Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927, September 15, 1904, Page 4, Image 4

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Waal Craeral William T. Draavr It
Dolas For II U Two Tkniu4 Kb
plor-ea Good Srkoola aa a VI
Library Ratabllaas-sl.
Gcncrnl William V. Drniwr, the re-
tent United States ambnssador to Italy,
for the nke of adding to the comfort,
pleasure and enjoyment of hit 2,000
employee, baa turned a section of tlie
wild pasture lands of MuHsacbusett
into a beautiful town, a delight to tbe
eye of the artist and a real paradise to
those who are privileged to live there
in, says tbe Washington Star. All those
who have been privileged to rlslt the
new settlement agree that It is one of
the best examples of practical plillan
thropy ever attempted In this country,
This model town is named Ilnpedale,
nud In many respects It Is quite unique.
Nowhere else lit the world are to be
found sui'h picturesque and comforta
ble tenement. Indeed, the word when
upplhHl to tbe dwellings of Jjairdule
itHNtimcs an entirely new meaning. In
stead of conveying the Impression of
rookeries In narrow, crowded and HI
smelling street in tbe slums of sonic
great city where human beings are
herded like cattle, when applied to tbe
home of Ilopnlale It stands for dwell
lugs wherein are to be found comfort
and architectural beauty both In con
struetlon and surroundings, with all tbe
modern convenience and plenty of
fresh country air.
And all this 1 offered at a cost
scarcely If any more than tbe average
tenement dweller In the overcrowded
city pay for two iqunlld room In
some old building where life 1 hardly
worth living.
General Draper' work people are pro
vided with handsome new homes, fur
nished with every convenience for mod
ern housekeeping, at a rental of $0 or
$10 monthly.
And the general ha not seen fit to
stop there, for after laying out the
town to suit tbe need of hi many
workers certain oilier Improvements
appealed to him. Immediately be set
to work and erected a fine library
building, which ia thrown open to tbe
public every day and evening of (hi
Good schools were likewise estab
Hulled and a line park system Inau
gurated, which, with other Improve
ments, eliciting the attention of other
manufacturers throughout tbe country.
These tenement houses, which are
provided at such a low rental and which
wero erected for the express uso of 111
work people, are like tho home of the
well to do cltlr.ens In tbe more fashion
able suburban renters of our. great
cities. Unless comfortably well off, no
0110 outsldo of the DraHr employees
would asplro to such luxury as living
lo tbe sort of houses there provided.
Yet General Draper ha proved that
comfortable living Is quite within the
reach of hi most humble workers, and
by the erection of the model tenement
in Ilopcdale corresponding advantage
are coining to not only the town Itself,
but surrounding place are feeling tbe
elevation of tbe social life which this
marked change in the home surround
ings of the hardworking people of
Ilopcdale wrought The model homes
of Ilopedale have engendered the feel
ing of (elf respect among the Draper
employees, which, above all other,
goes furthest to establish and maintain
a correct and healthy atmosphere and
Indirectly to get the very best work out
of the worker.
Tho model town was projected and
laid out, a new church wa established,
then came the library and public
schools, and public park followed. Tbe
streets nro macadamized and lined
with shade trees. Concreto sidewalks
abound utid both Kits and electric lights
have been Introduced. The water sup
ply, sewerage and all tbe modern mu
nicipal regulations required have been
thoroughly looked to as a fitting ac
companiment to the picturesque home
which have been erected for the work
Ilopedale I not yet completed, a the
town Is constantly growing, and It I
General Draper's endeavor to make
each new section developed and each
new set of tenement built more at
tractive than those which have gone
Rapid (irowtk of la Al-Ua Gas
It It no longer necessary for the small
town to give away valuable lighting
franchise a an Inducement to some
private company to Install an expen
sive gs or electric lighting plant. It
can light It own street at a compara
tively slight cost and own and operate
It own plant with a modcrato outlay
of capital, says tho Municipal Journal
and Knglneer. This has been made poa
slide by several methods of lllumliia
tlon, but none ba made more rapid
progress than the acetylene gas light
ing system.
In IStiS the drat four plants were In
stalled. Tbe following year four more
were added to the Hut, mid during the
four succeeding years leu, twenty one,
twenty-two and sixty one plants were
Initialled respectively, making a Mill
of 1L'2 plains. That this Is a system
of lighting lo be relied upon, that It Is
economical sod s.itUfaetor.r In every
way, I utlcstcd lir the towns that
havo had the experience. Tbe towns
that hne used It the lenient have the
most to any Ui Us praise
A Installed for town lighting there
1 less danger than In the use of either
common gas or electricity, and the ex
pene Involved Is touch I, us. The ad
vent of this to w hi stem of ton light
ing may be hiokiil upon as boon to
the smaller mutilclpiilllles.
Hu Sold 1 Pile ot ChinihcrUia'i Couth
1 bava sold Chamberlain's cough
remedy for tin ro than Jo years ami it
1 1 as given entire mUsIiu-iioh. I lisve
sold a pile of it and rati recommend
It highly. Joseph Mi Klhiney, 1, ni
ton, Iowa. You will llnd this remedy
a good friend when troubled with u
I'ongli or cold. It always atTird
quick relief and is pleaKint to take.
For sale bv all drugigKts.
Htiunlul Women.
Plump cheeks, flushed with the soft
glow of health and a pure complex
ion. mako all women beautiful.
Take a small dose of II. -rhino aftei
each meal; it will prevent count i pa .
tlon and help digest what yon hayr
eaten. f,0c. Mrs. Win. M. Stroud,
Middlotlilan, Texas, writes. Mar SI.
1UOI : "We have used llerbine in oot
family for eight years, and foond n
the best medicine we ever used foi
coustljiaMou, bilious fever aud
malaria." For sale by Mcdet Drug
titore, '
Mar Likely Is Lira Tkaa If Traaa-
laat4 la Its Dartlasa.
It was long since observed that bud
ding tree when transplanted In the
evening and Immediately and copiously
watered were much more likely to
thrive than those that had been moved
In the day, says the 1'blladelpbla Rec
ord. But this knowledge did not lead
to any well defined theory on the sub
ject until the experiments of SI. Rene
Itounault, a French expert, proved be
yond, a doubt that distinctly beneficial
results could be gained by transplant
lug wholly at night.
Ilelng called upon to transplant a
large tract toward the end of May
1(103, M. Itounault determined to work
at night, and In order to be sure that
be made 110 mistake he transplanted a
Holland linden, which bad been In his
own nursery for Ave years, at 10
o'clock at night. He carefully watered
the tree, and tbe branches which bore
buds were freely moistened. The II n
den did not appear to suffer from this
transplanting and continued to grow
normally without showing any signs
of. weakness. Encouraged by till sue
cess, M. Itounault performed the work
of transplantation entirely In the night
time. The results were excellent, only
two tree dying, though the choice of
the specie was extremely wide, con
tabling many which do not readily
submit to tbe process of transplants
' With reference to the precaution to
be observed, It should be stated that
tree should not be transplanted while
their buds are too tender and that tbe
work should be done between 10 o'clock
p. m. and 2 o'clock a. m. It Is deslra
ble that tbe roots should be covered
with earth which has for several day
been exposed to the effect of air and
light. This should be settled by copl
ou watering, which force Die earth
between the roots, and not by pressure
with the feet. For the first fifteen
days after transplanting the bough
and leaves of tbe tree should be abun
dantly sprinkled. '
Cklldrea Shoal He Tsnsht la Braa-
llfr Ttarlr Homes.
The children should bitome early
partakers In that civic pride which
seeks to make their homes and neigh
borhood more healthful and beautiful,
says a writer In the Chicago Tribune.
It Is needless to say that If the availa
ble space In our doorynrds were prop
erly planted and cared for (and this
could be done generally by the children
themselves If encouraged by parents
and tearhera), and If the old fences and
sheds were treated with vines, the ap
pearance of a town would be trans
formed In a single season.
llesldes, all efforts In this direction
would be rewarded by a refinement In
taste and a stimulation of tbe aesthetic
nature that would enter at once Into
our lives as a liermanent asset on the
side of culture. The schools themselves
and alone could almost accomplish the
task of establishing home gardens If
the teachers could but realize the Im
mense Importance of such an Influence
In the lives of their pupils. The school
garden Is worth something, but the
home garden I worth much more.
The aim of tbe schools should lie to
encourage tho pupils to garden at
home, where their Individual Interests
are most deeply rooted, and because It
la bis Interest In tbe welfare of the
homo that will form the surest found a
tlon for the young citizen's broader In
tenut In the welfare of the municipal!
ty and the state.
Florida Villas Improvement flak
Has aa Artlv llrlaad.
The ladle of a Florida town recently
formed a village Improvement associa
tion, with a brlgndo called the Htur
branch, composed of about forty boys
and girls, whose motto Is, "Cleanliness
Is next to godliness." The pledge,
which they repeat at tbe opening of
every meeting, Is us follow:
'I promise not to litter the streets
with papers, fruit skins or anything
that will make the place untidy. Nei
ther will I mutilate or deface fences,
kill birds or Mb their nests, and will
also use my Influence to prevent others
from doing so."
They have a regular organization.
officered from their own members. The
weekly meetings are conducted under
parliamentary rule and enlivened by
singing, recitations, readings and call-
theulc exercise. The heueBt of such
training to the children cannot be over
estimated, and the work they do and
aave by keeping their pledge I no
mall factor In the problem, "How
shall we keep our town clean and
healthful?" At the weekly meetings
each one of the children reports orally
what he or she has picked up and de
posited In the barrels.
A Wis Ordlaaar.
Han Antonio, Tex., was one of the
Brat towns In America to adopt and
enforce -an ordinance prohibiting ex
pectoration ou tbe sidewalks or ou
floor of street cars or of public build
ings. The ordinance was suggested by
the local sanitary association, and after
Its adoption signs were lllierally posted
warning residents and visitors alike
against violation of the ordinance and
of tbe penalty provided. It Is to tb
credit of the citizenship of this town
that the merits of tbe ordinance were
promptly recognized and appreciated,
and Its observance was Immediate and
general. At the same time receptacles
for modi waste paper and such - were
placiil tit convenient Intervals along the
ifducKH stnvls. and at the same time
nrdliianccH providing for sweeping the
streets Here riiforvd. soil there was
an appearance of neatness ami cleanli
ness that bud not before been known.
Nesleited Coldi.
Kvery inrt of the mucous mem
bra lie, the Hose, throat, ears liend and
lungs, etc., are subjected to disease
and blight from neglected colds.
Milliard's llorchound Syrup is a pleas
ant and effective, remedy. 9.V. ."0c,
rl.OO. V. Aken.lilcK. Valley Mills,
Texas, writes: "I have used Hal
lam's lion-hound Syrup lor coughs
and throat troubles; it ia a pleasant
and moist effective remedy." For
salti by Model Drug store.
What li Lilt?
In the Inst analysis nobody knows,
but we do know that it is under strict
law. Abuse that law eveu slightly,
ulu results. Irregular living means
loraugciront of the organs, resulting
in eontilion, headache or liver
trouble. Dr. King's Now I,lf Fills
quickly readjust this. It's gentle,
vet thorough. Duly 2io at National
Drug Store and (Jrauts Fans Pharmacy.
files eo (flues
Are walked bv the billiard player, aa he
umvei around the table. Tliat is the
only exercise many a city man gets. It
is Mi lac ; of exercise in the shuuin-h.'f
of tne city, com
bined with irregu
lar eating and in
lit,'rslihl dishes
which tend to make
the city nun the
victim of "stomach
tr ai'.le."
When there is
undue fullness af
ter eating, with
belching, sour ris
ings and other dis
tressing symptoms,
a prompt use of Dr.
1'ierce s Golden
M'- Itc-il Discovery
wilt effect s speedy
cure. Ill the moat
extreme cases of
disease of the stom
ach and other or
gans of digestion
and nutrition, the
persistent use of
the Discovery "
will result in a com
plete cure in ninety-eight
cases out
of every hundred.
"Til prats I would ilk to girt your OoMea
Mrdiial IHaojvtry' I cannot litter in words or
(IrftL-rilw with p-n." write James a. Ambroar,
Kar.. uf ix4 Mifflin Street, lluntius-lon. Pa.
"1 waa tukeii flows with what our physician,
aaltl waa indiireMion. I dortored with the beat
around here and found no relief. I wrote lo you
and you aent me a question blank to fill out and
I din ao and you then advtaed me lo uae Ir.
Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery. I took three
bottles and I felt ao good that I stopped hcina;,
ss I think, cured. I have no symptoms of gas.
trie trouble or indigestion now."
Dr. Pierce's Common Sense Medical
Adviser is sent ret on receipt of stamp
to pay expense of mailing only. Send
91 one-cent stamps for paper covered
book, or 31 stamps for cloth bound.
Address Dr. R. V. Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y.
In Praise ol Chamhcrlaia't Colic, Cholera
and Diarrhoea Remedy
"Allow me to give yon a few words
in praise of Chamberlain's Colic,
Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy,"
says Mr. John Hamlett, of Eagle
Push, Texas, "I suffered one week
with bowel trouble and took all
kind of medicine without getting
any relief, when my friend, Mr. C.
Johnson, merchant here, advised
me to take this remedy. After taking
0110 dose I felt greatly relieved and
when I had taken the third dose war
entirely cured. I thank yon from the
bottom of my hoait for putting this
great remedy iu tbe hands of man
kind. " For sale by all druggists.
World's Fair Excursion
Tbe Denver & Kio Urande, in con-
uection with the Missouri Pacific, will
run a serins of Personally Conducted
Excursion to tho World's Fuir during
June, These, excursions will run
through to St. Louis without change
of car, making short atop at princi
pal points eu route. The llrst of
thean eicnraona will leave Portland
Juue 7th, and the second June 17th.
Tho rate from Grants Pass will be
77. B0 to St. Louis aud return. Ex
cursionists going via the Denver &
Kio Urande have the privilege of re
turning via a different route. This is
the most pleasant way, aa well as the
most delightful route, to cross the
continent. The stops arranged give
au opiairtnuity tf visiting the various
points of interest iu and about Salt
Lake City, Denver and Kansas City.
If you wish to accompany one of
these excursions write at onco to W,
C Mcnrldo, 124 Third street, Port
land, for sleeping car reservation.
W. II. Harrison, Cleveland, Miss.,
writes, Aog. 15, JIK).: "I want to
say a word of praise for Ha Hard'
Snow Liniment. I stepped on a uail,
which caused the cords in my leg
to contract and an abscess to raise in
my knee, and the doctor told me
that I would have a stilt leg, so one
ilay I went to J. F. Lord's drug
storo. Ho recommended a bottle of
Snow Llnliuont; I got a AOo size, and
it cured my leg. It is tho best lini
ment in the world. "
AHSCESSKS, with few exceptions.
are Indicative of constipation or de
bility. They may, however, resolt
from blow or from foreign bodies,
introduced iuto the akin or flesh, such
aa splinters, thorns, oto. For sale by
Model Drug Store.
How About Your Summer Vaco,
Newport on Yaqolua Bay ia the
Ideal seaside resort of the North
Pacillo Coast. Hound trip tickets at
greatly reduced rates, oil salo from
all Southern Pacillo points in Oregon,
ou and after June 1st. Ask agents for
further information aud u handsomely
illustrated souvenir booklet, or write
to Kdwiu Stone, Manager C. A K. K.
It., Albany, lire , or W. K. t oman.
U. P. A., 8, P. Co, Portland.
the great
Tamiiy medicine
Tuedlord'a Draught has
saved doctors' lulls for more
sixty years. For the common fam
ily ailmeiitj, aurh as constipation,
indigestion, hard colds, bov. el com
plaints, thills and fever, bilious
ness, ueadacbit and other like
com )i:iints DO other medicine is
necessary. It invigorates aud reg
ulates tiie liver, asustj digestion,
stimulate action of the kidnevs,
uritii the blood, and purges the
bowels of foul accumulation. It
vi'oij'iMlll,, imiig-tsKioil, J
viur stomach, diuiness, chilli, M
rheumatic pains, aides, he, back
ache, kidtiev troubles, constipation,
diarrluea. biliousness, Jules, hard
colds and headache. .trv drug
gist lus ilitNlford'a Mack-Draught
in '.'." cent packages and in mam
moth aiir for 11.00. Never accept
a substitute. Insist on having the
original mads by the Chattatiooi;
Medicine l'oiiiaiiy.
I kitty Thtdforsfa BUck Draushl
la IN West mcdktM aa aarth. It ia
faatd tor any and avtrvth.Ni, I hi
a lamily tt twelvsj ehlldrts, sad
lour years I Havsj kept then a h
sad healthy with a doctor hut si at I
v UKLCN, lUtwaja. U
A Boy's Wild Rio lor Lift.
With family around expecting him
to die, and a son riding for life, 18
miles, to get Dr. King's New Dis
covery for consumption, conghs snd
colds, W. H. Brown, of Lees vi lie,
Iud., endured death's agoniea from
asthma ; but this wonderful medicine
gave instant relief and soon cored
him. He writes: "I now sleep
tonndly every night." Like marvel
ous cares of consumption, pneumonia,
brouchitis, conghs, colds aud grip
prove It matchless merit for all
throat and long troubles. Guaranteed
bottiei 60u and tl.00. Tiial bottles
free at National Drug Store aud
Grants Pass Pharmacy.
1 1 .
Emergency Medicine.
It ia a great convenience to have at
hand reliable remedies for one incaset
of accident and for slight injuria
and ailments. A good liuimeut and
one that is fast becoming favorite
if not a household necessity is Cham
berlain's Pain Balm. By applying
it promptly to a cot, bruise or born,
it allays the pain aud causes the In
jury to heal in abent one-third the
time usually required and as it ia
an antiseptic it prt vents any danger ot
blood poison rug. When Pain Balm
is kept at baud, a pain may bn treat
ed before inflammation sets iu, wnich
insures a quick recovery. For sale by
all druggists.
8. A. Read, Cisco, Texas, wrilea
March, 1 1 tit, 1001 : "My wrist waa
sprained so badly by a fall that it
was useless; and after using several
remedfes that failed to give rolief,
used Ballard's Snow Liniment, and
was enred. I earnestly recommend
it to any one Buffering from sprains. M
2.5c, 60c, t'-OO at Model Drug Store.
Bucklen'i Arnica Salve.
Has worldwide fame for uiarvellons
enres. It surpasses any other salve,
lotion, ointment or balm for outs,
corns, bums, boils, sores, folona,
n leers, tetter, salt rheum, fever
soies, chapped hands, skin eruptious;
infallablo for piles. Cure guaran
teed. Only 25 cents at National
Drng store and Grunts Pass Phar
Deputy Clerk
Deputy Kherill.
School Htlpt. ...
J. (). Hootb
I J. T. bogsn
C. K. Lovelace
H. F. Cheshire
T. P. Judsun
Geo. W Lewis
Ernest Lister
J.T. Tavlor
...... Lincoln (savage
W. It. rallm
. .. B O. McCulloch
W. II. Flanagan
Mayor .T H. L. (iilkey
Auditor and Police Judge C. K. Msylwe
Treasurer Col. W. lohnaon
City Attorney II. 11. Norton
.uarsiiai . Ueo. Finch
Street Kupt . . John Patrick
Councilnien iV. M. Mair, II. J. Ilaeher
J. L. Calvert, T. W Williams. W. ('.
riinith, J. A. Krhkopf, II. C. Per
kins. James Trimble.
ranis Pass l,odge A. F. A A. M., No. W,
regular communication lirst and third
Saturdays. Visiting brothers cordially
invited. II. W. ltnius W. M.
A J. 1'iki, sec y.
Kuyal Arch Masons -Ueames Chapter No.
iM meets second and fourth Wednesday
Mssonic bail. II. C. Hos.iiH,
J. E. I'ETiKsoa. Secy. II. p.
Knight Templar -Melita Commander)'
No. 8, meets, second Friday ol tacb
Month In Masonic Temple
W. II. IIahatok, Em. Coin,
Uso. II. Calhoun, Hec.
Eastern btar Josephine Chapter, No. !i
meets lirst and third Wednesday
evenings of each month in Masonic
bsil. Mamv L. Cos, W. M.
.Mas H. Zoi.lkb. Hec'y.
I. O. O. F.,--IJohlen Itule Lodge No. 78.
meets every Halurday night at I. O. ().
F. hall. F. II. MciiHiiiT,
T. Y. Dias, Secy. N. (J.
Visiting brothers invited.
I'aran Encampment 1. O, (1. F. No.
meets second and fourth 'Thursday at
1.(1.1'. F. hall, Fasu he 11 a hit,
T. Y, tlXA, Sec'v. CP.
Kelieksbs Etna Krbekah, No s'.l, meet
second and fourth Moudav, I. O. O. F.
hall. K.ijiis Osiks. N.u.
M. JsKNia Davis. 8ecv.
United Artisans Grants pass Assembly
No. 4il. meets alternate Tuesdays in
A.O. l.W.nall. A. K. Vooamas,
J. II. Paddock, Becy. Master Artisan.
Woodmen of the World Rogue River
Cminp No. fvV meets second and fourth
Fridays at Woodman Hall.
Ueo. II. slorer. C. C.
C. E. Mavbs. Clerk.
Women of Woodcraft Aislra Circle, No.
IsJ, meets lirst and third Mondays at
Wuodmsn ball. Mrs. M. E. lKniiy.
Mrs. lone Frier. Clerk. 1,', N.
Modern Woodaneuof America -tlrants Pass
t 'sinp No. hui7 meets 2nd and lib Wednes
day Evenings at Woodmen hall at 7 .i.
Iks .M. Davis. V. C.
W. T. (iouhler, Clerk.
Foresters of America Court Josephint
No. meets each Wednesday except
the lirst, ai A. tl. 11. W. ball.
F. tl. hiricker. F. IS. F. Feiscb, C. K.
loaephine Lodge, No. 112, A. O. I'. W.
meets In A. O. I . W.ball, Uixou build
ing everv Moudav evening.
F. W'. llt ootiRrii, M. W.
It A. t'TASASii, HroortterL
Hawthorne Lodge, No. 21. I). of II.. A. o
V. W. meets every alternate Tuoiiai
evening in A. O I'. W. hall, Dixoi
lilllldillK. Mas. A. Mct'AKTHV.C ol II
.Mas. l.vuiA Dxan. Recorder.
Ro)al Nri;htMir of America Ldi'.b C.
Mine t snip No. :, meets 1st and ;ird
Fridays at A. O. I . W. hall
Rose tiravlin, tirade.
Henrietta oiler, Recorder.
Order of Pernio While Rook Council No
i"i. meets in Woodmen Hall atiintat
nights. llm. A. II v nr. t'ouiMrlor.
Mssci's, W. Ruhsins, wreiarv.
Red Men - Tsbkilina Wignain No.
I. II. R. M. R M. KniesLs. So, hem
O. A. Thosas, Chief of Records.
Knights of the Maccabees Orauts Pass
lent, .-so. 1.1 meets tirM and lliinl
Thursdays al WosHlmeu hall.
Win. Alfred, F. A. Moo tss.
liacord keeper. dmiuauder
Ladies ot the MaVcabrtis -Urania Pass.
Hive No la holds regular "Unless"
tirst and llnrd rhursdsvs at A. tl. I'.
W. ball. Visiting si.ters cordmliv
invited. Mrs. Delia Hale, I.. C. '
5y MnemtHiaJgetHiist Keeper.
Tutted Hrotherhood ot Carientrrs and
Joineea uf America I'lium No. tits
nieeta second and fourth Frulava ol
each month at A.O. V. W. Hall.'
It. D. Cole, R. See. J. P. tialeener, Prea.
1. A. Fiugrrald, F. ssec'y,
Knishla of Pythias T her 1000 vise No. .V).
iiieetn each Tuesday night 7:i W. O.
W. Hall. M.'T. I tlrv, f. C.
To WiiLiAVa, K. ol R and S,
Urand Army ol lb Republic t, en. Logan
1 usi is,,, .v., nieeu lirst vsltlrsoav at
A.O. V. W. hall. J 011 t'vrai, a
J. K. 1', Adjt. Com
Woman's Relief Corw- -tienrral Logan So.
meets ti ami tin slwMya at t p.
ui at A. O 1'. W. nail.
Mrs. Roae W rid man, Pre.
Mrs, . B.VwielL fevy.
Fearful Odds Against Him.
Bedridden, alone and destitute.
Such, in brief, wns the condition of
au old soldier, by name of J. J.
Havens, Versailles, O. For yeara be
was troubled with Kidney disease aud
neither doctors nor medicines gave
him relief. At length he tried L' lec
trio Bitters. It put him ou his feet
in abort order and now be testifies.
"I'm on the road to complete recov
ery." Best on earth for Liver and
Kl Iney troubles and all forms of
Stomach and Bowel complaints. "
Only 60c. Gurauteed by National
Drug Store and Grants Pass Phar
macy. Special Excursion to St. Louis.
October 8, 4 aud S are the re
maining dates npon which tickets will
be sold at the reduced rates to the St.
Louis Fair. These rates apply over
tbe Denver & Rio Grande and Mis
souri Pacific. For the patrons of
these roads special excnrslon cars will
be run through from Portland to St.
Lonis without change.
See the many points of it teres!
about the Mormon caspitul aud take a
ride through Nature's pciture gallery.
During the cloning months travel to
the Fair will be very heavy. If yon
contemplate going write W. C. Mo
Bride, general agent at Portland for
the Denver & Rio Grande, for partic
ulars of these excursions.
Farm For Sale
100 acres, B0 acres of fine sub-In i
gated bottom land under fence and
rnltivation, a million feet of fine tim
ber, hundreds of cords of bard wood,
near town aud all down grade ou flue
road. Got d two-story dwelling with
L. Well of splendid water lit the
door. Fine big barn and ont build
ings. Lots of fruit and berries of ell
kinds. County road and daily mail at
the door. A splendid place for health
and a pleasant homo. Address Box 117,
Woodville, Oru.
When troubled with constipation
try Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver
Tablets. They are eay to take and
produce 110 gripping or other un
pleasant etrect. For sale by all drug
gists. SUMMONS.
Iu the Circuit Court of the Stnto of Or
egon, for the County of Josephine.
Daisy Seliger, 1
Plaintiff, Snit
vs. ! for
VYeuzel Seliger, Divorce.
Defendant. I
To Wenzel Seliger, Defendant :
In the name of tho State of Oregon:
You are hereby required to appear
and answer the complaint filed against
you in the above entitled suit 011 or
belore six weeks from the (lute of the
first publication of this summons,
which is the lHth day of August, 11)0-1 :
if yon fail to appear and answer, the
plaintiff will apply to the court for the
relief demanded in the complaint,
namely: A decree of divorce diss-lv-ing
and seKing asidn the marriage re
lations existing between the plaintiff
and defendant.
This summons is published by order
of the Hon J. (J. Booth, County Judge
of Josephine Connty, Oregon, made on
the 18th day of August, 1U04. The
date of the first toblicatinii is August
18, IU04, and the last publication Sep
tember Si), 1H04.
Attorney for Plaintiff.
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon, for the County of Josephine.
Anna Frost, 1
Plaintiff, I Suit
vs. S for
Thomas J. Frost, Divorce.
Defendant. I
To Thomas J. Frost, Defendant :
In the mime of tho State of Oregon :
Yon aro hereby' reqnired to appear and
answer tho complaint fihd against you
in the alive entitled suit on or before
six weeks from tho date of the first
iinblicaiton of this sninmnns. which ia
tho lSth day of August. 11)04; if you
fail tc appear and answer, the phiin
1 1 IT will apply to the court for tlin r
lief demanded in the complaint, name
ly : A deer 00 nilliuillli? and seiMnir
aside tho mnrriagn relations existing
hi tweeu the plaintiff mid defendant,
and for the rustotly of the minor chil
dren, Lee, Delhi, Herbert, Merle mid
John Frost.
This stiuitlious ia llllhllsheil bv nrdor
of the Hon. J. O. Booth, Conutv Judge
of Josephine Conntv, Oregon, made on
the lSth day ot August, 11)04. The
date of the first publication is August
ISth IIS) I, nud the lust publication Sep
tember 211, IIK14. V
Attorney for Plaintiff.
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Clresnn. for the Cnnnrv of .T,ta,oihi,tu
Mildred Stmrhawk, 1
Charles Sparhawk,
Defendant. J
To Charles Sparhawk, Defendant :
III the name of the State of Oregon :
You are herehr renuired to atuaoir
ami answer the complaint tiled against
vou iu the above entitled suit ou or be
fore six weeks from the ditto of the
first inimical 1011 ot tilts summons,
which is the lSth day of August, r.M)4;
if you fail to apja ar ami answer, the
nluitltlfT will minlr t,, rhu fn
the relief demanded iu tho rniuplui'-t,
nam ley : A decree of the court dis
stislving and foiling aside the marriage
riilitt inii, Kritttii. hi.tu-.,.,,, ,.1. .!,,?
and defendant nud for the custodv of
the minor chiltlr Lymleii Sparhawk
and Mildred S)arlinwk. and for such
other relief as to the couit may seem
litis summons is lilllil.shed hv order
of the lion. J. t). Hootb, County Judeo
of Josephine Coatity, Oregon, m oh
ou the ISiti tlnv of Auuiisr. Hsu Tl,
dale of the first publication ti August
i! i'.h, ami me last puniical ion, Sep
tember JU. I1K14.
Attorney lor Plaintiff.
In the Circuit Court of ti.e State of
Oregon, for Josephine Couuty.
Laura M. Nichols, i
Plaintiff, Suit
va. v for
Al Nichols, I Divorce.
Defendant. I
To Al Nichols, Defendatit:
Iu the name of tbe St ite of Orcunn
You are hereby reouired toantiear and
answer t e complaint tiled against you
in the above entitled suit on or lit (ore
six week from the date of the fiist
publication of this summons, which ia
the lSth da of August, HUM; if you!
tail to appear and aiiswer.the plaintiff
will apnlv to the court for the relief,
demanded iu the complaint, namely :
For a decree dissolving and setting I
aside the marriage relations existing
between the plaintiff and defeiidani. i
and for the custody of the minor child '
Leon Nicln 1.
This summon la published by order
of the Hon J. O. Hootli, Couutv Judge
of Josephine County, Oregon", made
ou me i-sin oar ot August. I'.KH The
date of the first publication is Aognst
l llL aud the last publication Sc-n-
teujber S9. HUM.
Attorney ft r Plaintiff. I
Sour Stomach.
When the quantity of food taken is
too large or the quality too rich, soor
ttnmach is likely to follow, aud es
pecially so if the digestion has been
weakened by constipation. Eat
slowly aud not too freely of easily di
gested food. Masticate the food
thoroughly. Let five boors elapse
between meals, and when yoo feoi a
fullness and weight in the region of
the Btomacbjafter eat ins, take Cham
berlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets
and tho sour stomach may be avoided.
For sale by all drnggists.
State Fair
Salem, Oregon
Sept 12 to 17
Good attractions, Splendid
Racing, Best Band Music,
$10,000 in Premiums. Mag
nificietit Stock Show, a Fine
Camp Ground with room for
all, Fresh Water piped into
the ground, plenty of shade,
good street tar service, and
loUof Entertainment and Ed
ucation for Everybody.
United States Land Ofliee,
Kofeburg, Oregon, Sept. 12, 11)04.
Notice is hereby given that the following-named
settler has filed notice of
bis intention to make final proof
in support of bis claim, and that
anid proof will be made before John
M nor tlonlh, V. S. Commissioner, at hia
olliee al Hunts Pass, Oregon, on Novem
ber 1, 1!)J4, vix:
on his H. E. No. i)5t!3, for the E'
SVb4'. 8Wtf SE'i, SE.'-i- tiVii, Sec 3.',
t 40 S., II 8 W.
He names the following witnesses to
prove bis continuous residence upon and
eiillivation of Paid land, viz :
Allen Ira Reynolds, of Waldo, Ore ;
Oliver J. Waldo, Ore.; John
O'Brien, ol Waldo, Ore.; Fiank Stair
wait, of Waldo, Ore.
J. T. BmmiKH, Register.
Timber Land, Act June 3, 1H78.
Koaebtirg, Oregon, July 7, 1104.
Notice is hereby given tbai in com
pli nice with the provisions of the act of
Congress ol June 3, 1S78, entitled "An
act for the aale of timber lands in the
Stales of California, Oregon. Nevada,
and Washington Territory," as extended
to all the Public Land State by act ol
August 4, 1892,
of P.aFalt, Conntv of Eagle. Slate
of Colorado, has this day tiled
111 tins ofliee her eworn statement No.
i!'2!t-i for Dm InirphaaA ,.l 1A kli',.
lion No. 18 in Township No. 34 South,
IUnge Nn 4 West, and will otter pronl
to show that the land rottvht is more
valuable for its timber or stone than for
,'iuiMui.i ,i,ii,eas, nnu IU esiaoitsi
iiereiaiui wj raio iano Deiore j, u. rsoorn,
l otintv Judge, at Ins olhce at Grants
Pae. Oreiron. on Saturday, the 17th H.,
if September, 190 1. She name aa wit-
lirsst-s ;
W. It, Sherman, ol Grants Paaa, Ore. ;
E. V. Smith, of Grants Pass, Oie. ; C. V.
llenkle, of Grants Pass, Ore.; E. R.
Cole of Grants Pass. Ore.
Any and all per'ons claiming adverse
ly thn a hfivn.(ta,.rilia.1 laxla ..
quested lo tile their claims in this office
on or oeiure tain n.n tiav 01 eepiemner,
11)04. J. T. 1 hi Puts, Register.
Timber Land, Act June 3. 1878.
I! riled Sutes Land Otlice,
-Koaebtirg, Ore .July 7, 10414.
Notice is hereby given that in com
pliance with the proviaiona of the act of
Congress ol June 3, 1878, entitled, "An
act for the tale of limber lands in the
Sialea ol Californ a, Oregon, Nevada,
ami Vahinginn Terrimry," as eitended
to all the Public Land Stale by act of
August 4, 182,
ol Basalt, County of "Eagle, Slate of Col
nrado, has this day filed in tn office
hia scorn atatrment No. 6M, for the
purchsaa of the of SW ami
Luta 3 and 4 of Section No. 18
in Townahiu No. S4 South, Range
No. 4 W, and wi oiler proof to how
that the land sought is more v tillable
for its tin ber AY amns than for agri
cultural purpose, and to establish his
claim to said Uriel More J O llooth,
Conntv Judne, at bis olliee at Urania
Psaa, Oregon, on Saturday the 17th. day
ol September, IW4. He names aa wit
nesses :
W . R. Shernisn, of Grants Psss, Ore ;
E, V. .'".infill, of Giants Ps. Ore. ; C. V.
llenkle, of (wants Pass, Ore. ; E. R.
Col, of Grants Pass, Ore.
Any snd all peiaon claiming ad
verm ly the above dearrlhej lamia are
requested lo file their claims in thlf
olliee . n or bef re said 1 71 It tUv of Seic
niher, l!04 J T. Hhiikiks, Register.
The largest aum ever paid for pre
scription, ehangid hands in San Fran
cisco, Am. 30, 1SI01. The transfer in
volved in coin and Block ,1 12,500 Oil and
as paid by a party ol bueinesa men fm
specific for x right' Disease and Dia
hetes, hnherio incurable diseases.
They commenced the serious investi
gation of the ajiecitic Nov. 15, 1HJ0
I'bev li-lervieed scores of the cu'e'
snd tried it out ou its merits by putting
ovet three dosen eases on the trrai men
si I ai, hing Iheni. Thev alsogot ph
sienna to name chronic, inciualde eases,
and sduiini-tered it villi the plivsician,
otjit.lg, e. l p u Aug. 25, 87 per eeni
d the test cases sere either well oi
i-r-vi-ssii.g favorably.
There being but thirteen per cent oi
fsiltirea. the iiartiwai mmrm a.,,.
, . ic,u,, a,,,,,
closed the transaction. The proceedings
of il.e investigating com mines) and ths
cliui.-al report of the test rases werr
put lishe.t and sill 1 mailed free on
apnlirauon. Address Joiix J. I-clton.
Corvjiv,4'J0 Montgomery St. San Fran
iico, Cal.
I tiy H EX 1 COXA f
t Ine Modern Homed v for Women m
f Kt.n o t has Cured Minieof J
a the aorst rases of '
s We guarantee ,
$ lawmve cure for LCUPOrrllOOa J
f Uni A.iiits W.stiuI al
k . od for booklet. ( San W, Csl.
VIA - . ,,
Daylight trip across ihe Cascade
ana l toe ay mountains.
For tickets, rates, folders snd full infor
mation, call on or address
123 Third Street, Portland
S. O. YEKKES, U. W. P. A
612 First Avenue Seattle, Warh.
We give expedited sen-ice on fieitht
Kou'e vour shipments via Great Noilb
ern. Full information from
Wu. llAHOKit, General Agent,
Portland, Oregon.
Trade Murks
rfi Copyrights Ac.
AnTon fnt1inf ulirtrh and dencriptlon mmj
qainilf atccrtaln nur opinion free whether un
liitentlnn Is probably patentable, ('oniiii.nlfiv
ttonjitrtctly-fonfldpntlAL Handbook ou I'steuf
ent fre. Oldeit airenry for Bocurititc pan i.i".
Patent taken throuuh Munn Sl Co. ruielve
ipecinl notice, without charga, lu tbe
Scientific American.
A handaomelr inatrted worWr. iJinreat rtr.
mlatton of any sclent ifln Tonus. W n
year: four months. L Sold by ull uewspnlt-rn.
Branoh o-lea. ff V SS Ws-hl"" 1' '
U tf
" W Tt fY.
I Colum
'earn Ati
t jy
Columbia Phono(Jra)h Com)any,
128 Seventh Street,
For sale in Grants
Travel via Denver and the Burlington Route to St. Louis
if you want an interesting, comfortable and safe journey.
The Burlington is thevpnly railroad running its own
trains over its own rails all the way from Denver to
St. Louis. Fast time, clean and comfortable cars, obliging
employes, good meals in dining cars at moderate prices.
Let me give you detailed information about the trip.
Write your name and address here.
Then cut out this ad today and mail to
W' 100 T"'" tst. PORTLAND, ORE.
See N"u,,' "":oi th. Rock, , .dditu,, , to
attradioM St St. Uu. Th tan wly b. doM by
Son w rrtuntinj via 1h, -SCESIO USE OF THE tbRL0 '
NEQllVl" rS T TR A CT . O N S
Wrh. hv U.u,h,d bckkrt CWu-. ,M0M ,ifhu
W.C.McimiDK (.onoi a
Original and only genuine
Fremcii Tansy Wafkb for
sale by leading druggists, 12
ner hox. Hafn and pl;,,!.!-
a ' Accept no aututitute.
tt Ttft muni f
AND Union Pacific !
Three Trains to the East Daily t-
Through Pullman standard and o..i..
sleeping cars daily to Omaha, Chicago, no.
kane; tourist sleeping cars daily to Kansas
City; through tubman tourist Meriiin.
car's (personally conducted) weekly to t nl.
cago, Kaneas City;" reclining chair cri
(eats free) to the East daily.
No change of ears. y
Dkpakt) Time Schedules Arkiv
fob I From Portland from
thlcHKo 'tiult Luke, Denver. Ft'
Portlund Worth, Omaliu,
Special Kansas City, Kt.j
9:15 a. m. Louin, Chicago and'
p. m.
via Hunt ,uit
8:lfi p. in.
via Hunt
Suit Luke, Denver-
Ft. Worth, Omaha
Kansas City, Sti
7:15 a
Louis, Chicayoj
and Kiast.
Kitst Jluil
ton, Spokane, Wul
6:15 p.m.
luce, Pullman, Min-S:00 a. in. i
nea(Kilis. St. Paul,
Dtilutli, Milwaukee.
Chicane) and Kust.
Ocean and Itiver Schedule.
For San Francisco F.very five days at 8
p. m. For Astoria, way points and' North
lteach Daily (except Sunday) at 8 p. in.;
Saturday at 10 p. m. Daily service (a.tter
permitting) on Willamettu and Vaichiil
For further iiifonnatiun ask or write your
nearest ticket aKent, or
General I'assenper Aent,
The Oregon Kailroad & Navigation i u.
Fortland, Oregon.
PARIS 1900
ril any make of
talking machine
af o
Black Super-hardened
Beautiful puolity, of lone
Much more durable than ant)
other cylinder
Pass by W. A. Paddock.
1 .
lMTkMttrMt ' 1