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About Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 18, 1904)
rogue river Courier grants pass, oregon, august is, 1904. OUR PERSONAL COLUMN GOLD FOR EXHIBITION THE LOCAL HAPPENINGS 'At I If 7 t Picknkkers will goon be coming home then more work for the cook. Lots of reaches next week. Better get your fruit jars and be ready for them. Have you ever used the VACUM OR ECONOMY FRUIT JAR Nothing Better for Preserving Fruity To clean up our stock for this season we will make a special pice on PINTS, QUARTS, AND HALF GALLON Water Melons, Rocky Fords.Hackensacks and the celebrated O.-age Mush Mellons now on the market. ALL KINDS OF LUNCH GOODS Something New Kippered Herring imported 1 pound cans Ready for the table, at the Tk White House Grocer v. H. C. BOBZIEN. SIXTH STREET. YOUR LUCK 111 FISHING will depend a good deal upon the kind of tackle you use. If you want to make fine catches in Rogue River let us show you what experience has taught us to use either for Salmon or Trout. We have Expert Reels in all sizes and a fine stock of Lines, Leaders and Flies. Cramer Bros. 1 "BAMBOO RODS Odd Fellows Block. CANE POLES JVIason Fruit Jars Pints Quarts 70c per dozen SOc. " 1-2 Gallon 1.10 WE ALSO SELL ECONOMY & GLOBE FRUIT JARS, TIN FRUIT CANS. JELLY GLASSES, JAR RUBERS, WAX, ETC. HAIIUtlDDLE HARDWARE Co. . Grants Pass, Oregon. HAVE YOUR TIRES SHRUNK COLD No danger of marring the paint on the wheels. No delay. The entire job requires but 30 minutes. We handle all up to 4 x Js. Come and see our new machine work. TRIMBLE SL COOK, Blacksmiths. People & They Come txnd Co From Day to Day Judge Halo ia holding court in Cur ry county. E. H. West of Placer spent Saturday in Grants Pass. Hcury Harlli aud A. C. Hough spent Saturday iu Jacksonville. Arthur Sampson left last Thursday for Stanford university. " F. O. Burns started for Klamath Falls Wednesday morning. Miss Jessie Hale is visiting Miss Eula Howard at William. . . Mrs. Robert Eberle and children reiurued Friday froui-Colestin. Mr. and Mrs. J. V. Howard have returne I from a visit at Williams. Mrs. H. Downer left here Sunday uight to join In r husbaud at Peudle ton. 0. A. Thomas returned Monday from a visit to his phrcuts at Oregon City. Mrs. F. Holtou went to Hilt, Cal , Wednesady to spend some tiiuo with Mr. Holtou. H. L. Truax arrived Monday from Newport for a fow days, but returned to the seaside later. Mrs. W. J. Anderson rctu-ued Sun day after upending several weeks with her brother near Yreka. Mrs. F. E. Young arrived Weduesday morning from California to spend a couple ol weeks iu Grants PasB. Miss Mary Coe left Friudy night for Ferndale,. Cal,. to speud a few weeks with her sister, Mrs. DePny. Miss Mary Day went 'o Central Point Weduesday for a visit. She will also visit Medford before returning. Mrs. Henry Harth and Mrs. A. P. Hurth left last Wednesday for a three mouths trip to St. Louis and other poiuts. Mrs. A. Bland of St. Panl is spend ing Thursday with her brother, Dr. Beard. She is en route from Pasadena to her ho ne. G. W. Douuell., W. E. Conner and F. W. Chansse left Tuesday nioruiug for a hunting trip in the mountains near West Fork. Mr. and Mrs. P. H. Hnrth returned last Thursday from m trip to Marsh fleld where they attended the dedica tion of the new Masonic temple Miss Bertha Barrio left Weduesday evening for Portland. After spending a week there she will go to Dallas to couduct a millinery establishment. Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Sampson left Sunday for a three nouths trip in the east, visiting their old homo at Old town, Maine, which they have not seen for 20 years. W. C. Onu of Shasta conuly, Cal., au expreieiiced prospector, was in Grants Pass Saturday on his way to the Sucker creek country to spend some time in the hills. W. A. Carter aud J. L. Iintuiuersly came u,i from Gold Hill Mnuday to take the degrees in the Knights Tem plar. They expect to attend the con clave at Sun Fraucisco in September. . Miss Astella Goodiu camo in from Althoote Wednesday and left for Salem Saturday night. She will also visit her hnme at Hillsboro and a sister in Portland before returning. Miss Pansy Wilcox of Suginavr ar rived Friday to visivt her grandpar ents, Mr.aud Mrs. Geo. Cronk. Miss Wilcox , and - her parents lived iu Grants Pass seven or more . years ugo. Mrs. C. L. MoPhcrson has been vis iting her parents for a week past. She "and Mrs. Utley leave Thursday ftr Medford and they witti Mr. McPhcr son will then go iuto camp at Puck lake for som time W. D. B. Dodsnn, formerly of ti e Blue Mountain Amrican ut Suti'pter, but n.'W in chargi of the mining de partment of the Portland Journal, has been sticudiug a few days in Josephine 'county visiting the mining sections. He tpeut Weduesday iu Grants la s. C. L. Clovenger and wife nnd D. 11. Stovall and wife returned Saturday from a very enjoyable trip to Crater i lake. Mr. Clcvcugnr took a gie't, Iniauy views of the lake and other I points of iuterest. Mr. Stovall aUo I took views aud stored up matter for I futuro magazine articles on the tub- ject of the beauties of Southern O10 jgou. They say the snow is from 10 to IS feet deep iu places. ' It Seems to be the Fad to have a , j deduction sale 3 So to be in the Swim we will sell at 3 flRdticed Prices all Bicycles fa (Not Racydes) Vi I I Entire stock of Fishing tackle, including some liue jointed Rods, Keels, Lines, Hooks, Hies, Spoons, Spinners. Some Maher & Grosh Axes, a high grade ax, but too high priced for this market. Some Knives wc have had in the window and are soiled. Ask for bargain knives. A tine assortment of Razors at half price. A few dozen Boomerangs to close, at 10c, 15c, 25c, regular price '25c, SOc, $1. This sale will continue until present stock is exhausted, and includes articles mentioned only. Josephine Miners to Be Repie- enled at the Mining Congress. Grants Pass aud South ren Oregon now have an unparalleled opportunity to show to the mining world that they have a very attractive mining section; a section that has the advantage of climatio conditions, and that they have the ore in both high and low grades. The American Mining 'Congress, which meet' at Portland next week will briug together the representative mining men of the world aud men who have money or men who represent money that is seeking investment. Josephine county has many attractive properties that are needing money for further development and if we seize this opportunity of properly advertis ing our mining iudustry we may look for a wonderful growth in the miulug business of this section. ' The growth is bouud, to come slowly but witn ju- dicius advert isirg we can iiasteu the process. For the past week committees of the Grants Pass branch of the Miners' Association have been busy arranging for an exhibit of ores for the American Miniug Congress which meets at Port land August 33-27. As the time is very short a uomber of teams have been engaged and are now busy gath ering ores from the different mining districts. The best of these samples will be sent to Portland for exhibit. There will also be placer aud qusrtz gold iu large and small pieces. It is expected that H. L. Gilkey will take a splendid collection of gold nuggets amounting to 1S00 or 4u00. Arrange ments have also beon made for tak ing the entire Briggs collection, so much of it as has not boon melted. These collections will direct a great amount of attontiou to Southern Or egon. It is the intention to keep a display of ores on exhibition at Grants Pass continuously and to that end the Hobbs building, opposite the Western, has been rented and is being fitted up with shelves aud tables for ore exhib its. They will be arranged around the room alphabetically so as to avoid any possibility of showing favoritism in placing them. It is probable that a number of min ing men will come to Grants Pass aud this means is being taken to show them the product of the different mines. There are without doubt from two to twenty miniug men arlviug In Grants Pass every day seeking infor mation about the mines aud hereto fore there has been no place where they could go for this information. This is amove that should commend itself to all mine owners and receive their hearty support. TELEPHONE TO GAUGE Work will Now Be Commenced to Connect Merlin and Callce. A. li. Cousin came down from Port land this morning to complete arrange ments for the new telephone liue to Galice from Merlin. Nearly all the poles have beeu cat along the route for some time, but active construction has beeu delayed owing to a probable chauge of the wagon road. As the lino willTollow the main traveled road aud it now being decided to im prove the present one rather thau change the route, a gang of men will bo set at work putting up the poles and wires. Including the Hue now in operatiou on the property of the Gailce Con no 11 dut d at Galice creek there will be about 2H miles of a system that will put some of the best mines iu the statu iu direct connection with the outside world. Considerable inconvenience has bteu caused all aloug the other sido ol Rogue river by lack of means of com munication for a month or six weeks at a time during the high water. The trade and travel of Galicn is assuming largo proportions aud a rail road down the river is assured and amplo tonnage is promised to make it a paying proiositlon. With the devel opment of the immense ore bodies by half a dozen energetio companies aud the prosperous condition of the plaoer mines Girttro is attracting more atten tion from investors and miniug men thau any other camp in Oregon. runawaysarenTmerous Brief Notes txnd Items of Interest txnd lm.porte.nce. 2? W. A. Paddock J? Yours for Business. Three Kunawsv the Past Week But no one Hurt. Duri-jg the mst week there have beeu three runaways on Front street between Sixth aud Ninth streets. The ice wagou team headed the list They distrbuted ice along the route and whi n the ice gave out tlier left parts of the wagon at different point. A few days later a single two-wheeled rig carrying two men went dashing up the Mnet. The driver kept tight reiu on the horse and finally succeeded in stopping it without damage. On Monday morning while T. II. El liott was on Seventh street selling vegetables his team became frightened and ran up the street. They troned down Front street at Seventh, but took too large a circle aud the tongue of the wagon hit squarely in the cen tre of an oak tree trunk. The colision played havoc with the light wagon. The horses continued for a little dis tauce one horse going on each side of the tree. As soon as they were freed from the running geer they stopped, turned around and surveyed tli wreck they had made. Piano Tuning J. M. ward, ralesmau and toner for Alh'D Sc Oilbert-Hamaker Co. of Portland, Oregon, has settled in Grant Pass with his family and solicits orders from anyone desiring first class work. A special rate will be made to all who enroll their names oo a lit to be made op by September 1st, work to be done when desired by patron. This is a good opportunity to keep a competent tuner Id the com sanity. There would be uo dealy or annoyances could ooe always be had when needed. Addrers Grants Pass Mosio House. Pr. Flanagan, Physician and Dentist , Go to Coron for Plumbing. Bicycle repairing at Cramer Bros. M. Clement, prescription Druggist. Have 0. O. Lund saw your wood. Peach paper aUhe Courier office. , My fee is uow TS. W. B. Sherman. Ice cream ' freezers cheap t Craimr Bros. See Sample Photos nt the tint Studio. Talktug Machines aud Records at Paddock's. A fine Hue of whips fioni 10c up at Ciamer Bros. Our loactlon fee is cut from $125 to 75. W. B. Sherman. Rogue river watermelous are uow lieing shipped iu car load lots. -A splendid line of Koyal Charter Oak Ranges at Coron'i Lots iu the Ireland & Meade addi tion ou easy terms. Plates and Films developed aud printed at Clevcngor's. Bicycles at reduced prices nt Cramer Bros. Fruit wrapping paper can be se cured at the Courier ofiice. Your credit is good wi h Ireland & Meade, if yon buy a lot now. Amateur Photo work promptly uud carefully attended to at Clovunger's. Don't full to sen the new liue of Diamond aud opal riugs at Letcher's. Winchestcr.Marlin and Savago rifles carried in stock at Cramer Bros. Now liue of Indies and geutletueu's solid gold watch chains at Letcher's Jewelry store. In order to get out of tho timber business will locato you for 70. W. B. Shoruun. For a short time Ireland & Meade will sell you a lot for I0 down and 5 per month. If you want to catch trout let Cra mer Bros, show you what to uso. Cau furnish 12 good timber or home stead locations at 15 each. W. II. Sherman. If you are not getting good shoes, for your money, Try the Red Star Store, where good shoes are sold. Old newspapers for salo nt the Con. rlor office. Why pay rent? I will sell you a house and lot or a ranch on easy pay ments. E. L. Cass. If yon wish to reduce your wood bill, buy 4-foot lengths and have (). O. Lund saw it for yon at your door. Cramer Bros, store is headquarters for all kluds of fishing tackle. Trimble Ss Cook uow cany a stock of buggy and hack wheels iu all grades. The prices aro right. , There will bo a game of basn ball in Grants i'ass Sunday, August 21, be tween tho Gold Hill aud A. A. C. teams. ' Prospectors aro being fitted cut ut most every day by Cramer Bros. The Altar Society of St. Luke's Episcopal church, will servo lee cream aud cake aud coffee and cuke, on the Western the porch Friday evening, Aug. 2H. Lincoln Savage left Monday for Jackson county to continue threshing. He reports a vroy short grain crop there this season. It is worthy of uote that wherever there Is n good up-to-date farmer, there they have a good grain crop. Call at my olllee, Rooms 10 nnd 12, Mason io Tomplcsniid talk to me nhout timber business. W. B. Sherninu. Typewriter troubles aro all' over when one uses an (Tnderwood Visible Writing Machine, Writo the Under wood Tyewrller Agency at No. ti.'i Front street for a cutalogue. Col. W. Johnson is increasing his store room on West Mum street bv moving tho original building back and building a 20x24 foot room in front. Another room is being added to the back of the building. C. K. MoLane will occupy one of the store buildings in the new Har mon block on Front street ns a real estate and employment 'olllee and auc tion rooms. Mr. Mclean and family arrived aliout six weeks ago from Polk county. Ho will be associated with J. A. Turner. J. M. Ward, the tuner, has secured several members for his tuning cluh already. The lib a is a good one Bud saves members money, besides Iiikui- Ing good work when they want it. ('all up phone and have it ex plained. A. II. llalloran, rr pr seuting the Mining aud Hclcntlllo Press of San Francisco, is iu Grants Pass looking atfer the Interests of that Journal.' He desires particularly to gi t pictures arid descriptions of the mines of this re gion for publication. There is on display at Harth A Son's store a section of a red wood knot three or four feet across which will shottl) be made op into a table top. It Is a splendid piece of wood and when polished will make a liaudMimc article of furniture. Rubber Stamp ink in stock at the Courier ofllce. Having received one of the lali i.t Improved New Century Kngraviug machines we are pre tmred to do all kinds of engraving; goods bought from us engraved fri-o. Curtis Sc, Co., Odd Fellows' Building, Grants Pa, Oregon. All sorts of ridi''uluus!y low prices are being asked for second hand type writers at the Underwood Typewriter sgency, f.5 Front street, Portland. Anyone deairlug to get a typewriter cheap will do well to ask for samples of work and prices. Since our new lnvmtions in mining machinery will soon require our undi vided attention, wo have di-clded to close out the timber business and offer at a low figure the few gilt edge claims we now have. Wo will cut our location fee from I25 to 75. W. B. Sherman. V ... $ Bring Your Wife Along Women are the best judges of dress their own or the Men's. They know a good thing when they see it, and you may rely Brmly on their good judgment. j j j Bring her with you, by all means, let her help you select your Summer clothes. She'll understand that "gen uiuc goodness" of a Schloss Ait-Tailored Suit, bitter, pethaps, thau you. How ever, you are sure of good treatment here, wether you bring her or not. j j The difference in the cost of a Schloss made Suit and that made by the "merchant tailor" will be enough Jo open her eyes to the possibilities for money saving. Just think, we sell a suit like either of those shown in the picture at so little a price as $12.50 The "merchant tailor" would want to charge $25 for a suit not so good in fit, style or quality. Here is a clear sav ing of $S2 50, which your wife can find good use for in adding to her own ward robe, No wonder she Is bent on break ing you ol the "merchant tailor" habit This label on Schloss made clothes is to protect the wearer It stands for reputation, uniform excellence and up-to-dateness. 1 i'j v ra . COPYRIGHTtDW34 SCHLOSS B TINE CLOTHES MAKERS BALTIMORE NEW YORK "Drop in and let us talk it over." Outfitters to Particular People. GRANTS PASS. U try a Blue Ribbon 6-ceut cigar. Buy 4-ft wood and have Lund saw it for you. Miss Clara Wertz is now a clerk in the postolllco. Mrs. A. U. Bunuiird left Thursday morning for a short time at Colestln. Miss Ida Weston has gouo to Port land to lay Iu her new fall stock of millinery. Ray Briggs, tho discoverer of the wonderful Sucker creek gold find, was 111 Grants Pass Monday. Miss Auna Colvigtook tho teacher's examinations at Jacksonville last week returning homo Saturday. ' L. I Jewell is without doubt hav ing a good time nt Pelican Bay. lie writes that on Saturday ho caught 116 pounds of fish. "- a'iss Mabel Crolsunt is on a few weeks visit with friends. She will slop off at Kngcne, Allwuy, Salem, Oregon City and many other places. A fMl cut iu location fee leaving It now Our mining machinery will wnii n quire our undivided utteiitlon, hence this cut. W. B. Sherninu. Guy (Inborn, who hnsbneu employed hy the Moilci drug store for the past few months, returned to his homo in Portland Monday evening. As I desire to leave Grants Pass, I will sell anything that I possess and the entire S. F. Cnss estate on easy terms. See. Jos. Mos for list of cal estate and houses. IC. L. Cnss. "Suzanne of Kerby ville, " the Jose phine county novel, by D. II. Stovall of this city, is now out and may be purchased or ordered through tho local newsdealers. Tho price is if linunlit here, or (1.25 if ordered by run i 1 from the Kililnr Publishing Com prtnv. New York. 2 A dense cloud of smoke is envelop ing the i'ucilh: 1om from British Col umbia to the Saeranieiitn Valley, aud much valuable timber Is being burned. Although there is 110 serious tires near Grunts Pass the smoke hangs so dense us to oh.iciire tho surrounding hills and it is at t lines almost iiiiHissiblo to see objects more than a few blocks distant. W P. Wright has Just placed ou the inai ki t a handsome map cmhraeieg IiiiK pliine, Jackson, Curry and Klam ath counties in Oregon, and Del Norte anil Siskiyou counties in California. Ilii' map gives the tcKigraphy of the country, the location of the mineral ized sections nnd tho different quartz, placer and copper mining properties. The maps are 011 sale at his olllee. Martin 1 lesion, who has won fame throughout the east through his won- lerful football laying sod a captain if the Michigan Vniveristy team, ar rived 111 (irants i'ass tins wees to spend a few weeks with his parents after nu slMcuce of three years. He bus completed tho law course iu the university ,but will return this fall to rake up a l ost graduate courso and aUo to play loot ball. School Fund Apportionment. I htv made an aiiortionmeut of the stale school fund, which amounts to (l.i'.l per scholar, to the several din trictn, withholding the order from school districts No. 2H, 27 and 'M. Huld districts' clerks have not filed a bond iu my office. Dintrict clerks will please sign the typewritten reclept iuclosed with your order and return the tame to me as soon a. yon rccleve it. Yours truly, Lincoln Savage, County Hupt. For Sale. 1 horse, 1 Jump-seat buggy and I one horse wagon, luquiro of T. F. Croxtou. For Sale. For sale cheap I law books, 23 vol umes of Amreioan and English Ency clopedia of Law, new edition; also other law books. Address Uov. J, A, Mears, Merlin, Ore. Hop Picker Wanted. Eighty hop pickers wauted about Sept I. Address J. W. York, Kubll, Ore. Hop Picker Wanted. Three Hundred Hop pickers wanted Apply to John P. Ranzaa, Jr. Hop Picker wsnted. At Weidmanu or Patton yard, two miles west of oily. Persons wishing to camp will lie moved from city to yard free, if uotlce is given in time. Wagou will run from bicyclo track to yard night and morning free, for .day pickers. Inquire or write J. E. Wold man, Grants Pass. Reduced Rentes to St. Louis Expo sition. The Southern Pacifio Co. will sell round trip tlokots at greatly reduced rates to St. Louis and Chicago, ac count the St. Louis, Exposition, on the following dates: June ltlth, 17, 18; July 1 2, 8; Augusts, 9, 10; September 5,0,7; October 8, 4, 8. Going trip must bo completed with in todays from date of sale aud pas seugers will be permitted to start ou any day that will onable them to reach destluntlou within the 10 days limit. Return limit 90 days, but not later than December 81, 1904. For foil information as to rntes aud routes call on Agout Southern Pao. , nt Grants Pass. W. E. Coman, G. P. A. We art in a position to show 13 good olaims iu very favorablo locations. W. B. Shermnu. A GOOD WATCH should bo cleaned at lonet onco a year. Have you had yours cleaned and regulated? I am prepared to do all kinds of jowclry repairing at prices that aro right, and guarantee ray work to give satisfaction. BERT BARNES. Clemens' Drug Storo. f HOTEL NOW OPEN k For rules aud other information address II. B. Cole, Colestiu, Ore. SPEND YOUR SUMMER VACATION AT THE Golestin Springs FINE CAMPINC GROUNDS Earn Money WK WILL PAY YOU FOR YOUR TIME, A DOLLAR SAVED IS A DOLLAR UY COM INC. TO EARNED. OUR STORE AND TAKING ADVANTAGE , OP OUR BIO DISCOUNT SALE j& You Earn Money & Big Saving 011 Each Article Purchased. Ladies' Shirt Waists from 75c to $1.50 now 50c Ladies' Skirts $3.50 now $2 .50 " " 400 " 3.00 4-5 " 3-50 And all Summer Goods ia Proportion. jsvDimwiiswgi New Department Store White-Hememvay Co. Mgrs.