Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927, August 11, 1904, Image 1

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No. 20.
Can be changed
On $10 Monthly Payments
Secures as good a piano bargain as you need
ever wait to see.
Its'slightly shopworn and we want to sell it for
that reason, and to have room for new instru
ments arriving.
New Estey Organ, Oak case $80.
.ew Chicago Cottage Organ, $70.
Both on $5 Payments
A stock of new pianos on hand and constantly
Get That Piano Now
Ramaker Co.
I.O.O.F.BIdg. Grants Pass
J. M. Ward, Manager
Join the club bv
get special rates.
Grants. Pass Banking & Trust Co.
Transacts a General Hanking business.
f lteceives deposits subject to check or on demand certificates.
i -Our cm-tomeis re assured of courteous treatment and every consideration con
sitent with sound hanking principles.
taietydcpuit boxes for rent. J. FK ASK WATSON. Pres.
i K. A. BOOTH, Vice-Pres.
i . L. 1.. JEWELL, Cashier.
The First National Bank
Keceive deposits subject to check or on certiorate payable on demand:
N-lls sight drafts on New York tan Francisco, and Portland.
Telegraphic transfers sold on all point in the United Slates.
Special Attention mven to Collections and general business of our customers.
Collections made' throughout Southern Oregon, and on all accessible points.
.1. B. PADtOCK, PaoHB.
i am prenrred to furnish anything in the line of Cemetery work in any kind
Nearly thirty years of experience in the Marble business warrants my saying
that 1 can till your orders in the very best manner.
Can furnish work in Scotch, Swede or American Granite or any kind cl
Krone Street Next to Crrene'a Ganshop.
...NewelLBros. Racket Store.,.
T11IIW ItiiilUiiiff, Nlxtli Htrcet
In all the latest styles.
Light Weight Summer Corsets.
Men's Working Gloves..
No. 245. 200 acres; 140 acres cleared; 15 acres hi alfalfa; 100
acres in grain; 25 acres in pasture. Good water right, and good house
of Dine rooms. B:iru 40 z 80 feet Orchard with all varieties of fruit.
Price, $:J0 per acre.
No. HL no acres ; good water right ; do improvements. Must be
Hold soon. . C ash KsJ.
No. 223. 1)10 acres about 13 miles from the city. Good house co-t.
shout I4UJ. Abont 600,0(10 feet of good saw timber. Will sell for
Stop pa Tin a rent f 10 down and 5 a mouth will purchase a lot in
almost any portion of tthe city.
Call on or addrew
IIeadiUrtrrs for Real Estate.
Otfii-e on E Street, between Fourth and Fifth StreoUi,
T E R '5 f
by knowledge
September 1st nnrl
J. W. WARD, Tuner.
K. A. P.OOTH. Pres.
J. 0. CaMPHKLL. Vice Pres.
H. L. Ull.KEV. Cashier
Courier Men Scale Summit of Perpetual Snow
Two nicu of (lie Courier force, Fred
Mensch and A..E. Voorhies, joined the
Mazarnas last week for the ascent of
Mt. Shasta. It was the eleventh an
nual onting of that organization, aud.sparty took occasion to stow away
having 011 previous trips cocquercd the
high peaks of Oregon and Washington,
the mighty landmark of northern Cal
ifornia was this year selected as the
scene of the, climners' operations.
The Courier party reached Sissous nt
6 o'clock Sunday morning and joined
a party who were just stun lug for
Wagon Camp by team. The mail body
of the Mazarnas had been iu camp for
several days making side trips on the
mountain aud developing their mus
cles for the big climb on Mondny.
Wagon Camp is some ten miles from
Sissous and the road thereto leads east
aud south through au experience of
pumice, dust that mikes the pleasure
teeter wonder foi a time why he came.
The ascent begins at SisR.ns and it is
uphill all the way to Wagon Camp.
The way from Sissous follows the
well beaten McCloud-ttnronghfare for
about two miles and from that point
tt follows tile, route of an old aban
doned logging road. From this poitit
there is no monotony to any rider in a
vehicle. It is a succession of stomps,
brush aud ditches and vehicles rock
along over it like ships 111 distress.
The last few wiles of the road were far
more pleasant than the first. The
dust became less deep aud the timber
more dense aud . just before Wagon
Camp was reached the road eutered
one of the beautiful meadows which
sometimes occnr on the slopes of
Shasta, where' the water from the
melting suow, percolating through
long distances of the loose rock of the
mountain, finds its way to the surface.
The grass geows luxuriantly, flowers
bloom aud the air is tilled with but
terflies. At the npper cn-1 of (his meadow
Wagon Camp is si'tialed iu a verv
pleasant aud picturesque spot. When
the later comers arrived hero they
found the maiu party just about to de
part for Timberllne. Camp come funr
miles further op the monntaiu. All
the wayfrom Sissons the party had
been cheered by the prospect of the
"good dinner" which rumor said was
waiting at Wagon Camp, but, alas,
dinner was a thing of the past win 11
they arrived tfiere, and the "chef"
had departed for timber lino. The
hungry men solaced their vacant
stomachs by munching bread aud
cheese aud drinking water and con
soled themselves with the prospect of
the good supper which they could get
at timber lino.
From Wagon Camp to timber line
the trail is much steeper and there is
quite a taste of climbing in the trip.
The luggage was placed on horses,
under the supervision of Col. Hawkins
of Portland while tln whole, party
traveled on foot to the tipper camp.
Every one carried an alpenstock and
nearly every one a canteen. Cameras
wero carried by fully half ol the
crowd. There were four ladies in the
party, bloomer clad, Bud trudging
bravely upward through the deep
pumice (Inst and volcanic valid of the
trail. Tiuiberline Cump is a very
pictoresqnn spot but is not too com-
fortuble as a camping place. The site
selected wbs just -tho e'ge of the scat
terlug timber, iu a depression between
two of Shasta's rocs: rib", where a lit
tie stream of ice cold water trickled
out from beneath a long snow bank.
The camp arrangements were simplu.
A big pile of cauned goods were de
posited at the foot of a tree about 10
feet np a steep slopo although ther
wax plenty of room on the level
ground. On a little fire just at the
foot of the slope simmered a"Dutcli
oven", containing boiled tea. Sup
per had been announced for o'clock
and at that time the cook plied a can
opener with zeal aud served pork and
beans to the hungry crowd. Tho con
tents of the first can we-e warmed in
a frying pun; the rest of the six cans
of pork and beans devoured by the
25 hungry people worn eaten cold.
No guide was with the party. The
guides about Sissons, apparently reo
oguizing the chance of a life time to
make a stake, bad demanded the sum
of f 15 from each of the party to show
them the way to tho top of the mono
tain. This offer was rejiced with
scorn by the Mazarnas w ho determined
to make the ascent without a snide
I There was also an attempt by one of
I the livery stables to create a monopoly
on livery rigs but this attempt was a
'decided failure, after mat y of the
Mazarnas showed their independence
i by walking the 10 miles to Wagrn
j The liaviers of the Mazarnas had
made a ncciinoit' ring trip n the
'previous day and selected the run :e by
which they proposed to reach the sum
mit. They bud rlimbed some distance
op a long, rocky ridge until they sup
posed they commanded a fair view ( I
the way to the top of the mountain,
It looked all char sailing with tin
exception of a few little rock pinnacles
which doubtless would be easily sor
mounte4. Those who had climlwd Mt.
Hood and ether peaks looked with
some contempt at the apparently mild
slopes of Shasta, and remarked that It
was merely an early morning climb.
The night preceding the climb, the
cook speut slcepU-ssly in crdcr to in
sure n early breakfast to the climb
ers. He spent the hours of darsness
at a burning log little distance frjiu
the camp and issued the breakfaal call
at S a. to. the principal item on the
breakfast bill of faro waa oyster soap,
altogether too thin a concoctiou on
which to climb a mountain like Shasta.
Th3 longer headed members of the
what pieces of bread, bacon or cheese
they could get their hands on In an
ticipation of the hard work that lay
ahead of them. Each one put np his
own lunch, whatever he could get his
hands on that anited his fancy.
At 4 o'clock Presidsnt Slides of the
Mazarnas lined np his people. They
were led out - into the snow in the
shostly moonlight and marshalled
in single file. Then the command to
march was giveu and tho company be
gun the asceut np the gentle slope of
a long suow field. Scarcely a hundred
yards were traversed before some of
the weaker members of the party be
gan to complain that the pace waa too
fust. Others were shivering with
the cold and wishing that they could
posh on long enough to get warm at
least. One of the ladies, feeling in
disposed, had very sensibly remained
in camp. The whole number of those
who went up against Shasta ou that
morulug was 33, of whom three worn
ladies. Marching in Indian .filo, each
one brandishing along alpenstock, the
expedition presoned a wierdly impres
sive appearance in the dim moonlight
From tho summit of Shasta a Jong,
rngged rock ridge stretches down to
the southwest. A little less than half
way down it throws off a spur to the
west. This spur was the route se
lected by the loaders for the asceut
aud the initial climb was in the long
snow valley between the spur and the
maiu ridgo. t While iu the suow the
party was commanded to keep iu place
In single file and to march and halt at
tho word. Thus the whole party was
hold to the puce of the weakest mem
bers aud as one of the ladies was clear
ly out of condition for such a climb
and one of the gentlemen was ill aud
lagging, with his face the color of
ashes, the progress over this snow field
was very slow. Fei t became numbed
with the cold aud nearly the whole
party was impatient lor the coming of
tho sun, the rays of which began to
illumine some of the visible higher
points of the mountain. The high
rock ridge ou the east kopt the party
in tho shadow until quito lute in the
morning. Fur away to the soutn ap
peared Lassen Peak, its morning gilt
shining dimly through the hazy at
mosphere. Far down the Sacramento
canyon appeared another high mount
ain, unrecognized by any of the party.
liiiok island at times broke the mo
notony of the snow climb and these
were gladly welcomed by the climbers
who found an opportunity to kick sen-
saticn back into their benumbed toes.
While on tho rocks the formation of
tho march was "broken and a "go as
you please" flat went forth from the
commander of the squad.
When the party began to feel the iu
fluenco of tho intersection of tho
trldgcs the real climb began. Presl
dent Slides at this point encouraged
the weaker members ly Intimating
that the worst of the climb was over.
'There was a stiff little snow climb
just ahead aud there would be quite a
steep little rock climb going np to
Thumb rock. Otherwise it was all
clear sailing. " Thus he cheered the
lugging spirits of the tired ones.
Iu the long hard pull up the steep
s'jow slope to gain tte summit of the
spur, the rope was brought into re
quisition for the use of the ladies and
the weaker climbers of the other sex.
An alpenstock was c'rivi-n into the
snow as au anchor for the rope to
which the wabbly ones were able to
cling and draw themselves up. Che
stronger ones, except those who as
sisted with the rope, began to push on
iu twos and threes. The line of
march, broken at this point was never
resumed. The whole party gained the
summit of the spur but from this point
the weaker ones began to dropout one
hy one. The lady who was distressed
by the pace at the start was now bare
ly able to place one foot before the
other hut she would not have turned
back for millions. The other two
ladies were climbing with vigor and
seemed stronger than some of the men.
The livier men of tho party, except
those who remained to the
ladies, began to push on up the spur
at an accelerated pace. This was
quite comfortable climbing over brok
en rock, the etce: nesa not being too
wearisome. As they climbed, they
munched bread crusts, chocolate,
cheese, raisins, jerked venison, grape
nuts, to rest their failing strength,
the influence of the oyster soup having
long since vanished.
Two of the advance guard, I.ute
Paese, the Oregouian aitut, aud E. U
Farusworth of Wilier, Wash., look
to the snow fields on the west side of
the ridge. The rest or the party fol-1 out of the suow about 100 feet high,
lowed the rock cr st which led upward throwing out a sharp rock cri .t a
to the intersection of the ridges and short distance to the east. The party
thence to the higher regions of the gained the summit of this crest, some
mountain. 30 feet below the highest point of the
At Timberline eamp the party had mountain. These last few feet looked
becu Joined by a young naturalist A. too perilous aud noue would attempt
9. 13 on ne 11 of Berkeley, who had been It except Bunnell who carried the Ma
camped ou the mountain for several zama box up and deposited it 011 the
weeks, collecting specimens of the extreme top.
Khasta faaoa Mr. Bunnell Is an Uf the nine men who gained the sum
active and daring climber and at once I mil at that time, not one was a Ma
took the leadership of the forwaid xama, a ,fsct which was commented
scad. The journey went swimming- Jonon with some surprise,
ly until the party nrsred one of the The view from the summit was a
rock pinnacles which looked so small j grand one though the air was too
snd insignificant from below. Near . hasty to get the best effects. A hu(,e
at hand, it reared IU aamiult some 40 J thunder cloud hung la the ncrth, its
feet into th air above the crest of the bam far below the summit of Hhasta.
ridgo. Its sids were nearly perpendic
ular and on each sdie of the ridgo lit"
precipices fell away to unknowu
depths. It was jagged and seamed,
with great slabs of rock piled precari
ously upon one another, some of the
huge masses beiug ou "a delicate bal
ance aud apparently ready at a touch
to start from their places and precipi
tate au avalanche of tons of rocks
down the steep sides of tho mountain.
It looked to many of tho climbers ns
though. the trip in this direction was
ended, but Bunnell, taking the lend,
skipped nimbly across the chasm,
climbed up through fissures in the
rock, picked his way actively across
tho unstable rocks and gained the fur
ther side of the pinnacle out of sight,
calling back to his followers to couie
on. Five followed close on his trail:
Q. Hassell, foreman of tho photo
graphic department of the Sunset mag
azine; Kev. W. T. Wardlo of Dallas,
A. E. Vocrhioe, Fred Meuscli aud J.
W. Coulter of Los Angeles. They
proceeded at intervals sufficient to In
sure safety from fulling rocks ami
testing every foothold cautiously,
gained the further side of tho pinnacle
iu safety. There they supposed their
tronbles would be ended. But no,
ahead of them was nothing but an
other rock pinnacle, higher, rougher
and moro forbidding than thu first.
Again Bunnell scaled thu rocks liko a
monkey, worked his way across a
treacherous mass of sliding rocks,
walked the upper edgo of an almost
prependiculnr suow hank and gained
ti.o next breathing place 011 tho fur
ther sido of the pinnacle. Again his
followers picked their way across the
rocks, tcrambled through the slide and
took the suow path with what nerve
they were able to muster, ferveutl.v
blessing their stout alpenstocks and
the long spikes iu their shou soles.
Persons who have never taken trips
like tills call hardly rculizu tho solid
comfort and seuso of security giveu by
a few good sharp calks in thu shoes.
Ou hard suow or 011 rock theio la no
slipping. Whcu the foot is planted it
is there to slay until the owuer bus 110
further use for. the spot.
The second large pinnacle marked
the intersection of the ridges. Far
down ou tho snow fluid to thu west,
Peas. aud Farusworth could bo seen
cllmbiug the steep snow slope mid
looklngNike toy men. Ou the east,
tho mountain plunged down everlast
'uglji the suow reaching nearly to the
crest of the ridge and having a decliv
ity that was frightful, uioru especial
ly as it led straight down into tin
crevasses of a huge glucier.
After a few rods of fairly comfort
able climbing, the paity came up
against tho real Thumb rock itself,
towering high into the air. This was
passed ou the east side, another hit ot
ticklish business. Aguiu the climbers
took to the upper feather edgo of an
almost prejieiidiculiir snow hank uud
madu their way across to thu upper
side of the huge obstacle. TJreat rifts
and holes apiwared iu the snow next
the rocks, while just below went great
crevasses, hungrily gmiing for man
meat. Above this point, the climbing 1
was safe and fairly easy, though It
waa yet several miles to the top of the
mauAtain. At one place a pcrjiciidic
olar wall of rock barred tho way and
made it necessary again to tnko to the
snow where it liuug oil thu side of thu
precipice. Here tho solid roil came
up from tho west w ith an essy slope
to a sharp edgu and plunged almost
straight down ou the east side. Know
Ailed this chasm almost to thu brim.
Just a few feet awiiy from the edge
there was a huge crevusse Cutting the
suow vertically so that only a mi re
shell clung to the mountain side. This
shell of suow was thu bridge by which
the party paiiscd the rock wall and
this was prulubly the in nut precarious
portion of tho ascent.
At this point Bunnell and his fol
lowing caiun upon Pease aud Funis
worth who had fouud a fur easier w ay
of ascent and had stnpiicd to wait fi r
the others. This, increased the party
to eight. As the last of tin no wen
shout to resume their upward m" h
they saw one more black clad figure
toiling ou the trail. This proved to
be A. K. Dovlo of Portland who wus
climbing automatically. Ho was
uearing a statu of exhaustion uud de
clared with fervor that climbing Mt.
Hood was child's play compared wit h
Bha-dtt. The remainder of thu party,
with the exception of Puiinell, were
also badly winded and were fil ling
the effects of the high altitude.
It was a loig distance from this
joint to the summit of the mountain
i but thu slope was easy and the walk-
. lug was good. Ions stretches of solid
aud nearly smooth rock alternating
with big snow fields. The summit l
a point of rock that raises straight o
This would havo effectually prevented
any successful signalling to or from
Mt Hood, had there boon any Ma
zarnas there to signal.
Ou the return, the maiu party was
met at the snow bridge. They had
trailed Bunnell and his following over
all tho perilous route. The rope had
been brought into ute at all the duu
grous points, aud the progress of the
party had been slow. A number of
the uieu bad dropped out of line,
weakened by lack of sufficient food
iii the mnrnirg. All -the ludiei were
still with tho party, the Olio Who had
lagged lu tho morning being now
scarcely able to stand alone. She was
full of determination, however, and
all the ladies wore keenly disappoint
ed when they found they must turn
buck without reaching the summit
Messrs. Slioles, Olisan and Alvord,
of tho Mitzamas, pushed ouward to the
summit. They did not remuiu nntll
after nightfall to bum red fire in the
attempt to sigunl Mt. Hood, as had
been previously advertised. The pros
pects of n night spent ou tho summit
of Shasta are not too alluring aud iu
tho present iiisfriuco the huge thunder.
clouds gathering about tho top of the
monntaiu madu timber line seem ex
ceedingly liku hoiuu as the evening
shades drew en. Svith all the smoke,
haze and clouds iu Ilia atmosphere, It
would havo been uttrely useless to
ninko any attempt at signalling.
The descent was nindo in short order
over thu routo taken by Paese aud
Farusworth. Tho mountaineers mere
ly sat down on tho snow aud iu few
minutes found themselves on the lower
altitudes without any effort on their
part. The frict'ou was considerable
hut no ono was very badly socrched.
At Timberllne Camp, all was desert
ed, except that Col. Hawkins was
there busily picking the bedding for
transport to Wagon Cump. Cook aud
provisions Intel descended many hours
beforci. There wero A fuw cans of va
rious kiuds of food still uuder tho tree
and there was plenty of cold water lu
the spring. Not au atom of tea or
cotTeu had been left at timber liuo and
the party was expected to travel the
other four miles to Wagon Camp before
getting any supper. One or two of
those who weru yet able to uavigato
discovered a skillet nud tho Identical
"Dutch oven" iu which tho tea had
been bulled the night before The
colonel hud built a lire nud hot water
was soon ready to servo to the ex
hausted ones. Ouo of the ladies was
completely "done for" and would not
budge a single inch beyond the upper
camp. The other two Indies were
mounted on one horse, and taken to
the lower camp. Homo four or five
persons remained nil night at the up
per camp.
Stumbling along iu twos nud threes,
tho weary walkers fell spasmodically
down the truil. Pitchy darkness set
lu long helore Wagon Cump was
reached and but for tho "hurso sense"
01 inn animal that carried the ladles
) it is probable that several would have
1 ,,nt their way.
j At Wnmui rin. nn..r . n.
iug; three kinds of pie, two kinds of
cuke and stewed mushrooms. It all
looked alike iu the darkness though
the taste could still detect some vari-,
ety. And there was coffee, tho first
some of the party had tasted since
they left Kissous.
In the morning tho initnhers looked
np In the long cold snow summits of
HhiiHta and several remarked that it
In. iked three times lis high as It did
tho previous moiujiig. And it was
uoticenhh) that nonn spoke of the
mountain except In feints of the high
est res c" t.
'fin re is 11 photograph lu existence
whichhfiws n lady seated ou a horse
which is standing 011 the extreme sum
mit of the mountain. This picture
gives thu ideit that horses ure rldduu
to the top of ML Shasta. Wo were
told by rcliuhlu people at Hlssons that
tin hot was pulled up with a block
anil tackle ami that it took four dnyt
of hard work to get him up. The pic
ture, however, is a drawing curd end
is used extensively for advertising
Special Excursion lo St. Louis
August H, 'J, 10, Hcptcmbcr 5, ! and
7 and October II, 4 and 6 are the re
maining dates upon which llciets will
he sold at the re luceil rates to the Ht.
I.ouis Fuir. These rates upply over
the Denver & Kio (irande and Mis
souri I'm ilic. For thu patrons of
these roads special excursion cars w ill
be run through from Portland to Ht.
I.nuis without change.
H -n the many points of ii teres!
about Hie Mormon capital and take a
ride through Nature's pcituro gallery.
During the closing mouths travel to
the Fair w III he very heavy. If you
contemplate going write W. C. Mc
Pride, general agent et Portland for
the Denver & Kio Uraude, for partic
ulars of tlo-se en umions.
Cholirs Infantum.
this diKca-io has lost its terrors
since Chamberlain's Colic, ('holers
and Diarrhoea Kcmcdy came iutc
general use. The uniform sucrcxt
which lilt' li Ii thu use of this reuiidj
in all dm s of bowel complaints iu
children has made it a favorite
wherever its value bus become known
For sale by all druggists.
If you are not getting good slims,
for your nioiny, Try the Red Htai
Store, where good shoes are sold.
Furniture Items
Something ntw always to be
The largest assortment
CARPET REMNANTS We're closing out
short pieces off.
LACE CURTAINS, 45c to 50 pair closing
out some numbers off.
per cent off.
10 and 1 a -piece Toilet Sets at cost to close out.
Another lot of those cheap Iron Beds,
v See the new Dressing Bureaus, beautiful
goods; they're right.
See the new Buffett China Closets, New
Carpets, New Kitchen Treasttrei, New
Torch Chairs, Camp Chairs, Hammocks
75c up to $6 00.
Camp Stoves at cost to close.
Tents Lower Than Ever.
Ue Ware that Wears
Lava Enamelled Ware
our latest importation stands today withont a rival in
point of quality, style and finish; made from heavy
steel rolled especially for the purpose; covered on the
outside with 3 heavy coats of very hard elastic en
amel and on the inside with PURE white PORCE
LAIN. We guarantee this ware to be free from lead,
antimony or arsenic We guarantee every piece.
You will be pleased with the reasonable prices.
Wall Papers Another Big consignment just received;
beautiful designs, exquisite colorings.
The Steele is carried right here for immediate delivery.
Call and let us show you the largest line in Southern
Oregon no trouble, we'll be pleased to. Get the
prices on these goods delivered in your house. East
ern freight rates are deceptive. Free paste with all
R. Thomas (Si Co.,
Grants Pass,
Exe.mlnation of Applicant lor
Stat snd County Paprra.
Notlca is hereby giveu that the
county superintendent of Josephine
County will hold the regular exami
nation of applicants for State aud
county (tapers at Grants Pass, as
follows :
Commencing Wednesday, August
10, at nine o'clock a. in., and con
tinuing until Saturday, August 13, at
four o'clock p, rri.,
Wodneiday Penmaushlp, history,
spelling, algehta, school-law.
Thursday Written arithmetic,
theory of teaching, grammar, book
keeping, physics, civil government.
Friday Physiology, geography, men
tal arithmetic, composition, physical
Saturday llotany, plane geometry,
general history, English literature,
Commencing Wednesday, August 10,
at 0 o'clock a. in., and continuing un
til Friday, August 13, at 4 o'clock
Wednesday Penmanship, history,
orthography, reading.
Thursday Written arithmetic,
theory of teaching, grammar, physiol
Friday Oeography, mental arith
metic, school law, civil government.
Wednesday Penmanship, orthog
raphy, reading, arithmetic.
Thursday Art of questioning,
theory of teaching, methods, physi
County Superintendent
Brick Building to Be Erected
Cold Hill, after a number of ytars
of comparative inactivity, has the last
year madu a One growth aud the town
is now one of the most prosierous In
Kogne River Valley. To such au ex
tent has the business interests of the
town increased that a bank became
necessity and recently a number of
the capitalists of that place organized
the Cold Hill bunk with a capital
tock of for which articles of
incorporation wero filed with the sec
rciary of state at Salem by R. II.
Moore, J. L. Hammersly and C. F.
Young. Work will be commenced at
once ou a brick hulldlug In which the
bank will be tot aled and it i.H expected
to have the bunk open for business hy
Cily Treasurer's Notice.
There are funds lu the city treasury
to redeem all outstanding warrants
protested to November, 6 1U0I, In
terest oo same will cease after this
Dated at Grants Pass, Ore., July
II, IU04.
City Treasurer.
that are
found in this immense stock.
and the lowest prices.
- Oregon.
Tha Kouta Ha Been Reduced to a
Tan Per Cent Grade.
W. F. A runt, superintendent of
Crater Lake National Park, was iu ,
this city Friday. He says that he has
had a crow at work Improving! he old
roads, aud would start work complet
ing the new road through . the park to
the lake the flrts of the week. This
pleceof road Is five miles long, two
of which are arleady built, the re
maining three miles will be completed
this fall. The old road went nearly
straight up the mountain and was al
most impassable, but on the new road,
which Is very little if any longer, a
ten per cent grado is tho steepest in
cline. This will make it a very ensy
drive from tho fort.
Mr. A rant stated that couisderuble
work had to be done repairing bridges.
as he found that big log stringers,
naerly two feet In diaiuuter, used lu
some of the bridges, had been broken
by tho weight of tho suow during the
winter. Iu some places the snow was
over wtenty feet deep, and after the .
rains, when this becomes saturated
with wti r, the weight is sometlifng
immense. The snows ure fatt melting
aud the rouds are getting in pretty fair
shape. Large numbers of tourists are
now going to and coming from the
lake. Tho best time, says Mr. Ariint,
to vbtlt Crater Lake is betwueu Au-
gurt lot ti and September 30th. Klam
ath Falls Republican.
The Baltimore & Ohio Ituikoad Co.
lost all its typewriters In the recent
disastrous flrn iu Butllmure. They
had a number of different makes in
use, but when refurnishing their offices
with machiues they purchased ouo
huodrcd and fifty Visible Writing
Uuderwood Typewriter. The aguicf
for this statu Is locuted at OA Front
street, Portland. Ask for a ctaulogue.
Absolutely Pure
The greatest of
modern-time helps
to perfect cooking
Used In the best fam
ilies the world over