Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927, April 21, 1904, Page 2, Image 2

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Published Every Thursday.
Subscription Rates 1
One Year, In rdvauce,
tiii Mouths, ...
TLree Moulin,
hiugle Copies,
Advertising Rates
furnished ou application at the office, or
by niail.
Obituaries and resolutions of con
dolence ill be charged for at 6c per line;
card of inuiiks ooc.
A. E. VOOltlilES, PKOI'R. & MNOH
Entered at the post ollice at Omuls tt't
Oregon, as second-class mail niatier.
THUUSDAY. Al'KIL 21, 1904.
.Now York deniorcatio delegate! are
instructed to support. Judge. Parkin
of that Btato for presidential candi
Thero was quite a lively content be
tween the Hearst and Anti-Hearst
factlouB In the democrat io dtate con
vention liuld in Portland thin week.
State Cluirinau Sam White of Bauer
City wae leader of the anti-Hsarst
element and K. 0. Smith of t'il city
wan prominent among the supporters
of Hearst. Tho efforts to cnd a
national delegation instructed for
Hearst failed and thn delegates will
go uiiinstrueted.
Tho wagon road to Gulico Is a mut
ter which is of great interest to
Grants Puss in view of tho immense
amount of mining machinery which
is to hit Installed during tho prow ut
year. Tho present road is only a
trail, dug wider and is lni nsHible
with anything liko decent loads. It
is announced that unless tho road is
overhauled and put ou a reK cliiMo
grade, ono of these companies will
put iu a road to another railroad
point and if this is done it will
doubtless curry tho tralllo ot the dis
trict. A few hundred dollars sih.miI
ou the present route would retain the
. trade, which may otherwise get away.
Wo doubt if tho business men of this
city as a class, fully realize tho ini
jKjitang. of this matter. The lialice
district is making enormous progress
and thu big properties which are open
ing w ill create a rich and populous
camp. A few hundred dollars invent
ed iu roads w ill bring thousands of
dollars lu business.
Tho recent heavy Investments in
Southern Oregon mines should
silence, for a timn at least, those
ctoukes who are forever asserting to
now comers and prospective investors
that "this is uo mining county" anil
that "there are no mines here. " A
district where over (1,000,000 has been
Invested inside of mouth, is cetainly
a milling county, anil rucli bus been
tho record of Southern Oregon, Jose
phluo and Jackson counties iu the pits!
mouth. Outside of theso investments,
tho largo Improvements and enormous
plants which are being iustulled, far
surpasses those of uuy previous time
iu the history of tho district. Three
smelters, two of them of 1K) ton
capacity, aro to bo placed ou Jose
phine county copper proiicrtica during
the summer, and stamp mills and
cyauldo plants m being placid In
every direction. Tho cupper proper
ties especially, are receiving equip
ments this year and tho fact that the
hngu mineralized dikes liko tho Yank
lode of llallce ou which are located
the Dig Yank mine, the Atlvu mine
and the Alineda, are found to be pay
ing prniiosltioiis, Is of immense Inter
est to this district. These mines
which aro being equipped aro far
from being tho only ones of their
rhurncter which exist iu the district
Thero are ninny cither properties Just
s good awaiting development and the
equipment of tho first w ill stimulate
the dcvcolpincnt of the others.' In
view of thn present investments ami
ols rations, it is not too much to ex
I't that Josephine county in profit
tlon to Its extent, will ho developed
Into the greatest mineral distrit In
Hie world.
The city council at its adjourned
meeting last. Wednesday evening lifted
from the table till ordinance which
the majority or the citizens supposed
had been put there to star, and made
It a city law. This law enforces the
closing of cigar uiul confectioner
stores and like establishments of
Sunday and Is passe I with the Idea
of being "fair" to the saloon Mini,
who aro compelled to close their busi
ness on Sunday ami wish to
see eveiyone else compelled to do like
Wise. Ilesldes the consolation which
the law affords them In this respect,
they have a tar more important reason
for Mipiwliiig this l ite mi nsure ami
fostering it to hgal statute, thev
have a well foundid idea that incis
ores lit, o this will be obnoxious to tin
Sentiment of the public and so prepare
the way that the pendulum m.iywing
111 the other niic lion at the oily
election, with visions of a wide
open town uct year '1 he peoph ,,f
this el'y n- pleased villi the refoims
which bare ,,-, n cairi. d out bv mn
priHentoily government. They v. ml
tosee the good wink j mil, f, r ,,,,,
than a yi ar ut a tunc. 'I lie i i'u I rt I
the ii unicipal ship nm-l hn" a
ey. for there are nnln on both sol -1
of ihe i luiiou I. If the c, unetl, een I
sidcrlng cig ir -hop., ,- cream par J
lors and candy :or i u iln-ir no nis.
decide that it IS to th,. be-t llilcl ! J
of the city thai th y should 1 ,. , lo,., d 1
on Sunday K t tin m t io "idipglv
If, OU the Other hand, tin y are l ies, ,1
bocau saloons uiu: t h elosi d, ua er
ror is couiiuitled. Tee saloon nun
might, with i-qunl logic, insist cn a
Hocus,' for these places a .. I, ou plac
in,; tlieir propiotois umi. r lean
bonds. Thn sahsiii business is ti. tally
and entirely different fioin any
business. It is not ami cannot be
treated like any nihcr business. It is
a breeder of disturbance, vmli-u e mid
crime ami is toll rated only under ci r
taiu li Iridiums. If all m.Ioohs were
as quiet anil orderly as a few of tin u,
re, tho mutter would l. ill ir. t. nt.
Put being what they are, the open
aalooii ou Jriuiiday, 'ciioroiecLos on the
rights of those who demand di ccm y
and qolet.
- It Is a Im t that you can yet ge
lauds under the Utoua mid Tiiuh,
Act W. H. Sherman.
A. C. Hough Chosen as President
l&l Elector. '
J'. N. Williamson of 1'riueville, the
present congressman, was unanimous
ly rc -nominated by the republicans
from tho Second concessional dis
trict, as was Einger Hermann from
tho First.
Iu the republican slate convention,
held in Portland Thursday, the dele
gates from tho First judicial district,
re-nomlnated II. K. Uuuua aud II. K
lieusou as circuit judges. Gus New
bury of Jackson county was nomi
nated for district attorney, A. 8.
Hammond of Orauts Pans receiving
tho seven votes from Jospvliine
It A. Hootli was re-iiominated as
joint senator from Josephine, Doug
las and Lauc. W. I. Vawter received
the nomination as Joint representative
from Jackson and Douglas.
A. C. Hough of Grants I'ai.s was
chosen as ouu of tho four residi ntial
electors. The otlien are J. M. Hurt
of Pulk, J. is. A. Fee of Umatilla and
U. li. Diiiiick of Clackamas.
Delegates to the national convention
were elected as follows: at large, II.
W. Scott and W. li. Aver of Multuo-
mail, I. J. Smith of Malheur, S. L.
Kline of licnton; First district, J.
M. Keent) of Jackson, S. U. Campbell
of Clackamas ; Second district, Gluts
II. Carey, N. (J. Richards.
Chief Justice K. A. Mourn and
Food C'oiiiuiissinner J. W. llailcy
wero re-nominated.
Mikes s Clean Sweep,
There's nothing like doing a thing
t lion 111 lll 1 V. (If fl I till HHlVIIU bmi I
ever heard of, Duck leu's Arnica salve
Is the best. It swoons away and
cures burns, sores, bruises, cuts, boils. '
ulcers, skill eruptions ami idles. It s!
only :!., and guaranteed to give 1
nutinim wifll IIY JStlllWIIIW 1'llllt rilOri)
and Grants Puss Pharmacy.
Arriving Daily
All Departments
1'oillo.nd Min Cot In His Work
and Cut Them Down.
The receipts of the (Irants Pass post
ollice for the llscnl year ending March
I. 1IKIJ, were ;7lfi.:io1 whichf lacks
f 'sl.70 ot placing this ollice in the
second class, which would have given
an increase of salary, additional clerk
hire and oilier important improve
ments. Tim receipts by quarters for
II. 1".' ami l'.io;l are as follows:
n;:i;. n
Stllla MM
jn;s. iiii
r. j o".i
1st quarter
'Jd quarter
-til quarter
Ith quarter
There has been a steady increase
in the poslolllce business until the last
quarter, which includes January.
Kcliiuaiy ami March of this year.
I'lns quarter was less than the
previous quarter, while it should
bine been about fHHi linger. This
dltTorchee is accounted for by I In
fa. t thai a Lewis and Clark fair en
velope man was in town taking orders
for "ollieial" Lew is aud Claik fair
envi lopes for the purpose i,f helping
ibuig the good wnil. He was o de
liver sta mped envelop, s II,. bought
Ihe stamps in I'oitlaud until (be fact
was li.M-ii,., ,1 by one of oiirim r
chants ami lion the stamps were ur
eli ie,l at this olll, e and s, nl to I'oit
I Old to be put ,,,, !,, ,.,!, q-,,s. ' li,
bdayof two montbs w ait ing for the
nvc'i is s hioueht the Htainp par
' ! ito the pieseiit mouth and
tlius mio the l;io )s stolli. e Mar. (M
oills,, Ibis mm umi w ,u u p Mv,,
lb, ItS'l receipts, but tins utile,. ill
remain :l I class for anothi r year.
As a noil tor i f fnot, t,,, ,-,, i)4,
piilelussets did not b, 1, the r,lr pro
ject as it is j mate i nterpi is,,,
f couKe the t'.iir-help" story .is
a wmm r a. id h i I to be put forward.
.!, S.,tnrdav l:,,;T.i conceit at
o eta bol,,
A nl Tuesdiy - Popular Advcr-
tis, in, nt social 1 t. o. p. ball by
piil '.':, l ia s, l.,y-" llus'scr"
al ,ia-iii to. use.
nl Fnd.iv Catch Penny social
at . O. V. hall by Ladles' Aid
society ,,f lh.tbanv Presiivti nan
Owing to very impcrtaiit bills now
p tiding iu W a-hlnu'toa, you would
do well lo s. c . li. ,m rm., ;,,, ,
no , i ci i in an i l, em, stea.'s at
e li ,ol ci i.vciii, i;ce.
Kelsav, Knox and Others at) the
Opera House.
A meeting in behalf of the projiosed
local option law was held on Thursday
evening iu the opera house with a
rather small attendance. The meeting
was fsddrrssud by R. W. Kelsiy. while
entertainnient was furnished by W.
Kugeue Kuoi, tho imx rsonatcr and a
'trio composed of Mr. Knox, II. I.
Hockott and E. A Newby. Mr.
Knox's iHirtiou of tho entertainnient
was highly amusing aud immensely
entertaining Mr. Kelsay gavo brief
talks between thn readings aud the
songs. He advanced tho customary ar
guments in favor of prohibition, re
garding tho proposed law as a means
to that end. The meeting ended with
an appeal by Mr. Kelsay for subscrip
tions to curry ou the work. Ho inti
mated that each one of the audience
owed a dollar for tho i ntertainmeiit
furnished by Mr. Knox, but few, it
was noticed, appeared to bn in an)
great hurry to liquidate the debt. He
apjmsled to tho audience that each one
should do bis very bust, impressing
that point by a story, stated as a real
occurrence, of a swimmer who plung
ed into a surf running so high that it
was impossible to launch a life boat,
sw imming to tho sinking ship, swim
ming buck to shore carrying a perish
lug human being aud repenting this
remarkable performance no less than
2U times before he at length fell ex
hausted iu the surf.
Thu audieiico did not ro Jiond with
a likn effort In tho matter of subscrip-
' tious, though a few liberal donations
w,,ru lul"'"-
It. Wallace & Sous silver mated and
nrinn aiu or ware suitable for wed-
ding presents at Letcher's.
Foundryinen Want to Move to
Grants Pies.
Messrs. Cook & tiault of the Med
fold iron works, were in town on
Monday. They are considering the
removal of their plant to this city if
they can secure the encouragement
they wish from the business men
They ask a site, the eisiise of which
j would be about f UK). Their plant,
while not a large one, is first class In
i every tcspect and the proprietors are
; first class workmen and thoiouhly re
liable men.
VVlldervlllo Items.
School w ill soon be out.
Mrs. Joseph ti:illith is on the sick
(I'laiiiluui lluiroukdi is on Ihe sick
j list.
! I's" Stone is visiting frionds In
ttiaiits Pass.
1 1 The Conger mill has luen doing
j some suvviiig.
Mrs. Wcodard is visiting In (irants
; Pass a tew days.
' J The debate was pretty well ultetid
j ed Saturday night, the li'ih.
.V. 11. Kohiuson and family have
jinned into their new house"
' What has become o f liutti re up. Wi
; seldom sec any Slate cicek items.
! i; M and S. L. Kolonsoii m.-tds u
business trip to tlraiits Pas Saturday.
; Win Anderson has moved into
Al t lu. i
his ll iu I
":hc brill's In
use on Slate
We' Is
ait 1
n pit
bforl, into
a painful
M.sMav Vcrdin
llllgiou, Ore , :if i t
I, is gnu., lo
staying at "
Lev, lace's for four months.
Scud. iv the Kill being liuby Me
folium's all hiiibd.iv, she met at
lor uncle's bouie, s.t small (jirl
i'ri i, Is an 1 pass, , tb,. day vi iv
I li i - u t ly on S.itu; lay the !,th
Mr. mid Mis. C. IV Kvans h is!, to
thank lh Height ors and fot
yiuiatliy extenited tliein ,uriug the
short ittnes
pi-t"d dentil of
tin i r lit; le son M.i
:1 yiais.
I no mil in 1 2.i d iy,.
While v. oiiiiig in Mr. Lev
c lai-,'s
i lacisinmi s.iop l ioi.iy of !.,,(
Kreil Mmir cann very mar
Is ing
hlowil vp with giant powder.
Presn pick l'rip, Ki Olives,
Sweet ami M'tit pickles iu bulk.
White House OiiHeiy.
fifty Ton Ce-pacity Plant to Be
The complete cyanide plant formerly
iu use at the Darnell mine, oear Kala- '
ma, lias been purchased for 8. Chase,
manager of tho Oro Fiuo mine, ou
Juinp-off-Joe Creek, near this city.
Mr. Chase received word from him
representative at Kab.ina, and that
tho plant would bo placed abnaid the
cars at ooce. The plant was original
ly au expensive one, but was bcught
at a bargain by Mr. Chase.
It is
50 tons' capacity.
The Oro Fino has been under devel-
opment for over a year by Mr. Chase,
and during that time has made a splen-
did showing. The ore body is large,
the values being main!; base, and run-
uiug from fj to $10, making it au ex-1
cellent cyaniding proposition
Mr, Chase lias worked very quietly
aud is somewhat reticent about giving
out anything concerning the Oro Finn,
preferring, as he statu, "to wait till
w have a mlno. " However, he admits
tho present prospects are very encour
aging for the Oro Fino becoming a
mine in the near future, as both the
oro and values aro a known quantity,
and the plant will be installed shortly.
The plant will be received at Merlin,
eight miles north of Grant's Pass, and
liiiuled to the Oro Fiuo from there, the
distance qeiug less and the roads bet.
ter. It is a four-tank standard plant,
and is equipped with a Sturduvanl
rock crusher and centrifugal rolls
Power will bo supplied by steam, tin
boiler and engines being a part of the
equipment from thu Darnell miuo.
DUuic ind Sickneii Bring Old Age.
Her bine, taken every morning be
fore breakfast, will keep you in ro
bust health, fit you to Ward off di
sease. It cures constipation, billions
uess, dyspepsia, fever, skill, liver and
kidney complaints. It purifies the
blood and clears the complexion.
Mrs. I). W. Smith, Whitney, Texas,
writes April 3, JD02: "I have nsed
Herbine, and Hud it the best medicine
for constipation and liver troubles. It
does all yon claim for it. I cau high
ly recommend it." due a bottle al
Lrleknd Sifting.
Tho Vuclun mlno is running its
mill again, after being idle ior a
The health of the people is good.
People are busy making gardens aud
doing other necessary work that has
to be done ii tho spring.
The placer mines ou Upper Oruve
Cn ek have had a long run as snow is
so deep at Ihe head of tho creeks,
water will bo plentiful for a lung
We are liaviug Hue weather, with
frequent showers; tho prospect for all
kinds of enqw was never butter; grass
and grain aro making a rapid growth.
The outlook for fruit Is very promis
ing. Mr. liennett of Placer, mado out
burg a call last week. Ho la interest
ed in a quart, mine on the extension
ot the John Hall mine. Ills ledgo is
about two feet wide and shows up
plenty of free gold. He is running a
tunnel to tap the ledge about 80 feet
from tho surface. A good deal of
prospecting will be done in that
vicinity this summer.
The firm of Virtue & Mackin has
dissolved; T. J. Mackin will contiue
the business. K. O. Virtue hud iu
tercsts in quartz mines oil Mt. Reu
ben, where ho is running a long tuu
uel to tap the ledge at a greater depth.
The friends of Mr. Virtue are sorry
to lose him, but his health would not
permit him to he indoors so much.
He nlso needs niorii physical exercise
aud less mental exertion.
The quartz miners hero are turning
their utletitiou towards Tunnel 9,
where several ledges are known to
exist. Itdgcs have been found in this
vicinity and partially develos, but
for want of capital, they are lying
idle. The ledges show more sulphates
than free gold. Wu need a smelter al
Leland for this is tho ccutral location
foi quarts mining, with tiinlsr in
abiiudauce and also other necessaries.
Uuurtz milling is iu its infancy,
(old can be found iu all of the
gulches; that shows that quart,
mines are nearby to furnish the
gulches with gold.
We are satisfied with the nomina
tions of the lepuhliciiii convention.
Some of the delegates went early, we
suppose to avoid the rush. Husinces
is good at the presint tune and with
the election close at hand and pf
course it will go republican, that Is
all right. Wide Awake.
Tho Pvinklrv lluskers.
This comedy will lie seen ut tin
opera house on l'uesiiay, April 2i".
The play, us its title suggets, is a ru
ral comedy. In some of the Ccottal
States a countryman is called a "puu busker'" and this is where It do
nvisits a. une. Natural, consistent
unl true to nature, brimful i f good,
clean comedy. The author has avoided
the pitfalls of butloonety and horse
play, relying uvn pure w it and good
situations for Ins methods of provok
ing laughter. The race between the
thu e running horses, the free for all
tight bctweeii a score of harvest hands
n,t the county fair with its quota of
grafters, venders aud rustics an but a
few of the many scenes.
Kbrcd the rsve.
A startling incident. Is narrated by
John Oliver of Philad.-h hia as fob
lows: "I was in au awful condition.
My skin was almost yellow, eves
sunken, tongue coaled, jaiu contin
ually in Kick and siihs, no appetite,
growing weaker day bv dav. Three-
physicians bad givi u me up. Theu li
was a Ivised to use Klcctric Hitters:
to my great jov. the lirst Untie mi.L,
a decided improvement. I coutinucd
their use for three weeks and am now
a well roan. 1 kuow thev robbed the
grave of another victim." No one
should tail to try them. Only iov, J
guaranti ed at National l'ru Store '
and Giants Pass PhartuacT. ,
Blue Print I'apvr by the yard or roll i
at the Courier otlioo. "
The Financial Condition of Josephine County &s Shown By County
Treasurer Taylor. j
County treasurer's report for six mouths ending Ma'ch SI. 1B04.
. General fond.
To balance from last report..
Amonnt from sheriff
Poll tax
County clerk fees
Cemetery lots
Estate funds
Justice flues
f Two per cent road fund . .
Five per cent road fund
Liquor license
Sca'P bonuty certificates
T1 ,ale redemptiou. . . .
'e7 license
Slii'iiff fees
liy warrants cancelled
Interest ou same 4,0(i0 50
County school apportionment 1,703 00
Amount on band l.filw 59- 1.1, .",87 Hi
School and other funds.
To balance from last report 2,437 30
School districts special tax 1,43(1 24
Hoad district 34 3 38 district No. 7 bouds 12,215 00
City tax 3(',9 00
Five per ceut road fund from state 1,1123 81
Estate fund '. 141 05
Institute fund 45 50
County school apportionment 1,7113 00 $211,371! -s
By school district special tax 1,143 30
School district No. 7 bouds 12,215 00
County school apportionment 1,732 50
State school aiqiortioumeiit :27 20
Institute fund 83 00
listate fund lSii 21
Two per cent road fund truusferred to general fund 289 39
Five per cent road fund truusferred to general fund .... 421 41!
Amount to road districts 287 93
Amount to city ... !li',9 1)0
Balance on baud 3,021 27-$20,37 28
I, J. T. Taylor, do hereby certify that tho foregoing Is a t uo and correct
statement ot the amounts received, paid uut uud remaining on hand iu the
county treasury of said county for the six mi.u'.hs ending on thu 31st day of
March 1904. Witness my hand this 15th day of Apr. I, A. D. 19(4.
Treasurer Josephine Co., Oregon.
Progress In Mining, Lumbering
end Agriculture.
mos Cook of Applegato was at
Provolt Sunday ou business.
Florenco Lettker of Provolt was
doing business ut Grunts Pass Thurs
day. Lea Y'okuni of Grants Piss was ou
Applegato Sunday, visiting with rela
tives. Ed Estcs and wife of Provolt were
lu Grants Puss one day this week on
Mrs. A. KnuUen of Grants Pass is
visiting relatives and friends at Pro
volt this week.
.Tamos Coffee of Provolt, made a
Hying business trip to Williams the
lirst of thu week.
Gcorgo Spencer, who has been
working at the Bono of Contention
quartz mine returned homo Sunday.
Wo are sorry to Uiirn that R. Lew
man of Provolt, is very ill at Ash
land, where he has been visiting
H. V. Baldwin of Provolt left Fri
day for Grants Pass accompanied by
Thus. Lewman. They exiwt to get
hop roots for the new yard.
Everitt Lew mail of Provolt, left
Sunday evening for Williams Creek
where he will tako up work iu the
quartz mines of that vicinity.
Carlio Fields of Pi Tilt left Mon
day to tako up work lu tlfo hop yard
owned by W. Boler of Williams, set
ting out vines and cutting poles.
Charley Cowan, of Williams passed
through Provolt Friday on his way
to (irants Pass to attend the county
convention held last Saturday, April
Mrs. Win. Sonson of Provolt has
just hired a new cook from Missouri
Flat, who will probably stay through
out tho summer if everything proves
A party was given nt the hop house
of Mr. Huldwiii Monday night, by a
couple of young gcutleuien of Provolt.
The party was hugely attended from
far and near. The music was lirst
diss aud everybody enjoyed the affair
The etitcrtaiunieiit given nt the W.
O. W. hall of Williams last Saturday
night was a grand success and lurgely
ittcmlcd from throughout the neigh-
nornoiui tins eii'.i-rtaiiuneut was
given for the purpose of securing
means to get a new library for the
Sunday school, which is held every
Sunday at the M. K. etinnli of Balti
more district, Williams Creek.
A new foot bridge was built across
Williams creek Monday bv the L. C.
It. K. of Williams mid Provolt, which
is a tine cue. It was built for the
pi rposc of letting the school children
cross the cri ck to school. This foot
log is some 95 feet in length aud is
two fci't in width and tands 4 feet
slvvc the water. It is a great accotn ion to the surrounding neigh
hoiho.i,', to luivc a place to cross the
The baseball game that was p ayed
between Applegato ami Williams
was a good ono. Both sides scored
evenly all the way throughout the cu-
ti re- game, which ui ule it quite in
teresting for the spectators. There
wer, some hv people to w itness the
game, some of which were from
Gran's Pass. 1 he Applegato catcher,
John Pcrnoll, was very badly hurt
from a foul ball struck by John
Sjiarliu, which made a serious bruise
uudcr the left eve.
A Dtady lor Bum.
Pr. IVrgiii, Pana, Hit, writes:
"I have used lUllaid's Suow Liui
uicnt ; always rvcomiucudvd it to mv
friends as I am
coufldcui there is no
bitter made. 'It is a dandy for
Uuriis.' Thos who live ci farms art
especially liable to manv accidental
,-ut "nm. bruises, which heal rap.
il"-v Ballard's Suow Liniment
' Pt''ied. It should always be kept
ln l'use for cses 0f einergoucy. "
-Vi, SI ..W...t ...
I , ..... Tt ,-,-u,,i,n'K plover orug Co,
Lawu mowers at Cramer Bros.
$ 5.2:;3 88
. 8.724 74
fill 94
203 00
. 1,343 00
30 00
61 71
15 00
2Kt 39
421 4fi
200 00
325 34
114 Cfi
5 IK)
18 80-
flu,687 92
ft. I -V? 83
Woodvllle Items.
(Received too late for lust issue. )
Mr. York of Medford was here on a
business trip.
Services in the Presbyterian church
Sbbatli tho 17 that 7:30 p. m.
Mr. Urick, our worthy deputy
sheriff was iu town thu other day.
Rev. W S. Holt, I). D., of Port
laud, made us a visit here last Thurs
day. The Homestako mine has resumed
work and aro planning for great
thiugs thii summer.
Mrs. R. Whipple and Mrs. Liverich
made a business trip to Grants Pass
this week and riqsirt a good time.
Mr. and Mrs. L. N. Stevens ot
Gro ubuck, are making a visit of a
few days with Mr. Stevens' father.
C. F. Dittmar, of Grants Pass
crossed thu Rogue River hero a few
days ago, in tho interest of the
Mineral Wealth.
Mr. A. C. Hoofer of liumncr
Gulch miucs speut Sabbath iu towi,
and returned Monday morning to the
mines, with a goodly supply of pro
visions for camp purimsoi
Mrs. Hugh Stevens is making a
visit with her father.
Miss M. Morris left Thursday for
Portlaud to visit a sister.
Miles Wakenuin of Winter, returned
from Grants Pass Friday.
A. Neil left Monday for Ash
laud to attend to business.
Services next Sabbath lu the Pres
byterian church at 7 :30 p. m.
Mrs. L. N. Stevens left for Ashland
Friday to visit her sople there.
Presbyterian church service next
Sabbath nt the J. V. Williams hall.
Rev. R. Tweed, preached at Wimcr,
lust Sabbath to a good congregation.
Mr. and Mrs. L. N. Stevens purpose
making their home here in thu near
Miss Gnwie Stevens went to Grants
Pass Friday to make a short visit
with friends.
Sam Matthews returned from the
Sandwich Islands aftir a goodly visit
aud reports good times
Rev. H. Tweed lift today tor Ash
laud to attend a meeting of the
Southern Oregon Presbytery.
J. Cuiitiiugl.niii was the delegate
elect to iliu democratic conn ntion
which met at Medford on the li'lh.
J. R. Potter of Wisconsin, is
here and will place a five-stamp mill
for the Hoincstake Mining Co., ut
Woedville before leaving.
BilUrd l tlorthound tyrup.
Immediately relieves hoarse,
croupy cough, oppressed rattling,
rasping aud difficult bnaihing.
Henry. C. Steurus, druggist, Sliulls
hurg, Wis. writes, May 20, UKU : "f
have bun silling FV.hird's llore
hound Syrup for two viar, aud have
never bad a preparation tbat lias j
given oetter satisl:ictionv 1 nonce
that when I s, 11 a bottle tb, v co
back for more. I ,-.hi Ii, n s:)vr. c-
onimenil it." J,H. Aiv Jl.ii-.l-i; s;,,v, r
Prog Co.
Missionary fleeting
J The regular thank offering tin ot ing
ot the Woman's Fori ign Missionary
Society of the Newman M. E. church
will he held nt the chun h Sunday
evening Au ixoeiletit program has
u cu jreparea ior tne ex-casiou.
On Tuesday evening V iss Tatkin.-on,
4 returned miss'ouary, will sjsak at
the Newman M. E. church. Mi-s
Tarkiusou is said to b a very effect
ive and pleasing talker.
Mrs. R. M Johnson, s,-c.
Bt Coeigh Medicine lor Childiea.
Wheu you buy a cough medicine for
small children you want one in which
you can place implicit co:itideuco.
You war t cue that not only rclicvi s,
but cutes. Chsmbirlaiu's Ce,ut.h
Remedy meets a l of tin so conditions
There is uothing sn -p,,, fr t)f
coughs ami colds Incident to child
hood. It is also a certain preventive
and cure for croup, and there is no
dangrr whatever from whooping
cough when it is given. I; n Nv
used iu mauy epidemics of ,tis.
ease with irf,ct stnccssi For ui.
by all druggists.
Come and
New Baby GoGarts
and Buggies
Quality and price all right.
Grants Pa-s, - - - Ortgon.
Mrs. J. A. Rehkopf
is tlisjiliiying a
Larg'e Assortment
All are invited to attend this display of Mil
linery. The entire stock is new and tho
prices lower than ever bi.-foro known in
Grants Pas.
Remember the place, South Sixth Street, Grants Pass, Ore.
Candidate Cards
For Representative
Republican Nominee.
For Clerk
Democratic Nominee i
For Assessor
H. C. riiRKINS
Democratic Nominee
Grants l'ass, Ote., Apr. 12, 1904.
Dear Madam:
Yourself and friends are cor
dially invited to call at Miss Vic
toria C'haihlock's
Ladiks Taii.okinu Parloks
Dress Making, Walking Skirts aud
Wraps. All work gtiarunteed-per-fect
Fit and Workmanship.
K Street, near Second: Phone
Fine Sewing a Specialty.
Front Street, nest Palace hotel
To Meihcilist Episcopal Confer
trice nt Lo Angelas.
Aecco- t above confi rt-iiii',
South, ra IV i tie Co. will m;i!;i,
uiici'it rate oa imp ci rtirfntte
ir.un 111:1111 line points n
Ori'tivi Miuih of Port la id. Passeii-
.!. will mirelHs,. tickets to Los
ii(ji ie, n-r which Ajji'iit will collect
t ie ili.-11'Kt nm, ,.. i,.;,.n
"pi'diil receijit. On
iri-M'iitaiioii of
tins rioi'i,t, duly executed, hv orijti
nal tuirelmser. Southern Pucillr
Audit at Lna Auki'Ich, will sell re
turn ticket nt one-third Lire. Sale
il.ites from Orc",nn points will bo
April l'.i, to May T, inelasire, also
May li hi. i.i, and :io. The- lai-t
day on which certitkates will he hou
ri ,1 for return nt reduced rates from
Li s Ang'lfs, will bo June .'illi, 11104.
. E. COM AN, G. P. A.
Theie Is a ocd deal
nf ii,n,,, ;
of inqnny a,
to whether the Stone and Timber Act
end Commutation laws have Ih.u re-
have lH.11 r. i
l-aled. As yet tin y have not. W. ,
ti. Miernian is of the opinion, how )
evi r, that both laws will be re aled '
111 the uear futare. However, he
ii.,i advis.- us that we may not ex-1
vot it to take etTert for 10 to SO days
ifter ratiiicatiou by the presi lent.
A t'. Barvnevrd-L'nderltvker.
I hereby cast 5 votes for
' '! IV M.
Fill out the aK,ve roupoa ami m'nd
to this oi!;c.
sec our
OF -
is something in which we take par
ticular interest Would be glad to
have you call and talk painting
with us; ptthaps our experience in
this line may be of service to you.
We carry all kinds of paint brush
es, varnishes, etc. and guarantee
quality and price. If you use dyes
remember that
color silk, wool or cotton
' at one bailing ....
cpp. OjKra house
Dm cs
Ureak Up a Cold
Modern Scientific Remedy
Colds arid La Grippe.
Your money back if you want it.
Slover Drug. Co,
Solh Agents.
I SMALL farm near Grants Puss, with
I Imililiiius; must lio clmiip. Will
I Py ensli. Uivo Loriptnn; Ad
I linns T. J. A., rare Courier office.
W'ANTKD To contract tlm ruttiiiK of
HliiO eonls of 4-foi.t wood. Fur fur
tliiT information aildrewi Tukiluia
Smelting Co., Grunts Pass, Ore.
TKN ACRES of ihrii-e land with 400
full hearing winter applo tree's,
P'ird hotiSL' umi buildings, half mile
from court hiDaei Will mdl all or
I art. liiqnire) of J. II.
owner. Glaum Puss, Uro.
Kolt SALE Second hniul top fcUKgy
ior ti:,. Iminiro of Ciuruir Bros.
GOOD Draft s'fal lion." " Price low.
Annrent P. U. Uox Hi), Grunts
Henry WAGONS nnd IUriFs
ie. lniiuire Golden Drift Miuiua
Co. office-.
NEW HOUSE for sale, situato 011 B
and between Fourth tt,id Fifth
"treets. It contains lire rooms and
, nas iiesutes. u hall, four closets,
I pantry, bathroom, toilet, nnd wood
! lonsi'. ior terms enquire at the
i , u;p or cf ' " umliTsiK!iiil. Ki.bert
j .AKM Kills S.H.K-twoii,il from Mer-
mi. lui 11 re- -alut m acres of irood
I t""tt,,lll lnd. L',, -r m rnlil. .11
"'Ufr ,'ul ",u! 1'0"1 cres 'under
i.., r. i,aI1,., , ,,, ,,,,,. lur .,.,.,-,
T I H-lure. Kor fllrllu-r partielllura 1-
" " "' "' Lrow' M''. I're-Koii.
t l!K rniieli. g(K,,i 1, rune ami
Ul'Ule Ori'lmnl. vl,,fl fr,,itv it.
abnndari'T: water tor irjirietion, besides
linnt- on every 40 acres; ct-nuer of a itihmJ
rane cuntrji, two iU,:lniK bousrs, hijr
rn. every Him complete; well sheltered
in, 111 tr..M, K"oi nuninj markets, nne
li.nt nine norili 01 Tuniiei y, i.riiT. -.' Jew.
lie pure at this uilice.
KOOMS Furnished rooma cn be had
at 4th aud B atreeta. Mrs C F..
HOl'SE close to theceuterof town for
rent. H). Inquire at thi office.
Curei Coujhi and Coldi.
Mrs. C. Peterson, C2o Lake St ,
Torvka, Kansaa, fays: "Of all cough
rcmediei Ballard'i Horehound Syrnp
i my favorite; it hu don0 and will
do all that ia claimed for it to
speedily cure all conjjha aud ex-1:1 8
aud It !a o sweet and pleasant to
me laito," 2. 50c, f 1.00 bottle at
a'lovcr Drug Co.