Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927, April 21, 1904, Page 3, Image 3

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    Ms H
I '--a
It is now seed time and soon will come the harvest ' Don't
buy old seed for late planting. Owing to the lateness of the season
you require seed that will germinate quickly and make a rapid
We do not claim to have Specially Trepared Seed, but all our
seeds are NEW and we think they will grow.
Have plenty of Flower Seeds this season All kinds of Sweet
Peas in bulk; Native Morning Glory seed, etc
Onion Sets White or Yellow Danvers 10c per pound. Early
Peas and Beans in bulk.
The White House Grocery.
People They Come a.nd Co
From Day to Day
J Mrs. J. S. Moore is visiting m Port
Wm. Sliibli'y, merchant of Ongou
City was in town Tuesday.
Miss Marjorio Kinney is now able
to be oat after a siege of typhoid
Mrs. Wm. Battmnu left for Jeffer
son Saturday to bo with her mother,
who is ilL -
C&tes Set for Trial at This Term
of Court.
Circuit court for Josppliiue county
coiiveued for tlio April term nt the
court liooce ou Monday, witu Judge
Beneiou ou tho bench.
The time thus far has been occupied
by the re-trial of tho cafe of Dunham
vs. the S. P. Co. Dunham was run
over bv an engine in tho Grnnts Pass
yards in March, 190i, ei d lost a leg
by the accident. His fill was cause 1
J by a broken handhold ou the engine.
Brief Mole end Items of Interest
and Imports. nee.
J. N. Voorliies returned to Portland xho case was tried at the last term of
Friday after visiting A. E. Voorhies ' conrt RU(i (le pliut iff awarded a ver
dict of $12,000. This verdict was set
aside by Jculgo Harms and a new trial
We Have Just Added
Odd Fellows Block.
Spring Weather Is Coming
for It ?
Are You Prepared
You will need
and a
in your gurilt 11.
Your fruit trees will need spraying. We have Lime. Sul
phur and Bluestoiie, and Spray Pumps of all sizes. We
are prepared for all seaons come in and see us.
Grants Pass, - Oregon.
TfPTTT" 0 J,il,l,s Pass, Oregon
: 8 7 G S 4 3 3 ! j
: - k
,11 . 1 ,. I . I , I , L-J :
M E A D F.
11 T
II 13 16 17 It tO -
s r
and family for a few we.'ks.
T. J. Audree and 13-year old son ar
rived this week from St Joseph,
Mich , to make their future homo.
""MrTaiid Mrs. E. D. Weston spent
Saturday with friends in Grants Pass.
They loft in the evening for Ton
cclla. Geo. D. Fletcher, who was former
ly a clerk in Grants Puss, but now
traveling for a Chicago firm spent
Sunday iu tho city.
J. Bnrtloy, after 15 years mining on
Gnlice creek, has loft thoro and will
spend the summer iu Idaho. Mr.
Bartley sold his mine lust year and
will now take a rest
Mrs. Mary Denize will return from
Vermont tho lutt of May nnd will
probably reach here the 2itli. She
will be accompanied by her sister,
Mrs. L?e and husband.
H. C. Telford and son Ray ' came
from ColeNtin Monday to build a
Jiouso for Misses Hattio nnd Emma
Telford. They will erect a modern 7-
room honso ou C street between Third
and Fourth. Work was commenced
Father Hick io formerly located in
Grants Pass was a passenger on the
overland 0110 day last week, on his
way to San Francisco to undergo
another operation ou his even. His
eyesight has improved but he Is still
j greatly troubled.
Mrs. Frank Akens nnd daughter
I aud Miss Brown of Chicago aro visit
! ing the family of W. II. Freed. They
. will remain for the summer and will
; occupy the f etzner residence durir.g
I tho nbsenco of Mr. and Mrs. Fotzm r,
1 who will make, an extended trip east.
Mrs. E. C. Newell is sufforiug from
tho effects of a severe full which she
received on Saturday cvoning. Iu
con: jug down the stairs nt her home,
sho missed a step and fell. SI10 was
severely bruised aud has been con
fined to her bed for several days, but
suffered no serious injury.
J. A. Muddux cut an artery in hi
leg while working in tho woods for
the Goldeu Drift Mining Co. Monday
Fortunately, there were other work
men near and ther immediately sum
moiled assistance and brought Maddux
to town, whero he received ti edieul
euro. Maddux lirtd just comment1
work for tho Ctolduu Drift Co.
C. M. Hyskell, formerly editor of
tho Democrar-Jonrnal of Burlington,
Iowa, arrived iu Grants Pass Thurs
day with a view to b curing orchard
laud. lie was met the following day
by Ed M. Andrews, proprietor, and
Clms. Hazelriir, musical director of
tho Andrews 0Mra Co., Chicago,
who aro also seeking fruit lauds.
Mr. Jackson, of the firm of Jackson
& Moon, the Galice miners and pros
pectors, recently took out over flOO in
a pocket which he discovered on his
qnurtz property ou the right hand fork
of Galicu creek. He wus drilling ou
tho vein, tho rock being somewhat
hard and noriced particles of gold in
the drillings. When he find tho Must
and returned to tho 8iot, the hole ap
peared all yellow with gold. He
had placed tho "idiot" accurately iu
the pocket.
Frank Colvig camo np on Tursduy
from the Rocky Gulch mines at
Ualiee, where he has been working
during the winter. He walked out to
Merlin, some IT miles, in time to
catch the morning train. Tho mine
has lueu ruuning stcudily during the
I winter nnd an immense amount of
gronni has been piped off on a low
bar which prospects richly. The
I ground being low the rich gruvi l near
the bedrock is lift until later iu the
; season, . when the ground will be
j "bottomed np" aud the cream of the
mine will then be secured.
Edgar Chiles who stabbed John
Patrick, and II. L. Bennett, who
shot H. S. Dolau, both ou tho streets
of Grants Pass, wero arraigned on
Wednesday aud will appear to plead
at 1 :30 p. in. on Thursday.
Following is the docket :
Stale vs. Ed Chiles, attempt to kill
John Patrick.
State vs. Bennett, shooting D. H,
State vs. MuMulty, theft of overcoat.
E. R. Pickel vs. John R. llarvy and
wife, action for money. j
S. A. Vanco vs. Tho Mountain View
Copper Co., action for money.
O. K. Stevenson vs. Southern Facinc
Co , action for damages.
May Kainscy vs. John Lockhard,
action for damages.
E. A. Dunham by Guardian ad litem
vs. Sou'.ticru l'aciuc t,o. action lor
W. C. Hale vi Win. Uallcy, action for
II. 11. McClung vs. Lucy under, action
for monov.
Firct National Bunk of Southern Ore
gon vs. August Fetsch, action for money
M. Bluinenthul & Co. vs. J. B. Allien
action for money.
S. W. Smith vs. Nellie Smith, divorce
W. I. Sweetland vs. Grants Pass Now
Water, Light anil Power Co. equity, o
jeetions to cost bill.
F. Petsch vs. Lucy l'erren, equity.
Ellen St Louis vs. Henry E Booth,
Elizabeth Grove vs. F. F. Grove,
0. S. Uoodnnw vs. Wm. II. Emoreon,
etal, foreclosure of mechanics leln.
Elvira D. Iluy vs. W. J. Hay, divorce
Ileuj. Hush vj. H. M. Girliam, oquily
S. N. Avers vs O. O. I.nnd, suit to
quiet tillo.
James O O Uunn vs. A. W. l ox, par
tition nnt.
C. E. Euier on vs. Jans II. Aden, an
insane person ami U. u. myior nis
guardian, equity:
J. F. Wiscearver vs. Jacob Klipple,
suit to quiet title.
W 1 Sweetland vs. Grants Pass Now
Water Light and Power Co., eqitity.
Clura Child. tu vs James II. Childers
Estate of W. F. Kramer, an iusolvont
debtor vs. J. 0. Booth, assignee.
W. E. Stacy vs. Tennesse Stacy,
F. II . Osuood vs. W. P. and W.G.
Wright, equity.
Alice Josephine lliyglns vs. Louis
Higiiins, divorce.
J. O liooth vs, Walter DuVarila, etal,
Laura Fields vs. Sherman' Fields,
Iva M. MoCalliater vs. Oliver A. Mc
Callistcr, divorce.
Jesso Furman vs Samuel Baker, etal,
suit to quiet ti'le.
Joseph Moss vs. James C. Every etal,
O. li. Everitt vs U. J. Evoritt, divorce
Martha Louden vs. Leonia Louden,
II. C. Bolizien and II. Thomas vs
Alice 11. Culver, equl'y.
J. T. Layton vs. R. L. Davis, equity,
Harriett Lee vs. T. 1. Lee, divorce.
James T. I-ognn vs. l)i?p (iravel Mill'
injr Co., inj ii ncti'in.
F E. .ia;farlno vs T. It. Itourke
etal, foreclosure of mechanics loin.
Ideal Fountain Pins
Is in tiie northern part of the j
city, nl nut t one Mock north of tho ! Walermau
new l.rick l-ulihc School liing.. from AlVJ up at Cramer Bros,
hetwecn Seventli una .Ninth i
The lots iu this udditioii lire especially ndr.pted fur rcMdencc purpose ai
they are verv large and on rolling ground and higher than the city pr.n-r.
For a short time only Ireland A Mead., are making remarkably low prices,
It will pay you to inve-tigate t'.icir pr.po-ition before buying elsewhere.
See H. V. MK.ADE. at the Courier olli -e, for particulars.
Strtvy Bicycle
About two months ago a bicycle was
j left r.t flth and H streets, Grants Pa-s.
, Owner can have snme by proving prop-
IICNTING At (iriints Pass, Saturday,
April PI, lfM, to Mr. and Mrs. .1. I..
Hunting, : daughter.
HAKD1NU At Grants Pans, Wednes
day. April 20, I'.H.I, Martin Hard
ing, aged f't years,
.Mr. Harding was a Union soldier
aud has suffured fur years from a bul
let wound ree, lived whllu in the fier
ice. Ho is also an Odd Fellow, bn
'oigiugto.a lodge iu Kansa.i, from
which I lac i he camo to Grants Puss
erly aud paying advertising charges.
last fall. Mrs.
' from paralysis.
H. tiding is suffering
Dr. Flanagnu,
Physician aud Di-ntist,
Go to Corun for Tlumbing.
Honest effort wins a piano.
Garden Hose at Cramer Bros.
M. Clemens, Prescription Druggist.
Ico cream daily Horuiug & DePuy.
Oliver Plows at Cramer Bros.
Location fee $115. W. B. Sherman.
Order seals and rubber stamps of
A. E. Voorhies.
See the elegiut liue of street lints
at Miss Weston's.
A splendid line ol Royal Charter Oak )
Ranges at Coron'i
If you want a piano free write to
A. E. Voorhies and learu how to got
Garden Tools at Cramer Bros.
Ico Cream and Soda Water evoiy
day at Htru'ug & DePuj 'a.
Cold boiled ham and pickled Tripe.
White Honso Grocery.
Madame do Murphy, scientific ro-
veulor, to bo found at tha Cutch Pen
ny social.
Mysterious lkey, Meaudoing Mikey
and a woman who c.imot talk, all at
the Catch Penny Social.
Garland Stoves at Craumr Bros.
What if your house; should burn to
night? Are you protected? II not in
sure today with John Minor Booth,
room 9, Masonic temple.
Did you over before liavo an oppor
tunity to socuro a piauo? There is no
gamo of chance about this. It de
pends ou individual effort.
I have some nice lots in line for
business locatious. I will soil at
right price, time to suit purchaser.
J. D. Drako, Sixth street, south.
A fine assortment or goods and 500
styles to select from at the Grants
Push Tailoring Co. Nobby suits at
reasonable rates. Steam cleaning.
See that fine lot of Ladies', Gouts
and Babies gold rings? For a smalt
consideration St. Louis, the jeweler,
would part with ouo or two of them
for lie is making more of them aud
might mnko you ono just as you want
it, if yon furnish the gold dust.
Oliver Plows at Cramer Bros.
Get out among your friends and
work for tho Courier Piauo.
Sweetest Navel oranges ou tho mar
kctWnito House Grocery.
O. C. DnuiuU reul ostuto and rout
al agent. Cor. Eighth and M st roots.
Wo arc going to give away a piano,
Write tj A. E. Voorhies and learn
how to secure it
Planet Jr. Tools at Cramor Bros.
Wo sell tho fnmous Sharpies Tubular
Dream Separator: if you havo two
cows or more, wriio us for valuable
literature on dairying, froo. UaiKH
Bros., Mudford, Oregon.
W. It. Reed tho wagon maker lias
removed to Sixth St., with a full aud
select stock of wagon and carriage
uiateriul. "Good work and good
slock" niv motto. Shop two doors
north of Davis' aeuoud hand store.
Just received a flno lino of Dm
moiiil and Opal rings. Bring In your
old cold or in in in u sold aud lut me
inaku you n seumless oval or ban
ring. I liavo a new way of uinking
them whi'.u you wait. Alfred Lolcher,
Miss Junnita Clark has sold tho Bol
Ton bakery to A. Gigler of San Fran
cisco. Mr. Gigler is a practical
baker, having been for lfl years iu the
bakery business. He is rutittiiig the
place and will add many improve
ments. BicyclcB for t25 at Ciamer Bros.
Having received ouo of the latent
improved 'New Century Engraving
machines wo are preiariid to do all
kinds of engraving; goods bought
from us engraved freo. Curtis & Co.,
Odd Fellows' Building, Grants Pass,
Send mu your order for fruits,
vegetables and produce. .Fresh east
ern oysters always on hand. Fish
Tuesdays and Fridays. J. K. Hosser,
commission merchant, next to Palai s
hotel, front St., Telephone 4:1').
Cash paid for poultry and produce.
A very pretty China Tea Set
A Beautiful Rug
A useful Trunk
A desirable Dress Pattern (Blues )
A fine All Linen TaWu Cover
A pair Nice Laco Curtains.
See Window
R iil Star Htoro.
I New Spring Suits;
Young Men
of Taste and
will bo quick to appreciate tho extreme stylish
ness of tho suit 6hown in tho picture. It is
throe-button, full chested and broad in tho 6houl7,
V 'o lW IfUY
. ors. niiulo in all tno Donuiar ouniinur tuL'ucs mm ...-. ,
: n.,i:.. f nnllnrno Jf if SCIILOSS B
At so low
ii pi-loo
mHEllti is nothinsr in tho stylo, fit, fabric or tailoring of this suit
1 would suggest tho idoa that it was "Kendy-mado." On tho other
hand, thero is everything in tho nppearanco and quality to suggest the
highest class of merchant tailoring. It is art-tailored by
Schloss Bros. (EL Co.
Producer of Distinctive Apparol for Gentlemen.
f Suits 1
. CL0T?1ES.MK.fiRS I
that I K
'Drop in and let us talk it over.1
Outfitters to Particular People.
at tho Courlur of-
W. Bobbins for
Fishing Tueklo at Cramer Bros.
U try a Bluo Ribbon B-ceiit cigar.
Photo Supplies
Voto for Marcus
County Clerk.
Cold Boiled Ham Wo slieo it-
White Ilouso Grocery.
Screen Doors at Thomas Co.
Window screens at Thomas Slo.
Head carefully our proposition to
givo away a high grade piano ireo.
As yet tho Oominutatlon Law bus
not boon repealed. -W. B. Sherman.
Miss Ida Weston is allowing a
splendid lino of Tailored hats. Sec
Come to tho Catch Penny social at
Woodmen hall, Friday, April 2'J.
Admission cents.
Bicycles repaired at Cramer Bros.
Get protection by insuring your
property with John Minor Booth,
room tl, Masonic temple.
My ollico 10 and 13 Masnnlo Temple
is ojmmi to you for any Information or
assistance wo can render in the tim
ber lino. Am exclusively in thu tim
ber business. W. B. Sherman.
Pat tun's Paint nt Cramer Bros.
Small house and two lots oil the
north side of the U. It. track, lor a
aluirt tlinii onlv. nrico H75. Lots
alone aro worth the money. Call ou
or address Joseph Moss, Grants Pass,
Why don't you tuke that l inllllon
feet timber claim that W. Ii. Biicr-
maii ran show you. If you think
lie can't show It, show hliu that yon
ineaii. business and ho will show you
tho timber.
The llebekah ladies will glvo a
sipular advertisement social iu tho I.
O. O. F. hull on Tuesday evening,
April 2tl, which promises to bo 'i very
enertaining utTuir. Kef reshmeiits
will no served. The admission will
ho 15 cents.
Tho city council held au adjourned
meuting last Wednesday evening Tim
must important business transacted
was the pasHiiitt of ordinances closing
business houses on Sunday and grant
ing n franehlsn to the Condor Water
& Power Co. to erect pel s and wires
in Grunts Pass. Geo. Finch was up
pointed to I li. U o the place of Marshal
tTAVING purchased the jowclry stock of tho
lato II. II. Barton, for a short timo only I
will disposo of samo at greatly roducod prices.
All repair work dono under a guaranteo to
givo satisfaction.
13E11T BARNES. ,
demons' Drug Storo.
High Gr&da Concert
Given Saturday.
to Be
Who They are and What Their
Present Business la.
Miss Bert ina Holla, viollnst, Mine.
D. BotTn, high soprano, asssted by tho
orchestra under the drectlon of Signor
D. Bnffa will give a couonrt at the
opera house Saturday evening. April
2:1. Hlgnnr and Mine. BufTa are woll
known In Grants Pass as thorongh
musicians while Miss B irtlua Is con
sidered a wonder iu the musical lino.
Her uppnraiico is always a sou roe, of
pleasure to an audience.
The following program will bo ren
dered: Haimotid Overture Auibr Thomas
Violin "Zlegeuiierwdsen"
Pablo do Saranate
Bert ina HorTit
Soprano "Lot Hear tin Gentle
Lark!" Sir II. Bishop
Mine. D. BntTu
Flute Obligato, Mr. Clarko.
Overturn "Strade I In" Flotow
Violin "Ktninoro Concerto"
Felix Mendelssohn
Bertina Bulla
Soprano Santas Ballad "(lying
Dutchman" ....Wagner
Mine. I!n Ira
Violin "Komatice Sans Paroles'
H. Wleniawski
Berlliiu Bolfa
Mi sere Scene From Opera II
Trovatoro Verdi
. Mine. Bulla uml chorus
The entire program is one that will
be pleasing to all and no music lover
should fail to attend this concert.
Vegetables always frcili In our Mist
Mar hiun not on the aireel White
House Gris'ery.
It. O. Smith, tho nominee for repre
sentative is the woll know attorney of
this city. .
C. F. Lovelace, nominee for sheriff,
is tho present county commissioner.
thoroughly and favorably known
throughout tho county.
J. A. Slovnr, nooiluoo (or clerk, la
tho well known druggist of this city,
a member of the Urauts Pasa school
board aud one of the prominent busi
ness men of the town.
II. C. Perkins, nominee for assess
or, is the preseut county surveyor, a
member of tho city council of Grants
Pass, and Is well known all over
southern and western Oregon.
John Wells, noiulueo for commls
siomr, has held that office iu this
county for the past four years, He ia
an old resident of this county and has
always beeu ouo of Its solid citizens.
Dennis H. Stovall, nominee for
school superintendent, is the well
known and popular writer.
Dr. W. II. Flanagan, nominee for
coroner, Is a pioneer physician of this
city and ouo of its prominent and
active citizens.
Strtout Stomn.h Troubli art d. ,
I was troubled with a distrcsa in my
stomach, sour stomach and vomitlog
nih-IIh, and can truthfully any that
Chamberlain' Stomach aud Liver
Tablets cured me. Mrs. T. V. Will
iams, Lainshurg, Mich. These tab
lets are guaranteed to cure every case
of stomach troutile of this character.
For sain by all druggists.
The Gloria
(A Ladies' Dro-s Shoe) is the most popular shoe in the
United States today. STYI.K, WORKMANSHIP and
MATERIAL are PERFECT. ao different styles, A to
EE widths. The best and most extensive line of Hand
Turned and Welt Shoes ever .shown iu Southern Oregon.
AU One Price
The Douglas Shoe
Union Made the best known, the U'st made nnd the litst
wearing shoe it) America for
$3.00, $3.60, $4.00.
Great Display of
ipring Footwear
Watch Us
Fine Vici Kid.
5 to 8, $1.00 SJ to 12$. 1.23
During the past - weeks we have been receiving our New Spring Stock of Ladies', Men's
and Children's Shoes. We have never been able to show as extensive lines of exceptional
values as we are now selling at popular prices.
The Pacific Logger.
A Hand Made Shoe, Hand Sewed, Hand
Pegged, made of California Oak Stork,
This is by far the Miner's aud Logger's Shoe ever
produced and is made to fit the foot. Ask to see them.
Ladies' Cheap Shoes (Thatwear)
$1.50 $1.75 $2.00 $2.25 $2.50
We will show you the largest assortment of Shoes in Vict
Kid, Dull Dor.gola and Calf ever displayed in this city, at
prices that cannot be matched. All widths, sizes and
styles. Ask to see them.
Children's Shoes
13 to 2, $1.50
tine; knot all solid leather.
5 to 8, $1.00 8J to 121, $1.25 13 to 2, $1.50
Grand Spring Sale is now on. Thousands of Dollars' worth of New Spring Goods going at prices that cannot be duplicated. Sec the NEW SHIRT WAISTS NEW SKIRTS, NEW WRAPPERS,
NEW CORSETS. NEW GLOVES, NEW DRESS GOODS, NEW UNDERWEAR. New Clothing for Men and Hoys. New Shirts, New Waists and New Shoes.