Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927, May 12, 1904, Page 3, Image 3

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    kOGL'E felVKR COtjRIEk, CkANTS pAss OREGON, MaV tK 1904.
STRAWBERRIES First of the season May 3-20. Price will
decline rapidly. California 'anticipates a
very lare crop quality will be fine.
Remember all our vegetables are kept off of the street awav from
dust and dirt and fresh at all times New Potatoes due next week.
FRUITS-Bananas soon out of market. Oranges and Lemons at
- their beet. Sweet Naval Oranges 20 to 30c per dozen.
FRESH SLICED BOILED HAM (sweet as a nut).
Full Cream Cheese cut just as you waut it with our new computing
Watch our Window for Energy that Energiies.
The White House Grocery.
S and 10 Cents per Foot.
These are not defective pieces, but mill ends
left after cutting full 50-foot lengths. The
remnants are coupled in lengths from 10 to
20 feet. They are great bargains. Lawn
Sprinklers, Hose Nozzles, Lawn Mowers,
Liiwn Hakes and Harden Tools.
Odd Fellows' Block.
Spring Weather Is Coining
for It?
Yon will utvil
Garden Tools
a ixl
in your garden.
Your fruit tiees will need spraying. We have Lime. Sul
pliur and milestone, anil Spray Pumps uf all sizes. We
are prepared for all seaons come in and see us.
Grants Pass,
...Newell Bros. Racket Store...
T11 Hi llulliliiitf, fiixlh Slircl
iii:AixjrAHTi:s l'ow i:vi:ivtiii;.
Wa Hjvj Dargiin in
Ptraw Huts, 2".c for tin) .',Uc kind
Shirt Wrist
Base I, nils unil Bats
(ilusswa re
( iranito Ware
Lamps, complete,
See our. "i, l "lid I", Cent
Mumbering the Houses. j
(Irants Pass in making anillur
stride ulieitil duo to the fait the
business and jiri vuto houses ar brh:g
numbered and hrrrnfter 1 1 it- location
ufa curtain place ran bo d. finitely
given by number inst-nd of a certain
number nf houses- thin side r the
other fiiin of the creek. A syMrtii of
nanilicriiig has been need, d In re
greatly ami will lie undid this year
more than ever. 1 ho tneitihers of the (
city council have ni veil the Weber'
Dir. ctnry Co. the privilege of doing '
Ihe wirli and thi'ir charge of 40 cents
fur tl.o uality of numbers tin y fur
nish, is remark .lil y low.
i&mmar I
f!et our
jriccs on
Estimates made on all riunihiiie' and Tinnincj contracls.
Satisfaction jruarantccd.
Grants Pass Hardware Go.
Gold Medal
Hard Wheat
The kind you were accustomed to
in the East. Our Valley Flour
can't be beat, better now than
ever before price just the same.
Arc You Prepared
: ,rv ' i" v . .
M i Aw
Lace Curtains
Door Mats
Oranges ami Lemons
I ',-.
'l'Wl':i'J 11 OK.
Tax Pavers Mass Meeting.
The tax payers of Ju-ophine county
ami of the ciiy of I 'a mi Grants are to meet at the city hull
Saturday, MaV H'h, llml, at '.' i. in.
for the pur; oh" of considering the
proteitieu of the bridge across Rogue
river, anil the piopnr-ition of the water
conn any n lating to time.
All citizens invilcil to be present.
At request of County Court ami
Hoard of Trade.
Hartford I'.ii voles, are as good as
ever. S dil ty Cramer limn.
Fresh bread always on hand at
Horning it 1 'eptiyV.
$1.45 per Gallon
Guaranteed for 5 Years.
Moline Wagons
All Sizes.
People es They Come nnd Go
From Day to Day
Arthur How land spent Sunday in
Misa lioldiie Miller wtMit to Med-
foid Wednesday. '
G. V. Chnpin was in from l.eland '
on busiuesH Moud ly.
Arehio Market of Olcudale spout
Wedni'miay iu tiranta Pass.
Mrs. A. U. Baunard returned Sat
urday from a visit at Portland and
Miss Zona Chapman returned Tues
day Irom Portland, where sho lias
silent the wiuter.
J. V. Fitzpatriek enmo up from
McCloud Friday on basluesn, returu
iiiK home Saturday
A. D. Clink arrived Monday even
ing from Detroit, Mich., and will
make Grauts Pass his homo.
E. J. Kaiser, edidtor of the Valley
Rieord, was np from Ashland Friday
ana made the Courier olliee a plcantut
Master Dwinht Jewell celebrated
his 10th birthday on Saturday and en
tertained 10 of his boy friends on that
S. E. Ishatu, lias goup out to Will
iams Bros' mill on Appleagte to re
sume his former position ns night
Among the late arrivals in Grants
t ass are John G. King and John Eve
land of Hudson, Wis., who intend to
make this their homo.
Archie Tavlor returned this week
from a stay of some length in Califor
nia. Ho visited the Tonapah gold
holds of Nevada, during his absence.
George Stover returned Saturday
from a few weeks stay at the Ander
son mine on Calico creek. He se
cured a number of riiin photographs.
Mrs. J. A. Hart left Friday for
Albany for an extended visit with sou
and family. She has spent the past
year or more Willi her daughter, Mrs.
J. Pardee.
J. W. Bnkor soon leaves for St.
Louis to visit the fair and also to visit
Marshal, Mo., his former, homo.
When he returns ho will bo accom
panied by his father.
Misses Irma anil llattio Silsby re
turned last week from n delightful
stay in Calilon ia. While in San
Francisco they witnessed tho launch
ing of the California.
Mrs. J. IX Fry left Tuesday morning
for nil extended' trip. She will spend
a week at Corvallis and a week in
Portland aud thou will go to Glen
wood, Iowa, to visit lelativis lor
several weeks.
A. I. Gondell, superintendent of the
Takilma Smelling Co., now foals at
homo in this county as his household
goods have arrived and have been
moved to tho new home on tho
Seventh and C street.
Jainos I.eslio of Clinton, Iowa,
spent Sunday with bis brother, Uev.
Itoht. Leslie. Mr. Leslie is a promi
nent grocer of Clinton and has hem at
San Francisco attending the uncling
of the Grocers Convent ion.
Mr. anil Mrs. A. T. Martin and two
childien and Van Farmer are recent
arrivals from Mechauiishurg, III.,
who intend to make Grunts Pass
their home. Other families urn ex
pected from the sitno place this week.
Miss Yida Monro, win has boon at
the Good Samaritan hospital at Port
laud, undergoing a snrgical operation,
is rapidly recovering and is expected
to retnrn homo in abonr two weeks
with her mothrr, who has been with
her constantly.
Miss Lucy George left Saturday for
Krrby to take the school in district
No. M, located between Kcrliy and
Waldo. Mrs. C. L. Ch venger will
take Miss George's pi 'ire iu tho
Grants Pass schools during the re
mainder of the school yiar.
Win. and Manvill Hego, who have
been working lately at the (iro Fino
mine, left on Wednesday for a long
trip to tho St. Louis exposition and
farther east to visit in Indiana and
oilier states. Tlu'y went by Ihe South
ern route and will return via tlx Den
ver & Kio Grande.'
Sir. and Sirs. Harmon arrived from
St. Louis last week with tho int
tion of making Grants Pass J heir
home. 'Ihey say that the fair ex
i hibilrt will not be comidi to for a mini
her of weeks vet. Hundreds of car
I loads of exhibits are in tho railroad
i yards waiting the enuiplet ion ot the
buildings they arc to occupy.
Sits. John ctiteiiaim il a
I number of friends last. Wedie sday
I I veiling at their home on II stieet in
i honor of tho anniversary of Sir. Ran-
zau's birthday. 1 li evening was
i very pleasantly spent with whist fill
j lowed by an elaborate supper. 'Thorn
were present, .ir. nun .irs. n.
Ilarth, Pr. and Mrs. A. P. Ih-.rth,
Mr. and Mr. Fred Colvig, Sir. nnd
Mrs. Hoy Wilson, Sir. and Sirs. Ira
Key. ,1. A. Crutehfii Id, former las
tor of the St. E. clmr: !., South, of
th'S place, is again in Southern
Oregon. He spoilt si vi ral iliiyn iu
Mi dfoidnnd several days in Grants
Pass and occupied his former pulpit in
the evening, lie will also lisil Al
bany, whom one of his sons has a
situation iu a bank. Sir. ('ruti-hlo-ld,
since leaving here, has been in Texas,
New Moixoo, Aii.oni and Califernia,
Pl.t thinks Oregon is the pine- lor
him. Mrs. Crntrhtichl will come
west later.
Christian Church ServltuJ
Services at Christian church next
Lold's IJ.iy as follows :
Sunday school lit in a. in. ; 1 ri ach
ing at It.
Young Pioph s' in" ling at 7 p. in.
At p. m. .Miss H lines, Stale or
ganiz r of C. W. 11. M. w ill speak.
All are invited to these senilis.
The Liiinlicr
hauler's friend
J. L. CALVERT, 5ecrtry sr.d Tresiurtr.
Officers Elected For the Ensuing !
The final mooting cf tho Grants
Pass Woman's Clnb, for the season
of 1U03-O4, was held ill the parlors of
Bethany Freshyteriau church last
Saturday afternoon. The meeting
was well attended, aud the afternoon
was a memorable one in the history
of the local organ i .at ion of club
women. The principal work of the
meeting was the electing of oilleers
for the couiiug year.
Mrs. Clarke's resignation as direct
or was received and accepted.
The yearly reports of the secretary
and the treasurer wero read. Hy the
secretary's report it was iliown that
seven regular meetings, seven execu
tive board meetings, two entertain
ments Bint one bent tit concert were
held during the season. According to
thu report of the treasurer thorn urn
jss.t',0 in the funds of tho cluh.
On motion it was decided to sus
pend the Art Department for the tiifio
Tho Physical Culture Department
and the Homo and Household
Economic Department will be ouiU'il
next season.
It was unanimously voted by the
club that Miss Euhi Howard and Miss
Ethel Palmer bo mado liouorary-niem-bers
of tho Grants Pass organization.
The following ollieers were elected
for the onsuing yt ar :
President, Sirs. .las. Iluir; vice-
president, Sirs, Heiunieuway ; record
ing secretary, Sirs. John Lucas:
treasurer, Slis Cleo Lucas; director.
for three years, Sirs. 1. . Van
Dvke; director for two years, Sirs.
H. L. Gilkey.
Sirs. H. C. Kinney was elicted
superintcr.rp.'ut cf tho .Slusic Depart
ment, Miss Uoooin ot thu Department
of Literature, Mrs: Hildretli of the
Parliamentary Department. Mrs. Har
mon of the Necdli work Department,
Mrs. ClovetiRor of the Home aud
lloufohold Economic Department.
Sliss Hattie Silsby was elected re
Mrs. il. V. ivmnov, in tier nsmil
happy way, presented Sirs. F. E.
leuug with a raniismne nicnieiito
iu behalf of the club members, and in
token of the appreciation of the
zealous, encrgetio and untiring work
Mrs. Young has done fur the cluh
here. It is a recngn fai l that to
Mrs. Young's leadership is largely
due tho success of the Grants Pass
organization, and tho recognition
the cluh has reeoived lrom the state,
lias been brought al ut her
efloris. Every member appreciates
the work Sirs. Young has done to the
full, and the t.ib il lesenteil ,s but a
simple reminder of this appreciation.
Sho will certainty be uiisstd in the
future meetings.
Ill her response, Sirs. Young thank
ed the club individually and collect
ively for the support it has given her,
and mosr of all for the kindness and
good will shown. On having the
club, and ilrants Pars, she departs
with tne best wishis for t ho success
of tho cluh, aud the success and con
tentment and peace of its ineniliers,
Sirs. I). 11. Stovall, 'reporter.
In MocU
Their Views.
ctnd Air
Tho parliamentary department- of
thu Woman's club entertained their
friends at the I O. O. F. hall last
Friday evening In n mock conven
tion iu which the following pioiniii'-nt
ladies were present ill tho person of
Grants Pass representatives:
Sirs Gov Chamberlain Mrs t jilvcrt.
I'.olva Ann Lock wood Sirs Lucas.
Siary Ellen L.-asi Sirs W C Hale.
Sirs' J I) . Uorkfeller Sirs Good-
Sirs Admiral Dowry Mis Durham.
Sirs Hetty Green Mrs Gill.
Carrie Nation Sirs lbtni nwav.
Sirs Ella Wheel, r Wileox and S.i
niantha Allen Sirs Young.
Sirs putter Palmer Sirs Norton.
I. ady Henry Somerset of England
Mrs Parker.
Sirs William Jennings Bryan Mrs
Helen Gould-Sirs Pen
Mrs Giovir Cleyrland Sirs Delia
Sirs Conn iius Viind'-rbilt Mrs
Sirs Thro Jtosevcll Sin
N.-llie lily Mrs .P nuio
Si avey.
I la vis.
Chun Lariou Mrs Perdue.
Susan-It Anthony .Mrs I levengcr.
The convent inn was pn siib-d over'
hy Susan II Anil. . my in a staid and
stately inanie r. while the variom
ladies acted their part true to name
and the eliiiraeeri'-t it's of speech and
actions of Ihe originals wire faith
fully p.rliavod In the convention.
The speech, s had It ilu'lil- d local
hearing and many telling "digs"
were administered to the cily
councils, past and present, fur actions
that did not coincide with vo ws of
the speakers.
Circuit Court Doings.
The circuit court ro-onveiud mi
Friday a ftrr an adjournment of two
days.' 1 1," :loilo,ving lu-iness was
trims ict. .1
Iienui.-, II
It n , count v ihi!., '
W. C. Hale .s W
Mel.ehead Mill I lie
( 'u. , li;r.t lull to si
nil -I; plaiiitilf al!
who li tu li'e bill of
vs. It. L
Isllll--" 'I.
. Bailey. Walfr
Lng!i-h 'ana lriu
aside v. rdlel de
i v - . 1 I'l days pi
e xi . ptions.
.1. T. Leeall
Deep (navel Mia-
ingl'ii.. plaiun'i' allow, d ti.l -May -Ju
to replv to auo lob d iiii'ivt
Jam. -4 Lyttle v-. F II. O.-g 1,
ord.r grant in. ti to li!.. tran-enpt.
Edith SI. Simkll.s s. Geo. A
kins, divori e ; d er. e nnd l 1
given hi r ri. ml. u n la.- of Ld
th SI.
Em lor.
W. J
Adiiio R.
Ihe f.
F. M.
Susau (
Ay. is i
Louis v
rot .li
divorce ; do. I e
lluw ing en-' . w
Cull. In-, to tal
, Clark vs. If. .1
:. O. (I. Lund ;
. f.-rr.-d b
est I mi ny
Clark :
. II. nry L. Looth,
I. U.'V. 1-ellCll.
i InJin. n U&skels.
I W. . Wright la-t week sluiil..
C. O. L.ik. r of La!., r & Co . plati
num dealers, N- w oik, a I.
, (i. IK el leu of Indian la-ke's which
; Mr. Wright l.a gathered fro n all
I parts of ths west. While on iiis way
1 Ala-ka trip last i-nrnm. r Mr. Wright
ni'iirel i mini!., r of choice lnct
of I
l.a-keliv which . p. sent ea.t. lb-
j Wan thru eii!iml--lonoll to seen e a
(ulieitluli nod th: rhipiu. lit is Ihe
la-t of a f-'i'i co!Pc: inn, which will
adorn the n.-w brine of Sir. P. il r
j 'ill. re w.-re basiiets if all sizes and
' hhrip'-s Jrelll ceri in uial to holiS boll
and from tl no in. h.-s iu r to
'j f.-et , inch, s in rir. mi l.-i. nc, all
'of t em of tho highest ibgt.e of
! W Ut I HI -U I i', ..UO ie.. ,.....
'v. ..1. ...- ti,.ti ..,,,1 r,...r river
1 . . ..... 1.. .,..1 r.,n
! Indians, moui. N. . l;-re.-, .Maricopa,
and 'I'h-r w-.-re al t'lt'-in
t, .. idol-. Is ad w ork and mattings
i A single b.a-1;. I ( f this lot is valu
nt but th" bulk "f t hem rang'
from to ci i.
1 Smsll bouse snd two lots cntlic
10, rib n !" of l.e R. It. track, for at
short tlih" only. Jri.e li.j. I.'s'
' alono are worth tin- inotr-t. Cull 1 11 i
or address Jos. - j i .Mo., Gm run Pass,
j Screen Doors at Thomas A Co.
j Window icr-eiis at Thomas A- G".
Brief Notes e.nd Items of Interest
o-nd Importance.
Dr. Flanagan,
Physieiau aud Dentist.
Go to Corun for Plumbinjt. ,
Register before Saturday night.
M. Clemens, Proscription Druggist.
Ieo cream daily Horning & DePuy.
U try a Blue Ribbon S-cent cigar, j
Good seronil liiind Bicycles cheap at
Order seals and rubber stamps of
A. E. Yoorbies.
Th National Drug store is having
a new floor laid.
A splendid line of Koysl Charter Oak
Ranges at Coron'a
SIcGrew can supply you with dry
wood. Leave orders with him.
Relinaco wrapiers, nothing better
iu thu market at Sirs. Kehkopt's.
Cramer Bros. Bicycle hospital turns
out daily a number of cured cripples.
A new cement sidewalk is being
laid in front of the oprea house block.
Energy is fresh, sweet aud crii.p.
A sciuare meal for oc try a package,
Uk Wbito House Grocery.
W'm. P. Chapman last Saturday
purchased from Mrs. L. A. Stroble
the Union restuarant on Sixth street
Slaher & Grosh Axes' at Paddock's
Bicycle Den.
Ice Cream and Soda Water eveiy
day at IkTii'ug PcPuj 's.
A.E. Yoorhioji Photo Supplies.
Amateur Photo work promptly aud
carefully attended to at Clovenger's.
The Late-it iii Tailored hats at Mrs.
Rehkopf 's.
Old Bicycles taken in part payment
for Kacyclcs.
Cold boiled ham, piss and, cakes
fresh bread nt Horning & Depuy's.
We can sharpen your lawn niowor
so it w ill cut the grass. Cramer Bros.
Onr President has lots of Energy,
so havo wo li'e package nt tho White
Get a ticket on tho $1.1 sofa for every
.'HI cents worth purchased at Thomas'
Cash store.
Ask your dealer for Roguo River
Creamery Butter niado at Medford is
now M rents ptr two-pound, sipiare
lull weight.
The Lincoln Annuity Union will
give a basket social to members and
their friends this (Thursday) evening
at Woodmen hall.
A flue assortment of goods mid C00
styles to select from nt the Grants
Puss Tailoring Co. Nobby stills at
roasouablu rates. Steam cleaning.
On Friday evening, May PI, the
Christian Endeavor Society of Beth
any Presbyteriaii church will give an
operetta entitled "Fashion" iu two
acts ill tin church parlors. Kofresh-
im n t s will be served, aiiniisison LI
Sen that lino lot of Ladies', GenM'
and Babies gold rings? For n.sniall
consideration St. Louis, tho jeweler,
would parr with one or two oi them
for bo is leaking more of them and
might make yon one just as you want
it, if you furnish thu gold dust.
Horning & Depuy now havo Ihe
management of the Opera Cafe. They
Three Speed Bicycles at Paddock's
Bicycle Den.
Shirt waists that are rare, bargain!
at Sirs. Kohkopf's.
Dry wood on short notice Leave
orders wilh SIcGrew.
I.'o cream ill bricks, any color,
any flavor ut Horning ei Depuy's.
Buy a Ponmorang at Paddivk's nnd
play Prist, the latest Lawn Game.
Wo are going to give away a piano,
Write t- A. E. Yoorhies and learu
how to secure it.
The river is clearing and tish are
biting. Yuu can get the right kind of
tackle at Cramer Bros.
A good Lathe, for sale cheap for
cash at Paddock's Bicycle Den.
"The Boy Problem" will bo the
subject of Bey. J. W. Nioloy's ad
dron nt the SI. E. church Sunday
Thomas it Co., the house furnishers,
will have another of their great Bar
gain Sales next Saturday afternoon
I ::) to ? :.
The county clerk's ollleo is open
from 7 to U p. iu. for registration.
Saturday is tho last day ill which
voters may register.
The Wednesday morning's south
hound overland was delayed at Grants
Pass on account of a broken draw head
mi t hu rear Pullman.
Japanese Energy Is surei-lsing tho
world, mure especially Russia. See
what American Energy ran do Wo
havo it at lor per package. White
Dr. l'iiidley reports having had a
very profitable and successful course
iu .N'W York aud expects soon to be
home. He plans to ho ill his olliee to
resume practice on .May 'id.
Two tittle girls, while going In
-(,. ii . I Tues'iay morning found a gold with chain attached. Someune
is no doubt si arching lor the missing
tiior. We can tell you who lias it.
Ih. Music ib'iartuient of tho
Woman's Cluh will meet at the home
of Mis. H. C. Kinney Friday after
noon nt !l o'clock. 'Ihe subject for th"
Hireling is "Jubilees and l'estivals.
The omniissiiiii uf a letter "li" from
a trirl's name iu la-t weeks issue of
the Courier undo us announce, the
main ago or 1'.. J. Mi'Miliy to allhs
Lee. 'I ue wring lady's nainii should
have In en Leep.
Having received one of tho latest
i 1 1 1 1 I i V i '1
New Century Lugraving
w e uro prepared to do all
engraving; goods bought
k i ii 'Ih of
from us engraved free. Curtis .V ( n. ,
Odd l'clbiw n' Building, Giants Pass,
The Chinese Railioad laborers to
whom strenuous objections were
ia. v d, were taken out of tlie count t
I'm- I.. it iiinming. 'J ho Chinese con
tra, o r under whose charge tho gang
came here did not ere to run against
Tin- Crescent City News says:
Humor Kiys that u sm'-Iter will bo
, to. le i lit the Shelley Creek cops r
mines. Business i already turning
that way, we are Informed, and C
W. Baker and West Dnley will tin
the t!rt gun by starting a saloon on
the ground whole the smoky city will
soon stand.
A vry profit China Tea Set
A Beautiful Rug
A utoful Trunk
A desirable Press Pattern (BIik ki
A line All Linen 'fable Cover
; A tir Nne Lnre Curtains.
' See V, iiidiivv
Jp-d Star toro.
I IiiMiut nun are out for the wedding
of M.-; Julia dwell, daughter of Sir.
'and Sirs. P W". Olwell, .,::g well
known ri sob nts of Central Point pro-
... - ,1 ,
.I hi. t. and Silliam J. oil lis, of Red
lands. Cal. H10 Olwolls have been
I r siding in Southern California, for
j iitiin t line pat and tho wedding will
,1 ! ran.' pin. o a. no' . inn' n .11 1 i" r-a. r.-.i
,, j II. art at Kedlands, Jnuo 1st. Tid-
l'"r"- .. ... .
Connlv Trrattir.r'. Notice.
Th. ro (iro fund1 In the treasury to
pay all warrants protested to April
'I': I "is. Interest will e. aso from
this date.
April ..', l'Jtil.
Treanrer of Jose bnio County.
Youn Men
of Taste and
will bo quick to appreciate tho extreme stylish
ness of tho'suit show n in tho picture. It is
three-button, full chested
dors, made in all tho popular Summer fabrics andjj" i l t
iu an attractive variety of patterns. ' .
A t MO lv
II 11'1'0 IIM
Tlll'.KK is nothing iu tho style, fit, fabric or tailoring of this suit that
would suggest tho idea that it was "Ueady-niade." On tho other
hand, there is everything in tho appcaranco and quality to suggest the
highest class of merchant tailoring. It is art-tailored by
Schloss Bros. (SL Co.
Producers of Distinctive. Apparol for Gentlemen.
Outfitters to Particular People.
Photo Supplies at tho Courier of
fice. Talking Machines ami Records at j
Paiblock 'b.
Sweet Pickles, Finest ripe Olives,
iu bulk ut the White House Grocery.
Ilosn remnants nt 8 and 10 cents per!
foot at C'rainor Urns.
Plates nnd Films developed and!
printed ut Clovenger's.
Sweetest Navel oranges on tho mar
ket Wnito House Grocery. j
Vegetable always fresh iu our Slist .
Machine. Not on tho Slroet While j
House Grocery. j
S. O. Bonn last week sold his home!
on J street between Ninth and Tenth
to Jos. l oik.
W. E. Dea.l of the Red Star store
will attend to the enmity treasurer's
hnsiii' ss during Sir. Taylor's absence.
The ladies of the Christian church'
will give a chicken pie supper iu tldd
Follows hall Wednesday evening, Slay
2'ith. Price 2"io.
Read carefully opr proposition to
give u way a high grade piano free.
Base Ball goods at Paddock's Bicy
cle Den.
Only throe days more in which to
register. No nioio opportunity utlor
Saturday evening. "
Eat Energy, it' will help yon to
keep the weeds down iu the garden.
Special price 10 per package, same
size as grape nuts. White House.
Judge Bellinger of Ihe I'niled
Slates District Court, District of j
Oregon, this week appointed Edward I
S. Van Dyke a referee in bankruptcy
for Josephine county for u term of i
two years, 1
Olio of tho greatest Missings a
modest man can w ish for is a good, 1
reliable set of bowels. If you are not!
the happy possessor of such an out lit.
you ran greatly improve the ollirlency
of those you have by tho jiidirious use
of t'liamh rlaiu's Slomarh and Liver
Tablets. They are pleasant, to
and agreeable Iu e IT. i t. For
all druggists.
sale by
. T,i- GCDZElS &d CCD.iS
m; smoi : i i :ia irr3i:ivr for
leu, Women and G
nit; stock - m;sr marks -
20 Different Miners and Prospectors
liinil Top Tan ami ISIack Shoes
V0QU0LA3 SHOtCo.'.
t .iw -
.ur. Or t-5-
r, 1 1 ' " -
n uhiMNt-iniiTiO?
11 .. - ' o"j' if' e:
! It will pay you to examine the V. y
, f. Douslai ilioei. and lie fur ,
I yourielf that thty sr. Juit 11 II
y good m every way si ihone for fl
ti l . . . . , !4
11 wnun you nave occn Davais v
( fo li. For style, com- ,
'fort, and eerviie, they.
cannot be turpaaied
i by cmlom made
and broad in tho shoul
"Drop in and let us talk it over."
"KJAYIXO purchased the jewelry slock of tho
, lato II. II. Barton, for a short time only I
will dispose of same at greatly reduced prices.
All repair work dono under a guaranteo to
give satisfaction.
Clemens' Drug Storo.
We shall hold another
...Saturday Afternoon...
from t ::0 to 7 o'clock. Over 200 actual purchas
ers wero convinced of our bargain vuIuch, Watch
our north window and judge for yourself. 1'ecol
leet a ticket on tho $:55.O0 Davenport Couch goes
wilh every 50 cents worth purchased. Bo on hand
and get tint choice.
j Strayed.
From Merlin, Oregon, on Sunday
nighl, the ITtli of April, 11)01, one
'small buckskin niaro with bald face
! aim Jour w hite leel liraiule.l I mi
I 11,1 snouini r, nan now shoes on all
round. Any infoi nun ion concerning
ni1 Mod; of Pinorce's
(iloria Shoe for Ladies,
all widths, all styles,
welts or turns, all One
Price the world over,
Pncilic Logger
Strictly Hand Made
The I. est.
Try a pair and if you
know of any way to im
prove the shoe so as to
make it wear better w e'll
make you a present of a
j ,' .
fO If .
'.- : -,-',r .- '-;
.fk.4!'i: '& "' W
of our
Ihe ahnvo described pouy will be
thankfully recoivwd.
Miss Etta Noel,
Merlin, Oregon.
Button's Hun Proof Paint, the
that wears, sold by Cramer Bros.
lilren's Shoes
lowest imhces
You'll notice that
a girl ivho wears a.
2A shoe
can never keep her
laces tied.
jno ptoplt givt
yuu crtM for hiving
fetl a hip snuUtr
Ifun Ihey rt.
Aways one price
R. L Coe & Co.
Sole A&ntit
& Smith .