Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927, July 28, 1904, Image 1

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Ha t
Front Street, west Palace hotel
Southern Oregon Placers Look
Good to a Portland Man
Assav Office
Gold, Silver, Copper, Lead, $1 each.
Gold nnrt Silver, $1.
llouglit Mid Refiued for Dental Trade.
Each anil every assay done with the
Idea that it mnv he cheeked.
IS. 12. Vinson,
Carpenter, C'ontractor and
All woik done with neatness
and dispatch and iu workmanlike
manner. Job work a specialty.
Give me a call.
House Moving
If you have a building
that you want Moved,
Raised or Levelled up,
Call on or address'
A. E. Holloway.
Georgo A. Dyson, of Eugeue, is
spcudiug a few daya in Portland, hav
ing come direct from Jackson county,
where lie haa been for aeveral months
euaged in active mining work in
the vicinity of Jacksonville.
The property, which lie haa been
working under bond, ia situated
seven miles from Jacksonville, and,
bieug familiar with what ia trans
piring iu that vicinity, Mr. Dyson
talked very entertainingly of the dis
trict. "Placer minora havo done extremely
well iu Southern Oregon thia year,
due to a greater flow of water
for many years," said he, "and I
think, when the final cleanups of the
year are reported, it will be foutid
that more placer gold haa been wash
ed, than during any single season for
ten years. People do uot realize the
amount of wealth produced there
every year. TI10 placer regions are of
such wide scope that those operating
are uot aware of what ia being done
on the other aide of a mountain or
even along the eamo stream.
"What strikes a quartz minor with
the greatest force is the comparative
insignificance of quartz miue develop
ment iu a se. tiou that bears each
strong evidence of strong ledges ex
isting iu the region. There is very
little quartz miuiug done, but it is
rapidly increasing.
"Recently tin cleau-np was made
ou the Sturgia property, and wae
veiy good, I uuderstuad. This old
property of A. L. Sturgis was btnght
last year by H. W. Vance, a Califor
nia miner, and has beeu equipped
witli a plant of modem machinery,
includiug electric lighting plant,
steam power, and equipment for
working the dirt to bedrock.
"The Spaulding mine, owned by
Tacoma people, has also made a splen
did clean-up for the season. Au
abuuduuee of water fur the entire
period of operations, favorable condi
tions otherwise, and a good conduct
of affairs, combined to make it 11 moat
successful year.
"Former State Senator Aukeny lias
what ia probably the most profitable
proposition iu Southern Oregon. He
haa three or four big giants iu opera
tion and the annual cleau-up protiahly
approxiamtes $10,000 or foO.OOO. The
property ia au imnieuso producer,
treated on the Applegate river near
Jacksonville. A ditch 27 miles iu
length is owned with sulliclent
water rights to guarantee a eteady
flow aud plenty of it
"At Waldo is located one of the
big properties. Simmoua & Cameron
havo a apleudid property located
there, which. I am told, is being de
veloped iu the best possible chape,
shape. That ia near Grants Pass,
and my knowledge of it i8 entirely
from conversation with men who
have beeu at the mine. I never visit
ed it myself."
Mr. Dyson ia a pioneer Oregon
miner. Ho staked the Lucky Boy at
Bluo River ahd was the mau who
wrote the origiual uotlco setting up
a title to three ol the great mines of
the country. It waa Iu June, 1887,
that with two partners, tho prospect
ing expedition went into tho mount
ains along the tributaries of the Mc
Kenzie river, a little more than 17
years ago. Owing to the dense forest,
there were comparatively few places
where outcroppiugs gave a hint of the
character of formation and veins,
ledges or deposits.
Few locations had beeu mnilo jiud
the district was uusurveyed. Aft?r
finding mineral iu place, the 8ide
lines were run by blazing trees, aud
referring to natural mnuuniciitd of
rocks and rugged cliffs that character
ize the locality. There was no regu
larly organized mining district, and
when the goverunent aurveyora came
later, they found by rcferoueu to tho
tecordsthttt the early surveyors in the
camp had tied corners to everything
imaginable, some liko the talo told of
an early Arizona prospector, uot al
waya having exercised prudence in
using au immovable object for the
purpose. But tho loeutors of tho
Lucky Boy, believed they had a mine
under their feet aud blazed their lines
distinctly nud iu a way to warn others
not to trespasa. Twelve yeara later
the claims were sold to the present
owner, tho Lucky iioy aiming 10111-
pauy. Telegram.
Sucker Creek District of Mora
Than Ordinary Importance.
Making Good Showing Undet
Svatematlc Development.
Grants Pass Banking & Trust Co.
$20,000 OO.
Tram-acts a General Hanking business.
Keeeives deposits subject tu check or on demand certificates.
Our eustoiiieis are assured of courteous treatment and every consideration eon
sistent with sound banking principles.
tafetv deposit boxes lor rent, J. FRANK WATSON. Pres.
It. A. 1IOOTH, Vice-Pres.
L. I.. JEWELL, Cashier.
The First National Bank
lteceive deposits subject to check or on certificate pavahle on demand.
Sells sight tlralis on New York San Francisco, and Portland. .
Telegraphic transfers sold on all points in the 1'nited States.
Special Attention given to Collections and general business of our customers,
toilet-lions made throughout Southern Oregon, and on all accessible puiuts.
It. A. HOOT If. Pres.
J. 0. CaMI'HKI.L. Vice Pres.
II. L. tlll.KKV, Cashier.
J. B. I'ADPOCK, Pboph.
I am prepared to furnish anything In the line ol Cemetery work in any kind
nIHlPRl.T! or flRANITE.
Nearly thirty years of experience in the Marble business warrants my saving
that I can fill your orders in the very best manner.
Canfurnish work in Scotch, Swede or American Granite or any kind cl
Mll,be J. li. PADDOCK,
front Street Next to CSr-oone's Qnnslmp.
Commercial Club Issues Call
for League Convention.
...Newell Bros. Racket Store...
T111IW llulltliu;;, Wlxtli Street
Tho Portland Commercial Club
has issued a call for a cnuventiou of
the (Jrcgou Development League, to
bo held at tho Mirqnam Oriuid
Theater in Portland, Augus.1 2d and
d. All commercial, agricultural,
mining, stock-raising and irrigation
interests will be represented;' every
editor In tho stato will bo invited to
attend as a delegate; County Com
missioners and Mayors of all towns
and citio8 will also bo called upou to
uaiuo delegates. Tho Portland
Woman's Club will look after tho
comfort of ladies accompanying dele
gates, and, among other entertain
moots, havo arranged for a trollery
ride ou August 2d, taking in the most
interesting and beautiful environs of
Portland, and on August Hd ten street
cars will he provided for a trip over
the entire city.
The Southern Pacific Co. w ill sell
tickets at tho very low rato of one
faro for tho round trip, from all
points ou Oregon Lines to Portland
and return, for this occasion, aud It
is hoped that every section of the
stato will bo well represented nt the
convention, to work iu harmony for
tho development of Oregon.
Safeguard the Children.
Notwithstanding all that is done by
boards of health and charitably in
clined persons, the death rate among
small children is very high during
the hot weatner of ti'.n summer
months iu tho large cities; there is
not probably one caso of bowel com
plaint in a hundred, however, that
could uot ho cured by tho timely use
of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and
Diarrhoea Remedy. For sale by all
13. H. Kelm, who resides at 2li7
Columbia street, has returned from
the uew gold field at Sucker Creek,
aud states that the new mining dis
trict ia one of more than ordinary
"I went to Sucker Creek for the
purpose of doing . aome prospecting,
hut, uot being provided with a borae,
I returned, and will go agaiu at a
luter date," he said. "I feel satisfied
that some very good properties will
sometime be opeued up there, aud I
believe the find of Dave Briggs,
which haa beeu causing so much ex
citement, will prove lasting.
' People iu that locality, however,
are uot inclined to be excited over the
flud. There have been several very
rich pockets of free gold discovered lu
that locality iu the past, aud it ia a
oommon opinion there that the new
find is but another of these pockets.
'Hut I do uot think the people iu
that vicinity generally know much
about quartz mining. They are
placer minors, as a rule, and have had
little experience wltb quartz. While
they may ho right iu their etslmatea
of the new find, it cannot bo deuied
that there ia much gold iu that
country, and prospects for the dis
covery aud development of good mines
aro promising.
'Therearoa Rreat many prospect
ors on the grouud, and more aro con
tinually coming, but they do uot re
main in tho vicinity ot the new find,
and aro soon lost iu the wild country
that borders it. The statement that
nil of the land ia staked off is uot
true, for as far as the evo can see,
thore ia good proa;ectiug country.
'Some difficulty la beii g fouud iu
muking locations, for the land hns
never been surveyed aud it is uot
known definitely whether it belongs
to Oregon or California.
'It is a rugged, mountainous
country, and a man ou foot cannot
do much traveling while carrying his
supplies with him. A man going into
the Sucker creek country to proBpect
should provide himself with horses,
as he will find that he cau do but lit
tle without them.
'The uew flud ia a well defined
ledge of white quartz, aud from all
surface evidence to be obtained, it
aeeniB that it ia permanent. Directly
above tho siKit where the gold was
discovered, the ledge is crossed by a
larger ledge, also of a promising
looking nature. "
There ia going to bo something
doing at the Blue Ledge copper mine
ou Elliott crook pretty booh, aud
those ."doiiis" will not be small ones
either. For the past soveral mouths
Dr. J. F. Reddy and bis associates
have been quietly prosecuting the de
velopment of the property iu order
to satuisfy themselves that ore was
thero in sufficient quantities to pay
for opciatiug it.
They are uow fully satisfied with
the prospect and negotiations toward
tho opcuiug up of the mine are now
iu progress. Thia week O. D. Oed
ilis, of Deuver, Colorado, arrived and
will take charge of tho work as sup
There are three routes by which a
road from these mines cau connect
with the Southern "Pacific iu thia
The mines aro situated nearly ou
the summit of tho Siskiyous aud wo
are informed by parties well acquaint
ed with tho country, that a railroad
route with easy grades can be found
long the summit of tho mountains
and cult be brought into the valley
either through tho Wagner creek or
Anderson crock pass, the latter being
preferable. Either of these passes
have the advantage of giving a route
about 15 miles shorter than tho one
via Jacksonville.
The benefits to bo derived from the
opening of these mines are fur reach
ing. No one sectiou of the valley
will receive all of them, but a general
increase, in the volumo of trndo of all
kinds will follow tho building of the
road above mentioned and tho opening
up of thia vast body of mineral.
It isn't a local proposition at nil.
It ia geiieinl.- It means a uew era,
not only Iu the mining business in
Southern Oregon, hut iu all other
kiuda of industry. Medford Mail.
700 pieces of vocal and instrumental
sheet inusio at 10 cents each nt the
Grants Pass Music House.
Douglas Countv Man Says
Is W rong.
Prospectors Often Have "Pipe"
In all the latest styles.
Light Weight Summer Corsets.
Men's Working Gloves..
IVI3W12I-.I-. ROS.
No. 215. 200 acres; 140 acrea cleared; 15 acres in alfalfa; lot)
screa iu grain; 35 acres in pasture. Uood watvr right, and good house
of nine rooms. Barn 40 x Ho feet. Orchard with all varieties of fruit.
Price.tvW per acre.
No. 344. 80 acres; good water right; no Improvements. Must be
sold soon. Cash (MXl
No. SJ3. KM acrea about 13 miles from the city. Good house eot
shout $100. About rtuO,000 feet of good saw timber. Will sell for
Stop paying rent 910 down and l"i a mouth will purchase a lot in
almost any portion of tthe city.
Call on or addreH
Joseph moss
Headquarters fur ttal t-Ute.
Office on E Street, between Fourth and Fifth Street,
i-Ok WO rtliN
BacVed i;p by over a third nf a century
of remarkable and tinf.ortu ewet, n
record such us no other remedy (or the
diseases and weakneves peculiar to
women ever a'tuined, the. proptii tors of
Dr. ricp-e'a 1 av rue l'revriptinti now
feel fully warianied in offering to pav
f-' ill bird ttlopey of the Cnited
S tf. fr ;,:,v cu Hi I.ucorrha.
i- V'f .V"css, I'lol.-i'-Mis. or 1'alllnv
of V.'.jmii which thev Ciinnot cure. Ai.
tbcv ir, a fair .-.ii'l rciisorable trial oi
their mean of cure.
Tae Vice-President Independent Order
of Good Templar.
- wlurh im-'v wiiit-n r," w a
. A.'ti. . M-l-Ui.,,. ,o I-VSI
Y ik cilv 44. -I f .r a rr urol 111.
:l i;-.4.ry In m- It-a h4-:,,'
al- tsxin. niv -"-p .4.
jl I lo! I f'.T Ir-.llh To. i
. tj-ll ti'nr w-rr it any l:i-l
Ml I t I4At'.r !Vt- l i
i.i,., I win rr.lii'l lli.-.t I
' l::,t r.-n,:v It In - I ."
n that m! :-,.i-.I t''
,-.n n-l rrfriiLn' I
An f -! if:'.-'
tr '.y l
h Mr. a I
),.! nry .'
br.urn ni f '
yrir''' Hiffc'-ri;-! ''
h.v! !'i4iii-! t;i- r ;1
tr, throw IT f
4rvM.-?n r4tn4w.l
tKe 'Injure .r'aD44. ii-l I- .!)'!! I'M" t'r t
lltfh lU k In tiif 4-h4-V. P:i. i"li- I"- It
Ukrii '(ai"it'.l) krrt t'-4 .t-m In twrlWl!it4fl h i.tna It f ihfjw a1 iti- .bw.x
ti'l tol1i"rr fcrr4tirf t, 4l-(tn'nefc I
jo pica uloiitr ervjof 4n-nie44l
"Favorite rrevnption" maVn weak
women r.rocir, ik woni'ti well. Ac
cer " aiiliMitute for the medicine
which worict w'wwler for weak women.
Ir. Pierce' Comtnou ?ne M dical
Ad-irr u aeiit fret on re tipt of 31 our
cent tai-ip for the pa p.-r covered book.
or Jl itampa for the cKli-iiouc. t. ivj-
dicsa Dr. R. V. Pierce, Huflalo, N. V.
"Yes, the prospect of success is
ofteu red nud glowing enough to make
a man begin to figure ou just bow
many automobiles hn is going to bny
with tho money." The reformed
gruhstako prospector bit coutein
platively into a slab of "chewing"
and continued ill a voico bushed
through veneration for uiemories
"Before I broke iuto the newspaper
business I was for many yeara what
yon might call a wandering lamb on
the lieartlosa deserts of Arizona and
New Mexico. Sometimes I had soma
thing to cut other times I did not;
one may livo ou very little down
whero tho Uila flows. At the time 1
havo in mind I waa eating aome
"A galoot had come into Bisbcc
w ith some chunks of rock that looked
very good to myself and my partner
in iniquity and sorrow. Ho said that
ho knew where (hero was more of it
seveuty miles awi.y out where it was
hot, so we grubstaked him and told
li 1 in to go to it and might God have
mercy on his soul.
"About three weeks from that time
I waa sitting on tho commodious
verauda of the Blind Luck silicon,
when a fellow rodn iu aud bunded me
a message from tho poor devil who
was broiling out there ou the sandy
sands. It read: 'Struck a regular
veiu widens ua she goea down; high
grade sulphurots. Thero ia a big
thing in sight. Need some burro shoe
and half a keg of No. 4 iron washers.
"Well, upon reading that note I de
cided that I waa already a rich man
I eonscrmcutly went over and dug my
imrtuer out of a phony three-card
game, told him the good news aud we
started out to buy those burro rho
and washers.
"You could not understand if I ex
plained to you, just what they put In
their whiskey down there; it baa the
color of whiskey and tuates liko
strong solution of radium. Some call
it 'squirrel' because you feel like
tree ia tho only safe place fur you
after you have been absorbing a gill
or so of thia beverage.
' But I digress. My partner aim 1
bought the fellow out at our mine
three kega of burrow shoes bo only
had two of the beaata and iV) pounds
of iron washers all they bad at the
hardware emporium. Then we pur
chased aud id cash for a large,
double-walled, three comtairtmeut leu
anfe, had it taken art sud packed
uj"ju three burros aud shipped out to
him. He had to go a mile sud a ball
to get plain water, I might add, aud
the nearest ice was lu the state juat
"Did tlin miue pan? Would I be
doing (3 details if It had?"-8. F.
As I dinire to leave Grants Pass, I
will aell anything that I poatysa aud
the entire 8. F. Caas etat on raay
terms. See Joe Mom for list of
leal estate and houses. E. L. Cass.
(I'out'.nued from last week.)
T. C. Scurr, of Dothan, this county,
makes tho following good poiut rela
tive to tho protection of deer. He
writes: "It takea about two little
beauties (slotted fawns) each day to
satisfy tho appetite of the l anllier. I
can flud these little fellows nearly
every day ill tho weuk now, and iu
the fall I will perhaps seo a hundred
large doer before I see ono of them,
and where nro they It would be
much mure to tho credit of tho state
to fix a bounty of not less than t'.'.'i fur
the scalp of every panther killed in
the state instead of arresting a poor
mau living in tho hills for killing a
buck at this time ol tho year. If tin
state ia too iioor to afford a bounty,
then tho federal government ought to
plnco a bounty ou them, for I do he
lievo that a panther kills mom deer
iu a ycur tban any half dozen hunters
It is said that a panther cannot he
caught in a (ran. I havo a steel
trap that weighs 4J (touuds and ilur
ingthe last rain storm, a panther kill
ed my hi litest Angora wether. The
next day wo found what was left ol
the goat (about one bull) neatly
covered up. Wo set the trap and iu
four hours had him. I havo long since
learned that when a panther furnishes
the bait himself he cat: ho canglit iu a
trap, and in uo other way havo I been
able to set them into a trap. This is
my experience with Iliu cowardly
brute. " Most burg I'lnlmlcalcr.
Ordinance lo Repeal Sunday Clot
Intf Laid oit Table.
Council met Tlnifday, July 'Jl. Pre
sentWilliam, Smith, lUelior, l'ei kin".
Trimble, Calvert, Maybee, Norton.
In the absence of the Mayor, II. C.
I'erklns presided.
Petition of It. K. f iiithriilgo and others
for water hydrant and light at coi ner
Bridge and Pine atroets, waa read. Hy
drant granted.
An ordinance to amend (lro limits to
exclude south half of blocks hi and 17
waa read first time.
Ordinance to reeal present Suiidaj
closing ordinance and to prohibit games
belnK played in cigar a'ores ou Sun
daya, aas read first time arid laid on
Saloon bonds of Aug'irt l'etscli ami
Henry Walters wero apprjved an I
centos issued to same.
Following bills were ordi
B. W. Koss, street Work .
ieo. Snow, street ork...
H. C. Keslerson
Floyd Patrick, atreet work
II. N. Million, street work
Cramer Bros., eerriert, sewer pipe I- 'si
lr. hlrh ker, physician n no
Kinney & Truax, horse feed Jl i'
Peter Uravlin 7 2"
Council then sdjoiisned.
Cily Treasurer's Notice.
There are funda In the city trcio-uty
to redeem all outstanding warrants
protested to November, ft 1K0I. In
terest on panic will cease after this
fluted nf. Ursula Pass, (Ire., July
It, I'.HH.
City Treasure r.
Bids Wanted.
For cutting, logging aud sawing
300,0(10 feet of lumber The under
signed to furnish mill complete and
log wagon. Takilma Smelting Co.
W H Dana cleik election $ 3 00
C J Berglnnd clerk election 3 00
V H ticarhart election clerk. . ' 8 00
C F Centner election judge. ... 4 60
Kd Swiiiden election jmlfo. . . . 4 60
Leo Sill election jtulgo 4 60
E Simon election clerk 4 50
Kd Cockerliue election clerk. . . 4 60
1. W Carson clerk election 5 00
Bonj Dininiiik judge election. . 0 00
L 1. Jennings judge election... owl
W II McMains ituiee oloction. . 0 00
N Kovnolds clerk election fl 00
J K Peterson clerk election fl 00
It P Cheshire clerk election... 0 00
W P J voter guaid election 0 00
J C Campbell Judge election. . . 6 00
iN li .ileailo juilgo election o uu
P (ialeener pulgo election 0 00
tieo Shiver clerk election fl 00
U II Stovall clork elect lou 6 00
G A Savaiie. clerk election 6 00
W K Dean jutlco election 6 00
H F Tabor judso election . 6 00
II Zoller judge election 0 00
I 1 I ean cletk election w. u uu
J D Drake clerk election fl 00
F T Grovo clerk election 0 00
J C Handle guard election 0 00
J C Handle taking- II l.iltou to
Keform school Si DO
C H Stcwurd lire extinguishers. 30 00
C lUniilo Constable lees
state vs M Calvin 1 50
J C Handle Constable feea State
vs M A Chain plin 1 45
J C Handle Constable feea State
vs Geo Merriit I 50
J C Handle Constadle leea Stato
vs J Yocum a 11 Williams.,. 21 45
J C Handle Constable fees State
vs John Kniipp 5 00
.Marcus Hnhhins Justice Iocs
State vs John Knapp 7 .10
fain a Hunting witness feea
State vs John Knapp 100
GeortMo Hunting wltuesi fees
Stato vs John Knapp I 00
Annie Shade witness feea State
vs J hn Knapp 1 00
Klizu W'th llanka witness fees
Stato vs John Knapp 100
Marcus Huhbins, justice fees
state vs A. Conklin 6 115
J O Handle, constable fees state
vs A. Conklin .-. S 00
J C Handle, witness fotsstate vs
A Conklin 1 00
C K Harmon, witno a fees stato
vs A Conklin 1 00
J O Handle, constable lees state
vs 11 Williams otal B 50
P C Brown, road wrk Dl No 12 33 00
Trimble A Cook, blksmth Corda 110 HH
A Morris, road wrk Ilia No 1... V'i 50
A M Keatiiij;, recording nud
making plats of .'o roads. . 171 00
W II Hampton, ex H H bridge,
reports etu no oo
Sam Alilerson, rd wrk Dia No 7 04 00
U Illinois 1 1 ros D A L (.0, lum
ber bridges 2 23
Cramor Bros, mdso id Dia No 7 10 50
lencing fort ocem S3 ai
lleall li Co, road machinery... 12160
Marcus Bobbins, justice foes
stato vs II Williams otal... 8 85
Henry Walters, witness foe
atate vs II Williams ota ... li 00
A J latliiienier, witness stato vs
II Williams etal 2 00
W F Cobiiin ltncBe slate vs H
Willlamaetal i 00
John A I.oiiuhlin witnoia sta'e
vs II Williams otal i 00
M Bobbins Justice fees slate vs
II F Nidiiy 7 10
J C Bundle constable fees stato
II F Nlday 12 2t
F. Co roll hdw court house 21 01
Orr Ilrown justice 'ecu state vs
Griuica U 21
E Ki'ickson constahlu fees stato
vs Giiuics fl IV
I'. ion Wootlrad witness statu va
Grimes 1 W
Goo McCnlluin witness statu va
Grimes I 51
James la' Clare witness ttatu vs
(rimes I CI
Kiincne Sams wiiness state vs
GilmoB 1 IV
Hair Blddlo hdw Co tinlse rds. . 1 tii
W I. I Initio inds Sucker reork
bridgu 2(K
F Harvey bridge wrk His No 15. 2 2,'
W 1 1 lech exam It It hridifu . . 10 Ot
Applegalo llooin ,V Lumber Co
1 mti Imt roud Dis No 10 17 21
S I u v iIm.ii roud wrkl)i No 11. 02 01
F Floyd lumber rd Dis No 15. . 5 H(
OT Yoiikers rd work I lis Noll' 5 31
.) J Ilrown rd wrk Ins No 1.' .. 102 51
J A Lnwlon rd w'k His No 12.. II V
S Anderson id wik Ins .No 7... (
P I'uyno rd wrk lh No lu 34 01
Niiilii.e.V Mllll liiils lor nl Dis
No hi 1 TV
J N I amphell rd wrk His No 15. 2 (
VV ll Hunt wrk Illinois bridge. 0 2
A Mornv rd wrk Dis No 15 4 1
Mchlii tulp, rd work, His. No. 0 02 0
C K Lovelace, U 22 0
M Kiimolils, M UU U
G King brid gn " " " 6 1(1 0
i; Chaloner, " 12 41 0
.1 Met 'umber, " " ' "5 HO
It Griiininett, rd " " " 15 40
G Karg. " " " " 5 3 (I
C lliilfiiiiin.bidg ' 5 8(1
W Kliim, " ' 5 1(1 r,
Wihoii, hdw fur brlilgt "5 7 0
Hoe Ferreii, rd work, i 1 . " 12 41 U
F Soviet til, bill " " " 15 7
.las liailey, nl " " " I I Wl (J
A Lrccasoii, ' "It 15 (J
prank llis,
Furniture Items
that are
Something new always to be found in this Immense stock.
The largest assortment and the lowest prices. -.
CARPET REMNANTS We're closing out
short pieces off.
LACE CURTAINS, 45c to $6.50 pair closing
out some numbers off.
per ceut off.
10 and 1 a piece Toilet Sets at cost to close out.
Another lot of those cheap Iron Beds.
the new Dressing Bureaus, beautiful
goods; they're right.
the new Burlett China Closets. New
Carpets, New Kitchen Treasure!, New
Porch Chairs, Camp Chairs, Hammocks
75c up to $6 00.
Camp Stoves at cost to close.
Tents Lower Than Ever.
&e Ware that Wears
Lava Enamelled Ware
our latest importation stands today withont a rival in
point of quality, style and finish; made from heavy
steel rolled especially for the purpose; covered on the
outside with 3 heavy coats of very hard elastic en
amel and on the iuside with PURE white PORCE
LAIN. We guarantee this ware to be free from lead,
Antimony or arsenic We guarantee every piece.
You will be pleased with the reasonable prices.
Wall Papers Another Big consignment just received;
beautiful designs, exquisite colorings.
The Steele is carried right here for immediate delivery.
Call and let us show you the largest line in Southern
Oregon no trouble, we'll be pleased to. Get the
prices on these goods delivered in your house. East
ern freight rates are deceptive. Free paste with all
Ua Housefurnishers
Grants Pass, - Oregon.
Examination of Applicants lor
Stats Bwnd Countv Papers.
I (aid :
... ll'.' I"
.... l:i ("I
:i m
. 40
School His No 7, forCohnhachl loot! no
.1 llnaaril, indse Minds ....
T Keffer, writ rhicker Crk brd(f
M W I, a'es, " '
William Unit H.t I. Co, lum
ber for roads
J C Handle, tlx booths tr Pass
.1 T t "i;an, Imbr " Waldo
.1 S Warihen, " " Inland
W 11 lnhii, " " Williams
.1 r Stiili. " " Kerhy
S I. II iii-iiii, lumber nud ... .
.1 M htiiis'U, relit for elrrtion..
I ir J H Mcore, nu d atienil Halou
J I) lloctli, stamis
Cliifs 1'r ml I," mine stationery
li- J Chin Alice. Itfiess let!
C W .-mith, " "
A Morris, uo'sl
Iir F I' Strieker, ex insane aud
a'lenilain 11
: ir W II fl ina.ati, iutjiiesl Ter-
I ry Mei l. o
tialvin Hi i riott. livery
j A I! Il iiiiiiird, Collin inii)sr. . . .
C r I .'veluci, eotii. salary
.1 T l.niran, " "
(iiilciu.v llariiott, damage to
Not lea la hereby given that the
county superintendent of Josenhine
County will bold the regular exami
nation of applicants for State aud
oonuty papers at Urauts Pass, as
Commending Wudnusday, AngUBt
10, at nlue o'clock a. tn., and con
tinuing until Saturday, August 13, at
four o'clock p, m..
Wednonlay l'eninauslilp, history,
polling, algebia, acliool-law.
Thursday Written aritliuietic,
theory of teauhlug, grammar, book
keenltiK, tihvaiea, civil government.
rnday l'hyalolosy, geography, uien-
Ul arlthiuutlo, composition, physical
Haturdiiy lloliinv, plane geometry,
general history, English literature,
run county papers.
Commencing Wednesday, August 10,
at U o'clock a. m., and continuing un
til Friday, August 14. at 4 o'clock
Wednesday Penmanship, history,
orthography, reading.
Thursday Written arltlirnetlc,
theory of teaching, grammar, physiol
Frldav Geography, mental arith
metic, scliool law, civil government.
Wednesday I'eiiinaiiship, ortliog-
ruphy, reading, aritliuietic.
lliurstlay Art or questioning,
theory of teaching, methods, physi
County Supcri'jtemlent.
10 OH
'.d 00
1 M
10 til)
:i 00
40 00
35 00
brok.rv Tilings Wanted
When your Furniture, Organ,
(iintiir or .M iicloliu neeila repairing
or relliiisliing, and your furniture u
holsli ring, call at West Front street
latweeii :id and 4th at. New Fur
niture made to order. Ijiii mowers
abarjs'iii d, Work goaraiiteed.
Countv Treasurer's Notice
Tin rc are funds in the treasury to
pay all warrants protested to Jai uary
l.'i, l-'.i. Inti rest will rease from
this date.
July 2-, IU04.
Treasurer of Joaephlne Co., Ora.
Issue Semi-Annual Statement
ol Slate'e finances.
The seml-anuoal flncnolal ssttf-
nieut of State Treasurer If oore, shsrsrs
a balance of 71,881.7J in lb treas
ury. This is f300,000 less tnaa
was in the treasury this tin laat
year, the decrease being da la tee
large amount of loans made front 1m
oommon sohool fund. That laud ia
$.'00,000 less tlian It waa a yeaa age.
The general fund is 1300,000 Bxeatsc,
the increase being dae to tbe heavier
tat levy for appropriations . wUoa
have uot yet been expended, soot) as
the Portage Railway and Lewie and
Clark appropriations, Tbe
fund receipts for the first sis 1
of this year are t)3O,00O aa
1106,000 a year ago, Tba increase
comes in taxes paid by counties padec
the state tax levy. General land dis
bursements are 1437,000 as afslast
180,000 a year ago, the slight Increase
being doe to heavier approprlstloaa
Receipts to th oommon school faad
have dropped from 44OO,O0O to 297,
000, tin decrease being due to.tbe fast
that'fewer borrowers from tba aeoeol
fund are relaying their loaua Dis
bursements (rom tlie school f oa4 lor
the Brat halt of the year grew trout
f 140, 000 in 1908 to $673,000 in 1904,
showing the heavier demand for loan
from the lurid.
The atate attorney general haa ad
vised the secretary of state that the
salaries ot the two district aitoraeys
for this judicial district are as fol
lows: A. E. Beames for Jackson aad
Josephine oonnttos, $3,000 per year;
W. J. Moore, for Lake and Klamath
couotiea, $1,600 per year.
-Absolutely Piirc-
For the third of a century the
standard for strength and purity. It
makc9 the hot bread, hot biscuit,
cake and other pastry light, sweec
and excellent in every quality.
No other baking powder if
"just as good as Royal," either ia
strength, purity or wholesomcnes
ttovu atKiNd aowDta CO4, too wiiiiAis sr., mw voatt.