Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927, June 23, 1904, Page 3, Image 3

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j5v? ""I p fvS --rs' r-2f
One pound of English Breakfast Tei 25 cents
One pound Japan Tea Dust ic cents
Evaporated Cream (Oregon Grape) 10 cents
Fancy full cream cheese per pound. . . . ..... 20 cents
ENERGY, (like Grape Nuts) perpkg io cents
' McLarens Iniptrial Cheese, Roqufort, after dinner cheese, etc.
All Kinds of Canned Lunch Goods.
Cold Boiled Ham, Kept on Ice.
The White House Grocery.
1 ; My 1 1 1
Hard on the cat but not hard on the one who
does the washing. We have a largo stock of
Wringers from $1.75 up. Our Ball Bearing Cycle
Wringer m.-ikes washing eay.
Cramer Bros.
Odd Fellows Block.
Washing Machines Glass Wash Boards
Spring Weather Is Coming Arc You Prepared
for It ?
Yon will need
Garden Tools
and a
in your garden.
Your fruit trees will need spraying. We have Lime. Sul
phur and. Bluestone, and Spray Pumps of all sizes. We
are prepared for all seaons come in and see us.
Grants Pass,
Eastman- cTc Standard
EASTMAN in Photosriphy ii
Equivalent to STERLING on Silver
Eastman's Non-Curling Films Are Perfection
There is no other No--Curling Film on the market, nud none other
"Just as Good." Accept no substitutes.
Mold Oul lly
When yon buy a Camera of mo I teach you how to take Isidores, also in
struct ions iu development nnd printing free.
Xo danger of marring the paint on the wheels.
No delay. The entire job requires but 30 minutes.
We handle all sizes up to 4 x "i.
Come and see our new machine work.
TRIMBLE & COOK, Blacksmiths.
tlow'i This?
We offer One Hundred Dollars re
wind for any- case of Catarrh that
ranuot be cured by Hall' Catarrh
F. J. CHENEY & Co.. Toledo, O.
We, the undersigned, hare kuown
F. J. Cheney for the last 15 years,
and believe liirn prefectly honorable
in all business transactions and
financially able to carry out any ob
ligations made by his firm.
Waldiog, Kiuuan & Marvin,
Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, O.
Hall's Catarrh, Core is tukcu in
ternally, acting direcly upon the blood
and mucous surfaces of the system,
testimonials sent free. Price 73 cents
per bottle. Sold by all druggists.
Take Hall's Family pil s lor cocsti
pat ion.
Chautauquaw At Ashland
July 13-22.
Great Lecturers ; chorus classes for
adults, intermediates and primaries
onibT flue direction. Numerous
schools; atsemhly fine; vocal and in
strumental manic. Better than ever.
Send for infurmaton. Come.
A Four Quart Covered
Milk l'ail and 5 Pounds
of Chase & Sanborn's
Blended Coffee for $1.20.
Deviltry is ag:iin breaking out in
some persons of mi an disposition.
Last Thursday nitht someone smeared
coal tar all over Jos. Mops' real estate
sign at Coe's Corner, leaving it iu an
unsightly condition.
Ou Sunday uigl t someone appro
priated A. E. Voorhies' wheel to
; their owa use nnd after riding to his
heart's desire, left the wheel in front
ol Post master Harmon 's residence,
without eveo notifying the owner of
the wheeL Yonng man, neit 'time
you want to borrow a wheel, it will
be safer to ask for it.
Willlamette Valley Chautauqua
The Willimetto Valley Chautauqua
Association will meet at Gladstone
Park, iieai Oregon City. Joly 21st to
Slth. I'-Kt. inclusive. The Southern
Pacific Co. will mak'i reduced rates
on the Certificate plan for this tcca
iion. Ctll ou any Sou tin rn Pacific
Agent for advertising matter.
A. V. Bannard-l'ndertakrr.
People ta They Come and Co j
From Day to Day
C. Q. Borgan started
a trip to Sau Francisco.
Saturday for
Dr. Pickell of Medford attended the
Dr. Moore Teoption Friday.
Dr. Moore and family espeot to
leave the first of next week for Port
laud. .
Ben Evaus returned Friday to
Greenback after spending a week or
more in town.
School uperiuteudeut Lincoln
Savage went to Medford Tuesday on a
busiuess visit,
Carl McCroskey has quit the Korris
& Rowe baud aud returned to Gran's
Pass last week.
Mr. and Mrs. M. M. Murray left
Thursday for Bethany, Vashlutgou
Conuty, Oregon.
J. C. Campbell attended the meet
ing of the Ma ionic grand lodge at
Portland last week. -
R. Kuhlman arrived this week from
San Francisco and is stntioued at the
Pino Needle factory. '
Mrs. Eva A. Goodrich cf M;udcu,
Mich., arrived Friday to vis't tho J.
W. MeDougall family.
Heibirt Sampson arrived from Cali
fornia last Wednesday, to spend a few
woeks with his parents.
Mr. nnd Mrs. W. S. Webb of Green
bacK went to Bybee Spriugs Friday
to spend a couple of mouths.
Will Turner arrived from Los
Angeles lust week to visit his father,
J. A. Turner nnd family for a short
Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Hair aud Miss
Zella left Thursday inorunig ou an
eastern trip. They will tlso vi it the
world's fair. ,
J. E. Peterson has returned home
after attending thoA. F. & A.M.
grand lodgo at Portland and also
visiting Newtort.
W. O. Hi'men way and companion,
photographers of Sau Diego, have beeu
ill Grants Pass the past week, prepar
ing for a uniting trip in tho mount
Mr. and Mrs. II. L. Demarco left on
Sunday evening for California, where
they will visit for several weeks, first
t Winters aud later at Oakland nnd
San Francisco.
Mrs. P. Cheshire attended the
graduation of her daughter, Miss
Ethel Palmer, fr?ui the University
of Oregon at Eugene last week. She
returned home last Thursday.
Mrs. P. McCarthy aud daughter
Miss Anna, of Alliany ennio to Grants
Pass Tuosdny to call on friends. Tlfey
will go to Ashland to .care for the
fruit aud then will go east for a visit.
Mrs. W. II. Flanagan and Winifred
returned last week from their visit to
Idaho. They wero accompanied from
Portland by Dr. Flauagnn, who at
tended the Masonic grand lodge meet
ing. The many friends of Mrs. Geo. R.
Kiddle are glad to know that sho has
nearly recovered from her long siege
of illness. Sho walked down town
on Monday for tho first time iu slit
A. B. Cornell was called to Now
burg last week with the news that
his mother's home had been destroyed
by fire. His mother returned Friday
with him and will muke Grants Pns
her future home.
A. M. Danielson, of Basalt, Colo.,
was in Grants Pass ou business first
of tho week. Mr. Danielson is one of
the bonrd of trustees of his homo city.
He is favorably impressed with
Southern Oregon.
Misses Susie nnd Margaret lluunard
returned fro'n Eugeno Friday night.
Miss Susie was elected first vice-president
of the Alumni association of the
U. of O. She will teach iu the
Eugeno high school next year.
Geo. Bums, His wife, nnd three
children and his brother, arrivid nt
Myrtlo Point Tuesday from Josephine
county. Mr. Burns had nhout 40 head
of cattle nnd was looking for stock
range. They went ou down toward
Curry county. Coquille City Bulle
tin. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Colvig of Port
land are visiting at the homo of his
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Voluey Colvig,
few miles east of town. They ex
pect to remain until September. Mr.
Colvig is a former Grants Pas- hoy,
but has been a resident of Portland for
a number of years.
Rev. and Mrs. Chas. Hays of Port
laud arrived Tuesday to sjsnd their
vacation here. Mr. Hays will preach
the sermon at the dedication of the
Woodville Presbytrrian church next
Sunday. He v. W. G. Council and
tho Bethany Presbyterian church
choir will also be present to assist.
De Witt B. Williams, lemon grower
aud shipper of LaMesn, Cut., spent
Wednesday in Grants Pass, the guest
of George Calhoun. Mr. Williams is
the manager of tho La Bonita lemon
grove, which is one or tlio nest
known groves in California. Tho
ledge of. roses extending 700 feet
along tho front of the place is one of
tlio famous hedges of the south. The
bushes wero set 2n0 feet apart and
now ar; so thick it is impossible to I
see through the hedge. The height '
avrruges nliut six feet
New Music Received
The Grants Pass Music Hon- is re
reiving sheet muiic almost daily.
Whenever s popular piece is received
at the stock hoosos, we aro at on(
supplied with copiei. Anting th
latest received are :
Dolly Dimple, twostep.
A Daughter of Shiloh, twostep.
Queen of Hearts, wal.z.
Kale Karuey.
Bedel la.
Look Out For the Coou In the Moon.
There Are S7 Ways tc Catch a Man
My Boo Boo Baby. .
Just a Gleam of Heaven in Her Eyes.
If we do uot have in stock what
yno wsnt, we will ord ir for you.
Millinery at Cost.
M. P. Auderson is now selling
1 mis. m. 1. Aunerson is now seiuuB
her entire line of millinery snd
( notions at cost, 00 acocunt of baviug
jto move.
Call and get bargain
Portland Papers Comment 011
Sucker Creek Gold Find
The story of a marvelously rich golfl
strike iu Southern Oregcu is interest
ing not ouly to the persons who thus
-tumbled upon it, but tofcll peoplo of
Oregon. It is a piece of great good
luck to the finders, but it is also a
lucky nnd valuable incident for Ore
gon. It will attract wide attention to
this state nud to Southern Oregon in
particular. Since one such ledge has
beeu fouud, may there uot bo others?
True, such a discovery always start-:
out a largo number of pro; peotors,
most of 'whom nre doomed to disap
pointment, but the general result w ill
be good; it will mean more work,
mnro effort, Jiorn consumption of pro
ducts, more faith iu Oregon's mineral
wealth, nnd, diululcss, more Oregon
Some people, insist dogmatically
that there is 110 such thing iu the
world as luck or chance; that every
person gets ultimately just what he
plaus aud woiks rightly for nud de
serves. But the truth of this line
theory is uc t discernible in such an
occurrence as this. For many years
placer gold was extracted in large
quantities from tho beds of streams lu
this vicinity, 011 both sides of this
ridge, mid ic was known that there
must bo a rich ledge iu that ridge,
from which tho placer gold came.
Doubtless the region has been pros
pected by ma y a more or less hopeful
miner; doubtless weeks in the nggro
gata of tramping though those hilis
has genu unrewarded ; nud yet nt last
a hoy, ont limit iug, and with 110
t ought of finding gold, niseovers it
iu quantities cropping out of the sur
face, so abundant nnd easy to obtain
that it is suicl one family of seven
persous mcrtaied out 23,000 in a
week. One need not call this luck or
chnuce, if he is determined that there
is no such thiug; hut certainly the
chief beuotlcliirirn did uot plan aud
work for this result.
This incident shows tint t - Oregon
hi'S not us yet been diligently nud
thoioughly prospected. If the stories
told concerning this ledge ore true, it
may produce millions, and there may
be, nnd 110 donbt are, other ledges ns
rich yet to be discovered. Oregon's
mineral wealth is ns yet mostly un
discovered. It muy be reasonably
expected that its gold production,
already much larger than it is given
credit for, will steadily lurcensn for
many years. Portland Journal.
Sewer Bid Opened Out Ntr-Contract
An adjourned meeting of the city
council was held on Motiday evening
at the city hall with Mayor Gilkcy iu
tho chair. The councilmeu present
were Williams, Perkins, BaMier, Cal
vert and Trimble.
The slaoon bond of W. N. Riuehurt
was accepted nnd the license ordered
J. W. Williams was granted tho use
of a portion of G street for the de
posit of building
Tho city attorney was instructed to
draft 1111 ordinance amending the
ordinance regulating buildings within
the fire limits, to permit tiie use of
steel fronts on brick buildings.
Bids submitted oil 'construction of
the Seventh street sewer were opened.
There, wero four bids, as follows:
Gee. P. Furman, 7IM); Geo W.
Kearns, f7iHPi.5; Binns & Molt,
74 IU; Wolko & Shaska, 7li:i. The
awarding of the contract was deferred
till Inter, to further arrange the sale
of tho bonds.
The audito- and police Judge was
instructed 10 niiveiliso lor tints on
bonds, to be opened ou July 21.
The request of Geo. P. Fuiinau nud
J. O. Knudlu for t'io city hall for jus
tice's eor.rt was ri fi rrcd to the build
ing committee. '
Cnuncilnicn Hair mid Smith and
Marshal Finch were granted leave of
Tho following bills were allowed:
Horning & Depuy 7 flu
I; T Jones -I (HI
Wm Jliros., 1) & L Co II HI
(iratliii i'.aher 1 00
Kotcruiund ft Wi
W A Paddock , 1
Hair-Kiddle II. 1
11 .Ml
I'.' (HI
IS 00
(', (1(1
:i ; mi
;ir. 00
7 .Ml
link Patrick
Geo. Snow
Morgan Powell . . .
Cap!, Iliiltou ....
J I.' Handle
I) Duncan
Andy Cnlviu
Arthur Alfred . .
Mi mbi rs I n.: di pt
Old friends or Dr. mid Mis. J. S.
Moore to the number of till or more
were gathered ut the Van Dyke hand
some home Tuesday, on invitations id
Mrs. Van Dyke and Mrs. I.. I..
Jewell. The ladies s,uil the after
noon, whilu the iruilli men gathered 11 1
("o'clock and utter a very daintily
servid tin, sjint the evening in visit
ing. Base Ball News.
A baseball g.imn will be piayed on
Friday at, t!.e new A. A. C. baseball
ground, between the hall team ot
that organin'tion nud tlio It. It. V.
h ague team of Gold Hill.
(In Sunday, Juno y, the. A. A. C.
team will play with Wolf Creek.
i 1 ho latter t"in is said to h quite 11
j strong one.
I There will be a hall game Oil tin
! Fourth of July between tin A. A.
; C. and Applerst.i tennis. A grand
lull w ill bo given at the opera h(,iir
! iu the evening.
J Sawi A. HillertoJ. R. MoKiiighl,
j Its 4, fi and C, Bln-k I!-., Original
j . Mab.1 C. Wilson to Mary D. Mr-
Linn, Iits i. Ill.ick T, J Bourne's Jr
: First Addition.
! J. L. Ganlt to M.iicus 1). I.. 1'ollot,
! Lot 4, Block , U'lgiual Townsitc.
'(Tlie above sales were made through
the Real KicMte Agency of Joseph
: Moss.
Help Wanted
"'"".m i .m --,ie,.
Must be thoroughly
other need apply.
ifimtuli.iil fitine
t all nt Water
Company iiiiue.
Brief Notes and Items of Interest
and Importance.
Dr. Flanagan,
Physician nnd Deutist.
Goto Corun for Plumbing.
House numbers at Cramer Bros.
loo cream daily Horning & DePuy.
U try n Blue Ribbon 6-cent cigar.
Fiudlav, I he piano timer is stopping
it the Western.
A splendid line of Royal Charter Oak
Ranges at Coron't .
A. Bargain iu pianos at tlio Grants
Pass Music House
Lots in the Ireland & Mende addi
tion ou easy terms.
Sicady man to n. ilk cows. Inquire
E:igIewoo:l Dairy wagou.
Fifty ceut sheet music at 25 cents at
the Grants Pass Music House.
Amateur Photo work promptly aud
carefully attended to at Cluvenger's.
Don't fail to sen tho new liun of
Diamond and opal rings at Letcher's.
Aluminum House uumbers, will not
tnruisli, threo for 23 cents at Cramer
Mrs. Gilfillntt will take orders for all
sorts of food ready cooked. Phone
For a short time Iteland & Mende
will sell you a lot for IO dowu and
f" per month.
Why pay relit? I will sell you a
house and lot or a much on ensy pay
ments. E. L. Cass.
Tumble & Cook now enny a stock
of buggy and hack wheois in all
grades. The prices nr right.
Tho entire estate of S. F. Cass, nnd
ill real estate belonging to E. L. Cass
for sale ou easy terms. Call at my
office Josoph Moss.
A flno assortment of goods nud BOO
styles to select from at the Grants
Pass Tailoring Co. Nobby suits at
reasonablo rates. Stenm cleaning.
The Ladies of tho Presbyterian
hurch w ill servo sapier at the homo
of P, H. Hnrtli ou Second Street iri-
lay evening nud oxtend an invitation
to all their friends. Supper will le
served from 5 ::I0 p. m. ; supper 25 cents.
See that fine lot of Indies', Gents'
and Babies gold rings? For a small
consideration St. Louis, the jeweler,
would part with one or two ol them
for he is n'nking more of thorn nnd
might uinko you one just a you want
ir, if you furnish tho gold dust'
Hummocks iu all styles from 1.00
up nt Cramer Bros.
Waterman's Ideal Fountain Pens
from 3.50 up at Cramer Bros.
Goid Hill is to have a monster
Fourth of July celebration this yenr.
Why cook this hot weather, when
Mrs. Gillllhin will do it for yon?
Telephone orders.
If you are not getting good, shoi s,
for yonr nionry, Try tho Red Star
Store, where good shoes nro sold.
Havi you tried the C. E. O. briiud
fancy creamery butter, guuriiiiteed
the best ou the market? Factories,
KoseDurg and Medford.
Greenback will celebrate tho Fourth
this year in grand style, ono of the
features will he dam ig. Greenback
always has a good time when they
have a celebration.
Small house nnd I wo lots oil the
north side of tho R. R. track, for a
short time only, price 175. Lots
alone nro worth 4ho money. Cull on
or address Josi ph Moss, Grunts Pass,
( Iregou.
Mrs. Grnie V. Mellinger gave a
very enjoyable, but poorly attended
entertainment ut the Christian church
Thursday evening. Mrs. Mellinger Is
nn elci ullonist of ability nnd her ron
ditions were of a high order.
Having received one of the latest
improved New Century Engraving
machines we nro prepared to do all
kinds of engraving; goods bought
from us engraved free. Curtis A Co.,
Oild Fellows' Building, Grunts Pass,
Oregon. ,
W. R. Reed, the wngon maker,
Sixth sireet, has a full nud select
stuck pf wagoii nnd carriage material.
"Guild work und good slock" mjr mot
to. Shop two doors north of Davis'
second hand store.
Go to Jud Tailor for Bicylu re
pairing Garden liiwe for 1 cents a foot nt
Ciiiiner Bros.
Dr. Kremer Is now prepared to rnrs
for patients nt his olliee In the
Howard building, second floor, where
he w ill conduct a hospital.
Ask your dealer for -Rogue River
l'n aoicry Butter made ut Medford is
now 55 cuts per two-pound, square
lull wiight.
A single stick of timber 80 X 42
ilieln s, till feet lorg, dressed Oil all
sides was noticed 011 a passing train
lust week, lis destination was
I'ols'im, California.
As I desire to have Grants Pass, I
w ill sell anything that I issess aild
Hie entire S. F. Cass t"tate on easy
terms. See Jos. Mns for list ot
leal (state nud houses. E. L. Cass.
Stove wood is received iu pint pay-
' incut for Biuvcle repairing Jud Taj
I 1..,
All pirties holding certificates en
titling them to photographs at
( 'levi nger's gallery, w illpleaso notice
that certificate says positively no
cxtriiMriii of time. They must In
1 nn uti d and negatives made before
July I. C. L. CLE VKN'OEIt.
While hunting on Jones creek Tues
day, Frank C' lvig iirained his ankle
very severely. By bandaging tho In
jui' d member tightly, he was able to
walk home, but after a brief rest lie
found himself totally crippled snd on
ahlii 10 walk. The injury is quite
iiviuful and will incapacitate hiiu
from woik for some time.
W. II Tavlor met with an accident
la -t Wednesday that came near cans
ing IU- loss of bis left thumb. I'(
was building a shed and while trim
ming a p ile, a stick struck Mm on
the head and pushed the ax on bis
1,'in-T, ratting the thumb so that it
! hung by a piece of skin. De is get
1 ''n along nicely aud eipects to soon
' b,i an well ss ever.
Bring Your Wife Along
Women are the best judges of dress,
their own or the Men's. They know
good thiug when they see it, nnd you
may rely firmly on their goad judgment.
j j
Bring her with you, by all means,
let her help you select your Summer
clothes. She'll understand that "gen
uine goodness" of aSchloss Ait-Tailored
Suit, better, pet haps, than. you. How
ever, you are sure of good treatment
here, wether you bring; her or not.
j j Jt
The difference in the cost of a
Schloss-niade Suit and that made by the
"uietchatit tailor" will be enough to
open her eyes to the possibilities for
money saving. Just think, we sell a
suit like either of those s'lown in the
picture at so little a price as
The "merchant tailor" would want
to charge $2$ for a suit not so good in
fit, style or quality. Here is a clear sav
ing of $11 50,. which your wife can find
good use for in adding to her own ward
robe. No wonder she is bout ou break
ing you of the "merchant tailor" habit.
This label on Schloss made clothes
is to protect the wearer It st.ind.4 for
reputation, uniform excellence and up-to-dateness.
Outfitters to Particular People.
I'liolo Supplies at the Courier of
Talking Machines and Kecords nt
Flutes and Films developed and
priuted at Clcveiiger's.
Your credit is good wl Ii Ireland 4
Meade, if yon buy a lot now.
Buttons' Sun Proof Faint, tlio paint
that wears Bold at Cramer Bros.
I. 'A. Roblo lias commenced tho erec
tion of a cottage 011 B street, between
First and Secoud.
When Iu need of a first class lime
piece, yon miiko the mistake of yocr
life if vou go purchasing without get
ting my prices. A. Letcher.
K. Moore, the painter, has bought
ont C. H. Frnkcr's second-hand store
and will conduct the business here
after. Orders for painting can bo left
at the store, corner Sixth and I streets.
Kuthle the little daughter of
Mrs. Chas. Booth, broke her arm on
Satordav while playing with some
other children near her home 011
Kiglith street. The children amusing
themselves by climbing 011 a horizon
tal bar which the boys bad arranged
ami Kathleen fell fiom It to tlui hard
grouud, with such force that her linn
was broken.
Deer seem quite plentiful iu South
ern Oregon this season, an tve
piito perceptibly Increased iu num
ber during the past few years, pre
sumably 011 account of the better ob
servances of the gamu law which has
irevailed. Phil Hobuison, while
riding Into town Tuesday morning
from his pluce on Kognti river, a few
miles above town, saw u flue, forked
horn buck, which stood und stared
at him impudently as lie passed by.
The open season w ill be 011 iu 11 short
time and the deer will probably be
more modest nud retiring then.
Night Prowler Breaks Into the
Jewell Residence.
A burglar entered the residence of
I., h. Jewell lit Fif h and A slreelh
Monday night but wus f rlghteiieit
away before he wcured any valiiahles
At leant nothing of valuu has been
missed from tho household on ae.
count of his visit. Hi was tlr-t
heard by Mrs. Jewell walking 011 an
up stairs porch nnd seems to have
ai tempted to enter by that way.
Mrs. Jewell went op stairs tourer
tain tho cause of the disturbance
When she lelurned "he heard Hie bur
glar ill the kitchen. The latter, prob 1
ably alurmed at her footsteps, uu
locked the k'tehen door and lied. He
had entered by tearing oh the screen
fiom the kitchen window mid the
marks of his feet were plainly to he
seen (ill the kitchen table which stood
against the window.
Hivt You s Cough?
A dose of Ballard's Horeliouud
Syrup will relieve it. Have you a
cold? A dose of llerbine at bedtime
and frequent small doses of Hore
liouud Hyrup during the day will re
n.ove It. Try it for whooping cough,
for asthma, for consumption, for
bronchitis. Mrs. Joe Mctiruth, .1.' K
1st street, Hutchinson, Kin., writes:
"I have used Ballard's Horeiiouml
Syrup Iu my family for five years,
and Hud It tho bent and most palat
able medicine. I ever used." 2., SOc,
ll.OO at Shiver Drug Co.
Instruction In Music.
F.thcl Palmer, graduate In music at
U. of O. will receive pupils at her
homo 81.1, West Fourth sireet, cor. of
A, after June 2-'.
m Si
1 1 y-.-s ' t v
schloss nR;o;s
. . .
"Drop in and let us talk it over.'
GOOD WATCH should bo cleaned at Icnst
oiico a year. Have you had yours cleaned
and regulated? I am' prepared to do all kinds of
jewelry repairing at prices that aro right, and
guarantee my work to give satisfaction.
15E11T 15ARNES.
Clemens' Drug Store.
Report of Clerk Kcftdivrvd Rout
ine Business Tro.nso.cted.
The mutual school mooting for the
Uiraiils Pass school dinli lct was held
at III 11. 111. on Monday, Juno 20.
Besides the school board ntld olllcers,
there were three citizens pn sent.
The annual report of the clerk was
read, accepted nnd placed 011 Hie.
T. P. Cramer was nominated as di
rectonr to succeed himself, for the
ensuing live year term. No other
nomination was made. The election
was held in the afternoon and a total
of 'Jll votes were cast, nil for Mr. Cra
mer. A meet ing of the hoard was
held iu the evening and Mr. Cramer
was sworn in. C H. Mayln u wns-to
elected clerk.
Tho clerk's report shows the fol
low iug statistics :
Nurpher of children iu district he
tween agcH of 4 and 21) ycari" mule,
."l',H; female, .VIM ; total, lldl.
Number enrolled 011 n ginter male,
.Mil ; female, total, IO'."!.
Number of teachers employed
mule, I, female HI, total, 17. All the
ti in hers hold statu certificates or di
plomas and all have eert'lli litis of in
1-1 it ul 1 attend. nice.
Number of school hoiiHcri in dis
trict, !).
Number Mchnul houses built during
jear, 1
Number months of school held, V.
Tho following llmiucial stati 1111 lit
wus presented :
U iliincc June l.'i, I'.n-I
Special tin
t'nt.nty aiiportiiiuiuent .
Mate llpportll lllllelit .
'I ml ion, eic. ,
Hood Ihsue .
County tnli school
hi ii:;
i"i.4 it II
l,:!t 10
I, Mr an
Ml (l.'i
1S.2I.-I 00
1,000 00
Tol a I
r annuls !sui it . . .
f:i.nii .
. 1. !! K.
i 1 11 1
Tom I. .
Balance ea.-di
Wan ant outr
l.'i, tin:),
Warrants isnu
!) hi
oil hand
J line
:r.r 14
:.;i;., 07
d during year
Total warrants ... f.'U, Mo '-'I
Warranti (aucell.'d duiing
year 21, li'.l ml
Warrant out funding, June
JO, I '.HI I 2,'ili
I ue from county court for
high k iiool.. 1,01 00
A uiiinher of iiu irt ml 1 1 1 1 r 1 v 1 1 -incuts
urn in piognss uiith r the diiec-
Itiui of tlui city. The cxtoniion of the
main h 011 Fifth street is nearly
completed and woik on the Seventh
street se'vir will sis.u be commenced.
Tlui brick archway which carries
the creek at the bend of Sixth street,
which was so badly damaged in the
Mood of Li-t winter, has beeu substau
ially rejiirt-il w ith ceiiu nt. Tho work
was done under the su rvinioil . f K.
II. Gillillau.
f''-Jtsri' DAITIAAnOP
iMtvv junrv
Jump-o((-Joe District the Scan
of Action.
A. 0. Hofer, of Portland, manager
of the Mount Pitt Hydraulic & Quarts
Mining company, came to Grants Pass
Friday from his company's properties
on Juiiiji-olf-Joe, bringing with him
samples of ore und news of a rich
strikn in tills now Jospehinu county
niliiu. Mr. Ilofer said the crosscut
tunnel has ciiC'iuutiTcd a ten-foot ledge
ut a depth ol 75 feet. The ledgu cur
ries high values from wall to wall.
A single shovelful of the ore, mor
tared out by hand, yluldiul GO cents. It
is Mr. Hofer's belief that the big vein
will give average returns of from J5
to fit) a ton throughout.
Associated with Mr. Ilofer In the
dcvulopm nit of the Mount Pitt Hy
draulic tjuuru Mining Company's
properties am several Portland nieu,
iiuiong them being K. House, presi
dent of the company, and D. L. Mo
Cloud. Mr. Ilofer is on his way to '
Portland to cooler with his associates
regarding future work. Ho Is highly
elated w ith thu results, and has good
reasons for believing the Mount Pitt
Company stands iu line for the de
velopment of 01111 of Southern Ore
gon's best 111 I lies.
2 Heveral hundred acres aru embraced
hy the Mounts Pitt Company's hold
ings. Asiil'J from the quartz claims
being developed, there is a vast aren
of placer ground, subject to hydraullc
mg and located hi Hummer's Gulch,
"liu of the richest placer districts of
JoM'pliinn comity. Tho holdings aro
well timbered, and there is ail abund
ance of wmer.
Sued by Mil Ductur.
''A doctor hero has mcd mo for
.Ml, which I claimed wus O'Ccs-
live fur a cae of cholera morbus,"
ays It. White, uf ('iiuchclla, Cut
'At tin) trial lie
skill und iiieji' lue. I asked him if
it was not Cliaiiihcrlaiu'a C'alic,
''leil'Ti ami Diarrhoea Iteniedy bo
iim-i1, as t bad good reason to believe
It ", snd be would not say under
oath tint it it uot." No doctor
could ue 11 better remedy than this
in n cine of cholera 111. w. bus, it never
lit 1 1 Sold by nil druggists.
Pvirso Stolen.
Last Sloiiday while Miss Daisy
Hendricks ;ts cut collecting ou
Front street sl.e left her purse Iu a
crocheted bag, suspended on tho
iiunnle lurs of Iter w heel, which was
left outside. Wiieii she went for tu:
wheel, the put'u wus gone. For
tunately It coiitaiiud only a few dol
lars iu silver and tit r keys,
A small Llii'.e was discovered Tues
day afteririou In tho house of M. K.
Butler oil Fast M. stiuet which occa--looed
considerable, excitcuiciit and
little damage. The fire startled In a
bed room, w hen) there, was uo stova
nor anyway of catching from s stove.