Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927, April 14, 1904, Page 3, Image 3

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    ROGt feiVR COURIER, GfcANtS fASS, ORl66, kvkil M, tgoi
It is now seed time and soon will come the ha: vest. 'Don't
buy old seed for late planting. Owing to the lateness of the season
you require seed that will germinate quickly and make a rapid
We do not claim to have Specially Prepared Seed, but all our
seeds are NEW and we think they will grow.
Have plenty -of Flower Seeds this season All kinds of Sweet
Peas in bulk; Native Morning Glory seed, etc
Onion Sets White or Yellow Danvers 10c per pound Early
Peas and Beans in bulk.
The White House Grocery.
Hoe Two Acres
A Day,
They fit it for all kinds of work in
asinue or ueiweeu iuo rows, jwus an mu wecus any leaves me c-ann
in fine shape. Then, too, it's bo easy to work. Twelve-year-old girls
work gardens with them with case and success. This is but one of 2
FUnet Jr. implements of equal superiority. Come to our store" and look
them over. The price of this No. 12 Jr. Hoe is o . These and
other tools and imnlc.ments for sain hv
Spring Weather Is Coming Are You Prepared
for It ?
You will uocil
Garden Tools
aud a
in your garden.
Your fruit trees will need spraying. We have Lime. Sul
phur and Bluestone, and Spray Pumps of all sizes. We
are prepared for all seaons come in and fee us.
Grants l'ass, - Oregon.
!3 1
The lot-i iu this addition are -i ially adapted f..r r i! e purpn c a-
they are very large and on rolling ground and higher than the city proper.
For a Nhnrt time only Ireland A Meade arc making remarkably low pree-.
lt will pay you to invert igate their proposition In fore buy ing i i-i l.crc.
See H. V. MEADE, at the Courier othYc, for particulars.
Grants Pass Opera House
MONDAY, APRIL 18, 1904.
Signor D'l'RDASO. Leadei.
35 PEICES 35
12 Celebrated Soloists 12
That can easily be done with this implement
and when it is done it will be a hettor job
than three men could have done in the same
time wilh hand hoes. Note the attachments
which go with
This No. 12
Planet if
Double Wheel
the garden or truck patch. Runs
mQW'i i i nil 1 i.
1 to (i rants Puss, Oregon.
s T ; . z i: T
11 I 2 I
"-"- '
i 1
f " ... '
I-i ill til" northern riart of t! (
eitv. about oec block north f t h.i
n.-iv l.ri.-k Iul!i.- S. ).! Bid :.
between unci Nil. t!i
People cis They Come &nd Go
From Day lo Day
W. A. McGalliard of aldo wns a
visitor to this cilice last week.
David E. Norcross returned to
Grauts Fats Thursday from Eeg.ue
where ho has bscn attending school.
Miss E. W. Hcsliu came in from
Wincim, where she is teaching school.
to spend Saturday with her sister.
Mis Calla Heslin.
P. W. Hcrshbergrr returned last
neck from Hart, Mich., where ho has
becti spending the winter at his old
home. He also visited in Ohio.
Miss Abbie J. Mills left on Tuesday
eveuing for The Dales, where she will
remain during the summer. She will
probably return to Grants Puss nest
' Mrs. A. U. Baamard left Monday
morning for Eugeno to spend a week
with her daughter. Miss Margaret.
Shu w ill then go to Portland to at
tend a missionary board meeting aud
visit friends.
John Handle, Jr., and Will Mc-
Danieln left Monday nioruing for
Crescent City where the expect ti
unci work. They will make the 100
mile trip on foot and expect to arrive
there iu thrcu days.
A. II. Carson went to Portland
Saturday to attend 11 meeting of the
Hoard of Horticulture of which body
ho is a member. In another column
of this issue wo givo his repoit as pre
sented to the board Monday.
Mrs. IJarry Lyon is visiting in this
city at tho homo of her mother, Mrs.
Duiybou. Mr. Lyon is a telegiarhcr
iu the fcS. P. service and win formerly
located hero. Sinco having hero he
lias been stairm cd at Junction, Salem,
And Portlai d, and is now at Rose-
bnrg. Mrs. I.vou will remain hero
until their place, of r.'Hdcneo Iu more
dofiuitely located.
J. II. (radlchangli of Meiliu was in
'own Wednesday on ( business visit.
Mr. is an able newspaper
11:111, recently connected wilh the
ial 111 Journal and the Portland
fnuruul. At present ho is ont of the
uuwsp:i'cr woik Mid is furthering
heproigc.-s of the (ialirc Comoli
la'cd Mines Co. and the Merlin
t'ownsite X Development Co., having
interests ill tliceu enterprises.
Sprained His Knee
Last Saturday, as J. D. Cock (.f
Jacksonville wns crossing t tic railroad
rracks 011 Sixth street in company
with A. C. Hoofer, they climbed
over a gravel car, pHrt of a train that
wns Ftanding on tho crossing. As
they jumped down ou tiro other sidi
Mr. Cook 'i lighted too heavily ou a
weak knee and fainted. Mr. Hoofer
went for assistance. While Mr,
Cool; was lying there ho regained
partial consciousness and ngaiu faint
ed several times. Ho called to pas
.rs hv for assistance but a Hutnber of
peoplo passed without giving him
my In o.I. Mr. "Hoofer returning
with a carriage, Mr. Cook was taken
to the residence of Geo. K. Ilowlaiid
Mr. Cool; returned homo to Medfor
on crutchcH. His ankle was painful
lint liss so than the state of his mind
it tho hiihlTcrciire to his distress
which ho had experienced.
Tho Punkin Huskcrs.
This comedy will be seen at the
opera house on Tuesday, April 2'i.
The play, us its title fiuggcts, is a ru
nil coniedv. In some of the Central
States a cnputryiutili is called a "pun
kin"' and this is where it de
rives its i-'iimo. Kuttiinl, consistent
and true to nature, brimful of fond,
eleun comedy. The author has avoided
the pitfalls of buffooni ry and horse
play, rely ing upon pure w it and good
situation for his methods of provok
ing laughter. The race between the
thiee running horses, the free-for-all
light between a score of harvest Irinds
and the county fair with its 41101a et
grafters, venders mid rustics ar but a
few ( f the many scenes.
Surprised tho Knights.
The I,. "O. T. M. of Placer Hive No.
";1 made the Sir Knights a surprisi
visit at (Jrienliiiek Inst wick at their
first initiatory meeting. Tho Knights
w -ri surpri.-i d and the Sir Knight
Commander wns fairly ndlcd, but he
onii rest p d order. Speteln s were
called for and rcspi.tidi d to very pleas
iinl'y. '1 be I,. (I. T. M. showed by
statistics that they are the best finan
cierd of any woman's nrgauiat Ion.
Dancing was next imluiged in and
' Veibvoily bad a good time. Kach r:ne
win g!:id to be citlii r a Sir Knight or
1 buzzing Pi ".
J!y one who was ther,:.
Local Option Meeting
A me M ing mid 1 11'' 1 tninnn iit iu be
half of the prt-pos d braloprion law
will be held at tho opera beus" on
Thursday tvening. P.. W. Ke!-ay will
address the meeting. Howard D.
Ileikett,' 1st teimr, and toloists W.
Engine Knox, 3d tutor und iins'rson
ator, anil Kumier A. New by, Inss, will
furnish music and rumvdy. Admis-
-ion is frco and a silver offering will
i lie t.iki 11.
But Cuutli MtdiiiiK for Ct.ildrcn.
Wheu you 1 uy a tough mtulieiiie for
mall children yon want one in which
vou call place implicit confidence. not only relii vi s,
hut cures. Chamberlain's Co'ih
li' O.eily mi ets a'l of these coiiflitions.
Tl.i to is 111. tiling so erd for the
eou'hs and colds incident to child-
iiood. It is also a certain preventive
and cure for troup, nid tlnreUun
iangi r whatever from whooping
cough wlieu it is viv. 11. It has b'eu
isnliii many e; j li u,;i of that dis
'3se with rfi(t iiacH For dale
by all druggist.
P.i gislranii t coufiiiuis slonly,
.nid tin ic is little ch.iiigi-1 from the
lit m i nbli.h-d iu lisr w ik's
i'ourier. May l.) U the t!ie a- day
U t 11 gi.-t ring. Do it new and have
it off your ciind.
(ill.I.r'IT la tb.s city, Ti.urniav.
Mnicli :, l.iOt, infant daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. G. L Gilb tt, aged
ftbeut C uioutba.
Republican convention
A County Ticket N med 'After a.
The republican delegates of Jose-
pi: lue county couTvned at the court
house ou Thursday afleruoon to select
a conuty ticket to' place iu the run
ning for the June election. For two
days previous the town had been full
of delega:es eudeavoriug to sift ont a
program from the mass of conditions
that confronted them, that the course
of the convention itself might not be
obstructed. It was the general un
derstanding among the public that
nil was not serene in the high places
of tho coauty political circles. Geo.
Colvig had goue up against R. A.
Booth for joint-senatorial honors and
Harris of Eugene was invading this
I'ermauii stronghold with apparent
intent to capture the congressional
delegation. It was evidout that the
selection of delegates for tho state
aud congressional conventions would
be 110 tame or listless affair.
On these matters the delegates had
threshed- diligently aud many of the
more active ones wore a wearied and
overworked expression at the time
when tho convention was called to
order. A circumstance that was
freely commented upon by the specta
tors was the soiled coat hacks of some
of the enterprising oues, indicative of
many little caucuses in quiet places..
The conveutiou was called to order
by YV.,11. Hampton. Tho first on the
order of buisness was the election of
a temporary chairman aud Joseph
Moss was placed iu nomination by E.
V. Kuykendall. Thero was no other
nomination and Mr. Muss was elocted
by acclamation. lie fore leaving the
chair, M-. Hampton made a few re
marks, thanking the republican party
for tho honors conferred upon him Iu
the past, and for tho glorious victory
achieved at ttio last elecion. Mr.
Moss also made a brief gimech, calcu
lated to promote a nuanimity of re
publican feeling.
For temporary iecrea'ry, . VV.
Chaussu was nominated by E. W.
Kuykondall. Mr. Chausso declined
and nominated Mr. Kuykciidall. Sir.
Kuykendall declined. Chas. Crow
of Merlin declined nlso. G. W. Col
vig nominated L. L. Jewell. Mr.
Jewell di dined. Tho modesty of the
gentlemen iu regard to tho honors of
tun si orelaiyship seemed cxtrome.
It looked for a time as' though the
nf lire was going begging hut dually
some one nominated K. V. Clarke
and that gentleman stepped gallantly
iuto the blench. Tho convention
again got under way. C. E. Maybee,
though not a delegate, was elected
assistant secretary.
The eharimau appointod committees
as follows: ou credentials, Dr. J. S.
Moore, E. V. Kuykendall, Geo. W.
Colvig; ou order of busiueSH, W. II.
Hampton, J. C. Cumpiiell, V. T.
Cobnrii. A recess was then declared
while tin so committees prepared their
Tho committee on credentials found
1 1 10 following delegates entitled to
seats in tho convention:
NoKTH Grants Paks Joseph Moss,
J. C. Cumpboll, I.. L. Jowell,
Joseph Pollock, O. O. Lund, A.
Monis, G. V. Donacll.
South Gkants Pass G. W. Colvig,
Kd Lister, II. Zollcr, Jospeh Grif
fith, F, W. Chaussn.
Wkst Chants Pass W. T: Coburn,
A. K. N. Heymcr, H. W. Clark, C.
I). Welter. Kd Hagen, liort Hoguo, by
Kd lliigen proxy, T. G. Harmon,
by Kd Ilogon proxy.
KfiMIY K. F. Melssnor, Dol t llurrows,
Frank Floyd, by Hert liurrows
proxy, T. O. Nuucko, hv llort
Harrows proxy.
Waldo J. T. Logan, C E. Phillips,
ClniB. Decker, ull three by Dr.
J. S. Monro proxy.
Ai.TiitiL SK W. A. Leonard, by J. E.
Lewis proxy, Geo. V. Young, G.
K. Lewis.
W 1 f.DKltvi i.i.e J. C. K. MeC'ann, A.
M. Jess, Jasper Wethorby.
Williams C. O. Iligelow, 11. M.
Cougl,., ,1. T. I'avno.
Mi ltl'llY C. F. Centner, L. W. Carson. G. A. Guild, Alva Hammond,
( has. Crow.
I.LI.A nli A. A. Portor, Will Light,
Frank South, by W. II. Hampton
prjxy, W. M Espy, by A. A.
Porter proxy.
Uol.K CitKKU V. II. Hurst, E. W.
Galici; Ed Friday, by T. C. Emory
proxy. T. C. Finery.
Mo t.' NT Kciikn (J. Karg.
I.ti KV tifi::x A. II. Inier, Joe Pycrt
The coinniiltee 011 order of business
n coiniiii udi d that the temporary or
raui.ation be made is riiiiini lit and
that ihe ueiniuatious be made ill the
following order: ileleagtes to stale
C'liivuition, delegates to congressional
duivi utiou, representative, sheriff,
c, rk, iis-i s.-or, school su,erliilcndent,
treasurer, roiiimissioiiiT, surveyor,
coroner, justices of the iaec, con
stables and coiiimitteetui n.
Nouiiiiations were first ill order for
hi n il suited c legates. W. L. Iialicock
of Althruso was liaiued. Goo. W.
Colvig nominated the following list
of seren F. W. Cbausse. It. A. N.
. -vim rs, H. Zalh r, O. ). Lund, J.
C. K. Mi Cniin. C. O. IJiirelow. E. V.
j.Meissnir. I Jr. Moore nominated the
following five: Joseph Moss, J. C.
i Cainpb' ll, J. C. Dysert, E. E. Dnn-
bi.r. I L. Jewell. Dr. Moore was
also nominated. Twenty-six Totes
I were in erssary to a choice, liabcock
j received jy, Mos, Dysert, (,'am lu ll,
Dunbar. Jewell ud Moor, 2S each.
This delegation will favor the noini-
nation of It. A. Dooth as joint senator
I from Jo-ephliie, Douglas and Lann.
For congressional delegatu, two
i lists of m veil worn named: W. T.
Il'obnrn, W. C. Hale, C. D. Welter,
A'. II. Hampton, Geo. E. Good, L.
W. Carson aud O. W. Damn-II, pre--u
iu- J to be rxpoui uts of the Harris
strength; Geo. W. Colvig. J- W.
I Griffith, A. Morriii, ('has. Crow, A.
! M. Jess, K. Couglo and T. ('. Emory,
supiK-rt-d to V? favorable to tho noml-
I nation of Iiirig'-r Hermann. Colvig
Ir ceived 2? votes; Griffith, Morris,
1 Crow, Congln and Emory, DO each;
jjis, 'it. '.V. II. Hampton, the lead -:
ing" of th other ticket, re
IccivtdZa Totes aud a second ballot
was ordered to dn-lde between Uamp-
ton and Jess. Hampton roceifed &4 -voies
; Jess, 17.
For representative, three nomiua-'
tious were made: VT. L. Babcook
of Althouse, R. W. Clark of Grants
Pass and J. 0. K. McCano of Wilder-1
ville. The ballot showed the follow
ing results: Pabcock, 8, Clarke, 20;
McCanu, 18. ,
For sheriff. Goo. W. Lewis was
ro nomiuated by aoolamation.
Five candidates were presented for
the nomination of county clerk, as
follows : A. J. Pike, A. B. Cornell,
Ty P. Judsou, S. F. Cheshire and V.
C Smith. On the first ballot Pike re
ceived one rote; Cornell, 8; Judson,
11; Cheshire, 9, Smith, 2a It re
quired six ballots t) make the select
ion. Pike was out of the race after
tho first vote. Cornell's support de
creased steadily with eaoh successive
ballot Judsou gained for three bal
lots, hut. had the misfortune to stop
ou the number 13. Alter that, be lost
with each repetition of the voting
Smith showed nearly his whole
strength on tho first ballot while
Cheshire gained steadily and surely
until he had a majority. The final
ballot stood as follows: Judson, 8
Cheshire, 26; Smith, 23.
W. H. Fallln for assessor and Lin
coln Savage for school superintendent
were unanimously renominated.
Three nominations were made for
county treasurer. James Holman re
ceived 8 votes; Goo. W. Youug, 4;
Goo. Hansen, 6.
For commissioner, J. T. Logan of
Waldo and Jacob Strauss of Merlin
wero nominated. Logan received
39 votes; Strauss, 10.
For surveyor, B. 0. MoCulloeh was
nominated by acclamation.
Dr. Monro was named for coioeer,
but promptly declined the honor.
Dr. Van Dyke, who was not present,
wns then suggested aud was gleefully
nominated by acclamation.
The convention then separated itself
into precinct conventions to make
nominations for precinct officers and
to name ths committeemen. Tho fol
lowing nominations were made for
the several precincts :
Grants PasE
Geo. P. Furmsn, Justice.
J. 0. Handle, Constable.
Slate Creek
Orr ltrown, Justice.
Mt. Ruben
V. A. Klutu, Justice..
' W, Rutherford, Coustable.
Geo. II. Harris, Justice.
Chas Hart, Constable.
J. E. Lootnis, Justiee.
E. F. Meissner, Justice.
Chas. Hansen, Constable.
Wm. Jordan, Constable.
E. D. JIagen, Justice.
Bert llogue, Constable
J. D. Auten, Justice.
Fred Muller, Constable.
For Committeemen:
North Grants Pass J. C. Campbell.
South Grants Pass F. W. Chausse.
West Grants Pass-R. W. Clark.
Slate Creek J. C. K. McOsnn.
Mu Ruben G. Karg.
Althouse W. A. Ionard.
Williams C. O. Bigelow.
Gahee EJ Friday.
Kerby E. F. Moisnor.
Murphy C. F. Geiitner.
Merlin A. M. Hammond.
Seluia Joe Iliatt.
Leland A. A. Porter.
It. W. Clarko, the nominee for
representative, is treasurer of the
Grants Pass New Wator, Light &
Power Co. Ho has been a resident of
Grants Pass for about four years.
He is a director on the Grauts Puss
school board and is one of the most
prominent of our business men.
Geo. W. Lewis, the nominee for
sheriff, is tho present official, serving
iu that capacity for tho past two
S. F. Cheshire, the iiomitico for
county clerk lias lived in Grants
Pass since boyhood. For several
Tears he has bien right hand man at
the Cornell grocery.
Both W. II. Falliu and Lincoln
Savage, nominees for assessor and
school suwriiituiideut, are the present
ollh'O holders and their work is a mat
tor of record.
James Holmun, nominej fnr county
treasurer, is 0110 of tho best know
oltiens of Grants Pass mid has filled
several ofllces iu this city with credit.
J. T. Logan, nominee for commis
sioner, is manager and part owner
of the Simmons & Cameron mine at
1). O.Mo Cull, oh, nominee for sur
veyor, is a wU known surveyor and
at tho prcttut time holds the office
of city engineer.
Chicken Pie Supper
Tho W. U. C. of this place give a
chicken plo supper at tho Woodmen
hall Thursday evening of this week
The ladies have a very worthy object
in view, that of assisting in raising
funds for tho building of cottages at
the Soldiers' Home at Iiosoburg. The
ottages are for the use of soldiers
families so the home ties need not bi
broken when old ago overtakes the
veteran and aud ho is obliged to go to
the Home. Tho wife, who anxiously
awaited hit return from the war and
has shared his joys aud sorrows for
the 40 years since, will not have to
be sent to the poor house when mis
fortune overtakes them aud they are
110 longer able to earn a living.
Yon cannot eat chlckeu pie in a
more worthy cause.
R-unowsvy Team.
The Ice wugon team added another
lunaway ou Toesday to their list.
This time they started from Sweet
land's meat market from no apparent
causo and in a few moments they
were dashing down E street They
collided with an oak tree in front of
T. B. Cornell's residence, one horse
on either side of the true. The wagon
was qu.te badly bruised op in front
and the harness broken,' but the
horses were unharmed. They strag
gled free front the harness and con
tinued op the strnet some distance.
'flu Tailored hats at Miss Weston's
are 'the latest in "millinery. The
prices are reasonable.
Young Men
of Taste and
w ill be quick to apprcciato tho extreme stylish
ness of tho suit shown in tho picture. It is
three-button, full chested and broad in the shoul
ders, made in -all tho popular Summer fabrics.and-
in an attractive variety
At MO loAV
n price 11 h
IIIEUE is nothing in tho style, fit, fabric or tailoring of this suit that
would suggest tho idea that it was "Roady-made.1 On tho other
hand, thero is everything in the appearance and quality to suggest the
highest class of merchant tailoring. It is art-tailored by
ScKloss Bros. 2L Co.
Producers of Distinctive Apparel for Gentlemen.
Outfitters to Particular People.
Brief Notes and Heme of Interest
.nil Importe.nce.
Dr. Fhtnagati,
Physician aud Dentist
Go to Coron for Plumbing.
Honest effort wlus a piano.
M. Clemens, Prescription Druggist.
Ico cream dally Horning & DePuy.
Order seals and rubbor stamps of
A. E. Voorhlel.
Oliver Plows anil all parts for them
at Cramer Pros.
Bee the elegant linn of street hats
at Miss Weston's,
A splendid line of Royal Charter Oak
flanges st Coron's
Hioycles aro out Huy a IU0-1
Hartford at Cramer Bros.
I will furnish lut anil build a iiouse
ou easy terms. J. D. Drake.
If you want a piano freo wrlto to
A. E. Voorhles and learn how to get
Sure death to Oroeu Aphis with the
Faultless Sprayer sold by Cramer
Ioe Cream and Soda Wuter every
day ut Ik ruing & DoPuj's.
Did you ever beforu havo an upiior
tunity to secure a piano? There is no
game of chance about this. It de
pends on Individual effort.
Medford Athletic club, with capital
stock of I50) has beeu lncoriKirBtcd.
J. K. Hull, 0. 0. Hnysdale and Ed
gar Il'ifer are the iucoriKirators.'
A Alio assortment of goods aud 500
styles to select from at tho Grants
Pass Tailoring Co. Nobby suits at
rcnsouablo rates. Steam cleaning.
Koguo River Creamery, Medford,
manufactures tho O. E. O. brand
fancy creamery butter, that is clean,
elegant Hid guaranteed. Ask your
merchant for it.
See that fliiu lot of Ladies', Omits'
and Babies gold rings? For a small
consideration Hf. Louis, the Jeweler,
would part with one or two ol them
for he is making more of them and
might make you nun just as you want
it, if you furnish the gold dust.
Spray pumps from 50 routs up at
Cramer Bros.
Get out among your friends and
work for the Courier Piano.
C. 0. Daulela, reul estate and rent
al agent, Cor. Eighth and M streets.
Pattons Sun Proof Paint, tho kind
that wears, sold only by Cramer Bros.
We are going to give away a piano.
Writo tj A. E. Voorhles and learn
tiow to secure it.
The trout season opened April 1st
ud fishing is good. Get an outfit
from Cramer Bros.' new stock.
W sell the famous Sharpies Tubular
r. Hj.iit.riitor : if vou havo two
cows or more, write us for valuable
literature on dairying, free, (iaddis
Bros., Medford, Oregon.
Bicvclus carefully cleaned and ro-
tmired at Cramer Bros.
Just received a flno line of Dia-
...iniI mid (Jil riiius. Bring iu your
old gold or mining gold and let un
make yon a seamless oval or m.
riug. I havo a new way 01 manns
them while you wait Alfred Ivtitclier.
lU.lnir received oue of the latest
improved New Century Engraving
machines we are prerca 10 00 an
iiiiwU of enirraving : goods bought
from us engraved free. Curtis & Co.,
Odd Fellows' Building, Grants rass,
The ladles of the Maccuta-es at
Plaoer will give a May Day basket
social, dance and comfort rafllo at the
Placer hall, Saturday night, April
30. They have engaged good music
and expect to nave a good time. The
Placer ladies can be depended upon
to provide a splendid entertainment
as their gatherings are always very
of patterns.
"Drop iu and let us talk it over."
fJTAVINO purchased the jewelry stock of the
lato II. II. Barton, for a short time only I
will disposo of samo at greatly reduced prices.
All repair work dono under a guarantee to
give satisfaction.
Clemens' Drug Storo.
U try a Blue Ribbon 6-ceut cigar.
Photo Supplies at the Courier of
fice, Voto for Marcus W. Hohbius for
Couutv Clerk.
Screen Doors nt Thomas & Cu.
Window screens ut Thomas & Co.
Read carefully our proposition to
givo sway a high grade piano free.
As yet the Commutation Law has
not been repeuled. W. B. Sherman.
Miss Ida Weston is showing a
splendid line of Tailored hats. See
Get protection hy insuring your
property with John Minor Booth,
room U, Musoniu temple.
Members of Newman M. 10. church
gavo their pastor, Rev. J. W. Mo
Dnugall, a birthday surprise lust
Saturday evening.
The embroidery class of tho woman's
Club will meet with Mrs. M. Mutch
at tho Newman M. E. pnrsonago on
Monday, April IS.
Do you want the best located res
taurant iu tho city? Terms easy,
price right. J. D. Drake, 0 St., be
tween 7th and fUli Sis.
Admiral MakorulT, In command of
the ItuSHian navy ut Port Arthur,
was blown up with his ship by amino
submerged ill the harbor.
The llolincs Union will huld a 31
days' camp meeting at Woodville com
mincing June 5. number of promi
nent speakers will bo present.
Small lintise and two lots on the
north hidn of the R. It. track, for a
short 1 1 mid only, price fl7.. Lots
alone urn worth the money. Call on
or address Joseph Moss, Grants Puss,
Why don't you take that 1 million
feet timber claim that W. P. Sher
man ran show you. If you think
lie can't show it, show him that you
1111 nil business and he w ill hIiow you
the Umber.
Bert IS inn h has purchased the II.
II. Barton jewelry stock at the
Clemens drug store. Mr. Barnes Is a
thoroughly competent Jeweler, and
was formerly engaged In that business
hero with C. St Louis.
W. It. Reed the wugon maker has
removed to Sixth St., w ith a full and
select stock of wagon and carriage
material. "Good work and good
stock" my motto. Shop two doors
north of Davis' second hand store.
"Saloonallcs" will bo tho subject
fot the Sabbath evening sermon ut
the Bethany Presbyterian church.
Thu sermon will doubtless be of much
interest owing to recent happenings
ami tho lauding question of Local
Send me your order for fruits,
vegi tahh s and produce. Fresh east
ern oysters always ou hand. Fish
Tuesdays and Fridays. J. R. Rosser,
commission merchant, uext to Palace
hotel, front St., Telephone 43.").
Cash paid for poultry uud produce
A littltt son of Mr. and Mrs. C. D.
Evans, who live a few miles south
west of town, died ou Monday In this
city. The child's death is presumed
by some lo have been caused by eat
ing some supisiscd mushrooms, hut
as the mushrooms wero eaten by the
parents also with no 111 effect, this
cause may be doubted.
1 v. V--.y:!. - 3
.'.ill r npf n in
O'.llL.U-sO UIsJ 61, V.U.
ftAitiwmi m itNUk
The W. R. C. Engtitfea In
Good Work
The Oregon Department of the W.
R. C. are uniting iu efforts to build
cottages at - ltosoburg adjacent the
Soldiers' Homo, whole the wives and
widows of veterans may find a home.
The state provides a home for tho
veterans aud many of thorn have no
The ipacstiou Is what is to bcoomo
of the wife, when he goes to the
home if she is too old and feeblo to
support herself? She becomes a charity
charge. How much more lleasant it
would b if they hud a little cottage
where they could spend their bit days
together to help In this enterprise.
Gen. Logan V. H. 0. of Grants Pass
will givo a chlckeu pie supper Thurs
day evening, April U at the W. O. W.
Hall; supper commences at 5 o'clock,
price 35 eeuts. Everbyody invited.
Circle Will Entertain,
A.ulla Circle, Women of Woodcraft,
will hold a social meeting on Friday
evening, April 15, at W. O. W. hall
which will ho 011011 to tho W. O. W.,
Circle and friends. The following
program will be rendered:
Piano Solo Alma Wolke
Vocal Solo Augusta Parker
Reading. . Miss Georgo aud Miss Orubb
ffouK- High ichool quartette
MuM" Orchestra
April Uil, Tuesday "Puukiu Huake. "
ut opera lionse.
C'anou Henscn of Wcstmlnstor has
created quite a furore in Chicago
circles because of au address he re
cently delivered In which he seems to
have atluckoil tho veracity of tho
Bible. Press and pulpit have 30m
mmitcd ou Ms statements. A timely
sermou oil "Tim Supremacy of the
Bible" will ba delivered by Rer. W.
Gourlay CoiunUl at the Bethany
A. V. Bartnavrd Ondtrta.her.
r; v?-". AND QUALITY
ivy y,--J distinguish
W .""LI SrtA ""
,:f FOR WOMEtf
je&vV, Sold by Lr&ding
9 1 Sf NO PR 1
. W! IMS JICI 111