ROGUE RIVER COURIER GRANTS PASS, 6REG0N, AUGUST ij, 1904. OUR PERSONAL COLUMN THE PEOPLE OF NAPLES THE LOCAL HAPPENINGS flkL 44k'f'4y'4SS4SBSSBlBBSB mm Pick nickers will soon bo coming home then more work for the cook. - Lots of Teaches next week. Better get your fruit jars and bo ready for them. Have you ever used the VACUM OR ECONOMY FRUIT JAR Nothing Better for Preserving Fruit To clean up our stock for this season we will make a special pi ice on PINTS, QUARTS, AND HALF GALLON "Water Jlelons, Rocky Fords.Hackensacks and tho celebrated Osago Mush Mellons now on tho market. ALL KINDS OF LUNCH GOODS Something New Kippered Herring imported 1 pound cans Ready for the table, at tho The White House Grocerv. II. C. BOBZIEN. SIXTH STREET. YOUR LUCK IN FISHING will depend a good deal upon the kind of tackle you use. If you want to make fine catches in Rogue River let us show you what experience has taught us to use either for Salmon or Trout. We have Expert Reels in all sizes nnd a fine stock of Lines, Leaders and Flies. Cramer Bros. Odd Fellows Block. BAMBOO RODS CANE POLES Mason Fruit Jars Pii.ts Quarts 70c per dozen SOc " 1-2 Gallon 1.10 WE ALSO SELL ECONOMY & GLOBE FRUIT JARS, TIN FRUIT CANS. JELLY , GLASSES, JAP. RUBBERS, WAX, ETC. HAIIMMDDLE HARDWARE Co. Grants Pass, Oregon. iiave Yocn TIRES SHRUNK GOLD No danger of marring the paint on the wheels. No delay. The entire job requires but 30 minutes. We handle all sizes up to 4 x Ja. Come and see our new machine work. TRIMBLE & COOK, Blacksmiths. People bs They Come .rd Go From Day to Day Ray Wilson returned Friday from a trip to Portland. Miss Winifred Miller Her Trip. Writes of Brl Note e. rid Item of Interest Mrs. V. T. Cohuru is visiting relative! in Ashland. Mies Augo-ln Parker returned Tuesday from Colestin. Mrs. A. U. Bnnuard returned from Colestin Tuesday evening. Miss Emma Telford will open tier kindergarten on Monday, September 5. Mrs. " Chas. Booth and Katharine went to Ashland Saturday for a few days visit. Mrs. Boy Pool came down from Ashland Monday to visit with friend in this city. Mr. and Mrs. C. D. Welter and Roy and Misa Annette Jordan left for Newport last Thursday. Wm Gaguon returned Saturday evening from Rosebnrg where he lias been visiting his parents. . The Geo. Riddle family nnd Miss Mattie McKimmeus returned Tuesday from their summer vacation at New port Jos. Wolke returned last week from a limiting and fishing trip to Pslicau bay, Lake of the Woods and other points. Dr. and Mrs. Flanagan and Wini fred went to Portland Friday to re main nutil Mrs. Flanagan is im proved in health. II. C. Telford and family, who went to Klamath Falls recently, re port that they are very pleasantly situated and work is plentiful. J. P. Hale and wife returned Tues day from California. Mr. Hale snys the merry-go-round is now at Yreka but will be at Medford, September 31. Mrs. John Rail returned Saturday from Seattle, where, she has spent the past few months. She Muds the Washington climate too damp for her. E. C. Dixon. Dr. Dixon and Krnest Lister returned last week from a hunting trip in tho mountains 1 aek of West Fork. Tho party killed 14 deer. H. C. Kinney, and Mrs. E. B. Winch arrived from Hilt Tuesday evening. Mr. Kinney returns for the rest of his family, which will arrive the latter part of the week. Rev. W. O. Cobuell and family re. turned Friday from Bybee springs. The rest of their vacation will be spent in the Coos bay country. They leave hero Wednesday night. J. R. WUhart of Oregon City is now manager of the Model Drug Store. His family will arrive soou and they will occupy the Eelns Pol lock house at Fifth and A steots. Charles Tutt, president of tho Takilu.a Smelting Co., arrived Mon day and went the si mo day to ma with Suj't. Gnodell to witness the test run of the smelter, which oc curred Tuesday. Dr. Robt G. Black of Vancouver, Wash., has spent some time in the Sucker creek country looking over tho mining prospects. He returned to Grants Pass Tuesday and left the next morning for his home. Chas. Tabor, John Hanee, E. L. Gray and J. P. Martin left Friday for West Fork, to be met thero by Rufus Jones and his father with bear traps and bear dogs. They will go into camp at Game lake for a fen weeks. A. P. Eastabrook has soi l his drug business at Gold Hill to Fred L. Col vig of Grants Pass, a graduate in pharmacy and a most pleasant gentle man to meet. He is now In charge and we bospeak for him success in large chunks. Mrs ("olvig is also here and we welcome them to Gold Hill Gold Hill News. Double Wedding. ; Thero was a double wedding cele brated at Pleasant Valley last Thurs day, Rev. McDongall otllciiiting. After the wedding, Mr. Solomon and his bride, together with his father's family left for their new homo in j Washington. I Mr. Bryant and his bride will re 1 side with his father. Wanted' Teacher can . get situation, six months' school. Apply School dis trict No. 89, Winona, Oregon. It Seems to be the Fad to have a s eduction So to be in the Swim we will sell at ale? h Reduced Prices all Bicycles h (Not Racycles) h t Entire stock of Fishing tackle, including some fine jointed Rods, Keels, Lines, Hooks, Flies, Spoons, Spinners. Some Maher & Grosh Axes, a high grade ax, but too high priced for this market. Some Knives wc have had in the window and are soiled. Ask for bargain knives. A line assortment of Razors at half price. A few dozen Boomerangs to close, at 10c, 15c, 2nc, regular price 25c", 50c, $1. This sale will continue until present stock is exhausted, and includes articles mentioned only. Yours for Business. W. A. Paddock The following letter was received by Consul H. B. Miller, from his daughter Winifred, who is on her way home from Chins. : ' Naples, May 23, 1904. We reached here tired, and weary on. the eve of the 19th, coming by train from Brindisi. We left the Chiua at Port Said, and took the fast mail steamer Clsis for Brindisi. First day we did not have much pleasure, as tho Clsis tossed a great deal, but the second day was lovely, perfect, and we saw many of the mythologigcal islands. It was rather a rest to get off the China and away from the noisy crowd and to be one among 13, instead of one among 300. The trip from Brindisi here by rati was tedious and took from 7 a. m. to 5 pm. I never- was in a train that jolted so, it went slowly and yet toss ed yon abont from one side to the other in a dreadful manuer. We en joyed it, though, in spite of physical torture, for tha country we passed through was beautifu! green fields dotted with red poppies &ud yellow flowers. I do wish yon could see it and could have been with ns to have enjoyed it Then we passed through beautiful mountain country ai.d saw in the distance old ruins which look ed like deserted castles and old Vesu vius loomed in sight. And here we are at the Hotel Bristol. Mamma and I have been taking a rest and yesterday was a day off after the long trip over the sea. The day before, we went to Cook's, with whom wo aro making arrange ments for tho rest of our trip, and drove abont Naples, going to the museum, had only a glimpse, so re turned thero today to study the bronzes and tho statuary. It is splen did and olio wishes for weeks instead of hours to spend in the museum and for the numerous trips about Naples. Then the eto of the 20th we went for a long drive. I saw somothiug of the life of "the people; they live out in the open and the ladies bow and work in front of their houses. There are children everywhere, pleasant looking people and children, and moH attractive little beggars as fur as manners go and expression, but their olothes are European, so not very picturesque. We have a beantiful view of Vesnvius and tho bay of Naples from our window. Vesuvius is smoking hard and coi.tinuonsly. Forgot, to tell you about seeing fruits, strawberries, cherries, oranges, apples, etc., and fresh vegetables in abundance. Flowers are everywhere and wondrlul carnations yon see at evry corner, and so cheap; I wish I could send yon some. I think we shall spend six or seven da) s hero. Tomorrow we want to go to Pompeii, the next day to Vesnvius and then to Sorrento and to Capri. There is so much to do and see, one hardly knows which to do first. Then about Weduesday or Thursday, we shall depart for Rome. I know you would love it all but tho dirt. Our hotel is beautifully clean, and I think it must have been an old palace for it has all marble and tiled floors and the meals aro very good. I must dress now to go for a short excursion or laigo walk, if mamma and I feel equal to It, for thero arc ninny interesting places near hero to see churches and monasteries abound. Me.cca.boes Picnic at Greenback. On August in, 11M4, the long looked for time, the Lady Maccabees, on this delightful morning began to gather on the chosen ground, a spot near Green back mine, overhung by large, droop ing trees, with a beautiful stream of ch ar, mountain water, and be gan to preparo for tho great feast. By 12 o'clock soma 200 people had gathered on this delightful spot, there to enjoy the picnic and a picnio it was lor everybody. When the writer aisared on the scene, five minutes after 12 o'clock, his eyes were met by swings, hammocks, and tro's highly decorated in colors and about KM) children seated beside a long table. It was children's day and to have seen those little children en joying themselves' one wonld have thought it was chilrdens' day. A day never to be forgotten by those present. Much of the afternoon was passed in recitations and songs by thf children. It was a pleasant affair in general ; the spirit of harmony and good will prevailed. Tlm-o were smiles on every face, even those who, pcrhajM, had not smiled for 20 years. It is to the Ladv Maccabees that we are indebted loi this grand end pleasant occasion, and we extend to them our heartfelt thanks for the effort which they have put forth to gladden the hearts of those little children and for their effort to bring sunshine and gladuess Into the homes. Sir Knight of Greenback, Tent No. ',2. Putt Mi End to It All. A grievous wail oftimes conies as ajresult of unbearable pain from over taxed organs. Dizziness, backache, liver complaint and constipation. But thanks to Dr. King's New Life Pills they pet an end to it all. They are geutle but thorough. Try them. Only 25c. Guaranteed by National Drug Storo and Grants Pass Phar macy. Piano Tuning. J. M. Ward, salesman and tuner for Allen & Gilbert-Ramaker Co. of Portland, Oregon, lias settled in Grants Pass with his family and solicits orders from anroue desiring first class wcrk. A t;tlal rate will be made to all who enroll their names on a list to be made up by September 1st, work to be done when desired by patron. This is a good opportunity to keep a competent tuner In the com mnnity. There would be no dealys or annoyances could one always be had when needt-d. Address Grants Pas Masio Hoik. Ask your dealer for Koiroe Kiver Creamery Butter mae at Medford is m cuts per two-pound, square weight. tind Importance. wr . Dr. Flanagan, Physiciau and Dentist, Go to Corun for Plumbing. Bicycle repairing at Cramer Bros. M. Clement, prescription Druggist. Have O. 0. Lnnd saw your wood. Peach paper at the Courier office. Icecream freezers cheap t Cramer Bros. See Sample Photos at the tent Studio. Talking Machines and Records at Paddock 'a A fine line of whips fiom 10c np at Cramer Bros. A splendid line of Royal Charter Oak Ranges at Cor on 's Lota in the Ireland A Meade addi tion on easy terms. Plates aud Films developed and printed at Clevenger's. The Union service-next Sunday evening will be held at the Baptist church. Tho Oregon Firo Proof Paint Co. is doing somo roof painting lu Portland. They left here last week. Bicycles at reduced price s at Cramer Bros. Amateur Photo work promptly and carefully attended to at Clevenger's. Don't fail to see the new liue of Diamond and opal rings at Letcher's. Winchester.Marlln and Savago rifles carried in Btock at Cramer Bros. New line of ladies and gentlemen's solid gold watch chains at Letcher s Jewelry store. For a short time Ireland & Meade will sell yon a lot for (10 down aud $o per mouth. If you waut to catch trout let Cra mer Bros, show yon what to use. If you are not getting good shoes, for your nionfy. Try tho Red Star Store, where good shoes aro sold. Why pay rent? I will sell you a house and lot or a ranch on easy pay ments. E. L. Cass. If yon wish to rcduco your wood bill,-buy 4-foot lengths nnd have O. 0. Lund saw it for yon at your door. Articles of incorporation 'have been tiled in the ofllce of tho Sccreatry of State of the Summer Lake Irrigation aud Power Company, Grants Pass, $10,000; L. B. Hall, A. T. Martin, W. II. Pattillo. Cramer Bros, storo is headquarters for all kinds of Ushiug tacklo. Prospectors aro being fitted out al most every day by Cramer Bros, TOO pieces of vocal and instrumental sheet uiusio at 10 cents each at the Grants Pass Musio House. The season for canning Burtlett pears is now ou. Leave orders, at White House Grocery. (10 cents box. The Altur Society of St.. Luke's Episcopal church, will serve ice cream aud cake aud coffee and cake, ou the Western the porh Friday evening, Aug. 2ri. A very pleasing surprise visit was made lust Friday evening to Rev. Mr. Travis of the Baptist church and his family. A largo number of friends attended. The Dew pews wero placed in the Baptist church lust week and the congregation occupied them for the first time Sunday. They aro being varnished this week. lypowriter troubles aro all over when one uses an Cinder wood Visible Writing Machine. Write tho Under wood Tyewriler Agency at No. f.ft Front street for a catalogue. Curtis & Co for Watches, Clocks, Gold Rings aud Jewelry, fluo watch repairing, engraving. Goods sold at reasonable prices. Cuiuo and seo us, L O. O. F. Building, Grunts Puss, Oregon. J. M. Word, the tuner, has secured several nicmtcrs for his tuning club already. The idea is a good one and saves members money, besides limn ing good work when they want it. Cull up phone !ill mid have it ex plained. Col. Henry K. Dosch has been dec orated with the order of the Sacred Treasurer, by tho Mikado of Japan. llie honor lias been conferred upon Col. Dosh for the services he render ed the Jupaneso government daring the Exposition at Osaka lu I'M)'.!. Rubber Slump ink in stock ut the Courier ofllce. Al Bartlett tiears, very best, (10c box. Leave orders ut White) House Grocery. ' .When bilious take Chnmberluin's Stomach and Liver Tablets. For sale by all druggist. All sorts of ridiculously low prices are being asked for second. liHiid tytie- writers at the Underwood Typewriter agency, rj front street, Portland. Anyone desiring to get a typewriter cheap will do well to ask for samples of work and prices. A sunshine CInb should lie organ ized in this burg. Home people may have sunshine in their souls, but the most of us Jesire the real article, something we have not had tor some time. Chunks of sonny weather can be found just over the ridgo. Del Norte Record. There Is a small bole in the side of Paddock's plato - glass window and small cracks are running in all di rections from the hole. This is the result of one small boy throwing a stonn at another. The stone hit a telegraph pole in front of the build ing, glanced off aud struck the glass. Mr. Psddock says he will be nothing out for the glass is insured, but just where the boy will get off, s not stated. The rase of May SI. Earle vs. II. St. Earle for the custody of their 10-year-old girl occupied Judge Booth's attention the first nfthiiweik. The mother claims the child on the grounds of a decree of divorce Issued D Washington awarding her the cus tody of the child. The father denies the right of the mother to have the child and claims that she is Dot a proper person to bring up the child. Brownies That are Beauties They are in our store and you'll want one of em Don't delay The Double Breasted Sack Suit Is tho correct thins: this fall MODERN METHODS Distinguish These Suits and Overcoats from the rest Quality The woolens used wholesalo from $2.00 to $3.00 per yard. Best quality Italian lining, satin sloevcs, silk sowed throughout. Custom tailors uso the same materials for their $35 and $10 6uits and overcoats. Appearance. Tho most essential feature is how the garments look on you. With tho tailor you cannot tell until you buy. Hero it is different. A pattern for every taste, and twice tho satisfaction at half tho price. y vr y y s Evclusive Walk-over Agents GRANTS PASS. U try a Blue Ribbon S cent cigar. Buy 4 ft wood aud have Lund saw it for yon. When in noed of a first class lime piece, yon make the mistake of jocr life if vou go purchasing without get ting my prices A. Letcher. As I desire to leave Orants Pass, I will sell anything that I possess aud the entire S. F. Cass estate on easy terms. Heo Jos. Moss for list of eul estato aud houses. E. L. Cass. Evcryouo knows who "Sunny Jim" Is. Hut everyone, don't know that all his correspondence Is handled on seventy-five Underwood Typewriters. These remarks are backed by "Force. " "Suzanne of Kerbyrille," the Jose phine county novel, by D. II. Stovall of this city, is now out and may be purchased or ordered through the local newsdealers. The price is 1.00 If bought here, or $1.25 if ordered by mall from the Editor Publishing Com puny, New York. Peaches for Sale. Fifty cents per bushel at my resi dence, twn miles west of town. Peaches rlpo September 1. A. E. llollowsy. Superintendent Potter Married. T. W. Potter, former suiicrlntcud ent of the Indian Training School at Clii'inawa, was married to Miss Mary J. Smith, a former pupil of tho school, at Redding lust Thursday. The bride, who was a quarter-breed Wintone, Is described as a churming yonng woman, who was very popular a thn rehool, aud about IH y.ars of ago. Superintendent Potter Is well known in Oregon and -throughout the Indian Service, aud Is approaching 50 yi ers of age. Mr. and Mrs. Potter went to Sun Francisco and from there go to the formers' ranch at Albany, Colo., thence to the worlds' ft ir at St. Louis. For Se.le. 1 horse, 1 jump-seat buggy and 1 one horsu wagon. Inquire of T. F. Croxton. Grants Weather. Following is a summary weather ob servation at tjrants I'ss, during the month of Jii v. lot 4. as retorted br J. I!. I'AiIduek, local voluntary observer for the Oregon Male Weather hemes. Min. i Harms) free Tern. Tein. inch 61 W M 65 r,i 6; 62 6 'il Tra.s 47 M For Sale. For sale cheap I Iw books, 23 vol uinos of Amreican aud English Ency clopedia of Law, new edition; also other law books. Address Kov. J. A. Moars, Merlin, Ore. Hop Pickers Wanted. Eighty hop pickers 'wautod about Sept. 1. Address J. W. York, Kubll, Ore. Hop Pickers Wanted. . Three Hundred Hop pickers wautod Apply to John P. Itunzan, Jr. Hop Pickers wanted. At Weidiuann or Pattnn yard, two miles west of oily. Persons wishing to camp will be moved from city to yard free, if notice is given in time. Wagon will ran from bicycle track to yard night and morulug free, for day pickers. Inquire or write J. E. Weid man, Grants Pass. Reduced Rates lo St. Louis Expo sition. The Southern Paciflo Co. will sell round trip tickets at greatly reduced rates to bt Louis aud Chicago, ac count the St. Louis, Exposition, ou the following dates: June luth, 17, 18', July 1 2, 8; Augusts, 9, 10; September 6,6,7; October 8, 4, 5. Going trip must be completed with in 10 days from dttte of sale aud pas. sengurs will be permitted to start on any day that will enable them to reach destination within the 10 days limit. Return limit DO days, bat not later than December 81, 1904. For fall information as to rates and routes call on Agent Southern Pao., at Grants Pass. W. E. Coinan, O. P. A. Trimblo & Cook now cany a stock of buggy aud hack wheels in all grades. The prices are right A GOOD WATCH should bo cleaned at least oncoaycar. Have you had yours cleaned and regulated? I am preparod to do all kinds of jewelry repairing at prices that aro right, and guarantoo my work to givo satisfaction. BEIIT BARNKS. Clemens' Drug Storo, 4 4T I" IP fsV I e t s i a m i f a m mm a ss, sa . AT THE Colestin Springs HOTEL NOW OPEN FINE CAMPINC GROUNDS 1 For rates and other Information address If. B, Colo, Colestin, Ore. l Mai. i BAT' "IVm. 1 '. i IK) 3 M 4 7 6 W tt Kit 7 M H 77 U W 1(1 UH II 88 6H i Kl 4H 111 7 14 0 i 15 Ml 62 Hi 71 43 17 1 8:i 43 1H I Wi 4."i I'J 100 M 20 nr? 67 1 101 l Tt J 51 a fco 60 24 Ul 45 f, 102 64 in 27 87 4! 2 77 47 21) 84 40 : 41 40 31 ln5 61 HtriKH I in. 34 40 40 32 3H 40 .'HI 11 4H 411 30 30 44 24 14 28 4'.l 60 60 60 40 42 30 64 48 ;w 30 44 60 64 .36 Hcmmaky Mean temperature, ,'H maximum tompersture, 107; date, 20, minimum temperature, 40; date, 2V; TiXal precip. Indus .31; Total snow fall 0; No. oi dys clear, 2l; partly cloudy, 2; cloudy; 6; Dates ol light frost, 0; thunder storm, 9, 10. II; wind B.W. A XJ. Bannswrd Vndartevkrr. Earn Money 'K. wyl'AY. vou FpRypuRTiMr;. A DOLLAR SAVED IS A DOLLAR IiARNIJD. Y COMING TO OUR STORIj AND TAKING ADVANTAGE OH OUR niG DJSCOUNT SALE j& You Earn Money j& UMtoreztusrassrt, Big Saving on Each Article Purchased. Ladies' Shirt Waists from 75c to $1.50 now 50c Ladies' Skirts $3.50 now $J-5o " 400 " 3.00 " 4-50 " 3-50 And all Summer Goods in Proportion. New Department Store White-IIemcnway Co. Mgrs.