Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927, April 14, 1904, Image 1

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    lit tUM
rrty rw
No. 3.
HtTf nre a few Tlnrqih for a 'short time onh.
No. S13 40 acres adjoining city lin its. One 7-room houso and
om 3-rooin house. Small bam. and n good cellar nurlrr house. All
fenced; small orrlinril, nil varieties of-fruit. l'rieo $1700; one-half
(ash, balance mi time nt eight tier cent interest.
No. lTn 10 acres just outside city limits. Pmall -orchard and
run II dwelling house. FVico $'M). ibis, place will be offend at this
juice for the. lit st SO days cnly.
No. 213 New S-rnuni h nse, two acres of gicuud all iu orchard,
situated 011 th main sini t iu thocity, all fenced aud all improvements
tirt class. Frice, $2500.
Residence and business lots in any part of the city. Prcies ria.-cm-able
and terms to suit.
Cull on or address
Headquarters for Ileal Estate.
Office on E Street, between Fourth and Fifth Street.
I have Sewing Machines ranging in price froni
$1.00 TO $15.00 I
These machines are all in good running order
and include the standard mikes White, Singer,
Domestic, Davis. I will sell them on trial.
If you have anything to sell or want to bny any
thing call on me. ::::::::: :
7j South Sixth Street, - - - Grants Pass, Oregon t
Brighter Days Gominy
And you will want your Bicycle ready to ride, bring
it in now and have it cleaned; you don't have to
pay until you come for the Bicycle, and we never
charge for storage. Our repair department is under
the management of a skilled mechanic who works
on percentage so it is to his interest to see that
everything is done as it should be. Our stock of
is of the best the market affords. We also carry a
large stock of FISHING TACKLE, CUTLERY .
and BASEBALL GOODS. Come and look over
our goods, get our prices and see if we can't save
you money.- Youts fur business,
W. A. Paddock
;' . . P. R.
All work la strictly fir-t-cl..,. .ml
IIKFLlNCi ..V CJOl'Il), (.iiiiiim 1iihm. Or.-,
Grants Pass Banking; & Trust Co.
Trail-acts . General Hanking business.
Receives deposits subject to check nr on demand certificate..
Our custoniets are .-s.ired of courteous treatment .ud every consideration con
sistent ith sound tanking principles.
talety deposit boies fur rent. J. Fl! AN K WAT.-)S, l'res.
1!. A. HOOT II. Ve e-Tre.
i.. I,. JEW KM., (a-bier.
The First National Bank
Receive deposits subject to check or on certificate p.v.Me on demand.
Hll. sight uralls on New York an K ranrieo. ami Portland.
Teietrraphie Iran.fers sold on .11 points in the I'nited iai-.
tecial Attention sim lo t'olieet;ms arid peiirul iiu-ines- of ot:r ci-tomeri.
Collections mule thruUKhout .touttieru Oregon, nd on all . e.mnie jmt.
K. A. IIOfiTir. Pre..
J. U. CAM I'llKI.L. Vice I're?.
It. I.. (.II.KKV. t a-hur
L. K WEBSTEP, l'mstoKST.
The Southern Oregon
Title Guaranty & Abstract Company
Xltlex rixuntliiwl, l'erf i-ol-I, (iiitrmilct'd.
A. S. HAMMOND, ArroixtY.
a-Mmt mil;
Blue Front Shop
South Sixth Street.
... .,.
General I'lackmitliing
Scientific Horseshoers
it;.,;.,,, t.w.i w-i--r. P
""r '"' "lttus
VJ-vooo 00.
W. B. HAMMOND, StintTtiiv.
Orange Front
opp. Opera House,
Grants Iass,
Front Street, west Palace hotel
IJrcak Up a Cold
A Modern Scientific Remedy
Colds and La Grippe.
Your money back .if you waut it
Slover Drug. Co.
Assay Office
Gold, Silver, Copper, Lead, $1 each.
Gold and Silver, (I.
Fought and Refined for Dental Trade.
Kach and every assay dono with the
idea tiiat it may be checked.
Masonic Temple, Rooms 2 & 4
Gkants Tass,
Phone 633
P. LOVE, M. I).
tMllco 111 Williams i.ros. Mock, over
Grants Puss Grocers.
Residence Phone 414.
Grant Pass, - . Okkook
rNact'.cc? in all State and Federal Court
Olhcc over I irst .National Hank.
iKASTS I'akk,
Plios 21
r urmture tnd I'iauo
The popular barber shop
Get your tonsorial work done at
On Sixth Street Three chairs
Hath T'khu in conn'lion
Palace BarberShop
J. H. MULLEN, Propr.
Shaving, Hair Cutting
Baths, Etc.
Ev rythiiiK ueat and clean aud all
work First-Clai-s.
Xer.t to Pa 'a'-e Hotel
Stricus Stomuh Trouble urcd.
I was trouhlcd with . distress iu my
stomach, sour stomach and vomiting
I-i;s, and ran truthfully say that
'hauibcrlain's Htornvii aud LivT
Tablets cur-d rue Mr. T. V. Will
iaiiis, Ijiln.t;urp, Mi'h. The tab-i'-ts
are finar-,iit4e'1 to cure every rase
tit stomach trouul" of this character.
For sale br .11 druggist.
A. M. Cursor) Gives Good Advice
in His Report.
To the President aud Memliers of the
State Board of Horticulture :
Gentlemen :
I respectfully submit the following
semi-aunual report ou the fruit iu
dostry of the Third district to. April,
1WI :
Tho larijo apple chop of this dis
trict for last year, hi s gone to market
with satistaetory results to the grow
ers. Tim- liiuh prims that prevailed at
the beginning of the shipping sca.-on
nerp maintained for fancy stock, with
;i hiruu demaud for mora than the
growers could enppty.
Iu January, whou low grade stock
bepm going to market, price, foil to
in extent, and growers did uot realiv.e
much as tiny anticipated from
tho high prices that 3jB' and 4-tior
stock had bucu selling for.
I have observed that early in the
seaKon New York and Chicago buyers
aro a)viiyn on hand ready to buy at
good prices .all the clean & aud
4-tior apples to bo had iu tho market.
They do not seek lower grades at auy
This the f.tct that our
apple growers are neglecting au op
portunity to see that their orchards
do not overbear, but thin tho fruit at
tho proper seasou, and grow nothing
under 4-ticr apples. Nothing under
4-tior stock can stand tho expeuso of
packing aud trausportatiou charges
to distant markets. The question
may bo asked, can we grow the apple
iu the Rogue river valley, taking our
seasons as they occur, bo as to have
the greater part of tho crop 4-tier and
under ufgnthcriug timer Yes, it can
be done, by being prepared to irrigate
our apple orchards, and thorough
Last season Olwell Bros, ot Central
Point, as au experimental venture,
put in a gasoliuo pumping plant that
cost lor diggiug well, cngtuo and
guKolino 720. Their engine was six
liorso power, and had capacity to
havo pninped witter enough to have
irrigated six or seven acres. As it
resulted, their well ouly afforded
water eiiough to irrigated ICO Yellow
Nowtowu apple trees through the
season. The 100 lollow Ituwtowns
are situated on a dry gravelly ridge
aud had always failed for want of
moisture, to maturo tho apples aud
make them largo enough to market.
Last year with irrigation, Olwell
Bros, said from thesn 100 trees. 1 100
worth of apples fMHO more than their
original pumping plant cost. During
tho past winter, Olwell Bros, have
been tilling and underdraiuiug their
liiu-acro orchard, aud will put iu
power enough to pump and irrigate
tho w hole orchard.
A. D. Helms ot Ash land has a 10-
itcro apple orchard eight miles south
of.Ashlund, 10 yours old.
The orchard is uu red hill loam,
resting on bedrock. Mr. Helms has a
ditch on his place from a small gulch.
As an experiment lift year, lie began
June 10th to irrigate his orchard, and
continued to irrigato until September
10th. At apple gathering time lie
gathered and sold AOOO boxes of 3 to
t-ticr apples from this orchard, which
he sold at tho parking houso for (1.60
per box. These were all faucy apples,
There were uo culls worth mention
ing iu tho whole crop.
Without irrigation, Mr. lieltus tells
inn hu would not have hud MX) boxes
of 1-th r stock aud the remuitiedr of
tho crop would have been too small to
have been of any marketable value.
In this section we have our winter
rains and mure or less drought during
summer months. From the results
had hy Olwell Bros, aud Mr. Helms,
it is evident that it is not for the want
of plant food in our soil that apples
on many of our soil do uot mature and
and grow large enough to sell ill the
market as fancy stock, but from luck
of moisture.
All of the nourishment which tho
appln gets from tho soil during its
growing period is taken in solution,
and unless there is an ahundunco of
so'.l moisture to distolvo tho plant
foods, it is evident tho whole crop
cannot mature. Hence, irrigation
Hiipplics tho necessary moisture, und
large, fully devclojx-d apples at
gathering time is tho reward of the
progressive, thoughtful apple grower.
There is uo trouble to sell to
Eastern buyers, such apples as Olwell
Bros, and Mr. Helms grew by Inigit
tion last season. They were in a
class by themselves. The seller had
no talking to do to inako the sale.
The apples talked for themselves.
Thev could stand trausportatiou and
commiss.on charg'-s and leave a large
profit for the grower.
The progr ssive men learn as they
go along and we have many pro
gressive apple growers in Koguo river
valhy who will take advantage of
Olwell Bros, and Mr. Helms' irri
gation cxjwrmirn t last season and
put in irrigation this scaitou. When .
gravity system can be had, it is the
chi ajiest aud best. Where it is not
practical, pumps, with gasoline or
lii'tric power is practical and will
liy the growvr handsomely on money
Eiaman Brcs., six miles west of
Grants Pass, will put In a gasoline
poinping plant this season and pump
water from Kogue river to irrigate
their l.",-acre apple orchard.
The blooming season for .11 kiodr
of froit trees is much later this yr
than usual.
April 1st, almond tree began
blooming, a month later than usual.
Owing to constant rains during
February and March, bul.little spray
ing for scale has beeu done. Nearly
all of the large commercial orchards
in the valley will have to spray dur
ing April if at U this season. At
this date, April 6. all orchard Jlands
are too wet to get iuto with a spray
ing rig.
There are many thousands of young
trees iu this valley heeled in, wait
ing for the ground to get iu condition
for planting.
Iu my own case I have 6000 grape
vines to plant during April aud May,
that I would have planted iu February
and March could I have hud the
ground in eouditiou.
Sau Jose Scale.
This lost constantly demands the
;iUention of the fruit grower and no
doubt always will. It is o well es
tablished iu the orchards and wild
woods that the ouly assurance the
grower has to grow fruit, freo of the
pest, is to spray every year. It is
useless and childish to talk of exter
mination, or that drastio legltlution
enforced with vigor could accomplish
tho desired extermination. The
grower mast bo educated on the Hue
of self-luterost that it is dollars and
acuta to him to grow fruit free of the
pest. That it is iu his power to
spray annually aud have clean fruit
I find the man who complains most
and demands that the commissioner
mako his neighbor spray do not
spray at alL He expects immunity
from the post by his neighbors labor
and effort. This is wrong. The fact
must be acoepted and acted upon that
if ho would grow fruit free of scale
he must spray, without regard to
what his neighbor may do. Tho spray
pump is the implement that tho suc
cessful growor uses industriously and
makes a success. The successful man
does not allow himself to drift, and
wait for his neighbor ho keeps doing
It is difficult to obtain anything in
this world without going aftor it.
Com. Third Dist.
B'llard'i Horthound Syrup.
Immediately relievos hoarse,
croupy cough, oppressed ruttllng,
rasping and difficult breathing.
Henry O. Stearns, druggist, Shulls-
burg, Wis., writes, May 20, 11)01: "I
have been selling Ballard's Horo
houud Syrup for two years, aud hare
never had a preparation that has
given hotter satisfaction. I notioe
that when l sell a bottle they come
back for more. I can honestly rec
ommend it." 25o, 60c, (1.00 at tilovor
Drug Co.
Annua.) Address by Their Nat
lonal President.
Following is the address of the
Natonal President of the Woman's
Relief Corps:
I briug you the greetings of 150,
(XX) loyal women. Notwithstanding
tha rupid multiplicity of wouions'
patriotic societies aud similar organ
iaztions of women, taking the time
aud thought of those who aro reaching
out into wider neins or duty, as
citizens of our great country, the
Woman's Relief Corps, auxiliary to
the Grand Army of the Republic
continues steadily to the front. Not
only numerically, but iu its perfect
business system and tho variety aud
.scope of its multiplied interests, It
stands as an exemplar of what womeu
can accomplish when their zeal has
bocu crystallized iuto couilcto organ
ization. Tho objects of the Woman's Relief
Corps aro threefold ; their paramount
duty to assist the Ornad Army of the
Republic in blazoning ou the nation's
record their sleudid principles of
Fraternity, Charity aud I-oaylty.
Fraternity is the corner stono of
our common edidico, a fraternity
which uot ouly embraces the mem
bership of the Grand Army and the
Relief Corps, aud those akiu to them
by blood 'or patriotio interest ; but a
fraternity which is girdling the earth,
since our constitutional requirements
aro based upou tho Declaration of In
dependence, assorting that all weu
(and women) are born free and eijual
aud are entitled to pursue unmolested
and unfettered, the course which our
common father ordained for them.
Ho that wn are not only pledged to
care for aud defend those who offer
their lives and fortunes iu time of
national peril, but wo must extend
far as possible, those patriotic
teachings to every clime aud country,
wherever our flag moves on. Today,
true to our obligations, you will
find the Woman's Rclcif Corp uot
ouly engaged in Jwtriotio teachings
among the youth and thilrdeu of the
Republic, but In Cuba, Porto Rico,
and in the Philippine Islands, as well
as in Hawaii and among the freed-
men of the south and wherever our
biueficent activities are steadily
flowiug. Love is the projvr name ol
the charity we disjs'lise.
Silently and without ostentation,
iuto tho homes of strauded and im
poverished soldiers, tens and thous
ands of women have beeu going, bear
ing tho oil of Jor for the spirit of
sadness. Tho widowed liavo beeu
succored In their hour of need ; the
orphans have been rescued and placed
in private homes or fraternal Institu
tious, where they have grown up men
and women equipped for the discharge
of the highest citizenship. Ho ex
tended are the agencies throughout
the union founded and fostered by the
Grand Army and Relief Corp., that
no Union soldier, or those dear to
him, ueed ever become a burden upou
the cold charities of the public.
Thousands stand ready with the right
hand of fraternity to relieve them of
their distresses and give them practl
Ill jfTsrZZi 1&.C3C.V3I. -.-
$ F
3 L
5 rt
F" happy customers going to get this beautiful
5 t.:... ltrut. r t-
E lino;
From tho
give with every
oxtra ticket or 11 tickets; with every carpet purchased an cxtm ticket. For instance, if
your carpet purchaso amounted to $15.00 you would rccoivo 1 ticket for each 50c, then
one for each $5.00, then an oxtra ono for the carpet 31 in all. The drawing will take
placo on tho evening of July
and soo about it. Kcnieinber
our immense llousefurnishins'
Solid Rattan Reed Rockers, $4 95
Go-Carts and Baby Carriages, $5
Screen Doors and Window Screens,
Iron Beds, immense stock, $3 50 and
Wall Papers, big assortment, 12'Ac
Room Mouldings, big assortment, acatid upwards.
Window Shades, the best made, all colors.
Stoves and Ranges, special low prices for this sale.
Our linos aro too extensive to particularize each lino. If you want nnything for the house
call on us. Whether it bo Enameled Ware, Crockory, Olasswaro or Lumps or tho linos
abovo namod, all go in on this
R Thomas & Co.
&e Housefurnishers of Southern Oreg'on.
cat support iu their long and arduous
Tho Woman's Relief Corps always
goefc forth with the olive brunch iu
its hand, doing things that make for
peace; and iu tho movement for
national and International arbitration,
which tho National Council of Womeu
has taken up, tho Woman's rtclicf
Corps lias a vital interest. We have
a well established system of patriotic
teaching, which has beeu engrafted
upon tens of thousands of schools of
this country. Not only (he national
organization, but tho statu depart
ments, as well as the suhnidlimto
corps iu our towns, huvu their pariotic
instructors. All are working in ac
cordance with a plan passed down
from tho national conventions, aud Iu
conformance, with these plans the
rights and dutieaof citizenship are In
culcated, together with resect for the
flag and a know ledge ot tho principles
for which it stands. Upon this great
system, humuuo educuliou has ueeu
eurgaftcd, and at the last national
convention, aud arbitration was
imiKwed upon tho attention of every
Cor.s. The first great Imls-tus to
internal arbitration was glvcu by
Cljsscs .4. Grant, when, ill the, face of
fierce otiHisition, ho submitted to a
ourt of arbitration the difficulties
between the United States and Great
Britain, growing out of tint Civil I
war. Eviry Union veteran who has
filled tho presidential chair, or held
any high office ot trust and userui-
uoas iu the United States has been
committed to a similar policy. Mke
our first president, Guorgo Washing-;
tun, they have held thut war was tliu
last dread lsal of nations, and
should never be resorted to until all
influences for tho lemovsl of obstacles
which nieiiance our liberties had
exhausted. Thus peace and arbitra
tion is In direct linn with the pa
triotic teaching Inculcated by the
Grand Army and Women's Relief
Something of what the Woman f
Relief CorM Is doing iu the line of
patriotic teaching and the care of
friendless aud orphuued children will
lie given at this meeting by officers
delegated for that purpose. We aru
sure that tho story of what Ohio is
doing for her soldiers' orphans will
n'it only interest tho representatives
of the Natloual Council of Women,
but will prove an iuceutivn iu the
great work destined by the Womeu of
America to do for all the children of
the country, aud that is Ihu establish
ment of educational and industrial
homes where all orphaned aud ueglect
ed children tuay be brought up to
lives of usefulness. It Is easier to
form than to reform, aud to make the
stream of sitriotio citizenship pure
aud nudcflled, we must begin at tho
0 inches wido, 31 J inches high, 71 inches long; upholstered in the
very best of extra heavy Trinco Velour and well made in every way;
Mahogany finish aud a most necessary pieco of furniture to every
household aotunllv worth S.IR.flO tvisli nnvwliorn. Snmn nun nf nur
wiin ivvcry wisn
12th of April until tho 12th
50 cent purchaso a ticket;
12. Wo want you all to bo on
a ticket goes with every 50c salo no matter what it is in
stock. We can furnish your houso complete.
and upwards.
00 and upward.
all prices.
and upward.
Grand Davenport Couch
fountain head. The Woman's Relief
Corjs has been largo. y instrumental
in giving the true meaning to Memor
ial day, founded by tho Grand Army
of the Republic. Instead of pomp und
pageantry of civic and military
parades, which marked the early
observance of tho ducoiation of
soldiers' graves, wo have now asu red
season opcuiug with the Memorial
Snbliuth, when songs aro sung und
sermons preached to reverent multi
tudes, touched with spiritual siguill-
caucu of tljo day, thus softened und
chastened by lofty sentiment, men,
women ami o'lildrcn tenderly and
reverently go forth bearing the ever
green wreaths and the fragrant blos
soms every returning May. to bo
placed over the "low green tents,
whoso curtains never outward
swing." And not only Iu the
northern burial ground, but ill the
vast spreading cemeteries of the south,
thesn sweet observances sp,ak to the
growing millions of tho lofty deeds
and peaceful purposes of those who
gave their lives that thu nation
might live.
With uo thought of exploiting the
terrors of war, but simply In loving
renu inlir nice of tho. patience ami for
titudo aud faith of the men whose
sweet lives were worn away iu the
awful prison, the Woman's Relief
Corps have taken over the stockade
at Anderson villo, (ia. , und uru con
verting it Into a Is-autiful gaiden
where, already tho monument of
grateful states have begun to gleam
and glisten among tho plants and
flowers that clad the onco arid
place. A memorial canopy has
been placed abovo Providence spring
by the Woman's Relief Corps, and
Ohio, Massachusetts, Rhode Inland
anil Mil higan have dedicated monii
mi'Uts there.
Many friendless aim) nurses and
relatives of soldiers have been cared
for at the National Relief Corpr
home, white in many states provision
has been made' for the care of patri
otic women, cither in si 'pnrnto winds
of the soldiers' home, or in honn'S es
pcrially provided. Libraries and
hospitals havo been founded, or are
steadily provided with Hooks and com
forts. These aro but finger signs
that silently point to the vast multi
plied, ueier ending activities that go
ou under tho bund of secrecy, wher
ever the Relief Corps has its organi
zation. Every day these devoted
women are giving a practical demon
stration, of the scriptural Injunction,
"Let not your right hand know what
your left hand doeth. "
Iucoiielusirn let mo say that It is
the unanimous opinion thut the sys
teniatlo conduct or officers In the
Woman's Relief Corps is what makes
Uct Curtiini, Msttrtmi
Cob, Mirrors
Llnoltumi, Umpi. Cutlery
Graaitcwwt, Woodwsrt
Picture Moulding, Crocktry
Agateware, Glasswtrs.
gift free. Tho plan is
of July inclusive wo Bhall
with every $3.00 purchased an"
hand. Bettor como to tho store
Portieres, splendid variety, $3.25 and up.
Lace Curtains, all winners, 45c pair and up.
Carpets surpassing values, 35c yard up.
Largost line iu Southern Oregon.
Suites, Special Dressers, Sideboards, Book
cases. Refrigeratots the kind that save expenses In Ice
and keep the provisions ice cold and sweet.
Premium Sale.
it possible to do effective and con
tinuous work.
The general orders passed from
national headquarters to the state
department officers and by them to
tho subordinate Corps, together
with tho quarterly reports, in the re
verso order, is a living stream of
activity that keeps the membership
alert and enthusiastic iu the disoharge
of duty, operating for the best Inter
ests of all. We believe that such sys
tem, inaugurated by the National
Council of Women, wonld be pro
motive of thu good of all affiliated
bodies and greatly advance the use
fulness of the whole. With yon all
our daily prayer is, "Lead, Kindly
HcpBcclfully submitted,
National President W. R. C.
Bids Wanted.
Rids will be received for hauling
50(H) tons matte and coke to and from
Grants l'ass and Takllina, also Cres
cent City aud Tak lima; approximately
l.r) tons matto out aud 10 tons coke in
ler day ; hauling to commence about
July 1st. Also 100 tons machinery
from Grauts Fas. to Tak lima about
May 1st.
For further Information address
Takilma Hmeltiug Co.,
Grants Pass, Ore.
Cures Coughs snd Colds.
Mrs. C. l'eteison, (129 Lake St ,
Topoka, Kansas, says: "Of all cougli
remedies Ilailard's Horchouud Syrup
is my favorite; It has done and will
do all that is claimed for it to
sH edily euro all coughs and colds
ami it is so sweet and pleasant to
tho tasto. " r.c, COc, 11.00 bottle at
Slover Drug Co.
Absolutely Phi '
l(Jv '