Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927, April 21, 1904, Page 4, Image 4

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Wd 1 1 1
Copyright, 1X1, by lltibat B. Stmt
"But you ran do nothing, dear, nnd
you only uiuke 11:11 tiers worse liy .uii
lug to m. I have fotiKbt so hard to
overcome the desire to be lion r you, t
have straggled against myself for days
and days, and I had won the buttle
when you came to pull my walls of
strength down ntiout my cars. Look.
On my desk In a letter I was writing to
you. No, you "hall not rend It. No
one tlinll ever know what It contains."
8 ho darted to the desk, snatched up
the sheets of paper and held them over
the wnxed taper. He sIihhI In the mid
dle of the room, s feeling of Intcnso
denotation settling don 11 iihii him.
How could be lone thin woman?
"Tomorrow night Qiiliiuoi Ik to take
yon from the monastery and conduct
"1'ou tire tt jurfrct m.Mlfr," nic idhi.
you to a distant city. It lins all bceu
planned. Your friend, Mr. Anguish, U
to meet you In three days, nnd you uru
lo hurry to America by way of Athens.
Tills wax (I li tter to you. In It I wild
tunny things mid was trying to wiitn
farewell when you came to this room.
Aeh, what peril you are In hen-! You
ere Innocent, hut nothing cuiil.l Have
you. The proof Is too strong. Mlzrox
lull found a man who swears ho saw
you enter Iirenn's room."
"What n I.i tunable lie!" erled Lorry
lightly. "I was not near bis room!"
"Hut you ran see what means they
will adopt to convict you. You mo
doomed If nitigbt by my me.i or theirs.
I cannot sure you again. You know
now that I love yitl. Could vou
bare bmn content with (hot lust good
by nt the monastery? It Is cruel to
both of us, to ma especially, that wo
must have the parting again." She
bad gone to the divan hud now drop
ped limply among the cushions, rest
ing her bend on her band.
"I was determined to see you," bo
said. "They shall uot kill me, nor ore
you to sacrllico your father's domain.
Worse thiinnll, I feared Unit you might
yield to C-nbrlel"-
"Aeh You Insult me when you say
that! I yielded to Lorons becauso 1
thought It my duty uud because 1
dared not admit to myself Unit I loved
you. Hut (ialirlell Acli!" she cried
scornfully, "(irenfall 1-orr.v, I shall
marry no man. You I love, but you 1
cannot marry. It Is folly to dream of
It even us a possibility. When you go
from tiruustark tomorrow night, you
take my heart, my life, my soul, will'
you. 1 Hliull never see you ngitln Cod
belp 11 m to say thls-I shall never allow
you to sco mo again. I tell you, I
could not benr It. The weakest anil
the strongest of Cod's ores Hum Is wo
man." She, started suddenly, half lis
lug. "Ild any one see you come to my
room? Was (Julnnox sure 7"
"We passed people, hilt no one knew
uie. 1 will go If you ale distressed over
lny being here."
"It Is not Unit not that. Some spy
limy have seen you. I have a strange
fear that they suspect me nml that I
mil being watched. Where Is Captain
Uulntmx V"
"lie said he would return for me In
Ull hour. The time Is almost gone.
How It bus llowul Yetlve, Yctlve, I
will not give you up!" he cried, sink
lug to bis knees before her.
"You must, you shall! You must no
buck to (he monastery tonight! Oh,
bow 1 pray that you may reach It In
safety! And Jou must leave this
wretched country at unco." Will you
see If (jiiliiuoi Is outside the door? He
quick! 1 am mad with fear Unit you
liiuy he found here, that you inuy be
tuken before jou cnu ruuiu to HI. Vnl
endue' ."
He urose and ahsal hsiklng down lit
the Intense fucc, all aipilver wllli tho
buttle ln'twecn temptation and solid
"I nin not going back to St. Valen
tine's," lie said slow ly.
"ltut It Is all iirranged for you lo
start from there tomorrow. You can
Hot escape the city guard except
tlntiiieh St Valentine's."
lelhe, !ins It out oei uned to .ci
Unit I may ii.'t wish lo is, .00 the i ity ;
".May not w ish lo escape tlic e 1..1I
do ou mean V" she i nod, hew ildei . d
"1 am not going to leave lM.-lnd :.
dearest, li is my Intention o sutieii
ller III -elf io the nutliol itles."
She giiKtst at i t i 111 to horror for 11 mo
nient noil then fell back, with n low
"l or Cod's sake do not any thut!"
she walled. "1 t'.irl.ld you to think of
It. You cannot do this after ull I have
;hiue to save you. Aeh, ou are Jesting,
1 should have know n."
Hi.' sat down and drew tier to hi
side. Some moments passed before he
could speak.
"I cannot nnd will not permit you to
make such n sacrillcv for me. The prop
osiiloti of Itohiroi Is known to me. If
Jou produce me for trial, vou are to
have 11 tcu years' eUen.lon. My duty
Is plain. I uiu no cowardly criminal,
and 1 am not afraid to fa e my tu
c Mem. At tlit worst 1 cull die but
"Hie but mice," she repeated as If In
K dream.
"I cam" here to tell you of inv deci
sion, to usk you to sicle your lands, pro
led your people anil to remember that
I Would die a thousand tlnu-a to serve
you and yours."
"After all I have don- after nil 1
Ue done," she uiurmured pltcoiisly.
"No, 110! You shall not! You are more
to me than nil my kingdom, thau nil
the people In the world. You have
made me love you, you huve oi.u-d li e
to detest the throne which separulcs
us. you have lunile me pray (lint 1
ml K Li t bo a pauper, but yon whall not
force me to destroy tho mite of hope
that lingers In my lioort. Vou shall
not crush the hope that there may be
n a some day!"
"A some day? Home day when you
will lie mine?" be erled.
"I will not say that but for my sake
for my sake go away from this
place. Save yourself! You are all I
have to live for." Her arms were about
his neck, and her Imploring words
went to his heart like great thrusts of
"You forget the thousands who love
and trust you. Ho tbey deserve to be
"No, no aeh, (lod, how I have suf
fered because of them! I have betrayed
them, have stolen (heir rights und
made them n nation of beggars. Hut I
would not, for all this nation, have an
Innocent man condemned nor could
my people ask thut of me. You cannot
dissuade me. It must be ns I wish. (Ih,
why does not (Julunox come for you!"
She arose and paced the floor distract
edly. Ho was revolving a sclllsh, oownnl'y
capitulation to love nnd Injustice, when
a sharp tap was heard at tho door.
Leaping to his foot bo whispered:
"(Juliinox! Hit bus come for me. Now
lo get out of your room without lielug
The 1'rlneoss YeUve rnn to lilm and,
liming her hands on his shoulders,
tried with (he fierceness of despair:
"You will go back (o the monastery?
You will leave (iruustnrk? For my
mtke-for my suke?"
He hesitated and then surrendered,
his honor fulling weak and faint by
the pa Hi way of passion.
"Yeu!" he cried hoarsely.
Tup! tup! tap! at the door. Iorry
:00k one look at tho rapturous face and
released her.
"Come!" she called.
Tho door flew open, an attendant sa
luted, and In stepod (Ialirlell
TTllli In bleu 11 lusted but a moment.
(iahrlel ad mi need a few steps,
bis eyes gleaming with Jeal
ousy and triumph. Ileforo blin
stoisl tho petrified lovers caught red-
banded. Through her dated brain
struggled the conviction that he could
never escape. Through his ran the mis
erable realisation that he bud ruined
her forever. (Iahrlel of all men I
"I nrrlve lnopixirtunoly," bo said
harshly, tho veins standing nut on his
neck and temples. "Ho 1 Intrude? 1
wns not aware that you expected two,
your highness." There was no mistak
ing Ills meaning. Ho viciously sought
to convey tho Impression thut he was
there by appointment, a clandestine
visitor In her apartments nt midnight.
"What do you menu by coming to my
apartment nt this hour?" she stiiiu
mered, trying to rescue dignity from
the chaos of emotions. Lorry was
standing slightly to the right and sev
eral fis't behind her. Ho understood
the prince nml quickly sought to Inter
pose with the hope that he might shield
her from the sting.
"She did not expect 1110, sir," be said,
and 11 iiieiinclug gleam cainii to hla
eyes. Ills pistol was 111 tils liuuil. (ia
hrlel saw It, lint the staring princess
did not. She could uot take her eyes
from the face of the intruder. "Now,
may I ask you w hy you are here?"
(iubrlel's wit saved tit ill from dentil,
lie saw that he could not pursue the
roues' he had Iwguu, for there wns
minder In the American's eye. Like a
fox, he swerved and, with II servile
promise of submission In his glance,
an id:
"1 thought you were here, my tine
fellow, nnd I ennui to satisfy myself.
Now, sir, may I nsk why you nro
here':" Ills lingers twitched nnd his
eyes were glassy with tho malevolence
he was sill. tilling.
"I am here us 11 prisoner," said Lorry
boldly, (inhrlel laughed derisively.
"And how often have you come here
In this manner as u prisoner? Midnight
und alone In the apartments of the
princess, the guard dismissed! A pi Is
oner, eh? 11a, w hat a prison!"
" Stop!" cried Lorry, while to the lips
The princess was beginning to under
stand. Her eyes kiew wide with hor
ror, her tlgure straightened Imperious
ly and the white In her cheeks gave
w ay to Hie nsl of Insulted virtue.
"I see it nil! You have not been out
side this castle since you left the prls
on. A pretty scheme! You ivultl not
marry I1I111. could you. eh? He Is not n
prhn-e! Hut you could bring I1L111 here
and hide him where no one would
dure to think of looking for him- In
your apartments"--
With 11 snarl of rage Lorry sprang
upon him. cutting short the sentence
that would have gone through her ilke
the keenest knlle Idaile.
"Liar! Hog! I'll kill you for thut!"
lie cried, but before be could clutch the
prince's throat otle had frantically
scl 'cd his arm.
"Not'" she sliilel.ed "lo not
; ill him' There must lie no murder
tie reluctantly hurled Gahrni from
ti.Mi. the prince tottemu to las knees
hi theeffoit to keep from falling Stie
had 'cued her ina lb: nei 's life, but colir
. c descl led Jiel l 1 1 1 1 the III t Help
leslj she hsikcd into the blatiug eves
of her lo er ami faltci'isl :
"I -1 do not know w hut to say or do
My brain is bursting"'
' Courage, courage!"
..i n i y .
"oii shall pay for
Gabriel "If ou ale In
he Whispered
this," shrieked
t n prisoner you
shall be. There'll W- scandal enough In
t.raustark tomorrow to start u volcano
of wrath from the royal loud s where
l.e her fathers. I ll s,v that vou art'
prisoner!" He started for li e tl.sir, but
I .orrv s pistol was leveled at his head
if pin moie. I II kill jou!"
"The world will un.tcr-taiid hew and
why I fell hi your band and in Ibis
room. Stusil!" lie cried t liuinphalltl)
Lorry's hand tivuil.icd. aud his eyes
tilled with tlie tea is of luiKilent rage
The prince held the higher caul
A f.uv sudiletii) appeared at Ihedistr,
which had been stealthily opened fioni
without. Cnptiiln IJuiunoi glided Into
the room Is-hind the prims' nnd gentiy
clos. d the door, unnoticed by Ihrglont
"A prisoner?" sneered Gabriel
"Where l your raptor, pray?"
"Here!" answered a voice at bis buck
The prince wheeled and found himself
looking at the stnlwart form of the
captain of the guard. "I uiu surely
privileged to speuk uow, your high
nous," be weut on, addressing the prin
cess significantly.
"How came you here?" gasped Ga
briel. "I brought my prisoner here. Where
should I be If not here to guard him?'
"Wben-wbeu did you enter this
"An hour ago."
"You were not here when I came!"
"I have been standing ou this l-ot
for an hour. You huve been very much
excited, I'll agree, but It Is strange you
did not see me," Hid Qiilnuox.
Gabriel looked about helplessly, non
plused. "Y'ou were here when I came In?" be
asked wonderlugly.
"Ask her royul highness," command
rd the captain, smiling.
"Captain (Julnnox brought the pris
oner to me an hour ago," she suld mo
cha ideally.
"It Is a lie!" cried Gabriel. "lie was
not here when I entered!"
The captain of the guard Inld a
heavy hand on the shoulder of the
prince aud said threnteiilngly:
"I was here, and I am here. Have a
care bow yon snk. Were I to do right
I should sli'sit you like a dog. You
enme llko a thief, you Insult the ruler
of uiy hind. I have borne It all because
you are a prince, but have a care have
a care. I muy forget myself and teur
out your black heart with these bands,
uue word from her royal highness will
be your death warrant."
He looked luiiiiiriugly at the princess
ns If anxious to put the dangerous wit
ness where he could tell no talcs. She
shook her head, but did not sveak.
Lorry realized that the time hud come
for him to assert himself. Assuming a
ilistrcHsed air, he bow'isl his head and
suld dejectedly:
"My pleading has been In vain, then,
voiir highness. 1 have sworn to you
.Hat I 11111 Innocent of this murder, und
you have said 1 shall have a fair trial.
Thut Is nil you can offer?"
"That Is nil," she said shrilly, her
mind gradually grasping his meaning.
"You will not punish the poor ko
ple who secretisl me In their house for
weeks, for (hey nro ronvlncisl of my
Innoi-enee. Your captain here, who
found 11 11- In their house tonight, can
also SH-nk well of them. I have only
this reipicst to make In return for what
little service I may have given you:
forgive the old people who Is'frlended
me. I 11 in ready to go to the tower at
once, captain."
Gabriel benrd this speech with a
skeptical smile on bis face.
"1 am 110 foul," he said simply. "Cnp
lain," shrewdly turning to liulnuox,
"if be is your prisoner, why do you
permit hliu to retain his revolver?"
Tlie conspirators were taken by sur
prise, but Lorry had found bis wits.
"It Is folly, your highness, to nllow
this gentleman and coimucrlug prlni'e
to cross examine you. I am a prisoner,
and that Is the end of If. What odds
Is It to the I'rlnce of Imusbergeu how
and where 1 was caught or why your
olllcer brought me to you?"
"You were ordered from my bouse
once today, yet you come again like a
cotnpieror. I should not spare you.
You deserve to lose your life for the ac
tions of tonight. Captain Qulnnox, will
you kill hliu If I nsk you to end bis
wretched life?" Yetlve's eyes wore
Mining with wrnth, beneath which
gleamed 11 hope that he could be fright
ened Into silence.
"Willingly willingly!" cried inln
nox. "Now. your highness? 'Twere
Niter In the hall!"
"Lor God's sake, do not murder uie!
Let loo go!" cringed (he prince.
"I do not mean that you should kill
hliu now, ijillnnox, but I Instruct you
to do so If he puts foot Inside these
walls again. 1 10 you understand?"
"Yes, your highness."
"Then you will place this prisoner In
the castle dungeon until tomorrow
morning, w hen he Is to be taken to the
tower. l'rlni'O Gabriel may accompa
ny you to Hie iliingisiu cell If he likes,
after which you will escort him to the
gates. If he enters thorn again, you are
to kill lilm. Take them both 11 way:"
"Your highness, I must ask you to
write a pardon for the gissl people la
whose bouse the prisoner was found,"
suggested (Julnnox, shrewdly seeing a
chance for coniinunleiilloii unsuspected
by the prince.
"A moment, your highness," said the
prince, who hud recovered himself
cleverly. "1 appreciate your position. I
have made 11 serious charge, anil I now
have a fair proposition to suggest to
you. If tills man Is not produced to
morrow morning, I take It for granted
Unit I am lltieity lo tell all Unit bus
happeuisl In Hits room tonight. Jf he is
produced. I shall kneel and beg your
Tlie princess turned paler thau ever
and knew not how she kept from full
lug to the lloor. There was 11 long xl
lenee following Gabriel's unexpected
hut fair suggestion.
"That Is very fair, your highness,"
said Lorry. "There Ih no reason why I
should not be n prisoner tomorrow. 1
don't see bow I can hope to escape the
Inevitable. Your dungeon Is strong
nnd I have given my word of honor to
the captain (hat I shall imike 110 fur
ther effort to evnde the law."
"1 ngree," murmured the prince,
ready to faint under the strain.
"I must we him delivered to Prim's
Holnros." added Gabriel mercilessly.
"To lloluro.." she repeatisV
"Your highness, the pardon for the
poor old people." reminded (julnnox
i. i,o,r,. .'o i , . ( i:u,M.r m,.'
Nee e!;ded to the desk, stunni-d. It sect-nil a lho'.uh death were
I'l !l he'.' C'l.linov feliou cd ;;u! ts'Ilt
I'c.i h. r oar io net I e al. ii'iucl, " he
w hN,ctv:l ' No cue I. news of Mr. lor
ry's p I'-.-ni .- i -iv sae the p: lu-c, and
If le (I. ;r-'s ! i i ,:se , n tefore lloln-r-S
out peo;-l'' will tear butt to pieoVH.
No one wilt U'I'eic I. tin.''
"You yon ,,iu .i . c, then?" she
gnspisl Joy oils!)
"If he w ill permit me to do so. Write
tn blm what .ni v. II. lour hit hues,
and he sh.iS t , t: ,. message. lie
tiraie. and til! w " .n well Write
ipu.kiy Lu. I- u; pose. I to lo the
pardon" 1
She wrote feverishly, thousand
thoughts arising for every one thut sbt
was able to transfer to the paper.
When she bad finished the bope lo
spired scrawl, she arose and with a
gracious smile handed to the waiting
captain the pardon for those who had
secreted the fugitive.
"I grant forgiveness to them gladly,"
she suld.
i thank you," said Lorry, bowing
"Mr. Lorry, I regret the difficulty in
which you Und yourself. It was on my
account, too, I am told. He you guilty
or innocent, you are my friend, my pro
tector. Slay God be good (o you." She
gave hliu her hand calmly, atendily, aa
if she were bestowing favor upon a
subject, lie kissed the band gravely.
"Forgive me for trespassing on your
good nature tonight, your highness."
"The 5,1100 gavvos shall be yours to
morrow, Cuptaln Quinnoi," she said
graciously. "You have done your duty
well." The faithful captain bowed
deep and low and a welgb( was lifted
from his conscience.
"Gentlemen, the door," be suld, and
without a word the trio left the room.
She closed the door and stood like
statue until their footsteps died awny
In the distance. As one In a daze she
tat at the desk till the dawn, Grenfall
Lorry's revolver lying before lier.
Through the balls, down the stairs
and Into the clammy dungeon strode
the silent trio. Hut before Ixirry step
ped inside tho cell Gabriel asked a
question (hut had been troubling blm
for many minutes.
"I am afraid I huve-ab misjudged
lier" muttered Gabriel, now con
vinced that be bnd committed himself
"You will 11 ml she has not misjudged
you," said the prisoner grimly. "Cun't
I have a candle In here, captain?"
"You may keep this lantern," suld
Qulnnox, stepping Inside the narrow
cell. As be pluced the luntern on the
lloor he whispered: "I will return In nu
hour. Head this!" lorry's hand closed
over the bit of perfumed pner.
The prince wns now Inside the cell,
peering about curiously, even timorous
ly. "Hy the wny, your highness, bow
would you enjoy living lu a bole like
this all your life?"
"Horrible!" suld Gabriel, shuddering
like a leuf.
"Then take my advice don't commit
any murders. Hire some one else."
The two men eyed euoh other stead
lly for a moment or two. Then the
prince looked out of the cell, a mad do
ll re to fly from sonic dreadful, unseen
horror coming over lilm.
Qulnnox locks Uie disir nnd, striking
a mutch, huilo bis highness precede
lil in up the stone steps.
In the cell the prisoner reud and re
read the lniDlierent message from Ye
It Is tho only way. Qulnnox will assist
you to escape lonlKht. llo. I Implore you;
as you Invu me. k". Your life Is more thsn
all to mo. flutirlt-rs slory will not he en
tertained, and he can have no proof, lie
will be torn lo pieces. (Julnnox says. Ho
not thins or me, but save yourself. 1
would lose everything to save you.
Uo smiled sndly ns ho burned the
"pardon." The concluding sentences
swept awny the Inst thought lie might
have had of leaving her to beur the
coiiseiUenees. "Ho not think of me, hut
save yourself. I would lose everything
to save you." He leaned against the
stone wall and shook bis bead slowly.
the smile still on bis lips.
TPIIIK next morning Kdelwelss was
i astir curly. Grout throng of
people flocked the streets loug
before the hour set for the
signing of the decree that wns to di
vide the north from the south. The
whole nation, It seemed, sIismI before
the walls awaiting with hutcd breath
and dismal faces the iiiiuniiucciucnt
that Yetlve bud deeded to HoluroZ the
lands and lives of bnlf of her subjects.
Shortly before I) o'clock Hurry An
guish, with his guard of six, rode up to
the castle. Captain llangloss was be
side him on bis gray charger. They
hud scarcely passed Inside the gates
when a cuvulcudu of mounted men
ennui rltllng up the avenue from the
Hotel ltcgcngcu. Then the bowling;
the hissing, (he booting begun. Male
dictions were hurled nt the bends of
Axphulu noblemen ns they rodo be
tween the maddened lines of people.
They smiled sardonically In reply to
the Impotent signs of hatred, but they
were glud when thecustle gates eloscsl
between them nnd tin) vast, despairing
crowd, in whicii the tempest of revolt
wus brewing with unmistakable energy-
l'rlni'O Holaro., the I Mike of Mlzrox
nnd the ministers were ulready lu the
castle and had been there since the
previous nfternoou. In the royal pal
lice the excitement was Intense, hut It
wus of the subdued kind that strains
the nerves to the point where control
la martyrdom.
When the attendants went to the
bislchaiuls'r of the princess nt 7 o'clock,
as w us their wont, they found, to their
surprise, no one standing guard.
The princess was uot In her chum
1st. uor had she been there during the
night. The hod was undisturbed, lu
some nlu rm the two women run to her
pnrlor, then to (he boudoir. Hero they
found her asleep on the dlvun. attired
In the gown sho had worn since the
evening before, now crumpled and
creuaod, the proof positive of a rest
less, miserable night.
Her til's t act after awakening nml
untangling the meshes lu her throb
btng. uncomprehending brain was to
send for (lulunox. She could scarcely
wait for tits nppcurutii'c nnd the ussiir
uiiiv that Lorry was safely out of dan
ger. 't he fisduiau w ho hud Im-cu scut
to fetch the captain was a long time in
returning. She was dressed In her
breakfast gown long before he emtio lu
with the rcHrt that the captain was
nowhere to be found. Her heart gave
a great throb of Joy. She alone could
explain his uhsence. To her tt meant
but one thing Lorry's flight from the
ensile. Where else coukt (Julnnox be
except with th fugitive, perhaps ouo
more Inside St. Valentine'?
'reparations, begun at once for th
vent ful transaction In the thmncrooiu.
The spletidor of two courts was to
liine In rivalry. Ten o'clock wus the
hour set for the tins-ting of the two
rulers, the vldor uud the victim, lier
noble nnd her ladles, herultilsters.
her guards ami her lackeys nn v,sl
ntsmt In the halls, dreading the hour,
brushing against the hated Axphaln
guests. In one of the small waiting
rooms sat the Count nnd Countess Hal
font, the latter In (ears. The young
Countess lingular stood at a window
with Harry Anguish. The latter was
Hushed nml nervous and acted like a
limn who expects that which Is uuex
pot.iil by oilier. With a strange con
Bdeuee lu his voice, be sought to cheer
Ms depressed friends, but the cheerful
lies was uot contagious. The sombre
(less of s burial hung over the custle.
Half an hour before the time set for
the meeting n the throneroom Yetivs
scut for her uncle, her aunt aud Hag
tiisr. As Ang-iish and the latter fob
hnved, the girl turned her sad, puttied
eyes tip to the face of tbe tall Amer
ican and said:
"Are yon rejoicing over our misfor
tune? Yon do not show a particle ot
regret Io yog forget that we are sac
rificing a great deal to save the life of
your friend? I do not understand bow
yon can be so heartless."
"I think I can explain satisfactorily
when I have more time," be said soft
ly In her ear, and, although she tried,
she could Und no wonls to continue,
lie left her at tbe head of tlie stairs
and did not see bcr again until she
passed him in the throneiooiu. Then
she was pule and brave and trembling.
( To be fnntmvtil 1
r ... A
In inarrit tl lif ; is y ...rail)
itn le o'i an ta.iul foituiv
,' - w of he;iH',t in n:uii ami wife.
c1v;ntHe aul laths in face ami fails it:
flish, while her lmslaml grows even
more nrul ami r.jUir-t.
Tlit rt! it one chief muse for this wifely
'rflhuc Kiwi that i. the failure of tht
voiiMiily he::lth. WiVn there is irreu
'ariiy or n.i unhealthy ilriuu, itillaiiuna
tinit, ulceration or female wrakness, tht
general UeuUli it soon impaired.
rrojiru-tors nnd iimkertof Dr. Pierce'?
Favorite Irs nptiou now feel fully war
ranted in oifennvT to pay j5'W iu leal
j-.u-m-y of the Tuite 1 States for any vat
ol I.c'.-.rorrliea. Female Weakness, Pro
la!.us, or Fall in if of Womb, which they
t.uiaot cure. All they ask is a fair and
reusable trial of their means of cure.
"A liul ovt-r n vrnr aifo 1 wrote lo yii fr
anvir." wivs Mm. KliiuUrtli J. l-ulicr of li(ina,
W V. "Vim 'Jvictl me to use Dr. Iirtc
Fav-rritc 1'r. .Tii.lioU ami " OoMrn Mrdicnl
ciivrrv." winch I imI. and wall trie ihii happy
reMi'.l I whh tnniilrl with ft male wfaknrt-i
ainHx nnnif 'town finnui. H-d a very ii1 pihi
iir:iTlv bill t'lt tiiiu- in my left ile. nirvimsiii-..
mih! hart. -he. W-iii no' wiik 1 omUt har'Uv
walk utro- niv rrxiiu. Could not Hit tij nulv
juwt a letlr while nt a time. My hiiHtiaml (
me imiiic of l)r Pirrce medicine and I Wgan
it line. Hcl'orr 1 had tnken two huttlm I w:i
ahlr t.j hri it-, mv tvmk I ued tlirrr tattle
iti nil and it ctin-it me Now 1 do mv h uf
work. It i the ln"l tut-dicine 1 evrra.-rd "
The Common Sense Medical Adviser,
in ptper covers, is sent ftre on receipt of
21 one-cent fcLauios to pay expense of
tnailimc only. Address lr, K, V. i'iercc,
RuCaIo, N. Y.
" 1 have uned Clminberhtiu'ii
Stomach uud Liver Tubh'ta with uiont
hiitihiiu'loiy reaullb" Htys Mm. F. K
l'helm, iiuutftori, TexuK. i-or null
gt'Mtioii, LiliouHtifHH and eoiihiiput tun,
Uiuhu tublutH uru wont excellent. Sold
hy ail drugiNlH.
Mrs. Laura. S. Webb,
ViOV-PrenfilVut H'omnn'i frcn
rmili'1 lull! ot .(irilirn 4lul.
Mt dreaded the choice of life which
wet fjtt ipraaihina. I noticed Wine
of Qrdui, and decided to try a bot
tle. I experienced some relief tht
first month, so I kept on Ukintf it for
three months and now I menstruate
with no pain and I dull take it off and
on now until I have passed the climax."
Female weakness, disordered
menses, falling of the womb and
ovarian troubles do not wear off.
They follow a woman tothechange
of life. I'o not wait but take Wine
of Card ut now and avoid the trou
ble. Wine of t'ardui never fails
to bonoiit a suffering woman of
any ap'. Wine of t'urdui relieved
Mrs. Webb when she was in dan
ger. Whe.t you come to the chance
of life .Mrs. Webb's letter will
mean mure to you than it doe
now. Idit you may now avoid the
snlTerin? (the end nn-d. Irupihts
s it $ bottle of Wine of Cardui.
Grants Pass Banking & Trust Co.
r.111 n- cAi'ir.i. kioi k
Trail. s-t. a lienrrid Psnl-ing huinp-..i.
Knvives d. posits snl.jwt 10 ,-hn-k or 011 demand rrrtilieate.
I J;TnV'Z',tr'"'"M "' l'-our,w'U4 irea.meni and every consideration con
.tslr'il illi .outul tMttikitiK principles.
tafety d,MMI Iwim lor rem. j. KKANK WATSON. Pres.
K. A. Bnoril. Vue-l'tM,
L. L. JKWKl.l.. f..Li.
The First National Bank
ii?,'!1" ;,'rr,,"' ""'T'1 ,0V.' h' ' on critilicaw pavahl on demand.
Nrlls sight arati. on New York n r'ram ivo. anj
Iricvraphic transier sold on all points in the I niteJ Mile.
. pe-'ia. Aiietition ,,, n 10 Cohe, t.on tut i-rnrrwl buine. of ,.r customer
I oilecuon, n..i Uiroughout u.heri, iire,., and on HI acwt'.e p!,inis!
K. A. lliVITH. Prvs.
Nothing Equal lo ChambcrUia'i Colic, Cholera
and Diarrhoea Remedy for Bowel
Complaints In Children.
"We hare nsed Chamberlain"!
Colic, Uliolera aud Diarrhoea Kmedy
io oor faiuilr lor years," says Mrs.
J. B. Cooke, rf Sderlaudii, Texas.
"We have givu it to all of onr
cliililren. We have nd other medi
cines for tlie anie jxrpose, lot never j
foaod auytliiug to equal Chamber-,
Iain's. If yoo will ne it as directed, :
it will alwaye core. " For sah) by all ,
droftgists. !
The World's Fair Route
Those anticipating an Eaateru trip,
or a Tisit to the Louisiuua Purchase
Exposition at St. Louis, cannot afford
to ovtrlook the advantages offered by
tlie Missouri Pacific Railway, which,
ou account of its various routes and
.-atewavs, has been appropriately
named "Tho World's Fair Koute. "
Passengers from the Northwest
take the Missiouri Pacific traiup
fro-n Denver or Pueblo, with the
thoice of either going direct through
Kansas City, or via Wichita, Fort
Scott and Pleasant HilL
Two trains daily from Denver and
Pueblo to St. LouiH without change,
carrying all classes of modern equip
ment, including electric lighted ob
servation parlor cafe dining cars.- Ten
daily trains between Kiiukis C ty aud
St, Louis.
Write or call ou W. C. McBride,
General Agent, 124 Third Ftreet,
Portland, for detailed information
aud illustrated literature.
The But Cough Syrup.
9. L. Apple, ex-Probate Judge Otto
m Co., Kaunas, writes: "This is to
say that I have used Ballard's Unre
liouud Syrup for yeare and thut I do
not hesitate to recommend it as the
best cough syrup I have ever used."
25c, 50c, and 11.00 at Slover Drug Co.
Notice is hereby given that the un
dersigned litis been appointed adminis
trator of the estate of H. H. Barton,
deceased. All persons Jiaviug claims
against said estate are requested tn
present the same to the undersigued
at Grants Pass, Oregon, with tin
proper vouchers, within six months
irnm this (lute.
March 23, l'.KH.
Timber Land, Act June 8, H7H.
Koseburg, Oregon, April 11, HK)4.
Notice is hereby given lliai in ccm
pliance with the provisions of Hie act ol
Congress ol June 3, H7(i, enlilled "An
set for the sa'e of timber lands in the
States of California, Oregon Nevada,
snd Washington Territ'irv," as extended
to all the Public Land Stales by urt n'
August 4, IHH2,
of Silveiton, County of Marion,
State of Oregon, has tins dav tiled
in this olhVe Iter sworn ststenient N .
tiOiil lor tlie purchase of the N'j of Sec
lion No'J in Township No. 3!l South,
Range No. 8 West, snd vs. ill olfor pronl
to stiow that the land souwht is more
valuable for its timber or stone than for
agricultural purposes, and lo eslablii-h
her claim to raid land before J. O. Kooth,
County Judge, at his ollice at Grants
l'a-e, Oreuon, on ThursdHy, the 30th dav
of June, l'.HJ 1.
She names as wdnesses:
Walter Harmon, William Anderson.
W. I. Fleck and W. 1!. Moore, all ol
lirants Pass, Oregon.
Anv and all persons claiming adverse
ly ttie aoove-descritieil lands are re
qnes'etl to file their claims in this nflice
on or belore said .i'J.h (lav ol June, I'.nii
J. 1. liiiinaKS, Ueuieter
The largest sum ever paid lor a pre
H'tllition, changed hands in San Hrsn
citcn, Aug. 30, l'.HJl. The transfer in
volved in coin and stock fl I'-ViOLCM snd
was taid bv a psrtv of business men for
s specific for ".right's Disease snd Ilia-
lietes, uiltierto incurahle diseases.
They commenced the serious invest!,
btation of the specific Nov. 15. 1000
They Interviewed scores of the cured
and tried it out on its merits hy putting
over three dozen cases on the treatment
and watching them. Thev also got phy
sicians to name chronic, incurahle cases
aud administered it ilh the physician
forjudges. I'D to Aug. ?.V 87 per cent
ilthe lest cases were either well or
regressing favorably.
There tieing bill thirteen per cent of
failures, the parlies were satislieil anil
closed the transaction. The proceeding
of the investigating conituiliee and the
clinical reports of the test cases were
published ami be mailed Iree on
application. Address Jons J. ri'l.TnN
Company, 420 Montgomery St. San Fran
cisco, Cal.
tM4il 50 YEARS'
Trade Mjiii;s
Design j
Copvriqmts Ac.
Anons sn.llnf krlch mt rti'.rr'Ml.i i m. i
qitloktr AMtrtain our fro wln-lt t .1
Inrontton t pr.'hMT nnl.M'tMM. Cuir-nvi.-m
lions tnmrnxiflilpiittal. It.intltMxih tm I'.lnt
nl fr. ilMi-t ftT I'l'tiriftf i;.u..:h
1'ati.tio Isknn ttiniuirh JMiimi A ( d. Icvra n.'tlf, wtth.iut i-?i"7y. tn '.!."
Scientific flnrnicnti
A bnnitt.mlT UltKlnfM tceV't. I r.,t r'r tf V1T n.'iel 1 1 tt - ' t '...-.; . rt
Tnavr : four montlit, !. j . n
- i
Mr orb t nv. 3 K
Original and only .cuuii.c
I'lil.N. II TSY W ll hR.- f T
Kile by le.ulititr drut;;'i 2
per ls.x. S.i(e iii. d re!i:il !c.
Accept no substitute.
J. C. CAMritKI.I.. Vice I'rs.
H. U U1LKKY, Cashier
4 P
a aS
Al! work i strictly Orst-class anJ n
IIKI'IlTWCi .V. GOl'Ll), Grnutw I'jim. Ore.
L. K WEBSTEP, I'liKsiiiExi.
The Southern Oregon
Title Guaranty & Abstract Company
Title l-2xiiiiliiel, lerie-ttt, Giiurmiteed.
A. HAMMOND, Aitornkv.
In the County Court for Josephine
County, Oregon.
In the Matter of the Estate
of Josinh F. Vail Nt ss,
Deceased. J
Notice is hereby given that Joseph
Moss, the administrator of the estate
of Josiah F. Van Ness, deceased, has
filed witli the County Court fur jose
phihe Comity, Origon, his final ac
count in the umllcr of said estate, and
tiie Hon. J. O. Booth, judge of said
ennrt, has fixid Thursday, April 21,
111 04, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. .SI.
of said date at the court house in
U anta Pass, Josephine County, Ore
gon, as the time for hearing any ob
jections to said account that may bo
presented, and all persons interested
in said estate are hereby notified to
file their objections thereto on or be
fore said date.
Dated March 2:1, A. D., 11104.
Joseph Muss, Aduiiuistrator.
Departun nt of the Interior.
United States Land Olliiv.
Uoeehurg, Oregon, March 23, 1!H)4.
A sutlieient contest attldavii having
been filed in this office bv John M.
Kades, contestant, against homt stead
enirv No HVHil, niade iHceiula'r i.
1 100, for E'.; 'j, NE'i SW'W S,. tion
0. Township 33 South, Kuntu U West.
by Charles A. Hill, contestec, in which
it is alleged that Charles A. 11.11 hud
not established his residence nn the said
land. 1 hat lie has made no etlort to cul
tivate or improve t tie t-ii-ne, and that lie
has abandoned the said hind, haviiis
been absent without obtaining leave
tor a period oi more thun six lncnths
last past, sni'l parlies are hereby
notified lo appear, respond and ('fi. r evi-
lenee touching said allegation at 10
'clock a. m., on June 15, 1H04. be
lore K. L. llartlett, County Clerk
itraiits Pass, Oregon, aud that linul
iiearing w ill be held al 10 o'clock a. m.,
on June 2a, l!H)l. belore the Items
er and Receiver at the L'niie.l Slates
Land Ollice in lioseburg, Oieuon.
The said contestant having, in a pro
per atlid.ivit, filed March 23, P.KI4,
et fniih facts whicii show that after due
diligence peisnnal service oi this notice
can not be made, it is herein order. il
inddiMcied that such i;niicehe gilt n
lv due and proper puhlii icion .
J. 11. Ilooru, Receiver.
To nil whom it may concern: Notice
i hereby given :
That all those ct rt iin Plnci r mining
c In i ins, situated in Touuship HJ,
South ; Kauge U v,.st of the Willa
mette .Meridian and on the left hand
hank of Josephine Creek, nnd the
"Ulue Jay" on the right band bank,
in tho county of Josephine nnd State
of Oregon, and lying between Fid
dlers' Uulch, ntni Hays Uulcli, are
owned by Edward Pailey and David
Hour. Thut said Mining claims are
being wotked by M. Marks, under nil
ag'eemeut in the nature of a Deed
in Escrow. i
Therefore, all laborers and miners
are hereby notified that they are not
entitled to a labours' lien en said
above describid pmpirty Iniiuing
claims,) under the law. And we
vvaru all pr.sons who nro working for
the said M. Marks, not to attempt to
lile liens again! said abir.e described
mining chums cr either of them, as
we nill contest nil or any liens, that
may be filed on said claims.
January lioih, P.SI4.
tit.ints Pass Oi'"gnn, Feb. 4, l'JOl.
To S. J. Paul :
You are hereby notified that the
undersigned, Franta Novotny has ex
isiuli'd during the year ending De
cember .11, I1KH, One Hundred Dol
lars in labor and improvements on
each of the f dlowing described inin
ing chums, to-wit :
The Iron Horse Quartz Milling
Claim situated in Wolf Creek ( unor
ganised) Mining District, Joscihiue
County, Oregon, the loc.niou notice i f
which wns on March ;tl, l'.ioo, fihd
tor record w ith the County Clerk for
Jose; luti" County, Oregon, and the
-.hiii" ni.w appears of record in
Volume l:t of Mining Kccords of
.loM'pli'tie County, Oregon, at page 330
Also that quartz iniuing chum
known as the Climax, situated in the
Wolf Creek I unorganized i Minn g
District, .luM'iliino County, On pen,
the local ion notice of winch w at ou
June lo, P.siO, filed Tor record in tlie
otlice of the County Clerk for Jnse-
phinii I ounty, unpin, and the same
now apis'nrs ot recorn in Vol. 13
Mining Records of said Comity at
mge 4110 thereof.
Also the Dutchman Qjartz Mining
Claim sitnated in Mt. Ki-nleu lunor
iMniitd) Miuing District, Josephine
County, Oregon, as particularly de
scribed in tlie location notice thenof
nled iu the otlice of the County Clirk
for Jospvhiue Couuty. tirt gon, June
il, l'.X'l, and the siiine now appear
of record iu Vol. 14 of Mining records
of said Couuty at page 142 the-ecf.
That I expended ttie moneys afore
said on said mining claims under the
provisions of sootlou 2324 of : he Re
vised Statutes of the I'tuted Slates
and tbe amendment thereto, approved
Unuary 33, lil, conn ruing annual
ial-or on mining claims, the sums so
xi'u led on each of said claims being
.tie annual assessment nnd "cprcec nta
tion work thereon, aud tlie amount re
ijuiri J to hold each of said mining
claims for the period ending IVceni
Is r 31, l'.svj.
Y'ou are further notified that if
.viihin ninety days from the time ct
personal sirvice of this notice upon
iou, cr wi.liiu ninety days after the
first publication hereof yoo fail or
rfuse to cctitribnti your portion of
such expcudftute ai co-owner, to-wit:
one-half thereof, year interest in each
of aaid claims will beccuin the prop,
rty of the umh rsigned, your co
owner, who haj made the expeuditure
ne-uired in accordance w ith the re.
'linteu ents of tlie law iu such cases
made aud i roride.l.
Blue Front Shop
South Sixth Street,
t t t
Geneial Blacksmithing
Scientific Horseshoers
Minitlir Tool Vnrkpr
W. 1!. HAMMOND, Secustakv.
ATA ft;
riiv-iniT' fi
Ely's Cream Balm
Thio Remedy In a Spocifle,
Suro to Civa Satisfaction.
it ckfin'cs, ii.) hc;i!s, and jtrctt'eta tho
di-eiiscd iceuihrcue. it cif. Ciit.'.rrl: an.'
Irirea a".Ti.y a C- i in tl: i'eiij rp.i. kly.
Uostoret. lui Ec. vi of T,c,to and K:i:ell.
Iv.iy ttm I : in e.'ii:.j iri -Vtf
Apiili.-ii i:. e. i, - '' . ici 1 ..' r' . !.
a:t, l-'iz1, f .' .' ' -eiM-- . .; f-.i. c, 1 J .. .'.
av srcv;;c;:c. r
Tlip Modern Kcnicdy for Woim-n
jl Kkxu-ona hasl'ured.'omeof
- the vxut cases of
sie.''r'el," Loiicorrhoca
f-ena lor liooklet. ) san Jose, Lai. J
Shoit Line
and union Pacific
Three Trains to the East Daily
Throucli Piillinnti staadard and tourist
slei'i'inc curs daily lo Omaha. Chicago, f-po-Uane;
tourist sleeping curs dailv to Kansas
I'Hy; lliroucli pullinuti tourist sleeping
cars (iersonally roinlui iwl) weeklv to Chi
cago. Kansas Citv, re. iiiiing chair ears
(seals free) lo the fcast duilv.
No ctiange ot ear..
. run
'.hi-', a. m.
via llinil ,
Froin Portland ! l iioM
;u'tt EiiKe. Deliver, ft
Worth, Omaha, '"
Kiinsns City, St.!
Louis, Chicago and
Kitst. I
itigtuiic ,
Atlantic Salt Luke, Denver-!-
Ivvpicss ' I t. Worth. Omaha.'
:!." p. in.1 Kaiisiis City, St.1
via limit i Louis. Chicago;
ington.' and K:A. i
St. Paul Tiilla Walia7Le i7 !
Fust Maill ton. Spokane, Wal-
7.4."i m. lace. Piilhiian, Min 8;00a. m.
via ! neapolU. St. Paul.!
Spokane, j Diiluth, Milwaukee,!
I Chicago and Kastj
Ocean anil lliver KcheOnle.
For San Francisco Kvery five davs at 8
n iu. For Aioria. wav iMiints and' North
Heat h Daily (except Mltidav ) at S p. in. ;
-aturday al 10 p. ru. llatlv 4-rvii e ( water
pernntiingi on Vt illstiirtle and Vsuihill
For furilier inlorination ask or write your
nearest ticket airenl. or
Meneral Passenger Agent.
1 he Oregon Pailroud 4 Navigation Co.
Portland. Oregon.
Iv 171S
inivAiau, si.luuis and
spi.K.snm skuvice
l I'-rO-UAlK Klvl lPMtNT
ll)llgln trip acro.a the Cascade
anil it H k) Mountains.
Tor tick. 1 r oM r,.l.lA .n.i r..n .i
, . dl, m.ui-
tnaiion, c!l on or address
II. DICKSON, c. t.
123 Third sunset, Portland
S. O. YERKKS, i;. W p A
6 2 F't ltnn. S. a'tU. 1 a l
Rubber Stamp iuk in stock at the
Courier oftice.