Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927, September 01, 1904, Page 4, Image 4

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of KtUntno, Mich., flea
the Streets and Beautify Vara. Ba
tetiool Croaads Maar OrcaaUa
tloae la tha League,
The work undertaken by the women
. of Kalamazoo, Mich., to clean the
streets and beautify that town li an
example for the women of every city
town and hamlet in the United State
to follow. The good housewives of all
these places kijpp their own home
clean. Why can-t they keep the streets
clean? ihe success with which these
"women have cleaned up Kalamazoo
and are keeping It clean la worthy of
emulation. It ouKht to result, and per
haps It will. In the formation of other
women's chic league In all part of
the country.
Knlumaxoo Ih a pretty clean town,
but It I going to be the cleanest ever
now Hint women are the captains of
the "white wlnga," anil the bent of It
In they're not going to atop at Jut
little street Hprlnkllng and diluting off
a hit, hut they're going to plant tree
and flowers all over and have vine
trained to cover unalghtly building
and make little tipntH of beauty out of
old buck yurds and real park out of
hlg vacant Iota.
The Women' Civic Improvement
league, which 1 engaged In the work
of cleaning and beautifying Kalamazoo,
wan perfected a abort time ago, and
during ita abort exlxtcnce It baa accom
plished what many another league of
long Htaiullng haa failed to do, siiys the
Ilrookiyu Kngle. In the very atart It
arotixcd public aeutlmeiit, and that I
half the battle. The league waa very
popular and grew rapidly until now Its
membership reaches 400, and they
coiup from some of the beat and stron
gest organization of the city. Hut It
is not only the club women who are
Interested In this municipal movement,
for many prominent business and pro
fessional men and city ofllchtl are also
Identified with It. Among Its honorary
members are the mayor ami the city
councllmen. Hut, while all these men
folk are giving the organization their
moral support and perhaps helping It
on a little bit flunuclally, you must un
derstand that the women aro tho bosses
and that It Is through their effort Hint
the ! reels are being kept so spick and
While tho Women from the beat fam
ilies of the city aro the leader of the
league, It Is by no means a class or
ganization. As an cvldenco of this
colored women' organization, known
as the Celery City club, baa Joined the
civic society. Tula colored women's
club haa been doing work among the
colored population of tho town that
has been surprising everybody, so when
tho present street cleaning movement
wu first talked about the colored
women sent In word that they should
be glad to co-operate with the new or
ganization, and their service were
readily accepted.
The Women' Civic Improvement
league was organized In a moat busi
nesslike manner. Eacb ward chairman
ha a assistant member of sub
committee of Ave women. Among the
organizations that comprise the league
re the Ladles' Library association.
th People's Church society, delegates
of the Daughters of the American Rev
olution, Celery City club, Methodist
rastora' union, Twentieth Century club,
St. I.uke' guild. Woman' Christian
Temperance uulon and the Hebrew
Ladles' Ileucvolent association.
The leader of the league believe that
every one in th community should
help In this work of cleaning and beau
tifying the town, and they havo there
fore s iked the school children to do
all they can In the good causo. Efforts
will lie made to have the school
grounds places of beauty. Treea and
plums are to be set out In the school
yards, and window gardening will ba
encouraged. A great deal of work
will also bo done In the parks, and
flowers will bloom In all parts of the
Hut In the meantime sanitary condi
tions are not to be neglected, In this
connection Mrs. Crane, who organized
tho leaguo, will prove invaluable, aa
lier efforts in the lino of meat and milk
lnspeotlon are well known all over the
stute of Michigan. She has been so
successful In ber endeavors In this di
rection (lint she has had bill passed
In the state legislature lit favor of her
methods, and the work has been so
Well thought of that It has been taken
Up In Indiana and other states, ( lean
lines In nil things Hint appertain to
food bus been Mrs. Crane chief con
cern for several years past.
The city council signed a contract
with the Women's Civic Improvement
league for the cleaning of the thor
oughfares In the business section nf
Kalamazoo, and the women have had
complete charge of the work. Men are
kept constantly at work armed with
push carts, brooms, boos and scrauer.
Tho dirt Is placed In sacks and at the
end of the d:iy Is removed. One each
week tho streets are thoroughly flush
ed by the lire department.
To aid In keeping the highway tidy
tho league lias placed at freipient Inter.
Tals on poles along the street metal
oozes of bright aluminium color and
plainly marked as receptacles for wast
material of all kinds.
Iluaaa ta drove.
There Is a small town In Illinois that
bus the proper spirit and la bound to
grow and prosper. Iteccntly its enter
prising citizens organized n board of
trade and sent out Inducements to cap
italists to Invest there It Is always a
hopeful sign when small communities
take up the iuetlon of home Improve
ment on tiiilii-trlul lines, for that Is lb
Sort of energy that wins wealth.
Hal Sild a Pile of Chamherlam'i Couth
I have sold Cli'tuiberlain's cough
edv fiu- 101 le than W years mid it
has given entire satisfaction. 1 have
sold a pile ol it ami eiiti recommend
It highly. Joseph Mi'Klhiiiey, Liu
ton, Iowa. You will llnd this remedy
a good friend when troubled with it
cough or cold. It always atf.irds
quick relief and is pleasant to lake.
For sale by all drugigsts.
Bcauplul Women.
I'luinpcl ks. flushed with the soft
glow ol health and a pure complex
ion. make all wcineii beautiful.
Take a small dose of Herblne after
each meal; it will prevent const I pa
Hon aud help digest what you have
eaten. Silo. Mrs. Win. M. Slrond,
Middlothh!!, Texas, writes, Mar ill.
IWHll "We have used Herbiue iu our
family for eight years, and found it
the best medicine wn ever ost-d for
coustiiatiou. bill his fever and
HtJi'r"''" bj Mo'1''1 ,,rUR
The Ktea at Co Hoaas la land
"Before I close I am anxioua to apeak
of a feature of the case which is too
often overlooked," said a speaker at a
recent good roads convention. "We
are bearing a great deal about dissatis
faction on the farm. Uecently a num
'ier of Indiana educators have devoted
siucu time to the consideration of
waya and meana of keeping the boy
on the farm. While w have no desire
to repress the rural genius wbo need
the life of the city to bring hliu to hi
best development. It Is, of course.
most Important matter that feeling
of dissatisfaction shall not take hold of
our rural districts and unsettle a dis
tribution of hihor which long experi
ence haa shown la economically desir
able. Dissatisfaction with rural con
dition can often be remedied by other
means than removal to the city.
"The opening up of iuterurban Hues,
the extension of telephones Into farm
ing regions, the development of the
rural free delivery service all these
have done a vast amount toward light
ening the burdens of farm life. Tbey
have bellied to Infuse Into the dull
drudgery of farm work the life and
gayety of the city. They have helped
to bring together young men and wo
men whose social Instincts for com
pauionshlp cannot be repressed. It Is
small wonder that farmers' sous and
daughters win fret and atruggle to be
freed from an environment which
keep them prisoners several months
out of the your because the roads are
"The effect of good roads lias been not
only to belli banish discontent from the
farmers, but also to brighten the lives
of all classes of our citizens. It Is
not too much to say that an era of good
roads will bring with It an era of opti
mism. I remember a few year ago
of hearing one of Indiana's well known
literary men spoil k of the feeling of
personal happiness and buoyuncy that
came to him from tho reflection that
at least a dozen hard, well kept stone
roads led out of bis homo In Craw
fordsvllle, bringing III in within easy
reach of his farm and his favorite fish
ing grounds and opening up to him the
whole book of nature. It gave him a
rosier View of life.
And so It must be nlwnys and ev
erywhere that belter opportunities for
the enjoyment of life's blessing will
make us happier, better citizens.
Among the things that are large fac
tors lu bringing on this era of good
feeling 1 give a H-oniliicnt place to the
development of good roada."
Slate's Unique Sratera Par Aldlasr I
lllshwar luiprovesiiat,
The Vermont system of state aid for
highway Improvement Is untune aud
specially adapted to rural towns, says
writer In Uood Itoad Magazine. No
delit Is Incurred. A money state tax Is
annually assessed and apportionment
made to the tonus on a basis of road
mileage. Towns receive money on cer
tificate of tho state highway comuils
slou that such town has expended tho
amount In permanent road work ac
cording to spcflllcntloiis and regula
Hons made by the state commissioner
and to bis satisfaction. Thus every
town Is benefited by a section of Im
proved road each year. The type of
road I lelford base with gravel sur
Tho amount expended III 11KI.I was
fIst.WKl.MI. There were built IC.N miles
I'M, .'I of which has telford foundation
also i.isis culverts of stone niiil tile.
The amount nf state rood fund for l'.HM
wilt be about ? !'.'..( w K).
We are not building macadam roads,
but a typo uf road costing very much
less, seldom more than f l.iKKl per mile
These roads are entirely satisfactory,
aa more comfortable for horses to trav
el upon, comparatively free from the
dlsngrccnhlc Impalpable dust of a mac
adam road and the cipcnse of main
taining reduced to the minimum, usu
ally from fill to Hi! per mile per yeur.
Aa will be seen, slate aid Is extended
to every town. We tire gradually and
surely Improving tho main roads in
every part of the state, with Hie result
of good country roads generally.
Tha Ssvlua at Tim.
The saving In cost of hauling loads
to market over uood roads compared
with the same haul over bud roads has
been strikingly Illustrated ngalii and
again mid with a fair degree of accu
racy. Hut the saving of time lu driving
oter good Mads as compared with poor
ones has not been given the considera
tion it merits. This saving of good
mads applies with etinnl force whether
they be used by the farmer In going
to town lu his light esrrlage, the auto
Iiioblllst or the bicyclist. It has been
estimated that a half hour's tlmo can
bo saved In passing over every five
miles of goisl road as compared with
the same length of bad mad. As time
has never been more valuable than It Is
In these days of the twentieth century,
hero Is another argument for the good
roads movement Unit Is often overlooked-
(lood Itoads klaguzlne.
:ort of (inoil lloadi la ('aha.
Some remarkable results of building
macadam roads In Cubit are noted by
American travelers there. In the N'lca
ragiiun valley the years ago not a sin
gle bouse existed beyond Caiman. At
present the entire country Is dotted
with them, and the valley alone ha a
population of .Vis).
Would Mlllloaa.
One thousand million tons of freight
in' now handled yearly by our rail
roads, and lo put this freight on the
cars means an expenditure of 11.000.
tM1.1V, one half of which might be
saved by Improving the condition of
the common mud
Ntjloud Coldi.
Every jutrt of the tnucou m.
bnine, the nose, throat, ears.bead and
lungs, etc , ie subjected to disease
and blight frou glected colds.
Ballard's Horehound Syrup is a pleas
ant and etfective remedy. '.Vie, ,VV
el-00. W. AkeudrlcR. Valley Mills,
Texas, writes: "1 have used Hal
laru's Hurehouml Syrup (or coughs
and throat troubles; It is a pleasant
and most etTeetive remedy." For
sale by Model Drug store.
what It Liff?
Ill the last analysis nobody knows,
but we do know that it is under strict
law. Abuse that law even slightly,
isiiu results. Irregular living means
derangement of the organs, resulting
iu couatiiiatlon, headache or liver
trouble. Dr. King's New Life Pills
quickly readjusts this, n'a gentle,
yet thorough. On. j,v Bt Nntioiml
Drug Store aud Oraul. Pass Pharmacy.
"G6 we
Rinch !t and rmijh It and you'll sooa
p -t rid of that wcik chest and that hack-
coux'h." That is what the doctor
aai 1 to a young married man with a wift
and child to care
fur and a uiodcst V
salary to support
the n on. He
couldn't go West.
Love and duty lied
him to his desk in
tils city.
People don't
have to travel to
cure ought or
strcngth-n weak
Itiutfi. Dr. Pierce's
(olden Medical
Dis :overy cures ob
stinate, deep -se ited
coughs, brou -hitis,
ble -ding of the
lungs, weakness,
emici.ilion and
other forms of
disease which if neglected or utuklll
fully treated terminate fatally in con
sumption. "f will writ yrm whit Dr. Pierce's Goldes
Mr llcsl !lrw-ry has Hone Tor me." aafs fVcrgr
11 BrU-hrr, Kvj.. of IStrton, 1'ik? County. Ky.
"Thirteen years tiro I was woumteil hy hall
passnis thr-wlsh mi tons. I have hart a Ink!
eoufh al nioct ever since, with aherlneM of
t,re.itn, and it waa very eany to take o,ll : the
alitflilert change of weather wmild caute the
c mifh to be ft luil I would have to ait up ill tied
all uijrrit C'Hild not eat or sleep at times : waa
all run down; aiuld not work at all. A lr
niontlis af! I tx-aau using Or. Pierre's (Void,
Medical nisi)very. Have Dot sard more than
two liottlea, and now can eat. aleeo. ami work
and I feel like a new man I cannot find words
lo aunVieuily recommend Dr. Pierce's (Golden
Medical Ulaeovery, ur tell Ihe guod It haa done
Dr. Pierce's Common Sense Medical
Adviser in paper covers is sent free on
receipt ot 21 one-cent sumps to pi
expense oi mailing only, i lie nook ha
Ior dsi'cs and over 700 illustrations.
Address Dr. R. V. Pierce, Buffalo, N. V.
la Praiic of Chamhtrltia't Colic. Cholers
and Diarrhoea Remtdy
Allow mo to give yon a few words
in praise of Chamberlain's Colic,
Cholera and Diarrhoea Itomodv
says Mr. John Ilumlett, of Kngle
Puss, Texas. "I suffered one week
Willi bowel tronble and took all
kinds of medicine without getting
any roliof, when my friend, Mr. C.
Johnson, a merchant bore, advised
me to take this remedy. After taking
one dose I fult greatly relieved and
when I bad taken tho third dose was
entirely cured. I thank you from the
bottom of my lieuit for pnttiiig this
groat remedy in tha hands of man
kind. " For sale by all druggists.
World's Fair Excursion
Tho Denver & Rio (j ramie, in con
nection with the Missouri Piioific.will
ran a erles of Personal I v Conducted
Excursions to the World' Fair during
Juno. These excursions vill run
through to St. Louis without change
of cars, making short stops at princi
pal points mi route. The ilrst of
those excuisons wiil leave Portland
Juno ?th, mid the second Juno 17th.
The rate from Uruuta Pass will bo
77.BO to Ht. Louis and returu. Ex
cursionists going via the Denver &
Itio Orando liuvu tho privilege of re
turning via a different route. This is
the most pleasant way, as well as the
most delightful route, to cross the
continent. Tl.o stops arranged give
nn opiHirtnnily c f visiting the various
struts of iuterest ill and about Suit
Ukti City, Denver and Kansas City.
If you wish to Bccoinuuiy one of
those excursions wito at once to W.
C. Mcliiide, 124 Third street. Port-
land, for sloeplug car reservations.
W. H. Harrison, Clevelnud, Miss.,
writes, Aug. 15, ItKij: "I want to
say a word of praise for Ballard's
Snow IJiiiment. I stepped on a uail.
which caused tho cords in my leg
to contract and an abscess to raise in
my knee, mid lint doctor told 1110
that I would have a stiff loir, so one
lay I went to J. F. Ixird's drug
sloro. Ho recommended a bottle of
Snow Liniment ; I got a SOu size, aud
it cured my leg. It is the best lini
ment in tho world. "
ABSCKSSKS, with few exceptions,
aro indicative of const i'mtiou or de
bility. They may, however, result
from blows or from foreign bodies.
Introduced into the skin or flesh, such
as splinters, thorns, eto. For sale bv
Model Drug Store.
How About Your Summer Veen
Newport on Yaquinit Bay is the
ideal seasiibi resort of the North
Pacific Coast. Hound trip tickets 111
greatly reduced rates oil sale from
all Southern Pacific points in Oregon,
on mid after June 1st. Ask agents for
further Information and a handsomely
illustrated souvenir lmoklet. or write
to Kilwln Stone, Manager C. - K. K.
iv, Aliiany, Ore. or W. K. fiitimu.
U. P. A., S. P. Co. Portland.
aft lUVlUllIUX
a A sallow eottintexioi
Jt biluin-oicM and a o
are common indu-ati
m ami knin, t ditc.tse.
K Ik'ucI troubles. cen'
lion, dirtiness
oiited tongue
'attorn of lner
Monia. h siid
t're as tio v are
true luuucdintc warning I v pain,
lull liver an, I kidney I.-.
though less painful at tlie tart, are
much hatdirto cure. V dford's
HUk Ih.mglii never fuils to (.clie
nt .nscated liver and weakened kid
ncva. It stirs up the torpid liver
to mrow oil the germ of fever and
ague. It la a certain preventive
of cholera and Bright a disrate o(
Ilia Ki.lnevs. Willi kidney, re
inforced by Tltedford'a Black
fraught thotiiaiidsof persona hare
dwell immune in the inidit of yel
low fever. Manv families live in
perfect health and -have no other
dorter than Thedford'i Black
Draught. It is always on hand (or
ue in an emergency and saves
many enive calls' of a doctor.
Mulliru. 1 C. March 10 1001
I have uted Vhcdtsrd'i Hlack Dr..,. hi
far thrae ytart and I hv aot had to ta
to a doctor tin. a I have beta Ukinjlt.
It It th hail medium , me thai la
aa mi mar Ml lor Uvte and kidney
i-ouhlai ana dytptptla tad other
Kv. A. 0. LEWIS.
A Boy's Wild Rids lor UU.
With family around expecting him
to die, and a son riding for life, 18
miles, to get Dr. King's New Dis
eofcry for consumption, cough aud
colds, W. H. Brown, of Leesville,
lud., endured death's agoniei from
asthma; but this wnuderfol medicine
gave instant relief and soon cored
him. He writes: "I now shop
aonndly every night" Like marvel
ona cares of consumption, pneumoiia,
bronchitis, coughs, colds and grip
prove It matchless merit for all
throat and lung trouble. Guaranteed
bottles SOu and 11.00. Ttial bottles
free at National Drug Store and
Grants Pass Pharmacy.
Emergency Medicines.
It is a great convenience to have at
hand reliable remedies for use incases
of accident and for slight injuries
and ailments. A good liniment and
one that is fast becoming a favorite
if not a household necessity is Cham
berlaiu's Paiu Balm. By applying
it promptly to a cot, braise or born,
it allays the pain aud causes the in
jury to lieal in about one-third the
time usually required aud as it is
an antiseptic it prevents auy dauger ot
nlood poisoning. When Pain Balm
is kept at baud, a pain may be treat
ed before inflammation seta in, woich
insures a quick recovery. For sale by
all druggists.
a. A. Kead, Cisco, Texas, writes
March, 11th, HMl : "My wrist was
spraiuod so badly by a fall that it
was useless; and after using several
remedies that failed to give relief,
used Ballard's Snow Liniment, aud
was cured. I earnestly recommend
it to any one suffering from sprains.
25c, 60c, f 1.00 at Model Drug Store.
Buckltn't Arnlts Salve.
Has worldwide fame for uiarvollons
cures. Jt surpasses any other salve,
lotion, ointment or balm for cuts,
corns, burus, boils,
sores, felons,
ulcers, tetter, salt
rheum, fever
soies, chapped hands,
skin eruptious
inful lalild for piles.
Loro guariin-
teed. Only 25
Drug store aud
cenis at National
Grunts Pass Phur-
J. (). Ilooth
I J . T. Logan
IC K. Lovelace
H. V. Cheshire
Heiuitv Clerk
T. P. Judson
(ieo. V' Lewis
Krnest Lister
Deputy .Slieritt.
J. T. Taylor
Lincoln HavsKe
W. II. Kallin
II (I. McCtilloch
W. II. Flanagan
School Hupt
Mayor II. I,, (lilkey
Auditor and Police Juilne .('. K Mvl,
Treasurer Col. W. lolii'ison
Ity Attorney .. II. 1). N
Marshal Ueo. Finch
Nlreel hupt John Patrick
-ouiiciiinen -v. si. .Mair. li.J. Ilarlier
J. L. Calvert, T. W Williams, W. 0.
riniith, J. A. Hehkopf, II. c. Per
kins, J sines Trimble.
Grants Pass l.odge A. F. A A. M., No. 84.
rcKUlur coiiitnunii ation lirst ami third
halurdays. Visiting brothers cordially
Mtitt-o. 1,. tt . iuuos . .11
A J. Plus, Hec'y.
Itoyill Arch .Masons - Keames ( hauler Nn
2H meets second and fourth Wednesday
J. K. i'STSHsoa. Secy. II. I
nuniiiii, null. 11. l. llilHZlvif
, Secy
Nil. 8,
Templar - Melita Commander
meets, second Friday ot tac-l
Month in Masonic Temnle
W. II. IIahaton. Km. ('.im
(ISO. 11. ('AI.1IOIIS, Itec.
Kaslcrn (star Josephine Chapter, No. Mi
meets lirst and (hint Wednesday
evenings of each month in Masonic
nail. Masv L. (ok, W. M
Mas II. Zoi.i.ku. Hee'y.
1. . i). r.,uolilen Hole Lodne No. 7
meets every Saturday night at 1. 0. O.
r- nan. r. II. cnailT,
T. Y. )r ah, Secv. N. (i
Visiting brothers invited.
I'aran Fiicaiiipment I. (. O. F. No.
meets secouil and lourtli Thursday at
1. tl. t. r. nail, I'ksn sjciiailiT,
T. Y. IIHAS, tiec'y. ('. f
Kehekahs J'.tlia l.ehekah. No 4!l, meets
second and lourllt Momlny, I. II. 0. F
hall. Hi jiii I.HKts. N.U
M.J minis Pavis. hecy.
'luted Artisans drains Pass Assemlilv
n. 4!t, meets alternate I uesdavs 11
A.K. I'.W.Iiall. A. K. VooKllits,
J. II. I'aiumick, Secy. Master Artisan
Wo.Klinen of the W orl.l Itoeue Kiver
( ump No. .' meets second and fourth
m.ia)s a( woodman tlall.
tii. It. clover, C. C.
('. K. Mayhks, Clerk.
Women of W.Ht.lcraft Azalea Cir.le. No
Is2, nieels lirst and third Mondays al
woodmen hall. Mrs. M. K. iHiinv.
Mrs. lone Frier. Clerk. '. N
M.Mlern Woodmen ol America -llrants Pass
( snip No. and, nieels 'Jinl and lib Wediies
day Kveiiiugs al W.itsliuen hall al 7 .'lo.
Ike M. ivis, V. V,
W. T. lloulder, Clerk.
ron"ters ot America -Court Josephine
No. 2S, niwls each Wednesday etcept
inr tirst, si .t. .1. 1 . vt . nail.
F. (1. Mnekrr. F. S. F. Feisch, ('. It.
losrpbme l-mte. No. I1J, A. 1). V. W.
meets iu A. . ('. W.hsll. IMxoll build
ing every Momlnv evenintr.
F. W'. llciosKtii, M. W.
B A.tasaso, Krcor.ler.
Hawthorne Lodge, No. il, P. of II.. A. (.
I'. W. nieels every alternate Tui-Mtay
evening lit A. II I . Yt . i. .in
I. oil. In. w. Mss. A. M.'Casihv.C ol II
Mas. I. tnu lists. Ive, order.
itojsl Neishtmrs of America l.di'.h I'
Mipe I amp No. '.still, meels ll sn.l ,lrd
t ll.lnys tl A. (. I . W hail
Koe l.ravlio. tirade.
Henrietta oiler, hr.-or.ler.
Urder of Pen.lo While K.ick Council No.
Piii, meels 111 V,mtuien Ifsll sturilav
muhls. lim A Ihi'K, t'oiinielor. '
M.scis, W. Hohsiss, .r.reiry.
lirst Men t'litikllma Wiuwani No l
1. It. M. II M. Ksksi s. s.Khein.
t. A. Tlloats, I'liirtoi Itisordi.
Knikhls of ihe (iranis
lent. No. 1.1 Hurls nrl and
I'liursdavs nl Woodmen hail.
I'a W 111. Allied, F. A. Mow tit..
Kevord KrrH-r. ( uimander
Ladies of the Ma.vanees -(irants I'avt,
lll No Is holds rrtlllar "Htnew,"
lirsi ami ihml Tlmrs la.s al A. i. I .
W. hall Visiting si-ier-. nmhabv
Invited. Mrs. Wiia Hale, I., c. '
.Mtry Mtiinions. Krcvrd krrprr
l'nilr.1 Hr.tthrrli.Kst ot i'aretitrra and
Joiners ol Amrri.-a I'nion No. Ills
nierts and fourth Fridays 01
rach 1110111I1 at A. O. ('. W. Hail. '
It. IV Cole. K. .sr.-. J. p. liaicriier, Pres.
1'. A. Fiugerald, F. Srv y,
Knights of I'yttiiasTlirriuopvlae No. .VI,
meet, tacit lursday nig III 7 .! W. (I.
W. Hsu. M T. T ii.v f f
Tea Wu.LiAvt, k of K and S.
Uran.l Army of Uit Keputihr-tien. Logan
I'o-t No. ;t. inrrls ttr-t Wednesday at
A.l. I . W. hall. Jous faraica
J. K. I', Adjt. Coin
Woman's Itehri Corps -l.eneral Logan No
, nieris id and (tit aturdayt al i p.
lit at A. O I'. W, hill.
Mrs. Hose Waidman. 1'res.
Mrt. T. P. Cornell, Ktvy.
Fearful Odds Ajainit Dim. j
Bedridden, nlone aud destitute
aucn, iu oriei, was (tie condition 01
an old soldier, by name of J. J. t
Havens, Versailles, O. For years be
was trouliled with Kidney din an and ,
neither doctors nnr medicim j gavel
him relief. At length he tried th e-'
trie Bitters. It put hi.u on his feet
in short order and now he test ill', a.
"I'm on the road to c.implete recov
ery. " Best on earth for Liver and
Kiluey troubles and all forms of
Stomach and Bowel complaint;."
Only .50c, Gurauteed by Nalioual
Drug Store and Grants Pass Phar- j
macy. I
Estate of Surah Max- )
well, Deceased. j
Notice is hereby given by the ex
ecutrix of the Estate of Sarah Mx-
well, deceased, to the creditors and
all persons having claims the
said deceased, to exhibit them with
necessary vouchers, within six mouths
from the date ot the flist publication
of this notice, to the executrix at iior
home at Wilderville, in Josephine
County, Oregon.
First dale of publication, July 28,
Dated at Grants Pass, Oregon,
Julv 20, 11)04.
EVA HALSTEAD. Executrix,
By 11. B. Hendrix, her Attoruev.
Paciflo Pino Needle Co., location of
triucipal place ot business Sun
ruiicisco, Cal., location of works
ti rant s Pass, Ore.
Notice is hereby given that at a
meeting of the board of directors held
on the loth day nf August, 1IKI4, an
assessment, Ho. 4, of One Dollar and
50 cents (f 1. 50) tier ehare, wus levied
upon the cupilal stock of the corpora
tion, payable 'iiimedia'ely in L'uiti d
States gold coin to the secretary nt the
oflice of the company, No. 8il2-.Hitl Sut
ter ttreet. San Francisco, California.
Any stock uihiii which this assess
ment shall remain Diinaid on the loth
of September, III04, will be delinquent
aud advertised for sale at public auc
tion and unless payment is made be
fore will be sold on Monday, the llrd
lay of October, 11104, to nay the de
linquent assessment togi titer with the
costs of adverting and expenses of i
sale. 1
By order of the Board of Directors.
M. R. CORDS, Secretary.
Office No. !!H2-l!C,f, Sutter street.
San Frnnciiso, Citl.
Iu tho Circuit Court of the Slato of Or-1
1 gun, for the Couutv of Josetihine i
Daisy Seliger, 1
PlnuitilT, Suit
vs. fur
Weuzol Seliger, Divorce.
Defendant. I
To Weuzol Selieer. Defendant :
III the namo of the State of Oregon:
1 011 aro hereby required to nimear
Hid answer the complaint diet) aeamst
you in the above entitled suit on or
before six weeks from the date of the
lirst publication ot this summons,
which is the 18th day of AuL'ust. IIMU :
if yon fail to appear and answer, the
plaintiff will apply to Hie court for the
relief demanded in tho complaint,
iiamely: A decree of divorce diss" ly
ing and setting aside tho 4ntirriago re
lations existing between the tilaiulill"
and defendant.
This summons is nnblished bv order
of the Hon J.O. Booth, County Judge
of Josephine County, Oregon, made 011
too inui nay ot August, 11101. The
late oi the first 1 ublication is Almost
IS, 11)04, and the lust publication S, n-
te ruber 21), I'.HU.
Attorney for Pbtiutih.
In the Circuit Court of thu State of
Oregon, for the County of Josephine.
Anna Frost, 1
Plaintiff, Suit
vs. J. fr
Thomas J. Frost, Divorce.
Defendant. I
To Thomas J. Frost, Defendant :
In tho name ol tho Statu of Oregon:
You aro hereby required to uppt ar ami
answer the complaint filed against you
in the alive entitled suit on or before
six weeks rroni tho date of the first
publication of this summons, which is
the 18th day of August, Hint; if you
fail tc npis'iir and answer, the phiin.
titf will apply to the court for the re
lief demanded in the complaint, name
ly: A decree annulling and setting
aside the marriage relations existing
lv tween the plaintiff and defendant,
mid for the custody of the minor chil
dren, Lee, Delia, Herbert, Merle and
John Frost.
This summons is published by order
of tho Hon.J. O. Ilooth, Count v Judge
of Josephine County, Oregon, made on
tho lStb day ol August, IIKH. The
date of the first publication is August
I St It 11)114, and the last publication Sep
tember 'J'., Itsu.
Attorney for Plaintiff.
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon, for the County of Josephine.
Mildred Spnrhawk, .
PiaiutilT, Suit
vs. - f,,r
Cluirles Sparbaw k, Divorce.
Defendant. I
To Chillies Spnrhawk. Defendant:
In the name of tho State of Oiegon :
You are hereby required to apicar
ami answer the complaint tiled against
von 111 the above entitled suit 1111 or be
fore six weeks from the date cf the
lirst publical ion nt this summons,
w hich is the 1Mb day nf August, II1114 ;
if yon fail to app.ur and answer, the
phiintitT w ill npplv lo ihe court for
the relief demanded in the compbii' t,
nainley: A decree of Ihe court ills
soslvlng and telling aside the marriage
relations existing between nl.uniitrl
and defendant and for the custody of
the minor children, I.yiidcn Spnrhawk
and Mildred Spnrhawk. and for such
other relief as to the coiut may semi "
tins summons is luibl shed bv order
of the lion. J. O. Month, Countv Jude
of Josephine County, Oregon, imint I
on the I St li tlav cf August. r.K'4. 1 lie I
date of the tirst publication is August
Is, mm, and the Inst nuhltcatiou. Sen-
Iciubcr '."J. mm.
KcliKliT 1; I.F.N X SMI I II.
Attorney lor PiaiutilT.
In t e rircnit Court i f
t,.e St.ite
I Suit
; for
I Pivorc,
Oretion, for Jcsei bine
I.aura M N ichols,
Plaint itf,
Al Nichols,
To Al Nichols, IVfi ndiint :
In Ihe name of the St ite cf Or, n n
lou are heicby r..tiircd to a cnr mid :
answer I e complaint tltcd against vcti t '
in the above entitled nit on or before I '
six weeks from tlie date of the Hi si i
publication of this summons, which i
the p4th dar of August, I1HV4; if VOd
fall to appear and auswer.the plaintiff
will aiMilv to the coort for the relict
detnauded iu tlie complaint, namely:
For a decree dissolving and si itinu
aside the niarria relations tiisluitf
bet ween the plaintiff and dcfcnd.nii.
and for the custody of the rumor child
Leoua Nidi K
This summon is rublisbed bv order
of the Hon J. (I. llootli. lA.iiiuv Jmlk-e '
of Jtwphiue I'oontv, llrvfon, made a
ou the iSth dav of August. ISAH The.
dale of the first publication is August !k
IS, llHV. an, ti,,, hist pub'.ical ion Sep- s
teniber 39. I'.avt I 9
Elvs Cream Balm
This Remedy Is a Specific,
Sure to Civo Satisfaction
It cleanses, soothes, heals, and protects the
I diseased membrane. It cures Catarrh and
drives away a Cold in tho Head quickly,
. Restores the Senses of Taste and SmelL
fcasy to ui. Contiins no ini'irious drugs.
Applied into tho nostrils and absorbed.
Large Size, CO cents nt Druggists or by
mail; Trial rwze, 10 cc its ty uia:L
ELY BROTHERS, E6 V.'arr-", St.. New York,
When troubled with constipation
try Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver
Tablets. They are eay to take and
produce 110 gripping or other un
pleasant c licet. For sale by all drug
State Fair I
Salem, Oregon
Sept. 12 to 17
Good attractions, Splendid
Racing, Best Band Music,
$10,000 in Premiums. Mag
nificient Stock Show, a Fine
Camp Ground with room for
all, Fresh Vv'ater piped into
the ground, plenty of shade,
good street tar service, and
lotsof Entertainment and Ed
ucation for Everybody.
Timber Land, Act June 3, 187ft.
Hoseburg, Oregon, July 1H04.
Notice is hereby given that in ccm
pli nice with the provisions of Hie act of
Congress of June 3, 1S78, entitled "An
act lor the tale of timber lands in the
Mates ol California, Oregon. Nevada
anil Washington ferrit in'," as extended
to all tha Public Laud States by act of
.-mgiisi t, toir.,
oi t.asau, uounly ol K.agie, Slate
nt t olorsdo, has this day liled
in this olhce her sworn statement No.
ti.'H tor tne purchase i.f Ihe SF.'acfSec-
fun Nn. is in township No. S4 South,
Hsnge No 4 West, ami will oiler proof
to show tliBt the land soimlit is more
valiiahle for Its timber or stone than for
agiicnliiiral purpcsei. and to establish
nerciaiui lo mid land before J. O. Booth
( oniitv Judite, at bis oflice at (irants
I ass, (iregon, on Saturday, the 17ih thu
01 oeineiuuer, rjoi. Mie names as wit
nesses :
W. I!. Sherman, of (irants Pass, Ore. ;
K. V. Smith, n tlrants pass. Ore.; C. V.
tienkle, ot drmits Pass, Ore.; K. R.
Cole of (irants Pass. Ore.
Any and all persons claiming adverse
ly the ahove-descrilie.l lauds are re
quested lo file their claims in this oflice
on or before said 17; h day ol Hepteinher,
'''04. J. T. I'.iuikjks, Register.
'Tinib 'r Land, Act June .'I. 1878.
United Sutes Land Oliice,
b'osel.nrg, Ore , July 7. P104.
Notice is hereby given that in mm.
pliance Willi the prnvi-ions ol Ihe act of
Congress nl June 3, 1878, entitled, "An
act for the tale ol timber 'amis in the
Spates r.f Calilorn a. Oregon. Nevada,
sin! Wa-hmgtnn Tenirorv," as extended
to all ihe Public Land .stales by act ol
August 4, Ai-,
ol Basalt, County of Kagle, S'ate nf Col
inado, has this day tiled in tips oliice
Ins sworn statement No. Uj!t"t. for the
purchase of ihe F.i of SW'4 and
Lots 3 and 4 ot Section No. 18
in Township No. 84 South, Katige
0.1 t .1. siot i 1 cut-r proof to ehnw
Mist in., lami
lor its tin la
:ilh' is icore v luable
some tbsn for auri
and to publish bis
. iiluiral ptirp'ises,
c'uilll I" sai.l Isnd
I el., re J (1 Booth.
Coiiniv JicU'e, at I.
s oliice at liran'
I . (Iret'on. on imlsv Him l-.l, .I-
ol September, lis t II,. nam, a, '.
Ilesces ;
W. H. M.etnis'i. of l,r;i:,lt Pass, Ore ;
K, V. Smfih, of liiauls I'ass. (Ire ; 0 v!
Il'tikle, of tiraots pas, (Ire F H
I o!e, of l iranls P, ( Ire.
Any and all peimns claiminn sil
vers. Iv the above tleaeiilied lauds are
rr.pifcfti-d to lile llieir claims in this
oliice n or bef .re said I7tli dv of Sep
J ml er, Unit J r llmiHiKs. Keaister
Ihe larut'St turn ever paid lor a pre
"ciiption, chsncd bands inSanrran
cuco. uj. -M). litOI. The transfer in
v .lved in coin and stock (?II2..'SI Oil and
sis paid by s party ol business men iot
a specific for sruthl's Disease and l).a
Is ii", hitherto incurstile diseases.
1"' ey comnienced the serious . i.vesti
k' :..n of the ajcibe Nov. 1.) Hsu)
I' mlervieseif scores of Ilie cil'e.l
si. I m.d ii out on n nitwits hv ptittiun
li t three dorin cases nu ihe Ir.s n.n.
; .1. I aali biiiK tbeiii. Ther also sol ph
I si, ,,i s to name chronic, cases,
j ti: l s.lmini.t.-ri d it mil, (he h icii
( o'j s. I'pto 2.-,, K7 per i en'
Itu.e lesi ca-es rre either aeMoi
r wr. smui: favorablt .
1 I bete liriiiii bin thirteen perier.to1
! ' .I'tiin, the parties er sal istieil and
, 'I. 'ed the transaction. The pro, eeding
j .1 it e investik-minit conimiiiee and the
.S...-ISM. ul i,lv. easi.p mer
l'"'"be.l and sill he mailed free on
"canon. Address Jutix J. ri iTus
ourtw, 4l'i) Monttioinerv St. San Fran.
""Co. "!
tiv H l- XI coxa
Ihe .Modern Kemedy fur Women
Ktucost fca t'urnl tomtt.f
the aorst ease ot
V irtiarantre a j .
p..iuve .ur t..r Louoorrhooa
I ter Aotsrs W.srtM
t-end ft-r Booklet, i San Jose, Cil.
CO t ItT KO V 8 K M P LO Y E8
Dajllglil trip across the Cascade
and llocky Mountains.
For tickt-U, rates, folders tnd full inlor
million, cull on or address
H. DICKSON, c t. A
122 Third Street, Portland
S. O. YEKKES, (4. W. P. A
612 First Avenue Seattle, Wah.
We give expedited seiviceon fiei!it
1: line vour shipments via Great Notih
ern. Full information from
Wm. Hakiikk, (iereral Agent,
Portland, Oregon.
Trade Mirks
Design 1
Copyrights &c.
autrklr njscertAin our cpinion free
Invention ta prohndlr pnteniHMe. Ci-hihi irtt.-tv
lionBstnclly conrldRiitlal. IlHiKlhookon i'b.l'.!itf
out frca. I li I tint augury for Bfctirint iialL':.:-.
PutPiits taken thrntiL'h Wunn A Co. recefve
rpteUu tuHice, without t-lmriio, tu tiio
A hsnrlsomsly lilntmte! rri'hlr. I irtft't -:r
rrulallon ot any SfLMUihiT .,iir..... 1'.; mi., t-. a
y.vir: fonr nn.ntlia, IL bo:j I y.-.:i '.". s nln -
llranrn nrn.-. rri, r rr . n-n.,.
' 'tai MINIONS
Columbia Phonoqra)h Company,
128 Seventh Street,
an ftKaaaTl
For ule in Grants Paw by W. A. Paddock.
Travel via Denver and the Burlington Route to St. Louis
if you want an interesting, comfortable and safe journey.
Tho Burlington is tho only railroad running its own
trains over its own rails all the way from Denver to
St. Louis. Fast time, clean and comfortable cars, obliging
employes, good meals in dining cars at moderate prices.
Let me give you detailed information about the trip.
Write your name and address here.
A J.lress .
Then cut out this ad today and mail to
W' 100 T"'" TatlT. PORTLAND. OBf.
o6G Nl,UTt'' Art c",itr':' ,hc Rolli lB "wi-" t. ih
ttrsctioM Si Loult. This can only bt doat by
jowj er rtturaia, via tht "SCtMO USE Of IHE 0H10'
c: r r w i is
W..U let il.rt,rt,, boo,,.,
NV. C. M-lIItIIis
Orifjinal and only Renuine
rREScii Iassy Wakkio. fr
sale by leading druggists, ?
per hoi. Safe and reliable"
nvwcpi W lUIUtllUlt. i
Shoit line
and Union Pacific
Three Trains to the East Daily
Throueh Pullman standard am! 1,.,..:'.
sleepinu cars daily to Omaha. Chicutm s '
kane; tourist sleeping ears daily t0 Kansas
City; throuith I ullman tourist sleenin,
cars (personally coiidueted) weekly to flu
iago, Kansas Citv; reclining cliair .
(seats tree) to the East daily. "
No change of cars.
Dkimkt j
Time Schkih-lks.
Krom Portland'
cr. Kt
Worth, Oinaliu,
Kansan City. St.
Louis, Chicacoanil
East. I
' p. 111.
9:1") a. in,
via Hunt
Suit Luke, Denver-f
Kxpresa Ft. Worth, Oiiiahu
8:1.") p.m. Kansas City, St, 7:15 a.m.
via Hunt Louis, Chicago'
iiiHton. and East. I
St. Paul WulhV WiilhirLowis
East Mail ton, Spokane, Wal
0:1") p.m. lace. Pullman, Min H:(J() ;i. m.
.via neanolbt, St. Paul.
Spokane. Uuluth, Milwaukee.
Chit:aKOand East.
Ocean and ltiver Schedule
For San Francisco Every five davs nt s
n. iu. For Astoria, way points and Nnrih
lleach Daily (except i-unday) at H p. in. ;
Saturday al IU p. m. Daily service u,u,-r
permitting) on Willamette and Vaiulnd
For flintier information ak or write vour
nearest ticket agent, or
(ieneral l'iiMenger Agent,
The Oregon Itiiilruud iV Navignlion I o.
Portland, Oregon.
rPAPIS 1900
fit any make of
talking machine
Black Super-hardened
Beautiful juolili) of tone
Much more durable than any
olhcr cylinder
r ' A 1. C IL0 N S
F r n S 9 e SI5 V 19 E .
lmm $.
jhtt tnd rttorlt
, i'Utral AutMtt
Attorney for PiaiutilT.
124 Third Strt