Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927, May 05, 1904, Image 1

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No. 6.
Break Up a Cold
A Modern Scientific Remedy for
Colds and La Grippe.
Your money back if you want it
Slover Drug. Co,
S01.K Agents.
Grants Pass Banking & Trust Co.
Transacts a General banking business.
Keceives deposits subject to check or on demand certificates.
?tolZZ'&$Jvlrttmu 'rca,,"e"t nJ consideration con
fcafety deport boxes tr rent. j. FRANK WATSON. Pres.
It. A. 1100TH, Vice-Pres.
L. L. JEWELL, Cashier.
The First National Bank
CAPITAL RTOCK, . . . $50,000 00.
rrteV.",Uhtct V.0'?1 P.vable on demand.
Nells sight drafts on New York Kan Francisco, and Portland.
Telegraphic transiers sold on all points in the United Stale-.
t'oK-m eniT.?'V''n V V0J'ec,;"" ml Ke""'u business of onr customers.
Collections made throughout Southern Oregon, and on all accessible points.
K. A. 1100TH. I'res.
J. 0. CaMI'IIKI.L. Vice Pres.
H. L. (ilLKKY, Cashier
Here are a few Bargain for a shnrt time nwy.
No. 213. 40 acres adjoining city limits. Ona 7-room liouBe and
one 3-room house. Small baru, and a good cellar under house. All
fenced; small orchard, all varieties of froit. Price 11700; one-half
cash, balance 011 time at eight per cent interest
No. 175. 40 acres just outside city limits. Small orchard and
samll dwelling house. Price ,00. This place will bo offered at this
price for the mxt HO days only.
No. 213. New 8-roorn hcuse, two acres of ground all in orchard,
situated on the main street ill the city, all fenced and all improvements
first class. Price, 12500.
Residence aud business lots iu any part of tho city. Prcies reason
able aud terms to suit.
Call on or address
Headquarters for Ileal Estate.
OlhVe on E Street, between Fourth und Fifth Street, .
All work is stric tly lirt-clas ami "'"""n lul" "Uintis
IIlOF'IIINti .V GOULl), (limit I'iimm. Oi-si
- R WEBSTER, 1'kksidknt. W. 11. HAMMOND, Skcbstakv.
The Southern Oregon
Title Guaranty & Abstract Company
Titles IOxsiiiiIimmI, l'erlW-tcil, (iiiiii-mitood.
A. S. HAMMOND, Attohssv.
8 7 5 4 3 1
,7 5 4 3 3 f
, 11
1 13 14 IS f 17 l t3 '
V" ' ' ' ' '
The lot in this addition are especially adapted for residence purpose as
they are very large and on rolling ground and higher than the city proper.
Fur a short time only Ireland A Meade are making remarkablv low prices.
It will pay vou to investigate their proposition before buying elsewhere.
See II. V. MEADE, at the Courier office, for particulars.
Front Street, west Palace hotel
To cold draughts of air. to keen ami
catting winds., sadden changes of
temperature, scanty clothing, tinitno
cxpoBore of the throat and neck nftrr
public speaking aud Hinging, brings
on coughs and colds Ballard's
Horehcund Syrup is the best cure.
Mrs. A. Burr, Hocxton, Texas, writes,
Jan. SI, 1U02: "One- bottle of Bal
lard's, Horehound Syrup enrod me of
a very bad cough. It is very pleasant
to take " 2oc, 50c, $1.00 at Slover
Drug Co.
$28,000.00. -
Blue Front Shop
South Sixth Street,
t t t
General Blacksmithing
Scientific Horseshoers I
Mininrc T,.,vt
to (J rants Pass, Oregon,
r 17 r ' Vs 1 Jl
" 4
Is in the northern tart of the
city, alxiut one block north of tha
new brick Eublic School Ftldg
between Seventh and Ninth
Excursion R-e-tes.
The Northern Pacific Railway Com
pany will place round trip tickets
from Portland to St Louis and return
on account of the World' Fair to be
held at St. Louis, on sale on dates as
May 11th, 12th and 13th.
June lfith 17th and 18th.
July 1st, 2d aud 3d.
August 8th, 8th, and 10th.
September 5th, (HI), and 7th.
October 3d, 4th, and 5th.
The round trip rate fioni Portland
to St. Louis and return, good for 90
days from date of sale aud good for
return via any of the direct lines will
be $U.50. .
On the same dates round trip tickets
will be sold to Chicago aud returu at
rate of 172.50.
The round trip rate from Portland
to St. Louis returning via Chicago and
direct lines or to Chicago returning
via St. Louis will be 175.00.
All tickets will have to be used to
destination within 10 days from date
of sale, but will be good for 90 days
from date of purchase. Stopovers will
be permitted west of St. Paul or Mis
souri River points.
If passenger desires to return
through California, the above rates
will be increased by 11,1.50.
The Northern Pacific will operate
three trains daily from Portland, and
the ticket agent will route you via
this company's line if you ask for
your ticket via this route.
For any additicnal information iu
connection with rates, routes, etc.,
call on or write A. D. CHARLTON,
Asst. Oen'l Passenger Agent at 255
Morrison St., corner of 3d., Portland,
Whooping Cough.
"Iu the spring of 11)01 mv children
had whooping cough," says Mrs. D.
W. Capps, of Capps, Ala. "I used
Chamberlain's Cough Remedy with
the most satisfactory results. I think
this is the best remedy I have ever
seen for whooping cough. " This
remedy keeps the cough loose, lessens
the severity aud freanencv of the
coughing spells and counteracts any
tendency toward pneumonia. or
sale by all druggists.
The Orut Tented Amutcmtnt Enterprise that fulfills Every Promise.
Will Exhibit in Grants Pass
Saturday, May 14
2 -RINGS elsetvaagt!d RINGS-Q
A Multitude of New Features Never Befora Pretented in America
The World's Greatest Acrobats
Mklnottk, La N01.8, Mrlnottk
Euroje's Premier Comedy High
Wire Artists
Most Remarkable Contortionists
Performing Elephants, Camels, Lions, Tigers, Hyenas, Tapirs, Llamas
Buffaloes, Kangaroos, Ostriches, Elk, Detr, Ponies, Goats and Monkeys
Herbert Rumley's School of Educated Seals
Herr Geisler's School of Comedy Elephants
Quartette of Cake Walking Horses
Enchanting Pony Ballet
Royal Roman Hippodrome Million Dollar New Menagerie
A Mighty University of Natu ral History
Olympian Stadium Mammoth Aerial Enclave
Will Leave The Show Grounds Every Morning at 10 30
Adults, 50c. Children, 25c One Ticket Admits You to Everything.
J. B.PADPOCK, Paora.
I am prepered to furnish anything in the line of Cemetery work in any kind
Nearly thirty years of experience in the Marble business earraota my saying
tbat I can fill your orders in the very best manner.
Can furnish work in Scotch, Swede or American Granite or any kind of
Mai b e.
Kront Btreet, Next to Greesie'e Gattsbop.
Large Band of Sheep Slaughtered
in Central Oregon.
War botwecn the cattle aud sheep
owners on the California-Oregon-Nevada
lines resulted Saturday
morning in the killing of 2300
sheep, almost the entire herd
belonging to Grube & Parker, 40
miles northeast of Silver Lake, in
The herders for Orube & Parker
were overpowered and bouud by 10
men, aU masked aud heavily armed,
who theu proceeded to slaughter the
sheep, killing them like rabbits pen
ned after a drive.
Corop'etiug their work, the masked
men disappeared.
Shortly afterward one of the herdors
succeeded iu le'eas'ng the core's that
bound hin rud released his compan
ion, both hastening to the nearest set
tlement and telliug of what bad been
This makes 4000 sheep that have
been killed in that section, aud in the
same nianuec, witiiiu the present
year It is chargea es the work of
cattlemen, who are very bitior against
shoepowue fo" 5fe leason that the
flocks of f'e latter destroy the ranges
for stock.
James Talbot, oue of the largest
sheep cwimrc 011 die three ):nes, is
uo.v enj.r-gcd in feeo'rg off 10 square
miles oT the choicest grazing laud in
thai secvion. The ca.t'eruen announce
tleir iuteut'on of co-ub.nt'ug this
move and when they attempt opposi
tion trouble is expected.
The end is not yet, aud those who
have watched tho progress of events
prophesy a repetition of the stock
war of Idaho and Wyotni-ig.
Quick Arrest.
J. A. Qulledge of Verbena, Ala.,
was twice in tne hospital from a
severe case of piles, causing 24
tumors. After doctors and all remed
ies failed, Bucklen's Arnica Salve
qnickly arrested further inflammation
aud cured him. It conquers aches
and kills pain. 25c at National Drug
Store and Grants I'aBS Pharmacy.
The Most Sensational Aerial Gym
Heroes. of the High Horizontal
3 Mcdonald bros. 3
The Foremost Trick Cyclists
A Correspondent Save II la up lo
Never, since the balmy days of the
50's lias such activity manifested it
selfjas there la today. Both placer
and quart! mining present a busy
scene, the roar of the giant tuiugliug
its sound with the ponuding of the
stamp milv.
Among the numerous placer propo
sitions is the Gal'ce Consolidated
which owns a largo area of ground on
Ualice creek and their recent acquisi
tions along Rogue river. This ground
will soon be all covered by a Urge
ditch, which they are bringing from
Galico creek and which will bo com
pleted at an early date. They are
operating throe giants and have had
an abuudauce of water. Some of
their richest ground can only be
worked with elevators aud these, the
company are going to install in the
near future. This company, ably
superintended by A. B. Cousin, has
about 20 men employed iu tho mines
aud at va. ioDi other development
work. '
T. K. Anderson ou the Harmon
Green placers is also doing a great
deal of woik aud, notwithstanding
tho Inconvenience to which be lias
been put by a large slide, tie will un
cover a large area of bedrock. He is
operating two giants and will have a
good head of water until the first of
At tho Old Channel, J. R. Harvey,
with a largo force of men, is running
two giants, tearing dowu a deep body
of gravel. This mine has boon work
ed for the past 50 years and there is
still au almost inexhaustible supply
of pay dirt left.
On Rocky Gulch, Lewis & Jewell
iv u a fine hydraulic claim. The
main body of the gravel lies along
Rogue river. During the high water
they pipe off the too g avel and as
soon as the waUr goes dowij. they
elenn op the remaining giavul and
bedrock as thoro they tlnd the greatest
values. As soon as they work off this
grouud, however, they wilt move
back aud work their higher ground
using the ground already worked off
as a dumping ground.
Among the largo quartz leads Unit
are under development, can be named
tho Almeda, Big Yank, Golden
Wcdgo, and numerous other proper
ties. Ou all these loads euough de
velopment work has been done to
thoroughly prove them to bo paving
piojwrtios, as soon as tho necessary
machinery can bo put on. '
Now, tins b.ief review of the nu
merous propositions of this dlst' ict,
only lead np to the main point which
I wish to Impress npon the minds of
tho people aud espocial'y the busiuesH
men of Giants Pass. It is simply
this: a bettor wagon road to this Mic
tion. All the diffe ent onmjiauies
emp'oy a force of men and it
takes a la.'ga amount cf supp'les to
furiiixli these men and they are en
titled to a liberal support from the
business oien of O-ants Pass. These
companies are also going to pat 011
lnrge and heavy machinery and with
the road iu the condition it is now, it
will be almost an impossibility to do
so. Wiiat conc'asion follows? That
these different companies will bai'd a
road connecting with the lnihoad
below Leland, which is now already
talked of. The road dowu Kogne
river is now almost impassible and
for two mouths this winter it was I111-
pnssinle to get a wagon over it. If
tho county cannot, or will not do any
thing for this section, let tho bDinc
men of Grants Pass meet these coui
jnuies half way aud subscribe enough
to put this road in a proper condition.
All these companies stand ready to do
their part, bat they feel as thongh
they ought to receive some support
from other sources. In the veiv near
future there will be hundreds of men
employed iu this district mid snmq.
thing mnst be dnno to give them a
decent outlet this way or tho bunnim
me'i of ill's town will wake rp to
find all this trado has flown. I'll in
article wasu't written to hncst any
iartlcular property, as there Rio num
erous proKsltioiia in this section de
serving of mention which we did not
chronicle. This aiticlo was par
ticularly wltien to impress ujion the
minds of the business men of Grunts
Pass the justice of the complaint of
these projierty holders. D.
Mrs. Henry Levieon Has Ben
Missini for Severe I Do. vs.
A report was sent out from Ked
ding last Tuesday that Mrs. Henry
Lcvison is lost In the mountains be
tween Indian Valley and Hayfork in
Trinity county aud searc hing parties
that have been hunting four days for
her have been unable to find her.
She set out afoot to walk the 15
miles from her home by trail to Hay
fork, a trip she baa been in the habit
of making once a month. Hur hus
band thought that she had made the
journey in aafety until six days
later, when he learned from Hayfork
tbat she had not arrived at her des
tination. The day that she started was a
stormy one, aud it Is believed that
he got lost in the mountains.
Searching parties were at once
started out, but no trace of airs.
Lcvison lias been obtained. There
are no houses on the road which she
traveled where she conld call. She
traveled with a dog, which lias not
yet turned up anywhere.
If you waut some good, dry wood
leave orders with McUrew.
S. P. Co. Puts Old Schedule Into
W. E. Comau, general freight and j
passcngor agent of the Southern
Pacific, Oregou lines, has auouueed j
that the !. 10 rnto will bo restored to I
apply to common rough lumber
from points south of Portland to Ban
Francisco bay points. Prior to last
fall the rate for several years in
effect from Portland and Intermediate
territory ' to Sau Francisco had becu
$1. 10 per ton on lumber of all class
es, or o. 17 per thousand feet Jan
uary 1, a rato of 5 per too replaced
the lower rate, equivalent to 8.!!3
per thousand feet The water rule
from Portluud is 4 per thousand,
and the effect of the higher rnto wns
to preclude the operation of mills iu
tho interior, as they conld not com
pete with northern mills having
water carriage to soothoru markets.
Rail shipments practically ceased and
moro than three-fourths of the mills
of central Oregon along the Southern
Paciflo have boon idle since tho first
of tho year. The rato will probably
be effectivo May 10.
Will overcome Indigestion aud dys
pepsia; regnlato the bowlos and cure
liver and kidney complaints. It is
the best blood enricher and iuvlgora-
tor In tho world. It is purely vege
table, perfectly harmless, yon will
uso it if you are wiso. R. N. An
drews, editor and Mgr. Cocoa and
Rnckledgo News, Cocoa, Flit., writes:
"1 havo used vour Herbiuo in my
family, and find it a most excellent
medicine. Its effects upon myself
nave be- u a marked benefit I recom
mend it unhesitatingly." 50 cents
at Slover Drug Co.
The Few De.ya of Hot
too Much for Them,
Thero is snmo litilo uneasiness felt
among Medford f.uit growers, es
pecially among those who havo young
orchards, because of tho fact that
quite a number of their trees, varying
11 ago fioni oiih focr years, have died
during tho lust 10 days or two weeks.
The oti'y reason, o' theory, advanced
for this unusual occurrence is tho fuw
hot days we hrd a cooplo of wee Is
ago. It Is thought by mnuy that
those excessively and uuwaso ni'i'y
hot days lushed tho sap (00 qjlc' ly
and too plentifully from tho roots to
tho body of the trees and that tho hot
suu soured tho tap, thus killing the
trees. From the fact that during tho
throe or four weeks itninecliute'y pro
ceeding the hot N'Nill, tko weuhter
was decidedly cool ami during that
time tho trues did not ndvnnco a
p- t'e'e iowcrrt bloom, th's theory 's
made quite plauslhlo. Had the ba"k
of the t oes been sp'it with a shap
Instrument aud o t' e sap !'
lowed to osc pe. it is thOcght that
many of tin in could biito beeu saved.
The above me. t'oned tl oo is borne
out quite conclusively by a citi.ou of
Medfoid, who bad sevir..l young li!ac
trees growing. During those hot
duys ouo of these t ees l nved ort and
very suddenly tho.eafter the leavts
bega'i to wither. As soon as this was
discoveied, tho 01 1 er tieei wero pro
tected from the sen's rays by placing
Lj lapping around them. These did
not din, but tho fist one mentioned
did. -Mail.
A Sure Thing.
It is said that nothing is sure except
death nun taxes, but that Is not alto
gether true Dr. King's New Dis
covery for Consumption is a sure cure
Tor all lung mid throat troubles.
Thousands can testify to that Mrs.
(1. H. Van Metre of Hliepherdtown,
Va. , says "I had a severe caso of
lironchilis and for a yeur tried every
thing I beard of but got no relief.
One bcit lie of Dr. King's New Dis
covery then cured mo absolute! v. "
It's iufiillihlu for ('roup, U1nopi11g
iitign. Grip, I'licumnntit and ( on
sumption. Try It It's giiranteed by
National Drnir Htorn anil Unmix 1'hhh
riiaiiuacy. Trial bottles free. Keg. Ms', 1 1. Oil.
Norrla & Rowe'e Circus,
Tho big special feature) of the
N'orris & Uown Greater Shows that
will exhibit Saturday, May
1 1 tli, is tho astounding array of agile
atheietes anil active arrotiats, gym
nasts and equilibrists, men of mar
velous magnificent and mighty muscle
whoso dauntleis aud seemingly iin
ponsibla feats III mid air make every
one still their breath until the fiat
is accomplished and then burst into
one shout of applause and apprecia
tion. Fur instance, tho llelfordH, a
groupe of six, M-rform high above
the heads of tho crowds. It la call
ed a "casting act" and counlsts of
two of the mcmncrs hanging bead
lownwards from the top of the tent
and the other members of the Ironw
are thrown with giant swings, double
and triple somersaults between the
men suspended head downwards. It
is surely a wonderful acfnuipliihmcht
and one never before attempted in
this country. It is but one of the
many marvels this ol complete circus.
An Opn UtUr.
From the Clipplu, 8. C, News:
Kaily In tho soring my wife end I
were taken wit!i diarrhoea and so
severe were the t'us tiiat we called a
physiclun who piei.cribeil for uh, but
iiis medicine fai'ed to give soy relief.
A friend who luri a bott'e of Cham
berlain's Colic, ('holer., and Dia.rboea
Remedy ou li..ud gi re e.u h of us a
done and we at ouco fe-'t the effects.
I proru nd a hoti'u and before using
the entire contents, we were entirely
cured. It Is a wonderful remedy and
should he found iu every hocshold.
11. C. liaily., editor. This remedy is
lor sale by all druggists.
Homes Furnished Complete
Immense Stock the Newest,
the Latest the Market Affords.
Lace Curtains 45c per pair up
Go-Carts from $4.50 up
Iron Beds from $3.50 up
Bed Lounges Big Reduction, regular $17.00
values for $13.90.
New Upholsteries and Couch Coveriugs 12 to 60c yard
Special values in Floor Coverings all kinds.
WALL PAPERS an immense line, Choicest Patterns.
Screen Doors, Window Screens,
Chamber Sets, regularly worth $u.oo, for $3. 00
New Glassware, beautiful designs Tumblers,
Sets, Bowls.
Dishks in Grrat Variety at Monby Saving Pricks.
A tickot with every 6O0 cash purchase See circu
lars for particulars. It pays to trado hore.
Ue Housefurnishers
Grants Pass, - Oregon.
V2. C. Z. XX. Column
The next meeting of the W. O. T.
U. will bo held at the homo of Mrs.
Campbell ou Friday, May 0, at 8 :30
p. m.
Miss Emma E. Page accompanied
by Misa Ausorgo spent two daya iu
Urants Pass in February and visited
tho school aud met with tho W. O. T.
U. on a bone tho stormlost day of the
winter. Those who mot her will ap
preciate the following notes:
In her field jouruoyinga, tho writor
has lesrued many special lessons.
Words from business nien and women,
from commercial travelers, from rail
road employes, from miners and lum
ber men, have taught me that there is
a great latent sentiment for prohibi
tion national among the people,
mid souio day some force from God
nil1 bring it out aud It will toll lu
government just as oold brings out
the latent heat of water aud tho ther
mometer registers it. Kansas has
taught tno that prohibition despite in
fringement is vastly better than ,
license. Courtly Koutueky, splendid'
Ohio, np to-dato Indiana, rich Illi
nois, sparkling Wisconsin, prosiNcrons
Iowa, friendly Missouri, sunny Kan
sas, cloar-h' adod Montana, potential
Miiho, tho bree.y Kockies, golden
California, bright Oregon, all have
given me uobler ideals of men aud
women and havo taught mo tliatdlviuo
goodness will triumph "some glad
A year's work spreads lightly over
IU states, but my schooling has beeu
unbroken by boundary lines. The
breadth of W. C. T. U. women, the
hospitality of homes, the anpport of
the churhes, the faithful Tlglla'ico of
railroad men, the courtesy of Ameriau
manhood, tho responsiveness of the
children havo taught mo to rust more
on tho goodness of Uod and human
lly. EuiinaK. Pago.
World' E'&lr Protection.
Women and girls wanting respect
able lodgings in St Louis should ap
ply to Woman's Christian Temperance
Union, Centenary M. E. Church, Six
teenth and Pine streets, three blocks
from depot; tho Salvation Army,
Kiyhth and Walnut streets; the
Oueeu's Daughters' Home, 111 North
Sixteenth street ; Evangelical Lutheran
City Mission Society, 1701 Market
street, or Travelers' Aid, W. C. As
sociation, In: -t Washington avenuo.
Why 7
Many people, are anting why. The
qnestiou lias troubled you not a little.
Why is tho saloo'i so strongly en
trenched? Why aro so many good pooplu iu
every community iudilfuieut to its
Why do they not ariso iu righteous
iii'liur tion and stamp it out?
It la not because tho ravages of
drink are unknown. It is not because
tho advantages of sobriety are un
familiar. It is not because tho saloou pretends
to be anything but a lawless abomina
tion. It is not because most crsous iu
every community would not gludly be
free from the ruin which it always
'I lieu why is It permitted to live?
It is because of the commercialism
of the liquor tratllc. Millions of dol
lar are invested in the business.
The distller and tint brewer are in
terested. The saloon-keeper is inter
ested. Tho niau who owns the saloon
building is interested. The general
government is interested because of
the tax-money it collects. The cor
poration is interested because the
license money helps to pay officials
and builds roads aud sidewalks.
Worldly business men are interest! d
because of the money which the
brewer aud the saloou 1st sjieud. And
many Christian business men fall to
make war ou the saloou because they
know that such a war would alienate
the brewer and the saloonst, and thus
contract the volume of profitable
Yea sir; its the MONEY centered
lu the wliiakoy business which makes
it so overwhelmingly influential
Take away the commercial element
aud you rob it of ita chief power I
Grants Pasa Enthusiasts Must Go
to Gold Hill.
Wm. Huleu, Q. E. Neuber and J.
Court Hall wore down the valley the
first of the weok to arrange for the
oigan'zat'on of a val'ey league,
wlrch is to .'uo'cjde Gold Hill, Med
fo 0, Jacksonville and Ashland.
T:'e..e t'irce are the leading promoter!
o? f'e game iu t'l's nect'ou. They
v'slieu Orauls Pa?, but on acoount
of certain loc .l impediments there it
was decided to fix npou Gold Hill as
the proper point for a bail ground,
which woo'd accommodate Grants
Pass, as well aa the Gold Hill people,
who are disposed to ?cnd every kind
of encnuraf,e!i'out to promote the
sport. It will be a short ride from
the Pass to Uo'd Hill, and the Grant!
Pasa peop'e who lile a game of ball
will not run op agaist any sentiment
hosl'le to games on Sunday in Gold
III 1 1, n:cch as, it is said, prevails in
tlioi.' own towu.
Messrs. Hull, Neuber and Hulln,
who wont to Grants Pass Monday
night to try to interest the "fans" of
that towu iu a local eague, )e turned
Tuesday mo n'ug. They could do
nothing at the Josephine county capi
tal, but have deo'ded to p.'l in a
fourth team at Gold Hill, provided
the grouuds can be seemed from the
ralhond company, of Vfli'oh they
have reasonable assurcace. With four
teams in tho va'luy, two a
week can bo give 1, f'us leaning the
players iu good training, aud giving
these w ho i'o not care to attend San-
day baseball games au op; Uu'ty to
seo the national gn-ue -played. In
Medford, for instance, we believe
that 4 game iu tho middle of the Week
wou'd attract a good sized audience.
It toeuia to bo a geneial sectimeut
among business men that a half holi
day cou'd bo dec'n.ed at least every
other week without inconvenience
oitber to themselves or to their pat
rons. This would give everyone a
ohaiioo to see tho game. MaiL
W. R. Iteed tho wagon maker baa
removed to Sixth St, with a full and
select stock of wagon and can iago
material. "Good work and good
slock" my motto. Shop two doors
north or Davis second huud store.
Card of The-nk.
We fish to express our heartfelt
thanks to the friends aud neighbors
for their kindness during the illness
and death of Mrs. J. H. loouard.
J. A. Leonard,
J. V. Stith.
Mrs. J. V. Stith,
O. R Naucke,
T. O. Naucke,
A. W. Naucke.
Absolutely Pure