Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927, June 23, 1904, Page 2, Image 2

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Fubllshed Every Thursday.
Subscription Rates;
On Year, in advance, - 11.50
dix Months. - .75
Ttree Months, - - - .-to
Dingle Copies, - .05
Advertising Races
Furnished on application at the office, or
by mail.
Obituaries and resolution of con
dolence will he chirked lor al oc per line;
card of thank 50c
A. E. VOORHIES, 1'kopr. & Mnur
Kntersd at the pout othce at Oranta Vfn,
Oregon, aa second-class mail matter.
. Secretary Hay en Wednesday wired
the following miffnge to Coin-nl-ticn
eral Gunmicre at Tanker : "Wo want
Pordicnria alive or Kaisul! dead.'
That tort of talk tuuully mums husi
It lias lit'cn definitely nrruiiK'd that
Victor II. Jlctcalf of California will
succeed Ciio. II. Cortolyou as score
tury of the department of cummer, e
and labor, tlio latter having resigned
tlm portfolio to take charge of tlio re
pnhliciin presidential cnniT nipn.
Ily a provision in the direct primary
law enacted at tlm recent election,
Totem whn failed to iojistor prior to
May l.", will bo (iveti nnother op
portunity to do no, hi 'tween Scp'cm
ber 20 and October 2(1. Thin will allow
them to voto at the president ial elec
tion, without MwenritiK In their ti ten.
The burning of too steamer Genera)
Ploruin at New York on June 15, wan
on n of too worm disasters of recent
yeuiu. J lie vessel wna cnrryliiK n Hun
day m hool excursion and tlio greatet
ii a in her of tlio passenger were ehll
drtu. Over 10K) perished. Many par
ent lout their whole flock and the
great city wan plunged Into tlm deep
i at grief. "
The republican national cum cut inn
now in emlon in Chicago, ia probably
the quietest ever held, no excitement
being evident. The reason of thin is
that I here in only oiin possible nomi
nee, Theodore, Hoonevolt, and to lilm
tlio prenideutinl nomination in conced
ed. Fairhunka will probably ho the
choice, an candidate for the vicc-prcsl-dency.
Tlio recent gold find on Sucker
creek in of value to Southern Oregon
fur beyond the iiiiiiiedluto roturnn to
the lncly discoverers, for it culls
widespread utteution to tlio Southern
uregon mining district In a manner
w hich rnunot bo Ignored. Tlm Grants
Pans miner ill district in now receiving
moro recognition than ever beforn and
it ia largly on account of tlm stir made
by the new discovery. Peoplo who
bear of thin rich strike cu hardly fail
to gain aoum knowledge of our district
in oilier way; our rich quart z veins
awaiting development, our mammoth
baso ore propohitloiin.our immense col
l'T deposit, cur placer fluids nod the
many propertionawalling dovoloimenl
ill every direction from Oranta Pus.
According to tl' atutenieiiln of those
who know, lliero in more mining ac
tivity nt present within a radiua of fid
miles from tirantn Pus than there is
anywhere else in the statu. Our inlii.
oral field in an yet only acralched over
and tberu nro grand possibilities
awaiting the miner on every hand.
Urania Pans in tlio center of the South
ern Oregon district ami in the natural
and only practicable diHtrlbul ing jkiIiiI
for an immense area of mineral ground
which in unsurpassed in the United
State. Recognition of Southern Ore
gon district In slow in coming, but it
will havo to coino aooni r or later.
There are too many possibilities here
to remain hidden long.
RlUs 6. Flanini Vncover Depoail
of $220 Ore.
At a depth of 100 feet a body of i re
enriyiiig values running as high as
I02O a ton has been uncovered by
Klggsit Flamni, in tlio Red Heau
mine, of Hlarveont Creek. Tlm nunc
baa been under develoiiii. iit by these
luirtlen for several months past, and Is
making a splendid showing. Riggs
i: Flamm bondid the Ri-d llcau last
year to Kastein parlb , nod the
KiisUiii peojilu worked f ,r some (line
Upon it without success, llnhlly giving
it n p. Their ill lin k Was due to tin
error in diiving the tunnel, as tbe.v
run piuallcl with the main ledge, and
but a feet fioui it.
Kepiibllcan Convention.
The republican naticuul cnnnvcn
llou lin t In Clll.'.'lgn oU Wednesditv,
June 'Si. The report of the cominit
teo on leniianent oraanu.itioii was
adopted. Joseph 0. Cnuno'i was
Clio. en pirniaii'iit ehaii man and was
condiu li il to ihe chair mm. I a siorin
of applause.
The inollcn lo alli,-,v llaw ul m
votes in-lead of two ptovoli aspitii
ed lb I ate.
CoiiMih i.ihle cot hu.i.e-oi war. pro
dio i d by (lie reading of Set ictaiy
Il lVs Clllih (Mill to Molci eo. "W.. I
" W
.ol '
lie i
Want l'eidi an- alive or liusuli il
The coin i in ion adjourned to
lit lo a. in. J une ' i
Slnlinj Lvaldui
l're.-h ten. m, ,n in gr. at 1)11.1111 1 ty
u constantly coining in, di during lir.
King's New Diseoverv for Cm-iinip-tiou
Cough-, ami Colds to be em. iiu!
ed. A inent expression T. .'.
Mcl'.ll lanil, HelUolMlle, V.i. , il es
as csaniplc Ho wtites: "I l,,,d
Jllouehills for Ihf s Mais and dec-to-l-ll
all the li.o.' Willi out being
iK'liethtcd 1'leii 1 lieg.,1 llr.
King's New Discoviry, and a ft w
bottles wholly cured me." K.p.allv
elf veti vo in ruling nil I.ung and
.Tlilout troubles, Cousi:m. ioio, I'm u
inouia ami Orip. (iuaiantcid by
Naliooal lrug stole and Orauls Pass
t'haiinaiy. Irial bottles fri
l ir sizes Jiov, aurt l im.
Water was mined into the Ri dll, Id
& Jiojues irriKatuiK ditch iu Con
Duck valley 011 Momhiv. Thiailiich
nas ni i'ti uuiti (luring tho past year ; I I .,
it is tt ree miles in 1, onth and lair.csi this date
lots) inches of Muter, Inch in mati s i Jui,el."i
many hundreds nr acre.-(ilendnle I
1"tv"t- iTnasutcr
M: tlin ttems. .
It Seertia a month botwicii "Cour
iers." Merlin is still at it. What? Hus
tlu morning, nr.nn and ui(iht.
Mr. Corisiiis Is now in Portland wo
miht my visiting in Portland.
Will Reynolds and Frank .Jones
have, gniiu from Merlin for Hie nst of
Hip slimmer. Wo with tln ni lm 1
lnrd luck.
l'ourth of July Mill ba cob 1. rated
ur. 'uuff, in Merlin. I.arpo urr.niK'
mints havo been made and committees
mrd subcommittee lm . c bci il ohottd.
I Tlie warehouse of tlm Merlin Town-
.site & Development Co. in f,ir-t bein
coiupluted. This is (he fifth building
that has been erected by this' enter
prising company. Yet there w i II be
Them will bo a game of "ball-"
near Merlin Sunday. We hi nr thai
instead of keiping store liny iiulini
plate playing until they are tired out.
It in horrible bull when the hop- fi-o
above 15 or 20.
Maiy Mussio lias re'urned from the
Normal at Ashland and Is ngai i here
to brighten tlm lives of thost near
bur. Her sister Mabel ret nrned w 1 h
her, having been at Ashl ind I'tn iog
the i oiiiinetiretiM-nt.
Wo heard a lirpiug boy recently
praising the fruit up .Merlin w ay
His wordn follow an we reiueinhi r
thorn. "Slhraw herreth ? 'I hi y liaf
stl.riw-berroih out by Crowth bl;;ger
mill lieiith i ggths ' !
Children' day was i el. l,i,.l. il at
the llaptist ciiurch last Siwid'iy and
wan well attended ami well gotten
up Tlio programme was a credit to
tlm teachers and Sunday sc!io I a-
wull its tin' participants.
Milton Reynolds, I). W. Mil. In II
md J. II. Crudlch.iugh aro ihetaioi.
'ii It tee of management for lint c c!c
hriitiou for the lth. This nmim t'e
has npiointcd its suteeominilti cs and
'coin') on boys" we'll celebrate us
lover before.
Rev. Noely will fill the pulp t ol
the M. K. chinch Sunday, mid will
uivu bin ledum "The liny Problem"
in i lie evening of that day. lie is
highly spoken of and Is uhle lo give
the people a good "lensl" a'ong his
part icuhir line.
Snveral of our yoniii. men have Icll
Merlin thin summer fur woik and
ither purpose. Wo " hope sunn to
have enough work, ( lo,, in and near
Merlin to keep them al home. Il
makes boyn tough to travel Ihe way
ouie of the boys travel.
Mm. 1). W. Mitchell mid ilauehii r
Ksther have gone t California for
the rest of the summer. Victori
Mill hell ban returned from Kugenc,
where she has been attending college.
We all like Victoria and ti.o glad
to hate I er Willi us again.
Broken Thlniis Wanted
When your Furniture, Oia.aii,
(Jiiitar or Mainloliii needs i' pan ing
ir relliiishing, mid your funiilure up.
holstering, call at West Fronl street,
hetween lltl and Ith si. New' I'ur
uit lire made to order. I.awn inowiis
iharpencd. Work guaranteed.
Wlioii yoti try mi a jeiii
and style.
You tln iii Ihiili!
cuottRh. It is i-asy to tit iU'. a
cult ti) lontliiiio tlio two. 'I'll
rnmroitalilc is the liii;hc. nil.
A slioc may icil ii.niloi lalilc
must (it or you .no mho In liavi
lils. tlio lu llct it u ill wc.ii .
Tlio i
'.!: '
Ii'-. !e i
vat: t
Voli w
'i I , ti'
h ldir U Cei Iv Cult livhc JbOlii)
ol Nolhloi
,llld,:e l e
I'.'lli.lll'l I.
In t ill tie
I '. 1 III V . (In
A ho eli at '
Hi's;' r ol 1 ; '
- .-' t a- i.le
I'll 'I oils Mi 1
Mu l.i ill
- .1.10 . s I
1 I 1
mm 1 ak" 1 01
i.unp.'i ing w ith
iiV-. ti
't' nt of a lar;;e s!i
whieh she Is ii.
judgment for 111 1I.1
In the tit -I ti ml t!
Mi I'.nthy a I' l'in i
W as deem d 1 i
iml a s 1 end it :al
In t of f ie,i'il for r
luds'e 1; Ring, r s 1 v
."issue ami that 1
Cat thy l:l ugiee !.
w ill old. r .1 11, i 1
foul shnul.1 d'clllle
lie w ill allow the
"",(' U lo siaml
Coutilv I terisuiri'i
I h. re ate futuls i-t ti,,
pay all warrants f . -t. .
Inter. .1 will
.1. T
of .lc.. phi.ic r
"AM 1
. Hi.'
LelafVl Sift.njU
Wo have no sh.-kue.Mi to rcKrt at
thii time.
Crops are doing well, bat would be
letter will' a little rain.
Tlm weather is cool, with llgl
south winds. Farmer are bun;
h.iy ing.
Tin- puck trains arirfcept busy pack
in;; to .Mt, I'.iliiirn from Idand
.Soiiit iiui.'i it if (iillii ult to pass do o
I'n ut slrei t in I.i land, it is so crowd
ed w llli ti-uiiis.
'l ie re is plenty of work in Jone
pliine county this summer. T.
Macki ii is needing more wood colters.
i! di liverii g on the track, a big
j '"""' of wood.
S net of our people took ill the Puss
Lent wick, but not to buy dress good
for our men hauls sell a oh ap as
they tlo in tlm Pass. Mr. Fyfteld
w-nt to git some dental work done.
A go'ul many miners will take
hiy-olT now, as they have got cleain
up. in tlio way with a large
mi.' uut ( f Ihein lay off ill the sum
iiht, eat up what they in ail it in the
w inler, and when old, go to the pool
hou-" mid b t the tax payer eupport
Hi m. The writer know that
pr.iciic d by a certain class of men
V.'heii we rend of Ihe great cyclone
Hid hai 1-torins, wo are thankful we
.re in Orel on. As a rale In this
vii initv, in Ihe beat of the day.
weg'ta trade wind, that come ap
ill"!- 13 o'clock, so the working man
lo 4 not u Her with the bint an in
nilii r plan s. How thankful wo urt
that m' have no mo-iuitces to nniioj
us after a day's work.
Wo bear of good reports from Hit
f.ucl.y 'in i it mine on Jump-ofT-Joe
I'll" Ii ad' ri w ill take up the bond and
w ill elect il mill. The ore that was
'cot from the iniiiit gave satisfactory
riitirns. A largo saw mill in being
m i ted in that vicinity lor milling
;iurp'is"n, and also for tho local trade
lurjiii auioiiiit of road inuking
being iloiie in that vicinity.
l'liHpeotors are congregating here
uniting op their outfits. Some will
'ji'ii'l Ihe entire summer ill the hills.
Rill and Wind Ilunisler have a ton
tract of run ling a tuunol on Mt,
Id nil. n for Iho Jh iiton Co, We uu
h -island that mine has a largo ledge
.villi high arrays, with a considerable
outlay on ihe road. Then tho com
pauy w ill proceed to put oil a stump
ii i II.
Wide Awake.
A Bold Panther.
w hiln
pl lei r
Del Nnrtii Record say that
three men were working in a
mile! near the mouth of
s creek, ono day ltit week
i panther caiiui into the diggings and
l.illc l a dog belonging to tho men,
Wi.ile the panther was devouring the
doc, one of the nu n procured a gun
and kilhd it. The anhnul was
evidently very hungry to ctiuso it
in he so fearless, in which state it
vvmi Id not hesitate to attack a bu
New c.irpi t healers made from wov
n w ile, w ill not tear your carpet and
ii-t only ' cuts nt Cramer Urn.
i i H
and Style
li'"k for Hvi) tliittj;1! vumfor
Kitlici one !iy itself is not
tvli'li shoe, Imt it is very dilli-
it not
-Hlisli shoe that
Ami the
Now it
Letter it
tu- vln e lltat "lils wlicrc all
'.i'.!" is "(Jiiccn Oualily." I,
.n:-c it is in mi t- in uu infinite
of -.l.-s anil stylos to suit alt
ha ( all occasions. If
al tw :v as iii.iuy ill.UH'cs in
n, It v (Jin i u (Ju.ility.
Oxford $2.50
at. ."'lie ctra.
Never Weill- li
;. C DXOX.
iliteivillu llrnitt.
. en the dam is i rogiessieg
ecu in town with
0 is Ml k
1 -.IV gel
I I.
III il'g-
t -' 1 II 1 1 - 1 V .
tlio 1 d
It' hi-
til Slati
woik at
11' I'liiiin tl
creek and
: i' Cl'S'ley
li e 1. nt. Ii.
I' . I, a. gone home to
0. "r:.!,ig in this
ia ; il m nths
1 .0 1 ' i 1 1 01 i.u.l tu r sis
1:1 i il of .ir. nils Pass
y- .1 their lll'.i'le's, J.
1 nine 011! to woik
oiiil bill was uot able
ai:'. si 1 si on a f 1 e r his
.' I .is hi 1 11 in
I.e. tudvtli
id Nash.
" I
t .
V t - i. nod will tie
n.i Iti .id 1 1: 1 ' 1 Is.
r .leu., ."'.ili. Les.
r. 1I1 n. e or nt her
li nud West Third
m nw
Progress in Mining, LumberlnB
and Agriculture.
Minn Dairy Lewman' of Provolt
made Applogate s pleasant call Fri
day. Ned Duulap of Provolt made a
business trip to Grants Pas Saturday.
. W. Paldwlu, the Provolt hop
raiser, made a flying trip to Giant
Puns (hi week and returned home
with a new wagon.
George Wilkin of McCIoud i at
Provolt at the present. He will
make a few week visit with friendn
beforu returning; lo hi place of resi
dence. Mr. Williams, the Chicago photo
Wilt, wa at Provolt this week
gathering photographs to enlarge.
Before leaving be secured a number
of order.
The dance given at William Fri
day night for the benefit of the base
ball team of Provolt was uot very
largely attended on account of so much
work. At the present time haying ia
111 full blast aud everybody is tired at
night and don't fuel like dancing.
The Golden Spike quarts mine
changed hand this week, Cattlin &
Co. having bought out the right aud
title of the Bailey Bro. They in
tend to start work noon. This mine
is 011 the Applegate and half a mile
from Rice and Ilnniiuin'a property on
Democrat hill. The mine wa dis
covered a short time ago and uot much
levelnjiment work has been done.
The Slim Henry quartz olaim ha
been boided in Bnniboo gulch to an
'.intern company for 1 1 0.000. This
property was discovered three year
igo and proved to be of good value,
i'lie vein is fust in width aud as
says well. The new company expect
to put a lorce of men at woik soon,
running a tunnel on the vein whkli
will tell whether it ia a pocket vein or
Iistur Lay ton of William moved lo
Provolt this week to take the 1 lace
ol his brother, Ed I-uytou, a fore
man in the placer mine owned by J.
L. Luyton In Farris gulch. There
ire now at work three men who
probably will bo employed till
November, If nothing further -pre
vents, Hi upper ditch extends 32
mile around the mountain and head
in the Grayback mouutian, while hi
lower ditch Is about 83 miles in
length total length, (17 mile, which
is longer than any other two ditches
in Oregon.
The Bonn of Contention mine has
made a rich find. Last week they
run into a ledge three feet ill width
iml it I apccklud with gold. From
the last report received Friday, we
cannot tell yet whether it is a pocket
ir a permanent ledge. They are in
tome SaO feet and have tapped the
vein 300 foot iu depth. We hope it
will turn out to be another Green
back, for the benefit of the laboring
men of Southern Oregou. The Will
lams valley is noted for its richnoss
in placer mines. There wa old
Williamsburg; this property wa
worked out in early days, but it out
put wan enormous, and wan mostly
linirU gold. Thin gold ha come
from Homo quartz 'edge and we be
lievo it in tho Bouu of Contention
A few of the joung folks of Provolt
left Sunday for Pastern Oregon, wlmre
they intend to work in the hay field
during the summer. These young
geiitlmeu have gone to that part of
Oregon to work for tho pant five years
They get 3 per day and board, which
in much better than the wnge of this
valley and much longer jobs. They
get to work from 00 to 75 dayn, which
is about 4j days longer than haying
hero. The crowd cousinled of Georire
Fields, the Provolt baseball catcher.
Fields, Bill Jolies and Thomas Car
ter. They will return to Provolt thl
full ngaiu, if nothing prevent.
A worl for the Courier not because
I am a corropsondeiit, but because
am a reader of that paper. I have
taken every paHtr iu Josephine county.
hut havo found none of them equal to
tho t ourier, for good sound new and
explaining the county affairs. It la
only l. ,10 per year. For a live paper,
this price neither makes nor break
man, so take a sound iiapcr.
Kulill Item.
Warm days and cool nights are now
M iss litlie Hooks wan the guest of
Mr. mid Mrs. J. T. Cook Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Martin and Willard
iiilmore left for Kasteru Oregon ou
the lath to be gone all summer.
Tho ninny friends of Mrs. Jane
looldridge will be pleased to bear
that she bun moved onto the old homo
lace to spend the summer.
There will be a grand celebratiou
iml pienlo on July 4th near J. L.
ooldridgii'n aud a dance at
ght. Kvorybody in Invited to come
ind have a good time.
Some 27 or more voter were out to
itietid the annual school meet ion
inlay. C. C. Ilurkhalter wan re-
looted clerk and J. L, Wooldridire
as elected director to succeed L. C.
e. Kverything jvassed off uicely
md everyone seemed to bo well
Mr. and Mrs. J. W. York were at
Grants Pass last Wednesday to be
present at I lie marriage of their
iiigliter. Miss Ague to Mr. F.
iisch, which took place at the home
of I.. U Jewell. Mi-s Ague was a
highly resjH'cted of this vicinity
and her many friend exteud their
KusKing Work
Report from Shelly criH'k i that
j ihu Moiiiiiiieuat il Mine Comratny
; is rusbiiiK work ou the sawmill for
I the purpose of saw in Ijtnlier for
1 buildings to U oso 1 for i cook house
I iml d.niiiK room, and spur tun nt for
;n. 11, about thirty of them already
Is lit employed about the preruites.
: The work of irnttiuft cut ore will he
di ne after, i veryihlim i mnle com-
forteble for the en ployes. Del Norte
, Re. ord.
Clemens, prescription Drnnitt,
Republicans Hsvyt Held Thirteen
Since Organization.
The republican party held its first
convention in KA. It met first at
Pittsburg, bat adjourned to Philadul-
phia Jane 17, Vhere Fremont and
Datron were chosen ou tne first ballot.
Ti e republican convention o' ISM
met t Chicago, and on the third bal
lot nominated Lincoln over Seward,
his chief competitor, snd Cameron,
I Chase and Bates, the favorite son
of their respective stiles.
Hamlin of Maine was named for vice
presidcut, over Cansins M. Clay, who
diet only last year at hi home in
Kentucky. In 1804 the republican
met at Baltimore aud nominated Lin
coln and Johnson. Lincoln received
all the votes iu the convention except
that of Missouri, which voted for Gen
eral Grant
The convention of 1872 met in Phil
adelphia and renominated President
Grant, aud Ihe convent ion four year
ago met in the same city and renom
inated McEinley for president and
named Theodore Roosevelt for vice
president. Hayea wa nominated at Cincinnati
in June 1870, on the seventh ballot,
over Blaine, Conkliug of New York,
Hartranft of Pennsylvania, Jewell of
Connecticut, John Sherman of Ohio,
Benjamin II. Bristow of Kentucky
and ex-Governor Morton of Indiana.
Tlie republican convention in 1880
met Iu Chicago aud was the most in
teresting one (hat ever assembled iu
the country. The coolest for the nom
ination between Graut aud Bluiiie,
with John Sherman a formidable third
in the race, was a most bitter one.
General Garfield wan nominated on
the Until ballot.
Blaine and Logan were nominated
at Chicago iu the Republican conven
tion which mot June 3, 1884. Htirr'
ou was nominated at Chicago in 1888
and renominated at Minnenjolis iu
1802. The convention which named
William McKiuley for the first time
met iu St. Louis in IH'.iO and Hie con
vention which renominated him was
held at Philcdalphia four yearn later.
The convention system of nomina
ting candidate scorns to bave origi
nated iu Pennsylvania, where it was
used as early as li88 iu selecting
ntute officer, and later in the choice
of candidate for congress. Portland
Woodvlllo Items.
D. L. Rice went to Medford to meet
his family.
A. A. Davis, of Medford, wan iu
town on business.
Preparation are iu progress for a
good Jirogramtne to close school with.
Mr. Kelsey went to Ashland for a
short visit and then eiecta to go east.
J. R. Carlock of Talent, paid his re
spects to Prof. T. R. Townsend this
Mr. B. Randall came home from
Portland and reports hear health im
proved. Mrs. Stevens of Greenback was in
town visiting her friends for a few
days this week.
Married By Rev. , R. Tweed,
David R. Ring to Mis A. C. Pitman,
oil the 11th of June.
Rev. E. K. Shelhammer, went east
Monday after sjieuding a number of
days In camp meeting here.
M. J. Curmiclnl of Washington, has
arrived and will Le one of the chief
speakers at the Holiness camp meet-
A. Holler went through to Grunts
Pass Thursday aud he reports good
things concerning the mines iu bis
At the public school meeting Mon
day, the 201 It, John Bug ley wan elected
director and Mrs. R. Whipple a clerk
aud treasurer.
Married By Rev. R. Tweed, ou the
20tli Iu the Preshyteriau church,
Charles B. Moore to Cansie Hatch,
both of this place.
Sabbath the Mill of June, will be t
red letter day In Woodvillu. The
Presbyterian church will be dedicated
at 3 p. in. Rev. Charles Hays of Port-
laud will be present, Also Rev. W.
U. Council of Grant Pass. Rev. W.
S. Holt Ti. D. of Portland and other.
The Bethany church choir will lead
the nmslo and render a number of an
thems. Come and have a good time.
Messrs. Deeds & Funk, advertising
men have placed a very attractive ad
vertising curtain tu the opera bouse.
aud now I lie audieu e can spoud
their time between acta studying the
ad of the Grants Pmn merchants.
The advertin mentnare well disidaved
aud altoitelher the woik in very attrac
tive. These gentlemen have been
placing adveitising curtains in many
of the leading theaters in California
and Oregon and an uow at work cn
oie iu Roseburg. They are artistic
and understand the curtain business
RING I' I T M A N A t Woodville, Dr.,
juue 11, ih, naviti it. Knit; and
Miss A. C. 1'itnian.
MODKK-HATCll-At WiHidvillo. Or
diss U. Mcore ind I'assiw Hatch.
IhWiWiV Y.v.v.v.;
j A l ivLii I:
5 r t S"t nM rt.m : I , 5;
im.i...s..,,. , 3;
$ . si .,..i.. . sSi s-
..s. 1.. j, , w Ui..t n S
S Strll.h. S,p,, Va-to. 5:
i, tc.Mk.iiiii ,.j As,iulel, S:
PwlKI-t'illiag Vty, ,,cr. i
-HI'WIM P.IIcr.s.1 si
sk is. . si i. mm S
' I1S-14S utk (I . In im f
M BAZAR, (b&S 1
Seduced RMeS lo SI I Culi Etpo
I Itlriri;
1 tlie Soutliern Pacific Co. will sell
round trip tickets at greatly reduced
rates to St. Loo Is aud Chicago, ac-
count the St. Louis, Exposition, on
' tho following dates:
1 June Kith, 17, 18; July 1 2, 8;
August 8, 9, 10; September 5,6,7;
! October 8, 4, 5.
I Going trip most .be completed with
i0 10 day from date of sale and pas-
seugers will be permitted to start ou
any day that will enable them to
reach destination within the 10 days
limit. Return limit 90 days, but not
later than December 31, 1904. For full
information as to rates aud'roetes call
on Agent Southern Pae. , at Grants
Pas . W. E. Comaii, G. P. A.
Rubber Stamp ink
Courier office.
iu stock at Hit
Commissioners. .
Deputy Clerk
Deputy Sherill. .
.school bupt
J. O. Hooth
I John Wells
IC. r iivelaee
It. I,. Hartlell
T. H. Judson
Ceo. W Lewis
1 Krnest I.isier
J, T. Taylor
Lincoln Savatte
W. II. Kalhn
H C Perkins
W. K. Krenier
Mayor II. I, (iilkey
Auditur and Police Judge . . .11. K. May lite
Treasurer Col. W. Johnson
City Attorney II. it. Norton
Marshal deo. rimb
Street bupt John Patrick
CoutieiUiien V. M. Msir. II. J. ltnr-hrr
J. 1.. Calvert, T. W Williams, W. C.
Smith, J. A. llehkopl, 11. C. Per
kins. James Trimble.
Grains I'sss Lodge A. F. A A. M No. 81.
regular communication ir.-t and third
Saturdays. VisiunK brothers cordially
invited. I(. W, ljiuoa W. M. "
A J. Puts, Sec'y.
Itojal Arch Masons -Heaiues Chapter No.
'M meets second and (011 rib Wednesday
.Masonic huii. H e. IIouzikn.
J. ej eTmsos, Heey.
Knights ' Templar Mclita
rto. s, meets, second rrulav
ui (.ach
Month In Masonic Temple
V. 11. Hasutus. Km. Cum
Oxo. II. Calhoun, lice.
Eastern Star Josephine Chapter, No. 2li
meets first and third Wednesday
evenings of each month in .Masonic
"ail. Mauv L. Con, W. M.
MjmH.Zili.kb. r-eo'y.
I. O. O. r., Uo'lden Rule Lodge No. 78,
meets every Saturday night at I. O. O.
F. hall. F. 11. SiiianiT,
T. Y. Pitah, heoy. N. u.
Visiting brothers invilid.
I'aran Encampment I. (J. (). F. No.
meets second and fourth Thursday at
I.O. I. F. ball, Faso Schmiut,
T. Y. Dkan, Sec'y. c. V.
Reliekahs Etna Hebekah. No 4!l, meets
second and fourth Monday, I. (. O. F.
ball. Eisia Ckkks. N.O.
M. Jkssie Davis, Hecy. .
United Artisans Grants Pass Assembly
No. 4!t, meets alternate Tue-davs in
A.O. II. W. nail. Mas. E. A. UHtsrmi,
Ehud Mks-i ii, Secy. Master Artisan.
Wood men of the World Itogue Kiier
Camp No. 55, meets second and fourlh
Fridaj s at W oodman Hall.
lieo. H. Slover, C. C.
C. E. Mayskk, Clerk.
Women of Woodcraft Aialea Circle, No.
Is2, meets first and third Mondays at
Woodmen hall. Mrs. M. E. Dtiuiy, -Mrs.
lone Frier, Clerk. o". N.
Modern Woodmen of America () rants Pass
lampo. sou, meets '.'nd and Ith Wednes
day Evenings at Woodmen hall at 7: Ho.
lkB .. Davis, V. C.
W'.JMiuuIder, Clerk.
Foresters ofAniencaCourt Josephine
iso. n, nieeis eucu w eunesuay except
the lir si, al A. U. V. W. ball.
F. O. sincker, F. H. F. Feitch,
Josephine Lodge, No. 112, A. O. I!. W.
meets in A. O. C. W.hall, Dixon build
ing every Monday evening.
F. W. lli oohKTii, M. W.
H A. Htanaki), Hecorder.
Hawthorne Lodge, No. '."1, D. of II.. A. O.
U. W. meela every alternate Tue.-dav
evening in A. O C. W. hall. D jh
building, Mrs. A. McCarthy, C of H.
Mas. Lyuia Dan. Recorder.
Royal NeUdibors of Anienca -Ldiih C.
Slip ( amp No. :1iti, meets 1st and 3rd
Fridays at A. 0. V. W. hall
Hose (.ravlin, Oracle.
Henrietta Zoller, Hecorder.
Order of l'endo While liock Council No
ltl, meets in Woodmen Hall .-alurduv
nights. (ixo. A.llvus. Counselor."
Marits, W. Kotmi.ts, Secretary.
Hed Men-lahkilioa Wigwam No. '.Il
1. O It. M. It. (), S.iTii, Sochem!
(t. A. liioAs, Chief of Records.
a. n luii in 01 the Maccabees-Grants Pass
lent, M. l.t meets lir-t and ihird
lliursilays at Woodmen hall.
Win. Allred, f. A. Mowers,
Record keewr. Commander.
Ladies of Ihe MaccalH-es-Orains Pass.
Hive No 18 holds regular Reviews"
tirsi ami mird Thursdays at A. o. U.
W. hall. Visiting sisters cordially
invited. Mrs. Delia Hale, L. 1 .
Mary Simmons. Record Kicier.
United brotherhood of Carpenters and
Joiners ol America Union No. Ills
meets second and fourth Fridays of
each month al A. O. V. W. Hall
' ', C:,le.'. K- Sw" J- "aleencr, Pres.
D. A. Fitzgerald, F. Sec'y,
Knhthts of Pythias Thermopylae No AO
meets each Tuesday muhl 7 30 W. o'
V. Hall. M. T. I tlev, C. C.
ToM ii.iiavslK. of It ami .S.
uranu army ol the Heiiuhli.-li,. 1
l'ost So. i, meets lirl Wednesday at '
."'J' - "'" ''" Joll!" Hatriik '
J. r.. Psreasos, Adjl. (.,
Woman's Relief Corps- -(.rneral Loijan No
i', meets At and Ith . .. ., .
in at A.O I . w.hall. ' ;
i -r M.ra- Weidnian, Pres.
Mrs. T It. Cornell. Secv. '
Mammar Points
Got our
prices on
Kstimatos nniiie on all riumbin.'
, I "si "11 'nil Villi! il I'll'il'iim inn '.' .ISSg: '"' mi ojjjjaj
A. U. Bannarcl, the proprietor of the Largo Furniture
Store on North Sixth Street, has just received
A Large Car Load of New Furniture
and invites your ntteneion to the many new things iu stock.
Gome and look at the
In south window. The fincstdisplay ever shown in Grants
Pass, and prices are very low.
Opposite We-tern Hotel.
Julia A. Lvons lo W. S. Barrio,
acre iu section 17, township .1(1
sou Hi, rangri 5 wt.
A. C. Hough lo Mrs. McChotka,
Lot 12, block U, Miller & l;o's addi
tion. The above sales were made through
the real estate ugi ncy of Joseph Moss.
BOARD and lodging 13. 50 per week ;
also ruu team and hack to mines and
timber. No. 308, D and West Stiecr.
J. W. Osborn.
GOOD t A STL' RE for hnrfea or cattle,
neur town. M. W. Wheeler.
FOR SALE Good milch cow.
dress John B. Hair, Woodville.
UOOD PAYING hotel business for
sale, inquire Hotel Regale.
FOR SALE The entire belonging 1
of S. V. Cass, deceased and E. L.
Cuss, 011 easy terms. Inquire ot Joe
Moss, or E. L. Cass.
I." A KM FOR SA LK two miles from Mer
lin, Pill acres about 50 acres of good
bottom land, 2."i acres in cultivation, small
house and barn and ahoul 00 acres under
fence, helance of land suitable for orchard
or pasture. For further particulars ad
dr as W. M. Crow, Merlin, Oregon.
ACKK ranch, good prune and
aiaile oichard. small fruits in
abundance; water lor iriigation, besides
springs on every 40 acres; center of a good
range country; two dwelling houses, big
Irnrn, every thing complete; well sheltered
from frosts, uood mining markets, one
half mile north ol Tunnel 'J, price $i,.'Ai.
I n 1 11 i re at this olhre.
Masonic Temple, Rooms 2 & 4
Grants Pass,
'Phone 633
J) P. LOVE, M. D.
Ollico iu Williams Bros, block, over
Grant Pass Grocer i-.
Residence Phone 414.
Utlico Phone 141.
Gbants Pass, - . - (Jntuos
Practice limited to.
Ollice hours ! to 12; 1:110 to 5
V. veiling hours Tuesdays and Fridays,
7: Ml to II.
Telephones 11 and 77.
Gkanib Pass,' - Oi.i;o n.
rWticesin all State and Federal Conns
Otlice over First National Hank.
grants Pass, - . Okkgon
I'llOKI 21
Furniture kiul Piano
Mo inn
Th popular barber thop
Get your tonsorial work done al
On Sixth Street Three chairs
Bath room in connection
$1-45 per Gallon
Guaranteed for 5 Years.
All vSiies.
anil Tinninir coiilrnfi
Satisfaction guaranteoil.
i. L. CALVJUr,
is something in which we lake par
ticular interest Would be glad to
have you call and talk painting
with us; pethaps our experience in
this line may be of service to you.
We carry all kinds of paint brush
es, varnishes, etc. and guarantee
quality and price. If you use dyts
remember that
color silk, wool or cotton
at one bailing ....
opp. Opera hous
Palace Barber Shop
J. H. MULLEN, Propr.
Shaving, Hair Cutting
Baths, Etc.
Ev rythiug uent and clenn nud all
work First-Ciuss.
Next lo Pu'ace Hotel.
Assay Office
Gold, Silver, Copper, Lead, $1 each.
Gold and Silver, $1.
Bought and Refilled for Dental Trade.
Each and every assay done with tho
idea that it may be checked.
Hreak Up a Cold
Modem Scientific Remedy
Colds and La Grippe.
Your money back if you wai.t it.
Slover Drug. Co.
I hereby cast 5 votes for
Fill out the hI.i.v.. cniituin nod send
o this office.
hauler's lrienii
Secntsry .ed Tws.urer.