Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927, August 04, 1904, Image 1

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    VOL. XX.
No. 19.
Can bo changed by knowledge
On $10 Monthly Payments
Secures as good a piano bargain as you need
ever wait to see.
Its slightly shopworn and we want to sell it for
that reason, and to have room for new instru
ments arriving.
New Estey Organ, Oak case $80.
New Chicago Cottage Organ, $70.
Both on $5 Payments
A stock of new pianos on hand and constantly
Get That Piano Now
Ramaker Co,
I.O.O.F.BIdg. Grants Pass
J. M. Ward, Manager
.Tnln tlin pint, lv SptitfmliPP 1st ml
got special rates.
J. M. WARD, Tuner.
Southern Oregon Contains Districts as Yet Untouched
by the Miner's Pick.
No Place in thn West Is a Prom
ising & This Section
For Mines.
Grants Pass Banking & Trust Co.
Transacts a General Hanking business.
Keceives deposits HU.bje.ct to check or on demand certificates.
Our ciistoiiietH are aspired of courteous treatment and every consideration con
sistcnt witli sound banking principles.
r afety boxes for rent. J. KUAN K WATSON, J'res.
K. A. BOOTH, Vice-i'res.
L. L. JEWELL, Cashier.
Miners and prospectors in couni lor
able numbers are visiting the district
of the. big gold find of Sucker creek.
Tliere are grand opportunities for
prospecting in that Hold and in the
neighboring district of Althonse and
the history of thcso districts is full
of lucrative gold finds of greater or
less magnitude and importance,
though the new find is of sa'-li rich
ness as to throw into the background
all previous discoveries for many
years. When the prospectors in the
Snker creek region get so nnmerons
that they feel circumscribed by lack
of space they will find many other
districts in Southern Oregon which
will furnish them opportunities for
substantial and lucrative, gold dis
coveries. In the Wolf Creek district, II. D.
Slutor and Scribuer & Henderson
have taken out gold ly the bucketful,
the former from a vein of decomposed
quartz and the latter from a porphyry
dike which strewed a largo area of
surface with the yellow metal. Both
these finds aro permanent and are not
"pockets" as the term is understood.
Free gold finds in this district have
been nnmirous.
The Grave creek district lias
probably been prospected longer and
harder thau any other in the country
and the best of its discoveries have
boen reserved for recent years. In
this district is the famous Greenback.
Many other good ledges are being de
veloped and new finds are constantly
being uiado. Ledges which snow
gold standing out in chunks aro no
rarity in this district.
The neighboring district of Mt.
Reuben is a mine producer. Hero
aro located the Gold Bug, the Palm
er, the Copper Stain and others of
note. The ledges of this district are
generally of good strong bodies and
continuous values.
The Galico district has two of the
biggest gold copper propostious in
the west, the Almeila and the Big
Yuuk. A numb) r of excellent copper
prospects have been brought to light
in this district in recent years, while
gold producing ledges are numerous
and Include, such well known proper-
The First National Bank
$50,000 OO.
ties as the Golden Wedge, the Sugar
Pine and tho Lost Flat all of which
have a record for amazingly rich
Mt Baldy, just south of Grants
Pass, is the apex of a rich mineral
Sold which extends sooth and east
from that point, embracing the
Murphy, Williams and Missouri Flat
districts. This country 11 prolific
in gold bearing ledges, and the rich
specimens of qnartz gold which occur
in muuy of the gulches give promise
of yet greater finds to be made, in the
The Waldo distrit is becoming
famous for its magnificent veins of
copper and here is located the first
big saiolter of Southern Oregou. This
district is rich also in gold beating
rock and though oue of the oldost
mining districts of the conuty, it yet
offerB a mont inviting field to the
propsector. The same is true of the
Josephine and Canyon creek district.
Tho Pry Diggings, Jones rroek
aud Bloody Run form a district small
in area but large in possibilitiy. A
great deal of gold has been taken from
these mountains aud there is more re
maining to be found.
The Loose creek did riot is the
location of the Granite Hill, a mine
that is rapid ly becoming famous as
one of the best in the state. Other
good lodges have been discovered, are
awaiting development to be made into
The neighboring district of Jump
off-Joe embraces among its properties
the Lucky Queen, the Baby, the Oro
Fiuo' and others. This district has
produced specimen gold in quantity
and there U plenty of good prospect
ing within its borders.
The lower Illinois, Briggs croek,
Silver creek and Chotco are almost
virgin ground to the prospector for
quartz, while tho still more remote
regions of Iudigo and Colo Collier
creeks aro a - terra incognita lu that
respect. On both the latter creeks,
nn live copper has been found while
Silver creek has produced pieces of
nearly pure uutive tin of which the
sourcu has never been found.
Tho mild climate aud beautiful
scenery, with thn abundance of water
aud timber, makes a prospecting trip
in any part of Southern Oregon a
delightful outing and (he chances of
success are not surjuiHsed in any min
ing country of the continent.
A. M. Keating Writes an Interesting Description of His
Trip to tho Frozen North.
TK Roar of Dropping Stamps
Reminds One of Distant
Gavel to Be Vsy) by Presiding
Officer Mining Congress.
With commendable
Mr. David Linn has
provide a gaval fot
presiding 0 Ulcers of
public spirit,
undertaken to
the use of the
the National
lieceive deposits subject to check or on certificate payable on demand.
r sight drafts on New York Nan Francisco, ana Portland.
telegraphic Iriinslers soiil on all points In me initeu Males.
Special Attention given t) Collections and general business of our customers.
Collection made throughout Southern Oregon, and on all accessible points.
K. A. ItOOTH. Pres.
J. C. CAMI'HKLL. Vice Pres.
11. L. 01LKKY, Cashier
J. B. PADPOCK, Pboi b.
i am prepfred to furnish anything in the line of Cemetery work in any kind
Nearly thirty years of experience in the Marble holiness warrants my saving
that I can till your orders in the very best manner.
fan f'lrnish work in Scotch, Swede or American Granite or any kind cl
Ma,be J. B. PADDOCK,
front Sirrrt Next to Greene's Gnnahnp.
...Newell Bros. Racket Store...
TiiII'm lCiiildiutf, Nix Hi Street
In all the latest styles.
Light Weight Summer Corsets.
Men's Working Gloves..
rvi:vv 1:1 imos.
Mining Congress that is to be held
in Portland, August 20 and 21st, that,
is to have an historical significance.
Tho wood for tho gavel, Mr. Lluu
secured from a rumzanita that grew
in Rich gulch, which is located in
the south part ot Jack so uville, and
which is famous in the history of
the gold discoveries on the Pacific
toast as tho place where the first big
find oi gold was made in Oregon and
which caused the rush to Southern
Oregon in the winter of lhTl-u2 and
which continued lor several years
until there were thousands of miners
scattered over this section of the
state. Mr. Linn sent tho wood to
Portland Monday to his son Fletcher
Linn, who is president of the Oregon
Fnrnitore Compmy, who will have
it turned and finished in his factory,
The gavel is to be encircled by a gold
baud on which will bo enrgaved an
inscription stating the place from
which ths wood and the gold of
which it is niade was obtained. The
gold for the band will be from Rich
gulch, weru miuiug is yet carried on
in a small way, the money to pur
chase it of tho miners being supplied
the Jacksonville beard oi trade.
Mr. Linn is a Jacksonville pioneer
gf IB.") 2 but never has mined though
he haa always taken uiu h iutcrets
in the .development of the industry
aud he considers the presenting of a
historical gaval to the National
Mining Congress where will gather
leading mining men from all parts of
the United States a splendid op
portunity to advertiso the mineral
resources of Southern Oregon. Jak
snuvillo Sentinel.
Asbestos Mining.
Asbestos niiuing is by means of
open cu:s aud shallow tunnels, as a
rulo. Asbestos mines are all shallow,
and it is understood that It does not
pay to follow the mineral to much
depth. In opon-cnt mining, the
mineral rook is blasted out aud the
asbetsos removed from the gangue by
the process known as coobing, which
means the breaking away of the
fibrous mat'trla! from the walls of the
vein or from other iurgedlents by the
use of hammers. The asbestos is then
assorted into grades, these depending
upon their length, fineness and flexi
bility of fiber.
cleared; 15 acres in alfalfa; 100
Good water right, and good honse
Orchard with all varieties of fruit.
No. 245. 2()0 arret; 140 acres
acres in graiu; 2h acres in pasture,
nf nine rooms. Barn 40 X 80 feet.
Price.l.HJ per acre.
No. 244. M acres; good water right; no improvement. Must be
sold soon. t ai.h VML
No. 223. lflO aores stout 13 miles from the city. Good house cot
about $ICU About 600,000 feet of good saw timber. Will sell for
Stop pa Tin j rent $10 down aud f"j a month will purchase a lot in
almost any portion of ttlie city.
Call on or address
Headquarter for Real Rotate.
Office on E Street, between Fourth and Fifth Street,
Tdktn With Cramps
Win. Kirinso, a member of the
bridge gaug working near Liltlepo't
was taken suddenly ill Thursday
night with cramp aud a kind of
cholera, i lis case was so severe that
he had to have the members of the
crew wait oion him and Mr. Gifford
was called aud consulted. Ho told
them he had a medicine in the form
of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera aud
Diarrhoea Remedy that he thought
would help him out and accordingly
several doses were administered with
the resalt that the fellow was able
to bo around next day. The incident
speaks unite b it j? ly of Mr. Gilford's
medicines. Elkador, Iowa, Argus
This remedy oever fails. Keep it in
vour home, it may save life. For
tale by all druggists.
I When bilious take Chamberlain's
Stomach and Liver Tablets. For aile
! by all druggists.
State of Ohio, City of Toledo, I
Lucas County. i '
Frank J. Cneney makes oath that
he is senior partner of the firm of F
J. Cheney & Co., doing buisuesa in
the City of Toledo, Comity and State
aforesaid, and that said firm will pay
tho sura of ONE HUNDRED DOL
LARS for each aud every case of
Catarrh that cannot be cored by the
us of Hull's Catarrh Cure.
Sworn to before mo and subscribed in
my preseu.-e, this 6th day of Decern'
her, A. D. ISMi.
(Seal.) Notary Public
Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken in
ternally, and acts directly on tho
blood aud mucous surfaces of the sys
tem. Send for testimonials free.
F..J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo. O.
Sold Dy all Druggists, "Ac. Take
Hall's Family Pills for constipation
Gold has never been found absolute
ly puc, it being always alloyed with
silver in more or less amounts. The
gold of Mount Morgan, Queensland, is
very pure, and from there the purest
gnld ever known was extracted, It
containing 'M. 7 per rent of gold and a
trace of silver. The gold of Califor
nia rarely exceeds SW per cent in
parity and that of Australia averages
about 14 per cent. The gold of
Alaska runs aliout 90 per cent pure.
Gold from North Carolina has run as
high as If, pare and some gold Irom
Nova Scotia, showed the great purity
of W per cent. The so-called white
gold found sparingly in southern
Arizona i an alloy of gold, In which
silver largely predominates, or 20
parts silver to 4 of gold. The gold
coins of the United States contain l
parts of gnld to 1 of ropper, and those
of Great Britain, II parts gold to I of
copper. Mining World.
Puts an End t II All.
A grievous wail oftimes comes as
a'result of unbearable pain from over,
taxed organs. Dizziness, backache,
liver complaint and constipation.
But thanks to Dr. King's New Life
Pills they pet an end to it all. They
are gentle but thorough. Try them.
Only 2.". Guaranteed by National
Drug Store and Grants Pass Pharmacy.
A. M. Eeatiug, who left here some
time ago in company with V. II.
Hamptou to take a position with the
Jualpa Miuiug Company of Junea,
Alaska, lias written as follows to
friends in this city, ronceruiugg his
I arrived in Juanea, after a very
pleasant trip. Iwonld like to be
ab lo to describe the picturesque
beauties of the scenery along the
steamboat route, but words fail uie
when I attempt it aud am afraid my
vacabulary is inadequate to do it full
Justice, as from the time you loave
Seattle, until ycur arrival at Junea,
it is a scries of panoramic, surprises,
startling iu their varied beauty aud
grandeur reminding oue mora of some
projectoscopio entertainment, thau
an actual every day sight, changing,
as it does, from the fairy liko scenery
of the Pngct Sound Islands to the
harsh, nlujost threatening ruggedness
of tho Alaskan shores and mountains.
Tlie route with two exceptions (the
Straits of Fuca aud Queen Char
lotte Sound) lies between the main
land aud the Ishtuds that paiallel it,
aud it is nioro like taking a trip 011
some laud locked canal than on the
"broad Pacific. " At times it becomes
so narrow, that 0110 could easily
throw a stone from the steamer duck
to either shorn, aud although, to a
landsman, it looks perfectly safo for
any kind of a boat, I noticed on
several occasions that our pilot stop
ped tho Bteamor and let it drift idly
around, waiting for the tide to raise
or fall before euteritig snmo of the
passages as It attains tietneudous
rapidity as it forces its way through
aud sad is tho fate of Ihu brat that
gets caught 'In any of thoin, which
fact I saw beautifully aud vividly
exauiplifled by the skeletons of sevorul
lying on the rods that, through the
ignorance or daring of their captains
ventured to pass through when the
tido was at its most dangerous stage.
After leaving Vitcoria aud skirting
along the shores of Vancouver's
Island, tho scenery changes to a more
solid and rugged kind, thn earth be
comes solidified and everything is
rock and rocky; tho vegetation as
sumes a new character, the fir and
pine have given place to thn more
hardy spruce and cedar and instead
of soil and grass covering tho forma
Hon, it now has a blanket of moss
and ferns ol several colors and
On both shores aro chains of snow
capped mountains with here and there
a lofty peak which rears its hoary
head into the regions of the clouds, as
if a sentinel guarding our waterway,
a id all, strange to say, hac(l like
the Cow's Horn of the Cascude range
iu Eastern Oregou.
Every now aud then along the route
can lie seen small villages, principally
iuhabited by a sturdy class of fisher
men, who earn their dally bread by
working for somu cannery, built in
some sequestered nook, among the
rocks near tho mouth of sonio river
and is only visited occasionally by
some small steamer with supplies,
which gets in return a loud of can
ned salmon as a cargo.
meroial value as gems, on acconnt
of their opaqueness; on the docks
were several (ons of them, boxed op
ready for shipment to the St. Louis
Junea is built iu a cove aud is pro.
tected on the north and east by high
mountains. The south and west
facing on tho harbor j it is a cosmo
politan town of about 4000 people and
is a very busy burg. The stiees are
very uarrow and almost all planked,
every Saturday afternoon they have a
couple of men flood them with water
throcgh a hoso attached to the
hydrants, and wash the accumulated
dirt of tho week into the harbor, so
they always present a cleanly ap
pearance, at least on Sundays.
Living is liig'i, compared to Ore
gon. House rent Is also elevated,
houses of any sine routing from '-'5
per month nr.; ooal, which is the
principal fuel, retails at $13.50 per
ton, ordinary board and room costs
13.50 per day and other things iu
proportion. They play every new
arrival for a sucker aud bleed him to
their hearts content, when he, be
coming wise, retaliates by getting
even on some other and later sucker.
This is, so to speak, the gateway of
Southeastern Alaska; all boats for
Skagway and northern ports stop
hero in passing, which leaves con
sldornhle money in the place, bat the
main source of revenue are the mines,
which surround ns 011 all sides, aud
which aro working and being develop
ed, sonio are very rich and oil the
largo order, a lead that won't keep,
at least, 40 stamps dropping, is looked
npou as insignificant.
Douglas Island, which is separated
from tho mainland by a uarrow
channel, lies southeai-t of Junea, and
the two towns of Douglas and Tread
well, thereon, distant about 1,'y aud
two miles respectively, are in full
view, likewise the notorious "Glory
Hole" commonly called tho Slaughter
house, on acconut of tho number of
men that got killed therein, is also
in plain sight, aud la more like an
Immense stouo quarry than a mining
stopu. The roar of the stamps as they
full can bo distinctly heard and at
this distance, sounds like the con
tinunus rumhlo of distant thunder
They are at present dropping 000.
Wo havo had several sunny days
sinio arriving hero, but Alskan
weather is a subject that it doesu't
pay to dwell on.
Mall steamers from Heat tin arrive
hero about every four days, so, al
though the news in the pauvrs is
slightly stalo, still, considering where
wu are, and tho distance. It might be
worse. Wo also have telegraphic
communication with tho outside, and
the Juneau dailies of which we have
two, publish the associated press dis
Tho Juulra Co's pluecr mining
claims that we aie opening, aril just
over a ridge, that divides Junea from
(iold creek, and are only l(i minutes
walk from the renter of the town.
Tho company have a basin formed by
a big mountain slide of about 100
acres iu area and of unknown depth
us so far no one has succeeded in
reaching bedrock ; it. is tupiod by a
tunnel 1HD0 feet long, which taps
the gravel at 1)0 feet from the snrrare,
and which is flumed from mouth to
I upraise and Is thu outlet for tho.baHin.
Furniture Items
that are
Something new always to be found in this immense stock.
The largest assortment and the lowest prices.
CARPET REMNANTS We're closing out
short pieces off.
LACE CURTAINS, 45c to $6.50 pair closing
out some numbers off.
per cent off.
io and 12-piece Toilet Sets at cost to close out.
Another lot of those cheap Iron Beds.
See the new Dressing Bureaus, beautiful
goods; ihey're right.
See the new BufTett China Closets, New
Carpets, New Kitchen Treasurer New
Porch Chairs, Camp Chairs, Hammocks
75c up to $6 00.
Camp Stoves at cost to close.
Tents Lower Than Ever.
Ue Ware that Wears
Lava Enamelled Ware
our latest importation stands today without a rival in '
point of quality, style and finish; made from heavy
steel rolled especially for the purpose; covered on the
outside with 3 heavy coats of very hard elastic en
amel and on the inside with PURE white PORCE
LAIN. We guarantee this ware to be free from lead,
antimony or arsenic We guarantee every piece.
You will be pleated with the reasonable prices.
Wall Papers Another Big consignment just received;
beautiful designs, exquisite colorings.
The stcck is carried right here for immediate delivery.
Call and let us show you the largest line in Southern
Oregon no trouble, we'll be pleased to. Get the
prices on these goods delivered in your house. East
ern freight rates are deceptive. Free paste with all
J3hQ Housefurnlshers
Grants Pass. - Oregon.
imlnatl r f Applicants
Stat and C unlv Paper.
Here, and there, tiny Indian villages Wo have commenced cleaning the
can b) seen nestling in some rove at right of way for a li'iOO foot ftumo,
tho foot of some lofty mountain as if -y feet wide aud 10 feet deep to
extra water in the rreeks
and carry it below too diggings. we
their Mission church and other build
ings usually all painted a snow white,
making a pretty picture with the
imploring its protection from the cold ; handle thn
musts or wimcr ovcriooscii it)
green of the foliugo as a background.
After passing tho lirltish possess
ions and entering Alasku, tho towns
present a larger and more prosperous
apM'arauce and tho apathy cf the
Englishman has given place to the
restless rustle of the Yankee again
we are under the "Slurs and Htris:s. "
Ketchikan is the first Alaskan
town of any size we stop at; It is a
plare of about 1MH) inhabitants and
has a saw mill, cannery, several
stores and resi dunces, thn balance of
the buildings being saloons. Like
all the towns on this const, it is
principally boilt on piles over the
tide flats, and is surrounded by iwr
pellicular cliffs, that threaten to top
ple over at any time and crush it out
of eiistencn. The licit place we
touched at was Fort VYrongln, near
the month of tho 8tickee.11 river; it
also is a tido flat town, but of
greater area thau Ketchikan and if
about thn same population, made up
of whites, half breed and Indian";
here we first got a good look at the
famous "Totem Holes" of th Alaskan
Indians, as there are a great number
all around the town. Tho poles are
about 20 feet high, by two in
diameter, aud are strangely and
grotempaclv carved, each pole portray
ing the history of thn family It be
longs to. The carvings arn of ravi ns,
frogs, lizaids, bears, fishes, etc,
wonderfully and cleverly executed,
each figure, having soinn history at
tached to it, but so far. I have not
the interpretation thereof, so cannot
give yon any of it in this letter
Near the mouth of tho Htlckceu river
is situated a largo tank of garnets,
which are embedded in a sort of
sandstone, some of them being marly
as large as hens egfs, and of a brown
ish red color, very beautiful when
polished, but having very little com-
Hinion & Cobel Have tx Sue-
are going to put in a dam ut the head
of the basin 'MM) feet long and 25 feet
high, also numerous other improve
ments, which will mean the riipeu-
diture of a largo amount of money as
labor and everything else is high in
this country. Tho commonest labor
er gets from ft.OO to 1.60 s;r day
and skilled mechanics from t to tS.
Ho it will tukn several yards of gravel
to pay for opening up the"I-ut
CIiiiiico. " Uesides thu planer prop
erty, this company havn quartz claims
mar tho head cf tiold Creek, that
wo are going to develop as soon as we
get the placers under way.
Wo havo got our main ofltce iu a
private residence in town, where W.
II. Hampton rooms, and we use the
front room in the housn I have rented
for a drafting and pay ofllce.
Renders the biln more fluid aud thus
helps the blood to flow; it affords
prompt relief from biliousness, indi
gestion, sick and nervous headache.
and thn over-Indulgence in food and
drink HerbiriH acts quickly, a dose
after meal will bring the patient into
a good condition in a few days.
(I. h. Caldwell, Agt. M. K. and T.
It. II., Checotah. Iud. Ter., writes,
April IS, IWKI: "I was sick for over
two years with derangement of thn
liver and spleen. The doctors did me
no good, and I had given up all hojsi
of being cured, when my druggist
advised mo to nso Horblno. It has
made mo sound and well. " W) cen's
at Model Drug Store.
Notlca is lioreby given that the
conuty superintendent of Josephine
Comity will hold the regnlnr exami
nation of applicants for State and
county Pamirs at Urauts .Pass, as
Commencing Wednesday, August
10, at nine o'clock a. in., and con
tinning until Saturday, August 13, at
four o'clock p. m..
Wodnoiday Penmanship, history,
spoiling, algebia, school-law.
Thursday Written arithmetic,
theory of teaching, grammar, book
keeping, physics, civil government.
Friday I'hyslology, geography, men
tal arithmetic, composition, physical
Saturday Rotany, plane geometry,
general history, English literature,
Commencing Wednesday, August 10,
at U o'clock a. in., and continuing un
til Friday, Angust 11, at 4 o'clock
p. in.
Wednesday Penmanship, history,
orthography, reading.
Thursday Written arithmetic,
theory nf teaching, grammar, physiol-
Fridav UeographT, mental arith
metic, school law, civil government.
Wednesdnv Penmanship, orthog
raphy, reading, arithmetic.
Thursday Art oi questioning,
theory of teaching, methods, physi
County Superintendent
Chvkra Infantum.
This diseaie baa lost its terrors
since Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera
and Diarrhoea Knruedy came iuto
great Stomach, liver and Kidney
regulator. Only 60c. Satisfaction
guaranteed by Natioual Drug Store
and Grants Pass Pharniary.
J. A. Cobel of the firm of Hentoa
A Cobel, minors of Silver creek, was
in town Friday and Saturday. Ifr.
Cobel brought in a half pint bottle
of Silver oreea gold from lilt placer
olalms. It is exceptionally handsome
gold, the pieces ranging in value from
10 cents to I. Besides this Mr. Oobe
carried a collection of nuggets, 14 1a
number, aggrtgtaiug over 150 In
value. The largest was a 4S piece
aud three others weighed over an
ounoe. The whole amount It a por
tion of the Anal clcaunp for tho
season jnst past.
Ilensou A Cobel have several claims
on Silver creek above the big basin
aud have a first class small hydraallo
nuipuieut. This year they have bad
a very prosperous ran. The gold It of
superior quality and nets over I8 to
the ounce. It it very smooth and
heavy channel gold.
Cares Sciatica.
Ruv. W. L. Riley, L. L. D.. Cuba,
New York, writes: "After IS days
of excruciating pain from sclatio
rheumatism, under varions treatments,
I was induced to try Ballard's Snow
Liniment ; the first application giving
my first relief and the second entire
relief. I can give It unqualified rec
ommendation." 3fio, 60c, 11.00, at
Model Drug Store.
County Tree-surer'a Nolle.
There are funds in the treasury to
pay all warrants protested to Jamary
In, 18UU. Interest will cease from
this date.
July 2H, IDOL
Treasurer ot Josephine Co., Ore.
Do You Wish
the Finest Bread
It is conceded that Royal
Baking Powder is purest and
strongest of all baking pow
ders,absolutely free from alum,
ammonia and every adulter
ant "Royal" makes the best
and most wholesome food.