mor
chants in preference to all others and
in the building np of 1-jcal business
purcliasod and is to be moved to Call
forula street near the Whipp building
ana win be used as an office for the
company. Dr. Roddy and Mr. Opp
nave Deen in Han Francisco this week
purchasing the machinery for the
mill and rails and ore cars for the
mine. F. E. Wlilott, who is con
struction superintendent, is rnshlnir
work and will Increase his foroe to
40 or mure by another week as It ia
the intention of the company to have
and industry and will reserve its space tlie Dew ml11 iD operation in W) days.
lor tho resident business man in pref- ""'asonvHie Hen 1 1 no 1.
ernce to a competing foreign stiver
tiscr, the prospect of a few dollars Rich gulch near Jacksonville. mIH
iron, tne jatter not being aulliciout to to be the scone of the first gold dls
turn the scale in his favor.
The long continued smoky season
and the groat number of forest Area
now burning have brought the sub
ject of bettor foiest protection Into
nnusual prominence. There Is little
doubt that the next legislature will
enact some changes In the fire laws
but there Is also little hope that these
changes will be In the right direction.
11 will probably yet take some years
01 experience and the destruction of
much valuable timber to convince the
legislators of the entire error of the
present systom, which Is based on Hie
theory of keoping all Are out of the
timber forever, an absurd impossl
Mllty. The longer Are is kopt out of
tne woods the more dostruotlve the
Are when it does come, as it certain
ly will- in time. The only way to
protect the forests is by frcnuont
bnrnlngs, the fires of which will not
develop heat enough to injure the
larger growths. This idea prevails
among sxporleuoed woodsmen, but
not among those who ooutrol loglsla-
"o proDaole amendments to
the Are laws now In foroe, will be to
make them more stringent and to
exact a heavier penalty for their vlo-
uregon Development League
"111 Hold Sessions Here Friday.
oovery in Oregon, lu 1861, is to be
workod this wintor with pine and
giant by the Blevenne brothres. The
gnlch paid an ounoe a day to the man
lu early times nad has been worked
In a desultory manner from those
times till the'present.
Among the new displays received
this week at the Mining Exhibit build
ing, are a lot of Ane looking ore from
the Carr mine on Foots creek, several
large pleoes of crude graphite from
Swede Basin and some specimens of
cinnabar from Picket creek. New
displays are being received from time
to time and the exhibit is constantly
increasing In size and excellence.
The rooms are daily becoming more
and more popular as a resort for those
interested in anything that ooncerns
mines and minerals and the register
shows a rapidly iucroaiinsr dailv at
tendance. To the stranger from the
east or from other parts ef the Pacific
coast, the exhibit is a convincing
demonstration of -the excellence of
Southern Oregon as a mining country.
Sylvauite ore, carriyog $1 to the
pound, quartz, bearing free gold in
valoes of thousands of dollars to the
ton, and fifty per cent copper ore in
quantity are arguments which are
hard to dispute
deuce of a good
At Ashland on Friday, William
Monroe, a laborer, shot his wife, 8-year-old
child, mother-in-law and
sister-in-law with a 82 calibre re
volver, and then put a bullet in his
own head, dropping dead instantly.
A few days ago Mrs. Monroe filed
an action for divorce against ber hus
band, and pending the trial, which
was set for Saturday in the circuit
court, the was given possession of the
child. Following the beelnninir of
the suit Monroe came to bis wife's
home one morning, and, on pretense
of seeing the little one, abducted ber.
umcers were at once put on his track
and in a few hours recovered and re
stored the baby.
The tragedy occurred at the home
of Mrs. Oscar Garner, Monroe's
wife's sister, a little house in Rail
road Addition, whither Monroe had
followed his wife and her mother,
Mrs. ilizaboth Dunlap. "The latter
Monroe blamed for much' of his
domestic trouble. - ,
Entering the house he first fired al
Mrs. Dunlap and then at his wife,
wno sought to protect her mother.
Merlin Items.
W. J. Powers was in Grants Pass
on business Monday.
J. P. IfcConnell is teaching at
Glendale. He returns borne Satur
days. Miss Lora Pumraill is attending
school at Grants Pass, having gradu
ated from Merlin schools.'
Baptismal services will be held in
the M. E. cburcb next Sunday.
Psients bring jour children.
The revival meetings in the Baptist
church have closed, uood work was
done and several were added to the
church as a result of the work of
the RIsleys.
MerWn school is crowded. Ihe
teachers are over-burdened with
work. An addition to the building
is contemplated. Make
schools for the youngsters and
thoy will prove themselves worthy.
Mr. Zumalt, an old and well known
citizen of Merlin, died Friday morn
ing at 9 o'clock. The cause of d..n,
is supposed to have been heart dis
ease. He died very suddenly and
was alone at the time of bis last sick
nes in his cabin near Merlin.
The ice-cream social wh'ch was to
have been given by the Ladies Aid of
the M. E. church, and wa rw,.i,j
Plant to Be Installed on Promis
ing Property.
... . . .. I n, ill 1. " T. . .
ana men lie aireotcd his attentions to " a ven rriaay evening the 23d.
mis. uaruer. wno made nn i an are mviren n,i
Arter wounding each one of them lie
picked op the little daughter, ap
parently to carry it away, when some
motive prompted the infuriated man
to seek its life also, and he fired the
bullet which penetrated its throat
He then Ared the fifth hnllet intn i.u
own head behind the left ear and fell
dead on the floor. .
The little girl died on Saturday.
There is no doubt but that Monroe
nan nrooacn over his domestic diffl
cultie until he became unbalanced,
and above all tilings was determined
that his Wife and her rinnnlo -Iw.nM
not be allowed to keep his child, fot
whom he professed the greatest devo
tion ana Jove and which he st
away Irotn its mother a few weeks
ago, xtepiug tt until the court ordered
it into the mother's custody. Di
vorce suit instituted by the wife, was
pending at the correut term of the
upnriiir conic
Shntllli nnma
The osoal good time, will be had aud
is always assured when the Ladies
Aid is fostering an entertainment.
The quarterly conference of the
Methodist Episcopal church will be
held in Merlin Suturdov
of this week. Several f,om Wilder
ville expect to attend. Dr. Sunimer
ill will preach in the service Son
lay morn ini ihi. ..,111 v.. .. . .
chance to hear Dr. s l '
his term as Prenirllno s-ih... - ', '
closed and h. .Vi."'r .
. uo replaced
some other Elder.
F. D. Milton of Ashland, and W. S.
Love of Portland, who, together
with J. W. Thoniasson, are owners
of the Blue Channel Mining & De
velopment Company, are making ar
rangements to have a hydraulic plant
put in on their claims in Robinson
Gulch on Coyote Creek in the Wolf
Creek district
This property,, consisting of three
placer claims, was prospected six
weeks ago and proved so satisfactory
that Messrs. Milton and love bought
in witli Mr. Thomasson, the original
lecator, and formed the company
named above. At present a force of
men is employed cleaning out ditches
and sluice boxes, preparatory to com
mencing work with enlarged facili
ties, and at the same time a house is
being built for tho accommodation of
Superintendent Thomasson.
"A number of hydraulic proposi
tions are to be opened up this fall in
that djstrict, " said Mr. Miltou re
cently, "and it appears as if Coyote
Creek would be one of the coming
sections. Many prospectors have
come in because of the reports con
corning Sucker Creek, and now they
are turning their attention to prop
erties in our vicinity. We have badja
dry season, but that gives as good
hopes of having copious, rains at an
early dale, and for that rrason we
are auxinu to get our plant in work
ing order so soon "as precipitation so:e
Among the late arrivals of new goods at
Bannard s Big Furniture
and House furnishing Store
Axminster and Velvet
A large line of new styles Porteries,
Fine Pictures, Ricfure Franies and
Mouldings and'the whole stock is
most complete. .Come and see it
you cannot afford to pass it bye.
Goods Sold on the Installment Plan
Opposite Western Hotel.
WeJdo Items.
a yonng man of
Monroe, who was
and the mute evi- perhaps 80 years of age, had the renn-
ore exhibit will be '"'JT, lD'll'"trion" Bnd I0'"'
iiu uuiiiiiBii worn f rlduy was a
surprise to those who had ki-own him
n . three years past.
During this time ho bad been engaged
as a miner aud general laborer.
The couple were married about
throe years ago. Monroe's relatives
live In the Eost. The throe women
are all expected to recover, though
Mrs. Garner's wound is serious.
found to countoisct very largely the
misconception of Southern Oregon as
mining district, which has been
fostered by the persistent refereuce
to it as a "pocket country," a saying
which is refuted by far nio-e tangible
aud couvinoing arguments than
uousiuerablo Interest is mauifest in
1110 meeting of the Oregon Develop
uieiii league which will be hold here
on Friday, September 2a. There will
oe two sessions, one in the afternoon
auu one in tho evening. A largo at
","U"UTO expected from all the
Boutnorn Oregon towns. Roseburg
win 1. nu 4U delegates Hud the towns
or the Roguo river valley will have a
goou representation. Addresses will
bo given by able sinkers and the
meeting will be full of life, and Inter-
a lie urtgon Development League
m.w nns a membership of some 83 or
:;,m steamer
i'lUHiuM 01 our state.
Tho mooting will be hold at the oiwra
The following reception committees
navo been appointed: by the city.
-. v.. vauipiiuii, 1. r. t'ramer, O. L.
Mauguui; by the board of trade, P.H.
iiartn, Arthur Coukllu, R. Thoniai
iiivujiiiors association, V. B. Sher
man, A. K. oorhies, Arthur Conklin,
. "''ooui, j. a. Crawford.
AQurossus of welcome will bo made
oy l ouuty Judge J. O. Booth, on be
half of the county aud by Mayor H,
'sy tor the city. No effort
will be spared to make the occasion a
Pioasaut one for all visitors. Au
auununuce of the later Southern Ore
gou irults, watermelons, grapes, ran
Mloupee. etc. will be provided for tho
ueieciatlou of the delegates
It should be borne in miud that thi
I,,....! .. i. . . ...
......H nut lur Business meu aloue.
It is for minors, farmers, stockmen,
fruit raisers or timber men and every
ludustry of Southern Oregon should
naie a good representation.
Fall Styles of Shoes
Our SHOES are mado especially to our
order. Best of materials nnd first-class
workmanship. Not tlie trash you see ad
vertised at half price, Our prices aro tho
lowost at which such goods ns ours can bo
sold anywhere. -
The "Crossett" Shoe for Men
The "Utz & Dunn" Shoe for I
The "Queen Quality
$ 00
Shoe for Women, $3.00
Dry Goods and Furnishings.
Grants Pass ou
was in Grants Pass
YVoodvllle Items.
Mr. Tavlor was In Ot-i,i. p...
Mr. Moore was In
Mr. B. Carter
Ion business.
A A. Davis, from Mndfnnl. n. I.,
town Wednesday.
Mr. Geo. Kstes Went to riranla Pooo
I Saturday ou business.
Mr. P. Leverii'h nn,a t).
I Thursday on business.
Mr. Smlthliue was In rir,t. u.....
Wednesday ou business.
Miss O. Potter, came from Ajl.Iand
on a visit to her father.
Mr. R. Milton and Miu f,ii..
were in urants rasa Monday,
'B6 Elder nn, o.n:..l.l i..l .
?aurhoCf"h!s:n'?e '"Bt Bd "',Dred
oThe big mule teams of the Smelting
oo. are ornaments to onr highways.
Ihe loud whiur u r
,... " IO 1HK11I
"""""i manes us prompt. is rush and bustle ntout.
Waldo; wood cutting has got up to tl
- ii . 10,cl, wood, and team-
.B n uaj ; mnor trom 2 up.
rJ -!!!", lmt r,i,ir""'i 'or a saloon
r'Ji ,f"b' fft it. much do-
iiiri a """" no ruus it, as to
. "arm 11 n,ay oo in 1 die
J. T. Losan.
mous-Camerou & Liibbii 1. . "
tngaged nottins in :.. ....
.i.-. V.7. u- m i ue
- " me Illinois m no at the
head of their wash ditch.
C. Docker OUr flllliotni. .... I
rntn-,.,,1 t n: : "" ui.imui,
..n i l j , rnrtiHtiti. Decker it
well lik0d and patronized accordingly
by his large trade, and l i. li,;..i
voonirer than -"I'
rJi'16 W,P Gr8T''1 Miu'K Co.
(Wimer & Heames) has ordered loot
...r,,"IUC" s,Hpl l''Po which will i
-....Uiu penstocx to their 7-inch
san. and gravel elevator, which the
wi l use in connection with their No
3e evator; it will lift both grave
and water if necessary. The pSrpos
of it, however, is to lift water
T, Tl .
. r. Lreorge of Waldo, who somt
ni JKM,"".t IJvid Hopki,.t
Bonrd of Eque.llze.tion.
The Beard of Egnalization for Jose
phiue County, Oregon, will meet at
the office ;of the County Clerk, Mon
day, Oct. 3rd, 1U04, at 9 o'clock A. M.,
md will remain in .session each suc
cessive day for one week. All parties
inere8ted are requested to appear and
exnmiue their assessment for the year
1904, aud have all errors corrected, if
iiny there be, as no corrections can be
made after the adjournment of said
board. W. H. FALUN.
Assessor of Josephine County, Oregon.
Grauts Pass, Sept. 13, 1904.
i ., , ,. , . . m '
Now Fall and Winter Tailored
Hats, all the. latest the market
affords at Mrs. Relikopf'g.
WANTED To invest ffiOO to 2500
and services in a good legitimate
nusiness. Address H. U., Care
WANTED Ladies and gentlemen to
ooara a t Hmytho s. Everything
new, clean and up-to-date, 114 E
OHUA1IUN wanted by experienced
camp cook and baker, ueruian,
Julius of FetBoh, south
west corner aixtn and J street.
GOOD t'ASTURE for hortes or cattle,
near town. M. W. Wheelor.
Ashland for a visit with friends. His large, greet , . V'"."0.1'
'ic-, grevii neias nnil
went tn iutfnA I are ooiln in nn,,frpUo. ...i.l. . '
Saturday and rofurued Sobboth even- P'arances of the same lnH m1.''
ueorge has a lame i,nr,.i,... .. ,
Vf. Tl n ... . . I .nrl 1. 1 , .. . .niLic
u i "nnan returned from " '"""'"f ""rea Hereford bull.
onium rrnniT. alter n nn , iui
Prof. Cochrane
FULL BLOOD registered Holstoin bull
Address J. H. Croxton, Grants Pass.
FOK SALE-aoOO Cedar posts. -LTb.
Akcrs, Grants Pass.
Mr. Hart our esteemed postmastor
was in Grants Pass KuinrH.. nn
from Ashlai,d, is
lior daughter, Mrs.
Will B Replacetl.
GortoiVa Minstrels.
Welhv ..iJ tl i vi . .
" ' uiacx race come
dians, who havo been one of the
"mar attractions with Gorton',
.u.iruis ior several seasons, have
imiuuea Miss Clvouo l'eurl-Kell in
their net, and the team is now known
iiuiu.v, roan and Fell. The act
miroances the danciiiu of Mi-, v.n
the laughable negro ooinedj of Jake
"Biuy, together with a mazourka
uauco in which the throe
most effectively.
Welby and Peail made their reputa
o4.rl auueers long ago, and
both are adepts lu the art. They
""'J "if" mown to the pro
non. d each apjiearauce i. .
aiirn.l f ... ,
"cans, alias Kelt's premie. l,.Ud.
delightful perforiuttuca. T,y will bl
eon with Oorton's Miu. tr ,T. at ,lTe
The steamor "Jessie" Capt. T. J.
Staton, plyiug between Klamatl
rails, rclloau Hay, Odessa aud
Klamath lake points, was totally de
stroyed by Ore last Tuesday, according
to reports brought luto Ashland Fri
day night by the Pelican Hay stage.
Tlie loss is estimated at -.7u0 with
an insurant-) of (1300,
The "Jessie" was on the wav from
Klamath Falls to Pelican and upper
lake points and had rut. iu at EauU
Point to wood up. Thi re were no
passengers abonrd the boat ou the trip
up ami rapt. .Staton and his engi
neer, comprising tli regular crew
of tho steamer, bad gone after fuel
Miniu "5 yards away. When thev re
turned the whole vesFnl Wsaai ft ft la II 1ft
and untiling conld lie douo to stop the
i',-Kivns vi me. ore.
lh "Jessie" was !ltt fnut Ioiilt n,l
was built bv I'ant. Si.i.m i
the rear. Sim baa been ilt
erahle buainvsa in carrying jwiuiciigors
during the seaMin. it i mt,..i n,.t
Capt. Statou hoix'S to build a new and
hotter lKat fur neit kuih'i iruitl.,
limukvb. vjulet Uiv In Eastern
Oregon City.
Suuday was a uulet dav lu I.
Grande, all sahxuis and all cigar
tores U'ing cKhhU for the first time
lu Its history. Drug stores w..r .ml.
opeu for a short time. The order by
bounty Sheriff Peuiilimtou
effect. It was strictly enforced, and
trouuie or auy kind has yet ari-u
from It in U Uraude, and. as far a
known, the same conditions prevailed
throughout Ihe couuty.
Grande" .V" W 'tUwU, oI",",,, '
Uraude, there are three clowd at
Uuuu. thr,vs ,t Klgi. ,d ,
mervlli Ulaud City aud llilgird.
When you can save a year's rent on
ouo oy purohaslug one now of Allen
ci Gilbert-Ramaker Ca at i O O
F. Block.
Yon can also wy iu small amounts
as easy as reut If you like. The first
payment would of course be larger
than one mouth's reut, in laet wo don't
caro to put out a good, uew piouo as
these aro for less than 3J down.
It you have au organ, you can turn
ii iu as part jayment fur all its
worth, thereby cutting down the cost
You cau also make a shvIiil, I,.
I.viug cash or largo payments. Hut
in paying the balance after you have
siarien and made the first payment,
there's whore the convenience of
dealing with us comes lu. We have
ample capital to carry a good reliable
larty as long a time as Is uecesaary.
So, if you wuut a piano, and will
do right by us, you bad as well have
oue uow-uo matter how moderate
your means. Monthly, uuarterlv.
seiui-auuual or annual pavmeuta
onuiauie notes or any ar
rangement cousistem with good busi
ness can be turned in as paymeut.
Eight per vent iutervsl ou all
accounts running over W day. from
Alleu Gilbott-Ramaker (V. t
O. U Uik . J. M. WARD. Manager.
Mrs. Johnston,
here visiting will
L. Stevens.
The public silmnl i-iii. r.
Cochrane lu charge, has a moderate
Porn To Mr. and Mm T. ..,..
a daughter, ou the mil. m.,ii.... j
child doing well. --...
Mrs. E. A. Murphy gave a lectnre
on Japan. Mnndiiv
FrflHhytoriHu clmrcli.
Mr. Gn. ItirrlHitv rninfii. r-
: Jack norm lu TliurHdur and rottnrtk
that he expects to on tn IT...,...
Oregon ou au exteuded visit.
The followinir iwirM,,,.. . ..
Jacksonville to be proient at th .
union of the O. A. R. : Mr. and Mrs
Moore, Miss O. Moor,.. Mr i ...a
iuiiu x-uuiaii.
A basket social will be held in the
new Presbyterian manse ou Fridav
the 30th of September at 8 p. m'
Come and brlug a baXot loaded down
With giHMt thine. A
of music and song will also be giveu.
VYildervllle Item..
Mr. Wynett preached at Wildervill,
bunday night.
Mr, Mears preached at Wildervillc
Sunday at 11 o'clock.
Wildervillo a short visitcomo iigiiin.
Mr. Harrington of Grants Pass,
Kay Bt ,IoktuB8 t 4 o'clock
Mrs. Ellis has gone (o lier home in
California, after visiting her relativof
mi msi inreo months.
J. W. McCollum got his finger cut
pretty bad in canning fruit. Tin
hii'iid iBr urt'ilki"K in
J. Hockiug Adam Cart i.nd tin
hree Sams hrot hen went out on e
l....c u.ijs num. won't the
A good many are having colds
think If we would have rain rnongl
to settle this dense smoke, cvervbo.n
would feel better. J
nev. Mr. Mears Is
FOR SALE The entire belonging
of S. F. Cass, deceased and E. h.
Cass, on easy terms. Inquire, of Joe
Moss, or E. L. Cass.
rent SALE Nearly new 303
ninoj combination rear sight
ivory oeud front sight. Price, 2ft
V- .V ' luqa,ro H. Hurrison
. street.
Buy them now and save
money. We want to c'ose
them out as soon as possible
Paddocks Bicvcle Den
r'in"ti iffT?Tinrani
Coming Events.
Septcm ber 23, Friday Oregon IV velop-
ui;m uengue meets at urants fuss.
Sept. 2fi, Mouday-Cin Court meets.
Uct. 5 Wednesday evening V alter
inomas jams iu the Upera House,
political address, admission free.
tight Pianos Sold Here So
Far and Plenty of Sales
in Sight.
J.'A liM kok BAI.K-two miles trom Mer
ii i i .l'-e"a " aeres of good
! ........ .artrs ill CU IllVailOn , Kill
aim i.arn aim ahoul ,ri0 acres umlei
fence, hslance of land suitable for orchard
"i" " truw, aieriin. iirfafun
prune and
At'KE ranch, good
nmile nn-liHnl. .in. i f..i.
anunuanee; water for iriigation, besidei
iiik on every -iu acres : center of a good
ranee country; two (twilling houses' bit
arn, every thing complete: well l,iiri
III,."!. IHHMl III llltltf m.rk.l.
...... ..iiic iiunii m lunneiu, price iii.SOO
luiiiire at lln.i mine.
8003 to go tti
Provolt Itema.
. Elmer Hays of Grants ! u.
Provolt Tuesday.
W. M - Sonsou of Provolt was at
t asm Mvuiiny.
..aA, wiu f Ajplegate
... ulul,,a i ass luesdny.
o . ',. Lo .wnin" of I'rovolt made I
v.ii.1,1, i nn a Business trip Friday
ueorge Lewman and Eruest Chan
mutt fif n'rinifH . , . ' i
, " t-uuiuy, Lai., will
have been visiting with relatives and
....u. i rrovolt. left for home
The new rhnrrh p.n..i, i ..
-,, . .' . ' '"ger in i-rnvoli
nd will bo held for the First Chris
linn church of Provolt.
l he candy party giveu for tlie fare
well of t r. Lewiuim wan largely
jrieuos and relatives,
" not seen mm for 15
ins stay was short, but
greatly ai-
Notice to School Boa. rda
Learning that certaiu school supply
gents, lu order to Induce school
boards to purchase their goods, greatly
exaggerate the amount of school futnU
you will get during this and next
fear, aud also misquote how these
funds si all be used as stated In the
school laws. I wish to tell von tn K.
careful of all such agents. Investigate
Ihoroiiglily before pun haalug how the
school fuuds should hu uatut ..! h
much vou received this vear. 'o one
can tell how much yon will get next
year. Yours trulv,
K3 County 0vi lutetileu t
City Council.
A special meeting of the Cltv conn.
oil wa held Tuesdav
Mayor Gllkey presiding and Couticll
men Williams. Hair. Relmonf w.i.i.
aud Calvert present.
A petition for sidewalk on the south
sldo or C street, between Fourth and
sixth streets, was granted
Tim ordinance assessing costs ol
sewers through blocks 8, Hi, ?u and Ni
was tead the third time and passed.
Saloon license was granted C. F.
j-iuiier, ngeur.
. . ci'rT,of 0-nts Pass solicit
bids for lighting said city as follows
ror nine HHio candle - power an
lights and 0 or more 83 caudle-imwer
iucaudesceut lights with a stipulated
price for all additional lights. All
lights to be placed where desired bt
commltteo on light.
It is desired that bids he submitted
for both one year ami five y-iar con
tracts. Rids will be r. reived uutil ?
o'clock p. lu. October 30, ItKM, at which
lime all bids will tie opened Right
, The following bills were allowed:
, . , V ,'ma""K "ay 1 00
O 1. Heal, labor on streets 27 W
n ii iiiiniiaii, la ior
nick 1'ntrick. Il,r
Kehxopf A Neas, blac
Kinnev .v Trnav r...
Rogue River Coi r et, printing tt t . " ,wltn ninl rh rgv half
Hair-Riddie Hdwl'o. ..)-. K ' certificate which N-hWn.1 ...
W E Stacy, bay "" i w o "'e tentralia Captain and I v mean.
- ..vuin. nan tareates
l'ii uie rairicu!.
1. . .
IVII1LT W. I.,i1.v.,n In .L... .. I
Gorton1. Ml....!. in i." T. r o.. J"
..... ... win ,0 i,.. . ..... . . cuerin Si'tllltlliT ol
-i i-ouuiy. .un., arrived will,
ooraninoD pap.r an I on Tuesdav
evening he left uortli with the pri.ou-
... a Mcreopticcri with .tot
" ""' o'nr v.tiuahh-s secured
iroiu teutrana reople. all of which
rre recovered.
opp. Opera house
ii is sate to say that no town In
Oregon, of the size of Grauts Pass
has a more discriminating purchasing
puonc when lower grades of pianos
are considered, nor n m .
preciative people when the higl
gruues are offered.
wehave aimed steadily at selling
uur uesi piunos and iu no instance yet
have we been naked to order ouo ol
tne cheaper grades. Iu fact our best
grnoas are so highly appreciated tl a
o are not going to make any tftort
10 sen cheaper ones.
U. -i . I,
"uu sen mem sometimes. Anj
first class firm is compel lid to havi
'ouiotuing very cheap for ca-. .
aucn is demanded and inii.,j
" " ujujii.
But how much better for lh ,.
cuaser It is to snnnd s.",n nr inn
w. v'vv IllUlf
vuue at it aud get a good ouo.
We do not claim to have the I,.,.,
pianos iu tho world to the ,.i,,.i
of other firms, but we ,:0 joa y ciaia.
(hat we push our best grades l,.
cheaper trades lf'SH tliun
other firm in Oregon. And it cos f
uioro to sell high ,riced piull ,.
cost more, fxp,.Uso Is more and
profits are less. But iu.i.i
. now Wf
re making our great rcnmt ..,
establishing n iucreasinir hn.l.....
with the verv )..t .i..
l.a P...;- . .. " -V" UI 'eoJ:,a 0"
" J. U. f. Klk. and
duo tustrumeuts All
namaker Ca
M. WARD. M-......
Successors to Slover Drug Co.
Tolkt Articles,
House and Floor Paints.
County Trecsui er's Notice.
There are fumln in i.o .
pay all warrants nroteUert tn a,m
1 HUD. lntereal; n.lll '
this date. 1,"m
Septembtr 15, 1904.
m , , J- T. Tayror,
Treasurer of Josephine Co., Ore.
On the 3d dnv of !.,.,. .
wife, Mrs. Elizabeth s,,.,.'. :,,',!
and boun). U'll limit- nnnc. n
prorociitiou. and I will unt i,H r.
loiisiblo for her acts or nnv HmI,i ei
may incur in niv mime.
w: J. S.M1I H, Sulma, Oregui.
W. p. Fuller
cur plan
i see some vcrj
Hu & Gilbert.
Good milch
t this office.
or. Grants Pa,s.
F or Se.le
,cow for sale. I nir,
A V. Bann.rd-i;nderle.Ur
at cost
As long as they last.
Former price $i 75 gallon
Now 15 "
National Drug Store
J.C. Smith. M. 1) , I'rop.'
Agents for Patrick & Co. rubber
Salvationist In
John W. King
been a Salvation
arrested at Grants
Tolls of the Law.
... 1. - . .
" t iniois ro hate
Army ensign wti
Pass Thursd.iv ou
F 'rTihiinpips
telegraphic information received from
Ceutralia. where King is alleced to
ftlJ rt ?T" boot m "O'th of goods
o, w, " 'he IVutralia ariuv eople,
I'ksmithiug, itu M k " t"'I,i",,'r''d t the Palaof
d joy; 'vH'"" "J "" cap.
A Splendid Troupe.
Will Save You
Disc PI
uraiita ran ora hone. Thursday
veulng, September W. Besides the
distinction of being the oldest mlu
iitrel orgaiiiiaiiou traveling, the com
pany is also Mid to be ouo of the best,
uumberiug among its iwrforuiers such
well known people as Welby aud Pearl
Uortou aud Ui, Mix Clwiue Pearl-
trii, .in, lies igue. the Manto trouie.
i resceni i.ity rH xtette. the wouderlul
raron Trio, aud mauy others of abil
ity. Esivcial altentiou has beeu g ven
to the selrctiou of the vocal contiu
gent. Coineny and high class scial
cts have tieen liberally provided, aud
s usual with tins couipauv, the In
strumental mosio will he of the high,
est order. A street parade will be
giveu by the entire company at noon.
Reserved seats al Horning A Depuy's.
Circuit court couveoes Moo day.
This Fall
M. Estate Transfers.
E. and Mattie E. M
11 ll kIMI m
... Miner j. o. pood, nIU,
Jiw-p i Mia l,. Frank Welt man. tot
I in Rlwk K. H. K Miller Co s
H. K M,ll.r. J O.Poolli and Jowr,
Moss to Iteuiamii. k" u..i i ... '.
Block H. H. a Mi,lM A l.i"J;
Addition. I
Tlje above sales wer made through
the Real ksute ageucy of JceephMoss. I
Come and have a talk
with us. Easy terms
Grants Pass Hardware
L. CULVERT ... .
, v. n.rj sna Tresis