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About Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 18, 1904)
4 THE CONnLiFrr nP i MRS. VIVIAN. 1 ?0w" , my y CHAdLtS KENNBTT BURROW. 9 ne bore slowly ilnn tj.uu hi; 1 mstif a Hidden move in hi tlireetion, which companion's tjti to fol- THE BBISTs s-arden party u ft deadly v'J affair. I tried to convince myself that I went from a sense of duty, but when a rapid survey failed to reveal tbe slight figure and delicioua irresponsibility of Jack Vivi an, the aenae of duty theory collupsrd. lg- I Mrs. Vivian, I thought, bad been in-' at tha clined to treat me somewhat coldly, and I wondered, rather angrily, how I be came to have auch a daughter aa Jack. There waa a certain vague sem blance between them, certainly, but nothing could convince me that Mra. I Vivian had ever been alight, and my imagination waa not at rung enough , even to auggeat that ahe had ever been irresponsible. There were not more thait half dozen people whom I knew, and of them not more than two whom 1 cartd to talk to. . Moat of the men seemed to have got together In tbe middle of the tennia lawn, tbe ladiea were lan guishing in the shade of tbe beeebes; only one or two couples seemed to be engaged in occupation for which, sure ly, garden parties alone were invented. Mra. ISristowe, my hostess, seemed very miH'h depressed. "Why don't things move faster, Mr. Mlldmay?" ahe asked, plaintively. "Why don't those wretched men do something?" "My dear lady," I said, "they never do at these affairs. I don't know why it is; perhaps there's too much daylight tor them." "But one must give garden parties," ahe aaid. "I thank Providence I have no gar den," I said. "I might manage a little Who is that very distinguished- looking man?" she asked. I'roviilcnce had indeed delivered Mrs. Vivian into iny banh! I engnged her eye as I replied, without anv show of surprise at the question: "That is Lord St. Alleyne." I never saw terror sit more palpably upon a face; then, without a word said, the terror chared to beseech- rtully foil sorry f.r .Mrs. Vivian that moment, but I luoii"!!! of Jack nnd hardtntd my html. "Allow me to ptiteiil j ou to him," I said, llefore she had time to reply 1 had advanced half a dorn steps to meet him. "I want to Introduce you to Mrs. Vivian," I said. "You know all about my love affair." "Which one?'' he asked. "The one," I said. He thought cart fully for a minute. "Do you mean Jack?" he asked. "Of course I do." "Well?" "Mrs. Vivian is Jack's mother." I glanced across the lawn and saw Jack herself, alone, shininir whit against some dark laurels. My raiud was Instantly made up. "Well?" he saiil, again. "I want you to talk to her for ten minutes. And, like a dear' old chnn say-jull the nice things you can about me, win you? "You want me to bamboozle her, do you i "I wani to marry Jack," I suid Ail my friends are marrying," St Alleyne murmured) "they'll soon be all gone. I'm always doing them good turns, and they never do anything i or me "I'U do anything you like for vou If you'll only manage this," I said. Aa . ' ?M- i .1- ii -:K'-tt'tn- dance, a very little one, in my studio, ' turned he caught me by the arm. but a Imchelor can t do that kind of Look here," he said, "what am I to thing, you know." about-arising artist, increasing "1 wian you a go and talk to Mrs. ' popularity and all that kind of Vivian," ahe aaid; "she's aitting all thing r alone there, and thinking of nasty things to say afterward." I wanted to talk to Mra. Vivian, so I went. The fact is, I knew that Jack had a great talent for drawing and wanted to cultivate it, and I had a vague idea that I might indue' Mm. i Vivian to allow me to give hrrdaugh. ter leasona, particularly aa it would cost her nothing. It waa a wild no tion, but worth trying, and Jack agreed "I leave it to you. Hut for heaven's sake don't give me away." He smiled tenderly. "As If I could," he suid. I saw that Mrs. Vivian's face flamed as I presented him. I had never seen her blush before; but at the same time there was a kind, of feeble triumph in iier expression that made me sick. St. Alleyne dropped languidly ut htr side and I sped ucrons the lawn. Mrs. Vlv- wttt. .. r i ... , i,. ...... -. in ... .... ..,,. ,. a iiiiiciuia airuijvti' up 10 "M ui. imcriy iu iook as laucii aa .Mrs. Mvlan and sat down by her in a he liked; I could trust my friend to casual way. num ner. "The parties here are always so alow, Jul' w me coming and turned aren't they?" ahe aaked. away towards the rose garden; I "Are they slower here than anywhere blessed uoth her and her ncuteuesa as elae7" 1 1 followed. She paused when we "I trust ours are not so dull," she nu?il fairly alone, snapped. "Where have you been all the after- . "Ah. but you have a irenlus for snrlnl noon?" organization," I said, unblushlngly; "and so few people have even talent." I do not wish to depreciate Mrs. Vivian, but Iter love of flattery was as great as her capacity for small and totally un necessary lying. Hhe condescended to smile upon me. "I'rople are so differ ent," she said, "You would notice that all the more after your slay in the country I aaid. "How charming the coast Is at l'en quite, and what glorious sketching ground? I suppose Miss Vivian did some work there?" She Ignored the last part of my ques tion. "Do you know that part of the world?" ahe asked. "Oh. yes," I said, "perfectly. "That reminds me," she said, smiling again, "that I met a Col. Mlldmay at , my cousin's house. It did not occur to me that he might be a relative of yours. Is he?" I "He's my uncle, and a dear old boy, too; but I don't see much of him now." "Talking to Mrs. Vivian." "Oh!" she said, "was it interesting?" "Very. And you?" "I've been waiting for you." "Well, I'm here now. , , , Jack!" "Yes," she said. "You want to msrrv ma. don't vou. Jack?" "You silly boy," she said. I took her land and held it so that no one could see. "You know you do," I aaid; "you told me so" "Did I?" she asked, closing her fin gers tightly over mine. "cs; and I'm going to marry you." "You dear boy!" she said. "Hut how can you? Miiminii will never consent." I thought I detected a hint of tears In her eyes. "Hut if I gain her consent, and this very afternoon?" She looked at me with all her youth on lire. 1 leaned towards her sudden iy and site kissed me; the thing wasin evitable. If the world had been look ing on I believe she would have kiosed Her manner Instantlv tlin.,. t I- llcve ahe had an Idea that an artist !""' ""' must necessarily be the son of a frnud- M '"'Brest I'hil," she said, "I'll niur ulent bankrupt or a fourth-rate actor, r '"u whenever you like." She or something of that sort. Then she led above a rose bush and plucked condescended to anawer my previous oiomom; i unit over her shoulder, w::: ',.. p.-.i.i i.y the ! i .!'s Ij.srH-nsrtrv V.ili. ;,i Asamuvic-ii, Eufa'n, N. Y., if th' c.. unfit yx ihc oniiul signature ol m.jit :!n il volunteering the testi S!i.!:!al t v., end also of the writers of r'C'V fetl '!. .tl-.l l,i,.,t ih. . 1 i . Ii I). ur.. ........... 1.. ..i.i: i.: ' ...nimiiu; puu; lining, tliui proMitg genuineness. "lor iwo .att I .nlTeml from a ery ol -'.ii. .M c::-t . (l .'i-pu." w :ttr M E swcorif, i. ', -il 1 1 l-.n. tr ii Air. Ti-r nlo. Ontario. I tn-.u a yrr tl runnier of n ii.r.ues without suc Cis. 1 f.ii.ii'v lo-i inith ii- them all. I was so In r'.itf ll;.t ceiil.t tun for a Ioiik time bear anv -..:! i"-- in nif 'luiuach ; felt melancholy ai:i. ii: im.-ci homr foul tnuill h aim ftint re. oiniii' ti'iiil your CoMrn Mr'hcal Inacoverv ' Allira Hfrk lrr..linrtii I k..l rfri.l bf-iit tlrnl 1 conttnuril the me'lieine. 1 h.ive Ijken thrre birtile. anj am ronvim ej it liaa ui n.v.aor a'-(x.niun.nrii a prrnianent cure. ran e-iii-ieiitioii;. rerommrnd it to the tbou- rwi. u, uyiprijii,, inruugirout trie UllU. A man can succeed am) be atrong if uc ncecis .a.:ires warnings. When there is imligisiioii, loss of appetite. '" in i ;e ars, ni-riiiess, spots be. fore the eves or palpiiiU .n of the heart any or all of llier syniptrmis point to wcanirss nnil loss o nil rltlon. I)r Pierce's trtil.len Medical Discovery is the uii'tiiciue vi lurn to. "Golden Medical Discovery " contains no aijioiiui nini is entirely iree Irom opium, cocaine and all other narcotics. It is strictly a U'tnjK ranee medicine. Accept no substitute for "Golden Med ical litscovery.1 There is nothing "just as good " for itisenses of tbe stomach. Tile " Comno nSense Medical Ailvisrr," lot pujes, in paper covers, is sent free on receipt of 21 one-cent stamps, to pay expense of mailing only. Address Dr. R. V. Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y. 8- FORCED IMO FLATS. ( People of Moderate Mrana M, Soliurlie, Klch and poor alike abide In flats in Ncvr York city. Ilathcr than move to ti c 1 . tsl Iris t! e re,,p,. Hr , n. lei iin l njiiirtii en: life. The unly ciii en able tn Imlld n home for himself on .Manhattan Msnd i, tie ihillion aire. The tiei line in the l uildinif of Individual dweilinvs ho I ecu rtrrt- llng This i-due to the constantly In creating tnlur of realeitate. The In vestor iniist go up In the air . to get his money liitck. It is iv :.,. t!nt there are nt iirrrent l.iil'S 4x ii Iwillers in Manhattan. 'I'liitvux slystTiiprrs lidded lo Xew York's rich est lior. nir 1 in one year pren nls a ew lliii.tratlon of the manner in which the residential noniilnibin of Xew York Is t einir I'rlven from nrivnte roofs to Frini-publie ijfe. not only by giving up its home for sites for the new hotels, but by finding shelter in them afterward. Elvs Cream Balm This Remedy Is a Specific, Sure to Civs Satisfaction. CIVI REUS.' AT ONCI. It cleanses, soothe, heals, and protects the dineawd meuibraue. It cues Catarrh and drives away a Cold in th Head rpiicklv. Itestorm the Senses of Ta.ste and SioelL Kasy to nw. Contains no injnrions drugs, AppUod into the mistrils and absorbed. Lsuye Siz, M cents at Druggists or by mail; Trial Sue, ID ce its by Mail. ELY BROTHERS. SS V.'jrr.-i Ct., N,w York. I(hcumatiirn. When pains or irritation exist on any part of the body, the applica tion of Ballard's Snow Liniment gives prompt relief. E. W. Sollivnn, Prop. Sullivan House, El Reno, O. T., writes, Juiiu ft, IW: "I tako pleas ure in recommending Mallard's Snow Liniment lo all who ara afflicted with rlienmatism. It is the only remedy I have fonnd that fives im mediate relief. " 26o, fiOc, 11.00 At Model Drug Store and Grants Pass Pharmacy. DIRECTORY .ILLUSTRATORS . ? NOTICE OF FINAL ACCOUNT. Notice Is hereby given that nnder and by virtus of an order of the county court of the State of Oregon for Jose bine county, mailt', rendered and entered of record iu the matter of the Entate of Nathan P. Dodge, de ceased, K.itnrday, the 17th day of August, 1U04, at 10 a. m of said day, the Court House in Grants Pass, Oregon, was fixed by the Conrt as the time and place for hearing objections to and settling the tioal account of Mary E. Dodge, executrix of aaid estate. All persons interested in said estate, are hereby notified to ap pear aud Hie their objections tn suid final account on or before said dav. MARY E. DODGE. Executrix of the Estate of Nathan P. Dodge, deceased. Corvallis & Eastern 1 II JOSEPHISK COUNTY OFFICE KH. Italian Kmlsjrants. Italian statistics show Hint the emigration to America has readied the llgure of li',o,ilui nunuallv. About half of tht'Ke return eventually to Italy, the rest remaining in the United States. Women's Trade I'nlona. One of the strongest centers of trade uiiioniHm among women in In iM-ninnrK. too nuinoer or women or gan! el In trade unions iu Hint coun try Is i.lM.I, of whom M44 live iu Co penhagen. Their organiiitlotis em- iracc It trades, und Include about a juarter of the women wage earners f the country. I hey ure best or ganized in the liookliiudiug, textile and tobacco trades. J uilge Commissioners . Clerk Deputy Clerk Hherill Deputy bberiil. . Treasurer Hchool Hupt Assessor Hurveyor Coroner J. O. ltoolh I J . T. tagan it;, r. Mivelace .... 8. F. Cheshire T. P. Judson (ieo. W' Lewis Ernest bister J. T. Taylor . . Lincoln ttavftge .. .. W. II. Fallin il O. McCulloch ...W. 11. Flanagan CITY OFFICEHS. 'or : H- b 'Hlkey Auditor and Police Judge C. E. May bee iiw imr. t.,oi. v. Johnson tty Attorney .. II. I). Norton .narsnai . Meo. Fine Street riiipl John Patric t-ouncilinen ,V. M. Mair, II. J. ltscher J. I.. Calvert, T. W Williams. W. C. Plinth, J. A. Kehkopf, II. c. Per kins. James Trimble. FKATEKNA1, SOCIETIES. urants Pass Ili;e A. K. A A. M N,' iu regular communication tirst and third Kalurdays. Visiting brothers cordially invited. II. f. Hiuu W. M. a j. 1'ik.k, see y. Koyal anli Masons -Keames Chanter Nn meets second and fourth Wednesday Masonic IihII. II i: li..u....M J J. K. PrtbosoN, II. C. 8ecy iloaziSR, 11. kmghta Templar MeliU Commander No. 8, meets, second Friday of tad Month In Masonic Temple W. H. Hasutos, Em. Com. Oso. II. Calhoun, Ueu. question, ; "Indeed, bow strange that we should meet in that way I Phoebe painted a good deal while she waa there." I wondered, for a moment, who Phoebe was I had celled her Jack for quite three months. I felt that 1 was gcttlngon famously, and was Just srranglng iu my mind how to make the next step when Mrs. Vivian spoke again. "What a charming place Lord Ht. Allryn has at Polgarth," she aaid. "Very," I answered, eying her fur tively. "And what a delightful man he is," he said; "we dined there twice." "He's an old chum of mine," I said; "we were up at Oxford together." I saw her wiure, ami ber manner re laxed even further. I felt profoundly sorry for Jack. "How Interesting," she said. "I see almost more of him than ot any of the old set," I said. "We used to get into glorious scrapes together. He never did any work." "And I suppose you did?" she sug gested. "A little," I admitted; "Oh, you young men," she laughed, and wagged her false old head. I have not, as a rule, breu a particu larly lucky man, but certainly that aft ernoon tbe fates wrre on my side. As I turned to see what had become of Mrs. Iiriatowe I beheld the familiar figure of my old frj.j.l St. Alleyne come round from the west side of the house. He strolling along in his usual dreamy, casual way, very well dressed, perfectly nt cne, apparently thinking of nothing. I knew the atti tude well; It meant thnt lie was in tune for any kind of fun Happily he turned In'o :!- ithway which ran before the see: 1 i which Mra. Vivian anil I were i li i-. He paused for five minutes ii ' ilk with Mrs. Drlstowe. and then, sighting me and my Hps brushed her eor nud cheek deticiously. i "Phil, Phil!" she cried. I followed , her glance, and there was Mrs. Vivian soiling towards us, leaning heavily on St. Alleyne's arm! I felt convinced, by the Indifference of Kl. Alleyne's manner, that he had been doing his duty tome, lie left Mrs. Vivian with me, saying: "I'll see yuu later, old clinp." and h. added, In a whisper: "Slrike now." I did strike, and I won that after noon. The feeble objections that Mrs. Vivian offered were easily overcuinc; 1 attacked them all triumphantly and gained her consent; it vtns not given grudgingly, either, and although Jack could not understand It, I could. I walked home with St. Alleyne after wards, "I had on awful piurter-of an hour with that woman," he said; "yon really should have more consideration for a man." "I'm your eternal debtor," I said. "What did you talk about?" "Vou," he said. "Did that tire you?" "Horribly," he murmured. "What do you think of Mrs. Vivian?" Llskrd. lie waved his arm despairing ly. "Don't!" he mid. "I wouldn't mar ry Into that family to have all my debits paid; not that they worry me much," he added, thoughtfully. "All vou beggars urn getting mur ried," he said. "What the deuce urn I going to do?" "Marry Mrs. Vivian," I said; "she's A widsiw, vou know, and would Jump at you." He paused on the steps of his club to think about it. "It would be rather fun, wouldn't It? If I were younger I wouldn't mind, but I m almost :io, ou k,-r. N, pf, won't do. It's a beastly thing lo be growing old." t, ,ik.., tuouinfiillv. "I suppose you don't want an) dinner? No! I thought nut. There's one thing left in life, anyhow-I can always ""lr ii'. rr World's Fair Excursion Tim Deliver Si, Rio Grande, iu con nection Willi tlio Missouri Pacific, will run a aeries of Pcrsonallv Conducted Excursions totbo World's Fair during June. Tlicso excursions v ill run through to St. Louis without change of ears, making short stops ut princi pal poiuls mi route. Tho first of these. excuiaoiiH will leave Portland Juuo 7th, and thu second June 17th. The. nttn from Grants Pass will be to St. Louis and roturu. Ex cursionists going via tho Deliver & Hio Grande luivti the privilege of re turning via a different run to. This is thu most pleasant way, us well as Hie most dnlightful route, to cross the continent. Tl.n stops arranged give nil opiMirtunity if visiting tho various points of interest in and about Salt Lakti City, Denver and Kansas City. lr you wish to accompany onu of these excursions wito nt onco to W. Mclli lde. KM Third street. Port laud, for sleeping car reservations. eastern ouir Joseph ne Chanter. Nn. a meets lirst and third Wednesday :TyniiiKn ui eaeu niuriin in Jiasonic V. ' .. asv L. Cox, W. M -Mas H.Zoi.lkb. Sec'y. O. O. F.,Uuldcn Itule l-odee No. 7 meets every Saturday night at I. O. O. r. 11. OCHMIIIT, V. hall. I.I. IISAN. NAI'V. Visiting brothers invited. N.ti. I'aran Encampment I. (). o. F. No, meets second and fourth Thursday at i.w. : r. null, rasu Sciimiiit, T. I. DEAN. Sec y. c. P. neoesans r.tna nenekali. o 411, meets second and louriu Monday, I. (). O. F. hall. Klsis Iiheiii, N.O. .vt. jkskix 1a vis Secv. United Artisans drama Pass Assembly No. IP, meets alternate Tuesdsva in A.O. U. W. nail. Mas. E. A. UHirrmi. f ""'"jV "Ksijir.cey Aiasjer Artisan Woodmen of Hie World Rogue Itiver v amp no. meets second and fourth rrnis)s at woodman I C, Hall. I leo. II. Slover. C. C. K. Mayhks, Clerk. T. A TUTS? A TTPnTT'TfYaTI UALI1JJO, IX 1. LlV 1 J.U11 I Original and unit genuine I'm-Mi'ii Tanky WAKhits fur wile by leading druggists, 2 kt Inn. Safe and reliable. ; Aicrpt no lubititulc. iiiiiiiiiii Mil ml 1 it" Women of Woodcraft Amies Circle, No. meets lirst and third Mondays si Woodmen hall. .Mrs. M. E. Dttiny. Mrs. lone Frier, Clerk. t.. N. Modern Woodmen of America tlrants Pass t ump No. to; meets '.'ml and llli W nines day Evenings at Woodmen hall at 7:;(0. Ike Al. Davis, V. C. W. TMioulder, Clerk. ForesUTs of America Court Josephine No, H, meets eat-h Weiluesday eii-epl the lirst. al A. t. V. W. hall. . F. H. Strieker. F. S. F. Fetsch, C. It. losephine l.oilge, No. IP.', A. O. I). W. meets in A. (I. U. W.ball, Dixon build ing every Mouilay evening. F. W. Ilcoosani, M. W. 11 A. Stahakii, Itecorder. Hawthorne Lodge, No. 21, D. ol 11., A. O. I . W. meets every alternate Tuesday evening iu A. O C. V. hall. Dixon buildiuir. Mas. A. McCAaTiiv.C of 11. Mas. I.vnu Dsan, Kecorder. Itojsl NeiKhlsirs of America Edi'.h C. Snpe t amp No. itsai. meets 1st ami aril Fridays at A. O. I'. W. ball Kose tiravhn, Oracle. Henrietta Zoller, Kecorder. Order ol Pendo-Whiie Itoek Council No. Hi. meets in Woodmen Hall Saturday nights, tiso. A.llvnr.. Counselor.' Msai't's, W. Kohbiss, Secretary. lied Stop That Couth! j a cough, a tickling or nil Irritation iu the throat makes you I feel uncomfortable, take Mallard's' Horehouud riyrup. Don't wait until' the dirsase lias goue beyond con Wrol. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Anderson, 8M West 6th St.. Salt Uke City, Utah, writes: "We tlnuk llslUrda Horel'onnd Syrup the beat medicine lor oougha and colds. We have used it for several years; It always gives immediate relief, Is very pleasant and gives perfect satisfaction." 3.V 60c. Il.oa, at Model Drug Store. hi. ml. Th Death Ptnslty. A little tiling sometimes results iu death. Tbua a mere scratch, iuaiguifl. cant coU or puny bolls have paid tbt leath penalty. It is wise to havi Rocklen's Arnica Salve ever haudy. It's the best Salve ou earth aud will praveut fatality, ,wbeu barns, surer eloers and piles threaten. Only 2,'h al National Drng store aud Grant. Pass Pharmacy. MWiVvViViVmYi'iViViVi'iViV. V '.V. A l-KLIi PA! ILKN (jour own in srff MAGAZINE ""'vassasasasxeaLSiajCjij.'J 5 A LADIES' MAGAZINE. J: fe mmi tmfttl rVrJ I 't 5- I..I.K.H . ilttlMhlt)tf ..Hi.M,(,' I , ( st . ht.iawhoU,, .,, 4 ,4.t4)si. Sel.a twUt'tuV 5 Hlrliftli, UUM, Kitn.,. rto. $ -Z 4silf, K..ii..twi,l tnxi At'is.luiri, f -5 iw.-g g aticrntv. MS CALL af Ar f Patterns Zy leiltr M s,.st la ... S. a. k . h tot SJ lm sat ssl ij) tn. 5 THO McCALL CO.. S linn I4IS St., htm Vi t ; I hsv had vrailon (0 Ui your Hlais Uratithl Ski's j J Pwltrv Mdi. tint srd a. a p t.irl tj lay t ut I nrver uid sny'hi..J tor slock tluttA.e half si toed la;nli,-tio.v. I hiart. v ncixn. nstnd it 10 sl ewrwri of itock. J. B. BLLSItER. St Louis, Mo Sick stock or poultry ilnmld not eat 1 heap stock bv. Kniy more than snk (icrn'in ah,. old enxvt to l,a cirnl l fisl. I,,-,, ,',. tl .k and poultry nre .,. k give'lheni nie.1 icine. I'. ti t .-u;f tbrui W1,h wlK-th-lesa atts-k f.ssli. I nl,( L(IWr, and thr up Ihe torpid liver and the j-iitt al ill b mreil, if it t, .Kv,,j. hie t.i cure it. I v I'rau-ht.-usk un.l l'..i,llrv M, , ,,;,,;, lr,, t.jwi ,1 and this t.p t. t "i :.i vrr It cures every inala.iv n'm,,, 1 , '? I'""'' ,s" r' '-'-" nt can of Ilia, k lliaught St.s k so I P, ultry Mrtlicinean.l it :n f,,r it if t, ,i timeacver. w ... i ivV,.r i'ow, give more on.. Il.s Ki;n ..b. An. hens lay more eggs, ( g Lt nr..'. Inn of making as m.Kh blood, ; llesh ami energv as .,t .J the stualleit amount of food eon suinrst. Huy a Can tnnu nmr Airr Men I'ahkilms Wiifwam 'n '.si I. O. It. M. II M. Ksr.Hi.. StHheiu. '. a. iiiosas, 1 met ot lieior.u. Knights of the Maccabees Drains l'a lent, o. 1.1 meet lirst and ihird 1 nursiiays at iHHlmeii hall. Win. Alire.1, F. A. Mowra, l!esird Kreper. I'omuiandrr. Ladies of the Mitccaneos -tlrants Pass. nive .o in 11,. hi. regular "Keviews" tirsiaml Hunt Thurs'las al A- O. C. . Iiall 1s11111g sisters eordisliy invited. Mrs. Delia Hale, I,, c. Marysiuinion, Kecord Kreier. t'nittsl HrotherhoiHl of Carieiitera and Joiners 01 Aimrica I'niun No. Ills meets second ami fourth Fridays ol ru. Ii inoiitli al A. tl. V. W. lis I. ' K D t ole, Ii int.'. J, p uslretier. Pies. D. A hlI.",-iMs!.l. F. MX'')'. Knii;lils ot t'vtliiss t lieriuopylae No. fat, meets et,u Tuesday mlii ;,,) V. i. W. Hill. M T I llev. C. C. To W ILLIt s. k ol It Slid S. lirand Army ui the rlepulihu-licii. Logan l'ot No ti. mnili urit Wednesday al A.t. C. W. hall. Joh.i t'vrsp s J. K. I'vrsasos. Adjl. Cmu Woman's liebef Corj -I'suersl Logan No. mii-ii il iml nn Saturdays at ii . m al A. tl I . W. bail. .Mrs. Ito-o WeMuisu, Pres Mrs. T. II. Cornell, Secy, SO YEARS EXPERIENCE NOTICE TO CREDITORS. Estate of Sarah Max- i well, Deceused. ( Notice is tereby given by the ex ecutrix of the Estate of Sarah M-x-well, deceased, tn the creditors aud all persons having claims ngait at the said deceased, to exhibit them with necessary vouchers, within ix months from the date of thu Hist publication of this notice, to the executrix ut iter home at Wilderville, in Josephine Coonly, Oregon. First date of pnblication, July 28. L,, mi Dated at Orauts Pass, Oregou, July 20, 11)04. EVA HAL8TEAD. Executrix, By H. II. lleuilrix, ber Attoruev. Time Card No. 2rt. No. 2 for Yaqnina Leaves Albany 12:45 P. M. leaves Corvallis 1:45 P.M. Arrives Yaiiuinu 5:40 P. M. No. 1 Returning Ix-avea Yaqninu 7 :15 A. M. Leaves Corvallis 11 :30 A. M. Arrives Albany 12:15 P. M. No. a for Detroit- Leave Albany: 1 :00 P. M. Arrives Detroit 6-00 P. M. No. 4 from Detroit- Leave Detroit 1 find nothing better for liver de rangement nnd constipation than Chamber Iain's Stomach aud Liver Tablets. L. F. Andrews, Des Moines, Iowa. For sale by all druggists. How About Your Summer Voce, lion?. Newport ou Yaqnina Bay is the ideal seaaidn resort of the North Pacillc Coast. Round trip tickets at greatly reduced rates on sale from all Southern Pacific points in Oregon, on and after Jane 1st. Ask agents for further information and a handsomely illustrated sou yen I r booklet, or write to Edwin Stone, Manager C. & E. R. R., Alhanv. Ore., or W. E. Coninu. O. P. A.. S. P. Co, Portland. 0 ::I0 A. M. Arrives Albany 11:15 A. M Train No. 1 arrives in Albany iu time to couuect with the S. P. south bonnd train, as" well as giving two ot thr e hours in Albany before depar ture of S. P. north bound-train. Tram No. 2 connects with the S. P. trains nt Corvallis and Albany, giving direct service to Newport and adjacent beaches. Train No. 3 for Detroit, Breiten- other mountain resorts leaves Albmy at 1:00 p. m., reaching Detroit about 6:00 p. in. for further information apply to EDWIN STONE, Manager. T. COCK RE LL, Agent, Albany. H. II. CRONISE, Agent, Corvallis. THE CALL Published Every Day of the Year, LEADS In those essential elements of enter prise and progress which go to make up A GREAT THE.. NEWSPAPER Designed Especially HOME IT PRINTS ALL THE NEWS. Is Ably and Carefully Edited. Ill columns art replete aitx bright, spicy josiip ol Cout loon and cities. It Works for the Welfare of the State. THE WEEKLY CALL, A Blitwn rsge Fapar. ConUlnlnf a report ol lh 1 leading si t.iljr.i ing simy iptcm Icaturss ha tha tirni.r ins nock n nr. BZWO TOn SAMfLES. Subscription rlce (Alwara la Ad vanet), Tacludlns' Poataga ltMo tin lnllr.1 sutn, CsnsJa or Kouiedy. I bought a U5o bottle and alter taking three doses of it was en tirely cored. I consider it the beat remedy lu the world for bowel com plaints." For sab by all druggists. . OPFf.ON ShohtLine AND Union Pacific Three Trains to the East Daily Through I'ulliusii standard and tourisl sleeping ears daily to timsha. t'bicago Spo kane; tuurit sleiiping rar dailv to Kansas . turiiufli I lilliusll tiiurit uleetiins cais (personally tondtii-iedt weeklv tu ' hi eago, Kansas t'iiv, teilining chair tars i"1"" nrri iu me uaily. 170 HOURS PORTLNO TO CHICAGO o ctiaiiiru ut tarn. 70 raily. On,, yr-nr Uuiluin Sun- Ml? ' al" K.tX. -IV IH'lltllS IIIK'lUtlUlsI Sun. '" 4.ih Vaj v. one month Uniiudln Sun- nay ria f uiil.iy L'al!, in Vfr.... J'"" Jl'nii 'kly tail. n y.r iM Hi .rs rl!'.v ' IVr yrtr tlr tluk.J. r ,, jr ,., T r.tcUons of a rsar lu proportloa. I Ahiuvb from 1'lMK S11IKIH I.M I'Vun Port hind alt Lake. Ilenvcr. r't it .. . , . . ;irtn, umiina. urii p. m. ii.iiinum t. ny, si.' Imis, Chieagound Kat. 1 B RIGHT'S DISEASE The largest sum ever paid lora pre senptKin, ehangid hands in Kan l ei-o. Atw. 30. 1M01. The uanf-.-r in volved in emit and stw li l I2.W 0 1 ami ass I'S'il by a pariv ol buniness m-n tnr a spu-'flV lor x right 's Disease and D a Is-ifi., htilit-rio liit urslilr direasfe. I l,i-y eoiiiinrnieil ihe mt;imi u.v-'i. (Miui ol Hie umitie Nov. 15. l!") rh itilt-rvii-aed Mures ol ihe einel and nn il ii out on ns memo I y punirs ir lliri-e dnaen eases nn the Irea mei. nd aaiibing them. 1 Lev slsognt .hv irins m name t-lironie, ini uta let awM-, ud ailiuuiii.rred it aiib 11 r I'litsiriam 'or jii.tfa. l'plli K7 Vr eeni it Ibe lest rM i rt- riibir aell 01 nr -wr spit g fsvorablv. Tln-re iK-ieg hiii tbirl.rn -rienipi Isiititrs, the isnie aire sal il'n d ami elosml the itjnmi.lnin. fhr p-oeviins ot it w iitvesiigating iiuiiinirvr and the eliui.-al report ot the li st u-. o r, pahlirheil and a ill I mailed lie on sppliratinn. Addiess Julia J rtuToN CoMraisY.-tJO Montgomery M. San Kran riv, Cal. Dkimkt ' FOR I Chiriigo S I'ortland Svial 11 1") 11. in. via Hunt ingtnn. j Atlantic Salt bike, Denver! Kvpress Kt. Worth. Oinithit! B:i-. p. m. laiw,s City. Si; 7:15a.m. viununi Imhik Chiuag ingtnn.' and K;ist. j Si. I'nur Walla Wullit, Lewis' Fust Mail, ton. Spokuno. Will -! H:1S p.m.! laee. Pullman, Min a. m. via neuKlls. St. J'uul. .Snikitne. Diiluth.Milwaukeo, I Cbli-ugo and KaeU Oi-ian and lliver tieliedule. KorSan Franriseo Kverv live day at s 17 V. i ",,,Prl. ay munis and orth itbi ii - ! 50TICE FOR PUBLICATION. Timber Land, Act June 3, 1878. Koeehurg, Oregon, July IU04. Notice is hereby given that in cem pli .nc wit h t he provisions i.l 1 be set of C'ngress ol June 3, 1878, entitled "An si t (or the fs'e of timber lands in the State of California, Oregon Nevada, and Washington Territory," a extended lo all Ihe Pntiiii: Ind States by act of Vmnat 4, 189.', . . CI.VKA I. D.ISIKI.SOX, i Ba'al' Couiity of Ksg'e, S'ate d t'librd', haa this tlav liVd in tb tith.-e ber saotn statf m nt N'. iiM '01 Hi- pnri-hHSet f Ihe rK' f Sec ' 11 S'. 18 "i Tiiwnsbin No. 34 8011th, It nii No I W.u ai d aill otfr proul t.i kii iw iIih iIih Istiil sou, hi H more vs'iiHh'e tnr tii lnnl r nr than for sg'it-nl nrsi pii'poes. and to estahti-li hfrrlaim to anl land betore .1. O. Booth, Oi niitr JmUe, at hi- elht-e r.t (.rants Pa-s. Oregon, en Siitirdir, iIih 17 I) dav if Si-ptemb-r, l'JOl. lie 111111. b as il-ness-s : W. B. Sherman, of lirants l'nsw, Ore. : E V. Sm th, of (itante Fasn. O-e. ; C. V. Hankie, r.t lirante I'ass, Ore ; K. K. Cole ol Urants FaH. Ore. Any and all p-r ons tlaniiiu ail verse 'v 1 be ahove-desorile I lands are re quested to file their claims in this office nn or before said 17'.b dav of Weptemtier, 1004. J.T. Bkiiiues, K-gister MICE FOR prRr Tr.i... Timber Lsnd, Act Junii United S.ste. Ui! Td oSe. 8'8' Wtven ik,, ', . . 1 hereby .to'H-e is the act of Congress of Jn. , ! entitled "An act for U," 3' H timber lands in (he 8it(., f rJ, Oregon, Nev.d. and W.shi , g," ' T ni' tory," a mended to all i. J','" Land S .t by act of Anau.. . , NELLIE O. MIlTJi 4' of Chicago, County of ' foik, iiiMioiB, lias ina ,. St.!. hi. otliie her aaorn siUii J ... ' for the purchase of the w'ij? 82 Section No 32inTownehin N.,"i? " KangeNo. 7 W. and .ill o(rr X -bin (or us timber or stone tl,n ,0, ' cub oral purposes, and to esishb.i. 1 claim lo raid land before John i ,! United States Uonimissioner ' ,1 i ' oince at Urants s, Oregon.r,,', t , '" the 2J...I ,Uy of Atg," Zi names a tneses: " W. B blierman and W. R Hhi,., both of Urants Fase, Oregon, ami v K Smith of Albahy, Oregon, and (ie.,rJeT Collins of Merlin, Oregon. ""I?- Any and all persons claiming ,.., ly the above described lands are qnesied to file their claims in ihi, un . on 01 before said 22nd day of JZl 1904. JiTiWfcff NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Timber Land, Act June 3. 1874 United States Li nit Ollic-e, Rosebnrg, Ore .July 7. l!lt'4 Notice is hereby given that in com- nbance mnh tbe provisions of the act of Congress of June 3, 1878, entitled. "An act for the sale of timber amis in the S'ates of Cslllorn a, Oregon, N'VSiU and Wa-liington Tenirory," ss extended to all the Public Land Stales by act of Augnst 4, 18!).', ANDHEW M. DMELSON, ol Basalt, County of Eagle, 8' ate of Col niado, has this day filed in tba office his sworn etatunent No. 6795. for the pnrcbose of Ihe E' of SW, and Lots 3 and 4 of Section No. 18 in Juansbip No. 34 Booth, Range No. 4 W, and wi I offer proof to show bat tbe land sought is more v 1 nable for its tin-ber or s.nne than for auri I cultural purposes, and to establish his! claim to said land before J O Boo'h, ('ountv Judge, at his nllice at Orsu s l as', Oregon, on Saturday Ihe 17'h dav pi September, 1901. He names as wit nesses : W. B. Sherman, of Grants Pass. Ore : E, V. Smfih, of Uiants Pass. Ore. : C V. Ilwikle, of Uiants Pass. Ore.: E. R. Cole, of Urants Pass, Ore. Anv and all nersons claiming- ad versely the above described lands are requests I to file their claims in this llice n or hef re "aid I7tli dv of ISen- eniher, 1904. J. T. Bridges, Register. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION ' Timber Land, Act .lime 3, isr'g United Ktates Land Ottu-e, Iloseb'irg, Oregon, June 1, t'yoj Notice is hereby given that in toranli. sm with the provisions of tin. Congress ol June 3, 1878, entitled "An " -" ""luer laud, me oiaies 01 ainornia. (h 1 ia ui n V- ..... ...v. ,, .ri,IK,ull irrruort " extended to all the Public I,J Clot ..s Uas A IIU HAT TIE C. YOUNG, 1WI2, of Grant Pass, County of Joepbin, State of Oregon, has this dav fild inthi, office btr sworn statement No 8"0i for the purchase of the N' SE fE'i, NE! BE of Se'cuonVo" 18 in luwnsbip No. 35 8. Range Ko' 5 west, end will offer proof 10 pIhiw ibt the land sought is more valuable fer iii timber or stone than fur agrhuliural, and to establish herelsitato said laud before Arthur Conklin U 8 ft mmixsioner at his otfne st Urami Pass, Oregon, on Wednesday, the 24'h davol August, 19('4. . Shensinef as sit. nesses j Charles L. Clevenger. Satub A l,ievenger, Ora Hood, si.d r'rank E Young all of Urants Psss, Oregon Any and all peraons claiming adversely the above desciibed lands are 'tquektej to file their claims In this office un or belore said 24th day of August. 1904. J.T. Duiixieh, Register, 700 pieces of vocal and instrumental sheet uiOHio .at 10 cents each at the Grants Pass Mnsio House. Violent Attack of Oiarrhoca Cured by Chambcrlaia's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy and Per haps s Life Saved. " A short time ago I was taken with a violent attack of diurrhoea and be lieve I would have died if I had not gotten reilef," says John J. button s leading citizen of Pattou, Ala. "A friend recommended Chamber lam j Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea GRAND PRIZEl PARIS 1900 COLUMBIA CYLINDER RECORDS Vso Lio ii Mo J WE HOLD THE RECORD "'y yP THO MM I IONS A MONTH 1 fit atoy make 0 talking machine NEW ' PROCESS Black &ucr-hardcned Beaut If lI Quality of tone Much more durable than any other cylinder 25 CENTS EACH c n t z e K9 9 19 10 e o I nfany, I Columbia PhonoQra)h Combany, !28 Seventh Street, PORTLAND, ORE. A grand ririrrwr irij i9oowma&m TO ST. LOUIS AND THE WORLD'S FAIR Kor Actons. -Dai v li'v.-nl n...ln..v .. u ... . -aliirilav at 10 p. m. Dailv sVrviee (Water lerniiiiiiig on. Willamette and Yamhill Travel via Denver and the Burlington Route to St. Louis if you want an interesting, comfortable and safe journey. The Burlington is the only railroad running its own trains over its own rails all the way from Denver to St. Louis. Fast time, clean nnd comfortable cars, obliging employes, good meals in dining cars at moderate prices. Let me give you detailed information about the trip. Write your name and address here. Xdme Tuaot Mseme A OlSIONS 1 a vurinRini. mi. MOTHERS and DAUGHTERS Kor further infortunium ak or write your A. L. CRAIG, tielleTHl I'ssmrur a v.i iisillll, UtVKUII, VMv UIL AGENT FOR rr 1 ck wr VIA 7 AJJrtss . N7. Then cut out this ad today and mail to A. C. SHELDON, . eiNSRAL A9INT SUBLINOTON HOUTI. 100 Taiao TassT. PORTLAND, OR. ST J i 1 1 mi n 1 1 jr TO SPOKANE. PAUL DULUTH. MlNNEAPfitlS -na.suu, r. LOUIS and all miMs EAST AND SOt.TH ti v K EX ICON A Our i.iD frvo whiMhr ui mviMittou m taTi.nswjjr ru,.'nits. 1 t-snniunh-ty Scicnnric Jitncrlcan. I hlswl UiQt4rt4 wsisr-feiT. I irvMt rir. HiI.jr ,f nv Mi l nd.' L'UMial, 1 wma. $. Vw -f Mtr boiiIw, L cVv,i nrnw'-iU,,-, ilUNM Co ' Hew Yort he Modern Kemrdy (. Women liriuofi b t'jjre.1 toiueof the aorl cse of OVARIAN AND UTERINE DISORDERS W irusnuitr s r i powtive eure lor LOUCOrrllOOa THE BEXICONA CO. l,4lt A..ISTJ arnd tor lKslet. ( Sin JuM, Cal. Z THE FLYER AND THE FAST MAIL -tS ri. r:Diii sritvirK t r-TO-DATK KVIIPMK.NT mi IIIr;ill sKII I.OVt i.ajnitnt irtp serosa H.r Cascade I u iiih'ij niissiaiiK. W FOR ST. LOWS AND IHE WORLD'S FUR V See WILL YOU BE THERE? rates, (olden and full infor- i rortuk.ti. mstion, eall on or s.kln II. MCKK., c T a V2J Third slireei, Portland . ti. VKKKKS, U. VY. P. a 0:J First Atanus Seattle, Ws-h Nstsw', Art Oalkry;ol tha Rockia I. i:ioll to tht attrscthma at St. Louis. Thu , ,.. S-i m rttamia, via ths "SCENIC LINE OF THE VtORlD' NRIVALED NEQUAl r "SUMPASSED IN I I NE OUALLE D CC A' L ATTRACTIONS CAR Q r ii i r EFFORTS TO PLEASE -HU lor r,, W.OIoIIUlUK (ieneeal A 124 Third Strati 5 f r t V i t rORTLAND, OREGON