Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927, June 23, 1904, Page 4, Image 4

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California? Will Entertain Them
The Knights Templar who will at
tend the Tiionnial Conclave in Han
Francisco next Septerrbcr, havo scarce
a (aint iilca what iilcasnre a wait).
then) on the PaciQc const. They will
net a facte -if western hospitality long
before they reach tho Uolilcu Gate.
From tlio time they cros tliu moon
tains their journey will be one con
tluuoo ovation. Whether they travel
over the Northern ronte, by way of
Ogtleii, gait Lake, Portland (Or. 1,
Pniret Sonnd cities, or come over the
Boutin rn ronte, passing through the
paradise, of tho western hem in; here,
their progress will bo one round of
constant festivities. At every town
and city the people will iicmhlc at
thn depot opou arrirnl of the Tetn
plar train, cxtoud cordial greeting)
to the pilgrima, offer them the) lion
pitalitiei of the town, show them the
special resources of that particular
section,, offer them soovenirs and
how them unci) other courtesies a
tlie inhabitants will be able to crowd
into the aliort space while tho pil-
(rrinu wlil tarry among them. Special
arriiiignnicuti for thn rccc lion and
entortuiuinniit of the travelers have
been mnd- In nil plnec in which n
Teniplur ComniEndery it stationed
Nearly every train cominK from the
Eosi will enter California from one
end and return by the opposite di
rcciiou, thus airordinK tlio pnssi iigpr
a clianoe to see the greatest stretch of
country possihlo. California cover a
lalitnile equal to Unit f'om Canada to
the Onlf .of Mexico, with iwrliap a
greater variety of teniperntore,
scenery, products and greater wonders
than coji lie seen on the rent of tin
American continent. Traversing
California from Iho extrcmn south to
the north, the pilgrims will liavo an
opportunity to dec tho ric'i mining re
gion) which have supplied Iho world f
atock of tho precious metal which has
greased the wheels of coumierie for
the past half century. They will sec
inilcH of orchard, vineyards, orangi
groves, the largest hojiyards in the
World, win at fields larger than some
counties in the Stales, lofty mount
ains, and many of the natural wonders
of California.
The fare fur the round trip is to be
made the lowest in tho history of
transcontinental travel. That may
bn one inducement fur iicoplc to
make the trip though not the only
one. During the Coiieluro, before
and after tho people of California,
all tho people of tlio whole l'aclllc
slope, will entertain the vlsltois at
an endless round of festivities.
Tourists will have an opportunity
to avail themselves of the numerous
excursion and side trips at a nomi
nal cost, see California at its very
best, and enjoy the generous bos
pltalily of the real westerners. The
event is to bn madu the most incinor
ablu of nny gathering ou the I'iicIHc
For sick lieaUnclie take Chumher
laln's Stomach anil Liver Tablets noil
a quick cure. Is certain. For salu by
all druggists.
Bee Voorliiessbont Kodak and Supplies
A North Dakota. Storm,
Hera is the way a Wisconsin editor
describes a recent storm in North
Dakota: A southern wind hurled
tumble weeds and Itussiuti cactus
through tho nir at a llv.i inilu mi hour
gait and tho gate went ton. Many
stoves were drawn out through the
chimneys uuil tho strong wind blew
lu the nock uf a bottle and tore the
bottom out, Nebraska wagon tracks
passed over Ilia town In thousand!'.
The strain on the w no leuees was to
great that ull the staples were drawn
out mi thn north side uf the posts. A
kerosene barrel tiuiding in front of a
grocery store was sucked out flh.
bung hole and turned inside out.
Thn dirt Hew from n post hole en the
hillside and left the hole slicking out
of the ground about twn feet, with no
dirt around it.'
Tl'" M 'it Y !.i;tt CnMMini-illuti
,ri hi 1 i t u ily ,lr mthit-tl l,y n.t.tlcin
i-n1 i .a Mil lit Tu- urim oi c.n
fimiitMu'Ti tnu-t l.r iin-tMtl timi,
ill. 'I lu -T C"tr.,i v- t vc i r v. hci-
I .1. v .ur mliMiirU 1., liitf rM.ilvr-1 iitiil
'M Hlt bv tilt
I I It I Itir imitt'M
, ti i,
."is?.-'.' " ' K (lifthd uhi
' 4 lutil.inec is weal;
. j In.K to ir-ist ami
V f j iiiit.w t,rt .tw .-
Ptntur Tit rt i '
Co U-u Mi lu. 1
Ihtrtivi-i y tn h k r
v k 1 ti ti if
4 tnnif !i t iui'
ohut l n at o i!-r p
" f i l r it r o u k li .
1 11 tl i ii 1mv
Ut ukltl "' I'Ml.n II,
turn tu. J tttti'
lilhMii hu h il n
Uilt.l ri tiu-Kiliiinv tr-4tid linti u
U I'liui.tlinii in cuttu.-ililniti
S.VMIO lOlM i ll will I TMtit Is
li ? Worltl1 1 v Mcthral A'o.
ri.Ul. i;, l'nt.-:tl.tH. lUilI.ilo, N. V , tl
liny (Miiniit nlwivv llic orfiriiil Myn.iluu
rf tli'" itlml vi.lmitrnint; tin UMi- (cl'iw. an.l HlMtf Ilirwi Vitnf
f vim c '.rUiimuiHl ut.hiiiy the tluu.:ii(U
Y,hu tin'y me cuti.tntly nilihhui.
tliuii rovim tlifir jf uuuiriK-ss.
"1 'tif spnne r t o I Wni t Vrn Witt'
tf i'i..i ; ! txv uj tlif lii'i. av. l.-.,iuir n
y ti. IttKl tt.)f1 !( (Oi nt llflt -tl. h. , u,
H'mhIih "wi.Iib M I' I hi.lntuu i.l
1ft, I "1 .H ! l-uv! A Il v 1. 'i. :,.
l.'.li - Mr.l i, ,,l 1 'is ..vt'v TV titt t.
IV ri , !i i,c hut ll't'r K.n llftiK ' .
.,vi. l -)ti lc h il. l;m in iii, rt.ii -. .i,.,
C'ti'i' 11,n! 4ilm..t guru itti mi ,
tt' lit L-IVV V
i .l. IM1 1 t n
tin i. .i t II-. iir I ui ,.M
wltru 1 Ct'iiiniF iii-it t I .- iiMl) 1 it. t..-iri-'.
It HHV Olir it'lU t'M. tit lucil 1 In
plritMil to ntikiri't Rtiv lii.juiiy."
AtTv ;t in ttul'-'iniu fnt Ti,l. it u !
icnl l''fnwtr " Ni' 'ju-.t v-n.,i 1
lit. I'irtrt l'lf ilTllll 1'illrlH cU-u.m. it r
C.ojliil yt iu fium iuipuiilic.
Thrown From i WHcn,
Mr. Oi'oricu K. IUIm tn-k tlii.-wn
from hif wukou nml wvon-ly Itntl-nd
Ho ttl.pliril riAinlMTUili Vnui Uht
frt'fly ami uyn it In tho ...m linmif nt
Im p?it djmmI. Mr. i;.ilonck l n v II
known rltizm vt North Pluiu, Vuuu
Thire imiothliiK tqunl to !in I.hIih
for upraiui and bruint H. It will t-lTt rl
cure in ono-lliinl tlto Iuim n-quin d
by any otliiT tn-utuji ut. For mU l
U drungUtiL
Will B Held From June 2ih to
July 9th
. The Jederated Trades Council, of
Portland, (couijhisi1 of oO Labor
Unions with a total inemberliip of
mote than 10,(00) in ci inm-1 ii.n wiih
the Lewis and ('Inrk't 1'ralirnal
Huilding A.sfnciution, (crnipoKed rif 111
if thn Fraternal Order ropn s nti d
in that city ) are to give a Mardi (iia
ind Festival iu the city of Portland,
jonimeuciiig on the morning c f June
is ii and continuing until tin.' i vinio;;
if July Oth
This Carnival will be one of the
most extensive and elaborate evir
held in tlio Northwest. The General
(.'(juinilttet! in charge has hard tlu
entire Mulliiojnali club grounds, and
ittr .ctions hare hi en pro. -tin d from
liflerent parts of the l.'uitrd States.
The promise is given to nil v. bo at
tend, that liny will wilnr-s n:i: of
ihu best shnws of this kind they ( v, r
had tiio opioi tunily fjf loot ing nj on
west of the Itocky Mountain".
The purpone of this iiuderlriking l
tu 'aise funds lor the Is nolit of both
irgunizatiou partieipal ing in il.e
muiiageincnt. The Feiierahd 'J nob s
Council will receive one-half of ihe
revenue, uud this they will lol l in
their fund which tiny ore accumuhit
ing for the pbrjvisn of creeling a per
naueut home for I.ubor I'nions iu
lie City of l'ort land. Tun oth roue
:i it I f of the revinue will be used ,y
lin Lewis and Chuke l'nitirniil
I'ulhling Associilion, toun'ds the
jrectiou of a Fruternnl Temple mi Hie
Lewis uud Clarke ground, which
nuildilig will be Um-i1 lu intirlain
visiting Fraternal oh nib. rs dui ii y;
the fair.
Many a man i.'i looking out for his
health, but looking for dist-usc iu tbc
w rong direction. He takes nu-ilu n-.e for
his ncnes, which seem ''iinc to pieeei." 1
He "doctors" lor his heart, which it I
siting irregularly. He cotislaiitly slirs
up his liver with pills and powder, but
he dms not get any betu-r. He ih loot - !
iug for the cause of his complaints iu
the wroug-'ilircction.
It is h c .iiimon thinj; for sonic one
who has used Dr. rirrcr's tioMeit Med
ical liiscovery for "stnniai h lnmhli- " Oj
find that when the ilistasrd hlouiiu h is
cured the "weak" heart is iii-eU- i,.nind,
the sltigi'.isli liver slinuiliU d, iieil the
throbbing nerves traiuiuli.til. '1'liis fact
slone suesls the tiuth ttliiih eeiy
leading medical scientist knows ami rec
oguics tli;tt diseases which siiin re
unite from the stomach aie often riiieed
by the disease of the slum li b and other
organs of ilic-lion nml nutrition. When
the diseased stomach nml Ihe ili",-lne
ami uutiitive system are cured of ile,,
the other organs are cured with them.
l'msl is the b.isis of lite mid of
strength. Hut it is not the iiiuulity of
fissl eaten which su; port llir hie and
health of the body. The 1s,dv is sus
tained by that IKiuiun of the food tvhi. h
after hcini; cat. u is couwiUd into
nouiihmi'iit and prime. y msitml.tti ,.
W hen the stomiit h and its nllied ir.y mi
of digestion and uutiitioii aie ili ,-.t-ul
or "weak," only part ol the fund, ll
is contcrlcd into uuliitiuii, mid the bo.l
und its organs nic theri tore only partly
noutislicd. lr. Pierce's ('.ol.ii-n MmI
ical lli!-eovery cures the of the
stomach ami digestive uud nuliitite m i
trill which prevent the proper noun .li
incut of the Issly. In that v.av tin
Issly is once inoie streiithrned in the
only way IkismUc. by tood llolierl;
digested uud pellei tlv! ,1.
Any eisou sutl -i ii-l; fioin ibsrase m
Chlollic ol n;-e-.iv.tti d loilll, is int,il I.
Consult lir. I'iiue by hlitr . .-. Y.
corrt-si,indclli'e stimlv pnv.itr and eo.i Address 1 r. K. V. I'a-i, , .
llullalo, N. V.
Tlirie is no alcohol in "t',,,1,:, n j, ,-
ical llis ovi-i y," and it is cit-rih to.-
Iroin opium, cocaine, and all I'.o-
cotu s.
Accept no substitute t'oi "( ,i,M, ii Mi .
leal liiscuvriN " 'I'lit- III. lin ioo'.iw ol
Sllbslitutlou Is the iU-sii.. ot the ,' ii i to
make it little mote piol'.t out ol i. .. l y
selling you n less meutonoui uhou no.
Mi Mm I. l".uit:)i. u nit. i, , ,, n. ,i ,, e
S-illl. l 1.1. IV it. 1 . I ri " I; ,,l ., ii
it . I-n littt I t uts.ui ,i ,,i ami n I .1 I - i- j
titi ,i tu. i k in,t.( i I i,...,- ' ,- ,1. . .. .,
l l t ll Ll lli.Hl .!!, .f ., . .. . ., it
.lll it! .1 iIi.-'kMI,; I . : .. M1
J.rM I tl. I ci I lii:!,b t -
v:.:v. -" ;,
' "
:: f.: i r.:z r:.;. r."
I'l ll:
.etir". i !
W I l . ' ;
lriuin.iht el Mte'crn S.- '..rv
WoiidiTl'ul tlnin;s ; .v.- ('. IM ! -t t'
liuitiau body by Miteiv. in. .is,,;
laki ti ,iii( and m i i; , I ao 1 :i'.
itol put back, oi 1 1 i y 1:1 4 , I .
lit 1 1 1 1 v ; Is u, :i i 1 s( ! i , ; j j ( ,
lake lb" place of .li-, i- 1 .-u.-iis .
veins; antis.-jtii- ,lii--in. ;n,- ,,j
;lll d to . .Ill 11,1- , bt i. :-. 1 .; I : ! s
like injuries b, tot, luli.. : a , n . i
m, w In, h causes t!:. u t h. 1 1 ui
nit m:it i.ot ali i in u i ! u I i !
im,- r, 1)11 i r.-.i bv t!:e o. I il, il li. i.l
t'huiiib rl. mi's I '.tin ii ii.n iu i , i: hi
nine principle. It is ..-i .,( i-i i
tud h n a ; li--I lo su in .ii i
-tus.'S tin in to li il , n . 1. 1 v I
llsti llll.i s the il l :ni 1 - ! : i -
v.'.- a I Itle cf 1 ,,ia 11 .in. ci i
ouie and it v. it! .v1 ,. ; u- ,o
noney, not In e.-tol ,t f.,, t. . v . .,
ii lice and Mill'. vi,,,!. I
julin tiilail. l or s.iS- I i- a:; u ,h
tlrdi r se ,! and t I i .. .. ,i - i
A. K. Vncrhii'
mm utmz
'h, my lirothrr, re you w.jry?
tini- ih- -. m l-.i : crary
fhst bp to tht in w ra
Y,,u hrtVt- , r'urtd II. - u rirnimsf
r ..itr i,.ri! ur.e n( ,ir h?
V' l l, wr.d ir to !o torn
Vr m ll, t tc'-'ity of me n : w h.)ur.i your v.i: r sbii.
"N'v.r?" I'm. il. w 'f "r.vtr,'
l-ur rr n 1 i; i; n. 'V; i,n I, , v..r
j T i il - l.-.,i u il .il i-i wmM slow,
j Tl-,r,- u l ', r , in f,-r i-:i ::rlr.g,
j Hut f ' r hr-r. at ti rr r . .
I Al d tur II 1-1 t l li ll'i I 'I -f
Oi.fc aii.tlitr u Hi- s
' rh . n.y hr'jth-r. ciifi- ' r-:,' Ir.ff;
II. r Ik li t of miii-i,. h i.iis.
Ai i: t., k:: K ',f llt'hl Ij- r ! .1 A.
Am! ih . II-. of h ,pr'n in furird.
Tl., n- :,rv , v,. lifl .,r ru htns.
Ti-i 'V ti.,i:!,s i, ft for tlKhllrs;,
Tt.- r r I, li ',n , fl for llKluli.g,
'J' , l..urn:i.iit the tturid.
HM'.r ,).iw Art l-n .-tkli.s o'er us.
I"r n. I !: " uaii; a K l fere us,
W, ' -i i li .trii I ,,ii- i leirui
V. ,'i!o-; a i r it;ir y .-iii to !.
T. r-uli ih.- I'jria't. itpr. swlr.alrs.
N.l-ii ,,f aid rsiduroui slr.Kir.;
!".'. h Kii'iire'i alnii are rlrsli.c
I'r, in ih sritl.-.nis of the fr.e.
-J A. K'li," nun. In Ii.rvnr New.
Yy Ktri'U'hed one hnm timnrd
hifii. wiii.'i- in llu- other rhv ttill held
lit card, " luit a fft nuine kiirprUe! I
tlii'iiht y'ii were 1hihc tiumtiihg in
tin hills. ( Ctirfitiilatimis! Hut why
haven't uii hrotiht your hride? And
.liy diiiii't 'u i-rul tue cnrrU? Itul
you fihvMg were ft cnreltsis boy !'
He hfhl her hnnd a tiiiniite, it-arch-inf
hfr fin-v for Kme hin of clinffrui.
Hut ti in' kinile wns all Uiat
(i-rttM) him.
"There fit n't nny rurdi,' lie aid,
u.iiif-whiit hurricilly; 'I ai in town,
isl I niip(i"l you'd me rww that
t i nil over with. Ittaideayou know
it hft)'"!ied without "
"l' Tha fact ii, I li ail n't
iiiN-inli-d hadn't -but it 'a all over
now ! II'iw nre jdu? You look Jtut
:e Miini'. Jtett y !"
"Wl y it'ji mil n year ninre but lit
dowti! Uii n't on have imnt tta? )o!
lint how niiT i,f oii to rnll! And only
tin t i d"i tnitt rii-d! Then you didn't
fin ii u a , hi, the iit)erft mid?"
"..; we incU a train for town, in-tfi-'uiL.'
to ir to the Iterkhhirea next
.!:i, Itut rhe-tliat ft. Mra. Urown,
on l.n iw h:id never been to the VVal
lot t. ii in! hf found it to abaorbing
ti nt I hat! n't luen alU to tear liar
",lu-t f :i im'v ! Ymt take two luntpa,
don't on ? 1 1 M-em io odd ! You nee,
I'm- never nu t nn body that knew her.
She' lived off there In the country,
hriMi't die? U ihe pretty?"
"SI.e'j, a dear little jfirl, Iteatity
Itt tt v. I mean. Ha, hat I wasn't cpiite
Fine vouM Me me nt flritt. Hut it waa
n liitle hit (in!! thl nmrnitip, and I
Hid to iiipelf: 'I'll rhain e it! Itetty
;i s n In n x n a odd tort, ittifl now that
it'M thinr i ended why Thatika."
"U she irelt?"
"She'n a bloiule, yon know. Yei.
1 ii ver liKi d blonde, but the i quite
f:nr Nut dark at all- not ft bit like
'Nil--blonde usually aren't dark,
t ' t- ? What did you tay her name
n i
"llu rriet."
'Oh. ile.-ir me! lint, of course, you
bnve some pet, name? Von were ab
ttiiV very eli .er at linproviftiiiir."
".No. I just call bur Harris - she prs-fi-ts
It. And slut- the calls nic
I hill Irs.",
"Iln. ba, bs, hat Oh, Chub! Not
re all?"
" es shi-'s n dignified sort of frirl
ii-ri-iii. hirh church, and nil that! A
de.n c;iil! We'd known ench othsr
s,iti, ue were kids. Why. 1 knew her,
IU li n ' . hi fori' met ) ou I "
"o'.' You nei-r told me M
"Well, you see I never thought nf
her , ' i' t n. the little "Irl next door. then well, you know, Hetty, 1
uewr ihonifht of nnyone but j-ou
then "
She tlnirerid bis card nervously,
thinlviuc. tii.pltif the bit of pnstebosrd
::i; ., no t her rin its I Ii- r t ea t n ft mi tsst
, il He ilrniil, his fi-erilily.
"I suppose " sl y ai,l. "I hope thole
1 1-1 1 i -s of mine- llu-y - llu y - thsy
aie "
"I biiriu-d them the nitrbt bvfore
ht fole it luippyll.d."
"It was queer. 1 knew 1 will ifidus;
to be unirried next day, but 1 rsud
s.-tm. , f tin-in oter. and over and over
it c :i i n ' 1 1 as like opening s -rsvew It
l.i'Ciin to hurt. 1 ti nil to stop ami dump
I I ein nil iu the lire "
I ' , s i plni c for Uitin, ( buhl It was
all a drenni."
" Mi h li!"
" e should hats bn dreadfully un-
Inippt '."
"I nhnppt ?"
"V,-s you wsre Jwslous- -and tlsrsd
up "
- " n,l ,,ii tlirted "
"lla. ha' ou fancied mi-"
i "Mi don't talk like that now, llsttyl
It's not iivccoary. Vou eared no
no re for me than '
"I eared for no one rite in the
world. Thai's nil! Hut w hat's the me
of nil this ( huh? I I an n't seen vou
for uioit- than n tear then I read of
your inn i r I., i:e, then our ea rd coin. -s
up thni ,l.n after ml instead of
lelli'i-' n f the perfections of your
In i,!i- , ii l,i fin to quarrel with inr.
Jii-i bke , ld Now it-ll me nil
about it' l she t:iee? Hot. of count,
sli, i- Von wi re nl w a t so part Icular!
No , il , i sort of i;irl would attract
Voll "
" on don't iindei tun, I I'.nr- Ulc
er I mean licit. , H.irrii t didn't at
tract nie iu tint waj. You tee, wheu
W .,, I.'.'n F ir f-tciirslon
I.l ; Hi!, in uidc, iu con-
f., the Ml-s-ii-. I i 'neilY. will
ii a . -if IVr-i n.ill I'viiilucl, ,1
i - .:'-:, I e i rld's l'.tir dm ing
. I, s i x.'u : si,-ns v ill i un
h - - I . ui wt'lu'iit chiinge
, - a - i m'.. i ' ,sh,,it .su ps at princi
'. 1 . , , ,i The lir-t cf
1 , s,- ( x; a... i wul have l',,rthind
,ii' :!i, ; i. l the second June 17th.
i i:i' ti.i.i Giant-i I'.iss will be
' ! S' 1 I Ills :t:d t' lcrn. E-
: 'i i: ,i..g i.t the. Ih uv. r &
1 i . , I. ie u. rivilere f re--.:
ii... ..i :. liitT. leu: i.iute. This is
; n t v, iv, wcil r.s the
- ' 'I i 1 ! 1 ; . 1 1 . c : ', to t rcss the
. . it ,1- ..,'p iirr.iug.d give
i'l , 1 r ( i. .t. ( f Tlsi: ii.e, iht. v.tri.ius
u'sit int. r t iu ..u i about Salt
... l u., I, i.tir and Kansas Cuy.
,u wis!i to accompany tun. cf
- i si ui-ii cs .ite at once to W.
1 Mcriidc, i;i H.jid street, 1'ort
lud, for s!e. pmg car r. scryallot.s.
A. T. Vo rhics 1'hoto Supplies,
' you thrsw int hh we qUii-relsd-s
I I suffered terribly for a tiros. I wsl
j willing to put my pride under my feet
a thoumnd time. I wanted to just
com back and ask yon to forgive
"Hut yon never came."
"I wrote, asking you "
"Ah, yes; but that is so different.
When jou've insulted a girl!"
"Insulted! Why, Hetty"
"Yes; your suspicion were Insult
ing. And that evening you said you
"I didn't know what t was ssying."
"Well, let's drop it now. Chub. Tell
me how it all happened. Did yon fall
In love right sway with her.'
"I never fell in love. Can't you un
derstand, Heauty? Her folks snd
mine Lived betide each other in the
countrf for yesrs. We grew up there
plajed together! When I began to
mope around homeafteryou thatau
t iimn why it was natural she and I
should meet again. We walked and
drove, and played, tennis and rowed
on the river after dinner or took out
tne canoe."
"Then I told her about you."
You did!"
"I'd hare gone mad if I hadn't told
oineone. She wn sorry. She took
my partr-ahe thought "
"I uppoe he'd object to your call
ing" "Fudge! She's not that kind of a
"If she knew that you were here!
Ha. ha!"
"I'ouf! Now don't try to be funny,
"Kunny! Ilut for hsr you'd hate
some back, that time."
"What time?"
"Oh, you know! Hut she was one
f those clever, mouse-colored girle
! know them."
"Come back I How could I come
ack? You returned my letters! Do
ou remember? When I saw your
landwritiiig across the big white en
'elnie I was afraid to open it. think
ng perhaps you had said "Come!1
'. took it out In the boat one evening
ind opened it. She was rowing. My
wn letter fell out. I felt horribly
tut up. I I my Gisd! I believe I
tried! She was like a sister to me.
Told me it wasn't worth it. I was
ruing to kill myself! She comforted
ne she advised me!"
"Ah, yes-I see."
"She begged me to promise not to
vrite to you again told me to be a
nnn,! Then I waited two weeks more,
ind I told her I would write yuu
ince more and then end It If you
lidn't answer. That letter-that let
er! How could you have "
"Again enme your writing on the
invelope, and again I carried it In
n y poekcV until I sat with her lo
he boat. I suid to her: This ends
t! If she has not answered me, I
il. all never think of her again ao
jielp me (ind! She shall not make
ne suffer so!' "
1 "And you you read It?"
"No; she said to me: 'Yes, you
sill write to her. You will go on
'urever at tbnt girl's feet. You have
io pride. You love her. You will
ipen it nnd (Ind your own letter
ind and weep!' I threw the let
,er across the boat Into her lap. 'You
ire mistaken,' I said; 'you oen It
lo what yon please with it. I'm
;hrough!' In a minute she had torn
t In twn and thrown It over the
lide. The envelope opened as it
loated on the still water, and then
I snw nnd she saw my own writ
ing my own letter! That was the
and! That night I asked her to lie
mv wife."
"Ah h h! That waa It! I am so
"(Ilsd! glad! What do you mean?
Cilad that you broke my heart?"
She leaned over and put her
hand on his. Her fingers were
trembling nml her face wa white.
"I mean. Chub, that on the last
page of the letter you said: '(lite
nie just one chltncc to see you again!
Write me just one word " 'Come!
"Yes I know it by heart!"
"Well, I wrote it, ritrht under vour
i signature; Just that word - 'Come!'
! Don't too see? I wanted you to come
I back - I I-"
I A silence fell over them. She stilt
tapped the card ngninat her rings.
Her eyes were full of tears. He
looked away from her, his gaze grop
lug the wnll, his face gray.
He gulped something in his throat.
A piano nrgnn began to play In the
street outsida-a merciful relief from
the stillness.
"You haven't told me. Chub," she
said, "is - is - she pretty?"
"She's blond, you know," he said;
"I neter particularly eared for
blondes. She'sshe's a dear girl,
though! I I Oood by, Hetty!"
(tood-ny. Chub! ' i
The hall door shut softie as she
stood listening. There was a quick
step over the pavement and the
slam of a enh door. The strains ol
the piano-organ rose magnificently
into the high closing notes of the
"Intermef zo."
I tfhe looked into the mirror with
eyes that shonV triumphantly through
tears. -Town Topics.
j Tar.e....,.,.4.
1 (.inductor Let's see. Did I get
tour ticket?
I Smart Pa.etiger Yes, sir; yon took
it up nt Monmlto and punched
out of it.
"I beg jmir pardon, sir; but il isn't
customary ' on loesl ticket to punch
out the passeiiger'sdrstliistioii."- L
Aiigrlt-i Herald.
Tklasja Overlenknl.
What the world nerds jn-t now is
a physical training course that will
recognize the dish au and toe wood
box -- Atchison (.lobe.
' ChimWrlain't Stumtth snd Llvtr Tablet Btt
I tcr Than s Doctor's Prescription.
Mr. J. W. Turner, of Truhart, Va ,
says that Chamberlain's Stomach and
i Liver Tablets have done him more
'good ih. tn anything he could get frcui
tlie doctor. If nny phvsician in this
jcouutiy was able to compound a
medicine that would produce such
gratifying results in case of stomach
trouble, bilousness or couatipation,
his whole lime would bo used iu
pr. paring this one medicine. For
ale hr nil druggists.
thiinul an.l onlv genuine
Kkk.vh Tansy akhi lor
pile hy lcnilini; .1rtii;his,ts 2
(ar Sufe and reliable.
Atcenl a luhttituu.
Iii.) I'ieees of cal aud instrumental
licet uiusic at 10 cent each at the
Grants Fas Music House.
Ely's Cream Balm
Thla Remedy is a Specific,
8ure to Civo Satisfaction..
It cleanses, soothes, h-ala, and protects the
diseased membrane. Il cures Catarrh and
drives awny a Odd in the Head quickly.
Uestores the 8e:is of Ta.te and SmeiL
Easy to use. Cmtdiw no inj'irions dnig-t.
Applied into the nostrils and absorbed.
Large Biz, CO cents st Dru-frists or by
mail; Trial Size, PI ce-iis by mail.
ELY BROTHERS, 56 VoV-r.-i Ct.. New York.
Driven to Dtspcrition.
Living at an ont of the way place,
remote from civilization, a family is
often driven to riesratiou in cases of
accident, resulting io burn, cuts.
wounds, ulcers, etc. Ijty in a supply
of Buck leu's Arnica Halve. It's tin
best on earth. 25c, at National Drug
Store and Grants Fans Pharmacy.
A sallow m.iinlavhin di7T;,i... .
biliotitiicss ami a coated torrne
are common iiulications of liver
and kidncyiliscaies. Stomach and
bowel trouble, severe as thry are.
give immediate warning by pain,
Cut liver and kidney troubles,
though less painful at the start, are
iniicli harder to cure, ll edford s
lilack-liMiivht never fails lo bene
fit diseatcl liver und weakened kid
neys. It stirs un the torrid liver
to throw off the genua of fever and
ague. It is a certain preventive
of cholera and Hright's disease of
the kidneys. Willi kidneys re
inforced by Theiiford illack
Iirauglit thousands of persons have
dwelt immune in the midst of yel
low fever. Many families live iu
perfirt health anil have no other
doctor than Theiiford Hla.-k-Ilraught.
It i always on hand for
use In an emergency anil saves
many expensive call of a doctor.
Mjlliru. S. C. March IO. IDOL
I have uted ThedfnrH'i RUrk. l
for three year and I have not htd to go
tea doctor lirK I have been tikin it.
It is the beft medicine for me that it
en tht market for liver and kidney
iroumei ana oyipepn and other
compUtnu. Rev. A. 0. LEWIS.
Shoit LINE
and union Pacific
Three Trains to the East Daily
Through Pullman standard nnd tourist
aleeiiim; ears daily to Omaha, t'iiieatro. Mui-
; knne; Ituirist slt-ping cars daily to Kansas
iny; inrouirn i uiininu lounsi sleeping
cats (personally iwnduetedl weekly lo t ill
i aito, Kansas City; reeliuing chair cars
(seats free) to the Ka-t daily.
No chance ,,( car-
Dkivvkt ;Akkivk
r.ut Kniin l'ortland tuo.-i
. C'hicak'o Suit Lake, Denver. I't
'l'ortland Worth. Omaha. iVi". p. in.
S..'ial i Kansas t'itv, St.
I 0:1.1 u. in. lamis. Chicago and
via Hunt East.
I itigton.
'Atlantic Salt Lake. Dcuver-
Expires ; Kt. Worth. Omaha
H: 1.1 l). 111.' Kauris City. SI T : 1 . H 1 1 . .
via 1 1 tint j Uiuisi. Chicagu
iiiglon. and Ea-.t.
St. I mi I Walla nllui
I East Mail) ton, Spokane. Wul
tiil'.p.m. lace. I'ullmaii. Mm K:'iu.m.
I via neaili. St. l'util.
Ss'kane. j 1 'ninth. Milwaukee.:
J Chle-.tgo and East.
I Ocean an.l It. v. r SclteU .. le.
For Sun Francisco - F.very live davs at s
,p m. For Astoria, vtay isints and North
- ll. aeli - Pally Miudat at s p. m. ;
j .aturdnv al 10 p. m. Paitv service I water
lrmittini;) on Willamette and Yamhill
I For further information a-k or write vour
nearest ticket airenl. tr
A. L. CR'Ifl, I'tisscnerr Airent.
The Oregon Pailrond Navigation t'o
1'orlUnd, tlreon.
ASK Till- AC.'NT l()U
rr i o iff r :ri,ti
CHICAbO, ST. LOL'I'i and
sri.KMiin sritviri-:
l I'-to-hatk Kgi uMi-:T
CO l H T K I U 8 K M V I .O V K
la)lla;li trip across ihe ( as. aile
n.t ky Moanialna. tick. I,., ratea, fl,ler an.) full infor
mation, caller. or a-l lrvw
II. lUCKSCtN, c t. a.
. t'J'J Third su reel, puriland.
Oii l.rst Avenue Seattle. Wash.
iievsafciy m wiiii!siiiii us
i i 'nViV
United States Land Oili''.
Rosebarg, Oregon, May 21, I'M.
Liuu Selection No. ,tj7.
Notice is hereby given to any and
til persons, that the Atec Land aud
Cattle Company, by Frank E. Alley,
attorney iu ttct, whose pontoflice
iddresa is Roschurg, Oregon, has
made application to select, under the
tct of June 4, 1SU7, (30 Stat., i)
, hu following described laud :
Lots one (1) and two (2) and East
Half of Northwest qaarter (K'i KW)jl
ut section eighteen (18) in 'iownship
.'A South of Kangu 4 Wtst, Willamette
Meridian, being the fractional North
west quarter of said section.
Viittiiu the next thiity days from
date hereof protests or coutests
against the said selections ou the
ground that Iho laud described, ol
any part thereof, ?a more valuable foi
its minerals than for agricultural
purpose or the timber thereon, will
be received and noted for report to
i he General Laud Olfice.
J. T. BRIDGES, Register.
Timber Land, Act 'uue 'i, ls7o
United Males Land Udi.e,
Rosebirg, Oregon, June 1 PJ04
Nonce is !ureb Kiven Hist in cotnpli
snce mih the provisions ol the act o1
Congress ol June 3, 1878, entnled ' Ai
act lor tho sale oi lliulnr I oi ls in
the States of California, n. Ne
vada and Washington ten or)," a
extended to an ihu Public land
Stales bv act uf Angu-i 4, Ml
ol (irants I'arB, County of Josephine
state of Oregon, has this da. lih .l inibir
utlice b.r t-Aoru statement No (i-'li
:or Ihe purchase ol ilje Nj- NE1
jEJ-4 NE'4 NE'4 Sl'-l b( K-.tcnNu
18 in Towuship No. 6b S, Us 'ge No.
5 west, and will ollVr pne.i in shn-v iliai
ihe land sought is more valuable I'cr n.
umber or clone than for a ticii.lurn
pinpo;es, sud lo esui'li.-h her claim d
sic; laud blore Arii-ur Conkliu U b.
Coiuiiiiss oner at his olliee at Giant,
faes, Oregon, ou Wc,iue-d .y, me 21H
d August, l'.Ki4. Hie Homes lie it
nese, a '
thanes L. Clevenger S.trah A.
Cietener, Ora IIikmI, and crank E
Young all ot Grants Pais, Oregon.
Any aud all person claiming adversely
ttte bttove deecribed lands aie r.questeii
o tile Iheir claims in this cilice on oi
ueloie Said L'llli day ol Aiuu-l. I'JJ-i.
J. I'. I'.KiiiiiES, K 'g ster,
Timber Land, Act Juuell, l.s7i.
United Slates Land Oilh-e.
Uoeeburg, Oregon, Mat 27, P'Ol.
Nonce is hereby tiven thsi ii.
.-ompliance with the providnni o
ihe act of Congress of Jnne It, 1878,
nl'.tted "An act for the sale of
li in In r lands iu ihe Sia'es of Caldorui t
Oieuon, Nevada and Vashnut,,ii T"rri
i.,i," as extended to all lh I'linln
Land St.-.t-- bv act of Anvil'' 4, iSJJ
ol Cotcauo, t'onniy of Cook. Stile
d Illinois, has .Ins day liled in
1 1. 1 otliee her tworn siaienieiit No 018.',
.for the pureui.e of I It .N VV t' ,,
' SJ t..n V.. -, ' I i . . .....I.!.. ST.. .'......
.-r, ujii ,,u . oi iunueic, im oi O III II,
Kange No 7 and will 0(Vr it'oof to
show I Itut the land so iuhl is niece valu
able for its timber or stone than 'or aie'i
ciitie.ral purpo- es, and lo establish be.
claim to said land before John l. liooih.
Uniled t-tales Conini'ssioner, at his
I'llice ai Grants I'ass, Oregon, nn Monday
i tie 2-nd dty of A-umt, liOl. S'n
names as niinesr-ee:
V R Shermsn snd W. U Wl,i,ple
bo h ol tirsnls I'ass, Oregon, and E. V.
-'iiii ti l Alhahy, Oregon it l I Georgx T.
Collins ol Merlin, Oregon.
Any and all persons claiming a Iverse
ly Ihe above-described lands are re
qnts cd to tile their claims ill ill -. Huh
on ci before "aid 22nd day of August
I'.KH. J. T. Bhiuoch, It -gisier.
Timber Land Ai t, June S, 1S78,
I'niled Slales Land Otliee.
Koeeburg Oregon,. I uue 4, l!K)L
Notive is hereby given that in compli
ance with the provisions of the act ol
eoimrefH ol June a, 1878, untitled "An
act for tliu sale of limber lands in Ihe
Slates of California, Oregon, Nevada,
and Washington Tenilory," as extended
to all the Public Laud Sla'es by act of
August 4. 1SU2,
,.f M 'litesan -, County ol l h.halis, State
of Washington, has this day tiled in this
otli.H his swo.n statement No. G20S for
th pu chase ol tb N'2 of N ' Sec. No.
14, in Township, No Ii7 Souih, hange,
No o West and iH oiler proof lo .how
that the land .ouiiht is more valuable for
us limber or stone than ior agricultural
pnrposea and lo establish his claim
1 1 said land before John M. Il ioih, U
S. Commissioner, ai his olliee at Grant"
I's.r, Oiegnn, on Mi ndav, Ihe 1,'tth day
of Aligns', PJ.I4
lie nam. s a u 'M, s : W B Sher
in ! , i I lirallls V.i , O . ; K , ),.
hru , "I Gisr.l I' ,-s, 1 1, ; W i , , , l j 1 (
I l i ipi'sl.i. Wa.o. ; F; V Mill n, i i
VI ai t, O
ny Kin m p , -v
He a' nv -1, -j. lo li e li,,
,. or before an.l
e B I!.. Ill'll S-l V
t l.i-i I a-e .
' ehi li s li, lie. lb ,
I I I. ll . tl,-,
' .1. f. ri.ini.Ks, H, r.
T he largest rum . ver aid lor a pre
-cnptioii, clisng, d I rods in S in F an-
ciseo, uj. Iltl, 11)01. The lianKr in
volved in coin and sloes, 1 1 12,50.1.0 I snd
was pain nv a party ot t usmess men lor
i specific for asngli' i l)isea-e and Da
'H-ies, hiiherio incurable diseases.
Tl eycoi enced ihe serious investi
gation of the specific Nov. 1ft, p.ioo
i'hey interviewed semes of 11m cured
tnd tried it out on lis merits hy putting
ver three dozen cases on ihe treA'tueui
ind wall hing thetn. Thev also not phv
sicians lo name ciironic, ineuratde east's
ttld aduiini-tered u with the physicians
or Jinlges. I p tn Aug. 25, 7 per cenl
d Ihe lest cases were eilber well oi
Titiessing favorably.
There being but thirteen per rent oi
uiiurt", Ihe parties were satisfied and
closed tlie transaction. The proceeding
of il ii investigating committee and tin
clinical reiorts of the test cases were
published and sill be mailed free nn
inidicvi n. Address John J 1 n.M.
CoMC t s. v. 420 !ontt:oiiiery St. s;rt, Fall.
i co. Cal
ti v ii ! X i CONA
Tl.r .MihIiti. Kt'inttly fir Vmnn
IU xu i'N lia t'urnl . t'liieof A
We ttnsmntce a t
.-itive -ureter I.CIlCPrrllOCa
THF BFyirnA rn 4
1 I. .lit A'.'tl' W.ST. Ill
s .-emi ior iMsikin iJn Jise, Cal.
- iraic huri
y ,s.D":c-fi.
" vvriniwnu JkV..
Aftrw snrttnf a llrlf-h titMl iWrrimMi i m h
foli-fcly- Mtmitt our iiniM.n fM rHl'r an
l"wiii..ti t pn(aMT MisjT'at-eA 'i.B'.m
rut fsajx wnti.-T Ur ivrrg air,
l'atMti iAio thiMiitfh Mann t u, ttw'rt
VsfKl, tths-Ml Ctl V. IB thO
Scientific JJnicriMn.
CVl'Kn aiiT s-M',Bi' V 'innl. Tv..".
sr . ni.'-iiw, f L, Pv.a ,i 1 -..,
n Jt6eltfM,.,'oX Y'V::
Ti tii bei Land, Act June 3, 1878.
L'nit.d Slate Land OHiee,
It'-seburg Oregon, April 2!t, 1904.
Notice is hereby given that in coinpli Willi the p'ovisions of the act of
'ongr.-ss oi Jin e 3, 1878, emit'ed "An
ct lor the sale of timber lsn,U in 'he
l:ales of Caliuir.-ia, Oreg. n, N-vad
i d Territory," a ext. nil--d
loall he Public l.snd St.i'es bv act
f August 4. 1n2,
I Go d Hill, I oniiiv ef J.icssop. S'ate
f iiregon, ties Urs .Uv fled in t his
dice his sworr. stttement No. tilOd h-r
l e puichase of Ihe NE'.of Sieiinn No.
18 in Township No. 31 Sou'li, l.'ange
o. 4 W, snd will . fl'r prooi to show
hat Ihe Isnd sought is more valu.ble
or its liiooer or stone ihau for sgri
uhuial purtioges und to establish his
'laim to said land It-fore John M. Hoo h,
U. S. ComintH-ioner, at hia olhee at
iran's I'ass. O .gon, rn Satutdav, Ihe
Id h .ley of Jul. . Itliil.
IN names ns wiritesses: W. I. Sbei Grsiits Pass, Ore.;EdwanlK, oi Grants I'ass, Ore.; Frank Hurk
lardr, of Winter, Oie. ; James A. Oliver,
I Grants I'ass, Die.
Any and all persons claiming ttdvnire
v 'he above described lands are re
pi r-ted to tile their claims in lhi" cilice
:i or before said 10ih dav nf Jul' , IH, -1.
J T. I'.KHKits, Ugisl.-r.
T inilH-r Land, Aci June 3. H7K.
tt'iiiled Sta es i.d Olliee
Koseburg, Oregon, May 25. l'.iOl.
- Notice iB hereby given that in coin
uliaiice i!h Ihe provisWHts of the ni l ol
JongieHs of June 3, 1878, entitled "An
let (or Ihe sale nf timber lands in ihe
sta'e of California. Ocgnn, Ni vaihi.
id Wash iigiou Terriiorv," as ex
em!..! to all the I'ubli.- iud S ates by
.1 of Anmi-t -1 18112,
,1 Albitny, t. oiniit ol Linn, rfi .te of O'e
on, has IhisiUv filed, in this olliee
ds sW',rti siaieim li' No.817'Jfor ihe per
hase of ihe E'ij cf Kv ol Section
So 12 in Tourisiitp No. 37 South, Kange
J i 5 t et, and will offer proof to show
li.l tho land sought is more valuable
or its tiinn-r or stone than (or agr.
'iilinral purposes, and to establish
lis claim to said hit d before J O.
1 oli, County Judge, nt his ..(lice
it Grants Pass, Orccu. on Munduv
he 15 li day of Ail'l-I, l'.iOl. II. names
is w ltness. a :
W. It. Sherman. J.O Clark, II. .1,
Jlark and E. V. Smith all of Grunt
'ass, O et:ori
Any and nil prtrpi us claiming adver-'e
y i lie above-deKTiU'd lands are re
picted to hie their claims in this olliee
n Oi lefo'oaid 15th dav ( Auiittst,
I'.IOl. J T llHtnaiiS, Kenihte",
Travel via Denver and the Burlington Route to St. Louis
if you want an interesting, comfortable and safe journey.
The Burlington is the only railroad running its own
trains over its own rails all the way from Denver to
St. Louis. Fast time, clean and comfortable cars, obliging
employes, good meals in dining cars at moderate prices.
Let me give you detailed information about the trip.
Write your name and address here.
Then cut out this ad today and mail to
87, 100 Third Stnsst. PORTLAND, ORE.
pO Nshjre'i Art Galltry.of Ihf RockiH in. addition to the
WJ u,ict,on St Louii. Thi can only be done by
Joins or returning via (he "SCEM; LINE OF THE 0RL0"
K P ki'iVi E. r nS CrF..,.Ca. ATTRACTIONS
Writ for illustrated booklet ol Colorado' f.moui sights nd resort
W.C.McIllUDn (icnci-ul Aunt
124 Third Street PORTLAND, OREGON
-4. ssV
Columbia Phon'oijraJi Company,
12 S Soenth Street,
Timber Land Act, Jnne 3. 1878.
United States Land Office,
Roeednrg, Oregon, April 29, 1901.
Notice is hereby given that in com
pliance with Ihe provision ol the act of
Congress of June 3, 1878, entitled "An
act for the sale of timber lands in the
States ot California, Oret-on, Nevada and
Washington Territory," as extended lo
all tbe i'ublic Land Slates hy act of
August 4, 1892,
of Carson, County of Skamsnis. Slate of
Washington, has this day tiled in this
otliee his sworu statement No 5o6l. f,,r
the purchase of the NW'f of SE'4,
E'i of SW1-4, SWJ4- of 8W..4' of Set
tii.n No. 26 in Township No. 87
South, runge No. 6 West, and will
off. r.prrof to show that the land longht
is more valuable for its timber cr stone
than for agricultural purposes, and to
establish his claim to said land before
J O Booth, County Judge, a' bis olliee
at Griiits Pas", Oregon, on Thnred tv,
the 14th day ol July l'J i4.
He names ss witnesses: Edward 1 1 :
lis, o(-Carson, Wash. : llcr'ha IIollis, of
CarBon, Wash ; A'bian W. Stlaby, of
Grants Pass, Oie. ; Fred H. Btiggs, of
Grants I'a'S, Ore.
Any and all persons claiming adverse
ly Ihe above-described lands are reouest-
! ed tp lile theii claims in this office on or
before said Hin ti iv oi juiy, iiiih.
J. T. llBinuna, U.gister.
Timber Lmid, Act June 3, 1878.
lloseburg, Oregon, April 11, 1P04.
No'iceis hereby given lhai in c. in
plimice with ihe provisions of the act of
Congress of June 3, 1878, entitled "An
act for tho sa'e of limber lands in the
Slat's of California, Oregon Nevada,
and. Washington Territory," as extended
loall ihe I'liblii: Land States by act of
August 4, 1892,
of Silverton, County of Marion,
Stale of Oregon, has this day ti Vit
in this olliee her sworn statement No.
(j'liil for Hie purchase if the N W' of Sec
tion No. 2 in Township No. S9 South,
Kange No 8 West, and will offer proof
to show that the laud sought is more
valuable lor its timber or stone than-for
agiiciillural purposes, and to estahlit-h
h. r claim to raid land before J. O. Hoolh,
Countv Judge, at his olliee at Grams
I's'S, Oregon, on Thursdiy, the 3)th day
of June, 1901.
She names as witnesses:
Walter Harmon, William Anderson,
W. I. Fleck and W. I). Moore, all of
Grants Pfs, Oregon.
Anv and all persons claiming adverse-
! ly Ihe above-described lands are re
' quested to file their clawis in this office
1 on or before said 39. h dav of June, 1904.
J. T. Bkii'UBs, Register.
fit any make of
talking machlrx
Black t,Jt r-h jt ucrsrd
Bcaullful pujlifj of lone
Much more durable than any
other cylinder
1M OAOsK 0 r 9L. tthli isll L.
For tale m Grmtj Pan by W. A. Paddotk.