Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927, July 28, 1904, Page 2, Image 2

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Published Every Thursday.
Subscription Rates 1
One Year, in advance, . . l no
Hix Month, . . . -Tfcres
Months, ... .uj
hiugle Copieu, . - .16
Advertising Races
Furnished on applicaUon at the oflice, or
by mail.
Obituaries and resolutions jf nn
violence will be charged for at 5c tier line;
card ol thanks 50o.
NO. 2910 TAKE'? KIT,
A. E. VOOUL11ES, 1'Koi'ii. & Mnob
Entered at the pout oillce at Grants I'n-s,
Oregon, as second-class mail matter.
THURSDAY. JULY 28, loot.
Portland la now a "cloned" town.
tins condition JmriiiK been brought
about tu Imlf an liour by the sheriff,
Who went personally to all tlm gamb
ling liontex and ordered .them to
losu. Tim town will remain closed
until tlie authorities indulgo in nnotliiT
Ollicial dor.i). Tliu length of tiuio
beforu this happens probably depends
almost entirely ou public Kciitiment
and iti expression.
' It ih reported thut tlio dciiux-riitic
yice-prcsidenliul candidate, Henry
O. Davis is about to lie murr ed. He
loved tho lady in IiIh youth, lut lier
parent cibjut-ted to Iho mutcli bceuuso
lii) Bad no poor. Now lio in 8(1 yours
of ago and thti piospectivo bride in 71)
and the romance la about to bo cou
laiiiumled. Tho example of patience
in one which tho youth of ;iur hind
will not be too unxious lo follow.
Hit) week's reports conliiiu at least
two futilities uniting iho pleasure
seekers, a young lady drowned while
bathing at (Jiirdiiu rs and a liuuler
aidenlully shot with liissownguu
while flailing en the oaat fork of Ilia
Willunielto. The bunting season is
young yet pud tliero aro probably
several men in Ihu state who will be
"shut for dotr" bcfoio tlio suimner is
over. Tlio cureless huitcr should
rcineniber that "thinking it Is u
deer" does not make it a deer. There
should be nil unmistakable ( hjoct ut
the end of tlio bullet's coin hi-.
t is is Si it s a v 1
"J" I
K. DEAN & CO.,
What the Census of 1900 Shows ! Jackson County Pioneer Thus De-
in This Line.
a total
United States census for 1U00
that Oregon then bad Ho, 837
valued at J173, 701,287, with
of 10.U71.8H8 acres. The im-
acreage was 8,328,808 acres.
scribes Sucker Creek Find.
Jackson Counly Prospect Show
ing Up Well
At the
Rchkopf Yard
Prov o I
The Russians. huvo been piliiiK up
grb f for themselves lately in their
seizures of British nud Uerinnu mcr
. (-hunt vessels uud tlio report of the
sinking of tlio British steamnhiii,
Kuight Commander, by tho Kushiuii
fleet off Japan, comes side by
with reports that tho Czar was repri
manding bis two ardent privatum
men for tlicir zeal. To alu-uato the.
irienilehlp 01 Gurmauy and to pesi
tlvuly mitugonlaso tliu British govern
mint would scum a stroko of ex
treinoly poor policy for Russia who
seems to bavu rather more 011 he
hands alrcudy than she can well take
care of. .
Work has been quietly rooi eding
iiliiin tl t Cinnabar mine of II. W.
Jackson and I. L. Ilumilt' n on the
ilividi) between Elk and Trail creeks,
for Iho past several months, but not 11
tfr.-at ileal has been mid about it.
There has recently been finished n
iunni-1 1111 feet in length striking the
ledgn at a depth of 1(H) feet. A cross
cut at this depth developed 11 ledge
of cinnabar 2i feet wide ejirrviiu
three or four pr-r cent of riuicksilvi-r.
The walls am sandstone and perfectly
smooth, giving promise, of the per
manency of tho Nud,
This proposition, if it develops into
anything like tho indications promise,
is one of tho most Important discov
eries mndn In gniilhoru Oregon of
Into years. There are only a few
cinnabar mines that are producing in
paying quantities and th.n extraordi
nary richness of this find will mnl:e it
one of the largest quicksilver mines
on earth If the ouanlitv of ore is
there, uud it seems to be. .Medford
QuarU Is by far the most abundant
gaiiguo or veiu stone, dililne. barlte.
fluor-spar, nrn also freely distributed
as gungue, forming more or less of the
bulk of metalliferous veins.
I J. A. lichkopf spent last wek at
I his hop y rd on the Applegnto m ar
jPinvoIt. He reports the field in fine
I condition, the vines loided with hops,
and the yield bids fair to bo extremely
I heavy. He bin about 2'i acres all of
which are good, I ut a portion of the
fiel I, which was planted 011 orchard
land will give an enormous yield and
lie is looking for lio.Oijq pounds, 1000
pounds to the acre.
Tim recent storm, which was re
norted to have injured tliu field to
some extent, did not Injuro it, but on
the I- iitiary was a great benefit as it
gavn tlio ground a thorough sonki :g
just at the time when It was most
needed and will add greatly to the
yield of the field. Mr. Kchkopf says
he has never seen a hop field In bet
ter condition than his is now.
"A short lime ago, Mr. Kchkopf pur
chased Hie Carl WeH farm on the
south side of Rogue river, six miles
below town and will put In a Imp
lield. II expects to plant about 20
acres this winter.
Iho remains of Klmer A. Jones,
v ho was accidentally shot near Wolf
creek ubout seven years ago was takeu
to Modesto, Cul., last week for final
As- ist&nco of Cre.nts Pass Board
of Trade Asked.
The UranlH l'asa Board tif Trudu bus
received notice that a meeting will be
Held in Portland August 1st of (ho
Merchant Marlnu Commission
commission required by the law
creating It "to iuvustigatu and re
port to tho congress on the first tiny
of Its next session what legislation, it
any, la ilesirtiblo for tlio development
of the American Marino and Ameri
can commerce, and also what change,
or cliauges, if any, should bu uiudn in
existing laws relating to the treat
ment, comfort, and safety of seamen,
ill order to mukn moro attractive the
seafaring calling in the American
merchant service. "
This meeting will bo held in the
Coniuiercial Club rooms in the Chain
ber of Couiinerco liuihling. It is
especially desired that whoso who
aru interested in the subject with
which Ihu commission deals shim Id
cither bu present at the meeting ol
the coni'iils-ion and give their views
In tho matter, or prepare a concise
stittiiiiuiut anil mall to M. Mom-ssoIiii,
assistant seoietary Portland Chamber
of Commerce.
The Commission Is composed of the
following gentlemen :
. Hi-mito.
lion. Jacob II. (lallinger, chair
man, New Hump-hire.
Hun. Henry Cabot Lodp-, Massachusetts.
lion. Holes Penrose, Pennsylvania.
Hon. Thomas S Martin. Virginia
Hou. Htpcheii H. Maliory, Florida.
Hon. Charles 11. (irosveuor, Ohio.
Hon. P.ihv.ird S. Minor, Wisconsin
Hon. William l:. Humphrey,
Hon. Tin. mas S; iht, Mississippi.
Hon. Allen 1, Mel), noon, New
Sa e
bummep Was!) Goods
To make nioni for our New Fall S'.od; we will close
out Si tier Oooils, siiiit Waists, Clash
Skirls, etc , ut a peat uihiclioti. It will pay oti (o
look Until over.
Dry Goods and Shoes.
; Tho value of the land and implement
(except buildings), was $113,137,820;
!of buildings, fl!), lua,61M ; implements
land machinery, fi, BOfi, 725 ; livcatock,
j '!'!, U 1 7,01 tf. The average value of an
; Oregon farm of from 100 to 174 acres.
exclusive of buildings, machinery,
stock, etc., is $1,821. A comparison
with values for a farm of the same
size in 12 other states allows that they
cost from two to Ave times aa mnch.
The Oregon farmer has the advautage
of low priced land aud favorable
climate. Sunset Magazine.
Lel&nrf Sittings.
The road is full of teams loaded
for Greenback and other mints,
it-- 1 , 1
11 u ran no Biczness to rejiort ; verj
little use for doctors. So use for
1110 weather is quite warm, but
with elbow greaso and sell denial will
make a fanner rich on trial.
Wo hear of a new find 0 quartz on
.Ylt. Keubon. Tho ledge la of grod
width, carrying free gold which is
of high value.
Vegetables have boon high, but now
as U, W. Cliapiu is bringing in vege
tables, ho is selling so that the poor
can buy as well as the rich.
Home farmers have begun cutting
Iho second crop of liny. The late rain
i-etirdcd hay business. Some will
soon begin bailing hay for export, as
a largo amount of hay is raised on
Grave creek.
Homo of our wood cutters are going
into the mountains to prospect.
Home of them work for a grub stake
then go prospecting; some have found
rich rock and now will proceed to de
velop thu mine.
wo aro having some fino salmon
which are furnished by a miner who
Uvea at the lower falls of Rogue
river. Ho catches them with a hook
at tho falls; he supplies this vieiniiv
with plenty of fresh fish.
Vtu aro receiving some immigration
110111 vaiiioruia. iney say it is not
so hot here as in that place more
btceze, so It is easier for the laboring
class. The heat is not go oppressive
as we got a broezo in the afternoon
Hob Crockett was seen on our streets
0110 day last week. Ho cornea here to
lo his trading, aa he can do as woll
here as any other place. He reports
luiet times at Tunnel 1). The floating
bridge gang has a cooking car so
that will take away that much palm
nage from tho different hotels nlonu
t ie line of the railroad.
air. A. M. Gray was up from Ills
placer mi no. Ho is constructing a Iouk
ditch rrom Uuebon crook ; ho told of
his t xperience with a big brown bear
while - out huntine alonir Kncrnn
ivnr. Ho aud his cousin saw a
brown bear outing a salmon. He
thor.ght the salmon should be left for
the human family, so be and bis
cousin commenced pumiiinit lead into
the bear at short range. The bear took
exceptions to that kind of action nud
made a chiirgo on Gray. In the mean
time his cousin kept a stream of lend
going into the bear, which would bite
his side and keep on coming as fast as
lie could. Mr. Gray got in several shots
but on cainii tho bear nntil be una
within two feet of Mr. Gray, then he
backed otf and Mr. Gray gave hi 111 a
shot III the jaw that finished him
Mr. Gray does'nt want auohtcr such
experience at so short range.
We see by the report of Iho county
court, that the pauper bill is growing
I iiineiisely. Wide Awake.
Jacob Scbmitt, a Jackson couuty
pioneer, says that the fabulous atlike
made by the Briggs family on Socket
creek in Southern Oregon is another
case of a lost bonanza found, and
avers mat the wonderful ledge was
flrBt discovered in 1855. Mr. Schmitt
has for many years been a resident
of Jacksonville, the old' at, and in i'f
day, the richest mining camp in Ore
gon. Ho is a cooper by trade, but in
his old age he follows horticulture
and carpentering in their respi ctive
seasons, aud between times be goes
prospecting. This has been his habit
for yews, and he has in hia career met
nearly all the mining men of note iu
the sta'e. This is his story of the
first Sucker creek strike :
"When the Indian troubles of 18.55
began, two men, named Belleville and
Miller, who we-e coming to join the
Indian fighters, crossed a range of
mountains aboot 40 miles southeast of
Jacksonville, aud there struck a ledge
from which they took some quartz
that waa nearly pure gold. Each man
carried away a small iece, intending
to go b.iek after tho Indian war was
over and work the mine. On their
way next day they got lost and after
ward they never wero able to re-lo
cate the place. Belleville waa the
only man who camo Into Jacksonville
with hia specimen. It was about a
quarter of a pound. Ho got $100 for
it. He told nm, in describing the
place, thut on the top of a high moun
tain near the quartz vein, they conld
see the ocean. This is exactly the
description given of thu Briggs ledge
.ind it is tho only pluce in that
district where the ocean can be seen.
Bellevillo spent tho remainder of bis
life aud all the money he could earn
trying to relocate tho lodge, but died
without finding it. Miller also is
dead. But their ledge has at last
been found accidentally by a boy out
nuiuiiig, who pronahiy never even
heard of Belleville or Miller.
Coming Events.
July 22, Friday House warming
at Bethany manse.
July 27, Wednesday Claflin Univer
sity Jubilee Singers, at Newman
M. E. church.
R.inaldo a Winner.
G raffle. Baber returned last week
from Lakeview where he won laurels
with Rinaldo, the speedy runner. In
regard to the races, the Lakeview
Herald saya: "Rinaldo, owned by
Baber, won every ra- e iu which he
was entered and Mr. Baber walked
off with most of the purses. The
races were all fair and it is conceded
by all that the fastest horse took the
money in each race."
Mr. Baber brought back a handsome
team of heavy iron gray's which he is
uow breaking to harness. Ho also
brought a pacer for Geo. Good.
Rinaldo waa left at Lakeview in
training and will be entered at Susau
ville, Cal., next tall.
I wish to slate that there is no
truth in the rumor which haa been
circulated, to the effect that I would
not return $7r. left with me by a cus
tomer, until forced to do so by the
mayor. The story was eircnlnt, H
with the Intention of injuring mv
I rvrS, At
1 mMmrsi
,'r-' :.'4V CcGr f PC .
Kubli llemt.
Warm weather is now prevailing.
Haying is almost over. Most of Hie
graiu was tnt for bay in tills vicinity.
Owing to the warm weather, quite
nnmber of pcrple aro feeling indis
me company that is operating on
the Mountain Lion mine, has 2i men
at work.
, -. 1 . . . . . . .
miss .nuurey nusseu 01 urants Pats
is visiting relatives and friends in
this vicinity.
John Harrow and J. G. Roberts are
running tho butcher wagon and si ll-
ing somo flue beef.
Clinton Cook just finished bailinc
nay for P. W. Caris and left for
Henry Ruch's place near Wilderville
where he has several ton of hay to
Da 10.
i-i. .
inn uaiiLB given ut iko incet.t s ill
honor of L. (J. Basyes" birthday, was
a grand success. Tliero were about
lOgneBta present ami at midnight a
delicious lunch was spread, consisting
or cane, coffee and lemonade, of
which all partook. The young people
tripped tho light fautastio toe from
evening till early morning, when all
went home wishing Luch's birthday
wouin come again soon. Several of
tho guests presented Mr. liasye u ith
beautiful bonquets.
Merlin Items.
Ctiidh-baiigh has iituiiud
lie le oi ls n Mlcei
11 land.
Wlldrrville Ileum.
Ml (Tel ing
ery si, k, nut
Andy Grimes is
felon on his baud.
Mr. TIiosn is
'n ted to recover.
Arthur Wells made a business tup
to Medford several days ago.
Mrs. Chalamlcr fell uud fractured a
rib and inm areely able to be
Mr. H. lover and l.uiul.v el'M, df,,id
pawnl through lure 011 tlmr a
101110 from Crescent City.
James McCaini lias Iviight Mr
Halstead's farin, known us . i;,.,.
man tatm near rville
Tom ami J. H. William, came cut
011 their auteimibilu Monday of tlii'
ee, lo.ihiliK- utter tlm
their saw mill.
Mr. ami Mrs Wiatln ibi.. sp ot
several days hi Mis W, athi 1 1 e- s
father's uu ibe liiuois rivir, who hi,
been very sick.
Monday the Tilli, along in tlm ,-nii-leg
the loof of the V iilniius sjiw null
Was seen to be on Hie. W ;lh piompi
assistance the lull,. Ida . vv ,
' liev. J. W. X, e!y of Gall! 1'a-suil
ocnpy the il 1 1 . 1 1 of II.,. M,., ,
clinch at Wildt-rvillc Sunday ut wind
time lie will y,, !, , ,., Ilt(.
Hoy Problem. ' There is some tall,
of holding an evuiing service on thai
Gioij;" She, ban was v. rv badl
butt Monday thu a.'.tb, w bile' leiu Im".
Iiay, bv the team running ounv throw,
ing George against nn apple u, ,.
i he drolcr was sisedilv lalledlnu
tiriiuts Pass and prumuinc. tl.i- 1 1
iu a dungeious 1 1 minion.
Rev.' Harrington of Grunts Pas
preached to a cow,! , , ln
.Mr!i,,, "?r .Wll'lu"ill" Hundav tli.
Nth at 8 o clock. Win 11 have 1
pieuic (hers will be a oio.wl
out, but at preaching the ,iod 1,
very small. 1 ilt t)V,
fit .1 II Pi
ful trip
Miss Abbie Slackpole is v isiing at
Mis. M. 1.. .Ionian's. She is a r.raml
daughter of Mis. Jordan mid bus
many rc'titives in and around Meilin
l-'iaiiK A. While of Cnnnliis is
visiting at the rcsidcm f ,1. ..
Mears. Mr. White is a hruihcr of
Mrs. Meats and will visit iuthise
pai Is for some t hue.
Mr. His, who has ken vciv snl.
ful some time, is n jio-tcd semew hat
!" r. A party of members el the
.Methodist chinch Wi tit out and held
si 1 1 ha s las! Sunday .
Mr un.l Mi;i, Lantern, an 1, limi, d
(' A-hlaml Saturday win re tin
had I cen att, luting the ChaeUi..iei.
I'll- y tepoit a ge, d a- einbly, as , ;
veiy 1 1, tital le an I 1 al.l,
Harrington were manied at
ttidnis.idy the Joth of July
ale well and favorably known
community 111 w hieh they
and have tho best w islu
iu the
have lived
1 of their
I in 1 11-
fiiends for a long ami
liny have moved lo
Mr. Savage is minim?.
Lilies Ail S.i-lelv of the
opal ciirch met at the
'I'll Tuesday the IJih
ere adopted and a
had bv all who
was served ami
it- rw.uds the ladies .busied iheni
"elves with carpet rags for (he new
1 ,r, 111 a ge which is 111 eonleiiiplaticn
here. l'hos.i present were: Mcs-
lames W. A. Mas,,.. 1J. !arrick
'' " O. I. Smith. Win. Jordan, M.
' '"'Jin. W. li. pwers, Ellen
leu.-, .1 A Miar
Massie, Mawii
w here
M' lhodi.i Kpis.--.ii'-onage
in M,.
"t July. I!y laws
general good time
alien, I, ,. l-'iapp
111 lie
; Misses Mabel
, Edna I low ai d,
Winnie Jordan,
Mill. I.
J. M.
-lihiud dm ing
ill- Ihliug that
Mr. Mail..- e-,1
11. d ,11 joy, d Ihe
'! 1 aeiiiiiinla i.l lay.
The Junior Le,
e.'pi-copal i bii-eli
linaeet on t:,.
M. ' I. A 1 1 1 ,
Ul.ell t, s, cell
i.i ague b nlgi s
O lll It, d
A y, t , t
-ioig lu-ltll o
I el a 1
HI I is -pr, ad. 1
le,: tlic-e til, -
r that in, r - ear
cut tl,, ir , r ,
I . II ill l 1 h i- e
loai li, mills
" ing llll'uM.I.,1 11.;
I'.i, 1 tic Hack-', where
lilt.) the c.iis te: I :
tllet ot three er ! ;
lie coining into Mil:
n.ikcs hii'itu s. d
Mr. IMwir.l
In en
ti e (
1 ell. lie
10 I.
11 111 w
vislling 1
aetaii'iea a- 1
;.,l le c, Ul-C
in A.-li'an,
I 'e I , t til l.i
i .lac
M : .
1 f, .
I'l ; s.
M s.
1, lav.
i , nnueiH ing :i
w,le el, 1I1
Vl- Sniltb.
: te
he held
IM p
as I,
.1 e pi,
I . v,
I lew s :
M - .1.
lle i t tl.e
Will g i V
. , :iieg
M. I h, nil-1
' tin , lit, 1
-f ege )
el)!:.- w 1 : 1 :
el tie
I- 1
e 1 -1 1 1
ed flrtt.-s 111 S. L.ui fApo
iitbi 111 r,i,;;i,
' i- 1 1, I , t . at gr,
::i .ni,l I
1 1 r 11 1 -
I i 1 s,
i- 1 due,
bleago, 111
I s-itien, 1
le I i
r lii,
I, ,- I 1 1 1
tell It,
I, -, :
1 1 ll, ;
, d to : 1
10 i.-:
1 line
ow ,ng ,1 t;
leih, I,.
'.'. Id;
J. I, '
; 11 1,-
- li
I t; nil
n: u-
ei:e, d In
Ulel li, li
lt Will li
ge ; i ll A ,g 1 1
I - 1 vnj h i, d w 1 1 h
: e i f : a'.c and 1 as
''- ! w ,: P.. J 1 a mi I 1,1 start el
"' ,1,v '"! will 1 nab:,, lie 111 tc
'' '' I"' If. tl V- ilhill Ibe 10 li... s
' ' ' I! I ' I 1 ! mil '.' I da. --. but 1,01
1 ' tb.oi I' , , ii.b, r I'l, hi, 1. rr fill
lei -ri..iti. 1 i.,t. , and lout, .all
' -V' at i,: I., rn , nt Gian:.
I W. I.' Com m. ti. ,
If.M11 wib to liduei- ;o-r hcki.i
till, I u l-loc; 1. iiI'is and have O.
C. I. limi saw it lor you at your door
We.ldo Items.
The weather is hot and dry now
fruit uud berries, both tame and
w ild an. abundant.
tainp meeting at Waldo did not
materialize as talked of.
ino i.ogan sawmill will startup
ncrorci long. Logs are being hauled
Tho Deep Gravel mines closed their
elevator for tho season, not laving
water with which to oiK-rato if. This
mine seems in a fair way to make a
lot of money.
There are several lawsuits over
wilier on the tapis. There should be
better laws regulating the wastage
of water. District Attorney H. 'II 111, 'H
is on this side.
school is progressing nicely under
the guidance of Mr. P. M. Cumin
1. ,is teacher is giving our school the
kind 1 f service our district so badiv
needs. The result be in it an incr. used
interest 111 the studies bv the tumil
I In. Mimnons hydraulic elevator
losed down for the season three
weeks ago. Since that time they
have beeu running a large quantity of
water through t ieir various waste
ways, without nuking uny pioiicr use
..r . . -I-I. : . 1
1 111 i tor tliero are a
number of gaidens, ranches and
mines badly iu in , d ,-f thin water.
1 he Courier is the favorite paper
out here. Vixen.
I'livnos Coming
Man: ger Ward of Al'en ,"t Gilbert
Hani ik. r Co. 's blanch store called the
Grants Pass Music Co., today Old, red
.1 siock of pianos of various well
known and good inaki s 1'luywill
uiri... about Sal unlay and will Iu.
followed by other lots as fust as
sales can In' made of stock on hand.
A i active campaign for business will
be made iu thu. vicinity from uow 011.
H tier buy that piano now.
Irumlmlnn'i Colk. Cholera and Diarrhots
This remedy is certain to h needed
i 1 utmost every home before the sum
mer is over. It can always be de
ivnli.l uvn even iu the most severe
and dangerous cases. It ia especially
valuable lor u-r disorders iu
children. It ia J leasant to take aud
never fails to give prompt relief.
Why nit buy it now? It may save
lite. For sale by sll druggists.
A V. Banne.rd-1'nderta.krr.
Ytoodville Items.
J Cunnlnghaui is visiting atTresent
iu Colestin.
Ross Smithline was in Grauts Pass
on business.
Mr. E. Bagley of Ashland was in
town 011 business.
Mrs. L. Stevens was in Gold Hill
ou a pleasure trip.
Mr. Carter was in Grunts Pass
-Saturday on business.
the Presbyterians expect to build a
parsonngo in the near future
Mrs. Witt and Ralph wero iu Grants
Pass on busiuoss a few days ago.
Koy i miner ami Arthur Tanner
from Florence of the coast, passed
through Monday.
Mr. E. Stevens returned from Ash
111 mi alter spending two dava at the
Chautauqua assembly.
Rev. R. Tweed ami family returned
from Ashland after taking iu the
Chautauqua assembly.
A number of the citizens of Wood-
villi, were ill -attendance at tho big
tent meeting in Gold Hill Sunday.
The ladies of iho Presbv teriau
church gave a social iu tin. New Wil
cox hall here, and a tood time was
eii joy en and
Is a violent inflammation of the
mucous membrane of the wiud nine.
which aomotimea extends to the lar
nvx and bronchial tubes; and ia one
of the most dllllt-errns riitnauaa ,1
children. It almost always comes!
011 n the night. Give frequent small j
do-esof Ballard's Horehouud Syrup!
nun apply tfallard's Snow Liniment
externally to the throat. 25c. 50c.
$1.00 at Model Drog Store.
How's This?
A harvard piano that ia chenDat
3-10. This oue is slightly shopworn
ami is going to be offered for a few
luja at the low price of $"80. If not
sold though in a jiffe, am g01UK lo
return it to Portland; can't have a
piano around this atore that ia marred
even so slightly as this one is. Bet
ler see it at once if
Allen & Gilbcrt-Ramaker Co.,
urnuts Pass Music Co., J. M.
Nf.rth Side
Just received 2000 yards Japanese and China MATTING in
Newest Patterns at price of 15c up per yard. Our entire
stock is very complete in all departments, and selling below
Portland aud Grants Pass prices as advertised.
Opposite Western Hotel.
Goods Sold on Installment Plan-
you want a
oo iwwin . e
New Management
Aft Gallery
Sixth Street, oppo. Court House.
Biseball Players and Foot Racers 1
Lonis J. Kroger, ex-champion long
oistauoe root racer of Germany and !
uoiiana, writes, Oct 27tli. 1901:
"During my trainiuE of eiuht E,K
foot races at Salt Lako City, in Anril
last, I used Ballard's Snow Liniment
to my greatest satisfaction. Tliero
foro, I highly recommend Snow Lini.
mout to all who are troubled with
sprains, bruises or rhenmutisui.
2-ic, flOc, fl.ooa Ibottlo at Model Drng
itc m4- '
Masonic Temple, Rooms 2 & 4
Grants Pass
'Phone 633
) P. LOVE, M. D.
Oillce in William,! n. ..1. .
Grants Puss Grocery. Ter
Residence Phone 414.
Oflice Phone 141.
Gli.lNTS Pawb,
$100 Reward.
I will give f 100 reward for the ar
rest and conviction of the person who
shot my cow ou Miners creek. The
money for the reward is deposited
with the Grants Pass Banking &
Trust Co. J. W. YORK.
Notice is lierbey given that my
wife, Mrs. Talluluh Turner, has left
my Led and board and that I will not
bo responsible for any bills she mny
contract. E. W. TURNER, "
Sams Valley, Ore.. July 22, 11104.
EIGHTY hop pickers wanted. Call on
oraddressj. yv. lork, Kubli, Ore,
GOOD PASTURE for horses or cattle,
near town. M. W. Wheeler.
FULL BLOOD registeiel Holsteiu bull
address J. H. Croxtou, Grants Pass.
.'4.40 laistd.
Notice Is hereby given that under
and by virtue, of an order of the
county court of the State of Oregon
for Josephine county, made, rendered
and entered of record in the matter
of the Estate of Nathan P. IV11I1.. rin.
ceased, Saturday, the 17th dav of
August, l!Hl. at 11) a. m of
day, Ihe Court House iu Grants t',.ss
Oregon, was fixed by tl e Court a, tl e
time and place for hcariiitr obie.-rioiis
tn ami settling the linn I account ,f
Marv E. Hedge, exicutrix of .aid
estate. All t.eisom inn r, 'Nt, ,1 tl.
said 1 state, ate hereby notified to r.
H-ar and tile their objections tn si, d
iiiiai account ou or before said dav
MAltY K 1 11 ili ik'
Executrix of Iho Estate of Natliiii P
Dodge, di ceased.
I.'ructiee limited to
OHiee hours I) to 1; 1 to 5
Evening hours-Tuesdays and Friu'ays.
Telephones 2til and 77
Ukanth Pass, . . ,, .
r.actices in all State and Federal Courts
Office over First National Hank
iJkantb Pass, . .
. J OniiGoN.
PllONS 21
N- E. McGREW,'
Kurnitnre nd Piano
The popular barber shop
Get your tonsorial work done at
On Sixth Street - Three chairs
nam room in connection
FOK SALE-2000 Cedar posts. L. B.
.users, yirauts fass.
FOK SALE Almost new buggy, or
will tiade for cattle or good liorse.
Address or call . 11 G. A Cobb
Grants Pass, Ore.
UK SALE The entire belonging 1
of S. F. Cass, deceased and E. L.
Cass, on easy terms. Inquire of Joe
Moss, or E. L. Cass.
FOR SALE-Two seated, light
weight buck, new last year. If sold
soon can be bad very cheap An.
ply to Alfred Letcher, Jewelry
FK HALE Nearly ''W 803 Savage
Kino; combination rear Bight
ivory bead front sight. Price t)'
cost t'tt. Inquire R. H. Harrison',
N. 2d street.
Successors to Slovcr Drug Co.
Toiltt Articles,
House and Floor Paints.
Palace Barber Shop
J. H. MULLEN, Propr.
Shaving, Hair Cutting
flams, tc.
Ev ryhing no it aal cljin ml ill
work First-Ciass.
Ner.t lo Pu'aco Hotel.
FOR SALE Pure strain Belgian
Hares Rabbitry, headed by that
grand buck, Koyal Red Hrittou.
Breeding Does. 2.50 apiece.
Leave ordera at Courier oillce. E.
11. Brown.
I'AKM FOK SAI.K-two miles Mer
KitUiiu hind. 2., acres in cultivation, small
.'u.- an , i,arn ami alsml M acres under
fence, balance of land suitable for orchard
or l'aslure. For further nartieulars .i.
.Ia a. I I VI I-
nrintn n, 1
orchard, nmU fruiu in
.'urn..... c. ier lor inil:iion, beside.
on every 40 acres; center of a Ko..,l
range country; two dwelling houses big
ru. every tK complete; well sheltered
fron, frosts. ?.kh1 mining ni.rkets .. ,e tit in nnrl . n.t T . ,,c
i:... .. :. ' - . ,u,1"i', price ij.jui.
W. P. Fuller
at cost
As long as they last.
Former price $1.75 gallon
Xow 1 45 "
National Drog Store
J.C Smith. M. 1)., prop.
Rnhht.r Su.y,.. ;
, - 1 u lit ill airtitr at tiin
: '' I Courier ottlce.
is something in which we Like par
ticular interest Would be slad to
have you call ami talk nai..t;
with us; pet ha ps our rxrerieiuf in
this line may le of service to vou
We carry all kinds of paint brush
es, varnishes, etc. and guarantee
quality and price. If you use dyes
remember that
color silk, wool or cottou
at one bailing ....
lammar Paints
$1-45 per Gallon
- Guaranteed for 5 Years.
'""Ut StVVING MArHtMrc -
-..i i COST.
dot our
prices on
Moline WagW
All Sizes.
Tlie Lumber
hauler's friend
opp. Opera house
1)K! OS
Climates made on .11 riumbin, and Tinnin, contracts.
Satisfaction guaranteed.
Grants Pass Mmn fin
, -Hrr.
i- I- CALVERT. Sscrstsry.nd Tres.urer.