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About Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927 | View Entire Issue (March 31, 1904)
T" l6fctE RIVER COt'RIER, GRANTS PASS, ORECON', MARCH Jt. fg4 ROGUE HiVER COURIER1 GRAMS FAtsS, OREGON. Published Every Thursday. t Subscription Rates i One Year, in edvaoce, riix Months, Ttre Months, Hititfle Copies, Advertising Races $1.50 .15 .40 .05 furnished on application at thtoflice.or, by man. Ohiluarie and resolulixna of con dolence will I charged ior si be per line; card o llianks jOc. A. E. VOOKHIES, PriOPR. 4 MSCB Entered at the post ollice at drama Pa-s, Oregon, aa second-class inatJ lustier. THURSDAY. MAW II SI, l!04. JJo war operations of Importance are re j orlcd. There have been a few minor ikiriuieliei on lai.d, aoino long janRM shooting on I lie atcr aud another rjusuotimdul attmipt by the Japa to stop op thu harbor at Fort Arthur. The oiKUing of spring v. ill doubtless bo the signal for atrinua hostilities. The tliiuH novt'l Inn entered the phi-re of turf ultima. Through it agency a high-way robber was cap tared iu I'orlluiid though by mistake licit morning by the chief of police. In seizing a' purse, the thief lout liis novel, which he had only partially perused. He was so intensely interested in the story that be wi nt tho next day and pun based another. Uy means of tli3 booksel ler's stamp on the 'irnt volume, he was apprehended and Identified. He is Dot the first whoto nudoing has been caused by tho perusal of dime novel. Only the niaiiner of the nu doing was unusuul. The political campaign will soon open, as the conventions w ill be held early in the - com lug month. The political pot is yet uurnflled at the surface, though there is nasnu to be lieve that tome ebulitions are goiug on belieatli tho depths. In thin comity, the clerk's olllce apixuia to bo the. must covetid trophy and the reputed aspirants, particulary In the lopublicsn ranks, are numerous. The fittest will survive for tho convention. Uuo. W. Colvig la iu the race for the joint aenatorship and an 1'. A. Jiooth Is credited with a williugucas to serve another term In that capacity, there will be an unusual intercut iu the election of delegates front this county to the state uud congressional conventions, liinger Heiiuauii and L. T. Harris of Eugene ate the lead ing candidates for congressional honors and the complexion of the Josephine delegation is a matter of deep interest to eucli of these gentle men. Tho hut issuo of tho Jacksonville Sentinel coiituiiu an urticlo stati.'ig that A. 0. Hough had withdrawn from the race for circuit Judge and Would try for tho nomination for dis trict attorney. Tho information which inspired tho article, however, was of uu nnreliublu sort, as Mr. Hough la In the rncu for the circuit judgeship and a withdawnl is the furthest thing possible from bis inten tions, as he ia assured of the solid support of the Josephine county delegation with good prospects of ubatantinl rupport from the ether counties. The r-i n tine I refi rs lightly to Mr. Hough aa a young, ambitious lawyr. He if not mi old mini, It is tree, lat I. is uicntul vigor in none the lem on thut ucrouut. He ban a retil of 11 yeara successful law practice and Ma present hih standing iu hia profession, is undisputed. The hmtili"! also n-mmU, an though it were a foregone conclusion that "Jackson county ia to have the Judge." Jackson eoonty baa "had the jndge" ao lung, ever since the district waa organized, that ita tmli -ticiiinsnay he cicos.ilile in the lib a that their county has a mortgage on the ofllee. Mr. Newbury, we are in formed by those who are in a position to know, Ih not considering a w ith drawal from tho race for the nomina tion ot district attorney, ua the Sen tinel intimates Krrby Items. It rained and it snowed. Jack, the lttpcr is hack In town again. V. T, Ilokue bus bun hauling h.iy for his feed stable. T. O. XaucLe deli mi od a of provisions to the Wilson mine last week. Grandma Naueku is very sick agalu, but we hope she will soou be able to be up. V. Ij. Tuttlu was in from lid.ii tm Saturday and report feed scan i t'U I'eer creek. Mmk Bunch Is laid up v ilh an at iri s ui rneuiuaiisui ai ins nonie, cut laat rejH'rt lie ia some l Iter. Homer White, superititi tidetit of the Culler stook raiuh, was out rustling feed for the stock week. J. T. Gilliuore was iu town Satur day ami Hportid 1 iiules of suow at bis ranch in tlie On j st of the sloriu. I', J. HoMiiid in town Sutiiidav uiglit tlnu ley sei-tii to have some thing v ry in ton ot late aa he ia sen n In re ufii-u, for some gou.l Tea ou of course. The Mel laniel liti s , w l.u l.iou'a 2T.'U In ad of sleep fieiu K:i-ti in Uio gon Ikst full in 1 uu h rioek to wiut r them on 1 ' i k 1 1 1 llolhir im i.nt:iin, an losing a good many. J. L, Kuighteu and uif" will s' lii to l'tirHuiid in a few days. Mr. Kuigliten's health bus been hid In some time and she to t'-eeive treatuiuit at the hospital. I.. ('. uud i-'iatik lluiUou and IU ui liros. have leased the Wilson mine foi the reumiiider vt the season, W. P. Wilaou, the UK riiitetidi ut a health being poor, hu conclu led to l:ike a rest fir severiti months. Kern oval Notice. Newell liros. will move their lt.u Store iilKiiit April lat from fts j r. s ent Jooatiou ojijiOHile the Western hotel lo the room Iu the Tuft's fund ing formerly occupied by White & Armstrong. Rubber Slump ink Courier ollice. in stock Ht the RECOVERED HIS HORSES Stolen Six Months ago and Dilven 700 Miles. . A team of driving horses that ban Ik en in Grants Pass for (Ire or sis months ia rcHouaible for the death oi one man, the confinement of twe others iu prison and the spending of about fjOO by their owner in their re covery. The horses nelonged to Wm J'.urhhokz, deputy sheriff of Vak iuta county, Oregon, and were atolen from hia jmature in October of laat year by Jim and Jack Gingles and Ijeo Maccy, who drove the horses to Grants I'aa, a distance of TOO or H"0 miles and sold them to Ed Lister for 1123. The team waa worth at least $-VK) when they left home, but were poor and run down by fast driving when they reached here. Mr. Lister readily saw thai bo hsd secured a valuable t'liin and gave them extra care and soon had aa fine a driving team as there waa in the conn try. Last week, however, Mr, Jiuckhnllz allowed up ami proved to Mr. Lister that the horses were stolen and that he was tho owner. Mr. Lister was iu a fair way t) los3 the horse and the money he had paid, but an agreement was made whereby Mr. liuchholtz took (he horses and id Mr. Lister t',H. The horses and owner left for home on Friday's freight The whereabouts of the team was ascertained after the arrest of Leo Mncy at Eaker City, who turned ttato's evidence. Jim Gingles waa arrested tin r, but the brother Jin k opened Ore on the sheriff and deputies whi n an arrest waa a tempted. The oMircrs returned the lire and killed Oinglea. This occurred neur Hpokune threo weeks ag. Don't forget to spray. You caj get t!l"jou need at Cramer' liros. Goods Arriving in All Departments at E. C. DIXON, SHOES AND FURNISHING GOODS. Slate Creek Items. Joe Hush ia setting out iuite an apple orchard. He suya that he will sis. n be ah'o to treut all hia friends to elder. i i Anil still it storms. Snow full! Wednesday night to the depth of six inches. The roads are getting to be almost impassiihlo lictwccii this place and Granta Puss. W. J. Mathews ami sou Elmia re turned home this week from the Pass, nhere they have been engaged for some time hauliuir machinery to the Granite Hill mine. Walter Strong and family hate moved to Tiikilma. Mr. Strong bus taken a contract to cut and deliver Ml cords tf wood for the hoisting works at the luedi of Bronze. Then' is a hay famine In this neighborhood. The farmers have fed out all the hay that they had on hand and several will have to go to Grants i'asa and buy It and haul It U or l.' miles to fci d their stock. Ow ing to the Im leniency of the weather, the weddings wo sisike of hcloie did not take place on scheduled time, hut we are assured that they will take place soon as I'hll 1'ilown ptt the road in a imssable condition between here ulul Grants l'as We Kills aie talking of having a evinly sociul iu the near future. Wo ire end. avoi mg to (jet the co ojh ra iieu of ll.e young men to help us iu lie initio r, hut they aps ur so bash ful Hint we havo r. -olv.-.l to lake idvuiitage of haji year. We uml. r land thut some of them have taken in the woods, but We Will get Iheill w h. ii the ground hog collies out Kiin. T. be Mania haa ipiit driving for ion stage company. The traveling public in Well as the i'Ople along the line will ngr. t this, as he waa one of the most g. iiial anil accommodat ing men in the stage coiiisiuy's em p'cy. Buttercup. Cured Ceniumetion. Mrs. B. W. Kvana, t'harwater, Kau., writes: "Mr husband lay sick for thro mouths. The doctors said he h id iiil, t ci'iisiiuiption Wo pro ered a bottle of Ballard's Hore IiouikI Syiup, and it cured him. That waa six years ago and since then we have always kept a bottle iu the lieue. For co.'gha and colds it has no equal." S.V, Mir, and fl.OO at Slover Prug CV A. V. Oannard - Undertaker. PORTAGE ROAD A FIASCO Appropriation Not Sufficient for the Purpose, It has been definitely decided by the State Board of Po-tage Railway Coinuiissiouers, eouii sod of the gov eruor, secretary of state and sUte treasurer, thut The DalU-a-Celilo Portage Railway project, which the legislature, of I'.iUi appropriated Ih7, 000 to carry through will be aband oned until arraugementa pertaining to the construction of The Dallta-CeJilo canal, for which tho right of way ia now in process of beii g secured for the government, aro completed. Without further legislation at the next session of tho legislature there ia now little prospect that the portage railway will bo built It has been uperseded by the Celilo canal, and although the state coniniUaioucra who have both projects iu hand deny that the couatruoiiou of the railway bus been abandoned, they express the be lief thut it cannot be built without exceeding the appropriation of f 165, WW. By the terms of the portage railway act they are prohibited from incurring ony Indebtedness in excess of the appropriation. Invaluable for Rheumatism. I havo been suffering for the at few years with a severe attack, of rheumatism arid found that Ballard's Snow Liniment was tho only thing thut gave mo satisfaction and tended to alleviate toy pains. March 24th, Jl03. John 0. Dcgiian, Kinsman, Ills. J2c, &0c, and 1.00 at Slover Drug Ua lrris.tion. For sale I'M acres fit laud; 850 inches of water; 1 miles of distrib uting ditches, and contracta with cou anmers. Be quick. Ecu A. Lowell, Woodville, Jackson County, Ore. Daily COMING fcVENTS. April 5, S iturday Socialist County Convention. April 2, Saturday Hepublicaii Pri maries April !. Homer Davenport at oiwra house. April 7, Thursday KepubticanConnty Convention. April 1), Saturday Democratic Pri luariea. April. 14 Thursday W. U. C. Chicken pie supsr. Ajiril lit, Saturday Democratic County Convent ion, April IS, Monday Circuit court . meeta While lie in it backed towards Oak land Saturday to assist iu hauling a tie train southward, S. P engine and tender 2IVS left the rails i'.'iO yards below tho cut, about half a mile north of town, and after being atopi'd a moment later by Kugiuccr K. J. Stroud, one half iu the ceuler of the track and the other hall on a sloping eubaiikmeut alsint W feet in height, tipped over and settled al most tijwidc down. It waa aliont two minutes after the engine was stopin-d before it begau to reel over gradually giving Engineer Stroud and hia fire man, t!o. Thompson, plenty of time iu which to alight to safety. A tele-' graph pole half way down the slope was bent over by the weight of the tender, the wires remaining intact. About CO foot of track was torn up. Prom appear uicca of thu track, the wheels pf the louder were first lifted from their position by the fltnges running ov. r good alM-d rocks lying against ll.e railf. the recks two of tin-in show lug where they had Uen M-rai by the Hanges and the tlrM tie l von I showing where the tlaug. a bad tirst struck. Of course the other who. Is were dragged olf the rails also. Kngiue No. Jl-iX, which tipped over Ih'Iow the rut, about half a tulle no Hi of town, Saturday ufterniHin, l.- u: t yet Im u rui ..'.I. but a wreck ing crew fro'ii Pot t laud Is engaged at woik at (lie u . The tender was hoisted on lo a flat car Sun lav. ll.e ingiiie will lie tipi'd over to its natural po-itioii and hsiiltd up to the main track on a ttniporuy truck now in i'iijiio of couxtun-ticu The work nilluotU f ii sin d b fore tomorrow ei'i u lig Uoseburg KcVicw, March SS. What if your house should burn tn uight? Are yoa rutecti d r If not In sure to.Uy with Jehu Minor Foot' , rtHiiu u, Murouir temple. LIVE NEWS FROM PROVOLT Progress In Mining, Lumbering and Agriculture. Thus. Carter of Prnvolt made a trir to Mur by Thursday. Kveritt Ijv man of Provolt waa at Williams Friday on business. O. K. Khb, who has Uu very ill, ia improving niccjy at present. L. W. Smith, the Provolt merchai.t returned from Granta Pasa Monday. Marsh Baldwin and wife of Provolt, were at Ituth Monday visiting with relativea. Will Bowler of Provolt made a trip to Grants Pass Wedmsday with t loa 1 of bogs. Charley and George Fields of Pro volt, were at Granta Pass Saturday doing business. Miss Lena Boot, of Williams ia em ployed by ti e Powells' creek Innib.r ing Company, as cook. There is lota of sickness tn onr little valley on account of emh changeable weather hot mid cold Martin Peruoll of Applegate, wa at Grautt Puss Friday after a loud of groceries for John Pemoll, the Ap plegate merchant and po-ituiuat. r. Lna Loesch, the Provolt hop miser, made a business trip to Grants Past Saturday. Mr. Loesch commenced plowing tiis yard, although Hu ground is very wet. Henry Hehkopf, of Applegate, pnas-e-l through Provolt Saturday en ronti to Grants Puss to get material for 1 i e new bum, that Is being built by tin Hyde Bros, of Provolt. The cwuer of the Model hopyurd of Applegate is busily at work at work in the yard, plowing and grubbing, which is progressing rapidly.. They have about 33 acres in all half of which is grubbed and ready for plow ing. J. A. Kehkopf of Grants Pass is the owner of the yard, but It ia superintended by Ed Estes of Provolt. The Golden Eagle mluo abut lown the 14th, but was loon started np again. They are running a tunnel a distance of 150 feet to tup tl.e ledge in the shaft, some flO feet in depth. The ledge in the shaft ia between three and four feet in width and gives splendid assays The company which has this mine bonded is in Arizona, and it is suarintended by John Whitehead of Gold Hill. There is the Sharp Bros, placer mine in Powells' creek, which ia worked summer and winter by its owners, and gives good results. It la worked by pipe and, rock hoists. This mine was sold three years ago by these brothers for $10,000 of which one half was paid in advance. The balauco was not paid at tho time it wua due, and the mino fell back to ita former owners, who are work ing winter and summer with good re sults. Tho Applegato Boom &, Lumber Co. of Muiphy is making prepara tions to begin work on the Applegate river rafting logs. Carter Bros, were along making estimates of tho logs left along the bauks and also looking after thu onea thut went off during the high water of w inter. This com pany ia going to put a hoisting engine to work lifting tho logs from the river. They will have several mil lion feet to bo lifted this fall. This will mill hi moved to Chancy crea k where the timber is uioro plentiful. The farmers of Provolt, Applegate and W illiams are very much put out on accouut of the heavy rains and snow fall. There ia hut little grain put iu at present and the prosects of getting much put in, are small at the present time. Last Tuesday the ground was covered with snow the depth of seven inches, bat it didn't lay on long. The big farmers .have the blues, lor their ground will prolutbly havu to luy idle. The big oittlo raisers' hay ia getting low, on accouut of the long lingering winter, although there has been uu stork lost so far. Among the quart! and placer minis surrouuding Provolt, there ia the Lit tle Pocket quart! mine across the river, one mile troni the )sistotlice, which is owned by Kd 1'aniiuin and Amos Cook. This mine was louud iu I'.s'H, and was soon bonded to Larton, and wua worked for some live mouths. The company failed to meet the demands, ao it fell hack to its owners, and we have burned of lale that the Little Pocket ia alsint to be bonded again lo one of H.innv.ura cousins from the east. This mine, if pnqs.rly worked, would be a paying pmposit ion. It ia idle at pi. s. nt. Hu Missouri Flat the (illkios Mill ing Co. , ia at work placer milling on the Carria farm in a emu 1 1 creek w hicli ia know n aa the Carria creek. One day while Mr. liilklna was mn uing he discovered a nugget of gold shining w liich was quite exciting to its owner. This nugget was weighed and was found to cnniaiu (..0, beaides this many other smaller uuugeta of f:,i ami fat) were picked up where this one waa found. This neck ia exteu slvely fed by pocket from the mount ains surrounding Manv have been found by the pocket hunters, which were com red w ith the gold of this creek, and proved to bo the same Iu color and iu heft. The Missouri Flat is noted for Ita vast treasure that am lying hidden iu the deep soils. which are being taken out, year after year and still there ia plenty left for all, and the licit generation also, Lrl&rvd SillirvK. The wood cutters iu this vicinity have not doue much, as the weather has uot been favorable for this work. T. J. Mack in haa a big force of uieu at work; tiny will soon be able lo wear Willed shirts and stand leg collars. We havo uo sickness to reisirt ; people aro auxioua to make garden. but we must wait on the rotor of tn weather and evertjhiug will come iu good time. showtrs, We are having frequent which retard farm work. Ls.t Tear gurleiis were made and Kroxmg at tbl time. Whiter baa Ix-cu uncom monly giol for pUcer miners. If tliis ia a lute aprinp. we an sure of a Stray Bicycle crop. Our summers About two mom ha ago a bicycle was we ahvaya raise tool crops. ,.f t r.t fth and H streets. Grants Pa Soxiie people of the Greenback mine Owner can have same by proving prop want to go to Pcrtinnd but must wait erty aud paying advertising chargts. until it ami raining op there, aa we " understand if we gi t one day rain here, np tl ere it will rain fi ra week. We lead of the governaieiit s;-ndiug , '"""" ' ' " , and other plac, a, ik ng the money j that conn a fioio On g. ii from the sale iif l .r.,1 V... t'.:it is ii .t riel.L I Is?, the nole of the liu..l or its credit h? a;, plied to the stsle where I he laud is sold. A larae amount of Ur- gen can be irrfgat-d with a ii l niomy Iu our vicinity we raise pood girdeiif. ult.n (ili itlv itf tjrmj art trn H,.n'l tinvp , . . ., . , tn look to the govcruriimt for help. The Hotel Leland ia doing a good , r " business. All branch' s of bunne are moving at a l.rl.L- rvi,-n ll, tl. 'X prospect of Teddy 111 the chair rer'OV7 orrIjarj. sn,ai fruits in linn.fll.,nr ,..,t, hnirii.Gs u-ill tu ' ahundane: water for irjiiraliotl. Iieside- i. . ,i . v ' u.', i A a " " 1 """ I"" ,,a,D ' few pf'Ople here who call themselves socialists; the qne-ricu was asked nne of them, what the trialists plat- form was, if any they bad; be could not answer the qneslion, but said he thought we should have a change in 1 goV'Tiiment. He was ask' d if he ever saw aa good times aa at pre nt ; hia answer was, th it waj" were ood and plenty of work, but he :honght we shea Id have a change. Ho Bald he d'd not take a newspaper, waa not posted. Wo find such characters scattered over the country. Tin y apwar to b vvnti r sprout from Ihe ! moerat party. The United States gov"n:iii"!it today stands ahead if all otli T gnvrrn:u"H,s. 1' has bet ter credit abroad, more moiry in the tr-a ury. Still the oppoi-te rty wants a change. Well, so long, hoping the ercinlists will read up a little. Wide Awake. Wilderville Items. Still it rains, rain, ruins, Tina McCanu is on the sick lUt. Fred Lovelace is on the sick li.-;t the pust day or so. Mrs. McCanu ia on the aick list the pust few days. Emma Hocking was on the sick list the latter part of last week. K. D. Lindsay made n trip to Griiuts Pass Monday, tly 2ih. J. B. Robinson ia building his house aud will soon have it ready to live in. A nn is McCanu l.a-t missed several weeks of school on account of sick ness. Mr. and Mrs. Bcttrta moved over on the Martin Conger farm across Applegate. Mr. Erickson haa been pretty badly cri) pled up with a lame back for the past week. . Glin Cn ed has missed several days of school on account of falling and hurting his shoulder. Mr. Mears preached at the church Sunday, the 27th. The weather being bad there were not many out. Martin Cong-r has movi d from his pin e over across Appl. gate to near Slate creek, so us to be near their saw mill. Orien Wells return, d to Ilia home at Mtdford Sunday, the J7th after visit ing hia son Arthur W ells tl.e past two moulds. Mrs. S 1 1 ei I i:i u had the misfortune to loose her smoke house and a year's supply of meat hy tire oue day last week. Clarence Strong and James Hocking made n y ip to Grants Pass Friday of nisi weea to nrillg uui goons lor ,1. v.. IC. McCunn. Mrs. C. F. Lovelace is in town having a piece grafted iu her face where the cancer was taken out. We wish for her all the success SMblc, and boH) for a speedy recovery. NcJt Sunday is Easter, 1 rh.ips we will have spring weather after that. We holm so any n ay. Zanoui. Woodville Item Mr. Charles Moore returned from the tn 1 1 1 1 s on Saturday. Iti v. K. Tweid is rinding great difficulty iu sicuring a hcuse to live in. The public school haa 45 enrolled and everything is progressing satis factoiily. llev. R. Tweid .riach.d morning mil evening to good congregations last Sabbath. A boiler, weighing waiting good went her llUi is liort r w isiiipiJiM, 1 1 Ihe Daisy mine. Prof. T. K. Towo send hia tlrt week's s.-hool uml lia nivi n il'-tu ral sallsfactii tl. Tiiere nre very geed n.s.ecla for a night school h. re, ui.di r th" care of Prof. T. U. Town i n.l Mrs. C. Sai hi ri. mid Mis. Tlirasl.i r made a v to ta Pus Monday. Uev. II, Tweed vi-iti d Grant Pass Yon lay b I i i u trains. Tle.i Woo.lviile hotel is the place to visit if you w i-ili to spend a pleusaut eveuing Music Mi l acngs are often tl.e er.ler id the cvnieg. Mr. I'cort and Mr. of Port l.iiiil, p.-nse I through to the niiues of tl. Southirn Oregon a. IVveloji uient C..u (.any. Good results are rv Xirted In ci nnectiiui with these mini s. Independent Telephone Msn. Ihe 11. K. Electric 4 Tel. Mfg. Co. of K nisas City, Mo., have c pencil a braiii h olUce and stock rmim in ln iaini iu charge of Mr W. 1. IV Vox iiev, who is an evpvrt telephone man. It W ill bo to ti e iulelest of IlidepeUil - tit ti lephcue roiiiiuiiira eoiueini'lating bail. ling, to comic.uuicute witlibim. Addreas B. 11. Electric Tel. Mfg Co., 1 v rt lul l, Oreg ui. It Uxd fill P. A. Djnfonh of 1 .iiuug, da , surTeled for six Uioetlis Willi a fright ful running re on bis !. g ; but w riti that I'licklin's Aruicit S,ive wholly cured it iu five days. For uk-its. wound, talis its tl.e Inst .vitve ia tin 1 Core ge.rte.tied. linly iV. ' !olit rv .itioual 1 tug More and 1 Granta Pass l'l.ariuacr. I .! aul A. E. Yoorliiil r jL.- r atuij a of CLASSIFIED ADS. for. sale;. WAGON.S and HAKNKSS for lnqoi Golden Drift Mining , ofiii-o. ENGINE 2', 1L P. Lazier, gasoline I Engine. Brought from Buffalo, N. ' Y. Never used, nud is brand in w. J A bargain for cosh or jiart lay nients. E. L. Cass. : i:AKM Kill! Sil.K twonnles Irom Mer . ! 1 lin. Pill acres aoout SO ai res of good i bottom lanJ. 'ii a'-res in cultivation, small ' hou ,nd (wrn ,d lt)U, ;M UIie, '"' hlnce f land suitable for orchard .or pasture, ror further particulars ad dr yv. m. Crow, Merlin, Oregon. - . fhf Al'l'l.' ri,,-l oivui Briii.p anil I springs on every 40 acres; center of a gno.T range TOUntrv; two owalling lioue. ing ' harn, every thing complete; well sheltered , . ,V f V-r. "T, .. . i- - a. linjuire t thin uilice. HELP WANTED. WANTED A man to work ou arauch at 2 a i ay aud take his pay In a 44-acru farm I improved I at :)00. See 11. B. Heudricks, Grunts Pass. FOR RENT. TWO ROOMS, en suite, suitable for dressmaker, millinery or office. En quire of Mrs. John Hail KOOMS Furnished rooms can be hnd at 4th aud B streets. Mrs (J. E. CitTinau. HOUSE close to this ceuler of towu for n ut, Ull. Inquire at this office. Easter Novelties Easter Perfumes Easter Dyes AT CLEMEC Orange Front opp. Opera IIousc, Grants Pass, Oregon A complete line of Trimmed Hats The atoek is new in every particular. No old (roods displayed. Tailored Hats The newest things ever brouKht to tho city. $12.00 Plume Free. A ticket on the plume will he (riven awny free with each tl.OO purchase. Miss IDA WESTON. Front .Street, secoi d millinery store cast of Sixth street. GRANTS PASS, OKEGON. Hrcak Up a Cold TABLKTS Modern Scientific Remedy for Colds and La Grippe. Your inouey back if you want it WEEK Slover Drug. Co,!l Solk Agents. DRY WOOD Irv 16 inch Heater and Cook Stove Wood or 4 foot wood, if desired, can be had ..ON SHORT NOTICE . . Iiy leaving otdcrs at the Snat l'inc Store or the lK-inaiee Music House or by addrevin ' Y. H. HKATON. Grants Pass, Ore. CHAUciES: Ool. I, Silver. Copper, Lead, (1 e.wh. Gold aud Silver, $1. GOLT Dt'ST nought and Uefini-d fir Diutul,'. Each and every assay dene with tin idea that it insy be clmked. L. G. HIGGINS I ! Assay Ofticc j 1 o Cure a Cold in One Day axative Bromo Quinine Tasiets. c? m, Take L&X Sevea Milfioa kica oM in past 1 Come and New Baby Goarts and Buies Quality and price all right. A. U. BAN NARD FURNITURE'and HOUSEFURNISHER. HIG STORE NORTH SIDE Grants Pajs, .... Attention ! Builders ! In ordor to i educe our stock, until further notice, we will sell 2-6 x fi-G doors at $1.10 2-8 x fi-8 " " 1.15 -21 x 32 window s, 2 lights " 1.45 24 x 28 " " " 1.30 20 x 28 " " 1.10 Every other size in r portion. WILLIAMS liROS. DOOR & LUA1IJER CO. h POLITICAL Citizens of Grants l'.is and vicinity who believe iu the enact ment and enforcement of laws fur the protection of the people against the aggres.-ion ami plundering of the people by trusts and, monopolies, ere requested to meet at the ' ' Court House on Saturday, April 2, 1904 at 8 o'clock in the evening for the purpose of organizing a Demo cratic Club, and aiding the candidacy of WILLIAM for the democratic pieMiletitial democratic party for an effective I.. R WKUSTEI', ritKsioKsr. . . W. D. HAMMOND, Hecketary. The Southern Oregon Title Guaranty & Abstract Company GRANTS PASS, OREGON PHONE 593 ABSTRACTS OF TITLE CERTIFICATES OF TITLE TitU-M 1-:xiiiiiIiicI, l'ei-iY-i-t 'l, iiiiii-auteo(l. A. S. HAMVOXn, ArroRSKY. Grants Pass Banking & Trust Co. I"AI IT CAI'ITAIi STOCK TraiiMicts a General Hanking bu-ine.'-a. Receives deposits snhjert to check or on demand certificates. Our custiinieis are a-.ire.l nf eiiuneeiii treatinent and every consideration con ntent mill M'Uml liankin: principle?!. tafety deposit Ixues fr rent. J. KKANK WATSON. Pres. It. A. 1IOOTH. Vice-I'res. h. I.. JKWKI.I., Cashier. The First National Bank' OF SOUTHERN OREGON. CAPITAL SiTOt K, Keeeive deposits siiliieet to check or on certificate paval.le on demand. tlh sirihtdraiis on New York Sun Francisco, and Pnrliand telegraphic trailers old on all pients in ,e rile,i Stales. . pei ml Aiteniii.n jimi i fol!,-, i,, a,i gvwn Imsiness of otir customers. lo.le. liuii. ma.le tlirmiKlieui .-uni.'ieru tireKon, and on all accessible points. It. A. 1IOOTH. Pres. J. C. CAMPHKI.1., Vice Prea. H. h. fill. KEY, Cashi.r All work is stricily iir-t . ius ami iMianotteeil. hei eim; x (jot No. 3A To the Kodaker the symbol No. y F.P.K. means jetftciiun in a Kodak. Nothing better made. You would not asfc for anything better. Takes perfect pictures ,,x5'.:. C.ill and see sample pictures. I.0.1 Is in d.iylight-develops in daylight. 3A Kodak $:o.00-E Developing Machine $7.i50 Courier Office. Grand Pj. Ore. A. E. I months. This srjnatnre, .cc our Ofvgon. MEETING. R. HEARST rumination, and to organize campaign. the S'j.yooo.oo. S50.OOO CO. Blue FrontrShop South Sixth Street, t f t Gonoral Blackymithing Scientific Horseshoers AXIJ Mining Tool Workers 1M, i I'll 11 Im liiws. Ore 3 F. P. K; Voorliies KSr. vS Can Cri b Two Day, cr. every vrznrt box. 25c.