Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927, May 26, 1904, Image 1

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No. 9,
Hreak Up a Cold
Modern Scientific Remedy
Colds and La Grippe.
Your money back if you want it
Slover Drug. Co.
t. A. WAUL
Front Street, west Palace hotel U
Soui Agents.
To cold draughts of air, to keen ami
cutting winds., sudden changes of
temperature, scanty clothing, undue
exposure or the throat and neck after
public speaking nil 1 uniting, brings
on coughs and colds. Ballard's
Hnrihcund Syrnp in the best cum.
Mrs. A. Durr, Houston, Texas, writes,
Jan. Ill, 11)02: "One bottlo of Dai
lard's Hmelionud Syrup cured me of
a very bad cough. It is very pleasant
to take " 2)0, 50c, $1.00 at Slover
Drug Co.
Grants Pass Banking & Trust Co.
$25,000 OO.
Tran-Hils a General Hanking business.
Jteceives deposits subject to check or on demand certificates.
Our eiistntneis are assured of courteous treatment and every consideration con
sisteut with sound banking principles.
bafety Injxes tor rem. J. FHANK WATSON, Pres.
1!. A. BOOTH, Vice-Tret.
I.. I.. JEWELL, Cashier.
The First National Bank
$.10,000 on.
Keceive deposits subject to check or on certificate payable on demand.
Sells sight drafts mi New York Han Francisco, and Portland.
Telegraphic transfers sold on all points in the 1'nited States.
Special Attention given to Collections and general business nf our customers.
Collections made throughout Southern Oregon, and on all acccssinle points.
It. A. IP10TH. Pres.
J. C. CAM PltKI.I,. Vice Pres.
II. L. Ull.KKY, Cashier
Hire are a few Jlnrqnins for n shnrt timr only.
No. 813. 40 acres adjoining city limits. One, 7-room house nnd
one ll-room- house. Small barn, and a good cellar under house All
fenced; small orchard, all varieties of fruit. 1'rico $l?(Hl; one-half
cash, balance 011 time at eight per cent interest.
No. 175. 40 acres just outside city limits. Small orchard and
famll dwelling house. I'rice $;U0. ibis place will be olTercd at this
price for the next !!0 days only.
No. 21'). Now 8-rooin house, two acres of ground all in orchard,
situated ou tlio main street ill the city, all fenced and all fhipruvcincnts
lirt class. Price, $250.).
Mr. John Wells, County Commissioner, Replies to the Ob
server Man's "Interview.''
Grants Pass, Oregon, May 24, 1904.
Editor Courier:
Please allow me, through the col
umns of your valuable paper, to reply
to some insinuations made against the
county court and invsclf In the last
issue of the Oregon Observer. It bus
never been my policy to givo any heed
to political maligning, for the reason
that experience lias long sit ce taught,
that it is generally disbelieved, and
especially is that true in this com
munity. My reason for taking notice
at this time is that the article reflects
upon others associated with me poli
tically and officially.
Tho article in tliu Observer and the
editorials assume that tho county
couit has been contemplating the cou
struc iou of a new bridge, but I can
state positively that at no time lias
the court offically considered that
question, and lias never at any time
employed or requested HDy engineer or
official to make any report upon or
consider that question. I have talked
some with a few citizens on the sub
ject, but the only idea was to build a
bridgo only when necessary. It is
true that sonic complaint had betn
niado thai tho bridge was not entire
ly safe, but the court had not consid
ered the complaints seriou ily enough
to have the matter looked into, as the
bridge seemed to be answering all ro
quiromenK It had been suggested by
one of tho heavy taxpayers of the
county, Mr. J. T. Layton, that when a
bridgo was built that tho ftime should
be done by direct tux for that purpose,
for the reason that it would in the cud
be cheaper, for if warrants are Issued
the interest is paid for so long a time,
that the cost is almost doubled, when
Dually paid for. But in that re
spect would of course bo guided by
too people, as I have always been.
I have lived in Josephine and Jack
sou counties for 40 years and I am en
tirely willing to leave to the judgment
of the people the question whether
I would bo governed by any base
motive in official lifo. jj,n conversa
tion aluded to in the Observer, ap
pearing 011 the titst mge, came about
in this way : I met V. W. Chansse
on tho street and took him to task for
an attack made upon me in tho pre
ceding issue about the Sucker creek
bridge, in which lie said that had
there been a commissioner of the right
sort, the bridge could have been
saved. I told him that the day the
bridgo was dtstroyed, that I worked
with four men through one of the
hardest rains I ever saw, till nine
o'clock at night, when being ntterly
exhausted anil the daikuess being so
iutense, wo had to desist. Tho bridge
was destroyed by the bank being wash
ed away, and no labor could have pre
vented it. He endeavored to pass the
matter off iu apologetic -manner say
ing it did not amount to anything,
' ntwl llieti nf la.rwii rils hee-lll to talk
about the bridge here. As he seemed
somewhat embarrassed and sorry, I
couitnued the conversation with him,
and did say that I thought when we
had to build a bridge that a steel
bridge would he cheapest in the long
tun, and something about the prob
able cost, and about the difference in
living for it by direel tax cr with v ar
rauts. 1 was not talking for publica
tion nor as commissioner, but as one
private citizen to another.
I little expe n d that urter the apol
ogies mado foi- tho previous attack
that my remarks would he gitbled to
make another. I am charitable enough
to believe that had tho county court of
which I was a member allowed all the
printing bills of tint Observer instead
of insisting upon a reduction to a
proper and reasonable price, that the
attempt to intimate that I am conspir
ing to build a bridge, when uuncces
saiy or for any ulterior purprsc would
not have been made. I 11m not com
plaining because I know that men who
try to tin their duty fearlessly and hon
estly are always assailed by those who
long to live out of the county treasury,
and nothing so euriigi s some people as
the fear that their graft will bo ter
minated. Kospt ctfullv,
The Current 'nlted States Postage
It may bo of our interest to our
readers to give hero tho full particu
lars as to the color-t aud designs of
all tho new projected Issues of
United States stamps, also to give
the years of birth and death which
aro placed under 1110 portrait 01 eacn
person depicted in tho series, iu the
same manner as. iu the new 3c. Our
young students 01 Aiuoncau nisiury
ought to tako considerable iuterest
iu these dates, which much enhance
tho historical value of the stamps ou
which they appaer. Here is tho com
plete list, with tho exception of the
25c, whoso color aud design have
not yet been determined by the postal
authorities! Icgreen, Franklin, 1706
1710 ; 3c, red, Washington, 1732-1700;
3.', purple.Jacksou, 1751I-184J; 4c, dark
brown, Grant, 1823-1 HS5; 00, blue,
Lincoln, 1800-115; c, mageuta, Gar
Held, ltWl-lHSl; 8c, dark lilac, Martha
Washington, 1732-1803; 10c, light
brown, Daniel Webster, 1782 1853; 13c,
slate, Henjamin Harrison, 1833-1001;
15c, olive, Henry Clay, 1777-1853;
50c, orange, JufTerBOti, 1784-182fi ; l,
black, D. O. Farragut, 1801-1870;
2, sapphire blue, MadiHOti, 1751-183(1;
ft, dark green, John Marshall, 1755
1835. Tho composition of tho list of
designs of tho new issue Is worthy
of some study. Therein we find chos
en for honor 011 our national stamps
our four greatest, presidents, namely,
Washington, Jeffersou, Jackson Bill
Lincoln; tho three mat tyred presi
dents, Lincoln, Garfield and McKin
Icy; our greatest general aud admiral
in the persons of Grant and Farragut,
our greatest diplomatist iu the person
of Franliliu; our greatest jurist, John
Marsha. 1; our two greatest statesmen,
Webster and Clay; another distin
guished president, not quite iu the
class of the four named as greatest,
Madison; and lastly Martha Wash
ington, tho devoted wife of the man
whom Americans will always lovo to
call tho father of his country. The
manner In which tho whole realm of
American political history has boeti
drawn on iu tho subjects for this Her
ies cannot but interest anyone at all
interested in historr. American Hoy
Residence and business lots iu any part of the city,
able aud terms to suit.
Call on or uddress
Pre ies reason-
Headquarters for Heal Estate.
Ottice on E Street, between Fourth and Fifth Streets,
v-TfTr'iT-Tr--irrt''' ry-: ',-T--t--t':-"
' An Open Letter.
From the Chaplu, S. C , News:
Early iu the spring my wile ami I
were takeu with diarrhoea and so
severe were tho pains that we called a
physician who prescribed for ns, but
his medicino failed to give any relief.
A friend who had a bottle of Cham
berlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea
Remedy on hand gavo each of us a
dosu and wo at once felt the effects.
I procured a bottle and be fore using
the entire contents, we were entirely
cored. It is a wcudeiful remedy and
should be found iu every houshold.
H. O. Huily., editor. This remedy is
for sale by all druggists.
Will overcome indigestion ami dys
pepsia; regulate the bowles and cure
liver aud kidney complaints. It is
tho best blood enrichcr ami invigora
tor In tho world. It is purely vege
table, porfictly harmless, yotl will
use it if you tiro wise. It. N. An
drews, editor and Mgr. Cocoa and
Hockledgo News, Cocoa, Flit., writes:
"1 have used your Herbine ill my
family, and find it a most excellent
medicine. lis effects noon myself
have be 11 a marked benefit. I recom
mend It iinhesitat niglv. 51) cents
at Slover Drug Co.
A U. Bann&rd Underlet kt-r.
StMa Roevd to Do Built Across
Dans for "a "public highway across
the state of Missouri between SL Louis
nd Kansas City are virtually complet
ed, and, according to W. H. Moore,
president of the National Good Ronds
association, work probably will begin
uiKin the roadway early next spring.
The project has been a cherished 0110
tver since the uiitlonal convention of
food rondcrs was held Iu Chicago In
T.I0O. At that time the feasibility of
building a cross slate road was dis
cussed by Mlssotirhins, nnd President
Moore was asked to use his best efforts
to make the undertaking successful.
As proposed the roadway will be 100
foot wide throughout Its course, says
(he St. Louis U, 'public. While It Is to
be built primarily for stability It Is
also the purpose of the projectors to
make It one of the most beautiful high
ways of the world.
Macndntn eight Inches deep and
twenty-four feet wide will form the
principal roadbed, but clny wagon
paths will parallel the main roadway
on both sides for dry weather. Be
tween the dirt roadbeds and tho fences
which will follow tho coiitso of the
road water sluices arc to bo made for
drainage. Between theso sluices and
the fences a wide plank walk for pe
destrians is also to be laid, nnd be
tween the sluices nnd the walk trees
are to he planted for shade.
These trees are to be planted by per
sons living along the route of tho road
way, uocordlng to a clause in the agree
ment which will be drawn up between
the projectors and the olllclals of the
counties through which the road passes.
According to the calculations of Mr.
Moore, about nfty-flve itillea of this
cms state highways are already com
pleted. ami from observations made
along the ronds six counties luivo inn
terlnl from which the rond can be con
structed. The cost of tho road Is not lo
exceed $3,000 a mile, which will bring
the total cost when completed In the
neighborhood of I'.MKt.iHHI.
The building of the road, if all tho
plans of the National Coral Itnads ns
soehitlon tire carried out, will devolve
largely upon convict labor, the viigrnul
nnd those guilty of misdemeanors.
Taxation w ill form the chief means of
raising money to complete the work.
each county paying n pro rata of the
expense. Money appropriated by the
legislature for the Improvement of tht
roadways will also be used ou the cross
talc highway.
Homes Furnished Complete
Immense Stock the Newest,
the Latest the Market Affords.
Lace Curtains 45c per pair up
Go-Carts from $4.50 up
-Iron Beds from $3-50up
Bod Lounges Big Reduction, regular $17.00
values for $13.90.
New Upholsteries and Couch Coverings 12'Z to 60c yard
Special values in Floor Coverings all kinds.
WALL PAI'KRS an immense line, Choicest Patterns.
Screen Doors, Window Screens,
Chamber Sets, regularly worth $12.00, for $3. 00
New Glassware, beautiful designs Tumblers,
Sets, Bowls.
DtsiiKS in Grhat Variety at Monky Saving Pricks.
For Art est ol Assassins and Sheep
Blue Front Shop
South Sixth Street.
t t t
Scientific Horseshoers
All work is strctiy -c',as sad
IIKFM'(i .v c.oi:
Mining Tool Worl
1,1), it'll Ills 1'llMM. l-'.
...Newell Bros. Racket Store...
TiiIVm l(uillitir, t-ilxtli !-.! !'(
We Hjva Bargains in
Straw Huts, 25c for toe 50c
Shirt Wrists
Base balls and Hats
Glassware t
Granite Ware
Lamps, complete, 25c
See our fi,
kind 1 Jewelry
' Einhroidcri-s
Lace Curtains
1 )oor Mats
Oranges and Lemons
IM anil 1.1 Cent Counter.
I 51 O X.
L. R WERSTKP, I'KKsn.Ksr. W. I!. II A MM' INI), Skciutaky
The Southern Oregon
Title Guaranty & Abstract Company
TitlM Kxnntlin'il, ltrlfflt'tl, i imi-aiilM-l.
A. S. HAMMOND. ArroBNtv.
to (i rants Ias, Oiviron.
00 II
Steel and 1'reeland
Moving Pictures
Assay Office
(.'HAIKiES :
iilvi r, Coppi r,
Hold and Silver,
I liougbt ami Hi fim d for D. ntal Trade
Governor Chamhcrlaiu uu Friday Is
sued a proclitmaltion offering rewards
aggregating tUOOO for the arrest of the
assassin or assassins of J. O. Conn,
tho Silver Lake, Lake County, mer
chant, and for the arrest and convict
ion of the parties guilty of destroying
a bind of 2500 sheep at Christmas
Lake, Lake county, April 2Ktli last.
The governor at the same tiino direct
ed a letter to th'i peace authorities of
Lake county ask ing them to exercise
evcrv diligence to proservo law and
The coroner's jury in investigating
the cause of Conn's death, returned n
verdict of suicide, but thiro seems to
be strong reasons to believe that lie
was niiiidcred and that his death was
at least indirectly chargeable to the
existing feuds between the cattle and
sheep im 11 of that si etioi:.
The governor says Iu his letter to
Sheriff Diiulap: "I am just in receit
of 11 complaint from reputable citi
zens m ar the placa where acts (if law
h ssin ss have been indulged in who
b" ii vii that greater efforts ought to be
made for the apprehension of those
who have been guilty of tho destruc
tion of propeity and other acts of vio
cin e. l'roni this source, I learn that
dead lines have been established by
th' lawless clement of the commun
ity, ami the owners of sheep aro warn
ed by them that if they cross the
-am" I lo y must incur the snally of
death as well as the loss of proH-rty.
I lin ats are made that persons who
undertake to discover t'm identity of
those who have been engaged ill the
destruction of prop rty f the citizens
of ynur comity will be a-siissiiiali d "
Democratic Speaking.
Robert Glenn Smith, democratic
candidate fur representative, Dennis
II. Stovall, ca'jdidate for school
su)crintciiilcut nnd II. D. Norton,
wil make a speech making tour ad
dressing the people of the county on
legislation particularly affecting Jose-
Their dates are as follows:
Solum, Friday, Way 2".
Slate Creek, Saturday, May 2.
Meetings will also bo hell III
Grants Pass at litter dates.
Old Bee-r Get Awny but Cubs
Are Ceptured.
! Each and veiy tis-ay 1
idea that it mav be dice!
11I1 tlii
May 25-26,
s T i: 1: K
h 9 V'1, ,
t s 7 :
k 10 5 1
e ;
H I a ,
- 1
L 12 I 3
a ' 1 . a
0 I 1
Z " ' ;
' "
Edison's Suotcss
A Trip to Hie Moon
Life of an American Fireman,
Russiian-Japan U'ur, Battle of
Chemulpo, Attack on Port Ar
thur, etc., etc.
is Mimcthing in which we take par
ticular interest Would he (.'!.n t,j
j have you t n',1 ami talk painting
I with us; p'.tlinps our txptncni 0 in
; this line may he 'if service td ott
1 We carry all kind-, of paint brusli
cs, varnishes, 1 tc. and guarantee
quality and ptice. If )ou use dyes
remember that
Illustrated Soii"s.
PUTNAM I -711)11'
color silk, wool or cotton
at one bailing - - -
I Admission 15o, 2-X reserved w-ats,
35c on salo at Horning & Depuy's.
I 1 '
I Se Ywirhies shout Krslsks nd Supplies
! At
opp. Opera l.ousD
J. B. I'ADI OCK, i'koik.
line ol Oui'lery ork iu any kind
Is in the northern trt of the
city, about one north of th.i . I am prenered to furnish anything in the
new brick Public Kch.l Hldg.. . , .t1PT!1.t. . nSlMTi:
, 7 Nesrly thirty years of rspvrien
The lot in this addition re especially adapted for re-idem-e purrs-.- ss
they are very large and on rolling ground and higher than the city pro r.
For s xhnrt time only Ireland A Meade are making remarkably low price.
It will iy vou to investigate their prouo-ilion before buying ii--here.
See H. V. MEADE, at the Courier office, fur pariloul irs.
in the Marble busine:- warrants rnr enyinir
' that I cn fill your orders in the very twst manner.
I On furnish work in Scotch, Se; or American Grsn.fe or any kind cl
1 faih.
j Kroiit street, NflJt Iu Orern?' Gar.sbop.
Specie. I Rains Are Being Offered
By I). 6. K G
The Denver it Itio Grande, iu fun
nel lion with the Missouri I'm illc, will
run a scries of 'i rsomilly Conducted
Excursions to I be World's Fair during
Julia. These excursions will run
t hroiigh to St. Louis without change
of curs, making short stops at princi
pal points en route. The lirst ol
tin sc excuisous will 1' iive I'ortliinil
June Ttb, anil the second June 17th.
The rate from Grants l'ass will be
5d to St Louis ami return. Ei
cursi, mists going via the Denver A
Rio Grande have t f in privi lege of re
turning via a different route. This is
the most pleasant way, ns well as the
most d'-lil.tful route, to cross the
eonl incut. The stops arranged give
an opportunity f visiting tliu various
isiiuts of interest in aud about Sail
Lake City, D. over and Kansas City.
If you wih to accompany one of
tlo se eje ursii.ns witii at once, to V.
C. Milii id", 121 Third street, l'ort-
liiinl, for slii ping cur reservations.
A very pretty China Tea Set
A I'.eautiful Rug
A useful Trunk
A desirable Dress Pattern (lilacs)
A tine All Linen Table Cover
A pair Nice Lace Curtains.
See Window
lied Star Stole.
A ticket with overy 50o cash purchase. 800 circu
lars tor imrtioulars. It pays to trade hero.
Uha Ilousefurnishers
Grants Pass. - Oregon.
IU. L Z. tl. Column
. HSAAfcAm .leSi1
Welhorn Ileesou, Joseph Apple
baker, John lllasch ami John Seller.
had quite a lively experience one day
last week up 011 Wagner creek with
t large cinnamon bear and two cubs.
They gave chase to the mi I mals
w hen discovered anil di baker
said to have stood upon his head
oftcner than upon his feet as he sped
down the mountain side nflcr that
agile beast of the forest. Huwever,
the maiuiiia Hear was loo swift fi
the whole hunch of pursuers, and
made her choiih. 1 The cubs, how
ever, were less fortunate, one or tliem
having been killed by a falling tree
and tlm other cue made a captive.
Mr. Applebakcr brought the captuicd
animal to Medford aud now has it in
training, while lie, himself, is famil
iarizing himself with those lilies
peculiar to the Dago dialect which
run something like this: "Iwrest'e
mil do bear, do bear wrestle mil me ;
sometime I frow do bear, sometime
do bear frow me. "Medford Mail.
Growing Athti and Paint.
Mrs. Johie Summer, llremond,
Texas, wtiles, April 15, I!I2: "I
have used Ilallald's Snow Liniment
ill my family for three years. 1
would not be without It in tlm house.
I have used it 011 my little girl foi
growing pains and aches in her knees
It cured her right nway. I have also
used It for frost bitten feet, with
good success. 'It is the best lini
ment I ever used.'" 2, .jiic, $1,00
at Slover Drug Co.
Quhk Am it
J. A Gullcdge of Verbena, Ala.,
was twice in tliu hospital from a
severe ease of piles, causing 21
tumors. After doctors and all reined
ies failed, Ilucklen's Arnica Salve
quickly arrested further intlamiiml lull
and fund him. It conquers iiciies
and kills pain. 25c at National Drug
Store aud Grants l'ass I'hurmucy.
Excursion Kales to Yaqulna Bay.
Ou Juno 1st the Southern 1'uclfic
Co. will resume rule ol Excursion tick
ets to Newport, and Vaquina liny.
Doth season and Saturday to Monday
tickets will be told. This jsipular re
sort is growing in favor each year,
hotel rates are reasonable and the o
Immunities for fishing, bunting and
sea bathing aro unexcelled by any olh
er resort 011 the Pacific coast.
W. E. Cnman,
Gen. Puss. Agent.
Ask your dealer for Koguii Rivet
Creamery Iiutter made at Medford is
Greet Activity In Mining Camps
Surrounding the Town.
Tho rain will do lots of good, but
nothing wax suffering.
We aro having nice, timely rains as
the ground was getting quite dry.
The weather at present is warm and
loudy. People, up to date, have uot
lone any irrigating, ns wo woro not
Mrs. dug has lately married, but
your correspondent lias not noon ante
to learn tho name of the man she
married, hut wo sup pose ' ho has a
large ninouiit of mining wilt bo
done 011 Mt. Reuben creek this sum
mer, as mining is donn 011 that creek
in summer as well as winter. There
is too much water to o'ean bedrock,
as the creek is hard to drain.
Wo are receiving some millers from
tho east, who have bought ground oil
Mt. Reuben. From their appearanoe,
(hey will have plenty of cash to ojs'll
their claims. That creek carries
coarse gold anil II wnrken proHTiy,
w ill give good returns.
The Kenton mine, owned by Jones
A Lewis, Is showing up nicely. They
aro piliug op a large amount of rock.
Thci. ledge is of good width nod we
understand tho company will erect a
mill in the near future. This prop
erty is 011 tho Whiskey creek side of
the mountain.
We niiilersland llorcii has struck a
rich pocket on Mt. Reuben. It ro
s inblcs a porphyry dike. People who
are posted 011 such mnttvrs say ho lias
got a rich thing. Ily punning dirt on
the hillside, he got a trace of gold, so
by follow ing np the side It led to nil
other pocket and several have been
found mi the cusl side of the moun
A big surveying party went down
Grave Cree k to survey some mining
I , nil. The time has come w ith so
many miners in the country, when it
stands 11 man ill hand to survey his
mining claim. We understand some
trouble is being experieiired with pat
ties at Greenback. Some ate trying
lo gobble upland that does not belong
In them. Perhaps that will make
food for lawyers.
l hn Hotel Lnlaud is doing a good
business as this is the ccutril local iou
fur miners to and drummers. Some
people have ci hi re w ith pulmon
ary diseases and li.ivii been benefitted
by the rliinate ami water of Leland
The air is so b acing, that ponplo who
eome here w 11I1 a languid feeling re
eeive benefit.
No 111111 ring' s lo report at present.
Wide Awake.
Broken Thing Wanted.
When your Furniture, Organ
Guitar or Mandolin needs repairing
ir rellniehiiig, ami your furniture up
holstering, call nt West 1' rent street,
between ltd and Ith si. New Fur
re made to order. Lawn mowers
Jiarponeil. Work guaranteed.
The National Congress of Mothers
occurred In Chicago, May 11, 13, 13
aud 14. Mts. Frederick Scoff Is presi
dent. Miss Sophia Bull Wright, of New
Orleans, was made tho rooipient of the
Picayune and Progressive Union lov
ing enp In tokju of appreciation of
her work In connection with the night
school. Mora than 13,000 people were
present at the demonstration for Miss
Wright, and fairly deluged her with
floral offerings. Miss Wright was
styled the first aud foremost citizen
of the Queen City of the Southland,
aud tho noblest and purest type of
Southern womanhood.
Mrs. L. M. N. Stevens, Nat. Pres.
W. C. X. U., gave an address at a
public tiimperanco mooting held In
Portland, Sunday afternoon, May 1.
Tho subject of hor speech was " Pro
hibition versus High License and Loc
al Optlou." Miss Anna A. Gordon
and Mrs. George S. Hunt also address
ed the meeting.
Mrs Mary Sibbet, speaker aud Mr.
Warreu Ellis, singer, have been carry
ing on a Prohibition campaign in
Southwestern Kausss. Mrs. Sibbet
has the reputation of beiug one of the
best vote iu tlia state. - . - . ..
Gcrmntiy w ill open its most exclus
ive doors to the Womun's Congress.
which meets iu llerllu early in June.
One of tho largest halls in the Ruich-
stag has been set aside for the connoll
and a portion of the town hall lias
been reserved for tho meetings of the
congress. Iu spite of the fact that the
Kaiser's ideal woman concerns herself
only with tho three k's kinder, kir
ohu and kuche (children, church aud
kitchen) many leading German wom
en will entertain tho visitors and at
tend thu meetings, lucludiug tho wife
of the Premier, Countess vou Buelow,
who will take much tho same part of
tho proceedings us did the Conutoss of
Aberdeen ill Loudon,
Susan II Anthony and her sister,
Miss Mary, will sail for Berlin on
May 111, to attend the international
suffrage convention and tho meeting of
1 1 10 International Congress of Women.
Noted suffragists will ba with Miss
A Poiillvs Ncccnlty.
Having to lay upon my bed for U
days from a severely bruised lev, I
only found relief w hen I used a bot
tle of Dullard's Snow Liniment. I
can cheerfully recommend it as the
best medicine for bruises ever seut
to the afflicted. It has now become a
necessity upon myself. D. R.
Dvrnes, Merchant, Doversvillo, Texas.
25c, 5iV, $1.00 at Slover Drug Co.
A Valuable Log.
Saturday a young man named Frost,
from near Galesvi lie, brought to Glen
dale eight coyote scalps. Ou May 1st
he found all of these animals in a hol
low log nnd, dragging them outouo at
a time, relieved them of their scalps
all same Indian fashion. Ho sent them
to Roseburg for tho $3 bounty on
each scalp. News.
DriUKed By - Horse.
Iluone Itcillleld nu t with a terrible
nciibnt T'jesday, ami it seems ulinost
miraculous that I scaped with his
Ufa. While leading a fractious horse
at the Langi nbuig place oil Cow
creek, the animal gave a sudden
jump, which jermd Dnomi off his
feet, and III falling H'o roisi Iscame
fast. 111 d around onu of his legs The
horse then ran ott tlnv. 11 a sti ep hill,
diagglng Dooue about 10" yards, bruis
ing and cutting him iu a frightful
manner, particularly about the fai e.
Fortunately the horse slopped Joat long
enough for Bnouc, who by this time
was almost unconscious, to uncoil tho
rope from his leg. Ho at once came
to town and had his wounds dressed.
It was a close rail, and had lie beeu
dragged another ten feet, ho never
..... m -....!. f iM.r..1wl umure would hav.i lived to tell tlie story.
lull weight. Gh liilalo News.
Absolutely Pure