Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927, September 15, 1904, Page 3, Image 3

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    Rogue RiVisk courier grants pAss, 6reg6k, September: ij, ljd4.
r i
People iv a They Come &nd Go
. From Day to Day
Cousin spent
Wednesday in
Severe.) Hundred Pounds of Ore j Brief Notes and Items of Interest
Shipped to Sclbv.
Closing out prices on odds in Dishes
CUPS and SAUCERS per set while they last,
PLATTERS from 20c up
Patent COFFEE POTS worth $1.00 and $1.25tocloso
at 50c and 75ceach.
Fresh New Breakfast Foods
Crespo liko its name Crisp, and very appetising
Dr. Price's
Its good, try it
The White House Grocery.
Bicycles - Cheap
In order to make room for fall goods, wo aro
closing out our 190-Uiicycles atho fallowing
Gents Columbia, regular $50.00, now $40.00
Ladies Hartford "
Ladies and Gents Vcdetto
Gents Stormer, regluar
Ladies Coptic "
Cramer Bros.
Odd Fellows Block.
the Best?
, I
A Bridge (El Beach
will perhaps cost you a trifle more than a
cheaply, poorly constructed stove, but you will
sooti be repaid by the satisfaction of having a
good cooker & baker. And you will 'not be :
coming back for repairs the frst season.
Hair -Kiddle Hardware Co.
j3fri&&M&HlM ifflitttisl
...Newell Bros. Racket Store...
TiillW Iluiltlliitf, Kixtli ft r- t
Door Mats at 00c
Jelly Glasses at 40c dozen
Some bargains in Jewelry.
Our brooms sweep clean.
Beware ol Ointment lor Citsrrh Tht Con-
Uini Mercury,
as ruorcurv will surely destroy the
Reuse of smell and completely derange
the whole system when entering it
through the mucous surfaces. Such
articels"bould never be used except
cn prescriptions from reputable phy
sicians, as the damages' they ill do
ia ten fold to the good you can pos
sibly derive from them. Hall's
Catarrh Care, manufactured by lr J.
Cheney Co., Toledo, O., contains no
mercury, and is taken internally,
a.ting upon the blood and mocoos
of surfaces of the system. In buying
Hall's-Catarrh Cure be sore yon get
the genuine. It is taken internally
and made in Toledo, Ohio, by F. J.
Cheney & Co. Testimonials free.
Sold by Druggists. Price, 75c per
bottle. Take Halt s Family Pills for
Richard 111 "
Don C. Hall's presentation of
"Richard III ' at the opera bouse on
Monday cveniug was well received, a
large and appreciative audience being
preteut. Mr. Hall's rendition cf the
character of Kichard was very effect
ive and ome of the scenes were Ttry
thrilling, the duel and death scene
bsing espicesily good. The character
of the qaen was capably rendered by
Mn. Hall, but the minor characters
worn finite weak in their several
Will Be Presented Next
Monday Night.
"The Hills of California," which
is to be i resented at the Opera House
on Monday, is the most successful
comedy written of rural lile, and is
presented by the delightfully droll
comediau.Mr. Frail k Bacon, in a most
elaborate manner. Country and city
life are represented in the "Hills of
California" in fact it is a rural play
sncli as all play goers like when well
presented. There is no forced comedy
in this drama, laughs come at fre
quent inUrvala and there it not a
tear drawing situation that ia not fol
lowed by a laughable one. Realism
Is rampant, iu the farm scene, when
the stage is made to look like a Cali
fornia farm. This is without doubt
the greatest stage picture yet attempt
ed, as Ray Danfortli says "it is real."
There Is a horse, a cow, thickens,
ducks, and two warrior rooster,
whose jealousy for historic honors
leads tliem into battle every night.
Mr. Baccn as Cucls Amos Hill, lias
reached the triumph of bis career, and
he bassiyrounded himself with a com
pany of unusual excellence, including
Mr. Wilfred L. Rogers and Bessie
Stoart Bacon.
Tii engagement is for one night
A. B.
the city,
Ed Stockton left Saturday evening
for Portland.
Mike Clemens started Saturday for
a short Eastern trip.
II. J. Clark and Myrden Clark left
Saturday for Albany.
Mrs.. E. C. Dixon returned last
week from a visit at Portland.
Mis Ailene Webber of Ashland vis
ited Mrs. J. C. Lucus last week.
Miss EIllo Tost is suffering from a
sprained ankle, received last week.
L. G. Higgins and wife on Tuesday
returned to his now find on Chctca
Chas. E. Brown and Ed Clieadle
are recent arrivals iroui uiynipii,
Dr. and Mrs. Frederick Strieker
have moved into their new home on
B street.
Win. Cheshire and wife left last
Thursday for a week or 10 days' visit
at Eugene.
Col. J. S. Crawford , and C. H,
Poiudexter left Wednesday for a short
stay at Portland.
Mrs. Chas. . Booth and daughter
Katherine returned last week from
visiting at Ashiaud.
Rev. W. T. Goulder last week had
a visit from his brother Rev. W. T.
Goulder, of Seattle
Mrs. John Locbhart and Miss Edna
Dow left Monday for Juneau, Alaska
to join Mr. Lockhurt
Mrs. W. F. Furrier nud daughter
Theliua left Wednesday evening on
her way to Salt Lako City.
Mr. and Mrs. T. B. Cornell left on
Mondav for a visit at Jefferson. They
will also take iu the state fair.
Jas. Fetzuer and wife returned
Snuday from au extended visit to the
fair and throughout the east.
Mrs. Akius and daughter Helen,
left Tuesday for Sacramento, after a
stay of six mouths in Grants Pass,
Dr. and Mrs. W. F. Kreiner nud
daughter Glare returned on Monday
evening from a vacation at Colestin
Dan L. Green, foreman of tho lower
nronortv of the Galice Consolidated
Mines Co., is spending a few days in
Grants Pass.
J. O'B Gann and Willis Davis,
owuers of tho Monumental Mines, left
with Col. T. W. M. Draper Tuesday
for an inspection of the property.
E. J. Looniis of Gallco spent Wed
uesday In towu laying in supplies and
bavins his bonds as justico of the
peace aud notary public mado ont
Miss Florence Letcher left Thursday
for Los Angeles, wliero she expects to
spend the next six monhts with rela
lives. Sho will alto visit Oakland.
W. J. Gohres of Keiby returned
on Wednesday from Idaho where he
has been working during tho summer
in tlia employ of the Golden Rule
Mining Co.
W. J. Murphy, general manager of
the American Gold fields Co., ar
rived last week and will probably
sneud several weeks at tho Granite
Hill mines.
T. K. Anderson of Galice, was in
Grants Pass the first of tho week. He
visited Jacksonville last week and iu
partaking of Ice cream becamo poison
ed with the cream and for severa
days was quito sick.
S. W. Upton and wife, formerly of
Wolf Creek, and J. P. Goodman and
wifo aud Cy Goodman of Coquillo,
passed through Grants Pass Saturday
ou their way bv team from Coqnille
to Southern California.
Rot Eartlett returned to Grant
Pass this week after an absence of
two months or moro. Ho visited
Juneau, Skagnuy, Haines, Wrangle
and Ketchikan, Alaska. Ho also
siicnt several weeks in Portland.
Miss Marjorio Kinney aud Miss
Grace Connolly left Wednesday morn
ing for Portland where Miss Kinney
outers tho Portland Academy. A'ter
a brief visit, Miss Connelly will ro
turn to her homo at Bozcman. Mont.
W. L. Ireland arrived Wednesday
night from San FrancisVo, coming
here on aeconut of the illness of his
mother. Miss Myrtle Ireland arrived
from Portland Tuesday. We aro glad
to report that their mother, Mrs. Coff
man is improving.
Tho Ashland Tidings reports that
Mrs. D. McCarthy and dang iter, MUb
Anna, left Wednesday for San Fran
cisco, where they will join Mr. Mc
Carthy aud will, at tho conclusion ol
the Templar coiicalve, accompany
him on an extended visit iu eastern
Will E. Rapson, at the head of the
Uniform Uank, W. (). W., and hold
ing the position of colonel in the
major general's stuff of the uniform
rank of both the Maccabees and the
Knights of Pythias, was in Grants
Pass Monday ou his way to the state
fair at Salem.
C. K. Root-, who recently retnrnetl
with his family from a year's absence
at Waitsburg, Wash., is now occupy
ing a petition as clerk at the Cornell
grocery. The many friends of Mr.
and Mrs. Root experience great pleas
ure in the fact that the latter are once
more residents of Grants Pass.
Dr. and Mrs. J. M. Kitchim have
returned to Stayten and expect to come
to Grauts Pass about the first of Oc
tober to remain permanently. They
will occupy the II. D. Nortoi, resi
dence on A street. Dr. Kitchin is a
practioneer of over SO years experience
aud has a standing as one of tlm lead
ing physicians of the Willamotte val
Mrs. Fred Russell, formerly Miss
Minuie Bristow, is visiting her rela
lives here, after a four years residence
in the Klondike district. Mr. Ruell
has a placer property on Skookum
hill, between Bonanza and Eldorado
crocks, quite near the scene of the
original discovery. Mrs. Russell lias
found life in the northern couutry
quite enjoyable, but thinks the Klon
dike has seen its hot days as a min
ing region.
Several liuudred . pounds cf ore,
heavy with free gold and sylvsuite
values, have been brought in from
the Lewis & Clark tellurium mine, on
Canyon Creek, near Kerby. The ore
was shipped to the Selby smelter for
treatiueut. AU of tho rock glittered
with the silver-like tellurium par-
icles. It was ore that would have
mado the heart of a Cripple Creek
miner leap with joy, for it ia doubtful
if Cripple Creek, the famous home of
sylvanite ores, ever produced such
quartz as this, even in its most palmy
days. And there is plenty of it in
ight out at the Lewis & Clark.
Why, "yoo can stand off several
rods and see it sticking out of the
rock, by candle light," declared
Manager J. Monroe Layman, enthn-
iastically. "Colorado never pro
duced finer ore than that. Just look
there," said lie, jind he uncovered
several large chunks, removed bodily
from tno ledoe. The chunks wero
from five to six inches in width and
were shot with free gold and tellu
rium. Thai will give you au luea
of tho width of the puy streak. There
aro two of them, lying parallel, with
smaller veins running between. The
whole ledge Is eight feet wide.
That's the puro jnico of the grape,
geutlemon, the genuine, mono-metal.
Why, if such a strike . as this were
made iu Colorado, the road wouldn't
hold the crowd, so great would be the
stamredo. "
When asked how mncli tho ore from
tho Lewis & Clark would run that
brought iu Mr. Layman said that
much of it would give returns of
f 1000 a ton.
Tho Lewis & Clark is a new mine.
It is being opeued up by the Lewis &
Clark Mining Company, of which
Monroe Lavman is manager, and tho
headuuartes of which is at Urbana,
III. It may bo stated, in rassing,
that the people of Urbana know some
thing about the Lewis aud Clark
Fair. They also know they have a
mine, aud the development of th
noDcrty will be pushed with the
best possible speed. Mr. Layninu
will return East in a few days to
confer with his associates, aud plans
will be laid for future work. He will
now be prepared to toll them just,
what the Lewis & Clark is, and can
back his statements with ore that
ouly Canyon Creek, Southern Oregon,
can produce.
This tellurium mine is in the heart
and center of a peculiar sylvanite bolt
somo 25 miles long and 10 miles wide,
of western Josephine county. Asido
from tho Lewis & Clark claims there
are the Iron-clad. Century, "Bullion
aud Gulden Ago claims iu the prop
erty of tho company, all adjacent aud
belonging to this sylvanite belt. The
formation of the rock here is a lime
spar and horn blend, with a black and
gray slate.
Tho rich strike, or the rich ores
now being uncovered in the Lewis &
Clark is from a depth of 100 feet in a
direct tunuol on tho vein. Develop
ment will proceed iu this, and is also
being done iu five other tunnels on
the claim. A large crow is employed
aud will be employed continually.
Tho nilue is 10 miles from Korby,
reached by good trail from the wagon
road, which leads to within six miles
of tho property. To legram.
tvnd Importance.
W. Campbell Informs Asso
ciates of Rich Discoveiv.
I. W. Campbell 'of Grants Pass,
writing to associates In Portland, re
ports that a rich strike has been made
ou Canyon uroeK. unayon uroea is
about three and a half miles from tho
liriggs district, on Sucker Creek.
The nature of the ore would be freo
milling, and consequently means easy
method of treatment.
It is understood that a good many
people will go in there as a r sea It of
the new discovery, and hence it will
servo to en 1 hen matters in the dis
trict wliero thero are already a good
many men at work.
Dr. Flanagan,
Physician aud Dentist
Goto Coron for Plumbing.
Bicycle repairing at Cramer Bros.
M.Clement, Prescription Druggist.
Have O. O. Lund saw your wood.
Peach paper at the Courier office.
Bargaius iu Bicycles at Cramer
Diamond Rings from $1.40 to $100 at
Talking Machines and Records at
Full cream cheese loo pound White
Houso Grocery.
Order seals aud rubber stamps of
A. E. Voorhies.
A splendid line ol Royal Charter Oak
Ranges at Coron't
For first class table board go to
Smytlie's, 114 E St.
Good Siusle Barrel Bhot-guus for
t1.60 at Cramer Bros.
Plates and Films developed and
printed at Clovenger's.
Wo want fresh eggs ; will pay 30c
dozen at White Houso Grocery.
Rev. W. G. Counell will preach in
the Bethany Presbyterian church at
tho morning aud evenlug services. The
subjoct of tho evening sermoatwill bo
"Judas tho Betrayer."
Diso Harrows at Cramer Bros.
Diamond ear drops from 13 to f'JO
at Letcher's.
Now is the timo to go fishing. Gut
your tackle at Cramer Bros.
Amateur Photo work promptly and
carefully attouded to at Clovenger's.
Don't fail to see tho uew lino of
Diamond and opal rings at Letcher's.
For a short time Ireland & Meade
will sell you a lot for 10 down and
$j per month.
Why pay rent? I will sell you a
house aud lot or a ranch on easy pay
ments. E. L. Cubs.
If you are not getting good shoes,
for your money, Try tho Red Star
Store, whore good shoes aro sold.
If you wish to reduce your wood
bill, buy 4-foot lengths aud liavo O.
O. Lund saw it for you at your door.
Dr. Brower of Ashlnnd will make a
political speech from the socialist
standpoint, at au open air meeting on
Front street, Friday evening, Sept. 10.
Oliver Plows ut Cramer Bros.
Buy 4-ft wood nud have Luud Baw
it tor you.
Full cream cheeso likj pouud White
Houso Grocery.
Table Board at reasonable rates at
Smythe's, 114 E St.
Rifles all calibers, both Winchester
and Marliu, at Cramer Bros.
A new line of Diamond jewelry
on hand at Letcher's Jewelry store,
Fresli eggs wnuted; ninst bo strictly
fresh ; 80o dozeu. White Houso Gro
700 piucos of vocul and instrumental
sheet musin at 10 cents each at the
Grants Pass Musio Houso.
O. B. Hydo, who has for some time
been conducting a shooting gallery iu
Portland, is now located on Sixth
street near I.
Savage Brothers have finished their
tlircsliii.g machine work and have
stored their machinery. The season
lasted 35 days.
Sixty-nine uuw scholars wero en
rolled last week. This number will
probably bo exceeded thU week as
the hop picking sosaon is over.
Dr. Kremer has returned from
vacation and has resumed his medical
practice. OITlco hours from 8 a. in,
to H p. in, In the Howard block.
Fruit cans and wax at Cramer Bros.
As I desire to leavo Grants Pass, I
will sell anything that I possess and
tho entire S. F. Cass estate ou easy
terms. See Jos. Moss for list of
real estate and houses. E. L. Cass.
What s the use Waiting
ton hotel. Thursday. September in,
1H04. Russell Ilronson and Barbara
Agnes liaruett, by Justice Uoo. P
Palace hotel iu his city, Tuesday,
September 13. l'.HU. H. A. Triplett
and Mabel C. Sanders, by Justice
Geo. P. iurman.
COOK COX At tho residence of
Mr., and Mrs. Cooiier, August 31
11104, Mr. Amos Cook and Miss Esther
Cox, Stephen Jewell olllciatllig.
Tho ceremony wns performed in tho
presence of a comjany of invited
guests, after which a bountiful repast
was spread and enjoyed by all present.
The numerous and bcaniful bridul
presents wero in cvideuoe of the es
teem in which the youug cooplo wero
held. A Friend.
BROWNING At Placer. Ore., Thurs
day, September lfi, 1U04, Mrs. L.
E. Browning.
LITTLE At Waldo, Moudiy, hep
tembcr 11, James Little, a pionee
of this county.
WOODWARD At Wilderville, Mon
dav. September 12. the infant son
of Mr. and Mrs. Alva Woodward
Join ihe Tuning Club.
for Cold Weather before
buying your
Fall Suit?
By getting it now, you
have longer wear for your ,
money and a larger assort
ment to pick from.
If you want something
that will put you in a dis
tinguished class by your
self, come here and walk
off with a snappy suit of
hand-tailored by
Schloss Bros. & Co.
The picture shows the
reigning favorite iu Fall
Apparel. This is the natty
suit the best dressed young
fellows in the big cities are
now wearing.
There ia nothing In ths
style, tit, fabric or tailoring
that would suggest ths idea
that It was "Itoady made."
On the other band, there is
everything tolndicatotbattbs
awollest merchant tailor might
have mado It. Ho wouldn't
think of charging you less
than f25 for it. Vo can fit
Fob so Little
a pkiob as
Look Tor This Labsl
SCHLOSS brosXco,
Fine Clothes Makers
Btltimort' HewYorK.
Exclusive Walk-over Agents
Tumulo ia tho name of a new post
oflico just established iu Crook
county. Goo, W. Wimer, Sr., is postmaster.
T. F. Croxtou has sold oue of his
houses on Second street to U. IS.
Maybee, which ho will soon occupy
as a resilience.
Arthar Edgerton lias sold his house
on It and Eighth stroets to Mr. Horr,
a recent arrival from Washington.
Mr. Edgerton will probably build
another homo.
Nearly all of the Grants Pass
visitors to the Knights Teuiplur
Conclave at San Francisco have re
turned. All report having had a most
enjoyable time.
Cily Loses Cae Ae.lnt Hornini
nd Depuy.
County Treasurer's Notice.
There are funds in the tronanry to
pay all warrants protested to April
15, 18UU. Interest will coase from
tills date.
September IS, 1U04.
J. T. Taylor,
Treasurer of Josephine Co., Ore.
Ou the 8d day of August, 1904, my
wife, Mrs. Elizabeth Smith left my
bed aud board, without cause or
provocation, and I will not be re
sponsible for her acts or any debts ahe
may Incur In my name.
W. J. SMITH, Seluia, Oregon.
I now Imvo on display a full assortment of
And all tho latest novelties in Millinery
Here's tho proposition:
ship good for 1H months.
The fee for membeiahip is ths price
for the first tuning to be pal'l when
work is dono.
Half price to members afterwards.
Free regulating. You can call uie
in between tunings if anything needs
attention and pay nothing for it. I
am here often. Orders attended to as
promptly as possible. Join now.
Toner for Allen & .jilts-Hi Raroaker
Co. at I. O. O. F. Bldg.
Cnrtis & Co for Watches, Clocks,
Gold Rings and Jewelry, lino watch
repairing, engraving. Goods sold at
reasonable prices. Come and sco us.
O. O. F. Building, Grants Pass,
The Underwood Visible Typewriter
Iocs everything any other typewriter
can do aud many things no other writ-
ins machine will do. Aacncy at fift
Front St., Portland, will furnish cat
Garland Stoves at Cramer Bros.
U try a Blue Ribbon S cent cigar.
Rubber Stamp ink in stock at the
Courier ofllce.
ProsiH'Ctors will find that their needs
can bo filled at Cramer Bros.
A fine stock of Ttout Flies and
Leaders ut Cramer Bros.
J. W. Turner has purchased the bar
bcr business of R. L. Byrd, taking
lossession Monday.
Trimble & Cook now cany a stock
of buggy and back wheels in all
grades. The prices aro right. v
The Literary department of the
Woman's club will meet with Mrs. W.
M. Hair, Friday. .Scptcmlicr 2:), 11)04.
Important business
"Judas tho Betrayer" will bo the
sobjie t of the evening service at the
Bethany Presbyterian church next
Sabbath. Service bcgir.s at 8 P. M.
It begins to look a if the I'nilcr
wood Visible TypwritcJiad a cinch
on the h Ik hft award at the St. Louis
Exposition, and it is well placed if so
awarded. This samo machine took
highest honors at the l'an-American
Exposition aud the graud prize iu Ihe
Venice Exposition of 1UOI. Agency
for Oregon at "j Front St., Portland.
A very delightful evening's enter
taiument was given by Mrs. J. Hatha
way's Kubbatli school class in the par
lors of the Bethany Presbyterian
church last Friday night. A well se
levted program was very creditably
rendered and was highly appreciated
by those present, who were also re
galed with seasonable refreshments.
This we uudeistand is the class' first
effort in the line of entertaining; they
are certainly to bo congratulated on
their success.
Herman Horning aud D. M. DoPuy
of the firm of Horning & DoPuy, wore
haled before Judgo Maylwe Wednesday
morning ou the chnrgo ofkviolating the
Sunday closing ordiuanco. H. G.
Smith conducted tho case for the de
fendants, whllo II. D. Norton looked
after tho city's Interests. Tho case
was tried before a jury and the -trial
was brief and was mailu extremely In
teresting by several brilliant aud good
humored passages of words between
Attorneys Smith and Norton. Only
two witnesses wore examined. The
evidences of D. M. DePuy was that
tho firm maintained a bona lido restau
rant. '
By a litural Interpretation of the or
diuanco, it Is unlawful to keep even a
restaurant 0111 on Sunday, but neith
er tho poliieo judgo nor tho jury was
inclined to enforce so strict a con
struction and a verdict of "not guil
ty" was returned.
Call and boo my completo lino,
Miss Ida Weston
Front Street, between 6th and 7th'
1 oTism
One Gets 30 e.nd the Other 3
Days In Jail.
Two transient aojourncrs, who gave
their names as George Groves aud
Frank Brown were detected Monday
night in the act of purloining tobacco
and other small commodities from the
saloon cigar stands. Nothing seemed
to be out of their line as Groves had
the cigar cutter from the Bank cafe
concealed ill his shirt bosom. Groves
us tried beforo Justico Furuiau on
Tuesday and was sentenced for 80 days
in the county jail. Brown, who could
not lie connected with the thefts, plead
irnilnr before Judue Maybee to a
charge of druukeuness and was given
a five day sentence in the city jail.
Notice to School Bon-rds.
1. 2 ruing that certain school supply
agents, Iu order to induce school
boards to purchase their goods, greatly
exaggerate the amount of school f inula
you will get during this and next
year, and also misquote, how these
funds si all be used as stated In the
school laws. I wish to tell you to be
careful of all such agents. Investigate
thoroughly before purchasing how the
school funds should be used and how
much you rite I red this year. No oue
can tell how much you will get next
year. Yours truly,
County Hu'i intend" ut.
TkeFesiTkat fills Itself
Reliable Jeweler.
Clemens' Drug Store,
Earn Money
Fruit wrapping paper can
cured at the Courier office.
bo ae-
jZ7 You Earn Money jz?
Uig Saving on Each Article Purchased.
Ladies' Shirt Waists from 75c to $1.50 now 50c
Ladies' Skirts $3.50 now $J-5
" " 4 00 " 3.00
" 4 5 " 3-50
And all Summer Goods in Proportion.
New Department Store
White-IIemenway Co. Mgrs.