Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927, June 02, 1904, Page 4, Image 4

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This column is conducted l.y the
Democratic, Comity Central Commit
tee. All coniinuiiicatioini should U
addressed, to T. Y. Dean, chairman,
urnnti ram, Oregon. Auy iiaestienii
concerning t'10 political situation.
asked iu good faith and signed, will
be cheerfully answered.
For Supreme Judge Thomas O'Day,
of Mu'tiiomah comity.
For Stato Food und Dairy Ciunis
iioner W. 8. Douglas of Dougla.
County. For Congrruiiuaii, First Iiistrict
R. M. Veatch of Lane county.
For Judge, Firm Judicial District
J. R. Kuil of J.'u'kfKiii comity.
ror Judge, First Judicial District
K. B. Dufur of Jackson county.
For ProHccntirg Attorney, First'
District A. E. Heiunca of Jackson
For State Senator T. liilyeu ol
Lane enmity.
Representative Hubert UloiiiiKinith.
Commissioner John Wells.
Assessor II. C. lVrkins.
SImtIIT-C. F. Lc.vrlace.
County Clerk J. A. Shiver.
Treasurer J. T. Taylor.
School Snpt., J. If. Austin.'
Surveyor II. J. Reynolds.
Coroner W. II. Flanagan.
Jostli.ii of the I'cucv Marcut
Constant Ueorge 1 1 art mini.
Observer wasahus'.ug the county court
for not huilding more bridges.
The interest account we ray each
year on warrants amounts to about
ti'lHKI. For several Tears the conntv
levy only met the crunty expenses line
the interest piled up. WhncouH hel
it? Any county court could keep tin
levy down and let tho mil rest grow
on to the debt.
The county school tax before the levy
for llKKI, was live mills. Tho law
passed iu 1'.".:), r ipur.-s it to he mudi
U.' mills, which will make tin
amount raised to lie over f I'i.Omi wli'n
in 11103 It was about 4f',n:,(). Thi'ii be
sides all that, Jnsijili'iic counly't
share if the stale t:ix for I'.i.ill u;ir
nvcriH.bOl) to pay the bills of the l:isl
h gisluturn against about ''.'Km fm
This is tint increase, Mr. (J! rvi r :
On school h-vy required by Jaw h---yond
control of county court ln.(l"
On stale tax beyond control ot
county court al,00(. Total i(l,(Hii).
And that's why, sir, the county j,
"raisin" f m.tsxi (his ymr instead of
f:: I, two la t year. Is it Information
you are after? If so yi.t. have it.
Is this cornet or not? Don't dodge,
but sjicik up. Do you blame tin
county court for increasing the amount
ol money to tie raisi d 4 I.', 000 when tin
hgislature increased it J? I ' .
I'hiso be fair. We jink no more
Next !
Flijiires Will Not Lie But Liert
Will Figure.
One of the star campaign arguments
of republican ssakers and papers ii
this county lias been the increase (,
tho cost of running the county uuih i
what it calls deunx ratio rule. Tin
Olisorer In its issue, stated that tin
expenses had increased, and gave the
figures. Half a truth is a falsehood.
The county exp"nses have increased,
but how liuvo they increased? An in-
sjs'ctiou of the record will show that
it lias been because ol money expend
ed in bridges mid roads tint the grow
ing needs of the people demanded anil
required, oud for circuit court ex
penses, beyond tho control of the
county court. Heru are a few items
of the cipeiiscs during the years IU03
ad 1U0:I :
Court House.
11103, Repairs to court house !,'.".!? :i:
ltKK), Repairs to sumo and vault . .
2,3111 HI
MK). .
Total . :i,.',w II
llridges and Roads.
.'I.'IO to
o)U Ih
Total 1,0011 ,-,n
Hoard of l'i isoners.
(Controlled by Sheriff. )
.f'.:il M
inn ? I
,.tf 1,111(1 ,v.
Circuit Court Expenses.
11103, cleik's exhibit. .
11HI3, Clerk's exhibit..
l!Ki:t, Clerk's exhibit . .
ItKij, Clerk's exhibit . .
Justice Court.
3,:r.i tl.-,
. Ml J I.",
. :.',;;w no
T. IS.'
. . . VH
The total of these bills is f.'3, :ll.,V,
and this is only apart. This does
not include the in nicy paid for the
clerk's, ofllce, sheriff's olllce, assessor's
olllco or any of the others. It lines
not illi l'ido the iiiouey rnised and paid
out for the county schools, which iu
the same tin.e amounted to about
fltll.OOO. Jt does not Include the ex
ienses of elections and we hail an ex
tra election as you remember. Ii docs
not Include the pauper account, which
11 large, it is only pari, vt iy is cur
upeiics larger than Jackson county 'r
Hecausn wo have a county full of
inotiutaia streams that must be bridge
and our court expenses are nioie
How can the county court remedy ir.
Can it Mop tlie circuit court ? Can il
refuse to build bridges? lhio an
some of the built in the past
twoj.nrs: Illinois' river, 1; All
bouse, 1. ; Sucker Crcik, 1; Ivor
Creek 1, ; Williams Creek, I; Lease
Creek, !1; Jump oh Joe, 1; limvc
Creek, 2; Wolf Creek. 3; and repaiis
to Rogue river bridge .111. 1 building
upproach 011 south side, and many
nuallerji-idges. And only lately the
SmoJI Pox.
One of the slrcmio is cfTnrls of (In
Observer is directed to the bill allow-
d by the county court for prey nting
u ciidcuiic of simillpox. Why itiii
the county court do this? Hi cause tM
law required the court to do so 11110
the republican state health olliei rs r '-
quire it. It had to he 'lone Hut tie
cost was JViH, says (he nbs'-rve, paio
the county physician w hen he had 11
contract for .'a per month to havi
work done. What work? Why not
tell the wluilo truth tor once. Tin
contract with Dr. Kp'iiier to treat the
county paupers is -:!'in per year, hut
has no bearing upon or conn, cl ion
with his services iu connection with
the board of hcalil'. For two moil t lis
Dr. Kreiuer had to abandon his prao
ilce and employ a physician at a sal
ary of flail to attend to It. 1'or feai
of carrying the smallpox to his family
and friends, he had to iisli.ici.-c him
self. The services rendered covered a
large part of the county, and included
many trip to Sehiui, Williams and
other distant points.
Political Honesty.
The Oregon Observer in its la.-t ie-
sue published an urliclo taken from
the Ashland Tribune of April 2.'ld, ro
lled ing upon A E. Realms. The iiit-
lu was published in Hie Tribune of
that date, but 011 May I, the Thlnm-
-ontaiiicd a long editorial retracting
ill that rellectcd on .Mr. Iteames, from
which the following is taken:
'On another page of this issue we
print 11 coniiiiuiiicalion from I!tnel
Attorney A. E. Reauies elicited bv the
'ilitorial comment appearing in the
rribinie April 3:id hist on the t -eh at
ase of the John Woods c.-late at
"The stab incut is candid and ioiii-
plete as to all the features of the pro
(coiling III the case and fu V ex inner.
ates Mr. lb aim s as to any adverse
criticism or tcllcclion on him implied
in (he editorial referred to. Mr.
Kennies' alllilavil was iiuiieeess 11 y to
establish liis denial cf receiving anv
part of the f loud lee allowed by h,.
court, where he is known
printed along w ith the cone:
accompanying Ins letter,
to have bad little to do w i
not eieii rei oiuniciiding an
uieiit of assistant counsel,
lion to it is i 11 11 11 cut irf ii'iy .
milling of pei.-oii il or pi
censure. "
The Ol.-cner and Mr. Newberiy
knew of this letraetioii y tl,,. Trili
line, but repeated M. (i, , , 1
though ilia Tribune siill ,v jt.
Is this hones! ? Is it lair '
In the same issue of Ihe Tribune up
d a letter from (;,.. . Durham
ot this place ami a republic, 111 sp--a'.i 1
from which we 11 1 t the l.dlow in- :
Hon A. P. I!, ,,.. -,
K I. ill' , I lichen :
Dear Sir : I umb r- land thai you
.lie being i-ritli'iv d to w i I in in
I' r. lence to the i I., at i , f
slate of ( Iregnn vs. I lavniolid , I
I be (-(ale of Job,, Wood,, ,.
inn part iculai I 1 11 ai ciuint
alle. as a.-soc ate couu-i 1
Ihe Si 11" III said I lore, ding I I
mis.' that such ci il icism I. as t o- a I 1
is some polill, al . II. . I, and I !ln 1
think it my duly to ; 1 ,. you
lie III ot Hie in. liter,
al libcllv 1.1 11, e I
For County School Superintend
J A Jeffrey nt Opere.
House June 4th.
d mocra.s will close 1 l.e ( i;;:-
p.iimi with a mon-ter in -cting at tl.e
Op'-ra IlouK! on S-.t unlay iveuii,,
June 4tli, at 8 o'clock. The principal
speaker will be that gifted orator,
Hon. John A. Joflrcy of Sai.ui.
Oregon Mr. Jeffrey is kiriwn as on
of the most couvim.-ii g 11 ml fori !ul
s e 1I0 r of the state, ami the people of
Orarits l'as will be glad to In ar 1. 111.
Iglill. People of nil .llli,s re re-io-t'
d to b present l'i li.-ten u an
i.iip u tin' disi a;ssi'in of public m it'. n
Dose vas der Sliitheracks vioh mis t
j en' ! der democralcT nf oldt Schneider der
I When it bcanm apparent that D. If. lifdong repooblican." I yoost valk
j S!oa!l could not qualify for the posi-jrfcr flor,r nIlt fhilke ,H, fi,u a,
jiicnof comity fchoid supi riutndeiit Katriua ont say mil velienu nlly "ven
ton arc. nut f not having taogl.t in j I shall r rT ten nl more fi r di
:t!ie jublic whools of Hie stale for p illcu of coal oil init hnif unt rwausy
j nine icouihs H1.1 diuiocratic ruitraljci 11V more for diVaTk uf floorTiiut
leoinmitt.v happily and wisely ,, lectcd j. cent more for der roatsito din
U II. Au-tiii tor the place. Mr. i , ,.r I , ,!.,, r..i,,i,ii,.., '.7i
A11-O11 is a graduate of llcrkch v ! I i, m f. A. -
Jzj LJ 3 JbLi JzK
An Open Letter
Tn the vot'is 1 f Josephine county:
I nn years ago the ( lbs rivr h 1 1 an
editorial cliaigiug that I. when in u
Ii gislative iiss' inhly, inlroduc d.a bi!i
that was i ii 1 111 i 111 1 to mining, when il
win thought ti.o late to di ny it. I
pii pan d a circular di ii( uuciiig ir 11s a
lie and proving to be such, an I tin
OIhciv-t never 1 nd' avor. d to prove the
truth of its assertions, but allowed it
s -lf to n main h-aiub d as a conscience
less liar.
Now, after two years it oisboni slly
ropiibli-hos its attack of two years
ago. It lias bad t wo years in which
to procure any evidence of such a bill
or a copy of it. I desire to make tin
same denial I did two veins ago ami
repeat that It is false in every parti
cular. The Ohi rver can show by ir.
own flics that its slaleim nis are 1111
tiuc. 1 now make the iMonoi ition t(
submit Hie inal b r to any al toi in y in
Oruiils Pass and allow such nttoni' j
lodicide whctl.iror not I iniioduceii
my such bill. Or if thai dm s not
"tu I, we w ill cacti select one pi rsoi,
ami allow the Iwotoselicla thud.
Slid allow tin in to j ns 111 ( 11 the qui s
'hoi. I think this is fair, ami shoulo
he accepted. If the Oh..oi vi r is w long
it should acknowledge i,a fact.
"As I know my ri n.-nl will nil
be 111 ci pli ii, I w ish to stale the clai.-i
in t he hi 1 1 mi 111 i, 1 1 -pi 1 s. ill, (I, provid
ed 0 no mine could not Hood the mini
cf lllll.lhl r. '1 his Is the 1 (.11 uu 11 law
of this county and slate It. day. A
mile r is not allowed to run his tail
ings 011 milling gioimd irlaimini
laud of another. ( luf- of the last
cast s lion. O. W. Colvig had In fore In
left for South America was Hie Car
son in which he siciircd an iiijunot ion
against several mini s above Mr. Car
son's. Mr. Coh lg ( an ti ll the disci -ver
that Hit ie is no stale law 011 lln
subject, but is the common law and
could not he ( hanged w ithout chaug
itig Ihe const it ul ion of this stale ami
of the C nitcit States but this w ill
111 ver he cluingi il, buaiise it would
give one highest on a slieain the right
to tl' sl roy all propi ity below.
The bill introduced was a ( opy of I In
Idaho law, w hii h 1 int induced ami had
printed to send out to the mineis h i
the purpose of netting an i.xpnssiii,
of opinion. 'I he clause complained ot
was slrlckin out as 1111111 oessarv urn!
it was merged Into umithcr bill ami
passed Hut house. 1 ih sire to rt t al
that Ihe ( ibserver's slalein. nt is lal.-e
und the owners of that sheet know 11
to In I'.il,,. iu every paitit ular.
Iu eoiiclcsioii I wish to say that 1
never saw Mr, Hume iu my life until
last suinini r ami m it r had any cum
111 11 11 n-;i 1 ii hi wiih him or any ag. lit ol
his concerning any business or other
ma ' before thai 1 11110. I und, 10
say that he did not get any tish law
like the present on. 1 while I was mi
the legislature, and my lilst ondiaiol
w ill he to amend the one en ict. d sim-i
in K' ie Hie people 1,,. re lie kiiiii
" Mr. Iluuie's conipany has.
Ite-p, t llully your,,
lit l'.i:u 1' Oi.l.NN S.MI 1 II
the ell i.ens nf ,
t uiversi:v of California, and is 11
thorough and rtipable instructor, Inv
lug taught school some 23 yi ::f 111
that stale before coining to Oregon,
lie is familiar with up-to-date
llleli.i.ii.t of seht.o teaciu(t, mill
i hooi instriu tiou. and is thoioughlj
ci liven. nit wilh Ihe needs of the
-t hools. II,. p, u r,, ,n f,f excellcnl
character, an enterprising man, a
pn gre-sive msii, such as Josephini
eci.i.ty has long n. , ,. d as supcrin
t' i;'li nt of i's schi 'ils, A vote f r Mr
Ami in will In vote for brtlu
schools, and will he a lou;; stride for
ward in placing our sonnols on B
I ur with the la si in the state
I' is 11 two to one Ii. t, the local re
publican press will, iu the lust issues
Iher of, ul li-mj t to give currency to
iiiiiia ious campaign falsi hoods. Look
out for them, ami don't be buncoed.
Many Citizens.
Mr. T. Y De.11:
Allow me to allay all fe irs of Mr.
V. W. Chaussi. in regard to any use
h s-i expense that the county court ii
liable to rnn into by contracting for
new bridges over l.oeue river. As In
it hatis-ei is slill a tax-paver, and i!
(he 1 xpeiin- should .: loo h nvy, he,
is such lax -,iy. r can jut an injuiie
lion on Ihe lai-iin ,-s, just like he did
win 11 the enuniy court made a con
tract a few Veais ai'o 10 have the
only banks 1 xt rn I. Or on tin
olncr hand, if he should think (In
'ip'ii.-e jimithihlo. 1,,. can say so In
his pape - ami d. fi nd the outlay just
like he did w hen the republican rep
riMiilaLive got a bill throiiirh Hit
hgislature making a ra'se in ra unly
olhceis salaries in the aggregate ol
'''I per aiiiiuin. I think that hi
would ho safe considering his capa
bility cf shaping himst If to (it condi
tions! ntirely as lo who is iu the push.
Tax payer.
Schnidor Turns Democrat
"Schneider," suit Katriua, "vat
v;1 I'- C. Knox stand for?'
"Katriua," sail Schneider, "I vat
si.rpiisementeil at your ignorances.
Del- 1" van for peanuts, nut der C
vits for coal truest, vioh Knox at (lei
door of der coldt visit r mornings;
dit-you bear il? Yen dor troosls
guf 3:.,0(i(i,0(in lol !,ir if iter rr-poobli-
can iti sidenls shall appointment Mr.
Knnx der Cnilid Stales ntleiilivi
-I ru I, vioh shall slock der (roosts
mil di r b -logua sawsich, unt ven del
picsithnt haf di claralioni d dot mitas
piicls as ihr vireless schent.cii he
.(.uld i.roseciii ions ihr (mills unt veil
h r president haf suit ' voots vas goot
ren only bucked imp by diets. ' I vas
gl'id mit 111 i lie heart aroundt : unt I
lay awake twn unt swaney moot,
yoti-t oxpictiug cf, ry minute d, r
1 rash v (111 Id come, unt iioihlings dil
''"Pi ' n 1 nut I Ii anit cf. r mil nvay
fituii der repoohlii an arty. "
"St hm i. lei, " sail Katriua, "who
deimxTatcy. Unt ven der Oregon 1
ntaat rcpocpliciin coiirciitious haf'
((in vt nt ii 11 oil unt der chairman haf.
call it to order I climb oup (h r fence 1
oil miea leads mit on der top uf, unt !
011 von site las ihr sign "di niojrat-1
cy" unt aiit on der odder site vast
"resiopliean. " Cut I lemiit a lecth'
ofer mit der deniocratcy site; unt vni I
der delegaiit reidit ilir plalfoorns 1
vieh vas mnct hv der Hour Ironsr. nut I
one eye opi 11 I lookit crook it at
K'ttriua, unt listen, mine cars mit.
Der platform suit, fairst: "ve der rei
pooplicans uf Oregon 111 convent inn
a.-st nihlit. heart ly eiiilorsi ment der
course persasit towaidts der troovis
by j 11 sid. nt Ralherbnig mit ITiila
pi aunts Kniix.-' I leanit may ofer
011 der dimocralcy lite: tint vtn tier
spieler haf "ait "preparation der
pallets. " I v in k at Katriua. Unt
veil der spieler haf sait " i'. r eyes uf
di r vorldt haf id" I yoost rollit mit
mine self off, unt mit-ouse regard
v it li situ nf der fence I vent 011, mil
if der sign vas otisite down, nix, I
vas downiste ojp, unt I can nix read
it vieh I vas; unt I gid oup unt turn
aroun'R liwoe at vonee out readit
mit 1 rofoutidment, dus: "des site uf
der vi lice vas der Hue deniocratcy"
unt 11 f 1 or vtch I vas der democralcy.
Veil, anyvay, I brake mine vooli 11
legs, vieh I piocuremi iited mit (hr
battle aroundt Richmond.
"How do you, volemei.t now?"
sait Katriua "Veil," sait Schneider,
"I y iost vateli der St. I'ii rve Mont
Morganr, unt I'.ik kyfelh rs, milder
Rankers nut des (dill visheruuiii mil
liuz.arts Hay, unt .esse James, nut
vieh efer vav tics spallpi i ns haf vent,
I yoost go der odder vay uliiadly.
Today I .iiiall iuf oup dis sij.11 :
"Vicheffer siloon shall pay mine
p(i r iioltli s, uf dis I sh ill puy mine
peer. 1 awcup Schiieidi
Collis K Huntington, late president
of the Southern Pacific Railway Com
pany, and one of America's gieatest
financier's, said in 1HH7, of tho culti
vation of rubber trees: "If I had my
life to live over I would not wear it
away in the hard struggle that falls
to the lot of a railroad promoter.
I would go into ihe tropics of Mexico
and grow rnbl er. It is better than
gold, and it V ill make nioie million
aires than (il has made."
"Three honored rubber trees will
vield $4.10 annually. "Henry D.
"Tin re are few atricultural ven
tures today more attractive to cap
italists than rubber planting. It.
rcciiis to he an abst lull ly sure thing. "
N. Y. Evening Fost, June 15, 1!)'.)3.
Wit Ii i 11 the tiast yiar rubber lias
advau 'id frnni Hi) cents to Ji ll. A
rubber plantation is a mine which is
continually producing. "George C.
WooImii, President Manhattan Rob
ber Works.
"One hundred thousand rubber
trees the tirst year's harvest w:ll vield
I30,(I0I) (f.MII per acre I. " lirltish
Foreign (hike Report, No. :M, page
"There is absolutely no question
hut that the Icriunale owners of a
producing rubber plantation will rea
lize fanulous profits annually."
t hicago Journal, Dec. 10, IHIIS
"If I were a young man I would in
vest my money in a rubber plantation
as it is better than a bank or most
anything else. "Russell Sage.
"Rubber culture is probably the
safest investment that can be made as
110 reasonable contingency can arise
to limit the demand." Hon. Wni. P.
Wilson, Sec. Philadelphia Commer
cial Museum
"At the first tajipiug after the trees
have reached the age of six or seven
years, a net profit of (:KX gold per
acre is made. As the yield per tree
increases yearly, the profits also in
crease in proportion." Bureau
American Republic, Washington, D.
"The cultivation of Iudia rubber is
probably the most profitable mdustry
iu the wrrld. " Dering, British Min
ister to Mexico.
"The life of a rubber tree is im
possible to estimate; trees growing
wild in the forest, bore, seem to bo
hundreds of years old and still give
milk as fr. quentlv as those of later
cultivation. " J.s. O. McN'ally, U.
S. Consul (jeu'riil, Guatemala.
"The profits derived from the culture
of rubber aie fubu'ous, even assuming
that instead of ad valuing iu price,
rubber were certain to retain or even
to decline to otic per pound, the profit
would still be enormous." A. M.
Ferguson, Eugllsli planter in Colom
bo, Ceylon.
Profit from one aero of rroun J (400 trees) at 75 cents per
pound. (Present price is 122 cents per pound, having raised 10
per cent in tho last month.)
First harvest fith year after D!antinr, 400 Ihs, lib per tree. &500.00
tf AVA P frJ M
. !.'
"W.,V I '
Thi: r.'umetiy I ; r. je : ic,
Suro ts c.iwo! ".
oivtrs : r c. .
t t h an ., 'i . :. ... ! v 1 '. r.
ill 1 1
tl r Kockyl, I ii I-,
tier Mile hi al, HI.!
ic t der Hat i
i r r,q ooplioaii
( Iregon ?"
Bros, Racket Store...
ills Uiiil.llii wixlh Nir,.,.
aicii:i-i i-oit i:vi:ivtiiim;
tiii ul ill r st.iat nf
say that he did gel anv lish law
i.i , , ' . HI si
bill it is ..."I'tese.ll I Willie I Wlis Mil II I I
is.ll-l.-nc. I"'" '',!,l!"1"'". '"' "' cndiaior III nuWUI I
Ho appears a.ii.-uu uu- one en n o u sm,-.
Ill the case. '" K'v" ""' l"'''l'l" r" He' same pi IV-
jp.j,,,. 'leges Mr. Iluuie's conipany has. I I l'J.V IXI '
a .
Ilisr.-la- ... mi, ,,- ,,., s, We M.iv Bargjin, in
.,, , lii.r.l.lil' Oi.l.NN M.MItll.
' ,. , Miaw I Kit.-. for toe ,'i-Jc kind . Jewa-lrv
desslolial lo Hie Clll.ens of .l,,,,.,,,l... i'... Shirt Wrists . ;
1 " si, laiinroiileri'-s
II Hie III. IJi. Illy of v,, l-h the II Gloves
''"'-iireis' "Hie. lo be kept at the l'i,V,'ms 1-ace Curtains
"-. ' 'M '.- ' that Hase Halls and l'a,v DoorM-i.s
, ''" 1 '"' I'O.clly Willi. :k- t, ' "-'' Ncekwi-ar
!"! I1"' oil,,,, where II suns th, Otainie Ware Haskels
'majoi-iii ,.f H. p. ,, p and ,lo not i, ,. "ti"l-. cenp., i", -J Ovanges and I ions
I'"" nn.wenc oic,o,ea,,.,n, S '"' "' lo r.
-r bi-pl. .darcpu,,,,,,,sp.a.,i Ii. s '. i't tu 1 1 v ' ' '
Iroin which We quole Hie lidli.willg:j .1. I'. T A I.I 'U -
11 -" A 1 "'-. j' , makiuj: and cuaniti- works
i'.-V'H'lljlimil J..t.l'.Mll,H.-K,,WH.
DearMr: I und, i- land thai ,a, ! j ."' 'A V.1 ; ; '
-ue being,, i;,,is, , saie,N,,i , I !- : j I , ' '' i " b-e ol Cemetery , or , anv kind
"f. I'1 'I I-,. f the! jl ! .t AkBLE or OUANITB.
:(rr;r:,M; r'"1 1 ' ' .O x '--v'-" -
..:..;::D;u.;;:,;,:,;:' ::;;!; ; - y J ) ,,,,;, .lki,l((
::,,:;::;; k ; H! - - , j-padoock.
mis,, that Midi ciiticisui ., .- j .,, ; - i '.,'
is some polill. al , II. . I, and I !lol, j jA, ' Lf ' '' j j
tore Hlllll, It 11, V duty o ,;n,. vou a' v.". ' V I . ., ,.
., , , f( I . 'f V - ' lv I !' 1 I- b, 1 in sii,, j. W. It !lMM',V:i sj...
I-'1'' al libcilv to ii,c in anv l lor. i 1 ."'l', J -' . lllO f-i r I 1 1 11 l V it O i-,
i , ' J "V. l,. I iiivy WUUIIIIjMI VILtiUII I
--nerU;. '";"'' "- .-1 rTT Ti' Gtinranty & Abstract Company i
-HC1 VOUS lx "v...',.l., w,.r.s: Mi ;. F ri'il L'urutU. GFtANTS PASS nnrrniu
IVW. VKft- vnvir V ll .-.' 1 ''""'' r.v I I It. ..Ini. rSS, OREGON .
clllU 11. ,'oL t!ly XvtsJl i 1 L j - In", .-an -In ,1 iii, tan -iu,, ,i, ,1 loan " Mi. n. PHONE 503
nirrl-i-f " i 111 I mom of the fads uu. , . r '-Atcr ,- l.r.t ! -,',v v .n h.-oi I ,!,.! n, t f - no-pn '
niSt. !, hi,,', iicii.ioe .,,,, ' ,,, vo.,-i',h.i,h,,,.,p,, ABSTRACTS OF TITLE I
wcS..:..:, - -e.f. - , :; .;:rz::::::ra::: certificates of title
of womanly .h - li.. ii',-,i ., ,, ' alsoliil.-U na .-i.e iii il,, I'- I , . , f .r f( -ry n iv. x,-I , lilies. 1 '. x n m 1 ium I, I . i-1", ( ,., ;,.,,.., I
I. , I lil, r i I i ' ' 'III I ill) riMl.
tin a to he in k. ! Ill la i - c, u, .- .. , III 1 1 1 ' i ' ' .1 t.-ke w Ml ,.l I ir . i , I
tn:,. th..,:.,,.,..,.....,,. j , ,,,,, ,,,, .,....,. ','':-. '-""kf J-""' -' '-M-i. ,
'. 'inif,"ini,,,.,,bl, - . , "' 1 '',,J- ' w.'-iJ",,.". I l,, ,,,, tl... i., lhl) ' , ,, i ,.!.,. . I '" J :" I , . 'I.-,., J " .-w-wv Kt
llc,.(. III. u-.d.ili! . . ,,ll l, i.l , -,, , , ., ,., , , . I 1 ' I Jin . .!'...... , , . .-.- .
-:v:'::::y!::r- , I i i ! '! I i
1 r 1 i. -s I .,,,,;,- r I..-.,-. ,.'"' ict-in! I..- s in tin. . i;,r , . , ' ' . 'V"1' j ., - , . I i
'V'! :.'.!; ',' 1 (- ' i y i.n'.h'i ,:.,....,.. j .... ,. I ' ! ; w- i-: i
fl.un, u.i. ad ' ,". :. 'mi ib iMi'i.t, I .,. r, ' ,- ' .-: ' - I ' I S ,i
fcill.,1" wcalslH-.s U ,,, s ,. ,. 'ir j .M 1 1 I; ' v , ., ' , ','.,',' ", . ' ( " I
Ucivousm-s.,, sli, r'e-sa.-.s, , ;,- , I , ,.,. , 1,1,'Kl,!. I I ! ! . . '1 , . il E . S T 1 ' V T
llig lie won, .nil, ,l,-.e.. , i hu ,,.,.! . I . : i I I ' '
int .r a, uu, ins. , - I I , i 1 ' t
!-i.-k womru arc imiod t,,, ..-... , 1 A to J II Ai.mii, ' ' V . '.Vl'.-im l" ' j , , ' '.'
Pieue. by letter, -.',. Ail . ' . . . ,1 . ) I ' I I
r ux- ttucllv l.livite Add,,- .. i. U V I l,on,;,ir. I: li-U. I.gii.ll, . t , '' j !
l'leitc, lle.ll.d . N. V. ;..!ii c- v lie , l -. t ,1 ,, T :.-r- . !
lr,l. ,,, 1 li.nvi., , e , ,,,,,.. i , .ii ' ' ' ' ' ' I I . . , ; li , : , f
r j,, . .... ,.-..,,. abb ! 1 I I ,, nl V '""'-'''.'-
l-rv - ,viTt. . Mi, , , . . , , , M , i i i i , . .... ... . "
I. '.l.l,, i-, n v , i, ., N . , II Ali-'l'l to: sa. mil n. . lit if - ' 1
II. ..ill. I !. )t. ,, ,,, . , ,, ,,.., ' , . : . , .
...l.,r,., . ,,., ,. I,, ,., , ' " ' '' M e ..fl-e,-,- 0 , j.
lrM,-,. s, ,,:,a i,.l ,-, i.. , ., . , , . , , I. s iu i - l ,-.! 1 i .' ...... ... V , 1 .
W!?':;:--J"?;' : t.r,!.,. , ,. .;.,.i.. ,.n t ! A PiK':. ATlT.-ilOV! . . i ! .
h;.':','';:'?:;,;';;'.;1,,.' ' , "M'1''11''-''!;' .i -.,, 1,1, t ? . n . -, ... : t.. 1 is (j
'"r. r ." ! -' 1 1 m I " .. . $ , i j I J.I"
1 -.. 1 ..., 1 1 ! 1 1 1 r -
K !.--'! 1. ....... . . I 1 1 I i I I s . i . Ill I "1 I , tu ... ... ..... A ' ' I 1 " I
"L ' II, a.l.i 1, and a H - .,vt, ui-ii . I, ,. ,' ' ' ' ' " ' ... I I I I- in
tin- t.-s.:-! ' ,r -1 '- ,-i J a..,,., ,....';, ' t ' 1. nr. -sr. 1
i'1",.. , 1 , .. ,1 , ,, ,1 1 , w , v- .-( .s.-w.-.-.-A.v., v-.a . . 1
l.-i...... ii.... ..,. 1 1.,,.. ... . t 1
I r- : : . li .... 1 1 ! .,,,,, , 1 .. ... ' i, i-ii ! . I . 1 ...'.. 1 . .: ..
1,1,1 p . : ie lo 11 wHI h- I.. 1 !,.. , i l. 1, .., " '" r' ' ' ' di v 11.-.. 1, j '..::- i I, ,i; , .r.lo, c i;r,.u-.,' j
i '. 1. four . 1 ...n, . 111 "'.' Am. r 1 -in 1'ii.rjv .1,, .,. uu-..-.....j l.e;.,ml.v .ie.i.l, r
. ..'.'... " . ' -no 11 ar - i r ,,,l... ,.wi, .. l! f.'. .'U t
l- ' I I..N.M H. -SIUVAI.!. in. u- ' '
Slinros are to l.o had on easy monthly payments.
If you wish to invent. 'ate tlie rubler proposition a'-oii can liml
tho representative of
i The Dentists' fvlataal Plantation Co., of Portland, Ore.,
ai Hotel
we arc planting "La Zaeualpa Extension," an 1800 acre plantation
in Mexico, joining the famous La Zaeualpa plantation, which ia
now paying dividends. Call und see me, will bo glad to sec you,
or phono me and I will call on you.
A few dollars invested now will bring you an income for life
l'liited Stall s I. and Olli. e,
Kosi hurir, Onuoii, Apr. 21. 11.01.
Nut let) is hereby iiven that the fnl
lowiiiK-nained sctiler hss lit. I n itice ol
l,is lutein ion to male liunl pron:
in support nf his claim, and lh.u
said pronl will be made helire J. O
llniith, County JuiIkii. at I is r Mice
at Uranls Pats, Oreuon en June
K, lit.14. viz:
on his II. K. No (lilil, (or Hie SvV1.
Nl'.'4 Sec 'Jj; Tup 40 S , U 8 W.
tie name thu follnwim; iluess(-8 to
prove his conlinuous residence niuin ami
i iiltivaiiiin ul said Und, yij :
Frank Siwalts, Thoinss ui linan. and
Ciias. Preker all o( Waldo, O e.. und
Win. Whipple i f (innPs Pa-". On jion
J. T. Iliiu.di s, li.ajisler.
Notice is hereby uiven that bids
will be reel ived u nil S n'clnck n. m
.lune S, I Oil 1. for the cnn-tlructhui nl
the main sewer from a point where
tl.e alley ill block .". intersects Fifth
street and ruuninjt from thence north
(i'.'O feet aloi.K Fifth street. Also a
lateral sew er, la j"inniii(; at the same
point and rilnliini; tlience wart ''Jn
feet uliinu the alley in block , j : also a
lateral sewer beniunini.' at main
sewer on 1-ifth street, riinninjf thence
west 4MI t-et. ab.iiu the all, y ln Mock
; also a lateral sewer l tinnim;
ill main sewer on ritih strict riiuuiimi
thence west 14a feet uIi.iil' tho aliev i
iu block CI. ' I
Separate bids are to 1,,. jiveu on '
each piece cf sewer. For further In. i
rorination call on II. 1. Kevnohls
City Kiiiiiuccr. liinht r.-seived to
reject any or all bids.
Hated Mav I'.., pint.
Auditor and l'olice .ludne.
Tiinbei Land, Act June It, 1S78
I'niiid Slates Lund Ollh-e,
It seburu Oreiron, April 21), PJ04.
NtiiiiM is her. bv uiveii that in eompli
aieewith ihe pmvisions ol the act o'
Conirrcss ol June 3, IK78, eniiHed "Ai.
si I lor tlie sale ol timber lands in tin
S ales ol f uliiomin, OrejMii, Neva, la,
at .1 Ws-hlitfoii Territory," as extend
etl to all the Public Land States bv aei
cf Auii-t 4. lv.12,
ol On'il Hill, l ounty of Jackson, Sicti
of Oregon, has this dsv tied in tho
otliee his nunrn stalenienl .No lilOd lol
Hie purchase of Ihe N K'4', Section No.
IN in lontislnp .No. m Soinh, llanji.
No. 4 W, sod will cII't prool to shoo
i thai the land soanht is morH valuibli
lor in liiuher or Hone ibsn for ari
jciil'uial perm scs ami tn estatilish hi
I I'm to fial laud before John M. I'.,,n,l,
1 i . I
I Timber Land Act. June:! 1878.
United States Land Olliee,
linsedurji, Oreiion, Apiil i.'i), P.I0I. ,
Notice is hereby given that in ecn,
! pliauiB wiih the provision ol the act of
I Connrese ol June H, 1878, enlith il "An
act for the eale of timber lands iu the
Mates ot Lalilorma, Oreiron, Nevada in I
Washington Territory," as extended o
all tho Public Land .Slates by act of
Annuel 4, lfi',12,
( f t arpon, County of Skamania. Slate ol
Washington, ha llii day tiled in this
olliee bis sworn statement No 5tl(i I. for
the purchaso of the NW'.'of SF',
Kh, of SWi4, (SlVij of 8W'4' of S- -tion
No. 2ti in Township No. : 7
.Smith, ranee No. ti West, and will
offer proot to show that the land eoiiiiht
is more valuable lor it e timber i-r atone
than (or aiiriiu'tiiral purposes, and to
uiiinis-loiier, at his olhce ai establish his pl., ...i.i i...,.i i . i
..,,.,,. , tj-.ii,, on .-saiuniav, the J . u liooll
lien t'l.y ol Juli, Hl.,4.
II- names ns witnesses: W. H. Shet
niiin, of i, -Mils Psss. Ore. ; Kdnard It
Cole, ol limits 'hs, Ore.; Frank Hurk, i f Wiiner, Die. ; James A. Oliver,
ol (iranls Pass, Ore.
Any and all itersons rUiuiing advetse
ly i lie aboie ,li-scribe, l.uols are re-(pi.-bil
10 tile their claims in this nllici
on or before ,ii,l ltiHi d,iy ol .Ink, l!i,.4.
J r. I'llllK.l-S, I( ei-t, r.
NOTIri-; To C'KF.niToKs.
In the County Court for Jisi pi, lie
County, t r, j;on.
In the nunter of the i
Fsiate of H. M. 1
Itaylicl,:, Ihc.-iiM d. i
Notice i hereby j,iveu that A. P.
Mock has boon 111. pointed iuIiimhU.
trator ot the ( slate ot l. M. I'aylietd,
.leceusyil, l.y ihe County Court for
Jospdniie County, On k'oii, and all
persons bavin,; ch, iins against said
eslale aie l reby notitieil topn.-dit
said claims duly verilicil, to the un
dersigned adiiiinistralor at the law
oltice of II. U Norton at liraiits i'ais. Clark
a, goo, on or neioie six lunulas from I
mis nare.
Jiatcd A ril J7, Pari
A'liniiil-lrat, r.
"il r.l n I
Ore !!,
' Itr) li
tll"tC i
niiclit, in :,
t!l..O.L 1.. .111
cinr l mi in -I
vi'inUr ltnili
Tilt y Will . 4 li
mony of Uhmuw.,:i.U tit ut;ii 11 V
pifU' curt- ul uuittaiil
actvpt uu ur.knowti an l
vtnur m 116 y u-c,
Ut. Pierre TU mmiiI -U- h!
UUmI with Faoriir i'rt m i nUm
ver a Uxutivc it reymrcj.
- j - -;,
; ,7 7 i '
- . 1
, A
1 lie hirg. st snni ever paid lor a pre
enption, ilisngid l,r,,!j in Sin Finn.
. i- o. An.' :;d, Pull. The trnn.f in
volvi-d in. o, n and stis-i f I IJ .'.Hi 0 . si.d
I -'-'I bv a iir: ol h i-ii.i-ss ,. ,r
l p-i lie ,.r lire.-blV l , ,., , .
t 't . li : In r a li cet... ', ,.!.,., , j
I tie) coiiiiueiacl 'I r ,.,., i i !
.Co., ol tl.e fp.iete s v la. :'.ttl '
ll,. Hiierxi. 4id m-.,!.s .f n.,. ,ai .,t !
an.l Inc. I i ' ..lit on lis noons l,i put, itig !
over Ihr.-p ,),. u i-,(s, . ,, ,1, ,ri a nill
a,..l '.. I,;i, 1 1., in. I :.i al not phv i
sh la, is t ,, ,. ,-lwoiiic, in, lliithlcisscs. 1
slid ,uilli, it wiih the i hysi,-,.,, !
I p to Aug
cas,.s mere
svorabl, .
g run Ihiri. en st cent ol j
parties , re saiisri -d and
.no lion. The pr, et , lings i
gating i-.ii.,' and the I
is ol the test cs,. tre
el III be m Vd free on i
A l.le JolIX J I I I T, IN i
limltMr, Ad Jun.. :i, ps;s.
1 1 ) 1 1 ! I ,-tu-. .ai i Olliee 1
Koseburg, Oregon, M ay r,, pain
Noi.eis h.reli) g.v.-n lint in i-au
pliauce iih the provisions ol the act ol
Connies- of June ,t, 1878, entitled "An
act lor the sale ol limber lands in the
Mates ol California, Oitgn, Nevada
and Washington Territory," as ex'
tend.d to all th,. Pu,,. ,.uj Slates bv
a t ol August 4 iso
ol All, any, lmi Si ,to of Ore
goii, has tnisdav tiled, in this ollic
his sworn statement No. f,l7ll (or Hie pur
chase of the K' of K' ol Secitoe
o IJ in lownsliipNo.;)7 South, Itangc
Ni 5 e-t, and PI oikrprcol p, f,
in .t tl.e land souglu u more valuah'i
lor it liiutifr or slone lint: Ir uer,.
ei i irai purp isc, and to
li' eU'tii to said laid
c ( o. uiiuiy Judge, st I, s olli,-,
.lai.t. ss, Oregon t ,,,
mo l i u on ol Aug, ..t, mm
ss wit :.esi s ;
. 11. Nleriioiri .1 C ( l.i
'"! K V. v.niih nil
', 0.. ,',,ri
Any and .11 persons claiming adeer c
iv ihe ahove-described Isn Is HIP r
.piesieii to me their claims
on or bef.
l'.nW. J
County Jmlno. at his ofliee
attirsnls l'as, Oregon, on Thursday,
the 14: h day o( July liii'4.
He names as nn nes-es: Kdiianl Ilol
lis, of Carson, Wash. ; Iteriha Hollis, of
t'arson, Wush ; A hian W. Nlsbv. of
Orains l'ass, (lie. ; Fred ll.Itiigg'-, of
Grants I'afs, Ore.
Any and all persona clftiniia m. K-ers. ..
lv the above-described lands are reipiest
i d In tile t,eii claims in this i (lice or. or
! hefor- 1 -1 ill day of July, l!i04.
, J. T. I!l(ll,(ii:.s. Ilegisler.
Tiiuher Land, Act June :;, Is7s.
Itosidiurg, Oregon, Apnl II, 1'.'04.
Nome is hereby given thai in
pliance with the piovisions of ih0 f, , of
Com r ss of June :J, 1 H7S, entitled "An
act for Ihe su'e of limber lands in the
States of California, Oregon. (,
and Waehington Tciritorv," as extended
lo all the I'uhlii: Lud States by in t,l
August 4, 1811.',
of Sjlveltotl, Couu-y of Ala' ion,
SiaM of Ongon, h.,s this .lay lit, I
in this olliee her swo'n statenn lit N .
h'lnl lor the purchase if Hie MV'4' of Sect-oil
No. i in Tuw-nshin Nn :;,i I.
Hi i am"-
ninire.No 8 Wist. ni ,1 will ( iler pio.f
lo show that. Hie laud is more
valuable f,,r its ii.,.1....- ... i , -
, , .. , i.u.ur, ui none. Ulan lor
es!ut)ls, I ,!,. I, ninl ,,,,. ...! . ,
, i i I, ' I "' s , nou to C(i,,t,oii
. , - i '"-r i-'aiin to caul land before J. O. Ilooih,
l I, S l lhl e CollCly I . I I. ... ..
...... . , a, ,,,s on, ft- l lllHIIIS
I a-s, Oregon, on Thurtdiv, lie 3 lsli day
tit June, P.) I.
-he naiin-s as a, lees.,
W aiter Harinon, W ihiain AinlerM ii,
I. Fleck and V. II. M,,re, all of
tirants Pass, Oregon.
Any and all persons elaaning ailveise
lv the above-, I, .s, I
in n is otriee o.i i. ... ... . ?. r" ...
e said l-,il. .Ij.. .i s . 1 '7 claims in tins ollce
l sai l I, Oil ilav of Alllll. . on nr ... ..i.i ,. i , .. ..
II,,,,,,.. !.: , ni.. ,, ih, ,, .nine, lUOl.
I!, begister, J. p. Pk.i.iks, Kegtster.
, I
II. .1.
Or. nts
" judges.
1 l tl.e test
rr -gtess'tig
I llete Ik-i
J I u 1 1 ii re. :.e
' closed the I ,
'I 'he iiiv.-s
! I (i i ,-a I ret ,.
pill.h-hetl a
s. per cent '
eiiher well or
I '....- I s , ....
- - s, s:u .uuiiiicoiiierv ?t. an r ran
l'lCO, Cl.
bri. k
'lpte.1 I- r
ml hi,. '.i i- t:,.,;, t, ,,
uiakiiiu r.-,, ,. I .ia.
( ti.eir i-r, switiou U t..r..
.-s.v il. ). .viMIM.. a! the Courier , iM,
nortli.-rn pari cl Hie
one north , f tl.a
, I,...
( r Is.riiei.l ir.
I U ts.s 11 S
'II) po T.
low prices..
Ueiutslv f.-r W,
Kl. on !,. ( iired a,f ot
Il, tsorsl case ot jj
We c. a .mt.e a ,
ls ore tor "l 'l I lll't'il
t:;l rexicona to.
I i. r A . i a s w.sru.i
S.1I.I lor l oolh-l. Sun J.s,CjI.
'-4 MMo,s
"V I Mosin
Tt any make of
talking machine
Black &ucr-hjrdencd
Beautiful fualilii of tone
Much more durable than any
ether cylinder
Columbia Pf .onbijra3h Company, I
,2S Swcnth Street, PORTLAND, ORE. A
For M( in CranU P by W. A. Paddoek.