Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927, July 14, 1904, Image 3

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A Four Quart Covered
Milk Pail and 5 Pounds
of Chase & Sanborn's
Blended Coffee for $1.20.
One pound of English Breakfast Tei , . . . 5 cents
One pound Japan Tea Dust cents
Evaporated Cream (Oregon Grape) to cents
Fancy full cream cheese per pound 20 cents
ENERGY, (like Grape Nuts) per pkg " 10 cents
McLarens Imperial Cheese, Roqufort, after dinner cheese, etc.
All Kinds of Canned Lunch Goods.
Cold Boiled Ham, Kept on Ice.
The White House Grocery.
People They Come evnd Co
From Day to Day
J. W. Harmon'i Barn Struck bv Brief Note Bind Items of Interest
Llghtninf and Destroyed
end Importance.
ft Bio Strike
Cramer Bros.
Oild Fellows Block.
Grants Pass, - Oregon.
Take a
With You
Picture takiug will add immensely to the
pleasure of your vacation.
Kodaks $5 to 20
Brownies $1 and 2
All Kinds of Photo Supplies in stock at the
KodaK Headquarters
A. E. VOORHIES, Propr.
Tlie Robt Eberle family are camp
ing at Colestiu.
Miss Orlcue Williams went to Sun
Francisco MonJay.
Miss Grace Meiritt is attending
Chautauqua at Ashland,
Hemy Hiller arrived Friday from
Portland to spend a few days. '
. Mrs. Vf. F. Lempko and cliild and
Mrs. E. Daniels are visitiiig at Soda
Mrs. Alice Carlon and brother, Fred
Cook, returned from
Miss Bertha Barria arrived in
Grants Pass Wednesday aud will re
main until fall.
Mrs. Jas. Slover aud Miss Lelia
went to Portlnnd Sunday to spend
some time with Mr. Slover.
Mrs. n. C. Perkins returned last
Wednesday evening from an absence
of several weeks at Eugene.
Rev. aud Mrs. J. W. MeDeoogall
and Mrs. Mutch went to Ashland
Tuesday to attend Chautauqua.
Mr. aud Mrs, D. It. Stavall and
Mrs. W. H. Freed went to Ashland
Tuesday to camp during the. Chau
tauqua. Mrs. M. F. Dulybon aud daughter,
Miss Lida Fyfield, left lax week lor
a visit with Mr. Dnlybou'a brother
nt Seattle.
Win. Patella, brother of Mrn. L. B.
Hall, arrived in Grants Pass Mouday
from Deature, III. His family will
arrivo later.
Martiu Heston is now at the World's
ftir and has a position as pass in
pector. Ho eipeet to visit his
parents herd in August.
Mrs Goo. B. Archer left Sunday
moruiug for San Juan, Cal., to visit
her father, who is sick. Mrs. Archer
as not been homo for five years.
Mr. and Mrs. Pendleton of Table
Rock were in Grants Pass Wodnosday
with a flue team of young horscB,
liich he expects to dispose of here.
Louis Gentner left Sunday runni
ng for San Francisco, where he en-
rs the Van Der Neillcn engineering
school to take tho electrical course.
Geneva Myers, daughter of Mr."
aud Mrs. ,T. L Myers, returned on
Thursday from a vibH of six weeks at
Portland, McMiunvillo and Newburg.
A. L. Myers returned this week
from Newburg and will Buperinti-nd
the operations at the Owl Gulch
quartz property.
Win Colvig was was elected supreme
ovorseer of the A. O. U. W. at its re
cent meeting at Chattanooga, Temi
Ho returned to Jacksonville hist
I). McCarthy, the 8. P. engineer,
who is now running on the I.cbiition
branch, is visiting his family at Ash
laud and looking after his peach
E. E. Redfiuld of Glendale was in
town on Monday. He has lately com
pleted the big railroad wood contract
on which ho has bi'eu working for
sonio time past.
Mrs. W. J. Rogers and Miss Abble
Stackpolo left ou Monday for a vaca
tion in the mountains. Thoy will
visit Goldenviow city and the scene
of the'Briggs gold discovery
A. U. Bauuard is at Bos well springs
for the benefit of his health. Judging
from the fact that lie took a two mile
wall a few days ago, it would seem
that the snrinus certainly agree witli
Mr. aud Mrs. Fred Colvig, Mr. and
Mrs. Harry Colvig aud J" rank Colv
left on Tuesday moruiug for a camp
ing trip to the hunting and fishing
grounds of upper Evans creek. The
intend to remain about throe weeks.
A. Lulloy, of the Oregon
tiot Bureau, was in urants t'ass
Tuesday, gathering samplns of ores
aud grain for exhibition at Hi
Bureau. The Courier proprietor.
loaned him specimen of gold from
the Briggs find to place on exhibition
This Bureau is doing a great ainoiiu
of good in supplying ' information t
iutudiiiK settlers. Their rooms are
in the Union derot.
J H. Colby and son, Herman, re
turned this week from a visit to Coos
Bay. Thev met several former Grant
Fuss neonle there, among them L. A
Adams aud Mr. and Mrs. Ford. M
Colbv savs the ranchers of (,00s
county, are feeling tho clTecta of un
usual dry weather fully as much
not mors than the people of Josephine
aud Jackson counties. He reports
the roads dusty all the way to the
coast, whereas travelers usually ex
pect to encounter soiuo mud on the
way. He found the countrj generally
prosperous though times were some
what quiet.
Sunday's electric storm was on of
ouosaal severity for this locality.
Grauts Pass bning on the edge of the
storm, r scaped ' its force. The
strength of the elements was mani
fested mainly farther eoath and east,
and the storm center seems to have
been along the range of mountains
that separates the Applegate from the
Illinois river tributaries. In the Ap
plegate aud Deer creek valleys, t:ie
raiu ponred in torrents. The new
bain of J. W. Harmon near Solum, a
Portland last 1 structure eOxm) feet ana one or tne
best barns ii the country, built ac
cording to the late ideas and with all
the modern conveniences, was struck
by lightning and burned, with some
60 tons of bay. The loss was about
1200 witli no iusurauce. Posttunstor
C. E. Harmon of this city, white re
turning from a visit to the Harmon
place on Deer creek, encouutered a
lively hail storm at Selnia. The
stones rattled down as big as marbles,
the team became frantic, bat by good
igiueeriug, they were got under
shelter in R. C. Churchill's barn be
fore tne matter became serious.
On the Hays bill there seems to
have beeu a small water spout or
loud burst. The water poured dowu
the hill iu torrents, badly sluicing
and gullying oat the road, which
prior to the storm was in almost per
fect condition.
Severul trees were fired by the
lectric spark in sight of Grants Pass,
on the hills south of town. It is re
ported that a gatepost at the Hatha
way place on the Murphy road, was
also struck by lightning.
When you buy a Camera of me I teach you how to take picture, also In
stroctions iu development and printing free.
The tli under storm of Sunday car
ed with it hail showers iu some
localities. It has been reported here
that the hop fields of tho Applegate
suffered severely from this cause.
However, J. A. Rehkopf, whose yard
ha'l beeu rumored to have sustained
the most serious damage, says that, in
is opinion, the storm will ii crease
rather tlian diminish the yield of
hops. The hail did knock some hops
from the vines but aid not knock
down any of the vinos and the ground
received such a thorough soaking that
e increase in yitld will bo fully
double the damage done.
t ia Found Impossible to Floe.1
Sewer Bonds.
The reiiulur meeting of the Cl'y Coun
cil Council was held Thursday evening.
Pre-ent, Mayor (jllkey,. Aldermen Wil
liams, Bashor, Perkins, Trimble, Reh
kopf and Calvert, aud Ro order May-bee"
Tho petition o( E. L. Cass and 130
others ssking that Sunday closing or
dinances be repealed was preseuted,
and luid on the table until the ordinance
now in force oan be tested.
The city attorney was instructed to
draft an ordinance to exclude from the
operation of the fire limits the south
half of blocks 4(1 and 47.
Following saloon licenses were grant.
ed : A. Lernpke, Fred Schallhorn, J. G
Scballliorn, Coburn & Hawkins. The
Council refused to grant license to Honry
Claus Schmidt was granted permis
sion to u-e street while putting up build
ing on Gth and J stree's.
The Mayor, who has been invoeligat-
ing tne sale 01 sewor uouas, reporieu
that, on account of irregularities In the
election (or same, it would be impossible
to fl'iat the bonds until steps could be
taken to correct the deficiency.
Tbe Building Committee recommend
ed that the Justice of the Peace and
constable have use of tbe city ball for
their offices at 5 por month.
Day Marshal Robert Sexauor submit
ted report on measurements of water in
the restrvoir during the month of June,
showing a depth of from five feet six
inches to cloven .feet three inches,
which Insures pood pressure and plenty
of wa'er at all limes.
The following bills were ordered paid :
Wolke & S-haska, sewer work. . .t&0 0o
Grants Pass Hdw Co., cement, etc 351 75
170 05
2 50
30 50
18 72
12 50
0 50
53 60
Hair-Riddle IldwCo.J. "
Hotel Josephine
Sugar Pino Store
W. L. & P. Co '.
Geo. Harlman, hay
W. F. Hathaway, meals...
Cramer Bros , sewor pipe..
Grants Pass Iron Works 2 00
Kesterion & Co., bsy 145
Oregon Observer, printing 6 00
II. N. Holton, itroet work 14 00
W. Sims " " .
Geo. Hnow. 34 00
B. W. Foss 34 00
U. H.Giinilan 54 00
Fire Dept., firemen
Council then adjourned.
10 lb
Th Handiomt Davenport
to Mia Maud Berber.
No danger of marring tbe paint on the wheels.
No delay. The entire job requires but 30 minutes.
We handle all sizes up to 4 x'J. -
Come and see our new machine work.
TRIMBLE 01 COOK, Blacksmiths.
On Weduesdny afternoon, there was
quite a gathering at R. Thomas &
Co's to witness the drawing for the
beautiful Davenport given away by
thU enterprising firm. About 4 :M p.
m., Mr. A. E. Voorhies, who was
Master of Ceremonies, selected one
of the customers, Miss Sadie Lowdcu,
to do the drawing. Sim was forth
with blind biln'lfolded aud with due
I solemnity, put her hand iuto the big
! pile of tickets and drew forth a tick
et, which proved to be No. 14511,
i which was held by Miss Maude Baber,
I who' thereby becomes possessed of a
' handsome '-') Davenport, large and
, With its companions, heart born,
flatulence, torpidity of the liver, con
filiation, palpitation of the heart,
poor blood, headache and other ner
vous symptoms, sallow skin, rout ton
gue, otlensive treat 11 ana a irgiou 01
other ailments, is at once the most
widespread and destructive malady
among the American people. The
Herbine treatmnt will cure all these
trouble. 60c bottle at Model Drug
Troubles.! Wildervllle.
Wm. Muuson, an employe at Conger
Bros, saw mill near Wildurville, was
struck on tho head Mouday afternoon
with a hammer, by Euiiuett Conger,
yard boss at the mill. Munsou
skull is said to be fractured as a re
suit of the blow. At latest accounts
he is improving and will probably re
cover. Conger was arrestea on laes-
day by Sheriff Lewis and the pre
liminary hearing of his case was
held ou Wednesday afternoon. The
affair is tbe culmination of a bad feel
ins which has existed between the
two men for some time.
Dr. Flanagan,
Physician aud Dentist
Go to Corun for Plumbing.
M. Clement, fresnption Druitgist.
Join the Library at one dollar a
Photo Supplies at the Courier of
fice. Dutch Ovijus aud camp stoves nt
Cramer Bios.
A Splendid line of Royal Charter Oak
Ranges at Coron't
A. Bargain iu pianos at tho Grants
Pass Music I Ion so
Lots iu tho Ireland & Meade addi
tion on easy terms.
Plates aud Films developed aud
printed at Cleveugor'a.
New liuo of wire goods with ninny
novelties at Cramer Bros,
Remnants of Garden Huso In short
lengths at Cramer Bros. t
Your credit is Kood wi h Ireland &
Meade, if you buy a lot now.
Fifty cent sheet music at 85 cents at
tho Grants Pass Mosio House.
.Dr. Strieker is building a cottage
on B street just across Gilbert creek
Amateur Photo work promptly and
carefully attended to at Clevenger's.
Don't fail to see the new Una of
Diamond and opal rings at Letcher's,
If von want a "Trust" worthy
wheel buy a Monurch from Jud, Tay
Now line of ladies and gentlemen's
solid told watch chains at Letcher s
Jewelry store.
For a short timo Ireland & Meado
will sell yon a lot for $10 dowu aud
f. per month.
If you aro going to the Althouse
district, get your prospecting outfit
at Cramer Bros.
Why pay reut? I will sell you a
house and lot or a ranch on easy pay
ments. E. L. Cuss.
The piano offer which we anuouno
ed SJine time ago, is withdrawn ou ao-
couut of lack of interest.
:18 boys an Iver Johnson, fitted
with heavy tread G. & J. tires and
Corbin duplex brake, nt Jud Taylor's.
The entire estato of 8. F. Cass, and
all real estato belonging to E. L. Cass
for sale on easy terms. Cull at my
office Joseph Moss.
A good timo and nice refreshments
are anticipated at tho coming Lawn
Social and Houao warming during the
Band concert at tho Presbyterian
Manse on Friday, the 22d iust.
When iu need of a first class time
piece, yoa niako the mistake of yocr
life if vou go purchasing without get
ting my prices. A. Letcher,
Talking Machines and Record at
Fishing Tackle, Guus aud Amnio-
mtion at Cramer Bros.
The Iver Johnson is an independent
wheel tnke a look at them at the
shop opposite PostofTloo.
Trimble & Cook now cany a stock
of buiiEV and .hack wheels In all
grades. The prices are right,
If you are not getting good shoes,
for Tour money. Try tho Red Star
Store, whero good shoes lire sold.
New Trout Flies and Leaders at
Cramer Bros.
Having received one of the latent
improved New Century Engraving
machines we are prepared to do all
kinds of engraving; goods bought
from us engraved free. Curtis & Co.,
Odd Fellows' Building, Grants Pass,
Picks, Shovols, Axes
Utensils at Cramer Bros.
J. R. Rnsser has closed out bis
vegetable aud fruit market ou I rcint
street and has combined with W. r
Hathaway iu tho Hotel Laytnn restau
Ask your dealer for Rogue River
Creamery Butter made at Medford is
now 55 cents per two-pound, square
all weight.
The Ladies of the Maccabees wi 11
ive a social dance ou Thu'sday even
iug, July 21, leu cream and cake wil
be served. The ladies will give their
nublio drill in costume. The hall
will bo open at H ::)) p. m.
As I desire, to leave Giants Pass, 1
will sell anything that I possess and
he cntiro S. F. Cass estate on easy
terms. Hue Jos. Mu fur list ot
eal estate and houses. E. L. Cuss.
A small fire occurred Iu tho Phil
lips hotel at Lcland Friday, evening
dumagiug some clothing. It was sup
posed to have caught from a laea cur
tain being bhutii against a lighted
amp. Tho I'amuge was covered by
Come to tho House warming and
lawn so.'iuhle, Presbyterian manse
Dr. Mooro resideueo) while attend
ing the concert Friday evening,
July 32. Handwlrhes, and coffee, 10
cent aud Ice cream aud cake, l.'i
ccnis, will bo served. A good time
for everybody. You are invited.
Bring Your Wife Along
Women are the best judges of dress, I
their own or the Meu's. They know a
good thing when they see it, and you
may rely firmly on their good judgment,
js J J
Bring her with you, by all means,
let her help you select your Summer
clothes. She'll understand that "gen
uine goodness" of a Schloss Ai t-Tailored
Suit, better, pet haps, than you. How
ever, you ure sure of good treatment
here, wether you bring her or uot.
j J J
The difference iu the cost of a
Schloss made Suit aud that made by the
"uieichatit tailor" will be enough to
open her eyes to the possibilities for
motley saving. Just think, we sell a
suit like either of those shown in
pictuie at so little a price as
The "merchant tailor" would want
to charge $2$ for a suit not so good in
fit, style or quality. Here is a clear sav
ing of $12 50, which your wife can find
good use for in adding to ber own ward
robe. No wonder she is bent on break
ing you ol the "merchant tailor" habit.
This label ou Schloss made clothes
is to protect the wearer It stands for
reputation, uniform excellence and up-to-dateness.
1 ll JkSte,
TINE clothes &i
t m a V-i
"Drop iu and let us talk it over."
Outfitters to Particular People.
Glendtvle People Think we ate in
a.BaAeOven. But Not eo.
Reduced Rate lo St. Louie Capo
The Southern Pacific Co. will (ell
round trip ticket at greatly reduced
rates to St, , Louis and Chicago, ac
count the Bt. Louia, Exjiositloo, on
the following dates:
June i'ith, 17, 18; July 1 2,
Augusts, 9, 10; Beplember 8,0,
October S, 4, S.
Going trip must be completed with
in 10 days from date of sale and pas
senger will be permitted to start on
any day that will enable them to
reach destination within the 10 days
limit Return limit 0 days, but not
later than December SI, lt For full
information - to rate and route call
on Agent Southern Pao., at Grsots
Pas. W. E. Coman, O. P. A.
I a violent iiiHumuiation of the
mucous membrane of the wind pipe,
which sometimes eitends to the lar-
nyx and bronchial tubes; and is one
of . the most dangerous diseases f
children. It almost always conies
ou n the night. Give frequent small
dose of Ballard' Horehound Kyrup
and. afply Ballard' Know Liniment
externally to the throat. 2.,
11.00 at Model Drug Htore.
U try a Blue Kibbon, Scent cigar.
Rune. way l Piovolt.
An exciting runaway occurred last
Friday while M. Paine was 011 his
way to one f his friends' to cut bay.
He reached the farm of E. N. Provolt
and bad to stop on business, aud drop
ping the lines, he started to here
the men were at work on the big
Laurel bill ditcb, aud when he was
some distance away, the team became
frightened aud started to run, before
anyone could reach them. They were
hitched to mower that Mr. Paine
bad just purchased, aud the damages
will exceed !!.
Besides being hi tho district which
enjoys the most perfect olimato of the
Pacific coast, Grants Pass ha the
further advantage of having tho most
lelightful location in point of beauty
and comfort of any town iu Houthreu
Oregon, Ita lituntion iu the llttlo
valley uivlliu it the benefit of every
hreezo that sweeps over from the'
coast to tcmpci tho summer nuur,
while, the turroutiding hills aro near
iiuiigh to break the foroo of the more
violent winds, which disturb tho
of towns situated on level
tracts of larger area.
I ICniriiieer O. II. Sampson of this
city has for a number of yiars past
siieiit a considerable portion of his
timu lit Gleiidalu, being there day
after day on his run. Whilo there he
has been somewhat uettled at the
repeated allusion to the hot weather
with which they credited Grants
Pass. Mr. Hampsou was convinced
that Grants Puss wustlier was no hot
ter than that of Glendule. Being in
both places every day, he rather
thought tho balnaco was on tho other
side, but ill this vie" ho was laughed
to scorn by the residents ot Glen
dale. To settle the matter conclu
sively lie procured thu records of the
voluntary weather observers of the
two places for 21 days In June, Irom
the 101 h to tho With inclusive. The
n suit is somewhat surprising. The
reenrds show a mean minimum tem
perature of Hi in Grants Pass; iu
(ileiid.ile, ill). 4. On two days only
the temperature in Grants Pa is went
to 100. In Glciiiliiln it reached that
point 011 II days (if tho 21 for whli'h
the compariseu is made. Gritnti Pass
reenidri tho highest notch ; 10U as
iig.iiust Glcuihilc's 102. Glendale
records a lower mean minimum tem
perature than Grants Pass and has a
greater daily range. 4Ihis Is nnturul,
as tho town is situated iu a very nar
row valley with high mountains on
lintli sidis and tho temperature Is
therefore mum susceptible to the
iiuick heating mil cooling of the
arlh's surface.
So Mr. HumpKon thinks It Is time
fur Gleiidahi folks lo revise their
weather Ideas iu regard to Grunts
I want to loan up to 10,000 pound
on hops; also have short time ordars
fur $0,0 pounds oil contract.
A GOOD WATCH should bo cleaned at lenst
onco a year. Have you had yours cleaned
and regulated? I am prepared to do all kinds of
jewelry repairing at prices that aro right, and
guarantoo my work to give satisfaction.
Clemens Drug Storo.
Colestiu Springs
For rates and other Information address II. B. (Jolo, Colestiu, Oro.
Orchestra. Concert.
Following Is the program for tho
Orchestra coucert, Friday evening,
July 15:
Mount Morris" Two-Stop
'Lust Spiel" Overaturu
Life ia But Dreain"-Waltze
Bridal March from Lohciigriu. . . .
The Dru id' ' Overture Bonnett
Hannv Days iu Georgia". . .Kuebler
ffllAl'INAt Urania"
July 8, I'M, to Mr. 1
Chapin, a daughter.
Pass. Friday,
nil Mrs. Hurry
LOOT, Meeting.
Grants Pass, Ore., Jaly 13. 1104.
The members ol Uohle'11 Rule Lodge,
No. 78, L O. O. F. are requested to
be present at the regular lodge meet
ing on Saturday evening, July HI,
I1KM, a business of Importance Is to
be transacted, also all transient Odd
Fellows are invited to comu.
By order of the Lodge.
T. Y. DKAN, R. Seo'y.
Card of Thank.
Wo wish to express our sincere
thanks to the friends, who extended
kindness and sympathy during tho
illness and death of Mrs. J. A. Larson.
Mrs. ('has. Kcipol, Sim Francisco.
J. A. Larson.
$100 Ktwvd, $100.
The reader, of this iwimt will be
pleased to learn that there is at least
one dreaded disease thst scieuce has
been able to cure in all its stages,
and that Is Citurrh. Hall's Catarrh
Cure in the only mitive cure now
known to the inei'ieal fraternity.
Catarrh helng a constitutional disease,
Miuirca a constitutional ircaiuieiu.
Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken inter
nally, acting directly uhu the blood
and mucous surfaces of the system.
thereby destroying the foundation of
the d 1 , and giving the patient
strength by huildicg up the coiistito-
1 11 n aud assisting nature in doing its
work. The proprietors have so much
faitii ill its curative powers that they
otTcr One Hundred Dollars for any
case tbut It fail to cure. Send for
list of testimonials. Address
F. J. CHUNKY & CO., Toledo, O.
Sold by all druggists, Vic.
Take Hall's Family Pills for constipation
We will Sell During this Month
Ladies' Dress Skirts,
Shirt Waists, Summer Wraps,
Summer Notions and Novelties,
Hoys and Men's Straw Hats
and Clothing
Greatly Reduced .Prices
-ton Your Choice b2
Wew Department Store
White-IIemcnway Co. Mgrs.