Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927, July 28, 1904, Image 3

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One pound of English Breakfast
One pound Japan Tea Dust
Evaporated Cream (Oregon Grape)
Fancy full cream cheese per pound . . .
ENERGY, (like Grape Nuts) per pkg . . . . " 10 cents
McLarens Imperial Cheese, Roqufort, after dinner cheese, etc.
All Kinds of Canned Lunch Goods.
v Cold Boiled Ham, Kept on Ice.
The White House Grocery.
Thei'ij Is Pleasure
In Camping Out
When you have a well assorted camp outfit.
We can help you to the pleasure, as we have
just received a new stock of Camp Stoves,
Reflector Ovens, Hunters Axes, etc, If you
are froing cum ping, give us a call.
Cramer Bros.
Odd Fellows Block.
Mason Fruit Jars
1-2 Gallon 1.10
Grants Pass,
No danger of marring the paint on the wheels.
No delay. The entire job requires but 30 minutes.
We handle -all sizes up to 4 x "i.
Come and see our new machine work.
TRIMBLE (SL COOK, BlacRsmiths.
With Its companions, heart born,
flatulence, torpidity of (lie liver, con
stipation, palpitation of the heart,
poor blood, headache and other ner
vous symptoms, sallow skin, fool ton
gue, offensive breath and a legion of
other ailments, is at once the most
widespread and destructive malady
among the American people. The
Herbine treatmnt will core all these
troubles. 50c bottle at Model Drug
As it has pleased our Lord and
Master to remove from oor midst our
beloved Sir Knight Henry Thornton
M that Celestial Temple Above,
As we deejly deplore the loss of
our good brother and faithful worker,
therefore, be it
Resolved. That we extend oar
ht.utf. lt sympathies to the bereaved
family aua commend them to Him,
who can heal and comfort all who
Be It further resolved that tbese
resolutions be spiral on our minute
and a copy of them handed to the
family aud published in oar city
Fraternally yoors.
A Four Quart Covered
Milk Pail and 5 Pound
of Chase & Sanborn's
Blended Coffee for $1.20.
25 cents
to cents
10 cents
20 cents
per dozen
u 0
$100 Reward, JI00. '
' The readers of this paper will be
pleased to learn that there is at leant
one dreaded disease that science has
been able to cure in all its stages,
and that is Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh
Cure is the only positive care now
known to the medical fraternity.
Catarrh being a constitutional disease,
requires, a constitutional treatment
Hall'i Catarrh Cure is taken inter
nally, acting directly upon the blood
and mucous surfaces of the system,
thereby destroying the foundation of
the disease, and giving the patient
strength by building up the constitu
tion and assisting nature in doing its
work. The proprietor! have so much
faith in its curative powers that they
offer One Hundred Dollars for any
case that it fails to cure. Send for
list of testimonials. Address
P. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O.
Sold by all druggists. 70c.
Tate Hall's Family Pills for con
Hew. I Lstale Transfers.
Jennie J. Moss and Joseph Mow to
W. W. Law ton. the E. bait of the N.
W. quaru-r of the N. E. quarter of sec
tion 21, township 39 south, range 0
J. L. Gault to Joseph A. Wharton,
lota i and 6, block 8. O. T. 8.
The above sales were made through
the Real Estate Agency of Jo. Mosr.
People e.s They Come txnd Go
From Day to Day
Elmer JHtchell arrived this week
from Iowa.
Mrs, M. C. H. Day visited at Cen
tral Point, returning home Monday.
Mrs. Clyis. Rummage aud two child
ren are visit'ng the family of B. V.
Frank Colemau returned to his
home at Phoenix after visiting at
Mrs. E. E. Dnnbar spent Sunday in
Grants Pass aud left for Colestiu
A. Letcher, with fau-ily, returned
Suuday night from Tillnmook and
John Ruuzan made a business trip
Wednesday to Albany, Salem aud
A. U. Bauuard returned Saturday
from Boswell springs somewhat im
proved To health.
J. Pardee went to Colestiu Thurs
day to spend a week or more camping
with his family.
Tho George Riddle family weut to
Colestiu last week, to camp during
the hot weather.
Mr. and Mrs. K. Adkins and
daughter left last Voducsdtiy for
Woodborn to reside.
Miss Murgartt Shuck arrived from
Gold Buy Tuesday uiglit to assist in
the Clcvenger gallery.
H. J. Barton, staff representative
of the Mining Reporter, visited
Grants Pass this week.
Alfred Harris and family and Miss
Mabel Turner went to Newport last
Wednesday for a few weeks.
Mrs. Dr. Flanagan, Winifred Flana
gan, and Miss Anna Slurgreiter go to
Colestiu Thursday for several weeks.
The Uuion services last week were
hold at tho Presbyterian church.
Rev. J. W. Neeley preaching the
Miss Alice Smith of this place has
b en engaged as third teacher in the
Gleudale schools, to have cliargo of
tno second room.
Mrs. W. A. Ilemenway, Misses Sus'e
aud Margaret Baunard left Wednesday
morning for Colestiu, where they will
enjoy camp life for several weeks.
Mrs. M. A. Loiigeneeker and Miss
Graeo Hays left for Portlaud Thurs
day. Mrs. Loiigeneeker will visit
friends at other points bei'tiro return
ing. S. W. Forbes of Browutown, came
in Monday. He was injured a few
days before, . whil) taking down a
shed, a portion of the roof falling on
Mrs. Moon left for Portland Friday
evening, from lucre sue win go to
Idaho to visit a sister and then return
to Portland for a visit with her sou
Mrs. E. P. Mets and daughters,
Miesss Lena and Lula of P irtlnud,
visited the Alex Mitchell family
several days. They went to Alsea
Miss Anita War, who has been visit
ing at the home of her grand parents,
Mr. and Mrs. K. B. Jlaiier, went to
Gervais Wednesday to spend somo time
visiting with an aunt.
Dr. Flanagan has gono to Marsh-
field to dedicate the new Masouic
temple of Blanco lodge A. F. & A. M.
6u Saturday evening Mr. Flanagan
Is Deputy Grand Master for the state
of Oregon.
Win. Van Doru came in from the
Sucker creek country lust week and
reports that he struck a threo foot
ledge of quartz, showing free gold.
Tho ledge is near the Cannon mine
and aliout forr miles from the Briggs
place. ,
H.C.Telford left for Colestiu last
Thursday and Ray Telford on Tuesday
after building a residence for Misses
Hattie nnd Emma Telford. The H,
C. Telford family will soon leave
Colestiu for Klamath Fulls to make
their home.
Fred Smith, Frederick Schmidt,
Claode Trimble and Claude Williams
returned Saturday from a very sue -cessful
hunting trip in the mountains
nenr West Fork. They killed seven
bucks aud aro now serving their
friends with jerked venison.
C. R. Wright nnd G. A. Wood
visited Grants Pass last week in the
interest of th Astoria Regatta,
which is to be held August 24, 21, 2
There are fiUo0 iu priz s offered and
the affair promises to be the greatest
of all events to take palce on the
R. L. Coe and II. L. Gilkcy started
out beforo the roosters were awake
Monday morning bnuud for tho Suck
er creek gold fields. At Holland they
will be joined by Mi l Gates and the
three will ("ml tho week trumping
over the hills.
They will also visit i
the Briggs claim.
Geo. Trimble returned to Grants
Pass Saturday after spending four
months at tho Good Samaritan hospit
al at Portland, recovering from a
broken leg. The injury was received
at Comstock by falling backward
from tho tender to the ground. It
will be several months beforo George
will be ready for work again.
Frauk Campbell arrived in Grants
Pass last week from New Mexico and
will remain for some time in South
ern Oregon. Hu report hard times in
the irrigation districts of that terri
tory, the snow fall of last winter
having been insufficient to supply th
ranches with water and the farmer!
along the Kio Grande have lost nearly
their whole crop. Mr. Campbell is a
miner aud is iuti-r'sted in our miner
al field.
G. W. Johnson of the Williams
burg Mining Co., returned to Grants
Pan Monday from a trip to the
Idaho gold fields. While there he
vnit'd one camp that had 16 horses
which they were feeding hay at f 110
per ton and oats at 5 cents per pound.
The snows were unusually deep'
aud provisions were scarce and almost j
impossibl- to pack auytlnng Into the
district Ho is well satisfied with
Southern Oregon as a mining section
and as a place to live.
Representing Allen & Cllbert-Ra
maker Co. of Portland, Ore.
Our Mr. Ward will niaintaiu his
residence in Grants Pasa permmient'y
from now on. That is if yon will let
him. A share of the piano and organ
busiuess of ibis and contiguous ter
ritory enable os to keep him here;
aud residents of this a ction will be
benefitted In having a competent and
reliable salesman aud tuner always ou
hand when wanted,
lie is employed on a straight salary
aud is instructed by us to sell strictly
at Portland prices not a cent more.
To treat everyone fairly and to build
up a repntatiou for 01 and oor goods.
He will handle our Portland lino cf
instruments. In pianos he will have
tho Kaabo, Everett, Stuck, Hardman,
Packard, Fischer, Ludwig, Vose &
Sons, Couover, Cable, Hamilton,
Wellington & Kingsbury. In organs
he will sell the Packard, Estey aud
Chicago Cottage.
As large a Bauiple line as nocessary
for satisfactory choioe will be fouud
at the Grants Pass Musio House in
Odd Fellows Block, Allen & Gilbert
Ramaker Co., P. O. Box 394.
Grants Pass was well represented at
Chantnuqna. Many of our people
remaining throughout the session,
while others were there ouly a day or
two. The entire number frcm here
was something over 30.
Tho closiug number of tho Chautau
qua seasou was the renaitiou or tne
oratorio "The Holy City" under the
direction of Prof. I. M. Glen, who
held the voices of Ills chorus, as it
were, at tnn end of his baton, while
the music held the audience entranced.
The high order of the musio and
the degree of excellence with which
it was rendered, speaks well for the
musical talent of Southern Oregon and
of the ability of Prof. Glen as direct
or. Thero were 110 voices iu the chorus
and 10 instruments in the orchestra.
The soloists were Mrs. Walter Reed,
of Portland, contralto; Miss Eva L
Stinson, of Eugene, soprano; Chas.
Trowbridgo of San Joso, Cal., tenor;
Prof. I. M. Glen, baritone; Earl Ab
bott, of Ashland, bass.
Shooting Stick.
Stock shooting in tho Applegate
country is going too far. Last year
quite a number of head of cattle were
shot and alretdy this year several
head of stock have l.eeu wantonly kill
ed, the result probubly, of spitowork.
About n month ago J. W. York
lost a talnnblu cow and later the
carcass, minus the boll, was found iu
the woods. Tho bell had been taken
off and carried away. Mr. York
offers a reward of 100 for the arrest
and ceiuvictiou of tho guilty parties.
Keener Johnson's Body Found
The btdy of Keener Johnson, who
was drowud in Rogne river Suuday,
July 17, was fouud Saturday night
floating on the surface about two
miles below where the young man
was drowned. Tho river had been
thoroughly dragged previously but no
trace of the body could bo found.
Tho funeral services wero held
Sunday afternoon and the interment
was made iu the Granite Hill
cemetery. The deceased was a mom
ber of Court Josephine, Foresters of
One Lidy s Recommendation Sold Fifty Boxei
of Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver
I have, I believo, sold 50 boxes of
Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver
Tablets on the n commendation of one
lady here, who first bought a box of
them about a year ago. She never
tires of tolling her neighbors and
friends about the good qualities of
these tablets. P. M. Shore, druggist,
Rochester, lml. lhe pleasant purga
tive effect of theso tablets makes them
a favoritn with ladies everywhere.
For sale by all druggists.
Piano Tuning.
J. M. Waid, salesman and. tuner
for Allen & (Jilbert-Haniaker Co. of
Portland, Oregon, has settled iu
Grunts Pass with his family and
solicits orders from nnvone desiring
first class work. A special rate will
be mudo to all who enroll their names
on a list to be mudo up by September
1st, work to bu done when desired by
This is a good opportunity to
keep a compitent tuner in the com
munity. There would be 10 deulys or
annoyances could one always be had
when needi d. Address Grants Pass
Mil mo House.
Brutally Tortured.
A case came to light, that for per
sistent aud unmerciful tori urn ha
perhaps never been equaled. Joe
Golohick of Colusa, CaL, writes:
' For 1.") years I endured Insufferable
pa in from rheumatism and nothing
relieved me though 1 tried everything
known. 1 came across r.iectrio nil-
earth for that troutile. A few bottles
of it completely relieved and cured
me." Only AOc. Satisfaction guaran
teed by National Drug Store aud
Grants Puss Pharmacy.
W. O. Wright, Grants Pa, Ore.
(iold and Silver, tl ; Cupper, l ; Fire
or Electrolytic.
Bids Wanted.
Rids wanted at once at Mountain
Lion mine, for delivering aK cords
wood. For further information apply
room 11, Masouic building.
July 20, VM4, to Mr.
Lister, a daughter.
and Mrs.
Ore ,
E. 11.
SMITH LIGHT Huuila), July 17,
l'.'4, H. Roy Smith and Mis Ruby
Light, of Placer.
Palace hotel, Wednesday, July 21,
i'M, Joseph L. Roberts and Ger
trude Obeuchain, both of Josephine
lin, Wednesday, Jely 20, !!, K.I
waid Savage aud Augeline liar
! riugtoo.
Fl'LMER At (irants Pasa, Friday,
July 22, I'M, Alma Albe.-ta, daught
er cf Mrs. Mary I. Fulmcr, aged 4
years, II months and IS days.
Brief Notes end Item of Interest
e-nd Importance
Dr. Flanagan,
Physician and Dentist
Goto Coron tor Plnmbing.
Garland Stoves at Cramer Bros.
M. Clement, proscription Druggist.
Have O. O. Lund saw your wood.
U try a Blue Ribbon, 5-ceut cigar.
Prospectors' ou tilts at Cramer
Eros. '
Talking Machines and Records at
Hatumccks 2.1 per cent discount
at Cramer Bros.
A splendid line of Hoyal Charter Oak
Ranges at Coron 't
Pattern's Suu Proof Paint sol 1 only
by Cramer Bros.
Lota iu tho Ireland & Meade addi
tion ou easy terms.
Plates and Films developed and
printed at Clcvenger's.
Winchester & Marliu Rifles iu all
calibers at Cramer Bros.
Yonr credit is good wi li Ireland &
Meade, if you buy a lot uow.
Waterman's Ideal Fountain Pens
from $3.50 up at Crnmer Bros.
Tho right kind of Fishing Tackle
for Rogno rivir at Cramer Bios.
Amateur Photo work promptly and
carefully attended to at Clevonger's.
Don't fail to sen the new line of
Diamond and opal rings at Letcher's.
New line of ladies nnd gentlemen's
solid gold watch chains at Letcher's
Jewelry store.
For a short time Ireland it Meade
will sell yon a lot for 10 down in id
!) per mouth.
Why pay. rent? I will sell ycu n
house and lot or a ranch ou easy pay
ments. E. L. Cass.
Ihe piano offer which wo aniioutio
ed some timo ago, is withdrawn ou ac
count of lack of interest.
;)8 buys an Iver Johnson, fitted
with heavy tread O. & J. tires and
Corbiu duplex brake, at Jud Taylor's.
When in need of a first class time
piece, yon make tho mistake of your
life if von go purchasing without get-
ting uiy prices. A. Letcher.
W. J. Smith, tho popular Selma
merchant, purchased a fine uow Estey
Organ cf the Grants Puss Music
House yesterday. It is a perfect
specimen of organ making, Mr.
Smith, and will bo 20 years from
now. There's no organ liko tho Estey.
Monarch ranges at Crnmer Eros.
U try a Blue.Jtibbon 6-ccnt cignr.
Buy 4 ft wood mid have Lund saw
It for you.
Threo Hundred Hop pickers wnntei'.
Apply to John P., Jr.
Camping parties will Hud just the
things they want at Cramer Bros.
Lincoln and Clurk Savage started
work with their threi-hiiig machine
outfit Monday near Medford.
Trimble. & Cook now cany n stock
of buggy anil back wheels in all
grades. The prices nro right.
If you are uot getting good shoes,
for your money, Try tho Red Star
Store, where good shoes nro sold.
School Superintendent Savage will
bo assisted iu the August examination
by Miss Astelln Goodiu and Prof. J.
P. McCounell.
The entire estate of S. F. Cass, and
all real estato belonging to K. L. Cuss
for salo ou easy terms. Call at my
office. Joseph Moss.
Uuion services will bo held next
Sunday evening at Newman M. E.
church. The seriuou will be given by
Rev. J. T. Ahbelt of Ashlnnd.
F. M. Slirader has bought the HUl
acre frnlt and stock ranch known lis
tho J. T. Solomon placo on Juinp-oiT-
Joo. Thero wero 20 head of cattle
included iu tho sule, which wns
inado through J. A. Turner.
Having received one of the latent
Improved New Century Engraving
machines ho are prepared to do ull
kinds of rngruving; goods bought
from us engraved free. Curtis & Co.,
Odd Fellows' Building, Grant Pass,
Who baskets, wire strainers ami
new nickel goods lit Cramer Bros.
Ask your dealer for Rogue River
Creamery Butter madii at Medford it
now .Vi cents x r two-pound, square
full wi ight.
A base! all game will lake place
uext Sunday at the A. A. C. griumls
between the A. A. ('. ball team ami
the Guiidalo team. It is expti tei
that the A. A. ('. boys will arrange a
game with Medford jccniid nine in
the near future.
The ej.iminatlol cf Jos. Williams,
suspected of the murder of Florence
Chapin, will probably he held this
week. District Attorney Reunns
sp:ut Mouday with tho prisoner and
a portion of Tuesday, endeavot iug to
ecu mi tome at i ti ini n t tohcnsidas
evidence or that will he us. ful in
funning a chain of evidence.
J. I Dewey, formerly of this city,
ha undergone the amputation of ho
left leg four inches above the knee
aud ha hud his left eye removed. He
is recovering bis health, not with,
standing tho awful siego hu has un
dergone. Many friends throughout
this section sympathise with him iu
his misfortunes. Glen. lain News.
One Estey organ left at Grants I'um
Music Houtc. Case 1 iu fancy oak.
Hu a high top and a handsome
mirror. Ha full atop arrangement
and extremely strong bellows. Double
thlt'knfi of the wind chest, too.
TL is organ I going to Is; sold cheap
a more new goods will bo rushed in
all the limn. There' going to be
lots doing in Estey nrgriui fir m now
on. P. O. Box .T.i I.
The work of trar.ijmrtlng the several
carloads of machinery for the Takil
ma Smelting Co. hit been carried on
rapidly and tne pluut will bu rcui'y
for oration about September I.
The boiler, eugiue and blower were
taken out some time ago and as the
building are completed, the work
now will consist ct installing the
furnace. Mr. Taylor, th machinist
of tho company arrived Monady.
Bring Your Wife Along
Women are the best judges of dress ,
their own or the Men's. They know a
good thing when they see it, and you
may rely firmly on their good judgment.
j jt j
Bring her with you, by all means,
let her help you select your Summer
clothes. She'll understand that "gen
uine goodness" ofaSch!. ss Art-Tailored
Suit, better, perhaps, thati you. How
ever, you are sure of good treatment
here, wether you bring her or not.
j j jt
The di flerence in the cost of a
Schloss-uiade Suit and that made by the
"merchant tailor" will be enough to
open her eyes to the possibilities for
money saving. Just think, we sell a
suit like either of those shown in the
picture at so little a price as
The "merchant tailor" would want
to charge $2$ for a suit not so good in
fit, style or quality. Here is a clear sav
ing of $12 50, which your wife can find
good use for iu adding to her own ward
robe, No wonder she is bent on break
ing you oi the "merchant tailor" habit.
This label on Schloss made clothes
is to protect the wearer It stands for
reputation, uniform excellence and up-to-dateness.
Outfitters to Particular People.
ltev. It. Tweed and family of
Woodvillo spent Wednesday evening
in town.
M. K Emerson left Wedncisudy
night for Italian!, Wash., to visit
his father.
Grants l'ass now aporl two automo
biles, .1. II. William bringing the
llrst on nnd 11. O. McCullocli receiv
ing one thin week.
K. E. Mason is building a new
store at Wolf Crock for Uuubar
Kuykcmlall, and also raising tho Wolf
Creek hotel to put ill underpiiilng.
Mrs. Dr. I'urker and family, Mr.
I Jr. Loughrldgo and daughter, Mrs.
Jordan, and Miss A 11 nut t a returned
last week from a trip to Cresceut City.
They report having had a very enjoy
ahln timo.
G. E. McManniis recuived a broken
shoulder at the Clrauile Hill mine last
week, caused by lining hit with a 7-lb
hammer hea.l, which flew off the han
dle while nil employee was hamuli ring.
The missile, was thrown 1ft feet or
more giving Mr. McMunnus a terrific
A. U Morris returuenil from Portland
Sun. lay, when) he has been III the in
terest of mining properties ill the
Surker creek country and also tho new
townsite Golden View city. The toWn
siio Is the only piece nl level ground
within 11 radius of several miles
from the strike.
Messrs Morn and Oonavati have
op. ne.l an olllce in Grants l'ass for
the purpose of hnndling mining prop
erties. They are interested iu a num
ber of leilgei which ruu high ill val
ue! and are of great extent. Mr. Mor
rii has already sent out a crew of men
to htart development work oil siimn of
l!ie properties.
l'ortlanil to the number of
1 or 15 passed through Wednesday
morning i nroute to Misson from which
point t1 1 y will go into camp at the
fool of Mt. Hhastu from which the us
cent will I1.1 11. a. !.) on Monday. They
will he jo'iied later on by others who
ui-!i to climb. A nuinler of inter
esting side trips Imvn been planned.
A hunting and llshlng party com
pond of ltev. I Jr. Gamble of I'ort-
I1111I, ltev. J. W. M Dougall, Hev. J.
V,'. Nn liy and Dr. Hndlcy started
f. r the woo s Mum lay evening.
The gent lenien bed a variety of ex-
perience for a part of which, Harold,
the horse is responsible. Their
frii ads are congratulating them on
the success of the hunt.
A. A. Wilder visiting agent of the
liovs' and GM' Aid Hoclety of Ore-
k'iii at i'ortland, I In the city look
ing after children placed out III
family hemes. Ifti state that there
are in the receiving home at Portland
a number of very desirable chi Idren,
Lev and girls, ranging iu age from
one to l 'i years, whu n I lie tonnage
110 lit is desirou of placing in gout!
family homes. 'I lieno are not way
ward boys or girls, but those who
through misfortune have become
we.rds of the society. Anjone de
siring such a boy or girl would con
fer a favor by making written ap
pi rat'ill to the BUs riuleuh lit, W.
I. Gui dner, when such application
will r. .eive immediate
Tree Sheet Music.
i n n copies of a opulur waltz aud
two step will bo given away as long
as Ihe supply hist. Ouly two copies
to a person. Your naiiiii gets the
music. Grant l'ass Music House,
Odd Fellows' lildg.
W. U. Wright, Grants l'ass, Ore.
Gold and Kllver, l ; Copcr, f 1. Fire
or Electrolytic.
"Drop in and let us talk it over."
A GOOD WATCH should bo cleaned at least
onco a yoar. Have you had yours cleaned
and regulated? I am preparod to do all kinds of
jewelry repairing at prices that aro right, and
guarantoo my work to give satisfaction.
Clemens' Drug Storo.
For rates and other Information
IttiMfrt S'let'J '8.t, 'JVS
Yon strike It rich when yon find 1 place where you can get
at Chicago and New York price. That's us. And we are uot discuss
ing shoddy, off grade good when we talk of meeting Eastern prloea.
There ia nothing here that i not roliablo aud worthy of guarantee
the goods that are a little bettor than other.doler can afford to sell at
the sariio price. Trying Is believing. Call at
I Vont Wtroct.
Earn Money
You Earn Money j&
Ilig Saving on Kadi Article Purchased.
Ladies' Shirt WuisU from 75c to $1.50 uow 50c
Ladies' Skirts $y 50 now $-50
" " 4 00 " . . 3.00
" 4-50 " 3-50
And all Summer Goods in Proportion.
New Department Store
White-IIcmcnway Co. Mgrs.
Fm 1 k
iF 1
1 a
address II. It. Cole, Colestiu, Ore.
, I 'I T ''. T i f 1 1 1 't t.X'if
OriiutM 1'iimh, Ore,