Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927, March 24, 1904, Image 1

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No. 52.
Here are a few liarqmnt for a short time on.
No. 188 -280 acres about ten miles from Grunts Puss, TO acres in
cultivation, alxiut 12 acres in alfulfu, 100 acres fenced; good fruuie ten
room dwelling bouse, two large hums, carpenter and blacksmith shop,
fruit dryer and all necessary outbuildings; six acres of orchard, all va
rieties of fruit; good water right; a No. 1 spring that will atford all
water needed for house use. All land not in cultivation covered with
good timber, l'rice :JuU0. Improvements worth the amount a-ked.
No. 171 100 acres three miles from city; good sized orchard ; sn ail
bam and chicken house; living water; about 40 acres fenced: largo
quantity of timber. l'rice 81UO0.
. Lots from 1 to 12, lflock 62, Riverside Addition, h) to J75 each,
Payments, $10 down, 15 per month. Title guaranteed.
Call on or address
Headquarters for Real Estate.
Office on E Street, between Fourth and Fifth Streets,
I I have Sewing Machines ranging in pi ice from
$1.00 TO $15.00 i
P These machines are all in good running order t
and iticlude the standard makes White, Singer, V
Domestic, Davis. I will sell them on trial. - ?
I If you have anything to sell or want to bny any-
thing call on me. :::::::::: b
jjj South Sixth Street, - - GrinU Pass, Oregon
I. B WEBSTER, Pbkhidknt. . W. B HAMMOND, Siu'Wctaiiy.
The Southern Oregon
Title Guaranty & Abstract Company
Title's i:xiiiiin'l, l'erteoifel, J imrn u I el.
A. S. H VMMOSO, Attounby.
Grants Pass Banking & Trust Co.
Traii-ucts a deneral Hanking business.
Keceive deposits subject to check or oil demand certificates.
Our etlslomeis are assured of courteous treatment and every coinuderatioii con
Utent with sound banking principles.
bafety deposit boxes for rent. J. Kit ASK WATSON, Pres.
J. A. HOOT II, Vice-Pre.
I,. I,. JKWKI.I.. Cashier.
The First National Bank
CAPITAL STOCK, - - $50,000 00.
Keeeive deposit subject to check or on certificate payable on demand.
,ells stein draft on New York tan Francisco, and Portland.
Telegraphic transfers mild on all points in rtio I'nitcd Mates.
Special Attention mcn to Collections and general business of our customers.
Collections uiade throughout Southern Oregon, and oil all accessible points.
v jL
t 'v
All work Is Mrirtly hrit clam ai.d "
IIKI'LIi'( .V CiOtTIjl), firiintst 1'imm. !
Double Cvlinder
Makes Good Permanent Koads
Gravel or Rock.
No road can be made
Send for catalog.
Buffalo Pitts Company,
Portland, Oregon.
ss.yooo oo.
K. A. lloriTH. Pres.
J. (J. CaMI'ISKI.I.. Vice Pres.
II. I.. OII.K KV, t'ashn-r
Blue Front Shop
South Sixth Street.
t t t
Gcneial Ulacksmitliin
n . ! . u i Ha TT a n AnTi a Ann
Minimi T.w.l WurK-ors
Road Roller
lasting without Steam
K Front Street, west Palace hotel B
- Drugs
and Books
opp. Opera House.
Assay Office
Silver, Copper, Lend, tl '
Gold aud Silver, ft.
Bought ami Helmed fur Dental Trade.
Kueh nnd every assay don.) with the
idea that it may bo checked.
pRED'K. I).
Masonic Temple, Rooms 2 & 4
Gkants Pass,
Phone 633
Practices in all State and hcilcra! Courts
Ulliceover First National I'.uuk.
l'll'INK 21
I'lirmture mid l'iano
The popular barber shop
Get your tonsorial work done at
On Sixth Street Three chairs
Hath room in connection
Dry 16 inch He.iter and Cook
Stove Wood or 4 foot wood, if
desired, can be haJ '
hy leaving orders at tire Sugar
Pine Store or the Detnaree
Music Uouse or by addressing
Grants Pass, Ore
irrr 'r'- s-k .
'y . t,. .- . -' !'-
Oriuinal and only ircnkiim
Kuhxn Tr H'nK l r
tilc liy lt-auinK drut-trij-f i'l
r liof. and ri-liablc.
Acttpt no substitute.
A tun dun Pvrdj Pomp, aecoud
li.-uid, for aale cheap at Cramer hrut.
-.-) - a
i - V
Earth Tremior C&u Gree.t
Alarm Dishea Smashed.
The most severe earthquake shock
ever experienced ill the Korihwest
rooked bnlldings iu Seattle last Wed
nesday ninht aud drove frightened
women and children iuto the atreeta.
Patients iu the hospital! leape 1 from
their cots iu terror. On the opper
floors of the taller blocks bookcases
sv aved to and fro, crashing iuto the
alls with a report that could be
heard iu adjoining rooms. Business
?u working late rasliod from their
offices aloug floors that rose aud fell
itli the motion of a vessel at sea in
Tho disturbance was felt iu other
Northwestern towns with practically
e snmo violence. At Tacoma, Ever-
Bellingham, Viotoria, Port Towu-
ud, Port Augelos and the smaller
towns of the Northwest, buildings
ere shaken, windows rattled, doors
urst optu and frightened people im
pelled to flee from their homes. The
lipping on the Souitd felt the disturb-
nee aud peoiilo ou the boats wore dis
turbed.. .
There were two shocks, the flrit
i v lt, bnt tho Bocoud of violent force.
In Seattle they seemed to pass at 8:16
M. from east to west, Tacoma aud
Snohomish reporting a similar move
uiciit of the earth's crust. Further
north the shocks passed either from
uortheast to north went or from north
to south, snd on the west side two re
iiorts insist that tho movement was
from west to east. Reports from North
akima and points in the southwest
n part of the state show the earth-
uake was not felt there.
Iu Seatle the shock was felt severely
1 tho resitleuco dis'.riots. On the
ills pcoplo desertod their homes when
the shock began rattling windows and
moving furniture. Except in rare iu-
anees the peopln were easily quieted.
Iu the lurge apartment houses and fain-
ly lintels thoso liviug on the upper
floors ran to the lower corridors to es
cape the rocking sensation above that
roduced naueea.
At the Churclpof Iinmnoulate Con
ception a woman in the gallery became
hysterical and screamed loudly. The
congregation stampeded, but the
crowd was easily quieted. At other
churches the people were uot disturb'
ed, and startled theater crowds were
prevented from leaving their seats.
Tho severity of the shock was char
acterized by Captain V. H. lerga
son, who lias traveled extensively cu
the equator, as the must sevcro lie has
ever experienced.
Mora ttioti.
Disturbances of strikes are not
nearly as grave as an individual dis
order of the svstem. Overwork, loss
of sleep, nervous tension, will bo fol-
owen by utter collapse unless a ro-
lahln remedy is immediately em-
luved. There's nothing so elllcletit
o euro disorders t f tho Liver or Kid-
ueys us IMectrm IS: ers. it aisiieis
nervousness, rheumatism aud nenralgla
and expels malaria germs. Only 60c
and kiitisafctiou guaranteed by Nation
al Drag Store and Grants Pass Phar
macy. Ce.ll For Democratic County
Convention .
'At a meeting of the Democratic
Countv Central Committee held upon
tho call of the chairman, the Demo
cratic County Conveutiou for Jose-
phiuo County was called to meet at
Grants Piiss, Oregon, on Saturday,
April lilth, 1U04, ut the hour of 1
o'clock P. M. , at the court House for
the purpose of nominating county offi
cers to be elected ut the ensuing elec-
ion, nnd for electing Ave delegates to
the Democratic State Conveutiou to
be held iu Portland, April lHth, l'.HH.
flie committee deci led that the con
vent 011 should bo composed or 4a
members based upon the vote cast for
Geo. K. Chnmherlaiu as governor In
1111)2, and under tho piortioiiment
h'-Ii pr 'einct would be entitled to one
delegate ut large, nnd one delegate for
every ii.i votes or fraction of 15 or
morn thereof cast for G vernor Cham
berlain as aforesaid.
Tim number of delegates to which
eai h precinct shall be entitled will be
a. follows :
Vot. s Cast. No. Dele-
North Grants Pass... 97 B
South " " .. .119 6
West " " HO 4
Kcrt.y 47 8
I.eli.nd 72 4
Williams M S
Merlin 2 8
Slate Creek 40 8
Vnrphy 41 8
Wolf Creek !in 2
A It house 2
Waldo 2d 2
Galice II 1
l.uekv Queen 2 1
Mt. Kronen ..11 1
.Selm.i .. 83 2
Total ...45
It is recommended by the commit
tee that primaries bo held iu their re
s ctire precincts on Saturday, April
'Jtli, 1904, at 2 o'clock In the after
noon of said day at the usual polling
place where convenient. The chair
man and secretary of the primary
meeting are requested Tto certify to
the election of delegates.
Dated at Grants Paw, March 5, 1904.
II. D. Norton,
C'liairmau of Democratic Couuty Cen
tral Committee.
Working OvtrtlnM.
Eight hour laws are ignored by
those tireless little workers Dr,
King's New Life PI 11a. Millions are
always at work, night and day, cur
ing indigestion, bilousnew, constira
tlon, sick headache and all stomach,
liver aod bowel troubles. Easy,
ohasant. safe sure. Only 2 at
National Drug Store aud Granta Pan
In Regular Session Bills Allowed
Marshal Stevens Resigns.
Tbe council met Thursday, March 17.
All members present.
Petition of Eel us Pollock snd others
for extension of sewer on 6th t'.reet, re
ferred to sewer committee.
City engineer made estimate of cost of
Btone arch bridge across Gilbert creek
on Front street at $963.50 for atone, and
fl, 055. 70 for brick. Matter continued
until next meeting:.
Attorney R. U. Smith appeared and
introduced an ordinance leaving out the
Sunday closing clause of the ordinance
regulating saloons. He made a plea In
the intorest of the saloon men In support
of the ordinauce to the effect that this
shou'd be done, or all other business be
closed on Sunday.
The following bills were ordered paid :
Pacific States, T. A T. Co t 2 25
Hyde Bros., groceries 9 5O
B. O. McCullock, city engineer.,. 35 00
Rehkopt& Nease, blaiksmithlng. 48 90
W. A. Paddock, weather 2 50
Dr, Strieker, med. attendance.... 21 00
R. II. Gilfiellan, street supt 30 00
Slovcr Drug Co., medicines 5.00
An ordinance was Introduced granting
the Coudor Water Power Co. a fran
chise to erect and maintain poles, mains
and wires on the public atreeta and al
leys of Grants Pass. It was read first
and second time.
An ordinance placing the city engineer
on a (alary, was read first and second
The ordinance regulating thickness of
walls of brick buildings in the fire limit
was passed. It requires that one story
uildings may be erected of eiht inch
walls. Two story, the first story to be
not less than 12, and the second not less
than g For three story buildings the
first story must be at leat 10 inch, the
second 12 and the third 8.
Will Talk &nd Dre.w Picture In
Granta Pass April Sth.
Homer Davenport, the great cartoon
ist, will visit Grants Patss on Tues
day, April fi, aud ylll speak about
The Power of a Cartoon" at the
opera house. Davenport, whoso mag
nificent work as a cartoonist la known
all over America, is a splendid story
teller, and his entertainment Is made
op of a choice selection of storiettes,
adventures, anecdotes, aud experi
ences of all kinds. There is not a mo
ment that during his .discourse is not
full of absorbing Interest. He tells
his stories crayon in hand, and 111ns
trates them with rapid cartoon draw
ings. Nothing more concise has been
said of him than the remark of Ex
Governor Bob Taylor; "Davonport
is a volume of wit and humor, and
each cartoon tells an excellent story.'
Although the trend of his lecture Is
of a humorous vein, some of his storiei
have their pathetio side. The story
of tho "Widowed Duck," for Instance,
but witty or pathetio, they are told
only as Davenport, with his magnetic
personality, can toll thorn aud illns
rated with drawings that papers have
paid him fabulous sums to obtain.
From a ne'er do well in the little
Western towu of Sllverton, he lias in
a fow years risen to the pinocle of
sucoess, aud is sought after at the pros
eut moment by half the newspapers iu
New York, offering the highest salary
ever iiaid to a cartoonist, but before
"going into harness again" Mr. Dav
onpott intends touring the other coast,
getting fresh ideas, and recuperating
after a long spell of hard work.
For Republican
Grants Pass, Ore., March 21, 1904.
Notice Is hereby giveu that a Tegu
larly called meeting of the Republican
Coonty Central Couiuiitee held Marcl
lUth. 1904, Saturday, April 2d, 1904
was fixed for the date on which to
hold the Republican primaries iu the
various products in Josephine Conn
ty, and at 2 o'clock P. M. was rec
oinmeiided as the hour of holding said
primaries outside of Grants Pass, and
8 o'clock P. M. was set for the hoor
for holding the primaries in the three
Grants Pass precincts.
At said time the Republican County
Convention was called to mutt in tl
county court house iu the city
Grants Pass on Tnursday, April 7th
1904 at 2 o'clock P. M. for the pur
pose of nominating candidates for the
various offices to be voted for at the
regular election to be held 00 Moudy,
Juue tb, 1904, to-wit:
One representative.
One sheriff. ,
One clerk.
One treasurer.
One assessor.
One school superintetdeut
One county commitsiouer.
One cornnar.
Also Justices of the peace aod con
stables for the various precincts.
There will also be elected seven de
egates to attend the Congressional con
ventlon to be held at Salem on April
18th, 1904, and seven delegates to ai
tend the state convention to be he
at Portland on April 14th, 1904.
Following is the apportionment
the number of delegates to the county
convention each precinct is entitled to,
apportioned on the vote of the Hon,
W. J. Furnish for governor at the last
election :
N Granta Pass...
Althoose ..
Murphy ....
Met fin ... .
Wolf Creek.
H Granst Pass .
W Grants Pass ,
Lucky Queen;
Ml Keoben 1
W. H. Hampton. Chairman.
C. E May bee, Seoretary,
The Construction and Mainte
nance of Clo.y Ro&ds.
Clay and all classes ot wet roads
need thorough draining, says Prank F.
Rogers, consulting engineer of the
Michigan highway commission, In Good
Roads Magazine. Where there Is much
surface water largo open ditches must
be provided. It is Important that thcye
ditches have sufficient capacity to ban
die all ordinary storms without flooding
the road. They should have continuous
grades and free outlets to the natural
water courses Intersecting the roads. It
may be neccasary to improve these wa
ter courses for some distance outside
the road allowance to prevent bnckwa
tcr. When necessary tbla requirement
should not be neglected.
Such ditches should be located aloug
the side ot tbe road from which the
most water comes, so as to prevent as
much water as possible from soaking
Into the roadbed. Largo open ditches
may be placed between the regulur gut
ters and the fence line, with occasional
opening through the shoulders be
tween the gutters and tho main ditches.
When largo deep ditches are located
alongside tho roadbed they should be
protected by suitable guard mils.
All springy places and most clay
roads will bo Improved by nnder
drains. To be of the most valuo their
trenches should bo filled with cinders,
coarse gravel or broken stouo np to the
road surface; otherwise the road In
comes puddled on the surface and pre
vents a great deal of water from enter
ing the drains. Two Hues ot tiles from
two to three feet deep parallel to the
center line ot tho road and from eight
to ten feet distant on cltlier sldo will be
found of great valuo to all clay roads. .
On springy hills the drains should
run diagonally from the center to either
gutter, where sultablo outlets must be
provided. The frequency of such drains
will depond upon the ainouut of water
to be handled.
Undcrdralns In each gutter or along
the margins of the grade, as above
mentioned, are ot grcut value where
large open ditches are not required to
handlo the surfuce water, Inasmuch as
they lower tho water plain some two or
three feet more than would be possible
Without them. A drain down the center
of the road, having the trench filled
with sonio coarse material, often serves
the same purpose
Clay roads should bo kept well
crowned, having from one-half to three-
fourths of an Inch rise to each foot in
width. Any uioro than this Is a positive
Injury and should not bo tolerated.
They should bo smoothed dowrt ench
spring after tho ground has settled ami
as often thereafter during tho season
DS they become rutted. After bring
leveled with a scraper a good rulllni.'
will prevent their becoming rutted so
easily again and will leave the in In ex
ccllcnt shapo to make One summer
roadi. In fact, there are no belter tem
porary roads than well shaped cluy
roads when dry, smooth and bard.
Sand roads need quite different treat
ment They should be but slightly
crowned and have very shallow gut
ters. They ran also bo made rather
narrow. It Is better to allow tho aides
to grass over whenever possible. Their
worst enemy Is dry weather, nnd they
should bo built aud repaired with a
View to retaining ss much moisture as
possible. Trees should be planted
along the roadside and the naturnl ones
and much of the brush allowed te
grow In short, It Is best to do every
thing possible to keep them very much
In the condition ot forest roads.
laereaae Property Valors.
Striking proof of the benefits to bo
derived by the fanners through the
betterment of rural highways was of
fcrcd at a good roads meeting com
posed of tho residents of several town
ships In Iturks county, Pa, snys the
New York Tribune. The township rec
ords wcro produced to show that nt
tho present tlmu the amount of money
rulsed by luxation and avallablo for
local Improvements Is mure than one
third larger than It wna a few years
ago, although the tax rate remains the
sumo. This Is due, of course, to an In
creuso In tho vuluo of property, an In
crease which we aro assured has been
brought about solely by tho const ruc
tion of modern highways. Townships
In llucks county which have borrowed
money to carry on tho work of road
muklng And themselves enabled to re
duco materially their debt annually hj
reason of this enhancement of real es
tuta values. The cxperleneo of these
Pennsylvania farmer coincides sub
stantuilly with that of our rural friends
In other parts of tho United Hlnles
That good roads bring wealth then
can be no question, and, as has liccn
shown, the advontaRc which accrue
from them are enjoyed as much by the
fanners as by other members of the
load llrlcra.
Good roads make even trndo the year
Good roads are to a community what
good clothes are to a man.
Your town will prosper In proportion
to tho Improvement of your country
Tarring the roads In France Is becom
fng the vogue, and road engineers ore
busy testing this system of dust laying
It Is estimated thut of all the rnnd
In tho United Hlotes there are only li
per cent good, 10 per cent fairly passa
ble and 81 per cent bad, execrable, In
descrlbnblc, welters of mud In wel
westher snd the origin and creators of
Insufferable d'wt storms In dry weath
Proper Treatment of Pneumonia.
Pneumonia is too dangerous a dis
ease for anyone to attempt to doctor
himself, although hi) may liavo the
proper remedies at hand. A jhysi
clan should always b ralleil It
should be borne in mind, however,
that pneumonia always results from a
cold or from an attack of the grip,
and that by giving ChHiubeilain's
t'ough Itemedy the threatened attack
of in-amnnia mar lie warded off.
This Dr. W. J. Hmiih. of Sanders,
Ala., who Is also a druggist, says of
it: "I have been selling Chamber
Iain's Cough Remedy aud prescribing
it In my practice tor tim past
years." Sold by all druggists.
our latest importation stands today without a rival in
point of quality, style and finish; made from heavy
steel rolled especially for the purpose; covered on the
outside with 3 heavy coats of very hard elastic enamel
aud on the iuside with PURE white PORCELAIN.
We guarantee this ware to be free from lead, antimony
or arsenic We guarantee every piece. You will be
pleased with tfo reasonable prices.
Wall. Papers Another Big consignment just received;
beautiful designs, exquisite colorings.
The stock is carried right here for immediate deliv
ery. Call and let us show you the largest line in
Southern Oregon no trouble, we'll be pleased to,
Tho W. 0. T. U. will meet at the
home of Mrs. Leo Calvert on Friday,
March 33 at 2 :30 P. M.
"Let us not waver
nose: victory is at
from our pui
liand, aud will
come trluniphautly when the church
membership shall foul its responsibil
ity and lend a helping hand. "
"When I was getting signatures to
the petition for a prohibitory law, I
found about five times as many womeu
as men ready to a 111 I their names.
This fact led 1110 to seriously consider
what tho value ol woman's ballot
would be on moral reform questions,
aud I became an advocate of woman's
suffrage. "Neal Dow.
Lady Henry Somerset, who recently
resigned "resident of the world's
W. O. T. U.. 011 account of ill-health,
has been succeeded by tho Countess of
Carlisle, who is so democratic that
sho would abolish all titles of nobility
nnd so thoroughly devoted to tho ad
vancement of horsci that sho bus only
women servunls in her houses and on
her estates. Sho even bus women
Kyansttm's pride In Frances E. W1I
lard' and in the organisation she rep
resented, for so many years is woll
known. To her successor is shown the
same generous cordiality. Press and
people alike delight to do her hoiior,
ami their interest iu sie(iial events nt
national headquarters waa never more
niinarent than ou March 1, 11KI4. WO
therufore take osiieelul pleiisuro in re
printing from "The Kvunstou Index"
an account of tho Union Signal Ked
Letter Day reception, lllustratod by
it, a t.lmtnurim h taken expressly lor
that pujHir. Wu feel certatiu tlmt the
great army of white riblriners whose
thoughts worn centered ou Hest Cot
tage that day will read witli pleasure
of tho euyiuslttsm with which their
messages and gifts wero received. It
1 time of rejoicing to us nil, first
of gratitude for the continued heultl;
and strength of our leader, and, sec
ond, with In rand for her til the liai'l'J
11 i7ii rv of lirosiierilv for our official
oragn. ,Tho day was fraught with
many pleasant incidents, but to tlicwi
who are privileged to share iu the
t'nli.ii Hmual'a fortunes, uonii wilt.
moru pleasant tlmn the morning greet
ing wo found uion each desk, u cluster
of brilliant ted carnations tied viitn
rid ribbon, their i-picy fragrume 0
sweetness that dues not cloy tj 1 leal of
the Kcnerotis-licartfd editor-In -chief,
whose hand had placet! them theie.
Verl'V she believi B it is nioni blessed
to give than to receive. ('. T. J
Tlie World'a Fair Route.
Thoso anticipating an Eastern trip
or a visit to the Louisiana Pun-has
Kiimdtliui lit St. Iiuls, raniii't nlfurd
to overlook tho advantage nllcrcd by
the Missouri Pacific Hallway, whicl
on account or nn various iiiun-n uu
gateways, has been appropriately
named "The World's Fair Koiito. "
Passengers from tho Northwest
tako the Missiourl ratine truim
frtmi Deliver or Pueblo, with till
choice of either going direct throngl
Ki.iimhs Cllv. or via Wichita, iort
Scott ami Pleasant Hill.
Two Iruins daily from Deliver and
Pueblo to St. Louis without chaugi
rrying all classes of modern equip
mi nt, including electric ugnnti 00
servatlnu parlor 1 afn dining ears. T
daily trains between Kansas C ty utid
St. Louis.
Write or call on S'. C. Mt l'.rid
(luieral Audit. 121 Third street
Portland, for detailed informal id
ami illustrated literature.
Tiiyily Averted.
"Just in tho tilt-k of time our little
boy was saved," writes Mrs. W,
Wat kin of Pleasant City, OI1I1,
"Pneumonia had played sad havoc
with him and a terrible cough set iu
besides. Doctors treated him, but be
grew worse every day. At length w
tried Dr. King's New Discovery for
consumption, and our du ling w:
L KvervlKidv ouitiit to know It
tlio only cure sure for cough, coltls
and all lung distases. Guaranteed
bv National Drug Store arid Grants
,. . 1,. .. 1 ...... MW, .ml HI. till.
Ill rn riitiiniuij.
1 Trial bottles tree.
. . -
VL. 11. II. mil 11
... ;
New York Society That Is Doing1
Good Work.
The Katonah Village Improvement
society of Katonah, N. Y., recently cele
brated Its quarter centennial. This so
ciety was organized by Ilc-nry K. Pel-
lew, who became tho Drat president.
says the New s org Tribune. Its object
was tho general Improvement ot tho
material surroundings of the village
nnd the promotion of culture among
tho people. Mr. Fellow In this work
hud tbe benellt of the ucquuliitnnce and
advice of K. U. North nip and the Kev.
N. II. Fgleston, who ore spoken of as
the pioneers of rural Improvement In
this country. He had made a careful
study of the subject nnd was well pre
pared to be the bend of the ucw enter
prise. During the first year of the activity
of the society a public park was laid
out, '.110 trees planted along the streets,
sidewalks wero relald, street lamps pro
vided nnd the geucrul sanitary condi
tion of the village Improved. Streets
were also rchild, and the next year an
old pond which bad tor a long time
hi vn a public iiulanco w as drained.
Iu the full of 1!SS0 tho public library
unci rending room was established, with
nucleus of -Phi books. It now con
tains H.OUO volume and bas become
one of the principal features of the so
ciety's work. Another successful branch
of tho work was tho maintenance of
courses of lectures, concerts and enter-
talmiieiits which nrc of a high order
and have been well attended.
Ill lfvVI the original association dis
solved uud wiih Incorporated In Its
present form. Since that (lino Its work
lias been constantly wldeuing In It
Scope. In 1S!I7 the removal of tne til
lage by the water coiuiiilaslun destroyed
much of the previous work of the soci
ety. . Hon ever, It w ent at Ita labor
ltd renewed vigor on the new site.
ami tho result Is one of tho prettiest
villages In New York state today.
Ulcetrlrllf and Iliads Trees.
The fastening of wires, whether hav
ing an electrical connection or not, to
Ims Is quite likely to kill thtm. Tbe
telephony wire, apparently harmless
la-cause of the slight current It carries,
Is almost as deudly aa the electric light
wires, says the ICochestcr Democrat. A
grounding ot tho current of the tele
phone wire by swaying of branches ot
who gives a tree Intermittent shocks
that kill. Wires carrying no steady
rui rent carry nt times powerful atmos
pheric cuircuts aud are destructive.
Steel wire Blning In the magnetic meri
dian becomes uingnetlc and tbe mag
netic Intensify varies. If such wire)
are attached to trees the hitter sbow
tho effects In sickly foliage and slow
growth. A wlro with only casual or
induced currents kin slowly, but It
kill. Thiiso who care for tree must
keep wires away from them or the la
bor of planting and rearing will be lost
Good Tuffs Dullders
No power on eurth Is so strong to
build up a town as a newspaper well
patronized, ami its power should be ap
preciated. A newspniier whose columns
overflow with advertisements of busi
ness men has more Influence In attract
ing attention to aud bullulng up a city
or towu Uiuu any other agency that
ruu bu employed. People so where
there Is business. Capital anil labor
will locate vthero there Is an enter
prUdiig community.
Having reeelri d ouo of the latest
improved New Century Engraving
machines wu are prepared to do all
kind of engraving; goods bought
from ns engraved free. Curtis & Co.,
Did Fellows' Iiuild'iig, Grants Pass,
Absolutely Pure