Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927, August 11, 1904, Page 4, Image 4

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Graphic Description bv the Vlctsr
of M&rtinlprta.
-a quarter on an
Tk followlnf parseTephe art prt
of Utter in the form of a Journal
written to the absent bishop of Martinique-
by Vicar General l'arel, the
nrfcole forming- an historic dwumttit
intelligence and isarLk-ular-
. a copy or the original wai give
"j am writer to Inaplain Maetirail,
or tbe Dixie, and appears entire
uraiury. ine qualities of a trained
ODserrer appear in these pathetic pas
Thursday, May 8. The Ascension
J nis date should be written in blood
Toward four o'clock in the morn
Ins; a violent thunderstorm, with tor
rents of rain, broke over Kurt f.r
K ranee. Toward eight o'clock the
horizon In the north, in the direction
or the volcano, was as black as ink
The clouda were moving rapidly to.
" nonnwesi. j ne Bky was
darkening more and more, when soil
aenly I heard something like hall
falling on the roots and the leaves
of the trees. A great noise roue
from the city. Ia church, where the
eight o clock mass was in progress,
a terrible panic seized the congrega
tion, and the priest was left stand
ing alone.
.light had descended on us, and the
crash of thunder wss continuous. The
sea retreatrd three times for a d
tance of several hundred meters. The
boat which wss putting out of
Pierre turned back.
"I stepped nut on my balcony to take
in the situation, and immediately It
was coveren witn a hail of stones r.nd
still hot cinders. People Mood jet ri
fled on their doorsteps. Others ran
wildly here and there through the
streets. All this lasted for nbout a
quarter of an hour
hour of terror.
"But what was happening at St.
Pierre? No one dared to think. Tel
ephonic communication had been cut
off abruptly in the middle of a word.
Some persons aisertrd that they hml
seen, above the tops of t'.'e mininliiiiis
separating us from ftt. Pierre, a col.
umn of fire rising Into the sky ami
spreading outward toward nil puliiit
of the horizon. Iloiiiullrss auxin v
seised upon ns all. At 11 o'clock the
Marin set out to reconnoller. It wit
nessed a sight availing beyond in, ur
ination. Ht. Pierre was nothing but
one vast brasler! When the truth,
like the funeral knell of Martinliiir,
reached us at about one o'clock, n cry
of horror went up not to be de.rilieii.
I will not try to give a picture of
such scenes. To write of them would
take the pen of Dante and the ac
cents of Jeremiah.
"I learn that a boat Is to lie sent out
lo rescue the wounded. I am furlii
nsts enough to obtain a place in it,
together with one of my it-are. The
police and gendarmes cannot keep lim it
the crowd strupuling to make Its way
on board. The eapedllinn Is conipotril
of the public prosecutor of the repub
lic, and officer, and a platoon of ma-
rinea. reople refuse to believe in the
realities of ao horrible a disaster. Tliry
cling tnevery hypothetic that may still
make hope possible. We sav lo our
selves thst, at least, a great part of
the population must have hud time to
"When, about foar o'clock in the
afternoon, we turn the last promon
tory that separates us from what wns
once the magnificent panorama of St.
Pierre, the first sight thai strikra our
eyes, at the farther end of the road
stead, is Killers Blanche, with its
stream of smoke, throwing itself fu
rlously, as the day hrfore.iiit o t he Fca.
Then, a little farther out, a Inrgc
steamer (the llorulma) In names. We
hear that It Is an American packet,
just arrived that morning, in time to
be enveloped in the catastrophe. Two
other steamboats are burning nrnrrr
the shore. Wreckage and the up
turned keels of boats strew the
stead. And this is nil that in left of
tha 30 or 40 ships anchored here the
day previous. All along the tpum,
for a distance of i!00 neters, pile 'of
lumber are burning. There are small
er fires on the hills about the city, vis
ible, through 'the smoke, as f'nr ns
Konds Dire, nut Ht. Pierre, that clir
this morning alive, full of liumaii
souls. Is no more! It lies I'mi.nn .-,1
before us. In its winding-sheet of
amoks and cinders, silent ami desolate,
a elty of the dead. We strain our
eyes for fleeing iiilintiitniits, for turn
returning to bury their lost nun,
see no one! There is no lit ing 1 jj
left in this desert of dcsolai i,,n. fro net
in a terrifying solitude. In the back
ground, when the cloud of smoke nn.l
cinders breaks away, the mountnlu
and Its slopes, once so green, stand
forth like an Alpine landscape. They
look as If they were covered with a
heavy cloak of snow, and through the
thickened atmosphere rajs of pule
sunshine, wan, and unknown to our
latitudes, illumine this scene with a
light that seems lo belong to the other
side of the grave.
"With what profound emotion I
raise my hand over these S.l.non victims
sleeping, In their dresd tomb, their
last si sop!"
Staple Oeaas Hill.,.
Mil one-third cupful Hour, one cup.
ful maple sugar (previously shaved
flne), pinch salt. Add two is'i-iuil) i tiii
fuls milk that hss been healed, and
cook nntil smooth. A.I.I well -beaten
yelks of two eges. Cook lerernl min
utes longer, then cool. Hem i,r ,-
whites to dry froth. Add scum cupful
pulverized maple sugar, and one teti
epoonful vanila: spread evenl, ,,rr
top of pie.-I.adir' World, New Yolk
Stop That Coujh!
When a cough, a tickling or tin
Irritation in the throat miikcH yon
feel uncomfortable, taku lliilliird's
Horeliouud Syrup. Don't wait until
the dieoaao baa voiio beyond con
trol. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Anderson.
854 West 5th ft.. Salt Uikc Oty,
Utah, writes: "We think Hn Muni's
jioronooua nyrup the liest medicine
for coughs and colds. We have 11HCO
It for several years; it alwiits gives
immediate relief, Is very pleasant am!
gives perfect ssi inaction. " :,.;
60c, l. (XX, at Model Drug Store.
Ping-Pong Balls and Other Articles
la toe Mails.
Banknotes Bmplorrd a. V. rlllna
psr by Eitrasaannl nr l uu'lsh
Person The Wessaste of a
Hrlna Soldier.
nils as pi, si
-f seekcri '
The use of ping-pong I
cards is the latest funk
for novelty.
It started in l.iierpnul ,pji, recent
ly, and ilefpile its olivii im ilisadwin I
tages, ia spiending In Kuglnnd. Tin !
principal result is. much iinl.;ipnnci j
to the postman and a recent new reg I
illation In some places forbhNlii.; ul !
such unhandy rnissivrs.
The bulls were stumped, an address
written under the stamp, and the men- j
sage scrawled on the rest of the snr I
face. These clumsy and loi.'l.v post I
cards were posted in Liverpool I v thi j
thousands and gavs the pi, -t if ii-au
thorities an ilmm-ri-e amount , f mini '
work, s-a.ts Hearst's I hii;,;ro An.rricnn. .
An.rng those idle people who from'
lime lo time have wastcl t! i-ir Mi.t-r- !
fl nous energies in testing the foibear-j
once of the postal olUclul", is a n an in I
Kotiihampton, Kiiirluiid, wlo ie finor-j
ite form of missive iim-i! lo In a pi 1 1 : i;e '
stamp. Hut as he wrote the .o.Vu-S'
on the face of the slumps, ibe autl or- I
Hies derided that they were not Inmuil 1
to deliier them. i ibe;
same person who afterward pM-it-d n '
romplele pack of pln.t ing enrds, r.ich '
neatly addressed on the bin k. but w ith 1
no mesfiige whatever on the colored
Another very peculiar letter found j
In n London pillar-box Inst auliimnl
wns a green apple on one side of I- ich '
was cut an address, ami on tl titer!'
the simple, but expressive messages '
"Sour -like you." I
Hank notes have been employed ns
a writing paper more than once by
extravagant or foolish person. Among
the effects of an Kntrlisli n.i-cr who
died about IS j cars ago was f . . i n ,i a r 5
note on which the i!rri;i"-il -,:i( writ-
ten directions, ns lo il.e !i posal of liih
property. At llalnp-tend there lived
until recently a wealthy bachelor of
whom it was said that I n- c wrote
proposal of mairita'e lo a l.iov on
the back of 11 fin note, ami because it
was sent hack without a w ord of com
ment by the recipient, refused tier
afterward to have anything to do with
the fair srs.
Whiting paper, or, Indeed, paper of
any kind, is usually at a premium
among soldiers on active service. Many
very curious sjilnlitiilia came from
the llriiish soldiers In South Africn.
One of the commonest bus In en
meallc leaves. "Menlie" is the H011II1
Africun name for nuiie. Itound Hi
maize cob grow n number of strong
enveloping sheaths, which, when dry
tnm lo a pale yellow color mid can
then be writ 1 111 upon.
After Cnh-nso there -wns found
grnsei! in the stiffened hands ofadend
soldier a pice of leather w ill, 11 d.v ing
message seniwled upon it w iih n stump
of pencil. It was a layer of ll.c sole
of the dead man's boot, which bad
probably been looselnnl with much
inarching, and which he hail contrived
to rip off. It safely reached the poor
fellow's family in Kngiaud.
Kroin ihe I'liilipjHiii'H, too, some cu
rious letters have 1,-cli received liv
Ihe friends of A rienn soldiers fight
ing in those islands. ()i f llicmovi
Ingenious was n piece of native bam
boo, about a foot long, on w hieh an ad
dress had been enrvrd with pen
knife. The letter nni inside ibis hol
low lube, nild held there by vv.oden
pins at each end. The writer ex
plained thai he hud found il iiupn, . iblr
to get nil envelope or to tiinlany guiu
lo make one, o had had recourse In
this rxsri!icut.
The ceiling of n room is, as n rule,
so far not of ordinary reach 1 1 1 ji t the
idea of using it f,,r w riling on so ms
trnge. Mm in 11 cn-e 1 1 , d lat year
ill Knglaml il Iran-pin ! li-al a l' n.
hidy had lie, 11 in i haldi of ii,iii... ,,.r
ceiong 111 lieu 01 a rent -nook. p. n il
v -' ' '
-. -V - I, -s cm.
V " '. "VM
li I
bnri t .n
lie il.ocs
j worn 11 to l-:-!:s b
y-: I tl: ir :ir- i":b
.'oi-! lays I't.'iv v bur
dons 011 their
:-!, ;iiU-rb. Love
of b'l .iiiind, of
family, forir s many
a woman il.-:y by
1 to l;:l or (01 the
i-.-nic vt'h'-n nrhing
b.icl; ,'(li-i t'(,roUjilg
lie.i d'tn ike hcr-ut-tcrly
unfit for
bouH.-liold ibitics.
Weak, nervous
vvorn-.-n wlio suffer (roin In adaclie, K'ick
i.che, lie irirl ;-,l'vvii p .ins and other co:l
":iue!icc. 01" wouiaillv dlscise, fell bs
c ,-nidi-lclv cured by i'je use of 3octol
I'le.c's p'uvor.ta i ':c iption. It cs
t.ibii i!iei rcgiiLisity, d i.-s wci.V-.uing 1
01.1111.,, nc.i.a 11111 11 1.. n anil uli cra
tion and ciiich u-m.ilu v.' :.Uncss.
i t ; tnl.sti sirlt nn't il
1 rv-- t ii.'!. WTi!, s .Mr.
i. "I II I: ,-!i -i , .nl, a !
T OI lit - ' r. VV.llK.llt tI ' 1,;
'' ' ''. lir-t v till one .I iij.n I
. t"lt ''. 'I II, A O i 'lv e f,liv ', e,t'-l.
y ,,r- '' nn-l I lie ur-.l e,, "de
I ('- II i-p vv I,' , I t! '-,e '
Elvs Cream Balm
Thl Remedy Is a Specific,
Sure to Cive Satisfaction.
civis ntutr at onci.
It clean., soothes, heals, and protects the
di.semi.-d membrane. It cur Catarrh and
drives away a Cold In tin Head quickly,
lieatores the Senses of Taste and SmelL
Eaay to nie. ('onbdiis no Injurious drngi.
Applied into thn noatrils and alisorbed.
Large Size, M cents at Druggists or by
mail; Trial K10, 10 ccits by mail.
ELY BROTHERS. C8 V.'arr.-i a. New York,
".Vfjnt lw. vor ft
l-e,n, 'I o i I,.,. I n
I'. VVu lU
w.rli ;,'! 11
out I -l-s I
W It II 111 'I.I,
One vv ,'Ul-l -elrr.
I 1, ,1
y.'ir l:e 11 e
Ht II'
, n K
t r -.;.).!!. ... ioi.l ' 1 .1 .'..J, ,1
1 I .hi -inil..,i1!U,,,i,
iv 1 f.iilv k t. .sir '., I.1: . ii
I'l ill I II I'l ill .-, ,.i,,. li ,.
.-oi.l 11, .1 r,-tl I,- 'I est 1 ,
i"-- y.'iir tre.ioat 111
onlv iie-i i itu."
l'i'-i,- I- ,-. ,
ii ill li, ,v. ,-.
etiee nu-iit .-i-i
em! I- II t'-ne
W'.rk all , ' . , .
tn i,n li",ir I
think it i Ili
Dr. Piercc'ii I'le emit IVllcU die (it;,
xiuess ami aick lic.ilache.
When pains or irritation exist on
any part of the body, the applica
tion of lJullard's Snow Liniment gives
prompt relief. E. W. Sullivan,
Prop. Snliivan House, El Iteno, O. T.,
writeK, June , li)02: "I take pleas
ure in recommending Ballard's Snow
Liniment to nil who are afflicted
with rheumatism. It ia tho only
rniiiedy I have found that gives im
mediate relief. " iSr,. ntlc, 11.00 At
Model Drog Store and Grants Pass
... KOD A!K ..
With You
Picture taking will add immensely to the
pleasure of jour vacation.
Kodaks $5 to 20
Brownies $1 and 2
All Kinds of Photo Supplies in stock at the
Kodak Headquarters
A. E. V00RHIES, Propr.
When yon buy a Camera of me I tench yon how to take pictures, also in
stroctions in development and printing free.
Notice is hereby given that nmler
and by virtue of an order ol tlin
county cnort of thn State of Oregon
for Josephine county, made, rendered
and entered of record in the matter
of the Estate of Nathan P. Dodge, de
ceased, Sutnrday, the 17th day of
August, l'.ioi, at 10 a. m of said 1
day, the Court House iu Grunts Pans',
How About Your Summer Vacs.
Newport on Yaquina Bay is the
ideal seasidx resort of the North
Pacific Coast. Round trip tickets at
greatly reduced rates on sale from
all Southern Pacific points in Oregon,
on and after Jane Int. Ask agents for
further information and a handsomely
illustrated souvenir booklet, or write
Manager C. & E. R
Deputy Clerk
Curuner . .
J. ). Ilootli
J. T. Logan
' IC. F. Iivelaee
... H. F. Cheshire
.... T. P. Ju'lson
Geo. W lwts
....Ernest Lister
. Lincoln bavaiie
. .. W. II. Fallin
il 0. MeCulloch
..W. 11. Flanagan
A Faculty That Is Much lleHfr Do
snl,rl In Snla Tiau It a
In Woman.
Why Is it that ,. woman's bump oj r,;!;1'""1
localiiy , ,iieb more feebly de- N-buol riupt...'
eluped tiinii man'?!? put a maa Assessor
down in a country road and the prob
abilities lirc'lbat be vil find his
vv.i v vv hercv it be vviNlii-K to go itlt
onl huviiig lo iisk at near-by farm
bouses I,, i direct ioim. Instinct Keeius
lo guide li ini. I'm ii wiuiinii in the
m.miic positii;i and s-be will irretriev hn.e he, -clr in tru iniimtes, and
have lo be sought for by resolute
ii,' n for hours before she in finally
lir.o'irlit ba.-k to civ iliatioii, anys the
i a ii inn re .cvvh.
"'hnpa it iH that the weaker sex' KltATEIiNAL SOCIETIES.
: i .. ... Grants Pass liilep A . If a s u vn u.
I'-'i'il in eitii'M n in ii v , , - -r.---. .. .,. m.
'"in"'! raiuriiavs. lsllui
O. P. A., S. P. Co, Portlaud.
Mn.yor ILL. Gilkev
Auditor and Police Judge C. E. Msybee
i reusiirer ( 0I. W. Johnson
uy aiiorney .. ... II. It. Norton
Murs-linl . Ueo. Finch
titreet Supt... John. Patrick
sAiiiiieiiiiien vv. .11. .nair, It. J. liaclier
J. I.. Calvert, T. W Williams. V. C.
Muith, J. A. Itehkopf, tl. C. Per
kins, James Trimble.
f iN
il ,
try jtlie J i
hole nor
I" not n,
uli to permit them
In bid Hull- way itboiii, anil certain
ly they would not notice in the eoun-
I'Ulil tree I lift t they pans
the hnw bush tllllt lillirlis
inter ciioii of two minis there.
the Mm biw in the west llier,
arc iiiimbra of women who can't
I' II the p,,ii of tb,. compass, and
If they could would not know- in
winch direction their homes; biy. 1
When il eiones i,, noting the details
of n cistuinc f,.,v fcniinines fail to
observe even tbe tiniest bit t braid
or tlie mihi Met bow, but trees mid,
houses are dilfereut mid less inter
esting thine,,, and so in a strange
town or In tl,,, wooiIb the fnir truv-
elers lose themselves in no time, and I
bine lii be rest d and Het iiirnln
Uill tin- patJs by some, one with
noiicr sense of location than
ciiu boast.
'isiimg brothers cordially
11. W. Kniui W U
n. j. i'ikr, nee y,
Uojal Arch Masons -Iteames Chanter No.
M meets second and fourth Wednesday
J. h.l'KTSsiiR, Secy. H. P.
K niuhtn Teinplnr Melita ('llllllllBlulerv
.No. K, meets, second Friday of h
Alunlb in Masonic Tenmle
W. II. IIasutos, Em.
Gso. II. Csliioiin, ltec.
Eastern btar-Josephlne Chapter, No. 2fi
meets first and third Wednesday
evenings of each month
d. Mav L
Mas II. Z01.1.KS. Sec'y.
In Masonic
Cos, VV. M.
I). (. F.,-Golden liule Lodge No. 7,
...r.-in every caiuruay nigiii at 1. u. O.
f. 11. tvillMMIT,
N. G.
F. hall
1 . 1 I'SAif, ecy.
Visiting brothers invited.
a no-lints
As it was.
-iliic to lunij: tlii.
K int uirl, it ccrii-
be made for the Use
were inscribed
received from h,
of course, imp, 1
strange rent ho,
lied copy hint t
if the judge.
Cai. Ilsrnler, of Monlrenl, In t se
BtMhlnvs of lluaalnn tliteiillisn
on arrlle 1'rli.
("apt. Ilernier, of Mont real, bend of
Canadian exploration party, will
leek the liotlh pole in it new way.
No airship or monster bull 1 for
bun. II,, bus bit upon 11 new il a, ami
will go skipping through Ihe 11 relic re
ions in nut,, mobiles ml,, pic, I from a
Uiissinn Invention.
Insti ll,! of vv heels, these 11 lit "III, -Mies
nill lie titled with rollers iol,ipte,l I,,
ee going. Such inventions have been
isid with stlrcrst I'll eMel -ive 1, e
lacks, and ( apt II, 1 nu-r will 11-e
f this know leilgn in bisipicst for the
north pole.
I he capliiiu's plan is to anchor hi-
I'ssel ill the lee pack olT the cast ot
sll'i iin at n point which he cal, iilalc
A'llI drift loin to the nearest point at--lilial.le
t,. 1 1,,- .
U hen tl, p, i,, I, as hern reached
il' will iIim ml
vho will cai iv
Vs. with win, I
'illliisbe,!. I,,- ,ai I
11 the ice 11 n, I pl.t ul ;
' t Ii. p , , an
list,,11 and l,
I I. ins.' pa
- I. I, -ci, tpl
P IS Ills,.
vv ,11 ,j, ,
W orld's f air Excursion
Thn Denver Hio Grande, in con
nection Willi the Missouri Purl tic, v. ill
run 11 scries of lVrsumilly Conducted
Excursions to the World's Pair during
I mill. Tin so exi'iirsions v ill run
through to St. Louis without change
of curs, making short stona nt urinei.
pal points en rente, Thn iirst of
thesn excuisons w i i I Icnvn Portland
Juno 7th, 11111I the sceiiuil Junii ITtb.-
I bo lulu from Gianls Pass w ill be
Tii oil In St. Louis mid return. Ex
ciiiNi, mists going vin thn I)i nver &
Hio (iianiln liiivn tlie j rivili gn of re
liiiiiing via 11 different route. This is
the must, pli iiMiiii way, irs well us the
iih st delightful route'; to cnis-h the
emit incut. The slops arranged give
an opportunity it visiting the various
pouils ot iiib rest in mid about Suit
l.iil.c CHy, D, over mid Kansas City.
It yon wish tn itciompmiv one of
tin so excursions wi ile nt mice to V.
C. Mcl'.iidc, l.'l Third street, Port
hind, for shcping cur reservations.
1'aran Kiicaiuiuuent I. o. l. F. No.
meels second and fourth Thursday at
I. o. f. F. hall.
T. Y. Dsas, .Neu'y.
Fasu ISciimiiit,
Oregon, waS fixed by the Court as the
iiuiu nuu iiiucii lor Hearing ouieciions a.,
- ..I. . .1 , . ,u i.jniu iunr.
... b " T. ""' UD"' V K, Albany. Ore. or W. E. Comun,
"', s'u'.fvc, rii-iuioi ui sum
estate. All pcrsnns intercBttd in
said eetnte, are hereby not i lied to ap
iear and lilo their objections tn said
final account on or before said day.
Execnirix of tlie Estate of Nathan P.
Dodge, deceased.
Estate of Sarah Max-)
well. Deceased, j
Notice is hereby given by the ex
ecutrix of tho Estate of Sarah M'X
wcll, deceased, to the creditors and
all person? having claims ugaii st tlie
said deceased, to exhibit them with
necessary vouchers, within six months
from the date of tlie Hist publication
of this notice, to the executrix at tier
home at Wildervllle, iu Josephine
County, Oregon.
First date of publication, July 28,
Dated at Grants Pass. Oreson.
July 20, 11)04.
EVA II ALSTEAD, Executrix,
By II. li. Hcudrix, bur Attoruev.
C. V
iieneKiins r.ina Kenekali. .No 411, meets
second and lourlli .Monday, I. o. (). K.
"it- Kisis i.khss. N. U
,M. jknkis I'AVis, hecv.
I luted Arlisans-trraiil.i Pass Assembly
Si. l!i, meets ailernale Tuesdays in
a. u. i'. v. null. .Mas. r;. A. Uairritii
Fiikd Mkssi h. Secy. Master Artisan
Woislinen of the World Kngtie Itiver
1 iiuip rvo. meets second and fourth
r n, in v. sut wutniinan II sill. ,
lieo. II. Slover, C. C
C. E. Mavhxr, Clerk.
uiwixjv, II 1 1 Lit 1 J, Wll i j
;innl ami
W m i ic f.r
-.lie l Icittill ' tlMiLis'it-. t'J
I l..v. S..fc unit ivlnhir.
Anv.t no tututKutc.
H omen of Woodcraft Aralea Cirtle. No.
IsJ, meets Iirst and third Mondays at
.wooumeii null. irs. .XI. h, litnnv.
Mrs. lone Frier. Clerk. . N
.Modern 00, linen of America Grants Pass
1 amp .o. Mo, meets Jnil and llh Wednea-
uay r.veinugs ai WOlMlllieil llsll at 7 ;J0.
Ike M. Davis, V. C
W. TMiouhler, Clerk. ,
I'ore-ters of America Court Josei.hliie
No. s, meets eaclt Wtstuesday except
,ne nisi, ni a. v,. i'. n . nail.
F. G. Mucker. F. S. V. Feisch, 0. It
losepluiie LiMige, No. 112, A. (. 11. W'.
meets in A. tl. i,. .ball, Dixon build
ing every .Moinlay evening.
F. W. Ill oosaTii, M. W.
It A. tanarii, Itei'order.
Ilavtlliorne l.udge, No. 21, D. of II., A. O
I . . inii'ls every alternate Tuesday
evening in A. O I'. W. hall, Dixon
nillhllni!, lias. A. Mil AKTIIY.C ol II
Mas. I.vmt Dsan. ltiisirder.
111 tb.
I he
'ic.iblc n- p
deigh will I
ll"ik the s
.he lllcalito
ell ni.ole
Ihe 1,1,
is pi
A oil,
ng on 1
ni, an, I s,
IV will I
-elic f..r
',11 will,
..II.... ,..
;til II v
1 II.
u, in.
-,'PPi ,
"I .nil, on, I,,!
Vlolsnl AtUck el Disrrhocs Cured
Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera tad
Diarrhoea Rcnudy and Per
haps s Life isvtd.
"A short time ago I was taken wit'
violent attack of diarrhoea and be
lieve I would have died If I bn 1 1101
gotten relief," says John J. pattor.
a loadlug citlien of Pstlon, Aln.
"A friend recommended Chambct
Iain's Colic, Cttolera ami Diarrhea
Reaiedy. I boaght J,1o bottle am
sitter taking three doses of it was i n
tlreljr cored. I consider it the bos'
remedy in the world for bowel coin
plaints." For aala by all dniggisis.
-il ly l.s VV
The !,
o l,e pi ,
,' l ee. i,
ne ,- . 11
H Il I Mi
III case
I !!1!,,,:'Tiiifl
r v in
i :
..t U Uc
( 1
.1.. n wtit k ii h
.u will fi.i-Mi a In
f 1 In i'M.i nu ffii
11 ft.niihnr niiHt' lufmii
Itlt. v.t
pi. I"
1, In
t I V
- t", lift 1 ton
r : - 1 ! I c 1 not
. .1 .h ' ;.iu. '1 t'ie
Ir.i i 1 1 1 ii:,,;
0. V- v hui-
t it Mould dxt for
f,vi vji v.ry
I I (x J tt' 1 1 J9 ftUt
''t' I hi! '.'! lo tuk
1. I am very rnthiuU
-. l- .i .
1 1
1 he liislll 1 s.,..,y.
A little thing soim't inn s
Icntb. Thus a im re si r. itch,
aul cuts or puny boils bm,,
bath leiinlty. it i. Mi,,,
Hock ten's Aruic.i Silve iv
It's llin best SiU-c "it inr b
result- ill I
illsli;l.fl '
I'lid II I '
III h i , '
r l.i 11,:. .
and vii1
prevent f.ituliiy, w l.i 11 burns, ',, .
ulctits and piles tlnei.tcn. Only ; 1
t National Dreg sure mid t,.tants;
Pass Pharmacy. I
: ,lu ,
I'll, i
t p 'i:-
s V'. n.e
.: f her
rv sho.ih I
to every
if l.riliii
Ivoinl Neis.blKirs of America Edilli C.
.-npe t amp .No. 2i" meels 1st and 3rd
rrntaya at A. (.1. isv. ball
Ivose Cravliu, Oracle
Henrietta Zoller, Itecorder.
Onler of rendo -While Hock Council No.
ii", meels in vt .tollmen Hall .'-alnrdav
uiglits. l,s:o. A.llvnr. I'oiiiiselur.
MsaM's, W. ItoiiHiNs, Secretary.
lied Men lahkilnia Wigissin No. 2!i,
I. I!- M. li. ,-ri..nn, siiH'heiu
O. A. TiiovAs, t hief of Keconls.
kiiiiihts of the Maivabees drains Pa-s
lent. No. 1.1 inecla llrsl and third
1 iiursitays at WiHsluien ball.
111. Alinsl, F. A. .Mow ik,
lU'cord Keeper. Commander.
ulies of the MnccaPees-Oraiits Pass
. Hive No Is holds render "Heviews"
tirsinml Hunt lluirs'lavs at A. tl. C.
) . nun Msiling slslers ciinlislly
mviied. Mrs. IVIis Hale, L. 1'.
Mary Mliucn-, He, vol KeeHT.
1 'tilled UrotberhoiHl of Carjienters and
.loiuess of America t'nioii No. ins
meets second and fourth Frtdars ol
each tnoiilh at A. I). C. W. Hall. '
I' 1 olr. li. !. J. p lialevner. Pres.
i". a 1 i:,k-''il,l, r. see y.
Knisdusof pvllnas I'berinopylae No. .Ml,
meels each itiestlav ntnlit" 7 .:ll W. O
W. Hull. M T l llev, C. C.
!'" it 11 1 ia' a. K ol li and S.
lirand Army ol the l ei'iihlic -1,,-n Ionian
Post No .11, novls tirsl Weilnes lav al
A ii. t . W. hall. Jims i'atki, a
I. E. 1'irsRsos. Avlji. l uin
W'oin. m's Kelie! Corps -t.eneral Lilian No.
2 1. uteris 2,1 ami llh Isalurdals at 2 P.
111 al A. O I . W. Iiall.
Mrs. li.ise Wriilman. I'res
Mrs. T II. I'.iruell. Sei v.
sJT! ss'Vi. CXPFRIFriir.V
wr 1
Trade Marhs
Qtiti'Kl? su,rrtaiti txir oi-.m.M. ftw hi(.jar art
lnftttinn ta iiMMt intani,ar-l. '..vniunh4v
ti-n.,iinrt. '"tOilniiit!. lUnslNMk vai I'KtMitr
l" Wf!. fiif ftt-e urilttx s 1 1 Lt IV
inroitsrh Mtttm A (u. Mcvlva
Timber Land Act, June 3, 1878.
United States Land Otlice,
Koseburg Oregon, June 4, 1904.
Notice is hereby given thai in comnli-
ancenith the provisions of the act ol
congress of June 3, 18, 8, entitled "An
act for the sale of timber lands in tin
States ol California, Oregon, Nevada,
and Washington Territory," as extended
to alt the Public Laud States by act 01
August 4. 1802,
of Monlesan-., County ol I liehalis, Slate
of Washington, has this day filed in this
otlice his sworn statement No. (1205 for
the purchase of the N ot N,V Sec. No.
14, in Township, No 7 South, Uange
No. 5 West and will offer prool to show
that the land sought is more valuable for
its limber or stone than for agricultural
purposes and to estahbsh his claim
to said land hefoie John M linn h, U
S. Commissioner, si his otliee at Grants
Pass, Oiegon, on Monday, the 15th day
of August, ID04 I
He naenes as witnesses : W II Sher I
mm, of Uranta Pass, Or.; K. L Di-1
brow, ol tirants Pass, Or ; W I. Cogdill.
ol lliquiani, Wash.; K. V Suilib, ol
Albany, Or.
Anv and all persons claiming adve e
ly the above-described lands are re
quested to llle their claims in thi otlice
on nr before said llith day of August,
1!K)4. J. T. HniDOKS, Register.
CorvalHs & him I
.12:45 P. M,
. 1 :45 P. M,
. 5 :40 P. M.
. 7:15 A. M.
.11:30 A. M.
.12:15 P. M.
Time Card No.
No. 2 for Yaquina
Leaves Albany. . .
Leaves CorvalHs
Arrives Yaquina
No. I Hi'torning
Leaves Yaquiuu
Leaves Corvallis
Arrives Albany
No. 3 for Detroit-
Leave Albany 1 :00 P. M,
Arrives Detroit fl-OOP. M,
No. 4 from Detroit-
Leave Detroit 6:110 A. M.
Arrives Albany. 11:15 A. M
Train No. 1 arriv-s iu Albntiy in
time to connect with the S.-P. south
bound train, as well as giving two ot
three hours in Albany before depar
tore of S. P. north bound train,
Irani No. 2 connects with the S.
P. trains at Corvallis and Albany,
giving direot service to Newport and
adjacent beaches.
Train No. 3 for Dutroit, Breiten
uusii ana oinur mountain resorts
loaves Albany at 1 :00 p. m., reaching
Detroit about 6:00 p. m.
for further information apply to
T. COCKRELL, Agent, Albany.
H. H. CRONISE, Agent. Corvallis.
Timber Laud, ActJun.1 1878
United Slates Lstid Olliee,
Kusehnrg, Die , July 7, 11)04
Notice is hereby given Hml in com
pliance Willi Ibe prov, "inns ol 'be act of
Congress ol June 3, 1878, entitled. "An
act for the tale ol limber sods in tlie
Stales of Californs. Oreimn, NevaiU
and Washington Teriirorv." as extended
lo all the Public Laud Slates by act ol
Annual 4, )S2.
ol ltasali, County of Eagle, S ale of Col
nradn. has this ilsv 111,,! i,i ll.ia nlllea
Ins sworn statement No '!". for ihe'
purchase of the EV, ol SW4 and
Lois 3 ami 4 ol Seclinn No. 18
in Township No. :i4 Sotuh. Kaniie
.No. 4 w, and i I oiler nrnol
and union Pacific
Three Trains to the East Daily
Through Pullman standard and UiurnTl
sleeping cars daily iu Omaha, Chicago, rspn
kane; tourisl sleeping ears daily tu Kansas
tity: through lullninn tourisl sleepins
... ,,.- , ..,..,,, ,,,,,,,,,, ,e, 1 ! vveeklv lo I In
cag'i. haa-as Ciiv, reelitiiiur chair
t seats tree) loathe Eu
reclining cliair
-t .linly.
No change ol cars.
ii p. m.
that the land aotiuhl is n'nr,i v IiisIiIm I Kvnress
(or Us tiirber or s,on than lor asri ! 8:1.1 p. 111.!
cirhuial pn'pnses. and tn establish bis via limit j
claim p said land Iielore J t) Hio'h. mgton.l
DkpaktI Timk Si'Iikiu-lks) iAkkivi
kiir : From Portland pkom
Chicago Salt like, Denver, tX
rortiatm Worth, Omaha, i
Special j Kansas City, St.'
0:1.1 11. 111. linuis.Chicitgound
via Hunt Kast. ,
to show ; Atlantic Suit Luke.
1 ten ver.
I t. Worth. Oiniiha'
K.insits City, Sij 7:15 a.,
Louis. Chicago
ami r.ust.
Cotintv Judne, at los olliee al tlrun s St. Paul Walla W'ullii. Lewi
I as, Oregon, on S,iuiuUv iti I7ih d.iv
ol Sepleinber. l'.r.kl. lln names as wit'
nesses ;
W. H. Sherman, of loan's Pass. Ore :
K. V. Snifih, ol tiiant- Pass. Ore. ; C V.
Ileiikle, of tirants Pass, Die : E. U
Cols, ol tiranla Pass, tire.
Anv and all persons claiming ad
versely (he almve described lands are
requested lo tile their claims in this
olliee in or before raid 17th dv ol
September, 1P04
J T. IlKtlKlKS, Itl'iMSler.
Past Mail
6:1.1 p. m.
ton, Spokane. Wal l
luce. Pullman. M in 8.-1K) a. m.
neiisilis. St. PhuI.1
I uluth.. Milwaukee.!
Chicago and Kant.
Ocean ami Itiver Schedule.
For San Francisco Kvrrv five days at (
p 111. For Astoria, way rniinls and' North
beaclt-Haily (except Mindav) st s t. 11,
eatnrilay at 10 p. in. Daily service (water
perntiiitngi on Willamette and Yamhill
Timber Land, Act June 3, 188.
Koseburg, Oregon, July 7, H04.
Notice is hereby given that in ccm
plisnce with Ihe provisions ol the act ol
Congress of June 3, 1878, entitled "An
act for the sa'e ol timber lands in tbe
States of California, Oregon. Nevada,
and Washington Territorv," as extended
tu all the Public Land States by act ol
August 4, 182,
of Basalt. Couinr ol Eagle, State
of t'olorsdo, has this day tiled
in Ibis office her sworn statement No.
(1214 lor the purchase if the SE'i-f Sec
tion No. 18 in Township No. 34 South,
Range No 4 West, and will offer proof
to show that Ihe land sought is more
valuable for its timber or alone than for
agiicultural purposes, and tn establish
her claim to said land before J. O. Booth.
Conntv Judge, at his office st Grants
Pa-s, Oregon, nn Saturday, the 17'h day
of September, 1901. She names ss wit
nesses :
W. B. Sherman, of Grants Pas', Ore. ;
E. V. Smith, ol Uranls PaBS, Ore.; C. V.
Henkle, ot. tirants Pass, Ore.; E. R.
Cole of Uranls Pass. Ore.
Any and all per-one claiming adverse
ly the ahove-descrilied lands are re
quested to file their claims in this office
on or before isid 17; h day ol September,
11)04. J. T. Buidoes, Register.
Timber Land, Act June 3, 1878.
United Sta'fee Land Office.')
Roseburg, Oregon, May 25, IIH14
Notice is hereby given that in coin
pliance with the provisions ol the act of
Congress if June 3, 1878, entitled "An
act for the sale of ti 111 Iter lauds in tbe
States of California, Oiegon, Nevada,
and Washington Territory," as ex
tended tn all the Public uotLStatus by
act ol August 4. 18112,
ol Albany, County ol Linn, Stile ol Ore
gon, has this dav tiled, in ihia olliee
his sworn statement No.617'Jfor the pur
chase ol the Ejij of Kvj id -eciion
No 12 in Township No. 37 South, Range
No 5 West, and will offer prool to show
hat the land sought is more valuable
or its timber or atone than for aitri
ciillnral purposes, and to establish
his claim to said land before J O.
K o'li, County Judge, at his cilice
Timber Land, Act Jane 3. lsj."
United States Land Office
Roeeburg, Oregon, Mav 27 'mi
Noiice is hereby given th.V i
compliance with Me provisj!ln:
the act of Congress of June t Va
entitled "An act for the
timber lands in the Slates olCalif1)r
Oregon, Nevada and Washington Terri"
tory," as extended to alp the PrX
Land Slates by act of Angust 1 !
of Chicago, County of (Jook Si
of Illinois, has this day filed :
this office ber sworn statement N0 nis,.?
for Ihe purchase of the NW 1
Section No. 32 in Township No.35 sf, C
Range No. 7 W, and will offer proof'?'
show that tbe land sought is more v
able for ite timber or stone than lor ami
cultural purposes, and lo establish le
claim to Mid land before John M. Itooih
United States Commissioner, ' at ia'
office at (4ranta Pass, Oregon, n,, M,,, '
the 22nd day of August, 1MJ4. k,,1
names as witnesses:
W. B. Sherman and W. R. Whim!,
both of tirants Psse, Oregon, and E y
Snii'h of Albahy, Oregon, and tieorge T
Collins of Merlin, Oregon.
Any and all persons claiming adverse
ly the above-described lands are re-"
quested to file their claims in this office
on or before said 22nd day of Aiibm.i
1904. J. T. Bbidoeh, Regi9ier.
Timber Land, Act June 3, 1S78
United States Land Office.
Roseburg, Oregon, June 1, Pj04
Notice is hereby given that in coiiiplj.
snce with the provisions of the act uf
Congress ol June 3, 1878, entitled "An
act lor Ihe sale of timber lands iu
the States of California, Oiegon, Ne
vada and Washington Territory,1' a)
extended to all thn Public Land
States bv set of Angust 4, vj
of Grants fase, County of Josephine
State ol Oregon, has this day filed in this
otlice hir sworn statement No 621)1,
for the purchase of Ihe N' N?1;'
SE'4 NE'4, NE'-4" SEJ of Section No!
18 in Township No. 35 S, Range No.
5 west, and will offer proof lo show Hat
the land sought is more valuable fcr its
timber or stone than for agricultural
pmpo'es, and to establish her claim to
said laud before Arthur Conk I in U s.
Commissioner at his office at (irams
it (sranta Pass, Oregon, on Monday I Pass, Oreiion, on Wednesday, the 24'li
'he 15tb davol August, 1901. He names j day ol August, 1UC4. She names bb wit-
-is witnesses :
W. B. Sherman. J. C. Clark, II. .1.
Clark and E. V. Smith all uf Uranls
r'ass, Oiegon
Any and all persons claiming adverse
'y the ahnve-ileecriheil lands are re
quested lo file their claims in this office
,11 or Indole said 151 Ii dav ol August,
1004. J T. Bhiooks, Register,
Chsrles L. Clevenger. Samh A.
Clevenger, Ora Hood, and Frank '..
Young all ol Uranls Pass, Oregon
Any and all persons claiming adversely
Ihe above described lands are requested
to file their claims in this olliee on or
before said 24th day of August 11)04.
" J. T. IiitiDUES, Register.
PARIS nnowi 1 I
RECpCD t -ftl
'aiW TWO
fit any make 0
' talking machine .
' Black &'j')cr-hardcncd
Beautiful pu;;!iii of tone
Much more durable then any
other cylinder
Columbia Phon'ora)fi Com)any,
I2S Seventh Street, PORTLAND, ORE.
PARIS 1900
tor lurther information .k or write your
tienerl I'sms,
The Oregon Kailroad A Navigation Co.
'V I CK 15TN
vi. 4
rl.-m tsri
Scientific JImcricaii.
rul(i"' .( aiir ftcti'iits' Tvrtu.
f-Mir ntoith, $L S'UI nw.VJf
MUNN & Co."" New York
muck uaii. S r U Wsakll. on, u C.
I he Isrtjest sum ever paid lor a lire-
scrii'tion. changed hands in Sa n It
co. Auii. 80, HHil. I he tran-fsr in
volved in coin and stock S 1 1 2,."tV I 0 I ami
was (Mi'd bv a iiartv nl husincHs men tot
a sjiecifli' lor xnulu's ltisease and U'a
betes, liitht-rio inctiratile diseases.
1 Ley commenced the serious it.vei'i-
isiioii ol tlie seciric Nov. 15 IIHSJ
fliev Hilervieaeil scores ul ihe ciped
Slid 1 1 led b out on lis nietits he tinnin
aver three doieii cases on ibe trea ineoi
and ati Inn tlie 111. Thev alsogol ,i
sieiatis to name chronic, iticuialde t ases.
ii't adiiiinistereil it mill ti e i,ln sicians
lot jii.tjtes. I'p to A US'. 2.V H7 -r ceni
ol the lesi eases, err either well or
(irtfr ssii k favotsililv.
I here belUif hui thirteen IMTiettlof
Isiiiirrs, ihe oarties er sansHnl ami
closeil ibe iraiis.'ction. Tlie p'o. eeiiint
ol l,e iiivesiu-atlnii 1011,11111 le,. and Ihe
cltni.'sl reiKtris ol the lest esses .ere' 1 0 SPOKANE,
published and t ill be mailed liee on , 1 rUL. DULUTH. MINNEAPOLIS
apinicaiinn. A.idiees Joim J rrtnuil vniviauo, 81. LOUIS and
oai'siT,i.-u iiontiioinerjr St. ian h iau- ALL EAST AM) SOITH
l les-v,, v al. I
2vmnisnii inams vnllj s n
i-ri kmiiii wruvirK
l l'-Tt-l)ATE Kyi H'MKNT
I'OUttKWS i:mpi.ovi;8
ia; num irlp acrnaa the Cascade
anu iv.Kij Mnainialna.
for tickets rates, folders and full infor
mation, call vn or atklrew
I'J'J TlilrU Hirer!
tiv K EX I COX A
he Mixlern lictiifdy for Women
KniO'jv ba t'urts.1 Hvmeof A
111 ..r.l r.u. .-I
We iruarantee
piMtlive cure
n,r I.otiporrliooa
Liot A,.ist W.sTiel
tsend tor Hookl.t. ( Sjn Jwe, Cai.
, c t. a
6 ! rirst Avenue
, i. W. P. A.
Seattle, Wa-h.
Travel via Denver and the Burlington Route to St. Louis
if you want an interesting, comfortable and safe journey.
"The Burlington is the only railroad running its own
trains over its own rails all the way from Denver to
St. Louis. Fast time, clean and comfortable cars, obliging
employes, good meals in dining cars at moderate prices.
Let me give you detailed information about the trip.
Write your name and address here.
Then cut out this ad today and mail to
100 Third Stssit. PORTLAND, ORE.
-- -aaaaaSRaafraa
S G ft N'tUrt ' " Cll,,0, R4ckit o th
sttrectiom at St LiU. Thai caa aa'y be dona by
gotes, e rcturara) via th "SCENIC USE OF THE fcORLD '
NSURPl ?s c n si ' t's - ir 2 " t M V 1 c e:
" ir r un 1 s to
124 Third Street
WriU lor Olustrtd booUct of Colorsd.', Umou. ,ishU and resort,
W. C. IollHIlK (ieuen.1 An,