ft NO. 17. GRANTS PASS. JOSEPHINE COUNTY, OREGON, THURSDAY, JULY 21, 1904 VOL. XX t .? i '. " 4 ) ') 4 E. A. WADE DRY GOODS, UNDERWEAR,' NOTION'S, Etc. Front Street, west Palace hotel GRANTS PASS, ORE. HAS A BOND ON THE BRIGGS PROPERTY E. L Staples of Ashland Will Commence Development Work on the Property. L. G. HIGGINS Assay Office CHARGES: Gold, Silver, Copper, Lead, 1 each. Gold and Silver, $1. GOLD DUST Bought mid Refined for Dental Trade. Each and every assay doue with the idea that it may be checked. r-.,. Ui. v .u. Mi-ioa ora had been thrown on the las valueless until discovered uuriooK 10 ine fcouiitr Representative The Brlgg's gold mine on Thomp son creek in the Sucker creek country which has caused so much excitement duriug the past mouth, sinew the ex piratiou of 10 days option, to pur chase at 1100,000 cash, giveu to out side parties, has been bonded to E. L. Staples, a prominent citizen of Ashland, formerly of Boise, Idaho, a man who has successfully handled and promoted soiue very etxensire gold mining properties. Mr. Staples arrived at UrantB Pass Thursday from the Briggs' place and in an interview said: "Southern Oregon is certainly well into the beginning of a great dump by a Cripple Creek man to be the cream of ores. "Oregon ranks high among the mining states now, Due wun me immeuse discoveries beiug made in Josephine and Jacksou counties, she will soon lead, or I miss my guess. Until recently the mines andjros- pec tors have cared but little for iow grade ledges for the reason that the rich so-called pocket finds were num erous and when the rich chute was worked out from the surface, they begau searching for another. So it was that many rich ledges have been abandoned, when they fuiled to pay, by use of pick, shovel and hand mortar." Speaking of tne rich bucker creek discovery by Brings, Mr. Staples id: "I stent some days there and was Fe 11. I. Mason, Carpenter, Architect. Contractor and AH work done with neatness and dispatch and in workmanlike manner. Job work a specialty. Give me a call. mining era and indications point to a marvelous growth of development of given liberty to exploit from a pros- mines ana output 01 precious ineinis piye buyer's standpoint It up during the next two years." a mau who lmsbueu examining Mr. Staples is familiar with the f 10 and 20 free milling propositions mining industry in southern Oregon aud during the conversation he said "The placers of this country are producing more gold now than in the exciting days of the fifl's aud ISO's. "Whv. down near Waldo, where I spent a week rocently," said Mr. Staples, "I saw J DO ounces uf gold cleaned up after a six days run, pip iug with a two inch nozzle. And there are mauy other rich placers in and going there, as I did, expecting to see a 'pocket. ' I was uot prepared to see a fabulously rich quartz vein exposed for 16 feet in length by throe feet deep, the gold lying in chunks and slabs along the walls aud ruuuiug through the quartz from side to Bide in seams as largo as two --fingers. It is so rich that the owners are in au awed aud frightened Btato of mind aud are afraid to oontinue to extract House Moving If you have a building that you want Moved, Raised or Levelled up, Call on or address A. E. Holloway. that section. Near Waldo are also the the golll a8 it accumulates faster than copper mines of receut development, which have thousands of tons of ore averaging 12 per cent copper and carriyug 2 to $4 per ton in gold, cribbed, and are hoisting hundreds of tons of ore daily. Theu there is the old Canyon creek digging, which are distinguished now by the discovery that the ledges there carry consider able tellurium. Some of the pros- thev dare chance handling aud car rying out to market. As to the ex tent of thi gold bearing ledge no man cau answer, but the appearance makes it Bafe to chance it for a couple of hundred thousand. The owners did not solicit a buyer, but have conclud ed to sell and I have taken their bond hoping to acquire full owuorship. I must confess that I have the gold pects there produce $10,000 to $15,000 ,,.,, auft wl,0 wouldu't.after helping rock, aud that it has heretofore been overlooked is proven by the recent shipment of 000 pounds of discarded ore which, returned ever $700. This T v- 1 n rp . " Steamboat that prodi Grants Pass Banking 6c Trust Co. -.'Lr,,0,:"!:",:" I'AIll II' CAPITAL STOCK 92S.OOO.OO. Tranyacts a General banking business. Receives deposits subject to check or on demand certificates. Our cntonieis are assured ot courteous treatment and every consideration con ' sistent with sound hanking principles. fcafety depusit boxes (or rent. ' J. FRANK WATSON, Pres. U. A. ISOOTH, Vice-Pres. L. L. JEWELL, Cashier. The First National Bank OF SOUTHERN OREGON. CAPITAL STOCK, 900,000 00. payable on demand. Keeeive deposits subject to check or on certificate payable on sn i..ht drafts mi New York Han Kranciaco, and Portland. Telegraphic transfers sold on all points in the United States. Special Attention mven to Collections and general business of our customers. Collections made throughout Southern Oregon, and on all accesslhle points. R. A. 1100TH. Pres. J. 0. CAMPBELL, Vice Pres. H. L. 01LKEY. Cashier. pick ont $."), $13, $10 and $400 gold nuggets frozen along the walls of a ledno while the lodgo itself stands aglow with the infusion of the gold en metal It may not surpass the Steamboat that produe-d $120,000 or nit yielded $480, neighborhood of these big finds aud so far as worked has cx-elled either, and as a matter of fact, I doubt if the world cau show a record of $28,000 freo gold from the same sized excavation. It is a verita bio bonanza, and that's ruough said. When aisled for a description of tin Briccs' tironertv as ho Haw if, Mr, Staples replied : I wonld hnrdly feel like making statement as it would be in substance the same as printed in the Courier of Julv 7. That was the most concise aud colorless write-np of a rich strik I ever read. I was on the grouti wheu the Courier men were there. and I can say there is not a niistak or exaggeration In this write-up, au whenever, in the future," said M Stanles. "I real a statement in the Courier backed by the personal in vestigatiou of the proprietor, I will accept the same as true and correct. MAUHLE AND GRANITE WORKS J. B. PADPOCK, Pbofe. I am nrenrred to furnish anything in the line ol Cemetery work in any kind f MARBLE or GRANITE. Nearly thirty years of experience in the Marble business warrants my eaviufr ili I mn till vour orders in the very best manner. n (.;!, wnrk In Scotch. Swede or American Granite or any kindcl V ..LI. J. B. PADDOCK, Kriml Street Next to Greene's Gunahop. DIGEST OF GAME LAWS Season When It ia Lawful to Fish and Hunt. , ..Newell Bros, Racket Store.,. TiiII'm Hulldliiif. Wixil. Street AMERICAN BEAUTY CORSETS injure, destro; 111 ail tne latest siyies. Light Weight Summer Corsets. Men's Working Cloves IVJ2WJ3I-.I-. IJTtOS. In rosiKHise to numerous requests, the following synopsis of the tish aad Game Laws of the State of Ore gon, as revised to July 4, I'.iOl, pro posed and copyrighted by A. K. Ueb- hardt, secretary of the Oregon Fish aud Game Associition, is published with the exception of the special laws for a number of the comities which do not In Buy way effect Southern Oregon : During the "closed seasons it is unt, pursue, take kill, roy or nave in possession, or to sell or offer for sale, barier or exchange. Unless otherwise indicated, the word "limit" means the limit of hunt or catch for one p'raon in one day. cue week, and not more thno 50 in one day for cue man. The law prohibits the use of siuk boxes, sink-boats, sneak-beats, skiffs, batteries, iwivel-guus, fire, flashlights and blinds, but tbe provisions of the law differ for particular sections of tin state. Ducks, Geese, Swan (Except in the counties of Jackson, Klamath, Lake and Coos) Season closed from March 1 to September 1 of each year. unting of wild geese is prohibited at all times on any island or saudbar on which wild geese habitually rest or roost, in or along the Columbia river, east of the Cascade Mountains. lu the Counties of Jackson, Klam ath and Laue. searou closed from January 1 to September 1 of each year. . In Coos county, season closed from ebrnary 1 to August 1 of each year, Water Kail aud Upland Plover- Closed from Jauuary 1 to August 1 of each year. Upland Birds. Limit Ten birds in one day. There are provisions against trap ping, netting, ensnaring, roumug nests aud plaolug of poisoned wheat, aud against trespass, which apply to all sections of the state. Sale of Grouse, Pheasants aud Quail s permitted during the last 15 days of the open season, subject, however, to the restrictions placed upon hunt ing in tiie different sections of the state. A rocord must be kept of each le. , English or Gray Partridge, Caper cailzie, Moorhen, Wild Turkey, Woodcock, Silver Pheasant, Golden Pheasant, Copper Pheasant, Green apnneso PheaBaut and Reeves Pheas antClosed uutil October 1, 1005. Prairie Chicken, Grouso, Native Pheasant or Ruffed Grouse, Ring- Necaed or China Torquatus Pheasant, Quail, Bob White Quail, Blue Grouso, Partridge, Sugeheu and Sagecock except as indicated below) Clofed from Doccruber 1 of each year to Oc tober 1 of the following year. The provisions apply to the entire state, with the exception or tne following mentioned counties: Counties of Josephine, Jacksou, Coos, Curry aud Clatsop Rlug-Necked or China Torquatus Pheasant Closed ontil September 15, 190B; theu closed between December 1 of each year and September 15 of the following year. Douglas County The law ia not clear as to this county.. See Section 2020 of Bellinger and Cotton's Code. Mammals. Beaver Closed for 18 year Spotted Fawn Closed at r.ll times. Antelope, Euck Doer, Moose, Moun tain Sheep (excepting iu the counties of Grant, Harney, Malheur and Baker) Closed from November 1 of each year to July 15 of the followiug year. Female Deer Closed from Novem ber 1 of each year to August 15 of the following year. In the counties of Grant, Harney, Malheur and Baker Deer and Ante lope closed from October 15 of each year to October 1 of the following year. Night hunting and use of dogs iu hunting Deer, Antelope or Moose ar nrohibited within the state at all times. Limit Five deer in any one open season. Elk Closed until September 15, 1)07; then closed between October of each vear and September 15 of the following year. Limit On Elk during each open senson. It is unlawful to sell, or have In nossession for sale, any elk meat at any tiiuo. It is unalwful At any time to hunt pursue, talte, Kill, injure, nesiroy oi ave in iiossessoin any Deer, r.lk Moose, Mountain Sheep or Spotted awn, for the purposo of obtaining the skin, hide, horns, hams or othe flesh of such animals, for the purpose of sale, barter, exchange or trade, ex cent uihiii permission from the Stale Game and Forestry Warden. Silver Gray Squirrel Closed from auoary 1 to October 1 of .each year. A LONE WOMAN IS BRUTALLY MURDERED Her Skull Crushed and Face and Neck Cut By an Un known Assailant. Tho Police Have Been Working on Ce.se e.nd Have Sus pect In Jail. Mr, Florence Chai in, known also as Florence Wells, a woman bearing au unsavory reputation, was brutally murdered some time Wednesday after noon at hor home on west Front str- el in this city. Mystery surrouuds the w hole affair so far us to the motive for the crime or the Identity of tho mur derer. A good description of a man seen lu her company the day of the murder, has been given tho police and they are on the outlook for the man. All towns on the line of tho S. P. have been notified aud a reward of 1500 is offered for the arrest of the guilty persou. The scene of tho crime is a lonely little house some distance flora, neigh bors, surrounded by a growth ol young pinos and manznnita. It facea tho railroad track aud is Just beyond the S. P yard limits west. The man who was last Beeu with her has been iu towu for the past two weeks, but was no, soon to go to the Chapiu house uutil Monday or Tuesday, when he was particularly noticed by the neighbors. On WodueBday morn ing wheu a neighbor's 12-year old girl went to deliver milk to the liouc, this man went into, tho house and locked the door. For some time he would not let the womau open tho door to receive tho milk aud tho girl heard them quarreling about some property. She dually came to the door to got the milk. This was the last time she was Been alive, by uuy other than tho fiend who murdered her. Along iu tho afternoon, Mrs. Hickox who was calling on a neigh bor, noticed that the shades iu the Chapin house were drawu down and the back window oien, which was unusual. The fact that Mrs. Chapiu had not been at the Hickox house with water from her well, as was her daily custom, was also commented odou. At about 8 o'clock iu the evening, Mr. and MrB. Hickox and another woman went to the house aud after repeated knockings Biid culls, were unanswered, the door fastenings wero broken and a senrcli of the house begun, which finally re vealed tlio body of the woman wrap ned no iu a bed quilt, lying on the floor under tho open window. Coro ncr Flanagan was at once notified and on examination ot the ' body decided that tho woman had beeu dead two hours or more. She had beeu hit on the head by somo blunt instrument which crushed tho skull iu two laces. The face and neck wero also cut many times with a kuiru. Ap pearances lead to the theory that sli was killed on the bed and then inioklv wramied in tho quilt on which she lay aud takeu to the net room near tha window. The doors wero fastened on tho inside and th fiend left the houso through tho win dow, which he might easily hav REAL I BUY AND SELL REAL ESTATE OWN YOUR OWN HOME cleared: 15 acres in alfalfa; 100 Good water right, and good house Orchard with all varieties of fruit No. 245. 2l acres ; 140 acres acres iu grain ; 2." acres iu iw.iure. of nine rooms. Biru 40 x So feet Price, pet acre. No. 514. 80 acres; good water right; no improvements, sold soon. Cash KXX Must be IfiO acres about 13 miles from the city. Good house cct Abont 000,000 feet of good saw timber. Will sell for No. 223. about 1CJ. I10U0. Stop paying rent I0 down and tV a month will purchase lot iu almost any portion of tthe city. Call on or addrexa JOSEPH MOSS Headquarter fur Heal Estate. Office on E Street, between Fourth and Fifth Streets, GRANTS PASS, - - OREGON. Fish. Black Bass Opeu from June 1 to October 1 of each year. Only hook aud liue may bo used. Trout May lie caught only will hook and line. Limit (if size, uut less than five inches. Limit of catch, 12.") in a day. Night fishing prohibit ed, except within tidewaters of Oiullle River, but only hook and line may be used. Hale prohibited. Eastern Crook Trout, Loch Leveu Trout aud Grarliug Closed uuti April I. 1W)1 Salmon Trout Owu at all times, except that Ashing fur Salmon Troo is restricted to tidt-wat-r during the months of -November, December, iJaunarv February and March of eac vear. All other species of Trout Closed rlnrins the months of November, Deeiuber, January, February an March of each year. Use of dynamite, powdi r, gas, lime, occulus, indieus, poison, etc., prohib iled. Dynamiting trout aud other food or game f'-h is made a m uitentiary offense. The law also prohibits the danipin of sawdust planer shavings and lum ber waste into trout or salmon streams. Water Fowl. Ducks. Geese, Swali Limit, 100 in DEVELOPMENT OF OREGON Commercial Club Issues Call For League Convention. done without being noticed and es caped through the brush. One theory advanced ia that the murderer was Unking uear to burn the houso during the night and thus eface evidence of his crime. His purpose in fastening tho doors was to keep the crime from being found out, should auy person come to the house. The woman had no money but is said to have property iu British Columbia. It is reported from Med- iford that a man answering the do senptiou of the suspect, Had saiti while thero a few weeks ago that he was going lo Grants Pass to collect some money from a womau. Mrs. Cnanin. tho day before her death was at the Hickox home aud In conversation reported that hor hcuso had beeu entered in her absence and overythiuic was turued npsido down. and what she most regretted was that n borrowed dirk was stolen. The knife she spoke ot was later fonud nearby under a tree and ia probably tho oiiq with which sho was out. Mrs. Chupin was a resident of Grants Pass for some time until about six years ago when she weut to North Siimass, B. C, where she said sho 'mil been employed at the Iudino ageuo. She has two children who aro with a wealthy sister in Ottawa, Canada. She had been iu Grauts Pass about two months. Sheriff Lewis was notified Saturday that the Koseburg sheriff had captured a man niiswering the description sent out anil Mr. Lewis went to lioseburg, returning Sunday evening with the man, who gave his nanio as Jo Will lams. ' Williams is the man whom the police, have suspected but as yet notliiug has developed to couuect him directly with tho crime, although he admits having visited tho womau but claims to have left her beforo th crime was committed. His stories In many particulars do not correspond mid it is probable that ho knows more than ho cares to tell. The lit tin girl who hud tiikuu 111 ilk to Mrs. Chimin on Wednesday morning was taken to tho jail but could not defl nitely identify the man. This is not at all strange. She saw the man with his hat on walking into the house but when she was called on to iden tify tho prisoner, tho girl, who about 12 years old, was takeu to the jail and peered through the bars at ham heuded 111:111 sitting iu the semi darkness of Ins cell or walking up and down tho corridor. Had tl prisoner been taken out into tho duy light or placed iu a crowd and the eirl told to pick out the man she would not havo hesitated. The same trouble was experienced with the others called upon to identify him This man has peculiaiitiis lu walk and other ways that wero commented on hy those who saw the man, wlio went to tho Chnpln house. No ex ainiimtinn has yet been held, hut as soon as accumulating evidence can be galhered together, au examination will he held. Furniture Items that are interesting Something ntw always to be found iu this immense stock. The largest assortment and the lowest prices. CARPET REMNANTS We're closing out short pieces oft. LACE CURTAINS, 45c to $6.50 pair closing out some numbers off. BABY CARRIAGES and GO-CARTS 10 to 15 per cent off. REFRIGERATORS AT COST to close out. 10 and 1 j-piece Toilet Sets at cost to close out. NEW GOODS NEWS Another lot of those cheap Iron Beds, See the new Dressing Bureaus, beautiful eoods: they're right. See the new Buffett China Closets, New Carpets, New Kitchen Treasures, New Porch Chairs, Camp Chairs, Hammocks 75c up to $6 00. Camp Stoves at cost to close. Tents Lower Than Ever. B U Y F U R N I T U R R I G H T A ticket on the Bis: Couch with every 50c sale. Buy NOW. FRUIT SEASON &e Ware that Wears Lava Enamelled Ware our latest importation stands today withont a rival in point of quality, style and finish; made from heavy steel rolled especially for the purpose; covered on the outside with 3 heavy coats of very hard elastic en amel and on the inside with PURE white PORCE LAIN. We guarantee this ware to be free from lead, antimony or arsenic We guarantee every piece. You will be pleased with the reasonable prices. Wall Papers Another Big consignment just received; ' -n"'!,-i1 designs, exquisite colorings. The stcck is carried right here for immediate delivery. Call and let us show you the largest line in Southern . Oregon no trouble, .we'll be pleased to. Get the prices on these goods delivered in your bouse. East ern freight rates are deceptive. Free paste with all orders. R. THOMAS CO., Ca Housefurnishers Grants Pass, - Oregon. TEACHERS' EXAMINATION Examination of Applicant lor Stat nd County Paper. LOSS ESTIMATED $50,000 H THE THIEVES ARE ABROAD PURCHASE GASQUET ROAD Melon &nd Fruit Stealing lift. Already Commenced Del Norte County ia Petitioned lo 1'urche.ee the Toll RoaiJ, tl Storm Swath in Cuta Do.me.ging Fruit Orchard. The Portland Commercial (Mnb aa issued a call for a couvcutloo of the Oreaon Development Leaiioe, to bi held at tho Mininam Orand Theatur iu Portland, Aoiiinit 3d and 3d. All commercial, BKrlcoltnra lining, trxk-rainiiig and irrigation Interest will be reprenented ; every editor lu the tat will be invited to attend as a delegate; Coonty Com mimiioueri and Mayon of all town aud cities will alo bo railed upon to niui) delegate. The Portland Woman' Club will look afUir the comfort of ladiei accompanying dele gated, and, among other entertain ment, have arrangej for a trollery ridu on Angaiit 2d, taking in the niot iutereting and beautiful environ of Portland, aud on Aagot 3d ten atroet car will be provided for a trip over the entire city. The Southern Pacific Co. will noil ticket at the very low rate of one fare for the round trip, from all point on Oregon Line to Portland aud retnru, for tit I occanion, aud It ii hoped that every section of the atnta will be well n-preimuted at the couventiou, to work iu harmony for the development of Oregoo. A I deair to leave Grant Pa, I will aell anything that I prnM-aa aud Hit entire 8. P. Can etate oo eay term. See Jo. Mom for lint of tea! estate and hotiiw-e. K. V. Cam. There eenin to be nil Inborn denim n the breast of certain bcyf to nteul fruit; they aro aei.ed with tho nil coii(nerahlo desire a noon a the frnit eem to allow the nlightent aenihhiueo of approaching maturity and ho Htrcng ia tho desiro that it leadi, oven to wanton destruction of property. Lant Huuday whila O. A. Cobb and hi family were apendiug the iluy away from home a baud of boy en tered hi 11U aero melon iwtch two miles went of town oi) the Pulton place and after taking nil the melon that allowed a semblance of approach ing ripencHS, they begun (dashing the young green iruu ami trampling down the vine for no other apparent reason tliau pure caiweihiesH. The aaino day tho Lawnou peach orchard waa raided and ripe and green fruit stripped from tho tree and much of it trampled dowu. These iustauce do not iiilcude all the depredation aa certain act of boys are making raids in dilTerint sections. Oho set of b iy, brother, have been making raid on the Kin ney jieacli orchard also. Parent dhould provide their boys with amusement or woik enough In keap them out of audi deviltry. Sdrjutrd the Children. Notwithatauding all tliatii doue by boards of health and charitably in clined persona, the death rate among small children is very high during the hot weatner of fie summer moiithsln tin) largo cities; there is not probably one case of bowel com plaint iu a hundred, however, Hint could not bo cored by the timely use of Chamberlain'! Colic, Cholera aud Diarrhoea Remedy. Kor sale by all drogglHts. City Treasurer' Notice. There are funds In the city treai-ury to redeem all outstanding warrants protested to November, S 1WH. In terest on same will cease after this date. . Dated at Grant! Pas, lire., July 14, 1U04. The prnpnsltnu of Del Norte county purchasing the Ousiiiet Toll Itoad, is being revived, 'llio Monumental Mine people are ui gotiutiug with the owner for its purohau and many be- levu if it change huiids, it should go to the county. The owners ask (WHIG fur the rnail and would give the county preference iu the mutter. The county certainly should own the road ami iimke it free to travel, if possible to do no without having to levy at too high a ratr this yi ur. The roll this year will he large enough to raise the money needed for ordinary expenses and pur chase uf the road on a t rate or .'ill cents on each MK) of asseisiblo property lower than hut levy. The conditions fi r keeping up the road, have changed materially within the past two year. Previous there wa no assess! hie property lu the district through which tho road hail. Now Hie timber claim taken ap by outside is'npli1 will return sudh ii'iit revenue, to keei the road up. A petition asking tho Hoard of Huis rvisors to purchase the road is being circulated uud generally signed by taxpayi rs. It la reali.ed that the only way to indiicu ettlemcnt of the comity and development of our natur al resource i to havo freo avenne fur outsiders to reach the county. The matter will likely comii before tin Hoard next week l)i 1 Norte Hicord -. .- . - BOY WAS SHOT IN BACK Notloa ia hereby giveu that the oouuty superintendent of Josephine Comity will hold the regular exami nation of applicant for Stnte and oonuty paperi at Orauta Pas, ai fullowi : FOB STATE PAPERS. Commencing Wednesday, August 10, at nine o'clock a. in., and con tinuing until Saturday. August HI, at four o'clock p. m.. Wednesday Penmanship, history, spelling, algebia, aohool-law. Thursday Written arlthniotio, theory of teaching, grammar, book keeping, physics, civil government. Friday Physiology, geography, men tal arithmetic, composition, physical geography. Saturday Uotauy, plane geometry, lie ml history, English literature, yschology. FOR COUNTY PAPERS. Commencing Weduoadny, August 10, at U o'clock a. ui., aud continuing nil- 1 Friday. August 13, at 4 o'clock iu. FIRST, SECOND AND THIRD GRADE CERTIFICATES. Wednesday Penmanship, history, orthography, reading. Thursday Written arithmetic, leory of teaching, grammar, phynol- ogy. Friday Geography, mental arith metic, school law, civil government. PRIMARY CERTIFICATES. Wudnesdav Penmanship, orthog raphy, reading, arithmetic. Thursday Art of questioning, theory of teaching, methods, physi- logy. LINCOLN SAVAGE, County Superintendent. Broken Things Wanted. When your Furniture, Organ, Guitar or Mandolin needs repairing or reMuishiiig, aud your foruituro up- mistering, call at West Front struct, between 3d and 4th at. New fur niture made to order. I-awn mowers shartwued. Work guaranteed. Accidental Discharge ol Gun Injures Ashland Bo . COL W. JOHNSON, City Treasurer. Alfred Phelps, sou of the Ashland minister, and Percy Younger a.id Kenneth Norri weut down Hi cn-ek yesterday to look at the water, aud through the accidental discharge of a gun lu the hinds of Younger, ball, pronounced a '21 by the physi clan, enteri d the hack of Phelj the vicinity of the left shoulder. Ralph Hilling wa informed what haptH'iied and brought him to town and Dr. Kliaw was summoned. Dr. ilenidou'i X liny located tl bullet and as it was not iu adangeroo locality it was allowed to remain, Valey Record. A thuuder aliowor coming down Coleman creek aud a leparate branch dowu Wagner creek, near Ashland, cauaed an Immense damage to several of the fancy fruit orchards down the valley, lu tho path of part of this storm wai a hall atorm that poured dowu itonei as large a quail egga. The rain did no damage, but this hail practically ruiued the pruiout season'! fancy (ruit crop iu the district which it struck. The district is largoly whero the fancy fioit orchard! are located aud their money ii iu the flue quality of good! shipped to tha worlds market, where top prices are obtainable. The hail stouoi struck these apples aud pean and havo ruined the entire crop for fancy fruit The bruises will mar them aud tho crop that remains will have' to bu sold for second class fruit. The or chards whoso fancy crops were ruined are : The very largo orchards of Gor- dou Voorhlcs, C. II. Lewis, Clay & Meader, also others iu the section of smaller sliu. The damago in money is estimated at M.OOO. Valley Record, County Treasurer's Notice. Thero are funds iu the treaanry to lay all warrant! protested to October ir, 1HUS. Interest will cease from this date. June IS, 1U0I. J. T. TAYLOR, Treasurer of Josephine Co., Ore. District Boundary Board Meeting The District Boundary Hoard of Josephine County met at I o'clock p. m., July 8, HHH. Ii: the matter of petitiou to form a uew school district iron) territory einiiraced In school districts Nos. 21 and 22 of Merliu aud Hugo, the Hoard unanimously allowed said petition. but made a slight change in the boundary line. The district thus loruied is to be known as District No. 47 of Joscphiue County. In the matter ot petitiou to form a uew school district out of the Jose phine county part of Joint School Distr'cta Nos. 8 aud 91 of Joaephlue and Jackson counties. Attorney R. G. Smith, representing the petitioners, withdrew the petition ou tho ground tint said petitiou was not properly drawn to cover all point! required. Thii action left tho district ai it formerly stood. There being no further business, Iloird adjourned. LINCOLN SAVAGE, Sec. ( i im METROPOLI 11 JUST B53 TKZS A iiiotormaii i.i C!iii c; r-rn lr.j rf outo-the approach of an "tx'ii l:ii!j;e l't topped it with the feeler actually over hanging the K"'f larlow. He wouldn't want to reeut the experiment because the chances are that he'd never ae;aiil have the same good fortune. Once in a ijyri while aotue one Ss-"" -l-' ? I M wlio lias travel ed to the very edge of the danger line of stomach dis ease stop justt'A iu time to nve his health. Hut the majority of people goacross the line, and slight symptoms of indigestion grow to disease oi the stomach, involving; the other organs of digestion and nutrition. Indigestion anil other form of stom ach "trouble" are T-rfect!y and per manently enrol bv the use of Dr. Pierce'! Golden Medical IJiscovery, It trvn:th ens the whole Isxly bv enabling the per fect digestion and assimilation of food. $3,01)0 F1RPI-.IT will be paid by tha Wf.tl.i a Ilisneiisarv Mi tlicsl Association. Proprietors, lluflalo. N. V , if they cannet show Hie onuinal signature of tlie indi vidual volunUirina; the teHinuini.il below, and slso of the writrrs of rvriy tt-Ml-mumal among the thousands which thf arc constantly publishing, thus proving their gcnuini nrss. "I hsvtbccn u"rln for shout rlht yriirs." write. Mrs 11. ll.r.e.ul Millpnn Ky. "Iln'e hsil Mrrslili-t'iri. Inlrrat me-if fr ti nuilt wrakuru n l aliT lor stomach trm.l.l. I ill rrcnvr.1 no rf II. f. When I wrole you for a.l i.u I waa hanlly s'pu- to work, ate! you a.lviacl me what lu.lo 1 loo nine bocilrt. Hvaaf ..U1. Mriltcal IHcovrry.' four of Kavorilt l"rr-ri(.-U ,o ' alao two vial, of tlir ' I'cllru.' lr Ihrror s mrlkluta will ilo all that you elAim tor tli'in. Srlwvs I woulil have Uia ill uiy grave II I but Bot Ukeu tlicm. Dr Pitrcs's Medical Adviser Is scntfr oa receipt of sum to pay expcie r sailing only. Send ji one-cent suinns for the book In paer covers, or siani for th cloth hound volume. Addicss I'r. K. V. fierce, BuSalo, N. Y.