Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927, May 12, 1904, Page 2, Image 2

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    ftOOt'E RIVKR COURIER, GRANTS bkst, ORiiGO.V, MAY u, tor-4
Published Every Thursday.
Subscription Rates:
One Year, in fdvanee,
Six Mouths,
Ttrrt Months.
Single Copies, -
Advertising Rates
furnished on application at Hit oft:
by mail.
Obituaries and rt'olutinn of
riolenoe will lie charged fur at ac pt-r
card of thanks Otic.
A. K. VOOIUUES, l'KO?. it MsU
Kntered at the post olline at Cram Fii-s,
Oreguu, as second-clast, mull mutter.
TIIUKSDAY. MAY 12. 1 '...
Tlio democratic column, foiiml else
where in this issue, is, us far ns wn
are concerned, an advert islng pmposi
tion and the mutter conluinrd lin n in
in inserted at advertising rate. The
opinions expressed aro net necessarily
ours. Nor aro wo responsible for the
statement". Our opinion" will he
found, expressed in our editorial
column. mm"
When there in nn opportunity to
sleet u tjtiHiiK'SH iniiii tn a business
oflieo, as at the priaont time to elect
J. A. Mover to Ihe olliot, ofcutily
clerk, it, should not he disregarded hy
the voters, for bui h opportuuitiot arc
not too plentiful. Mr. SInvir will
conduct tlie ollioo in a husiiiem lil.e
manlier, as it iniii-t he conducted.
Tho volume of business in the clerk'
ofllcc in very largo nd requires the
attention of a responsible und cvperi-
enced business iniiii. Ill his term of
ollice an cnunly commissioner, C. F.
I.ovolaco has shown himself tncrgctic
and judicious in the condiicl of county
business and has acquired n clou
knowledge of county alitor that will
makii him immediately a I home In the
sherill'a office. Twoyiius ngo, Mr.
Lovelace was elected cciiiiuissiniicr by
a good iniijority und if oxocjloiieii in
olllcial capacity counts for anything
lie should h eh clod fliei -1 IT thin yi ai
hy a bigger nuijorily, for he in u
thoroughly good ollicer mid a mini
whom the voter will supp rt w ith
the moHt thorough eonfldencn.
One of (he mat Urn which will he
roiiHidered hy tho voters at tliu coin
ing election in the prnpoHcd ir unary
nomination law, hy which It 1h do
signed that the people shall main'
tho nominal ions without the assist
nncu of conventions. Tim object of
tlio law in good, hut whither the
means ill view w ill bring n limit Ihe
end desired, in a mailer for Ihe
voters to earnestly coiiHidcr. The law
will require mi election for each
party's prinnry, with printed bal-
lolH, tinolliH, judges, clerks, registered
voters, and nil cxpi uses necessary to
a regular elei'tiou. Votem aro re
quired to register their political
faiths, so that t Ik y may not he al
lowed to Vole in the primaries of
other parties, Candidates are ohlip il
to declare Ihetnm Ives heforehand and
file their decliinitioliH of camliilacy.
Tlio gravest objection seemn to he that
the nomination is necessarily ,
plurality vote. In tho present method,
it requires u majority of the delegate).
In the coiiveulion to nomluiite. Where
there are a half dn.cii aspirants fot
nine particular ollice, the pluraliiy
caudidatn is likely to he very tar
from lielng the cholcii of the inajorily
of his party. IioUmI, it is piohahh
that tlio candidate favored hy any or.
gat: I .at ion or comhiuatiou of interests
may securu Ihe iiomnatiou much
luoiu easily than hy the present
method, for he will have sstinialii
and united NUsirt while his oppnsi
tion will he diviiled. U is easy to
fee how the oiicratiou of the law may
defeat the vi ry ohjiet for whiih it Is
Rrsisti fvHon 0I Voters.
The total registration up to Monday
was al. tint a thoiisauil .-holt of Ihe total
liuiuher of voles iii the county. 'I host
who lmve not r. gist. it tl w ill I, mi. tn
hurry for Sat unlay is ihe lust day on
which names can he cult n l Tie
county clerk's ollice will he open in the
evenings for the purposes of itgi-tm
tion from I to o'clo k dm mg tin
short time that yet remains. 1 dlon
ing is the total of n gist mi ion m t,i
several prec met up In M mi. lay, A pi il M
North (! rim In l'a;s ,.'.
South irant.s I 'ass
West .ttlauts l';hn , . ,-i
1 .eland M
WlllitllMS !,(!
Merlin in.
Slate ('ret k
Murphy ....
NNolfi'iitk in
.' It llOUM'
Waldo k
(illlii'tt , .,
l.lltkV (Ufell "
Ml. lieuhell 1
rVlnia . :
St Kool Cluldirn Slivil for l iic
Mi W'c-lni stlav, during i.t--iliin
at the M'hnols, so. lie of 111., pupils .. m
thtt elou.l of sine!.,, .ii i-iitg ti ii, th.
Ihiruing trash s ahuii; the lal'i... tl
Irai k ami at I!., - h,,.. nisia.ii h. a,.i
the ringing of a U 11 , u a I .is.iiv
1 1 n ii. St. ae on. i.fct. si., i " I'll,
aiel till' suggest M v ,s suit,,;. I, t I.
start a si. to ii , ,,,1 Hi,, . i ,, ,i
ci.ot!:i-T;tt if, 'i (., . iii. i , t . ,,
id 1 1 o V U .I,'!'.'.. I 1 . 1 I i . V 1 1 ; , I, e h ., :
of Ii t ul-, lll.i.,,: ti mi, , t . ai I
W e l!. s, . tut, .. i.ti x !,,., it, . , m ,; ; .
en t, it i nn,! a 1 1 I
I', :'!. .a ll
Igt. v M-l , ,; ,,
ll. ..II I ,
. I t I ;
git, at w !t 1 1 1 1 I in II
I xo li.s Ii 1 ,-t. 1 t i , . !
Ulilllllf, f,, the i. I in,-., t.
N'tilll.' si till M.ltt in- ti,i.
the retlta:! siie int- , nn i;i i.n
tell, iptiei, ly he. Un. f In 1 .1 I
1'llhlic SiotnUins
lltn. 1!. M Viau!,. ,
t 'and elate lor I t. I, en -s 1 , ,,,
II li t. Will s t -a I. t n to. i-.-t
day at the ( i.,i hia,., , tll ,
nlng at S, o'( l.iek.
t'n an u
1'lAN'i ('UN n-r I'lU'l iiN
I hi rehv ea-t :, ,., s f,,.
.11, 1 1.
rill out tho aLove rouisii a i
to this ollice.
'Mcujber and Friend Spend
I Plo&sant Eveninf.
An xieplionnlly pleasant affair
th" Choral I'nlnn mi ial, given it t tlx'
J. O. (). V. Iiitll on Wednesday even
' ing ( f last v. rck, ursuant to the cue-
timi of this oig.iiii.atinn f) close tin
m ason with it social. No iweliiigs
have boon hold sinei tin: in i sental ion
of " I'inafoiu" with such popular
'. KltOOCsS H fi'W Wools ago illlll the
.evening was u pleasant re union foi
the no in t rs and a social ami inimical
treat for their frit inls. Some s-'s.
people wa re in atlej.ilaii' e ami i njoy
mi nt v. as un i vt rsu I.
The program was lirit i, hut evt ry
niinil.t r wan higiily t njoved and ai -nreeiaietl.
The liist sip etnui was.-i
duet frnni the eatilaia ' iMvitl,"
"Since y rst My Snul Was I 1 1 i f h
I'liine," hy lieo ( ramir ami II. I.,
Andrews. This duet is always a
favorite with (iralits i'avs anillt-riees
and it has never he. u given in h tiei
tyle than in the iri.tiit in-ianee.
'I he si contl ii ii in lo r vva a sn ram
solo l.v Mr. V. W., a vt rv
llltlieult si' in W'llieh tht
range and II. xihihtf of la r voice appear-d
tt) (inn lolti.iil age. The audi
erne test illeil tin ir appreciation hy
an eathusiast ie t neore
J lie solo hy Mi.-s i-'.tlna I'a rl.t r wio
one of the suplilue ih lights of ll.i
e vaiiing. Mi I'lirl.-r's voice has
seldom sounded to Ie Iter advantage
than on this occasion. Ih r voice is
rich, full timl powerful, with a de
lightful, hot it- tpiality which
it;a!. es it seem t let t ion t" the listt ti
er. M'SS Parker Wa-i called haeli to
rentier a si t i,ud si ha t ien.
A hiritoiie solo wih given hv T.
1. ('taiiier in his eiisit.iinirv ph using
iiitinuer ami the prnciuui elos. tl v i'h a
bass sohi by A. K. Yoorhies, hoih
iiuuihi rs being rcci'iva.l vvi th unit i.ed
appreciat ion.
Af lor tlte program, ii Iii slum ills ol
iee ereaiu and eahn wire n-rvd in
the hnuiuct rooin and were of a t. .
Iightlul mt 1 1 1 v in kti pii.g with the
enjoyable nalineof the whole eva lit.
Stockholders Visit Aim. da
To exainine the Almeda mine at
(lalit e I 'reek, In v. hii h they are
heavily inleresli ,1, la the uiis-iou i f
William Heine und II. V I't dl.ine. of
I'trnmer, la., who all. in I'oillniul.
1'hey are large stni kholth t s of tht
property, but, have m vt r He i 1 1 the
mine. Their investments have h-i n
iiiiule til the instanei' of K. ( '. Kii-ney,
who is secretary of the company anil
was tl schooll.iale of I liens
They lolt for Ihe south Tuesday
night, uccoiiipaintal l,y Mr. Kiiru v,
and after visiting the mine, will go
to San Kruno iseo, returning l.v way ol
Salt, hake t'Hv. To 'Ihe Telegram
Mr. Heine said :
"I have never invest, d in mines be
fore 1 took this ehanee, and if any
thing like w hat has been told us ex
ists, lam well pleased, ami can aid j
the erect ing of ii plant on the prop. ,
erty. Much inliresi is being talon
in n iiiing matti rs in our section, I
and many people tire hef-cuung ii
-oi lab il w Ith the indusliy. "
A Comimirvirntioiv
l'alitor Courier : I
W hy should 1 or anv other oil ieii I
of ( Iriinls I'as he e.. nip,, lie, I to help
pay foi a sewer that h. nelils i uly a 1
few V
The money we aie aslo d lo hotul
nursi ves for Is Ii) pay for as. werl
that will bent. lit hut a small p. r t . lit
of the lillll ,t ' u I a t tin of I he city?
I am willing to help pay for s. v. , is
In the main or business part ot the
city iiml llniik they shoti'd ii ; , -1 1 li:ei
sehoolhouses too. Anyone happening 1
tn live along these hues isweh omi
hut it is not fair lo a-K us to put up
Ihe cash for s.vveis hire and there,!
helielitting onlv a few seatleltil
tlvvellings in a plane.
'Ihe Kugeiitt Mointng Hi Ktstcr has
issut t a Sou ven ir banc ta unity edit ion i
of ill panes, 'ivtng a history ol'.isj
veals of growth tin. I regit s Itiri
Kllgetle, "Ihe city of Histiny amp
I til me met it. pol is ol 1 1 u- W 1 1 .am, 1 1, '
VllleV," The look is llltls ill
Willi halltone i ails i I IaiL't tie ,s,nnit r,
llltt ttllllliler Of laigene wltO I leeleil tin
lust house iii 1 nne 1 1 hi, tv ami I II t ih
llrtstnw. W ho I It I'll d the seei.n.l
house ill Ihe i utility, t.g. Iher with
.'llts ot IttanV pltini ilu lit pioin el s,
mil cuts of ling, no iii I 'i ;t and i'.'w ii
In J'.'IU. 'I he ill. ll, -al l ill of tin- but t,
shows entcrpiis.t on ,,. patt ot the
Iteglsh r ttllil Is It l it till to tht eouulv.
I'i n;
Mil I l.'K At Knl. i, '-all. t. lav. V..v
i, I'.'ol, to Mr iiml Mi .. I it I Mi!
1. I , a i ..ii.
('AMI T.l'l.l. l ll , ai-e, Mini.l.v
At ail I I, IH1 I. I.. Mi Mi-,
N f.uui l .'M a eai'ghii t.
M. KINS 1 I . Ai I ... i ! til l, l,n
I. KM, to ,l. an I'll. I I M. kn
s' I V , IWIn l . v -
We t i u . I I. i ; i ,t ii : ,t ., n- ,,
I nan, ! tlht i I it I an. 1 1 1
M't'l I' t t .I II.'- I '.,.-, in - ! V .
Mav ! I, I'.'.M. .1. 'in W .-. .11, at', i
M r. Is a 1 1 1 i 1 1 1 I . Iiav i, , v. .
til at Ihe t, I, olio- liill an,! I, ,
-l.V III lilt s , . . l I ! I . Ill- V it.', V 1
Is ni S ill 1 .al.i , tv a . :n I I !:, ,1, tin
iiu.,1 lo l.t , , me I,, I,-.
111!. I l I I i lav , V, ,'. .'. I'- V,
llillis ,d ,i.;, . .,, , , .., ,,.,,
M'. Illlll- vt ,-. an , '.; n n, . ; ,
I ii. 1. ,,, , ttuni v . I, i s. i: !, i ,
l in I. II, I
N Ml. At Mii- . -.;..t :
Ml-. .1 I!. N nl, a, I .. v
Mi- Nail ' i '. 1" ' ':. ten vv nil I,
ni. I mil in ' - ' ..i i. . ,l ,1 in ,'.o '
. ll t ."in v ! u. i ;. , v !,. I,. .1 ..
hi I.IH V t il a. o 1 ' -' I ;
..It 1,1 1 ' t , 1. Ill , ! !,. ,; !
33. O
"i""' .-.imi
To Ho Held in the Opera. H
I Tuesday Evening
'l'lic fir-l annua! com aenei tin nl ifj
the Eighth (.'rade of II. i' (Irnnts Pa-.-,
public school will be held next Tucs-
1 day evening in the o tivlncse w It n
I a elas of .'il will ien ivc diplomas
ceitifyiiig that titty have stlcet .-fully
( pai ;1 fioiu the grammar gradt s Into
the high si hool. While the uutu!" r of
Ii"-" who successfully p,is, d (he ex
imiiiatiin is large, the ouiiihir of
lho-e vv In) v 1 11 app-ar on the eve of
graduation is riot m l.'tie owing ti
the f icl cf a iinmh(-r of the bovs h av
ing school ufti r the fu:a!s in ord r to
s en re w orl:.
Those v ho pa-.-ed s ueet s-f u ' ,'y art
Mann Alien, Willie Hi li In r. Opal
llooth, Helm iioolli, (it tirgie Colon,
Kali.h Hi an, Aline I)i.-I.n v.'. J.tlna
lii -brow , I 'at h f, Ha.. I I' rye,
lieu Ce.tig.', t.ilkiy, A.hli.
lb -ton, Jennie Ilugg. i th. Ii lia Ilavi-
lainl, Alfred I.e'.ther, Nellie l,i,-er,
Kiltie I.oughriilge, l!e...sie MeColm,
liiory Noiton Wlnnififd ruddock,
l''t' i 1 liigi's, ,losi'.!,iu l .aiiflle, I.ydia
Ibynnrs, J.tta liainllt s, 1(. tioni Hike
win", Anna St hinidl, b'lel Stevvail,
Iii nee Slopl'i uson, Kriii"! l'mhlita
1 ir i Lent; Williams.
'Ihe j.Migi'tiii for 'i'i;-.' -day eveiiin;; is
'IS fe I lo w s :
Invocation Itcv. W. i. Council
i 'bores IliIi rein til
ddli -s of Weleoli.e , Addl II. -IOC
l.eatl lllg "Clil ft v. Shall Nol l.'mg
Tcinght "... Anna .-'.-iiijii.-li
l'!-say - "How t h gen Via- Won"
1 'tl nn Ilid row
Vocal Solo " 1'l.tyinates" llu.-l I'ryi
l'!ss ay ' ' .Mareii s A Ion o I In ti na"
lien (it org,
'(ending "J. m's Last iti'l--"
blind Hijg..
Vocal (Jiiititi't Wiiililfle'l I'athhiek,
Helen, Ora l-.tie Willnoes,
(leolgie Colon, liessie Mct'olll.
I;s-av - ' I'r'.yrt .... of Aiie iiia"
Ill S-IO MeColm
I l:t-s I'... in ..'Ihlliilt ( .i ll-t V
Class I'lophet y A Mil ll l.t tell' l
( 'bores- ' ' 'ine ( tiithi tei s' ' .
... Oil'ls of Class
l're-i ii t at i on of 1 1; nl. iniio and iiilil rt -s
l.v ( 'hairiini ti of Una id ..'(.' 'i aim l
lnelie.i ... All
A (luugi (if la CI Ills tltllli is-ion will
im made in onl. r to ilelrav the ex
ileuses of Ihe hall, printing, etc , lo
tho. eillirn expeli.s. s devolves upon tin
tueinheis of the cla-s ami they have ta.
other way of deriving p venue.
Miss Ames the leafier, hits givin
-pleinlitl sal tsfaet ion and Is In Id it,
high regarti hy her tijiils.
Activity in building's
Sel-loiii in (he history of the tone
hits ihere been more act iv ity in build
ing o.. rat ions than at the p si nt
time. 1 'mi r In i, k business buildings
are now in process of eret tion and a
ii'inb r of others will soon hi begun.
I it-.- idi'iiei s are springing up in all
p'Utions of Ihe lovvii. (iralits I'a-i is
rovviiig this year with a rapidity
wh it h aston l-ln s resid. nt an. I
stranger alike.
Waller llatmon is building a l.ri. l.
business htiiise on I'Tolll street, .let.
I !ii m il ll tlouhh 1 1 , nt t hrit I, store I, iiilil
inf. on Sivth si reel mar 1 uinl .1. A.
liehkopf a hrielt dwelling on .1 .-in t I
an. I tho Salulherg hi i 1, on Sixth m at
I I ale Ileal III); i . ,1 1 1 1 , It t ion.
Miiiiv of the rt s- it It tn i - now . uihliug
are ex pein i ve .1 1 iiitiii, s winch, whin
.'ouipleteil w ill be a credit to tin a ii v.
I.. II. 1 .ai I i- I. ii i Iiiing a . ,oi") l. -i
ih nee on the Kt lly lull, one of ih,
haods'iinest bu i Itling si les in tow n,
Iv. Thoma- is liiiilding a hands, in, i,
."j story, I Pi.. tun house , n his h ts
on upper I mil III Street.
John St bullhorn is h.nhhng a si
' n lioue, l" I"! f. -el in dim, nsion-,
in at the South st Pool I inhliug.
.In-., ph Me-s is I. ml. ling i .i.i o.i si v
room house tat I ii,i, . n l I! sir, e'-..
ll--es llalio ami l.mnia
h.l v , a in a I VV el I nip vt , 1 1 III
on C sit. , iii ar I'mnlh.
1 .'Ins I', (I,, I, is , ml, bug
i' w a
a i ,
.Hid I
I top
.1. t.fe on I' , 1 1 1 1 ami A -ti. . i
tls.t llnpi. v, 1 ami ten, vt i d I
'v en ll ; -i,,. , ,
Ihe II. VV building
I 'l I 'at lo r is i i . ei i, . a I
iiig i n t' pp. r I . a 1 1 h si i , , i
it 1 1
1,1. in .
.1.1' a-llae ,
.1 I'
a. I. 1 1 i
I, I
I t!
i; i
I , I , I
Cox.lM. r 1 M s
The Crossett Shoe
Members Keport Having Mad
' Profitable Session.
Tim annual ne cling .f the nulliwo
'.ir g. n .'.!. tin c.l Sooi. ty Has h'll in
il..- I. O. ). V. hull Tut "dtiy, May M,
ncl was altemh'd hy the fo'Iowing
m lab. rs of the rateruity :
l'r. Celft'T und Wi!liam-on, Port
"am; ill-. Haigravo ant Caincroii,
Medlord; !r. bovvrsox, Henderson.
A-hland; Ur. Ilouek, Jtostbiirg; l)r.
Pleasant, I'oint; )t. l'lo.ier,
K'trlv; I'n. Yauhyki, Klaiiagan,
Mnort , I.ove. i' irk . r. I. ei fringe.
Heard, '. V. .Smith, J. C. Smith and
I he morning s. -,-lou was taken up
Ji'i'li tin inter, sl ing clinic by Dr.
Hey. '
'Ihe regi: ',ir ---!' n on m d at 1 p. in.
hv mi icldri ss of welcome from Mayor
( i 1 !' oil behalf of the city.
The foi. owing ollicei's were then
... , t.-il for tin- en-i:icg vear :
I'r-i-tlent, Ur. tbo. V.. Ilouek.
lei'-jaesiileut, Dr. 1). 1'. I.ove.
s. e'y liiiil I reus.. Dr. K. I). Striker.
Ti en followed intere-tiiig and in--Mietivc
.'i)fis by )rs. Hargrove,
Pi' I.. II, Catnt ron. Hoiifk, Hrower anil
Van I iv he, on s ibj. ets as nimmiiH-cd in
ih t out i r last w t k
in tl-e v..iii,tr an nit rtaiuing mus
ical i rogram as pri yioiislv iuhlished
in this oluiuii wis rt ndered for Ihe
,.t'. i taini.e-iit of the tin tliciil men Hud
i f. vv invited -m-l-,
I'lit n followa il a bampiel at the Joso
I Irne at which th" doctors took active
oaii. Dr. .I S Moore was toa-t-mas-i,
r me! toasts were given bv Doctors
A i ! 1 1 aln -oll, I'ickt ! 1, Cotfe V. l'latia, all,
V;in Dvke ami It. li. Siniih.
.t the baiitpj' t, ti resolution regret
ting the in-parliue of Dr. .!. S. Moon.
'com this ti.-hl, was adopted.
I h next mi ' tins "I the society w ill
h.- In It' ill A-hland.
Provolt Items.
'If. H'-rty nt I'rovolt was in Cil'.intr
"a- . '1 iiiti.-.lay on business.
.1. I't rm ll, ihi- Applegite merchant,
ta-iil lirants Hiss t dm sday af n-r a
1 lad of gloei ries.
,' 1. W. Sniilh, the I'rovolt pom
o i-Iit ami nierehant, was at (.iralits
t'.iss tins vv et k til ti r u load ot
.ir. e, ri. s.
Th; ie f ill 1"' I ? iiens of water
ml. .us jut cut this season en the
ppll gtltll l ive', St ven miles from
I'iov'oit on tlm Hunch farm tit Mnr-
' ! : V .
Willie I'anis of Apphgiile was at
1'iovolt I'ritl iy on business. He re
ports tin y will sin n have a i . vv boat
in the i'i vi r vv Inch v. ill be run by
in. Hey lint-. Tiny will ft rry any
tin: win) w i !,. .- to loss.
't homas i.ewina'i of 1'iovolt was at
tS'.lliams this vva ek Mid purchased in vv maehinery for the farm of
1. A. l.i vviiiam '1 hey v ill run new
ntiii him ry and cul several ueies of
in vv sown bay Ibis season.
.fohn Sarlni of Williams wtis at
I'lovolt 'Ihuis'lay hauling Itiuiher for
' in I .old. n. an l I. ne oi ( on ton t ion
'nine i f Williiims, 'this timber will
h - u- ,1 in inal.e a new barn ami other
outhouses', while sonic will he u-id in
the lltllie.
The hit
tine und.
I'l'ops of this valley look
ihe I n si nt eolnli : ions ot
leather. Sum,' day it is hot enough
or summer, while others are cold
noiigh for w int. r. but the grass
"ems to grow ju-t tliu H.iitii., hut
tin r v gi -ta! 1, s aie on the stand still,
nl lo. i. li- e.
Hay is still up; the prit es are $1.',
r t,.i. In til. out line.' weeks there
, ill hi' lots of Lav cut in the valley.
I'i u s in tor lu'l I ihi- s a -nn will
siatul at p. r ton. 1'!,.' I.ewmau
hav l.trm will I.e among the 'i rst
t.. t ill thi.- seas n und tin hay is pure
all nla i I the best iiia!ity.
Will iatn Inn ii - n, ,i t hin eh hell
up. It called the Sio day .-, hool to
tnilur Sundae nioin ii;:, ami the
-.lull Is oi' the h i, Wile clear ami
h autlttil to the" i ins of the pupil..
Vi In. alien I. ll t an I. - heard threi
u, l h s distant on a chat day. There
i-' Sunday si hoi'l t va-rv Sunday, anil
til a
II. V lit
I to ai n ml
.lam. s
ll I. is
II i.i-i
in ! a l
!. images last intinth
i in, oli farm al W lib
' l: , II oil' some aeri s ol
i " i i . : I. vv li i. h won hi
-'i n per a. to, hut it
it t. al ; it liiol; off ."ion
.el. in i. mi. Mr. Ciinatly
!' hit. some id vv llii'ii
line, I p. ha.- acres
il pi, but not all in
i : i .ai.- thiit w as played
it n i iu s Mas q u i I o in
:-!,. is i al-,. to
1 ' . ta , in - vv ei " made
ll It r. tor next
I'- I i- ami Applegii'o
.v in the Applogato
nn ti'niii th" upper
if, V. e I'll V niters give
ne t !..a is hi ton. thov
i .ii ' I, Uriah ' ! Inn rah 1 1 !
1 vi 1 1 1 Items.
.i ,'ll, to Mr. ami
'it!!i.niis was
i- ieiinty Suu
ain 1 sou wole
tll nils ill this
in nt fat nit 1 of
th.'ng business
it halit, was at
alt' T ii load ot
f.ii rd. i
- -1 1 II .
I a ! 1 game
ti '
I I ill
I'he l. 'vs .1
can bea-l n
re a- good a
h il p
'v (i
'in; en
v n i -1 1
!r tl,,
, in . K
in. .l.'hliTli
1 1 it lid - li I t
fi r n-i'.hl.cih
.jt: 'nl ti ii-; ti
.1 to
'x X -
AND 31 00
Missouri Hat. of course Mr. I!, only
conn s on business ot iiuivirlniice.
J. L. W'ooldriilgt nrie of the leading
farme'N of this locality n;udo n busi
ness trip to Grains Kiss r'riday and
Miss Tiiiie Hooks, who has had
charge of our school, h-fr Saturday
for her home in Jatksonville to bo
gone until the directors think it sate
to opi n RchtHtl nguin.
The school board of this district
has closed school for a few days on
account of a case of supposed small
pox in this vicinity. However, in
my opinion, it Is nothing more than
Miller ei; Savage have bt en cleaning
up. They havo got olf niore ground
than uual litis season, which was
very rich in yellow mtlal am! the re
sults will be one of the best clt.inuj.s
ever made at the n.ine.
I J. W. York, a prominent citizen
and rule of the loading hop and alfalfa
yrower of this Ineility, recently pur
chased the Kuhli fatni, formerly
) win d by Daniel Miller. Mr. York
is one of those men who is alv.uvs on
the rnstle and is now the owner of
over IM) acres of land, most of this
I eing hop and alfalfa laud and is very
vuluahlo. He has nn interest ill an
irrigation dileli (in both sitles of the
pph gate river. Tho land rirtnrlv
I purchased is good placer ground and
joins ine .vinier iv Mivage claim,
which has always been a paying prop
osition. Lclixnd SifitniH
We are having nice balmy we.'ltner;
people are planting potatois anil other
garden truck, although a little late.
Alfalfa hay will soon bo read, tn cut.
I'he prosts-ct is good for all kind- of
grain ami hay.
We have no sickness to report. Willi
Hie wagon roatl from Galic creek to
I.cliind, our part of the country w ill
ho ihi n p The (lislanee is so short,
asy grade, so we think we will s. e
the road come our way.
Mining Hi s from Grave op ek and
other pliioei ntarhy; v.e write from
reports. The Greenback mine is
opining a new ledge whit h promises
to hn a good, stnnig lodge. Other
parlies are working 1. dges on the
same mountain ; we don't know their
mum s.
A mining assneiatmn has hi en
formed on Mt. Ilouben crock,
i'erk ins is oil" of the promoters, A
-awf mill is hi ing built on the creik,
ami a good many buildings will go up
this sniiimi r at that pluo". Hoisting
works w ill be insfaMid on the creel;
-o us to I'antlle the beiihb rs, which
will ho a gieat improvement over the
old way ol mining. If hoi-l ing w orks
were ns. il on Vvhi.-kty creek, big
inonev would be made as that creek
ilso carries course gold. The miners
have litne vva II this winter, as tie y
have hail a long inn, so more ground
litis li. n wa-hid than i ver b. fore.
Your corre.-pondt nt lo ;k a trip up
lump-olf-Joe. He was surprised at
ihi' activity of ipiart. mining in that
vicinity. Mr. Crane, the supe-in-temlenl
of the I.ueky (,1110011, ie run
ning two luiim ls, one over Hit) feet.
He has struck good paying lodges in
both tunnels. The bilges tire belli
good w tilth. There is ti good lot of
roclt on the dump, and ipiite 11 quanti
ty of rich rock is sacked up to semi
away for milling purposes. 'I'he
property is under bond. From the
outlook, the bond will he filled and a
mill will he erected in the near
future. They have good buildings,
and have been to quite '! expense
building wagon mails.
Aoross Ihe crook is the Dick mine.
The owners have run a tunnel 's'oo
feet. They 111 o well pleaased with
the mine. In the near iiilure, a mill
will bo 1 nn .tl It-it.
.lake l'alloek is also working ou his
I'-dge lb' is elated with Ihe pros
Professor and Madam
n a
Recognized as the
World's Greatest
'riio Pt'lmais t ..i, I, t oiisiiltt tl i ti .
11 it!l'.i rs ,.f if,.. ! ,. are loo well
inicvvn iu tin- country In need mucli .
intrt alo, lieu, hut I. r ,,. Il, llftit ol
III 1, vv vv ho in tv II.'! h V e lit .11', I I f i
.l.t ill we vv ;i! s,y that , ,v are '
it III..!. - ' I' I'.t .1 , .t , ,t!, g, S Ot
In li i in ! I'm. a . and I I n
','! I '-i. ii.i! i;,. d t ,r t!i" ist 1 ', ;
! I l; ( is gu ra.l I to tell von
vv! .1 vt : , ... . far ,,, hatge vou
iii'thing Tins is t',,r, is ii not.'
I ii 'V wiil t. : vcu v h n you i nno for
tv 111. nt. t a-ktng a single qui st .in ; no j
natter what v.'.ir iroiill.s ate, tiny,
'li sl'l ' v . Ii t l.t if '.la ill with sue. I
a - i ii . ur si.:. ; they will give you ;
.ii.'.. s, ,!,-,-, futs ami lo; ,l,t it s in a '
" ' V 'li t V I !! US', ul-'l tie luosl '
- i' I' tl. 1. may bo if na! :nt, n st I
o you to Mt,tt il,,. cm, a, n ,' of yt ur
i'f dtstr. .-- I he happint -s i f
tntii Inline In,. in.,v dp.nd up..n the
titht so!ut i, ti ami 1 ro or iu'viff. 'Ihe
II n !' o v', lab is male i,o mistak,
Ml I' ' ir ptt lit tieti, are Irii" ami
ui.ylt ttiittl u,iL Vou u. ay w i-h
i' l ii. iv if i is miv .tsah!,. to uiako j
loingi hi laisint.j, in hue i.r in n-ar
' 'g ' Sit i 1 -u,., i ,v m.w
uiolt rtaking '.' Win ii -I all 1 tit in, I
tuy hi'pi s, my wis!, i' shall I (,t
'.'..fine WLilthy.' (.'.in I tru,t ,..y
tri. mis ' Hav 1 , n, tuits,' i, I
-I. -ill I mat ry How of n tl ;j 1 mar
ry ' S! a! j 1 v. r I ,i. vert a .1'.' Ho, .
atiftlu r sinn tl j 1, v o that i i.l.tfuK.v I
belt ins to it,, '! If , ,vjH1. Am I I
HBF. fl 3 j g
I is? n tfcji R 1 1 1 3EU mt
pect. Other quatrs lodges am being
tpoiieil up in that vicinity. From
lie outlook, that vicinity will be a
lively ciiiup in the near future.
Wide Awake.
Vtoodvilie Items.
Mr. Boruoll was iu Grauts Pass
Kev. K. Tweed, preached in
i'hts nix last Sabbath.
Itcv. K. Tmeod will preach in
Huseburg next Sabbath.
Mrs. II. Vanorder was iu Grants
r'a.-s this week on business.
Mrs. Thrasln r of the Dam was visit
ing Irit-nils here. during the week.
Mrs. Ira Hodge in iu Ashland sptud
nig a short time witu tier daughter.
Mr. Stanley was in Grauts Pass
and Medford this week ou business.
C. 1". Dittiuar of Grants Pass was
in town a few days ago on business.
Mr. Moore, of the Woodville Hotel
was in Gold Hill Saturday on a bu.-i-uess
Mr. Warner, had his baud torn oft
at Do Annelid's saw mill on l.vans
creuk this week.
Messrs. Owen and Klliot of W irutr,
went to Gold Hill ou the (till us dt-ie-giib
s to the couuty convent 1111.
Kev. W. (i. Count' 11 of Grants Pats
will preach in the Woodville Presby
terian church on Sabhaih the lath at
i p. m.
Diel W. P. Hilli.s of Wiiuer, died
oil the (Ith and was bulled ou the Hill
111 the Woodville graveyard. De
ceased was born 111 lsja iu blonihutg,
ivy. He came to Oregon in Isilu iiuu
settled on Evans creek in IMil. He
leaves a wile ami hue daughters and
two sous to mourn their lo s.
VVilderville llems.
Martin Conger has built l.nn a sum
mer kitchen.
Walter liryun bus bien ou tliu sick
list, hut he is bettor now.
I J in im 1 1 Conger made a trip lo Mur
phy the latter part of last week.
The prospect for fruit of nil kinds
was never better than at present.
Mr.. mid Mis. Wells made a business
trip to Grunts, Pass Thursday the 6th.
Mr. und Mrs. ll. M. Hobiiison iiuitle
a liusim ss ti ip to Grants Pass Satur
day. .Mis. I.ydia Yeitlin is visiting
friends and relativis in this neighbor
hoti'i. Miss Kiiiuia Hocking had the
lortune to scald her aim with hot
suds, but not seriously.
Mr. Leo Sams cut his foot while
logging, but not bail enough to keep
iiilil idle.
Mr. Taylor mid Mr. Williams have
commenced hauling lumber li'oln the
W illiams mill.
Everybody busy. No need of uny
oiio beiug idle, and going about with
a long lace Baying they cun't find
Mr. and Mrs. Meats isitetl several
! days in and nrnnud Wilder Hie. Mr.
I Moars preaching Sunday at 11 o'clock
: and also iu the evening.
Mr. and Mis. Evans came over and
I put a little picket fence around the
grave of their little son who was
' burietl at the Wildorvilht cemetery
, recently.
I Mr. and Mis. Anderson mid babies,
; and Mrs. J. ('. K. MoCann and baby
went tip on Moomy mountain Sunday
' tlii' St Ii and enjoyed a picnic with
-ome friends from Deer creek, and
i report a good time. Z.tnoni.
Boiler and Engine for Sale.
I One Atlas Fiiehox Hoih r mid center
crunk engine it! 11. P. in tine condi
tion, for sale at a bargain. Iu use
one year. For patriculars inquire of
Conger Pros., W ilderville.
-A' 1 )
H n I m i n I o
Present and
lovt I in reti.rn. Have I a rival iu
my love? Whom .hull I mariyy
How tn to v chililten will 1 haver
Whin will n;y ihiMsij. troubles i ml:'
Mi w can I m.Hl.e my life ami home
bapv- When w ill my al,,., l fri mis
n turn'' hy do I not t, , , ive :i let
tt r ; Should I invest it i tiey I
what should 1 invi'sf U my disease
t I"'- SI, a I 1 w in i; v- lawsuit ?
II"' IM.i,. r- It 11 vcu all
n i. ; and a gn :it many more.
ct.le Iter's, quarrels, reunite the
- i nr.. P il, ami shnvy i t u how to
eVt'lt'iil'lo ll 11 tli llii'uit ICS.
No mailer what your past
fii 'o with clairvoyants has b,
ri i si.' these wemb' ifully
i xper
' U, call
a i 1 i ms. It will i ,.st y, u t
.in . you are j i irYeCy sat i.-ti
tl with
tv hat they tt 11 yen If
are siot
..r ailing and have 1 it unable to
:itol out what year di ur isajl on
the-o gifted e hi i rvoy an s ami they will
.liagiio.M your case corr el It ami tell
tcu tin- cause of your difliculty with
out asling you ,i single qiv st ion.
Iv. mt mU r, no fee ana tul uti!i ..s
vou are rfiftly .satistiu! 1 dr in
aitt ud.inrv. l.t -sous in pilmt-try ami
ii.'diuniistie is rsous dovelop,,! in a
4 iort ti no at rta-i-nal le rates. Oilier
hours, pi n. ni. to ; p. m. daily ami
l l K 1 K I M AKS AUK l.t W'ATKD
IN KibiM N.I. 1, Tl!f COLONIAL
lb 'I SF, Cor. K ami "th st.. K. ar
l ; !i no lintel.
Come and
New Baby GO'Garts
and Buggies
Quality and price all right.
Grant-s Pas, -
S"7G vStaff of Life.
It should bo of Rreat itnportiiurc to cvsiyhody how to live and what
to eat. The HON TON BAKERY with its new uitinsgenient, A. Gig.
ler and his many years of practical experience iu rvery branch of the
taking trade enables him to produce tliu most wholesome and nutri
tious HKKAD and delicious PIES nuti CAKES offered to the public.
Th? ingredients cnti ritif! into our bakery Roods are selected w ith the
greatest care and are of the purest and host materials that money can
buy. To convince yourself of thin fact patronize
T5he Ton Ton Bakery,
A. G1GLER, Proprietor.
Bids Wanted
Bids !re invited by the Mounmeutal
M ines (.'oniplia y for hauling l.',0 tons
of maohini iv, more or less, from
Crescent City lo the Monumental
Mines, a distance of III! miles. The
f'rst of this machinery will arrive at
Orescent City within the next !)(
.lays, the balance of it following im
mediately thereafter.
Address communications to L. li.
.Tiiin'soii, Sttpr, , Monumental Mines
Co., Shelly Creek, Del Korto Co., fa I.
Candidate Cards
For Sheriff
Democratic Nominee
For Rtpi.t-ctilative
Republican Nominee.
For Clctk
Democratic Nominee
"or Assessor
Democratic Nominee
For Joint Senator
Republican Nominee
For Treasurer
Dcmncratic Nominee
For Assessor
Republican Nominee
Masonic Temple, Rooms 2 & 4
Grants Pass,
' Phone 6,13
J ) P, I.OVE,. M. I).
Ollice in Williams Bros. Mock, (,y,.r
(Iralits Pass Grocer.'.
Kosideiioi Phone Hi.
liRVVis Pass, . . . (iKKiniti
("laeticesin all Stateaml Federal 0011111.
I'tlice over First National Bank.
siMANTS Pass, . Okioos.
Pho.ns 21
N. E. McC.REW,
Kiirnni re tinl 'inn
Muv ing
The popular barber shop
Get your tonsorial work done at
On Sixth Street Three chairs
lUih room in connection
Palace BarberShop
J. It. ML'UEN. Prop,.
Shaving, Hair Cutting
Baths, Etc.
Ev TV-thing neat and clean and all
work First -Ciass.
Ner.t lo Pa'acf Hotel.
see our
Glend&le Nine Defeated.
A game of baseball was played on
I Sunday between a nino from the A.
A. C of this city and a team from
(jtlendalu. Mac Smith r.flieiated us
umpire. Tliu gamo was an interest
lug one, the scorn standing 12 to 10
iu favor of the A. A. C.
Following is the line-up:
A. A. C.
Wi lson
The A. A. C. nine w ill go to Applo
gato Sunday to play the team Ht that
A large slock of Fishing Tackle tit
Paddock's Bicycle Din.
WANTED To rent a piano.
Box 0.i4.
UIRL for gonenil housework In
quire of Mrs. M. O. H. Day.
WANTED A young woman as wait
ress and kitchen helper in a canm
boarding house. Good wages. Ad
dress J. C). Lewis, Tukilmu, Ore.
WANTED A mnn who knows where
there is some government land to
be located. Have a parly from the
East. JA. Cohh.
WANTED Young man w ith jOU to
take 'j' or ), interest in business in
tli is city. Box 271.
WANTED A store in this town,
you wish to sell, address A.
Clink, City.
MKT Tons of good wheat buy,
baled, for sale. John B. Hair.
Mounrain me: flow farm noross river
rrom Woodville. P. O. Woodville.
TEN ACRES of choice land wit 1100
full bearing winter apple Irees,
good house and buildings, half mile
from court In use Will sell all or
part. Inquire of J. H. Colby,
owner, Grunts Pass, Ore.
FOR SALE Second hand top buggy
for f 2"t. Inquire of Claim r Bros.
fOrl SALE Good Draft
Cheap. Address P. O.
Grams Pass, lire.
Box US,
Heavy WAGONS and HARNESS for
sale. Inquire Golden Drift Mining
t o. ollice.
.AI!M K"K SAI.K-ivva, mil,., fr, Mer
lin, im) u, -res -aiattit .si acres ol gnntl
.oltom hiiul, .'o acres 111 eilltivulion, small
lioll-c un. I barn ami nhoiil au nercs uinlt-r
lenoe, bslauee of lun.l suiiahl,. fr orelmo:
ir pasturi-. For further particulars ad
Ir ss . .M. t row. Merlin, ('regon.
'200 Al ,;K ranch. e,t orune and
apple Diehard, smnll tniils iu
shun, lam e; water tt,r irjntiilion. tsitli's
sitrmgs on overv to acres; center of a good
raut-e ctiuiitrv; two ilvv.lling, lug
hnrn, every thing f,mi,Pt,.; vva-ll sheilerotl
iroiu trusts, go.Ki imiiine markets, inits
had mile north 01 Tininta Ll, price ,Xi.
I n.piire al this oitn e.
HOUSE close to theconti t of town for
rent, lt). Inquire at Ibis ollice.
Assay Office
Gobi, Silver, Cop,, r, Lend. 1 each.
Hold and Silver, tl.
Bought and Reti,,,,) fur iVll,:l, .j,,,,,,
Each nod every assay iluiie with the
idea that it may be checked.
is something in which we take par-
1v.u1.11 iniereM vou( t,e oJaiI to
have you call ami talk painting
with u; pethaps our experience iu
this line may be cf service to VOn
W c carry all kim's nf 1 ,
- i.tiui ur unti
es, varinshes. etc ?in,l
... , ' . " st'-u aiiiei:
quality ami price. If vott t,so (va.s
reuieinVr that
color silk, woo! or cottou
at one bailing
opp. Opera hous