VOL. XX. GRANTS PASS, JOSEPHINE COUNTY, OREGON. THURSDAY, JUNE 23, 1904. No. 13. E. A. WADE 1 DRY GOODS, UNDERWEAR, NOTIONS. Etc. Front Street, west Palace hotel GRANTS PASS, ORE. House Proving If you have a building that you want Moved, Raited or Levelled up, Call on cr address A. E. Holloway. Grants Pass Banking. & Trust Co. PA!l VI' PAI'lTAIi STOCK $20,000.00. Transacts a tieneral bunking business. Receives deposits subject to checW or on demand certificates. m Our customeis are assured of courteous treatment and every consideration con sistent with sound banking principles. Safety deposit boxes (or rem. J. FKASK WAT.SON. Pres. it. A. BOOTH, Vice-Pres. L. L. JEWELL, Cashier. The First National Bank OF SOUTHERN OREGON. CAPITAL STOC K, $30,000 00. Ueeeive deposits subject to check or on certificate payable on demand. Sells sit' In drafts on New York Han Francisco, and Portland. Telegraphic transfers sold on all points in the I'nited Htates. Special Attention ptvtn fi Collections and general business of our customers. Collections made throughout Southern Oregon, and on all accessible points. It. A. BOOTH, l'res. J. O. t'AMI'HKI.L. Vice l'res. H. L. U1LKKY, Cashier MARBLE AND GRANITE WORKS .1. n. i'adpocic. I'noiu. I am prem-red minrnish anjthing in the line ot Cccieltr work in any kind of-MAKBLE or GUAMTE. Nearly thirty year of experience in the Marble business warrants my saving t mt I can till your orders in the very beet manner. Can furnish work In Scotch, Swede or American Granite or any kind I Maib's. J. B. PADDOCK, i-'rom Sirpoi Next to Grecne'a liui.sliop. ...Newell Bros. Racket Store... TiiH'm lliilltliuu:, Kixtli Street iiKAUQCAirrmtH We Have Bargains in Straw Huts, 2uc for tne 50o kind Shirt Wrists Skirts Dishes li rooms linsu halls mid Hats Ctlasswaro Granite Ware Lumps, complete, 25n Jewelry Embroideries Gloves Lace Curtains sponges Door Mats Neckwear Baskets Oranges nud Lemons (v-e our 5, 10 and 15 Cent Counter. :-.'r"ar?imar KLONDIKE SURPASSED TELLS OF PANAMA CANAL Most Wonderful Gold Find Yet Reported in Oregon Dis covered by 18-Year-0ld Boy,. Josephine County Mine Two Weeks Old Yields Over $32,000. The most wonderful gold discovery ever reported iu Oregon, was mado a week ago Sunday by Kay Eriggs by pore accident. The boy, who is but 18 years of age, was out on the mountains near Thompson creek hunt ing grouse nud stumbled onto a ledge of almost pore gold, cropping out of the surface. The find was of such magnitude that the boy, miner thai lie is, could not realize that he had made the record breaking strike. He cnrefully gathered up a donble hand ful of the best specimens aud secured a chunk of tho quartz about the size of a c mdle box, which ho took home to his father's placer mine. When, the lad reached home ho left the large chunk In the yard, lest possihlo visitors at the boose might see his find. There was, however, none but tho family at homo aud he an nounced to his father, David Briggs, that he had hauilled his lust boulders. Tho father was startled to hear the dutiful son muke such a rash state ment when his help was S3 much ueeded at the placer mine, but wheu tho specimens of gold were displayed and fin illy the big chunk-ot quartz produced, tho father agreed that there was it more profitable work iu sight than hurtling boulders. Tho rock was quickly crushed iu a band mor tar nud yieldo I nearly S00 in value. Early tho next morning fuuii'l tho Briggs families David Briggq and two sous, George Briggs and Charles Howard HUd son at the place where the find was made and three claims were quickly stalled out. Then be gan active mining, tho machinery however, consist ir:g only of a bund jnortar. In two hours they had se cured $2000 and by night they had rich quartz stacked up in piles. By Thursday night they had mor tared out 135,000. On Saturduy David Briggs reached Grants Pass with a part of the yield, slit! tit f 1000, which was taken to tho Grants Pass Banking & Trust Co. Tho iicwb of the find quickly spread and scores ot people called at the bank to look at tho gold and to inquire if the report was nc- tnilly true. Mr. Briggs called at the Courier office and showed ns a speci men of the gold and gave the facts substantially as above stated. Mr. Briggs was born in Josephine county and the fifl years of his ilfe have been spent in Jospehnie county and we can vouch for the truth of whatever he may state. All day Monday, people called nt I the bulk and Cashier Jewell was kept busy showing the milk pan full ol gold to open-eyed spectators, who, used (0 gold finds as we are, were not expecting anything of this magnitude Iu tho evening a telephone message was received stating that an addi tional t'000 had been taken oat on Saturday and tho ledge was getting better the further down theywiut. The ledge is about 0110 foot wide aud thus far, they have made nil ex cavation about 10 feet long by seven teet deep. The gold is found iu de composed quartz, in some instances the gold being in layers en inch or more in thickness 11 lid standing oil edgo with a layer of dcrcniiHwd quartz sprinkled with chunks of gold alongside. On.i of these livers of gold weighed in the neighboi hood of 1,500. The gold brought to Grants Puss Saturday was the first taken out nud was from the surface, with dust car ried by the shitfing winds st.U upon it, while somo of tho hirger pieces had grass roots rutwiuvd iu the crevices of tho metal. The gold is of a dark color and covere.t with ilust as it was, might easily have beeu tfavelcd over many times without being discovered. But us they went down tho color brightened und the quartz became harder. Some of the specimcnts wcio very beautiful w ith clear white, quartz studied with bright yellow points anil seams of pure gold finding its w y tluough the rock. The find is located in the South western part of Juspchiiio county, near the California line and in tho iliieet line of the mineral 7.0110 which touches tho Steamboat country. Already pros pectors aro scouring the hills unit, a stampede is expected. We confidently expect to hear of other rich finds made iu that district during thu next tew months, ns that country has been neglected so far as systeii utiu pros pecting is concerned. In tho early f0's however, many rich finds were reported. Grants Pass Music House Successors to Dcmarce Muilc House III coming before the citizens of Grants Pass the new pro pi ittors desire to state that it is their intention to keep the Grants Pass Music House tip to the stnmlaid set by the Hemaree Mumc House, and to supply Grants Pass and vicinity with everything in the Music and Musical Instrument line at the right prices Buy your instruments-of a home concern that will guaran tee every article told. Sheet music sold at half list price. H. B. MILLER, U, S. CONSUL I TI10 Kuvlan Bear Take Down to Him. GRANTS PASS MUSIC HOUSE Miss Minnie Ireland, Manager ODD FELLOWS BUILDING, - - GRANTS PASS, OREGON A correspondent of tho Ban Francis co Examiner, Edwin II. Clough, has tho. loll owing to say of a former resi dent of Grants Pass, Hon. II. I). Miller. The article appeared iu the issue of Juno 111 and is us fellows : REAL ESTATE BUY AND SELL REAL ESTATE OWN YOUR OWN HOME a 1 hel 0 at Newchwang for the United States, is uutiiorized to exerciso ministerial p 1, . DD. . . -, functions,' is what Viceroy AlexW If . On I P PI NG wrote Civil Administrator Grossel chared; l.i acres in alfalfa; 100 Good water right, and good house Orchard with all varieties of fruit. No. 245. 200 acres; 1 JO at res acres iu grain; 2.'i acres in pasture, of nine rooms. Barn 40 x 80 feet. Price, per acre. No. 244. 80 acres; good wuter right; no improvements, sold soon. Cash fc.OO. Must be ICO acres about 13 miles from the city. Good houso co-t Abont tiOO.OOO feet of good saw timber. Will sell for "There is one American, however, wl o laughs quietly at this Russian hatred one citizen of tno great re- j pnblio who tells Russia's agents to I their teeth that they must respect every right of American citizens I guaranteed under the existing treaties i with China. Consul Miller of New rhwaug has beeu a sharp thorn iu the side of the Muscovite behemoth ever 1 since the stupendous larceny of 11HH, j wheu Russia stole Munchur:u from j China, and, iu the langungo of Bill Tweed, asked the world what they were going to do about It. "Mr. Miller is a slender, delicate man, whose gray hair is hss an in dication of advancing nge thuii the 1 premature evidence of a long cotitin I aed and strenuous struggle against the aggressions of the most unsreupu ! lous diplomacy oil earth. "'I wish voa would ascertain iHhetherMr. Miller. Consul-General I respect or 'That flag was hoisted by my orders- it was my flag to protect the lives and property of American citizens. Put It ba k.' "On the following morning, just lis the Muuchuriiiu dawn was bunking in all its splendor across -tho Liaou tuug gulf, an inspector of police came to the corrcsponduiiis' mess an 1 with profuse apologiej for tho 'mistake'. Hauled Old Glory to the masthead. ",So it has happened in a I tho deal lugs between Consul Miller nud the uutnearts of Kussia. Even in his capacity as the custodian of Japanese It Will Tkas Ten Years to Com pleta Task. C. E. Grunsky, former City Engi neer of Sau Francisco, now a Panama Canal Commissioner, arrived 10 this city yosterday, says the 3. r. Exami ner of Sunday. Ml. Grnnsky's return was not on ofllcial business, but to attend to personal affairs. Speakiug of tho work of the Canal Commis sion. Mr. Gruuskysaid; 'The work of the men who have beeu appointed by the Government to superintend the building of the Pana ma Cnnnl is well under way. The Commissioners visited the Isthmus of Pannua In a body several weeks ago and made a thorough inspection of the proposed route of the canal. The Commission found that tho work done by tho old French Panama Canal Com pany, from which the United States bought tho franchiso for $10,000,000, will ho very helpful to the Uuited States iu hastening the work of the anal. "Tho Commission spent two weeks 011 thu isthmus and made a thorough invest igatoin of the canal zone. On retnriiing to the United 'States aft'.r the investigation, a crop of assistant engineers was seut to t'auamn to mala) surveys and .estimates of the woik to be done. The report ol the engineering body cannot be mado for somo months yet, and the 1 lau and lefiuite route of the canal cannot be letermiued by tho Commission for nearly a yeur. When the exact route of the canal Ins been determined on we will bo nbln to definitely estimate tho amiviiit of excavation that will be needed and will then bo able to give a fairly close estimate of how long It will take to build the canal. 'When the commissioners arrived 011 the Isthmus they found (100 or 700 men ut work on tho excavation. Those men were ill the employ of the French mpnuy and in order' to hold the franchise of the Colombian govern ment for the canal, we wero compell ed to keep Ibeso men lit work. It will he a year before auy large con tracts can ho let because ij will take that time for tho cnmmisisoii to de termine on a definite plan of build- n g. General U. W. Davis, one of the commission, has been appointed by President Roosevelt as Governor of tiie Canal zone, and is now actively in charge of tho work being done on the canal. "None of tho peoplo at present In charge of the canal or who havo in the past been connected with it have ever ostimu'ed tho time of building the canal tinier eight years. Some have expressed tho opinion that it wilLbiko 'JO years. I think 10 years is a Tow estimate of tho tinio it will take to complete tho Panama canal. GATES. BOYS ARRESTED Express Messenger O'Neil's deri s Caught. Mur interests in Manchuria, he has foriuu- ;t Copley, lated tho law of Interna'tional courte.-y ICIko, Nev., to thu ill inannori d Russian. Only the other day ho procured the release of the two Japanese 'hoys' arrested on board the steamer of a Chicago news paper and deta'lied ns s pi. s. Helms been the solo bulwark between the Russian avalanche and the American settler in Manchuria, lie has safe guarded American trade interests; and he Jiai. compelled Russian arro gance to respect American rights in a land where might is right and where the bayoni t is the symbol of the fort of justice that has superseded the an cient urhilrami nt of the knout. "Consul Miller' should enjoy the es teem of every patriotic eili.'ii of America. He has already cmpcllcil cvciy Russian autocrat with whom lie has come in contact.' CONCENTRATES wheu informed, that tho representative! From Opp Mine to Selby Smelt of the hated republic bad demanded ' and received from Russian authority ina YV01 ks. No. 2J3, about tlU). I1UKJ. Stop paying rent. I0 down aud a month will purchase a lot iu almost any portion of tthe city. MOSS Call on or address JOSEPH Hcadiuurlers for Ileal Estate. OtBce on E Street, lxtween Fourth and Fifth Street. GRANTS PASS. - - OREGON. All work I strict It tirUcl9 tnd ruaraiilerl. 111: ru.x; v r.ouLn, Blue Front Shop SoutU Sixth Street, t t t General Ijlucksmithing Scientific Horseshoers AM) Mining Tool Workers (rniM Ore. 'some unusually obnoxious concession, j "The Russian Is an adept in the; ! brutal art of bluff, but Mr. Miller is ja Westener an On gonlan aud he ; knows how to oppose .the roarso pre- ' teuso of the Cossack. His uniform snccess in beating the Russian at bis own game lias nnrinefltiouiibly com mended him to the conservative ele. menu of the Btute Department, but this tacit approval of his action is j dui altogether to the circomstar.ee I that he has been successful .this far. , If he had not known bow to make the Russian coou conic down out of 'his tree, there would have been 110 (occasion for that pathetic inquiry by 1 Alcxitff concerning the powers of this I Crockett of the Far Fast, j "It was Consul Miller who ordered Civil Administrator Grosse to restore the American flag hauled down by j the Russians as a guarantee of the good faith that animates their hatred 1 of Americaus. ' I " 'Put that flag back where yon 1 found it,' was. in effect, what Consul , Miller wrote to the Civil Admiuis ! trator. I " 'Jt was floating over a Chinese A carload of couieiit rates was ship ped Thuisday to the Selby smeller at Vallejo, California, from the Opp mine. Work at this mine is being pushed with vigor by Mr. J. W. Opp, the owner, und the quart, mill is run day and night mid also .Sundays mid the monthly oh an-ups are large und are increasing uch mouth ns Hie ore is steadily growing richer as a greater depth is reached. Mr. Opp has hud e viral good offers for hit mil ing propeity, which consists of 4XJ acres of laud, one and a half miles vo st of Jacksonville, 011 which are b. cited several promising h dgis besides li e one he is working, by parties who would more fully develop the property aud rulirgn t ie narlz milt to 80 or 4n stamps. Jacksonville Sentinel Acute Khcumititm. ! Deep tearing or wrenching pains j occasioned ty getting wet through ; I worse when at rest, or on first moving the limb) and in cold or damp weather, is curd quickly by l!ul lard's rinow l.ioiueut. 0cur Oh son, Gibson City, Iiliuon, writes. Fell. Oregon Masons Elect Officers for Ensuing Year. The Grand Lodge of Oregon, A. F. & M., elected the following new o Ul cers at the aunual communication iu Portland, last week : Grand master, Thomas Grey, Port land; deputy graud master, W. II. Flauagau, Grants Pass; seuior grand warden, W. T. Williamson, Portland; junior warden, Lot I Pearce, Salem; grand treasurer, Henry Roe, Portland ; graud secretary, James F. Robinson, Kugeue; trustoes of educational fund, John M. Hodsou, M. S. Woodcock and John B. Cleland all of Port laud. ROYAL Ar.CII MASONS. The Grand Chapter of Royal Arch Masons has elected the following o Ul cers: Graud high priest, Thomas F. Ryan, Oregon City; deputy grand high priest, Edward Diddle, Dallas; graml king, Lot H. Pearoo, Sale 111, ; grand scribe, Frauk W. Davis, La Grande; grand captain of host, L. Steiuer, Sa lem; grand lecturer, Goorgo II. Bur nett, Salem; grand P. S., Ldward Kiddie, grand K. A. captain, Frank W. Miller, Albany; G.M. third Tail, A, J. Marshall, Portland; G. M. sec ond vail, Henry Roe, Portland; G. M. third vail, O. J. Buchanan, Oregon City; grand sentinel, John Dukeliart, Portland; grand secretary, James F. Robinson, Eugene; grand treasurer, D. P. Mason, Albany. IJASTERN STAR. The grand chapter, Order of the Eastern Star, lias elected the following grand officers for the ensuing year: Worthy grand matron, Mrs. Delia Houston, Portland ; wcrthy graud pat ron, U. t. Coshow, Kosaburg; asso ciate grand matron, Inei M. Ryan, ih-cgou City; associate grand patron, George M. Highland, Portland; grand socretary, Mary Scott Myers, The Dalles; grand treasurer, Clara F. Lyle, La Grande; grand conductress, Iiay L. Sherwiu, Ashland; associate grand conductoress, Florence Nasberg, Marshfleld. THES. 0. NORMAL SCHOOL Doivrd of Relents Hold Meeting. Annual Two men, whom the authorities bo lieve beyond a doubt to be the notorious Gates brothers, George and hdwlii, of Alameda, who on March 1, blew up und robbed the ex press car and killed Messenger O'Noil California, are iu jail at having been arrested on the charge of horse stealing. On the night of June (1, they stole two horses from a ranch 12 miles west of Elko, and passed through Elko nud stole saddles and bridles from a ranch fo.irmihs cast of Kiko. They were arresti d by W, H. Grlswold, IN miles sinlh of Toauo. Orlswold rccgnl.ed the horses from descriptions sent out from Ellin. The yoi ug men weru brought to Elko Friday by Sheriff Chirk, when it was fon-:d that they tallied exactly with the pictures and descriptions of the (iates brothers, excepting that one is a Utile taller than the description ; but the gunshot wounds, features and genual make-up tally exactly. The ir.cn give the names of II. T. Thomas and Edward Armstrong. Win ii interviewed, they made a full eonf ession of stealing the horses, bul r fused lo sjs nk regarding their pre vious wle reabouts. Just before their am st they held up and robbed a saloon In Cherry Creek, but this they (buy. Wont of All Experience!. Can anything be worse than to feel that vi ry minute will be your lust'; Such was the experience of Mrs. H. II. Ncwson, Decatur, Ala. "For three years" she writes, "I endured iusulferable pain from indigestion, sloin.eli and bowel trouble. Death S' emcd inevitable when doctors and all n medics failed. At length I was induced in try Electric Hitters and the risult was miraculous. I im proved at once and now I'm com pletely recovered. " For Liver, Kid in r, Htomai h and liowel troubles, Electric Hitters Is the only medicine. Only .''. It's guaranteed by National Drug Store and Grunts Pass Pharmacy. FRUIT SEASON U)e Ware that Wears Lava Enamelled Ware our latest importation stands today withont a rival iii" point of quality, style and finish; made from heavy steel rolled especially for the purpose; covered on the outside with 3 heavy coats of very hard elastic en amel and on the inside with PURE white PORCE LAIN. We guaranta this ware to be free from lead, antimony or arseuic We guarantee every piece. You will be pleased with the reasonable prices. Wall Papers Another Big consignment just received; beautiful designs, exquisite colorings. The stcck is carried right here for immediate delivery. Call and let us ahow you the largest Hue iu Southern Oregon no trouble, we'll be pleased to. Get the prices on these goods delivered in your house. East ern freight rales are deceptive. Free paste with all orders. Room Mouldings -Discount Sale on liaby Go Carts Special Figures on Stoves and Ranges R. THOMAS (Q. CO., U0 Housefurnishers Grants Pass, - Oregon. ' " T' LODE CLAIMS ON PLACER inn nud it is the law of Newchwang j that only the Russian flag shall fly! !, ISW2: "A year ago I was trmibh d witii paiu in my back. It toou got over Chinese house,' ws Monsieur bottle of Unllard's Know Liniment 2.V, 60p. 11.00 at Mover cured me. ' Gross's reply. have made it applicable to the UruK Co' Chinese.' was the Ojotol's retort.' Jad Taylor guarantees all wori. How About Your Summer Vac HorW Newport on Yaiulna iiuy Is the ideal seaside resort of the North Pacific ('oast. Hound trip tickets ai unatly reduced rates on sale from all Houthcrn 1'aeiflc ixiiuts iu Oregon on and after Jane 1st. Ask agents for further information and a handsomely illustrated souvenir booklet, or write to Kdwiu Stone, Muuager ('. & K. H. It, Albany, Oie , or W. K. C'oman, (J. 1'. A., H. P. Co, Portland. Go hMiing now, but get your tackle from Craaier I!ros. The aunual meeting of the Hoard of Regents of the Southern Oregon Stato Normal school was held at Ashland, Wednesday, and presided over by Governor Chamberlain. ; The existing officers of thu board were all unanimously reelected as follows: II. U, Kinuey, president; W. I. Vawter,' vice p fBidcut; O. JJ. Thomas, secretary ; E. V. Carter, treasurer; executive committee, II. O. Kinney. B. P. Neil and K. II. Carter. The board ro-eleoted the entire fnoulty of the past, year except In the case of Homer I. Walts, of the chair of mathematics. The filling of this place and the selection of an ail ditlor.nl critlo teacher was left to tie executive committee. No changes were mad-t in the matter of sala" les of teaehors. Tho following is the faculty for the yea" l'.'OI-ti ns far as seleoted : Ii. F. MalUey, President, ' Psychol ogy, History and Philosophy and Ed ucation. W. T. Van Hcoy, English and Latin. Htella M. ('use, I.iturata o and E!o cution. Armilda Doughty, History and Kcoiiomies. Clyde. A. Payne, Nulurul Sciences. Armeda Kaiser, Principal Training heps-Uncut. Delia TlbbetlH, Clitic Teacher. Fred H. Neil, Hook keeper nud Librarian. Esther Hilsby, Vocal Music. Alleen Webber, Insl ruiiienlul Muslo. President IS K. Mulkey submitted his report of thu work of the school for thu put year which makes a splendid showing for t o institution. Thu total enrollment for thu year wus 'l.'J in the several departments, an increase of l'i per cent over thu pre vious year and WH) per cent over the year befuro. Tin enrollment of the training school reached U.'i und of the sub-normal depurteiit '!.. The morale of the school the past year, President Mulkey considers w.irtby of note. Athletics have been greatly Improved thu past year, ns lias also tint training department. The library - has been increased from l.'iO volumes at last report to 1 3'K) nt the present tlu:e, ex clusive of government reports, 'etc. The students ol the school the pait year have come from most purts of the state. There have been 17 enroll ed from tho Willamette valley, 11 from Douglas county, while the greater number of course come from Jackson, Josephine, Klamath and Like eouiitiel. During tha past year, President Mulsey says he lias de livered oil educational lectures in var ious pirts of the state. Tte rejiorts of officers of the finan cial condition of the school show It to be a heulthy one. Over tlM) was received for tuition the past year and over t)tl00 for dormitory rent. Cures Old Sores. Westmoreland, Kans. , May a, I'.i !. ISalla'd Huow Liniment Co: Yuui Liniment cured an old sore on the side of nry chin, that wis supiiosed to bo a cancer. Tho sore was stnb born and w old not yield to treat ment, until I tried Huow Liniment which did the work in short order. My sister, Mrs. Hophla J. Carson, Allensvillt), Mi (tin Co, Pa., has 1 ore and mistrusts that it is a cancer. P.ease send tier a frOc bottle. For sale by Hlovir Drag Co. An Accursed Business. "Tho man who briugetli wicked devious to pass" is tho man who runs a saloon. or stocks a saloon. or gives bonds for a saloon. or votes to license a saloon. or patrniil.iis a saloon. or advocates 1111 army canteen saloon. or (Ills the newspajiers with con tradicted liis claiming that it Is harmful to abolish the canteen saloon. One day no saloon keeper ran be found 0110 earth. "Yet a little while and tho wicked shall not bo; yea, thou shall diligently consider his place, and lie shall not be." A little while In God's calendar seems a great while iu man's. "Come, Lord, nud tarry unt, Ili'ing the long-looked for day; Oh, why tliesu years of waiting hero, Those uges of delay?" "For this purpose, the 8011 of Ood was manifested, that ho might destroy the works of thu devil." Selling in toxicating beverages Is a work of the devil. What is Mleudlsli if uot the nernli-tent elTort, by decorating saloons aud by giving thirst-enticing free lunches, to fasten ou a young man an appetite which the saloon-keepers must know may ruin him, and which they can't know, in any case, will not ruin him, body and soul. ltev. Albert H. Plumb, 1). 1). Government Crusade Afulnst Medical frauds Thu attention of thu Postoftleo De partment nt Washington has been cull ed to the usu thu patent lucdic.lno con cerns uro making of the mails, to ex ploit their so-called "cures" for all human ills, with the result that gov ernment scientists have been analyzing many nostrums, and (hiding them in ipuhlu of performing the wonderful cures cla lined for them. Governmental control of the malls makes thu Postolllco Department ab solutely master of thu situation, with power to cue 1 11 do from the usu of the postal service every letter uiblressed to a concern which, iu the opinion of tho Postmaster General, is cnudu ting a fraudulent business, also every cir cular scut out by such a firm. It can go still further aud exclude from the mails every newspaper or other pub liciition, which after u fraud .order has been Issued, persists Iu carrying the advertisement of thu concern so excluded. No legal proceedings arc necessary. The Pnstnlllco Department is said to he convinced that the patent medicine fake" is u greater humbug than any of tha "git rich liiick" concerns, which thus far have been shut out from the malls. The Di parlmi nt of Justice bus us- snred Ibu lWcllicc Dc ai lment that even if thu concerns winch have been refused the privilege of the mails seek in the courts a reversal of the Postmaster General's decision, such suits will be unavailing Will thu ''Ladies' Home Journal," "Collier's Weekly" ami all other papera which have licensed llie Womun's Christian Temperance Colon of doing littlu or nothing against ulcoholii) patent medicines. phase note thai it wus thu Woman' Christian Temperance I'nlno which cailed the attention of thu postolllce authorities to this matter',' Mrs. Kinilie D. Martin, Natimial superin tei dent of the department of Purity in Lilcralrue and Art, ho has been working for si vi ral yiars towards the purification of the mails, Is dii.ctly responsible for iiibsing the patent medicine fraud. An Important Decision Recently Rendered. Judge Dcl'rance of Colorado, re oenlly niadi) an interesting decision concerning locating lode claims on plucor ground. Parites located placer claims and twloe applied for patent. The ground was about the same in each case, - Patent was deuied on the ground that the laud, was not placer, iu the secoud case the matter being carried to the socretary of the inter ior aud there alllrmod. Subsequently lour lode claims wero located on this ground, the owners of the placer claims having regularly performed the-assessment work. The lode men appliud for a patent and the defend ants iu error, the placer men filed an adverse claim. In the district and date supremo eourt of Colorado, the opinion was iu favor of the palintiff. The matter was sued oat and went to the federal supreme court. This court held that when rejecting tho patent application, as neither the co nmlsiloiior or tho secretary of the interior declared tho location of the placer claim void, the claim, there- lore remained in force and was valid, even though the land oflice may yet set aside thu claim notice and restore the tract to the public domain. Thu court says 'n part : "Oar con clusion is, therefore, that one may not go ujxmi a prior valid placer location to prospect for nuknown lodes aud gut title to lodes thereafter discovered and within the placer boundaries unless the owner had abandoned bis claim, or waives trespass." 7 hit Tired Feeling I If you am languid, depressed and incapable fur work, it Indicates that your liver Is out of order. Iletbiuo will assist nature to throw off head aches, rheumatism and ailments akin to nervousness and restore the ener gies slid vitality of sound and perfect icalth. J. J. Hubbard, Temple, I'exus, writes, March 22, 1U02: "I have used Herbiue for the past two years. It has done 1110 more good than all the doctors. When I feel bad and have that tired dosu of Herbiuo. It clue ever 111 ado fever. " SO cciits a Drug Co. A R oaring Well. A press dispatch from Eugene says thu neighborhood of Henderson is ex cited over tho discovery of an alleged subterranean river or rhasiu on a fur 111 near Henderson, where a well is being drilled. Wheu thu drill bad peuetrat- 1 to a depth of Hi feer, suddenly a tremendous roaring down iu the bow els of the eurth became apparent. The nuisu souuded like the roaring of a gnat waterfall. Thst Throbbing Headache Would quickly have you, if you used Dr. King's New Life Pills. Thousand:) of sufferers have proved their matchless merit for sick and uorvoda headaches. They make pare blood und build op your health. Only -"1 cents, money back if not cured. Bold by National Diug Store and Grants Pass Pharmacy. Mardi Ursvs and arnlval. Account Mardi Gras aud Carnival to be held at Portland, Juno 28th, to July Btb, inclusive, tiokets will be oil sale at rate of Oue and outs third fare, plus ll.'j cents for tlu round trip. Salo dates Jane 27th aud July 7tn, with limit of six days after date of salu, bat not later than July 10th. I W. E. COM AN, G. P. A. Ilicvclcs sold on installments and old wheels tukon as part payment at Cramer J.ros. feeling, I ttko a is tho best medi- for chills and bottlu at Hlover New line of ladles aud gentlemen's solid gold watch chains at Letcher's Jewelry store.