Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927, March 17, 1904, Page 4, Image 4

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3?r sis? gfcf 4s? vL? siV
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CbpvrMjht, ml, v lltrlxrt . Slant
FFKI. like spending the rest of
my day In that mnmiHt-ry up
there," said Lorry after dinner
that evening. Tln-y were atroll-
fng about tlie town. One v,n deter
mined to leave tlie city, tbe other Gnu
In liU resolve to stny. 1 bo latter wou
Die diiy when be shrewdly If exploslvc-1-
ceuiliidcd the form it It wits
llielr duty nn I'H'ii to stay ami protect
the primes from the riiii-liijiiitloia of
Unbriel, tluit kuuve of purgatory. Lor
ry, at Inst recognizing tlie ))ic1i-h.hithh
of Ills suit, wus r. n ly Id throw (I.I n
bis nrms and uluindon the field In stiio
rlor odds. Ills prcxuinpilnn In nsplrliiK
for the hand of a prln.css began to
touch Lis hi'iiho of humor, anil lie
lu uglu'd, not very merrily, It Is true, hut
long uinl loudly, at his folly. At first
ho cursed the world nud every one In
It, giving up lu despair, hut Inter he
ciiicd only himself. Vet as he tie
paired nud scoffi-d In- felt within hlui
self mi ever present hope Unit luck
might turn the tide of battle.
'I'liU puny rny grew perceptibly when
Anguish brought hi ill to feel that she
needed his protection from Hie uiiin
who bad once wuicht to dcsiioil n nil
who wight reasonably lie expected to
persevere. Ho agreed tu linger In Kd. l
wolss, knowing tluit each dny would
add pnln to the torture he was iilrcndy
suffering, his sole ohject being, he eon
vlnced hluiHeir, to frustrate (iiilirlel's
evil plans.
ltotumliig late In the evening from
their stroll, they entered a enfc cele
brated lu Kdelwelss. In all Ids life
avtj had never known the loneliness
that makes death welcome.
The en Co was orouihsl with men and
women. lu a fur corner sat n party of
Axphutn' nobles, their prince, a most
democratic fellow, nt thn head of n
long table. There were souks, Jests lllld
boisterous laughter. The celehratlou
grew wilder, and I.orry and Anguish
rroescd the riKini and, Inking seats at
tuhle, ordered wine mid clgnrs, both
eager for a donor view of tho prince.
How I-orry loathed him!
I-oronx was a Kood looking young fel
low, little more than a boy. Ills smooth
face arns flushed, and there wna alsiut
lilin p air of dlHslpntlou that stiggost
ed dtaycavlty In Its advanced stage. Tho
fuce that 1 1 1 1 k 1 1 1 biivo been liandsome
was the rcflcclloii of a roue, dnshliiK,
devillHh. Ha was fair hrtlred and tall,
taller than his coiunuloiis by half
head. Willi reckless abandon bo drank
and snug and Jested, arrogant lu Ills
flighty merriment. Ills cohorts were
Dot far behind lilm In riotous wit.
At h-ngth ouo of the revelers, speak
ing lu Herman, culled on Lorcni for a
tonst to the Princes Vellve, bis prom
ised bride. Without n moment's hesita
tion the prluco sprang to hi feet, held
Ms Klaus aloft and cried:
"Here's to tho fairest of tho fair,
weet Vellve, so hard to win, too Rood
to lose. Hlio loves me, God bless her
heart! And I love her, (iod bless my
heart too! For each kiss from her won
drous jlp I shall credit myself with
1,000 gavvos. That Is the price of a
"I'll give 2,MM!" run red one of the
nobles, and thero was a laugh lu which
the prince Joined,
"Nay! I'll not sell Ihem now. In
tfter years, when she has grown old
nd her lips aro parched and dry from
the lipping 1 have bad, I'll sell them
II at a bargain. A Ins, alio bus not
fet kissed ine!"
lorry's heart bounded with Joy,
though bis hniids were clinched In rate,
"Bho will kiss mo tomorrow. To
morrow I shall tusto what no other
tuaii bus touched, what nil incii have
coveted. And I'll lie generous, folic
men. Mho Is so fair Hint your foul
mourns woiiiii biignt with but one
rnress Uion her tender lips, and jel
fou shall not be deprived of blUs. I
hall kiss her thrlco for each of you.
lt mo count. Thrice eleven Is thlrly
thro. Aye, thirty three of my kl.e
hall bo wasted for thu sake vt my
friends. Lucky dogs! lirlnk to my
"Ilrnvo!" cried the others. And the
Classes weru raised to lip.
A chair wns overturned. The form
If a in li 11 lauded suddenly at the side
of the prince, and a roiili hand clashed
the glais from his lingers, the contents
Hying over his liuiiiiii'ulatii Lngllxli
veiling dress.
"IVin't you dare to drink thut toast :"
cried a voh-e lu bis astonished ear, a
voice seaklng In excited (ieruiaii. He
whirled nud saw a cowling face be
llde bis own, n pair of gray eyes that
Bashed fire.
"What do you men n T" lie dcnianded.
Inger replacing amusement. The oth
r members of bis party stood as If
"I mean that you speuk i.r the Prlu
tvs of (irnitstnrk. lo you uinlertand
Uiut, you miserable cur?"
"Oh!" tcrcnuud the prince, convoKd
Willi rage. Hurting bin k tied Instlne-
Uvely h-nchlng for the sn.nd he d I
tot carry, "loll shall pay fur this: I
Kill tench you to Interfere" -.
"I'll Insult you more deel,ily just
lo a fold misapprehension," Miaihsi
Lorry, swinging his big tut s.imrcl
upon to toon Hi of the prince. Ilia ;
rojal (Ugliness lauded under a table
ten fst away.
Instantly the cafe was In an uproar.
The shi,iell,st Axphalnlaoa lej.ainea
Uielr senses, nud a general nssault was
ninde upon the botbenjej American, j
Ue kuiM'kiM another down. Hurry Au
gulh coining to Ids ns.slst.imo it It
evenil savage blows, nfler which the
CransUrk spectator mid the wallers i
Interfered. It was ull over In mi In i
tnnt. yet a sennatlou tlmt would llvi '
In th goaslp of generiitloiis had be n
crealed. A prince of the realm l,n,l
Ihcii brutally mtsaulted! ItoMiug
Jaw, Jajrens picked himself from the'
Boor, revernl of bis friends tunning ti
bis nU. Tls-rv was blood on his lipi
and chin; It trlcktod to his shirt fn i.t.
i'or some nionienu be panling,
glaring nt Iairry's mocking face.
"I mil Lorens of Axpluiln, sir," be
aid ut last, bis voles? ynlverlug wliti
upiressed angi'r.
n snnn ue a pleasure lo kill v
. ,, , ... . i
loroiu,' observed Ida adversary, ills ,
lnyllig 111 Ignornnce of i.-xe majesty.
Anguish, psle and very much on-
corned, dragged hlui awny, the prlu.v
leaving the cufe uheud of tlieiu, fol 1
, ......... ,
uwcu ny ins cnaitentig, cursing cm .
pauloiia. IVInee Gabriel wus sliuidlnp i
uear ine ooor a they paswd out. lie :
looked .t the American iharjily. and
4 & A '- J
rjfi Ji . :i ,i j
Anguish delected soiiietiilng like trlum
phnnt Joy In big eyes.
"Good lxrd, Ixirry, this means a
duel! Uon't you know that?" cried be
as they started upstairs.
"Of course I do, and I'm going b kill
that villain too!" exclaimed Lorry loud
enough to be heard from one end of Un
room to tlie other.
'"J lils Is horrible, horrible! Let me
square It up some way If" btgnn the
alarmed Anguish.
Siiuaro It up! Iok here, Harry A
iiIhIi. I inn the one who will do tho
squaring. If he wants a duel, lie can
have It at any old time and In nnr
style lie desires."
"He may kill you!'
"Not while a Just God rules over our
destinies, in take my cliaiuvs with
pistols, nud now let me tell you one
thing, my boy. He'll never live to touch
his lips to hers, nor will there lie a roy
nl wedding. She cnuiiot marry a dec
man." He wns beside himself with ex
cheuient, and It wns fully half an hour
before Anguish could bring him to
sensible discussion of the ufTnlr. Grud
ually he become cool, and, the fever
once gone, ho did not lose his bend
"Cuoow pistols nt ten pnees mid at
tomorrow," be said nonchalantly, ns
rap at tho door of their npnrlinent an
nounccd the urrlval of the prince"
Anguish admitted two well dressed,
black bearded men, both of whom bad
sat at the prince' table lu the cafe.
They Introduced themselves a the
liulie of Mlzrox nud Colonel Altobawu
Their visit was brief, formal and con
"We understand that you arc person
of rank In your own America?" said
tlie Huke of M x after a few mo
"Wo are son of business men," re
sponded Mr. Anguish.
"Oh, well, I hardly know. Hut bis
highness Is very willing to waive his
rank nud to grant you a meeting."
"I'm delighted by lilt highness' con
descenslon, which I perfectly under
land," observed Mr. Anguish. "Now.
wlint have we to aettle, gentlemen?"
"The detail of weapon."
When Anguish announced that tit
principal chose pistols, a strange gleam
crept Into the eyes of the Axphainian,
and they seemed satisfied. Colonel At
tobawu acted as Interpreter during till
short but very Important Interview,
which was curried on In the Axpluiln
Intigungo. Lorry sat on tho window sill
steadfastly gazing Into tho night. The
visitor departed soon, and It wn un
derstood that I'rlnce loreni would con
descend lo uioet Mr. lairry t H o'clock
on tho next morning lu the valley be
yond tho castle, two mile from town.
Thero wns no law prohibiting duel In
Well, you're In for It, old mini," said
Anguish gloomily, bis chin In his hands
us be fastened melancholy eyes upon
hi friend.
"Don't worry nlKitit nie. Harry.
There' only one way fur this thing to
"lon'l I.. a iMk (o (Mnk that tooir."'
end. Ills royal highness Is disnuisl."
I.orrv spoke Willi the eurnesliiess and
conviction of one who Is permitted to
nee Into the future.
Calmly he prepared to write some
letters, not to say farewell, but to ex
plain to certain persons the mime of
the duel ninl to say that he gloried In
the good fortune which had presented
Itself. (Inn of these letters was ml
dressed to his mother, another to the
father of I'rlmv Lorcni mid (he last
to the I'rlnccss of Granstnrk. To the
litter he wrote much thai did not up
pear lu the epistles directed lo the oth
ers. Angulsli hnd been lu his room
more than an hour anil had frequently
called to his friend nud Ix-ggcd hlui
to se. ore what rest he could in order
that their nerves iiiIkM be steady In
the niotnlni: Hut It was not tin 1 1 1
after in l.Ii,! lit that the duelist scaled
the tni.lopis, directed them nud
kiuvl.ed nt tits secoml's door lo say:
"I it. nil Intrust tlnj,' letters to jou
Harry oil must see tluit they start
on their way tomorrow."
Then be went to b,-, an.l lo sleep.
clock bis second, who hint
""I" I'l" little, called h,. They
ilr -so l hurilnlly ami piepunsl for the
''''' ,n Hie alley. flo-lr own new
laeJl-'i r,-i, dvers were to
se.- IIS we., pl tl ,;M colli
bit. and a caning., was to be In wait
.ok i,.r in. di ii, a ,i,le Mri.,.(
nt I
H. lo,,
and we
lealcs I
leaving ih. lr room they heard
s of commotion hi the hotel
e up prehensile lest the In
id le.innsl of the ,,. an, I
were making ready to follow the t.M
CIS to tl.e appointed sp(. i beiv win a
Collins!,,., f l.s h. Ihe sound r rush
lug feet, H, e banging f ,l-iri hl,
noise Increasing as llie two men
Mepix d lulu the open hall, i hey were
municd lo see half dressed men and
n..nion stu'ebinj or running nU.ut the
'"'K 1 '"' excitement lu tli. tr faei-s
and In their actions. be,, unirorm.d
is.h.vinen wen. Ihsklni Into I ,m.
N.ilill. i-d I ....
ow"." nou nan, sis,
fresh from ih. ir Uwi.
upon the scene There were excited
.Ties, align sbonis and. more mtlry.
lug than nil, hnrr.nYd l.s.ks and' wills
"What ha bapp.
stopping m-ar the door.
naked Ia.rry
'it can't 1 a fire. I,.k! Tl. d..r tu
that nmrn dowu tluw eems tu be t
center of attraction. Hold on! Don't
go over there, Lorry. There may be
something to unnerve you, and that
must not happen now. Let os go down
this stairway. It leads to a side en
trance, I think." Tlwy were half way
down tlie stairs when the thunder of
rushing tvt In tlie ball above came to
tltclr ears, causing thei.i to hesitate be
tween curloeity and good Judgment.
"They are coming this way."
"Hear tlieuj howl! What the devil
can be the cause of all this rumpus?"
cried tlie other.
At thut Instant half dozen police
guards appeared at the bead of the
stairs, t'pon sewing the American
they stopped and turned as if to oppos
a foe approaching from the opposite di
rccUon. Huron Hanglosa separated
himself from the white coats almve
and called to the men below. In alarm
they started for tlie street door. Hp
wns wltb them In an Instant, bis usu
ally ml face changing from white to
purple, bis anxious eyes darting first
toward the group above and then to
ward the bewildered Americans.
"Whnt' the matter?" demanded Lor
"There! Bee!" cried Dungloss, and
even as lie spoke a conflict began at
the bend of the stairs, the police, aug
mented by a few soldiers, struggling
against a bowling, enragisl muss of
Axphainhtfi. Unnglos drugged hi re
luctant charge through a small door,
and they found themselves In the bag
gage room of tlie hotel. Iicspite Oielr
u,ucrlc be offensj no explanation, but
rushed them along, passing out of tlie
opposlto door, down a short stairway
and Into a vide street. A half dozen
police guards were awaiting them, and
Is'fore they could catch the faintest
Idea of what It all meant they were
running wltb the olflcer through an
alley as If pursued by demons.
"Now, what In thunder doe this
mean?" pnnted latrry, attempting to
slacken the pace. He and Anguish
were Just beginning to regain their
"Do not atop! Do not stop!" wheezed
Danglos. "You must get to a place of
safety. We cnmiot prevent something
dreadful happening If you nro caught!"
"If w ore caught!" Anguish.
"Why, wbnt have we done?"
"liihnnd me, Huron Dungloss. This
I an outrage!" shouted Lorry.
"For heaven's sake, be cnlml We are
befriending you. When we reach the
tower, where you Will be safe, I shall
explain," the panting chief of
police. A few moments Inter they were
Inside the prison gules, angry, Impa
tient, fatigued.
"Is this plan to prevent the duel?"
demanded Iairry. turning upon tho
chief, who had d replied limply Into a
chair and was mopping his brow. When
bo could find hi breath enough to an
wer, Danglos did so, and he might os
well have thrown a bombshell at their
"There'll be no duel. Prince Lorenx
1 dead!"
"Dead!" gasped tlie other.
"found dead In his bed, tabbed to
the heart!" exclaimed the chief. "W
have saved you from Id friends, gen
tlemen, but I must say that you ore
till In a tight place."
Ho then related to them the whole
story. Just before 0 o'clock Mixrox had
gone to thu prince's room to prepare
him for the duet. The door was closed,
but unlocked, us be found after repent
ed knocklugs. Loreni was lying on the
bod, undressed and covered with blood
The horiill.Hl duko made a busty ex
niiiliinllou nud found that be was dead
A dagger bad been driven to hi heart
lis he slept. The hotel was aroused, the
u I Us. were culled, and tlm excitement
was at Its highest pilch when the two
friends caiiie from their room n few
minutes after II,
Hut what have we to do with this
dreadful affair? Why ore wo rushed
off here like criminals?" asked Lorry
a feeling of cruel gladness growing out
iif the knowledge that lairenx wns dead
and that tho princess was freed from
her compact.
"My friend," said Dungloss slowly
'you ore accused of the murder."
I.orry was too much stunned to Is)
angry, too weak to protest. I'or some
moments after the blow fell he and
Anguish were spccchlfse. Then enme
the protestations, the rnge nud the
threats, through nil of which Danglosf
at calmly, linally he sought to quiet
them, partially succeeding.
.Mr. Lorry, tlie ev-tdopoe Is very
Itroug against you, but you ahull not
be unjustly treated. Vol! nro nut
prisoner ns yet. lu liruustnrk a tnni
w ho Is accused of murder and who wai
not seen oy any one to commit ths
crime cannot tie legally am stisl until
au accuser stinll go Is.fore the princes,
wno is nlso high priestess, mid sweat
on his life that he knows tho guilty
man. The man who so accuses agrees
to forfeit his own life lu case the other
I proved Innocent. If you nre to be with the murder of the prince,
some one must go liefore the pilncess
ami take oath his life ngalnst your. I
mil holding you her.', sir, la'cniise It l
the only place In which you lire snfo
Iairi-nx friends would have torn job
to piece had we not found you llrst
ou are not prisoners, and you ninv de
part If you think It wise."
Hut how cnii they accuse me? I
knew nothing of the murder until I
reached this place," crhs.1 Lorry, stop
lug short lu Ids restless wnlk befott
the tittle baron.
"So you sny, hut"
"If you accuse me, I'll kill you!"
hlsix-rcd Lorry, holding himself tense
Anguish cniinht and held hlui.
He calm, sir." cautioned Duniikxui.
I may have my views, but I nm not
willing to take oath before her rovsl
Igliuess. Listen: You were beard to
say you would kill him. Vou begun
the tight. You were the aggressor, and
there Is no one else on earth. It Is said
ho could have w I shed to murder hi ill
he man who did the stabbing entered
the nsMU tbroutli the hnll ih tor itn.l
left by the same. There are drops of
blood In Ihe curpot, lending direct to
your d.Mr. On your knob are the
prints of blihkly lingers where you
or some one else p,vd bis baud In
opening the d sr. It wus this discov
ery, made by ine and my men. that
fully olivine..,) tho onragol friends of
the .lead prince that you were guilty
When we opened Ihe door, yoll were
gone Then came the seiiivb. the fight
at the bead of the stairs and the raw
to the prison. The reason I saved you
from tli.u mob should he plain to you
I love p.. princess, and I do not for
get that ion your life, each of
ou. di prot.vt her. I have done all
that I can, gentlemen, to protect you
lu return. It menus dentil to y.m If
oil fall Into the bauds f his followers
Just now. A few hours will .ss.l them
otT no doubt, but now - now It would tic
madness to fuee them. I know nol
what they have done to my men at the
hotel - perhaps butchered them."
There was anxiety In Diingliuis'
voice, and there wns honesty lu his
keen old eyes. Ills chnrges now mw
the situation clearly nn.l aHlglxcd
warmly for the words they bad lit '
tcrej under the pressure of somen lint
exteuuntlug circumstances. They ex
pressssl a willingness 0 remain lu thej
prison until the exiiteuicut abated or
until come one swore his life against
the supposed murderer. Tbey were
virtually prisoners, and tbey knew It
well. Furthermore, they could see that
tlamn Dangloss bellercd Lorry guilty
of the murder, protestation of Inno
cence bad been politely received and
politely disregarded.
"lo you expect one of bis friend to
take the oath?" asked Lorry.
"Ve; It 1 ure to come."
"Hut you will not do so yourself?"
"I thank you, captain, for I see tluit
you believe. me guilty."
"I do not lay you are guilty, remem
ber, but I will any tluit If you did mur
der I'rlnce Loreuz you have made the
people of Gruustark rejoice from the
bottoms of their heart, and you will
lie euloglK-d from one end of the land
to the other."
"Hanged and eulogized," said Lorry
THE two captive who were not
prisoner were so dazed by the
unexpected events of the morn
ing that Ibey did not realize the
vast seriousness of the situation for
hours. Then It dawned Uton them that
appearances were really against them
and that they were alone In a land fur
beyond the reach of help from home.
One circumstance puzzled them wltb
it damning mystery: How came the
blood stains Uain the doorknob? Dan
gloss courteously discussed this strange
and unfortunate feature with them, but
with 111 concealed skepticism. It was
evident thut hi mind wns clear in re
gard to tho whole affair.
Anguish waa of the opinion thut the
real murderer bud stained the knob In
tentionally, aiming to cast suspicion on
the man who bad been challenged. The
assassin had au object lu leaving those
convicting finger murk where they
would do the most damage. He either
desired the arrest nnd death of the
American or hoped that his own guilt
might escape attention through the
misleading evidence.. Ixirry held, from
bis deduction, thut the crime had been
committed by a fanatic who loved liU
sovereign too devotedly to ee her wel
ded to I-orenz. Then why should he
wantonly cast guilt upon the man who
bad been her protector, objected Dan
gloss. Tjio police guards came In from the
hotel about 10 o'clock, bearing mark
of an ugly conflict wltb the Axphulul
ans. They reported that tlie avenger
had been quelled for tbe time being,
but that a deputation bud already
started for the cuille to lay the matter
before the princess. OMccra bud
searched tbe rooms of the American
for blood stains, but bad found uo sign
of them.
"Did you find bloody water lu wblcb
baud bad been washed?" asked An
guish. "No," responded one of the guard.
"There w ns uotblng to be found In the
bowl and Jurs except soapy water.
There I not a blood stain In the room,
'That shake your tbeory a little,
eb?" cried Anguish triumphantly. "Ex
amino Mr. Lorry' bund and see If
there Is blood uiiou tbciu." Lorry'i
bands were white and uucontninlnnteil
Llnuglos wore a pucker on Ills brow.
Shortly afterward crowd of A
phnlu men cume to the prison gate
ud demanded tho person of Grcnfall
Lorry, dcpnrtlng after uu Ugly show of
rnge. t'urlou Kdelweis citizens stood
ufur off, wutchlug tbe walla und win
dow ' eagerly,
"This may cost Kdelwelss a great
deal of trouble, gentlemen, but there Is
mora happiness here this morning than
tlie city lias known In mouths. Every
body Isdleve you kllhsj blin, Mr. Lor
ry, but they all love you for tho deed,"
aid Dungloss, returning at noon from
visit lo the hotel und n ride through
tlie streets. "The prince's friends have
been at the castle since 0 o'clock, and I
am of the opinion thut they are having
a bard limn with the high priestess."
"God bless her!" cried Lorry.
"The town Is crazy with excitement.
Messenger have been aent lo old
I'rlnce Holnrvi to Inform hi in of tlie
murder and to urge bl in to hasten
hither, when, he may fully enjoy the
vengeance that Is lo ls worked upon
bis sou's slayer. I have not seen a
wilder time lu Kdelwelss since the
close of the siege, fifteen years ago.
Hy my soul, you nre lu a bud box, sir.
They nre lurking In every part of town i
to kill yon If you nttempt to leave the
tower before the princes lgus au or j
dor to restrain you legally. Your life
outside these walls would not he worth
a snap of the fingers."
Captain (Julnnox of the prince'
Uslygunrd, nccompnnlcd by a hnlf doz
en of his men, rode up to the prison
gates alnjut 'Z o'clock and wns prompt
ly admitted. The young captain was
lu sore distress.
"The Duke of Mlzrox has sworn that
you nre the murderer, Mr. I.orry, and
stakes his life," snld he after KroctliiL'S.
Her highness has Just placed In uiy
bands au order for your arrest us the
assassin of Prince laircnx."
Lorry turned ns pale as death. "Tou
-you don't mean to sny tluit she bai
signed a warrant that she tn-llevea
me guilty!" he cried, aghast.
She hns signed the warrant, but
very much against her Inclination.
lount llalfoiit me that she
pleaded and argued with the duke for
hours, socking to avert the act which
Is hound to give pnln to nil of us. 11
wus otxlurute and threatened to enrry
complaint tu I tularin, who would In
stantly ileum nd satisfaction. As the
duke Is willing to die If you are proved
liin.Hvnt, thorv wns no other course left
for her thnii to dictate nnd sign this
royal decree. Captain Dangloss, I am
Instructed to give you these papers.
Due la the warrant for Mr. Lorry's or
resi, uie oilier oniera you to assume
charge of him and to place 1dm. In con
flueiuciit until the day of trial."
Vt bile guliinox w as making this state
ment the ntvuscd stood with bowed
head and thn, I. less heart, lie did not
so the captain's bsnd tremble as he
Passed tbe documents to, nor
did he hear the unhappy sigh that
came from the latter' Hps. Anguish.
Oery and Impulsive, was not lo lie sub
"Is thero uo warrant for mr arrest?"
be demanded.
There Is not. Vou are at lllierty to
go. sir." resix.udc.1 Qulnnox.
"Id like to know why there Isn't! I
am Just ns guilty as Ia.rry."
mo duke charges the crime to but
one of you. Huron !augku, will you
rend tlm warrant?"
The old chief rend the decree of the
prluoss slowly and linprvsjilvely. It
ws as rollow:
Jncei. duka of Mlsrox. W.trw Ki. i.i
ral on his lira, aaraara that Dm.fall Ixwry
dl.l foull . maliciously ani dealanejlv a!a
l.oryoa i.rlne ut Aanluln on . k.
day of tvtntwr. in iha v.-ar of our UirJ
lv-, and m lli. city o kaiL-i
alarfc It ta ihrrvfor my u-.t, that
Omtisll lorry tx d-UivJ a.,M.r.
l.omn iirliu ,.f Axehiln ui.ul l,. i-
pruKl liiaocent. tn hh Ii le.l.o. r hla a,--
oa.-r Ja.-ot. Jul, of Xlnn.v Mh oi
hi. i.f,- .ix,i,iina; lo th law of ue. iJn,t
pro,., una iwnaliy for fal wiin,a an.l
bv lii,a h kims4 haa sworn la an.Jr
There wns silence for some moments
broken by the dreary tone of the ac
"Wlint chance have I to prove my In
nor-cni-e?" he aski-d hopelessly.
"The same opxrtunily that he has
to prove your guilt. Tl.e duke must
according to our luw, prove you guilty
beyond all doubt," spoke the young
"When am I to be tried?"
"Here is my order from the princess,"
aid Danglos. glancing over the other
paper. "It say thut I nin to confine
you securely nud to produce you before
the tribunal on the 2'lili day of Octo
( To I contiuvd.)
0m mmm
Tlie above will cheerfully
be paid in lawful money
of tlie United States, by the
iindi-rMtfiKd. proprietors of
Dr. Hrrce's Golden Med
ical iJiscovery. if lliey can
not show the oriirinal signa
ture of the individual volunteering the les-ti-:icoial
beli.w, and also, of every testimo
nial anions the thousands which they are
con-taiuly publishing attesting the superior
curative properties of their several medi
cines, and thus proving the genuineness
lad reliability of all the multitude of testi
monials volunteered by giatefui people, in
their tx-haif.
Would Dismnsasy Mkmcal Asto
ClATioN. Proprietors, J.uffalo, N. V.
THE It EASOX. There is no medicine
ec,iial to lir. Pierce's CoUli-n Medical Dis
covery, for purifying the blood. It carries
oiT the poisons which contaminate the life
fluid. It increases the activity of the
blood-making glands and gives the body
an increased supply of pine, body-building
blood. It buihls up the bodv with sound,
healthy flesh instead of flabby fat, pro
motes the appetite, feeds tbe nerves, and
so gives to weak, nervous people vitality
sail . itiur.
"Al-s.t s year ago 1 had s very had cough
mi n-nrrn 11 would run imo crnMllpnotl,',
writes lion. Ceo. W. I.vnch, of 37 Mnsnn Street,
Wurce-ler. Muss "When srvere altark of
coiiLiJiiag wo.ii) come on vomiting would set in
Mutter nx-ionul.itrfl in nose and my tonsils
were irncoe.i. alter reading 01 me wonderful
aires reselling from Ilr. I'u-rce's (;ohlrn Med
ical Pis'-ovrrv lM-g:in to UK it. with some dounu
aa to the it wnuld do me. I am frank to
ssv. Hut. after I hs.t used one hollle I noticed
quite a change for the heUer. ordered five more
bottles sn.i ix-fure 1 hnd used Ihi-m all the cure
was complete. There is ni now a Irace of
couih or cold in my system and my health is
To gain knowledge of votir own bodv in
sickness and health send for the People's
Lomnion" Sense Medical Adviser. A book
of looW pages. Send 21 cents in stamps for
paper-covered, or, jt stamps for cloth
bound copy. Address Dr. K. V. Pierce, 6oj
Main Street. DulTalo, N. Y.
Proper Treatment of Pneumonia.
Pneumonia is too dnngemus a dis
ease fur anyone to attempt to doctor
himself, although ho may have the
proper ri medics nt hand. A physi
cian should always bo culled. It
should be borne in mind, however,
that pneumonia always results from a
cold or from an ullaek uf the grip,
and that by giving Cliamle'tlain's
Cuugli Remedy the threatened attack
of pieuinonia may be warded off.
This Dr. W. J. Smith, of Sanders,
Ala., who is also a druggist, sayi- of
it: "I have l.ein selling Chainber
Iuin's Cough Remedy and pnscrihinp
It lu my practice for the past six
years." S ild hy nil druggists.
Copyrights Ac.
Anrnns spnitlng a skplrn anil d. srrtptliri ma)
qiilt-ktr ascertain our ei'in.on free whether an
lnviiiil'n Is pn.hal.lf ,:,t(.,ii,i.l(. , nnniMi.ii.-ti.
tlllatrtctl)rro!illil,ittlii!. 1 liu.ll..Hk on I'
seiii ire,., .mh.-hi hio.ii.'T lor nc-nrir j e-.ti-o
l-SO'ies laSfti ItimuL-n Mnrui a I
. lyeclra
lp" nn-r, without el.uruu, in tlx.
Scientific Jfiejfca.
A h-tti'lmtmetF Itlintrife
-it -tr-
P a
1 'laivr.i.
i or;
mlnlloti nf riT acifiil ill
i'tir in."ii!i, f I. t-
36 :Ztj
tTJ5 V ft., W . '
Tell Me
the Name
Tell me the uamo nnd uddress nl your friend iu Ihe East who
might he induced to come west this spring or summer. I will
him, or her, with complete mfor nation regarding the low excursion
rates nud tlie best routes; will reserve berths, and do everythiug pos
sible to insure a comfortable and pleasant journey.
If you're going east, I shall bo glnd to do as much for yon.
Poftnl rard will bring detailed information send it to-dav.
iu. Aiiaubj,wKj u in ii ii i a ii n u. ii r -
Nsturt's Art Oslltr) ol
ttrsitiani at it loutt.
jolnj or rt'smls) vU th "Si.EMC LINE OP THE 0kLD '
Writs for Uluitrtlcd kuokltt of Ce'ortdiM Ismous sight and rtiorti
V. IollltU)i:, tJMMrul Aicont
124 Third Sired
Yow know W'tiai Yon Are Talng I
When vou Ink firovr s Ts.leles i hd '
Tonic, le,-ii iheforio.i. j. tcii n'v erint i
ed on cvvrv UMt'i. tiowitiv tlmt tl i ,t:.
nlv Iron sol O t ninp in ta-lrie furin i
o t ure No. I sy. .v.
Waterman's I l. -il Fountain
IV u
from iW up at Cramer Hnx. '
Notice U hereby given that on
firdav, the 25th day of March, 1904,
at thu hour of 10 o'clock in the fore
noon of said day at the front dmr of
the Court Hoose for Josephine
County, Oregon, in OrauttPass, Ore
gon, J will ofTcr for tale fur cash to
the highest bidder, the undivided
one-half interett of Mabel L Puiitli,
a minor, in and to Lots 7 in Block
tS of tlie town of Grant Pai. in
Josephine Cianty, Oregon, subject
to the claim of dower of Sarah E.
Dated Grant Pans, Orn., February 23,
uoardian of the estate of Mabel I
Smith, a minor
To all whom it may concern: Notice
H hereby given :
That all those certain Placer mining
claims, situated in Township :w,
South : Ranee 9 west of the Willa
mette Meridian, and oil the left hand
bank of Josephine Creek, and tlie
"iilae Jay" on thn right baud bank,
in the county of Josephine and State
of Oregon, and lying between Fid
dlers' Uulch, and Davs Gulch, ate
owned ly Edward Dai ley and David
linnr. That said Mining claims are
being worked by M. Marks, under au
ag'eemeiit in the nature of a Dciol
in Escrow.
Tnerefore, all laborers and miners
are hereby notified thut they arc not
entitled to a laborers' lien on said
above described property (mining
claims, under the law. And we
warn all presons who urn working for
the said M. Marks, not to attempt to
file liens against said abo',e described
mining claims cr either of tin in, ns
we will contest all or any liens. Hint
ninv be filed on said claims.
January 30th, IHlit.
Tiajtdy Averted.
"Just in the nick of time our little
boy wa saved," writes Mr. W.
Walkin of Pleasant City, Ohii.
"Pneumonia bad played sad havoc
w ith him and a terrible cough set iu
besides. Doctors treated him, but he
grew worse every dat. At length we
tried Dr. King's New Discovery for
consumption, and our dirhng was
saved. Everybody orgiit to know it's
the only core snro for coucbs, colds
and all long disensrs. Guaranteed
by National Drug Store and Urants
Pass Pharmacy. Price 50c aud tl.OO.
Trial bottles free.
Tlie Modern KMiH'dy for Women
Kfxi o!A has Cured fome of
the uit cane uf
We fruirantee
u,t Leucorrhoea
positive 'Hire
I l.nt A'nars WssTtui
s. .-send fur llooklH. ( San Jose, Cal.
The largest sain ever paid lor a pre
scription, changed hands in&antrsu-
Cisco, Au. 30, 101. the transfer in
volved in coin and stock l 12,500.01 nd
was paid by a party of business men for
specific lor Briiiht's Disease and Dia
IsMes, hitherto incurable diseases.
1 bey commenced the serious invesli.
nation of Ihe stcitic Nov. 15, 11)00
Ihey Interviewed scores ol tlie cured
and tried it out on its merits by put line
over three dozen cases on Ihe treatment
nd watching them. They also got phy
sician to name chronic, incurable cases,
and administered it with tlie physicians
(or judges. I'p to Aug. 25, 87 per rent
t tlie test cases were either well or
prr-gressing favorably.
There being but thirteen per cent ol
failures, Ihe parties ncre satisfied and
closed tlie transaction. The proceeding
ol the investigating eomuiiitee and tbe
elini.-al reports of the test cases were
published aqd ill be mailed Iree on
application. Addres Jons J. M i.ton
rtiMr-ANV,4.20 Montgomery St. San Fran
cieeo, Cal.
C. Shki.kon, General Agent,
too Third Strict,
' I'or I !a ml, Oregon.
th Roikiss la addition to ths
This cm only b don bv
. - - - t
has stood the test 23 years.
In The Connty Conrt of The State of
Oregon, For Ihe County of Jose
phine. In the matter of the estate of (
John P. Ranzan, deceased. (
Notico is hereby given that the final
account nf John Ramau aud Sarah
Smock, tlie executors of the estate of
John P. K.mzan deceased, has been
rendered to said conrt for settleniet t,
and that a petition for a final distri
bution of the estate has been filed with
said account, and that the 18th day of
March, A. V. IWU, at 10 o'clock, A.
M., has been doly appoiuled by said
conrt for the settlement of raid ac
count and bearing said petition at
which time cny person interested in
said estate may appear aud file his
exceptions, in said account,
nnd contest tlie name.
Dated Fehroarr IRth. 1H04.
In the Comity Court of the State of
Oregon, For the County of Jose
phine. Iu the matter of tho Estate 1
of Horace Oasquet, De-j-
ceased. )
I Notice is hereby given that tlie final
account of C. E. Harmon, the admin
istrator of tlie estate of Horace Uas-
qunt, deceased, has been rendered to!
said court fur sett lemrut, and that
petition for a final distribution of the
estate has been filed with mid account,
and that the 21st day of March, A L).
1'JOt, at 10 o'clock A.M., has been duly
appointed bv said court for the settle -
mi nt of said necount and hearing said I '
is'titinu, at which time any person in
terested iu said estate may appear
i nd tilo Ins exception, ill wiitiug, to
said account, nnd contest tho same.
Dated nt Grants Pas', Oro., Leb. 18,
C. E. HARMON. Administrator.
In the Connty Court for Josephiuc
County, Oregon.
In tiic matter of thn Estate of i
Charles Lee Ellsworth,
deceased. . J
Notice ia hereby given that the un
dersigned, administrator of the above
cut it led estate, has filed in said court,
his final account and tho said court,
Hon. J. O. Booth, Judge, has ordered
that notice thereof be published in the
Rogue Rivor Courier, published nt
Grants Pass, Oregou, for the period
of fonr successive weeks and has set
Thursday, March 24, 11104, at the hour
i.f 10 o'clock a. m. of said day as tlie
time for settling said acconnt, nud
all persons interested in said estntr
are hereby notified to appear and pre
sent their objections thereto, on or be
ore said date.
Dated at Grants Pass, Joseph in.
Countv, Oregon, February 24, 11)04.
,J. E. PETERSON, Administrator.
Grants Pass, Oregon, Feb. 4, 1W)4.
To S. J. Paul:
You are hereby notified Hint tin
undersigned, Franta Novotny hns ex
ponded during the year ending De
cember 31, l'JUl, One Hundred Dol
lars in labor and improvements or
each of the f.illowing described mill
ing claims, tu-wit:
Tlie Iron Horae tynnrtz Minitif
Claim situated in Wolf Creek ( unor-g-mized)
Mining District, Josephini
I'oonty, Oregon, the location notice nl
winch wns on March 111, lism, fili o
for record with the County Clerk foi
Josephine County, Oregon, aud tin
same now' appears of record in
Volume 1H of Mining Records ol
Josephine County, Oregon, at page Hilt
Also that quartz mining clain.
buown as the Climax, situated in tlu
Wolf Creek (unorganized i Miiiins
District, Josephine Countv, Dr.gnn,
tho location notice of which was on
Jane 15, 1P00, filed for record iu tin
otlice of tlie County Clerk for Jose
phine County, Oregon, and the sam.
now appears ol record in Vol. i:
Miuing Records of said Connty nt
page 4(10 thereof.
Also the Dutchman Qnartis Mining
Claim situated in 5!t. Reuben (unor
ganized) Mining District, Josephint
County, Oregon, ns particularly de
scribed in the location notice thereof
hied in the cilice of the Coonty Clerk
for Jopehino County. Oregon, June
21, 11101, and the same now apiienri.
of record in Vol. 1 1 of Mining records.
,..i r.o. v ouiny at, page 142 thereof.
That I exH'iided the money afore
faid on said mining claims under the
provisions of section 2:124 of the Re
vised Statutes of the Cnited States
and Ihe amendment thereto, approved
January 2. issn, concerning annual
labor on milling claims, thu sums so
expended on each of paid claims being
the auiiuul assessment nud representa
tion work thereon, and the anionnt re
quired to hold each of said mining
b!"."'!'r '"ill-'1'" r,'rio'' t,,rti"8 lcem
Yon nre farther notified that if
m. nm ninety nays rrnrn the time r-r
personal service of this notice npnn
you, or witliiu ninety davs after the
first publication hereof you fail or
refuse to contribute your poition of
such expenditure as co-owner, to-wit
oiie-half thereof, yonr interest iu each'
or said claims will become the prop,
erty of tlie undersigned, your co
owner, who has made the expenditure
required iu accordance with there. of the law ,,.,, c
inailn nud provided.
m Crmptcphana Karorfun.. . a., .
Hot ncmiiarv ta i..
$3.50 to $10Q
ril mm, ma. o- Tmlk,g machlnm
ron rrc catalogue n .t t
'?" ' anrf ..faerixia toe hmnt
"'" , cocoo, c '
Ton Inch $t each, $t0 doxon
M.Mutt, S3 a DOZEN
SisKtu. at-a
. .WUM lhmM MrWe et,M
Columbia Phonograph Co
Cr, . . C-- ......
For Sale
TasteW "rikfiPr -L"s7
AADar, m
Ten Cent, package
of. . Kj rk uina
avit I
Ely's Cream Balm
This Remedy is a Specific,
Sure to Clve Satisfaction.
It cleanses, soothes, heals, and protects On
diseased membrane. It cures Catarrh aud
drive away n Cold in tlie Head quickly.
Restores the Senses of Tao and SrailL
Easy to uie. C.Kitain no injurious dniirs.
Applied into tho notri'.3 and absorbed!
Large Sir.", f 3 celts nt DruygfejU or by
mail j Trial f'i.:o, la ce i'.a I y l-.a:L
ELY BROTHKRS. EC V.';r-; i f H,. Yj.
To Cure a Cold In a Day.
Take Laxative Hromo (Juinine TahUi.
!' druggists refund the money if it f.u,
."; " gnatur.
f arl!
, , t p b t
1 J 1 " "r "
! t the Courier office.
Shohj Line
and Union Pacific
Three Trains to the East Daily
Through Pullman standard and tourist
sleeping cars daily to Omaha, Chicago. Spo
kane; tourist sleeping cars daily to Kansas
City; through Pullman tourist sleeping
cars (personally conducted) weekly to Chi
cago, Kansas City; reclining el'idir cars
I scats free) to the East daily.
No change ol cars.
Df.pakt j TlMK ScHKnUI.KH
fob From Portland
Chicago Salt Lalte,Deiiver,T'''tJ
Portland! Worth, Oinaliu
ii p. in.
Special Kansas City, StJ
9:l.i a. m. i Louis, Chicago and!
via Hunt bast
8:1.1 n. m.
via Hunt
Salt Lake, Denver.
Ft. Worth, Omaha.
Kansas City, St.
9:00 o.i
Louis, Chicago!
anti rust.
Tit. Paul : Wu'IuT Walla. Lewis
Fust Mail! ton. Spokane. Wul-
7:45 in luce, Pullman, Min-8:00 a. iu.
via iio!iiolls. St. Paul.1
Sjiokatie. Duluth.Milwuiikeej
Chicago nnd Kust.l '
Ocean and lliver Hchedule
For San Francisco Every live days at 8
p. in. Kor Astoria, way points and North
lleneh-liaily (except Sunday) at II p.m.;
aturihiy at lu p. in. Daily service (water
perinitling) on Willamette and Yamhill
For Itirtlier information ask or write your
nearest ticket SKent, or
(lenerul Passenger Agent,
The Oregon Kailroad & Navigation Co.
Portland. Oreiton.
N'KW Kyi lPMK.NT TllltOl GIIOl T
iy roachcH, Palace and T.,,,.,-i
hleeper.. l)lnK uu(r,.,
Niuoking Library Car.
Daylight, trip ibrnugh Ihe Cascade
anil Hocky Moumaliis.
For full particulars, rates, folders, etc.,
call on or address
H. DICKSON, c. T. a.
taa Third Street, I'onland
S. O. YKPiKES, o. W. P. A.
Cl 2 Firt Avenue Seattle Wan a.
hi, mtrwnm or mum la
. D
fj y inmtrummmt
. ..vinli
Crrrso fj t...
wW I