Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927, June 02, 1904, Page 3, Image 3

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    kboutt iuviiR coi'RtkR Grants pAss, okftkfsi, JtiisiJ i, il
Camping and
Are now the order of the day. No
fun camping unless you have plenty
to eat. Why cook and sputter
around a hot stove when you can
call on us for the best Cold Sliced
Ham (alwas kept on ice.)
Canned Corned Beef 15 and 25c.
Veal or Ham Loaf 15c, 2 for 25c.
launch Sausage, Lunch Herring,
Tamales, Knchilados, Chiliconcar
,nie. Soused Mackerel, Finest Red
Salmon acc.
American and Imported Sar
dines 5c to 25c.
Sliced Bacon and Ham; Full
. Cream Cheese; Sliced Dried Beef in glass or we slice it for vou;
Lunch Jellies, pure fruit, 10c; Saratoga Chips; PICKLED TRIPE,
Sweet and Sour Pickles; Fresh Vegetables, daily.
Location, Culture and Man makes the berry. We are handling
Morrison's mountain berries, unquestionably the Finest Flavored
STRAWBERRY brought to this market. Not necessary to buy
two boxes of this fruit in order to get one; for canning and preserv
ing they are just what you want. Nothing saved in putting up
cheap over-ripe fruit because it takes same quantity of sugar.
Remember the place,
The White House Grocerv.
1 rry"3ft-r' fi3
& h 1
Hard on the cat but not hard on ihe one who
docs the washing. Wo have a largo stock of
Wringers from $1.75 up. Our Ball Bearing Cycle
Wringer makes washing eay.
Cramer Bros.
O.Ul Fellows Block.
Washing Machines Glass Wash Boards
Spring Weather Is Coming
for It?
Yon will need
Garden Tools
and a
iu your garden.
Your fruit trees will need spraying. We have Lime. Sul
phur and Bluestone, and Spray Tumps of all sizes. We
are prepared for all seaons come in and see us.
Grants Pass,
Grants Pass Music House
Succcoon to Demarte Music House
In coming before the citizens of Grants Pass the new pro
prietors desire to state that it is their intention to keep the
Grants Pass Music House
up to the standaid set by the Petnaree Music House, and
to supply Grants l'ass and vicinity with everything in the
Music and .Musical Instrument line at the right prices.
Buy your instruments of a home concern that will guaran
tee every article sold.
Sheet music sold at half list price.
Misi Minnie Ireland, Manager
I&mmar Paints
Get our
jiriccs on
Kstimatcs made on all I'luniliin and Tinning contracts.
Satisfaction guaranteed.
Grants Pass Hardware Go,
Picnic Parties
pzrr-.. I
Arc Vou Prepared
fx -vl'
All!) WARE Co.
- Oregon.
$1.45 per Gallon
Guaranteed for 5 Years.
Moline Wagons
I. CALVERT, Sscretsry snd Triiturer
People xa They Come &nd Go
From Day to Day
Artlinr Ho viand speut several days
in town.
J. A. Leonard of Holland was in
Grants Fass Thursday.
J. R. Cuuniughani was tin Iroui
Woodville last week.
Pr. Moore wont to Portland f unday
returning Weduesday.
Mrs. Geo. How land is Tilting
frieuda iu Jacksonville.
C. F. Tibbiti of Marslifield is visit
ing his sou, E. N. TibbeU
Home grown strawboiries liavo been
on the market for a week past.
A. U. Bauuard spent a few days iu
Portland, returning borne Tuesday.
Frauk Blautou left Friday night for
Eugeue. where ho will spend the sum
mer. Mrs. Geo. Thompson returned Satur
day from a two munllis stay in Port
Mrs. Farnswor th of Medford, visit
ed her sister, Mrs. V. C. Hale, last
C. A. Hoofer was iu town this week
from his Bummer Gub'li mining prop
Mrs. Harry Lyons went to Gold Hill
last week to join Mr. Lyons, who is
stationed there.
Mrs. Dr. Flanagan and Miss Wini
fred are visiting Mrs. Flanagan's sis
ter, Mrs. Lillio Reed, at Payette,
F. J. Heller of Glcndalo made ns a
call last week. Ho is extensively in
terested in the Heller group of miiies
ou Mt. Reuben.
F. L. Dille of Stevens Point, Wis.,
lias been visiting tbe Euterprisu Min
ing Co's property at Woodvillo. Mr.
Dillo is interested iu the company. ,
Miss Maad Heiishaw left ou Mouday
for Lepanto, Hontac, P. I. where slip
will be married toll. E. Miller, lieu
tenaut of constabulary at that place.
Mrs. C. R Craig and little daughter
Auua, from Boundary Falls, B.C., are
hero to spend 1 1 10 summer with her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Me Key.
Rev. C. Galeener, a delegate from
the Illinois conference to the Gcnenl
Convention at Los' Angeles will
preach Sunday morning at Newman
M. E. church.
Geo. W. Cbapiu of Leland attended
the uiumorial exercises Monday. Mr.
Chapin was an old soldier and was
called upon to shoulder a musket and
join the firing squad. v
E. B. Dufur, democratic n -mince
for judge, First district, was in Grants
Pass this week getting acquainted
Mr. Dufur was induced at a late houi
to accept the uomiuatiou after Judge
Crowell declined to accept.
Frank Cslvig has returned from Ga-
lice w here ho has beeu at work during
the seasou at the Rocky Gulch mine.
Work has been suspended for the sum
mer. The season has beeu a very pros
perous one and the returns liavo been
Dr. M. C. Fiudley is back again at
hia Ditto after three mouths study in
New York. He has, however limited
his practice to disea-es of the eye, ear,
nose aud throat. He was accompanied
by his father, who is making an ex
tended visit.
Tho Bob'.ien, Coe, Sampson, Jin
iiiugs, MoCroskey and Bacher families
and Mr. Skinner pickniokod at the
Kay dam Monday and spent an enjoy-
ablo day. Some of the ladies, how
ever, are now fullering from the
effects of poison oak.
Miss Susie Bunnard u visiting
friends iu Portland. She ill also go
1 to Eigene to be present at the gradua
tion from tho university of sister
Miss Margaiet. After commencement
the young ladies will return to Grants
Prof, and Mrs. F. E. Young left on
I Wednesday for Long Beac h, t'al.,
where he w 11 enter the real .-tatc
business. Prof. Young has been prln-
'ciralof the Grants Pass schools for
the past two yars and both be and
Mrs. Y'ouiig have been a live and
! uari est work -Ts who will be great 1
1 missed by the people of this city.
I Lonnie Moou came from Portland
Similar and returned Monday. He
has a position as stenographer to K.
M. Hall iutho advertising department
of the O. R. & N. F.y. 'o. Mr.
Moou is one of the Grant Pass boys
who has taken advantage of opportuni
ties as they were presented by con
tain ly working to tit himself fur some
thing better.
La7 Meeting of Year.
The Women's club will hold its
meeting for the club year at tbe Wood
man b ill on Saturday afternoon, June
4 at 2 :.I0 o'cloc k.
Mrs. J. H. I)i ni oii, s c'.v.
The Luinl't r'
hauler's friciul
Grcxnts Pass Rose Gardens H&ve
Abundance of Flowers
Such roses cost $1.50 per dozeu
where I came from." Such was the
remark of a Minneapolis man as be
idmired a bouquet of somo of our
roses last week. Not only was lie
well inside the truth, but in many
places such roses as Grants Pass gar
dens are now showing, are 11 ?t to be
found even Iu hothouses.
The past season lias been very favor
able for roses, nnd tho blossoms never
were fin-r. It is a constant marvel to
eastern people how we call raiso such
beautiful roses outdoors. ' The secret
is in Our mild w hiter aud the large
amount of spring suushiue.
Anybody can have roses in prolusion
1 Grants Pass with - vory little
trouble. They are easily propagated
from cuttings, and 011 account of our
long season, make as much growth in
one year as the ordinary rose w hich is
sold for a two year old. There is
hardly a catalogued variety which
will not give good results with us.
This spring all of tho gardens which
have "Beauty of Glazenwood" bushes
area mass of salmon and orange color,
the blossoms almost hiding the bush.
Marechal Niel was also at its best and
one, two year oni .oisti set our last
spriug produced at least SO large per
fect flowers. A walk along our resi
dence streets w ill show a profusion of
bloom, not often ou, and such varie
ties as tho La France family, Bride,
Duchess do Brabans, Paul Neyron,
Etoilo de Lyon, Catherine Mirmet,
Gloire de lvon, Marie Henrictto,
Gen'l Jacqueminot, w ill be seen iu all
their glory. Paul Neyron ofteu at
tains a size oi seven inches across,
and is a constant bloomer.
Roses begin to bloom abont May 1,
and last till December I, although it
is not an exception to pick pretty buds
in December. It is dittleult. to say
whether tho spring or fall rosea are
the finest, as the latter blossoms have
a beauty of fragrance and coloring
peculiarly their own.
Oregon is a rose state, but we doubt
if any part of it can show liner roses
than those which may uow be enjeyed
by everyone.
Instruction in Music
Ethel Palmer, graduate in music at
U. of O. will receive pupils at her
home West Fourth street, cor. of
A, after June 2.1.
J P. Martin
Raised Them In S.
J. P. Martin, who lives oil C street,
opposite the school house, has a re
markably good garden from winch be
had a mess of new potatoes oil May 21.
Tho potatoes were of good size, al
though of course, they had not atiain,
ed their giowth. I'hcy are of 1111 early
six-wccki variety, tho seed of which
wbeu Hist brought to the coast was
sold at $2 an eye. C. H. Sau;pson is
responsible for the variety being
brought to (iranis "l'liss and ho says,
for lack of a belter iiauie, call them
Sampson's Early.
Vnion Gospel Meetings.
Union Gospel meeting will bo held
ill the OjieiB house, Sunday evening,
Juno .1, 11104. Mrs. Bailey of Stati n
Island, N. Y., a lecturer of National
jeputntion, will deliver the address.
No introduction is necessary since
she has visited our city before ami is
known to bo an interesting speaker.
Come aud hear In r. Reside lit pastors
will assist iii the meeting.
Reduced Kates 10 St Louis Expo
The Southern Pacific Co. will sell
round trip tickets at greatly reduced
rates to St. i.ouis and Chicago, ac
count the M. Louis, Exposition, on
the following dales :
June, IT, IH; July 1 :', ;
August N, 11,. 10; September ", T;
October II, 4, .1.
Going ttip must be completed with
ill 10 days from dalu of sale and pas
sengers will be permitted to start 011
any day that will enable tie in 10
reach clest inal ion jvitliin the 10 days
limit. Return limit DO clays, but not
later than December ill, liml. For full
informal ion as lo i-ch-s and routes .nil
Agent Souilit rn
. W. K. Coni. in
A reception iu hole r of Prof.
Mrs. F. E. Young was given
Wednesday evening at tho residein
W. M. Hair by the Newman M.
e of
chun-li, Sunday
A large attend-no'
very pleasant iv
Prof, ai d Mrs Y.
with a hfin l-oiue
and friend',
pi sent and a
nin was enjoyed.
mug sete pre sen ter
i lialin,.' . 1 1 I . and a
beautiful picture in appn oiat ion of i
their carin st work in the i-hun h and
Sunday school and iu t-ikeii of the es
teem of their many fio-irK
A reception to the old x.v lle' I I-
ecutivo board of lb.- Woman's club,
III lio'-or ot Mr I'. I'., ioung, wa-
given ou l ri'lay urn rno in at the r i-
deiice of Dr. and Mrs. F. W. Van
Dyke by Mrs. Van Dyke mi l Mi-, W.
(J. H-ile. The rooms w re hi.iutifuily
Iwnrated in Ihe club colors, green
;iud white. Delicious la freshim uls
wore served by Mi..i- .liariorin Kin
ney, Josmh Male ami or.;'-1 i (unci iy
ind the pleasure was le l.t' lo d by
music during the tune lie- r rreflii
metita wc re t ing s- rv d and enjoy d
COX l Grants l'a", Sundav,
I 'hi,
i:, P.sil, t.i Mr. and Mrs. W.
a daughter.
M LEAN-IU Ti'iliNSoN-At port
land, Weill! -Sclav. Jilll" 1 l'.HII, Rc.v
McLean ami M is .Margaret Hutdi
Hlsoii. DIED.
erlands, on May IT, I - . J aniie
Putmuu Cramer, in Ihe T-'td ye ar of
her age.
D.-ceam d a( the mothe r of T. P.
and Ge-org" Claim r of this city, they
receiving word ou Sua'by of InT
death, after a short iliin ss.
Brief Notes and IteJUa oi Interest
o.nd Imports. nee.
Dr. Flanagan,
Physiciau anil Dentist,
Go to Corun for Plumbing,
Honso numbers at Cramer Bros.
M. Clemens, Prescription Druggist.
Ice cream daily Horning $; DoPuy.
U try a Blue Ribbon 6-ceiit cigar.
Order seals aud rubber stamps of
A. E. Voorbies.
A splendid line of Royal Charter Oak
Ranges at Colon's
A. Bargain in pianos at the Grants
Pass Muslo House.
Fresh bread always on hand at
Horning A Depuy's.
Berry Baskets 4j o the hundred at
the White Honso Grocery.
Ico Cream and Soda Water evoiy
day at H.riiiug & DcPuj's.
Fifty cent sheet music at 25 ceuts at
the Grants Pass Music House.
A.E. Yoorhies Photo Supplies.
Amateur Photo work promptly and
carefully atteudod to at Clovenger's.
Cold boiled ham, pbs and, oakes
fresh bread at Horning & Depuy's.
Baked chicken dinner aud chicken
pio supper election day in Woodman
Aluminum House numbers, will not
tarnish, three for 2.1 cents at Cramer
Dan Johnson kept bis cigar store
open Sunday and ou Wednesday paid a
tine of $10.
Dr. K rumor uow Iiab his office iu
the old Masonic hall, second floor of
the Howard building.
TOO pieces of vocal aud Instrumental
sheet uiusin at 10 cents each at the
Grants Pass Musio House.
Trimble & Cook now cany a stock
of buggy and back wheels -iu all
grades. The prices are right.
A. Lempko this week contributed $,'10
to the city treasury for keeping open
Sunday, although ho says ho Is Inno
cent. It is reported that 81 jiooplo were
nniilicd to leave town. The marshal
says ho knows of but one, a hobo, that
has been so untitled. -,
The shipping of Rogue river salmon
to Portland for tho St. Louis trado is
increasing and will probably average
two tons per day sent by express.
Hammocks iu all styles from $1.00
up at Cramer Bros.
A fine assortment of goods and 500
stvles to sideet from at the Grunts
Pass Tailoring Co. Nobby suits ut
reasonable rates. Steam cleaning.
Sen that line lot of Ladies', QonU'
aud Bahtes gold rings? For a small
consideration St. Louis, tho jeweler,
would part with ono or two of them
for he is leaking more of them aud
might make you one just as you want
it, if you furnish tho gold dust.
Horning & Dcpuy now liavo Ihe
management of the Opera Cafe.
Ire errant iu bricks, any color,
any flavor at Horning & Depuy's.
Small house mid two lots ou the
north side of the R. R. track, for a
short time only, price $IT5. Lots
alone are worth tho money. Call on
or address Joseph Moss, Grants Puss,
i iri'gon.
Having received one of tho latent
Improved New Century Engraving
machines wo are prepared to do all
kinds of engraving; goods bought
from us engraved free. Curtis & Co.
Oild Fellows' Building, Grants Pass,
Strawberries! Strawberries!! The
celebrated Frake's strawberries, grown
by E. J. Copper, will bo found at Cor
nell's every dav. Leave your order
for prompt delivery. T. I!. Cornell.
Garden Hose for i cents a foot at
Claim r Bros.
The Order of Eastern Star gavo a
pleasant reception Wednesday evening
of last week ill honor of W. II. Hum
ton. l-efme b aving for Alaska. A
bountiful repast wnsseivedin the ban
quct hall.
W. R. Keeil, tho wagon maker,
imixiii sireei, nan a iuh aim nrieci
.i . . i i .... i.....
sloek of wagon and carriage material.
"Good work aud good slock" my mot
to Shop two doors north of Davis
second band store.
(Jo li-hing now, but get your tackle
fioin ( 'raaier Bros.
The Order of Pernio held nil enjoy
I aide social me eting at Woodman hall
' ou Saturday ev. ning. Some 200 s o
; i le wcio picsc ut and the occasion was
one oi universal enjoyment, lleiresn
mi nis of ice en am uud cake) wore ser
veil and the liter portion of the even
I mg was spent in dam ing.
Miss l!oe Lay, . of Portland, Ore.
lias opened a public: stenographic olliec-
on Sixth Stru t, ltonms :t and .1, 0
posito III" Jose phine. She will also
conduct a shorthand school, giving a
. full and thorough course ; same system
i taught as iu the le ading business col
j leges.
Gramliiin Turner, aged about
i years, who has hi en iiiite sick for
senile we e i,-e, fell and broke her urm
: last we e k We elm sday, at her home Ave
miles, down the river. Shu was sitting
up lor the se cond time since her ill
I ic-s and fell in atle-mptliig to walk
! ae'io-s the room.
S. C. Swagerty and son Harla have
hick en the c mt rait Iii do logging for
Ihe Jai ksoii County l.unils-ring Com
' pauy, who are opc-ratfng on the Be
' c he r place three niilc-s south of Jack
jseiiivillc, says the Ashland Tribune
I'i'hey urn epe rii-ncc d loggers and the
i company is fortunate in m-curing
.their services. Mrs. Hamilton,
, daughte r of Mr. Swagerty, went with
tie-in to lake charge of mess bouse.
New rarpi-t Is aters made from WOY
en w ire-, w fll not te ar your cars-t ami
cost only 21 cuts at Cramer Bros.
Look V'p.
Ioc s your roof bsjk like the flag on
the court house? Fiiop;get it paint--d
with Keli,-M Kinproof Faint
eh a r at,d more durable than the com
mon red paint ami your reefs are get
ting chy nnd ready to burn. Then
c ash up aud smile.
Youn Men
of Taste and
will be quick to appreciate tho cxtrcnio stylish
ness of the suit show n in tho picture. It is
three-button, full chested and broad in tho shoul
dors, made in all tho popular Sum mer fabrics andt ' 'Jf L ,
in an attractivo variety
At aio Iv
II tl-aO UM
TIIKUK is nothing in tho stylo, (it, fabric or tailoring of this suit that
would suggest tho idea that it was "Ready-made." On tho other
hand, there is everything in tho appearanco and quality to suggest the
highest class of merchant tailoring. It is art-tailored by
ScHloss Bros. (EL Co.
Producers of Distinctive Apparel for Geutloruon.
s r
Outfitters to Particular People.
Photo Supplies at tho Courier of
Talking Machines and Records nt
Piuldot k's.
If you want somo good, dry wood
leavo orders with McGrew.
Pultons' Sun Proof Paint, the paint
that wears Sold at Cramer Bros.
Sweet Pickles, Finest ripe Olives,
in hulk at tho White House Grocery.
Plates and Films developed and
printed at Clovenger's.
Sweetest Navel oranges on the iniir-
et Wliifo House Grocery.
Vegetable always fresh in our Mist
Machine Not on tho Street. While
House Grocery.
Bicycles sold ou Installments and
old wheels taken bs part payment at
Cramer Bros.
V. E. Deim of tho Kod Star store
will attend to the comity treasurer s
biisiii'ss during Mr. Taylor's absence.
The ladies of the Christian church
will give a chicken pio supisr in tie
Woodmen hall Monday ev.'iiing, June
(1th. Price 2."o.
Eat Energy, it will help Vlil to
ep the weeds down iu thn garden.
Ss'cial price 10 peT pae kage, same
si.o as gruiK) nuts. vtiuio Mouse.
Tho date for tho Woo Ivillo camp
meeting is coming fast and thu first
meeting will be held Saturday night,
June 4. The me n are at work this
wee k on the grounds and putting np
the tents. This will be a grand rally
of the Christian people in Southern
Oregon. Many pormiucut Kvnagolists
will take part; It will continue till
Juno '.Ml. Reduced lates cm tho rail
road. - IJ.
me; .siioi
lenJlQiiion and Children's Shoes
'20 DiUcrcnt Styles Miner's and Prospectors
High Top Tan and Hlaek Shoos
r On JllS:
f -c-rsi""
It will pay you lo examine the W. .
j. I- Douglu thoet, snd tee for
jourK-lf that lliry are Juit ;
A good in every way at thote frjr .
which you have been paying .
5 lo I;. For style, cejm-
fort, and service, they.
cannot be aurpaed
by cueton-mads
of patterns.
'Drop in ami let us talk it over.'
r - f Si if
jt is a r
7 J? S. Si
(5001) WATCH should bo cleaned at least
onco a year. Have you had yours cleaned
and regulated? I am prepared lo do all kinds of
jewelry repairing at prices that aro right, and
guarantee my work to give satisfaction.
Clemens' Drug Store.
Eastman- U?e vStandard
EASTMAN In Photography It
Eiiuivilent to STEALING on Silver
Eastman's Non-Curling Films Are Perfection
There is no other Nou-Curling
"Just as Good."
When you buy a Camera of mo I teach you how to taku pictures, also lu
st met ions In development ami printing free.
i i o i A-1 .rj.,3 1 1
$2.50 to $7.50
lti'A slock of l'inrce's
(iloria Shoe for Ladies,
all widths, all styles,
welts c.r turns, all One
Price the world over,
Strictly Hand Made
The IJest.
Try a pair and if you
know of any way to im
prove the shoe so as to
make it wear hetter we'll
make you a present of a
. ' IE . tt -
5--. '!: IW
?- . 7 V..i e MJr Bl ML'
Film on tho market, and none othor
Accept no substitutes.
Only lt.v
'i.T iron
tnc nuke people grvt
you credit foe hiving
(eel 4 heap strutter
Mj they tre.
3.50 .
R. L. Coe & Co.
Sol Ajtnti
You'll notice that
i 4 girl ivho wears &
j 2 A shoe
1 can never keep her ?
1 laces tied. r