Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927, March 17, 1904, Page 2, Image 2

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; i
Published Every Thursday.
Subscription Rates t
One Year, in advance,
tin Moulin,
TLres Months, -hinle
Advertising Races
Furnished on application at Hit oflice, or
by mail.
Obituaries and resolutions of con
lolence will be charKtd lur at Ac per line;
card 01 t banks 60c.
A. E. VOOKIlIEii, i'Bol'K. & MNUR
Kiitered at the pout office at OranU l'"s,
Oregon, as second-class mail Dialler.
M. A. Moody, the former coircs
man from tlio scroti' district, will bo
B candidate for the noiniiiatioti tliin
your airaluit J. N. Williamson, the
tiros-lit conirressuiau. Moody, in his
fornmr terina showed himself to be
tniiu of ouutunl ability and that lie
wan turned down in tho last oampnlKU,
wua generally considered a bad mis
Spasmodio liuatiliticf at Port Arthur
have formed the only sensational oo
currences in the field of war during
the past week, hinoo Admiral Maka
roff took chargo of tho naval oiiera-
tlona tint Russians hnvo been uinkfng
a better allowing and that ofllooi
won to havo plana lu his cranium
for aggressive work. The ltussiun
aovornmcnt ai-ema to ho waiting for
good weather before attempting any
move of imiKirtiturti.
A iipmbcr of cnnilidiitoa for oon
groasional honor Iihvh already up
oarod In thin district and at !li proa
eut moment, the outcome him a hazy
apionraiico. Tho niONt prominent
aniuiiK thuao candidatei! am thu pre.
cut congressman, lHngcr Ilcrnuiiin,
HnrriK of Euguiio. Tho hitter la pro
sumed to have tho support nod in
Huonco of Be'intor liooth. J'ruf. 11,
F. Mulkey and S. I). IiiHton of
Washington are now being tullied of
lu connection with Ihn iiniulnntioii
and W. L Yawtor of .TuokRnii in also
mentioned aa a possibility, lirnwnoll
of Claokainaa Ih alwaya a (Inure to be
rockoned with though he has tliua fur
kept out of alyht in tho prophoolea,
Tho Joseph Ino iln lcfint ion will ho tin
Important factor hi tho convention
and there i a prospect that there imiy
be anuio live political rerninblinp to
secure its control,
BOARD MEETING CALLED Session of Board Friday.
A meeting of thu board of (rude
citizens and business men will bo held
on Friday evening of this week lu the
City ball. The, executive, committee
at a recent meeting, decided to recom
mend that thu inuiiiliorship feo he
reduced to (I and tho dues to So cents
Ir .quarter. Thu desire is to build
up u strong, active ami live board of
trade, and that every business uiun
lu Urants Pans shall bo a member.
The Inquiries which tho board re
colvea almost dally concerning Urants
Pass and Southern Oregon, show the
great interest (lint ia taken in this
seel ion by residents of other slates
Thoro ar mutters coming np lu the future which uru of vital i tit
pnrtuucu to tho wolfuro of tho town
ifild evrry business man should in
tercst himself in the work of the
board and come to a fuller rcaliv.ii
tioii of its iiii'ortiince.
Onlosby I'evmlly R-eurtlon
A reunion of thu Oglesby family
was held recently ut the homo of .Mrs.
Malissa Derrick, at Eddyvllle, Lin
colu County, Or. All living members
of tho family went prcsoii; w ith tin
exception of Mrs. Louisa Thompson,
of fossil, Or. Thu Oglesby s crossed
the ilalus from Hchuyhr county
Missouri, iu h;,:, ulld settled on tlie
Coast Fork, near Coltago (irove,
President ltouevclt might have
listened with delight as tho ditfoiciit
brothers uud sinters gave an account
t)f themselves and cuunicliited their
desceiiilants, us follows: Mrs. Sttntli
Knox, Itgod of Murphy, Josephine
County, with 11 children, l'.' grand-
chlhlren and Hit great grandchildren ;
Itr. W. W. Oglesby, lined H7, with cue
child ; Mrs. MulisMi Dei rick, tiged
0.1, of KddyvlHo, lire., with child
roll , J.'i grandchildren and olio great
giuiidctilld: A. J. Oglesby, aged OH,
of Angora, Or., with seven children
and two giiindchililroii ; Svll a Kohler,
god Jn, of Tacoma, Wash., W illi
live children and four g utiih hililion ;
Mrs. l.ucetta liiant, aged 4't, of Har
lan, Or., with 10 childicti and one
giaiidehild ; Mrs. Louis t Thompson
aged 41, of Fossil, Or, with four
The Little Ciiivnt Mine
i i. -viiiertu itocii roinr, was in
Modford WedncMlay, attending the
telitnil Coinniittee .Meeting, lie
I'rouglil with him a chunk i f nmal
gim, thn rosiitts of a shmt run at tie
l.ittln liiant mine, wnt Cold Hill,
which he, II. ). Ii,i,l nod 1.. D.
Ow.oi iii.j iipcialing. Tim gold in
tho ledge, which is iil'out I." inchis
Wide, iv,ry tu,e and hald to save,
so that while tl.e ote iiai fiom j;tu
to flo per ton, it inil,-, with tie
mull presetting mill ll . v have only
tol'imt mi ounce, which i. woitlitll.
Tlw (ttiiers, huwev v, are lonti.hiit
the. leilge will wiih ii us ll go..., down
They have 1,V feet of iuiiiii I mid a i'.i
foot shaft ou the h dge and die gold
from the bottom of Cie sleift in much
heavier than on ihn suif.e.i. -Mail.
Alexander Pros. Plantation Min
strels open, d at the Ope in house list
evening to a largo and appreciative
audienco. Tin y j ut on a g' od up to.
dale show, which keeps everybody iu
an up roar of laughter iroiu the tiin,
the. curlniii lises until the close .f II,,
perlormanio. This co cpatiy guts an
oilier ix-rforiiisiicB bete to night with
au entile change cf programme. llii e
lku Clironotyie.
Uranta Pass os ra house, falur.lav,
March ID, prices " .'.0 and eeni,.
you socu the ltosn Sjiriv
"sforfW outs at Cramer ln st
Takilms. Smeller Plnt is to BejOccuplea a Pte.ce In the Smith
Shipped May I.
The T'akilina Smelting Co. which is
.capitalized for t2jO,000 under the
I laws of Colorado, have closed a con
tract with II. 0. Holthoff of the
Power and Mining Machinery Co. of
Cudahy, Wis,, for a MX) ton smelter
complete, which is to bo placed
aboard tho cars at the factory not later
tliun May 1. Tho plant is to Do lo
cated on tho old Darkis place below
tho Waldo and Queen of I'ron.o mines
and will be in operation probably by
July 1st. The smelter ia to be erected
for tho purpose of treating the ores of
the Waldo and Takllma mines but
general custom buiuueaa will Ihj coo-
Tho niHohlneiy will all be shipped
to Urants Pass by rail and then hauled
by teams to tho mine, some 40 miles.
This will rcijuiro 25 or teams a con
siderable length of time,
Albert I. Ooodell who has been op
erating largo smelting plants In Hrlt
ish Columbia, will have general man
agement of the tusinsoas. Iuau Inter
view in Portland, Mr. Cioodcll says:
"The compnuy will bo kuowu aa the
Takilma Suinlt'ng Company and w ill
lie coiniioaed of Colorado Hprings,
Colo., jieoplo, with Charles I Tult
as president.
"While the new company will have
charge of tho erection and operating
of the plant, they urn neary all inter
ested iu tho Waldo Company as stock
li'ililers. Thu plant will bo of 100 tons
eup.ic.ily uinl will cost iu tho neigh
borhood of f',0,000 when completed.
It is a standard blast furnace and wa
ter jacketed and is now being built by
Marry Holtholf, of Cudahy, Wis. '
1 nave examined the proiiertr rl
the company, and there aro at least
.'O.IMKI tons of smell nig ore blocked out
reudy for treatment. "
Arriving Daily
All Departments
A Very Advantageous Newspaper
Combination .
i ne aim or 1110 proprietor or the
ourier is to publish local Hews I
paper, niving thu new a of tho county
in w hich it is published and always :
working for the good of ils liome
low u nod county. It does not seek to i
give the news ot the world In com.
petition with tlio oily daill
Iocs It expect to provide tho
col ire
family reading.
The war news and all foreign news
w ill be provided for ono vear for AO
cola in addition to thu cost of the
I curler. For this amount we will
send the Weekly Oregon inn or tlie
Semi weekly Journal or the San
I'laiielsco fall for one year, if the
nivr is paid one year iu advance.
Ihia coiiihinat ion gives you all the
news -local, coast, national and
foreign at tJ ptr year. The price of
Ihe Courier remains tlio same - $1, o0
r year.
Exemption Law.
Tim follow ing is a copy ol the lust
lit of sec, (IHiil, Statute of Oregon,
iiiicuded ut tho special session of the
IciMslaliue, in reu'iuMc to exemptions
f pi r-onai properly :
The following property, If
iw in d by a houi.ehol.ler mid in actual
by mid for his or her family,
leasehold goods furniture mid
utic.iils; two cows, 10 sheen, live
wine, and tlie tools, implements, up
uu .11 us. ii .iiii, icincie, harness or
Inary uecessaiy to enable any Per
il to cany on his trade, iHviiml ion
ir prcfosM'in by which each person
I1 or her living, to the amount
f KM, the articles to lie selected bv
ill hoiischolil. r ; jrovidcd, bow
er, that, when the assi sjtcd valua
hi ol the persoiial provny alsive
uiimctaii il shall amount to less than
Ui', I In li cnlv such amount as llu-
till of bin li iros'iiy herein euuiiier
ed shall be exempt frtim taxation.
As this bill was tiled December il,
r.Ki't, w ithont an einerceiicv c!aii'C. it
has not go into cticot until
t'urrj Censumplioa.
Mis. It W. Elans, fharwaler.
an , win s: "Mv husUind Ur siei.
or thioa moinlis. Tim iloetors' mi, I
had quick coiKiimptioti We pro
il a bottle of IU Hard's Horo-
iouiiiI Svrup, and it cured him. That
assix visrs afco mi l since tin n we
lave alwavs ki ot a boitle in il...
house. For ami , ol.U It ,.
liual." ,'.ic. ;,iV. ami SI isi u ,
lover Drug I'o,
sonl&n Institution
last spring O. W. Doiinoll. the S.
P. roadinaster, while hunting In the
West Fork country, sl ot a white albi
no deer the first one ever soou iu
this portion of the country. He bad
it carefully mounted and presented it
to tlio Kmithsonian Institute at
Washintgon. The Issue of The
youth's Companion, date I March
10th, says:
There will so n be added to the
natural cariosities at (he Smithsonian
IustitntoD iu Washington, an albino
deer, which waa shot reccutly in Cow
creek canyon, near Gleudahi, Oregon,
The coat of the animal is snow-white
and very soft, and its eyes were, pink
It was in company with ail ordinary
deer when killed. ' Hunters have oc
casioually told stories of seeing and
chasing albino deer but they rarely
get within gunshot, and are usually
seen alono, the herds of their re la
lives apparently avoiding their com
Garland Htoves and Kanges, tlie
world's beat at Cramer Pros.
March 18 Friday Social meeting of
Azalea circle and W. O. W.
March 18, Frlday-St. Patrick's social
at Prnsbyteriaii church parlors by
Christian l-.uileavor society.
March 19, Saturday Alexander
Plantation Minstrels, opera house.
April li. Homer Davenport at oMra
April, 14 Thursday-W. K. C.
Chicken pie supper.
What if your house should burn to
night? Are you protected? If not iu
sura today with John Minor liooth
room 0, Masonic temple.
e. Mild Kick
Tho valley jmpcrs are so imbued
with tlio habit of irintiim l uvthiim
that thoy hardly lake the trouble of
ascertaining if thoro is an iota of
truth in the "so called reimrts from
here. It is hardly time for the annual
tales of snakes and toads, which they
try and convince the stranger aro our
main crop so now thoy are devoting
soo to so called "reHirls" of the
hay famine and heavy storms which
they claim am causing our stock to
din by dm thousands. They t1l a
story of a man, who, while traveling
a illstance of 19 miles, counted the
carcassea of 1000 horses strewn along
the aides of the road, which had
starved to ilealh. K:amnth He, uh
Btt kimcdy fur Constipation.
"The finest remedy for constipa
tion I ever Used is' Chamberlain's
.-loinacii aim i.iver Tablets, ' mivs
Mr. Eli lluller, of Fraukville, N. V.
"They act gently and without anv
unpleasant etfect, and leave the
bowels ill a is-rfectly natural condi
tion. " Sold hy all druggists.
Good iload Notes
A bank ut II. o
feivd n cilh prl.
' Kitu ille. Mn , has of
ic for the best road In
that vicinity.
Thero are now stale phhI niiuls ,i
so. hitlons ei wiuilii-,! In twenty nine
stales iiud loi:i,li-,-,u of ismmy and
town v ut, ... is wotI.un; fur iM'ttei
IllgllW'il.l s.
The t'nii d Siaten circuit court at
l.os .ii,..-l.-s lu; ihcliivd the H-u- of
oil fir i'i:uklhu nu.ds la t'alt.cnia
n .i.'cl c ii, a:ul not coi-eraM.1 by
a lutein. A sun for i!-unni;es reeenilj
tirom-l.t by a sprinkling compiin
against I os An el, nnliily Ins boon
Tlie tlisnl Heads Magazine say that
In I'.lngl iiiotun. N. Y where they have
a phuit owiled by tlio el v tlie ixst of
tlu- rep ilr of aihn!t vnri.n fisnn t:t to
,.i O'ti! ii yard, but s'nii'sr n-pilr
Ir.sde under contract with en asolmtt
rating company ci't II '.M a jnrtl
Wise arc the city otllclnls wlu ,''cur
their own paring and repairing phmts
lataLslikt lot Khi.mjtnm
I l.avo Ih-eii auuTeriug for the usi
fi w teals with a sever attack of
rheumatism a. id found that Mallard's
Snow l.lmiio ut was the onlv thing
that give me satisfaction mid tended
to mv pains. March Slth,
l'.'J. John I'. ),minii, Kinsman, Ills
Ale, ;; and at Sinter Diug v'o.
S. P. Co. Experiences Difficulty
in Keeping Track Clee.r
The Hliiklyou mountain division of
the Southern Pacific railroad is u
continual source of worry and expense
to the company and this year is un
dbusIIv so. as the following items
t ken from tho Ashland Tidings of
March 10, would indicate:
A uTiM-nlna pur ntl Tin. !.r, WHS dfi-
railed Wednesday at Wall Creek, and
canned a diiluy of two or three hours
to the train.
Superiiileudeiit Fields and Mash r
Mechanic Younger arrived in Ash
land, Tuesday, and went over to Wall
Creek to study the threatening Con
di. ions there along the railroad line.
Wednesday night's storm has made
conditions at the '"sink hole" at Wall
Creek moro threatening. Wednesday's
No. Ifi, due to arrive hero at S:o"j p.
m., did not reach Ashland until
nearly 8 o'clock Thursday morning,
and No. 12. due Thursday morning at
3 M, did not arrive until afternoon.
Tho officials are using tho utmost
caro to prevent accidents, and bo far
nothing materially worse than delays
to travelera have occurred.
I)y clever and efficient work on the
part of the Southern Pacific wrecking
crews, under the direction of Road
master L. C. McCoy, tho break on Ihe
line south of tunnel 13, on the Siski
you, was repaired so that trains were
able to pass over it Wednesday at mid
night. Iusetud of attempting to till
the yawning cavity underneath tie1
raiia, the roadinaster removed tin
section of track to solid ground, .'!
feet to tho westward, and iu tilaci
of 21 hours' interruption, a- nt first
expected, tho iasage of trrains was
resumed within 1.1 hours.
Six cara of train No. 22JH were de
railed at Wall creek about 11 o'clock,
Monday tight. Tlie train, which
consisted of 277 cars, most of them
loaded, waa in charge of Conductor C.
S Inglerock and Engineer Heblig,
and was feeling its way very cautious
ly dowu I ho grudc, or the ilnmage
might have been serious, The train
hud passed the "sink hole," which is
on tho upper track at Wall creek, and
was on the lower section, when sis
cara about the middlo of the string
toppled off tho raila without nuy ap
parent reason. It waa found later
that a pair of trucks under one of the
cars had boon running over the ties.
for sonio distance before, and when
tho switch at Wall creek waa en
countered, the car partially on ihe
track eauBod tho other flvo to leave
the raila. Nona of tho cara wcro up
No sooner had tho Southern Pacific
wrecking force got the slide at Wall
creek under control so as to allow
tlie Hissing of trains, when a most
liaastrous landslide occurred at the
outh entrance of tunuel 13, just the
other aids of Siskiyou, which has
paralyzed freight traffic for tlio time
being. At the point mimed, there is
a section of ronhded which has given
tlio olllola'.s any amount of trouble
and coat tho company thousands of
dollars. Beneath the surface thoro is
a strata of shalo or slaty stone, aud
tho continual rains had so saturated
the surfuco earth that Wednesday
morning it dropjied down tho mount-
ain aidu and underneath tho railroad.
leaving tho rails mid ties high up iu
thu air. The extent of tho slide is
100 feet long and 30 feet deep. North
bound train 12 aud southbound No.
II wero held np oil each side of the
slide, and the passengers, mail and
uxprtss on those trains, as well as
later ones Wednesday, had to bo trans
ferred. No. 1 1 came back from Sis
kiyou aa No. 13 and did not leave
Ashland for the north until about
noon Wednesday. Southern Pacific
Lineman (1. H. Hedherg went over
to tho alido Wednesday and set up a
temporary telegraph ollleo.
Copper a Necessity.
CopH'r ha. beconio a gieat ncccs
ity of modern life iu the develop
ment of mechanics. Iu thu matter of
supply the I'nitud Statea leads the
world. Tho total production of enp
T last year was 1, 1 10,tHX),000 pounds,
of which 7l4,tXHI,(KK) jKiunds were
mined ill this country. This repre
sents nil increased output of about
four fold since 1SSI. Spain and Por
tugal come next in line its copper
producers, but they are far behind,
their total Is'ing hardly more than
one-eighth of that of this countrv.
Mexico ranks thin", but her viehl
also ia small as compare. 1 w ith that
of tho I'nitcd Slates. With the de
velopment of electrical science mid
the growth of applied electricitv, a
ileiuurd for oopier arose which cnlv
the most tremendous inergr has been
able to meet. American skill and
nlerpriso rose to meet the di maud
ud the oopK-r output has increased
by leaps and bouuds and is still forg
ing ahead. The copper mines k
Mexico tt!0 being worked by American
capital and labor, but the output is,
of course, accredited to the countrv
that produces it.
For llu' little boy who waotid sugai
to make Ihe kisses glow.
Kisses nro sweet
Hive nn a plenty ;
One's not enough,
I must have twenty.
i.ove unites tin in grow,
Sugr can't do it ;
They root lu the heart,
And come up right through it.
One of them freely
As time fics visf,
With a soul full of love,
They grow very f.i-t.
Twenty for grandma.
The same for aunt Kate,
I'nt in a letter
Will reach them at eight.
Twcuty for loa,
Sec with what rteetness.
They are hurrying to her,
Toive her their awectucss.
Sue Korea you the most.
She'll want a cart as j
Send her a whole "tubful,"
They'll go by rxpn ss,
K M. Wert.
Ml that jim need for si iaviuu and
I'.uui ig trv. g at Cramer Uroa.
Piovolt Correspondent Sends In
terestinf News.
Elmer Tbrokn artin of liush was
at Provolt this week.
Mursh Ha Id will of Provolt war
visiting wit'i friends at Kush Sunday
and Mondav.
h x Vatt8 of Provol! made a flying
Itrpto Thompson creek Monday on
' , n..
business. He returned on today.
John Pcriioll, the Applegato post
master and iiieroluiul, passed through
Provolt Tu-rsday cn route to Grants
Swoetland of Grants Pass passed
through Provolt Thursday on his way
to Thompson creek to look alter some
beef cattle w hich he has b. cn feeding
it Mr. Witietrout's. ,
Tlio heavy rains have caused Apple
iate to overrun the high water marks
if JSVOand it is doing much damage
iu its raging con iitiou. It has been
in this slate for one week, dud hat
himaged tlio farina of lii iilgepoint and
Married March 10, PJ04, Mrs.
iophia Shrimpf and Mr. L. Sharp,
were united in the holy bonds of mat
rimony, botli brido uud groom are cit
izens of Provolt. Their many friends
wish them many happy years. They
will make their home ut Provolt.
A now hop yatd iu Hie Provolt com
munity is being set out on tlie Sonson
furin hy Lua Lot si h, which w ill ho an
addition of eight acres to toe o!d yard
which he has icu:i d. C. Cook has al
so n un il an eight ucn lieid to put in
hops, which will he put cut us quick
is tlm weather will pi rmit.
Mr.I-ewis o! Fumhug was ut Frovolt
Weiinesilny im basing Lay. Mr.
Lewis reports that mining is progress
ing rapildy iu thai fit ion of the coun
try. Tlio placer mines are all under
full lnadw ir, ami Ihnu is an abund
ance of wnlo' at present. Thu quarlz
mines uro also being rapidly devel
oped by the owners.
A sad ncci lent happened Tursday to
tho five year old daughter of L. W.
Smith, the Provolt postmaster. The
little girl was playing h. fore the fire
place nud her dress caught afire. Her
mother was at tho .ostollice some dis
tance away, and thu other members of
tho family wero in the back yard,
whou they heard Ihe screams cf the
little ono. They soon rescued the
child from the flumes, but not before
it was badly burned. The child was
taken to Grants Pass for treatment,
but it is feared the accident w ill prove
Tho Golden Eagle mine, Pono of
Contention and others have started up.
A force of men liavu been put to work
taking out the hidden treasure. The
output of this mine will bring famous
mining men to tho country from the
oast, with suillcient capital for devel
opment and also will pour down good
times upon the laboring men of tho
country, who Imvo to depend on labor
for their support. Tho Williams tuI
ley is noted for its quirtz and placer
mines which makes it one of the enter
prising mining districts ol the luture.
This little valley is also noted for its
vast mountains of marble, which ex
tend from Powell's creek to Grayback,
a distance i f 10 mill h. I nst fall the
Jones Pros, of Vermont erected a new
machine to saw marble. This indus
try will lead in the future when a new
railroad is built so shipment can be
The Grants Pass iV Williams stage
had a startling uecidtiit Thursdav
morning while cn route to Grunts
Pass. Tho assistant driver Pert Hose,
had not crossed Williams Creek for
some tim.i and the new ford is nt the
head of a long rapid and l robablv had
washed out by last week's high water.
When the driver had reached the mid
dle of the stream Iim team began to
swim, but the water was ton swift.
mil the buggy prevented them from
reaching the shore. They Weill down
thn creek a distance of 100 yards, when
they washed up against a breakwater,
built by C. A. Pigelow. They were
soon cut loose from the bnggv. which
still remains in the creek, aud the
mail sacks were lost. A search was
made for them, hut no trace of them
could be found. '1 he driver narrowly
escaped being drowned. Jolly Joker.
Lcl&nd Sidings.
( . I), llurnett took in lower Grave
Creek last week. He reports lively
times iu that vicinity.
Hob Gibson came up from Mt. Ucu
ben where he has hem working on
his hdge. Ho is well phased with
t he out look.
We are having a ii.:!,t so ;,,t sprint lo
if clocd juice hit. !y. c.-n.ei in va
riations. The w...i,'.,r l as 1 . n warm
w ith no w iini.
Fggs are gettin,; i heapi r. We uu-ler-tand
that California is shipping
gu-s ill aud culling down the price of
sirgoii eggs. That is not right.
The railroad company ii getting
ilongwith The niw steil bridge, a
htile below win re it crosses
Grave Creek, very nicely. They are
making a line bridge
Miueis are complaining i f too much
wat.r as some of their ditches arc
biekon. Tl.e I.u ky Omen quarlz
mine oil Jump-off Joe l as r.. ,1
woik. The cemp nv . running a tun
nel to tap the shaft o as to dean and
i. i. uu.. i ii, h i n nu y w in sink ilnqx-r
mi the shaft. That mine is known to
be a rkh one, but the other managers
nave never tn atcd the ore right. This
cm pany will install l!. li,t ma
chinery. 'I lie road from lib nda'.e to Gold Hug
is so Kid that freight isbiingsent
from I.eland. That is what should
have b.vii before. With a last
ing road, no lug bridge to build, ss on
the G'.eiid.ilo route. When the mines
were struck on Mt. KcuWn the road
from I., laud was emh rsid by the had
ing citizi us, lut lime was an i,i(lu.
erne at work to pull Tor Gl. ndale. M
we see the results. Taking into ccu
i dent ion the co.-t of t1P roa,i frillll
I.eland would not be ,or,, t,n ,..
tl ird as much, wi!h a .,,!u ri ;, p, ,i.
So ne of i ur ih ai,er its have tot tin it
eves opeae! and will vote the tei uh-
i au li Let this voir. Tiiey have
been reading tho yellow journals that ,
re printed in San Francisco aun sun
they have been niieled, but as they
have lately subscribed for solid news-
z:New Baby GoQarts
-.infused the democratic party- 1,181
f,.n(in,, am at sea to nominate ,
caudidote for president Let Grover I
Cleveland wake up He win nop
,me nf their nonsense. Wo have some
Hmlior here in Leland, who with I
x little traiuing would make good
icmocratic presidents.
We have no sickness to report. Some
people want to get married but are
oostnoniiig it. best reasons known to
'htiDsclves. Wide Awake.
Wildervilie Items.
,T. W. McCollum has built himself
it smoke liouso.
Raymond Stevenson is reported as
getting better.
J. Moors spent Saturday nnd Sun
day in onr locality.
J. C. K. McCanu lost ahorse F.i
day night of last week.
Still it rains. Wo wonld like to
sen more sunshine, but Gd Snows
what ia best.
Emmet and Lulu Conger have
moved in to what is known as the
Booth house near Slato creek.
There was quite a crowd out to the
literary Saturday night, and quite
in interesting programme waa render
ed. There whs n saiall crowd out Sun
lay to attend quarterly meeting.
Elder Suiiimiirvilh) conducted tin
Frank Stevenson made a trip to the
Pass Monday of this week to bring
his sou Robert home, who has been
working iu northern Oregon several
mouths. He has had quite a sick
spell but is now uhlo to be brought
home. '
Mrs. J. Hocking was quite sick
Sunday but is reported better nt this
writing. Zanctii.
Alexander Pros Plantation Minstrels
appeared before, quite a 'urge audience
at Curtis ball Monday evening The
ntertainmeut was first class iu every
particular. Their music was good,
their aitiigug was tine and their danc
ing waa out of sight. In fact, it was
the best show that has visited us in n
Ions time. New Lisbon, Wis., Argus.
Grants Pass opera house, Saturday,
March 11), price 75, iiO and 23 cents.
It Saved flii Leg.
P. A. Danforth of Lo Grange, Ga.,
suffered for six months with a fright
ful running sore on his leg; but writes
that Pucklen's Arnica Sftive wholly
cured it in five days. For ulcers,
wounds, piles, ita the best salve in I he
wnild. C'nro guaranteed. Only 2"e.
Sold by National Drug Store and
Grunts Pass Pharmacy.
Tailored Hats
Tho newest things! ever
brought to thu city.
A completo lino of
Street and
Ready-to-wear Hats
now displayed.
Tlio stock is new iu every particular.
No old goods displayed.
.f 12.00 Plume Free.
A ticket on tlio plume will be
given away freo with each $1.00
Front Street, htoi d millinory store
TKl'SrWOKTIIV lady or gentleman
to niiimigo business in this county
nnd udjiini'ig territorv tor house
ol solid financial standing. f'o.ou
straight cash salary and expenses
,,-,oi ......i. , . . 1 .
I-...,. Htm .uoiiu.-tv uircct trom
headquarters. Expense money nil
winced: losilion porm.muit. Ad
dress Manager, Co.-. Motion Bldg.,
HOUSES Draft horses, n.ules nnd
a good driving team for sale. In
quire Golden Drift Mining Co
ENGINE i1., H. P. Lazier, gasoline
Engine. Drought from Pult'alo, N.
. Never used, uud is brand new
A bargain for cash or part pay
ments. E. L. Cass.
SAW MILL A good saw mill plant
to sell, caiwity i.0(X. Situated in
Ihe heart of a good timbered section
near month of Dowels Crei-k
learns, logging outfit, buildings!
HHi worth of lumber iu vard, Till
tor ft, 000. Enquire at tnis oflic".
3(0 !"'" '"!' '"' tock ranch. 3S mih7
trom l, rants Pas,. pu ie,u.r,,
cleared . in m Hrehaid, fair build,,,,,,, (Hk1
... sod, plenty of ,,,r an,i .i,,,,"
the Lest outside sin. , ;.. ..'.""
o..ty. Price ;iT "r
Address Mrs. A. Ii. I hessmure, Medfurd
!, I ."e" Of gOOll
" on, land. -.,,,,, cultivation, small
bouse ami Lani and about V a, res ,,.l.
'Ve!; ,? '""V' l"n,, ""'""'le for orchard
i .in niriucr pari,, u ars
dr s. M. i'rw. Merlin. Oregon.
200 Al'K,K ""V'h. good prune and
oniinru, iai fr,t j
Abundance; waier lor irjigtin, InUj.L.s
-pmigs on every to acres; center of a imo,i
ranne country ; l ,! hou. K
urn, tvery ibim: complete; well sheltered
to,,, irosi,, ,.,Hst ,e n.arkets ,, n
ball mile mirili i luniieiii, price
Inquire at this oitu-e. 1
t to A ,0 W(lrk " - Much
B'i. fke his pay lu a
tee H 1 ''.'' V",,,'r0V"," r
S.e lla, Heudricks, Grauta Pass.
"V I? l';r'SV0 !" of town for
ret. 10. Inquire at this office.
To Cure a Cold in One Day
me Laxative Brcmo Quinine Tablets. A
Seven MUlioo koxea oW m post 13
and Bu$$
Quality and price all right.
Grants Pas,
Commissioners. .
Iieputv Clerk
deputy Sherill..
school Supt.
...J. t). ltooth,
I John Wells
JC. E. Lovelace
It. I.. Hartlett I
T. 1. ludson I
Ceo. W- Lewis
Ernest I-islerl
J. T.Taylor j
Lincoln Savuge i
W. H. Fallin I
II C. Perkins
W. K. Kremer
Mayor II. L. (iilkey
Auditor and Police Judge C. E. Mavhec
I'reasurer Col. W. lohiison
City Attorney .. ,
Marshal. ...t las. Ktevens
Streel Supt John Patrick
Couneilmen .V. M. Mair, II. J. Ilaeher
J. L. Calvert, T. V Williams, W. C.
.Smith, J. A. itehkopf, 11. V. Per
kins. James Trimble.
Grants Pass Lodge A. K. & A. M No. HI,
reiflllnr eoniiiiiiiiii-ntion lipsl nn.l
Saturdays. Visiting brothers cordially j
iiivueu. i. . 111UU8 1V..M.
A J. Pike, Sec'y.
Royal Arch Masons -Ueames Chapter No.
i mct-in seeoiiu aim luurin it eiinesouy
Masonic hall. H. (J. Iloii.tas,
J.EI'kteksor, Secy. 11, p.
Eastern Star Josephine Chapter, No. 20!
meets first and third Wednesday !
evenings of each month in Masonic!
hall. Makv L. Cos, W. M. I
Musji. Z.ii.ler. Sec y. !
I. O. O. E.,-Oolden Rule Lodge No. 78,:
meets every Saturday night at I. O. O. I
P. bull. P. 11. ticiianiT, I
T. Y. DfAN, Secy. K. a. 1
t lsiimg nrulliers invited.
I'aran Encampment 1. O. O. F. No.
meets second and fourth Thursday at
1.0. o. F. hall, Fasu Sciimiiit,
T. Y. Peas, Sec'y. 0. P.
Kebekahs Etna Relickah, No. 411, meets
second and fourth Mondnv, I. O. o. F".
' hall. KuiiK Uhkkv, N. O.
M. Jksnik Davis, Secy.
I'nited Artisans Grants Pass Assembly
No. 40, meets alternate Tuesdays in
A.O. ll. W. ball. Mas. E. A. Ukikfitii,
Fkeu MKKscii. Secy. MasterArtisan.
Woodmen of the World Rogue River
t ump No. 55, meets second aud fourth
Fridajs ut Woodman Hall.
(eo. II. Slover, C. C.
C. E. Mayiisb, Clerk.
iVomen of Woodcraft Azalea Circle, No.
meets lirst and third Mondays at
Woodmen hall, Mrs. M. E. I'tnny,
M rs, lone Frier. Clerk. i,', N.
Modern Woodmen of America (Irants Pass
t 'amp No. wo; meets 2nd and -11 li Wednes
day Evenings at Woodmen hull at 7 ;!.
... , , lke M- ""Vis, V.C. I
W. T. (ioulder, Clerk. j
Foresters of America Court Josephine
No. 2, meets each Wednesday excent
the lirst. ai A. O. U. W. hall.
.l:':iLrL'T''l"",i B- E. Fetsch. R, i
losephine Lodge, No. 112, A. O. tl VH
meets in A. O. C. W.I111II, Dixon buiid-!
nig every .Monday evening.
. P- W. Hl llOKKTll, M. W. I
j A. .'TASABii, Recorder.
Hawthorne Lodge o. 21, 1). of H.. A. O.
1. W. meeta every alternate Tuesday
etening in A. o V. W. hull, Dix.m
buildinii, Mas. A. McCarthy, C.of II. '
. M lL.J0;,;eenjll.r- j
Knighta of the Maccabees C.ruiUs Pass '
Tent. No. 13 meets lirst and third
llmrsdays at Woodmen hall,
111. Alired, F. A. Moivfr's, I
Leeiird Keeper. Cuimiiander.
Ladies of the Macealees-0 rants Pa"s7, '
Hive No Is u,i,, reKular Reviews"
l"s'll IhirdThursdaja at A. O. U.
W. hall, isitin,; sisters cordially j
invited. Jennie Cheshire, L. c. !
-n.j ciioiiiuns.jieiura hecier
I'nited Itrolherhood of Curpenters anil
v. iuirrii-a t nioll .to. 14s
meets second and fourth Fridays of
Pllt'l, Mnwitl. l A ,1 ur .. 3
o ,, " , . . t . nan. 1
K. 1). Cola, R. .-sec. J. p. Galeener. Pr i
1'. A. Fitzgerald, F. Sec'y, I
Courier Cfflce,
Grants Pat, Ore.
- T.p.. ,... rT1Hiiii
Tlus signature, . SrCfr
Come and see our
Attention! Builders! I
In order to reduce our stock, until further i
notice, we will sell 2-6 x G-C doors at $1.10
2-8 x 0-8 " " .15
24 x 32 windows, 2 lights " 1.45 L
24 x 28 " , " " 1,30
20 x 28 " " "
Every other size in pn -portion.
Knights of Pythias Thermopylu i !
meets each Tuesday night ;i.
W. Hall. M. T. I tl,,,' i I
Tom W11.LIAI.B, K. of U andi f
Grand Army of the Re pu liTictieTj
Post No. 3!i, meets lirst WednM
A. O. P. W. hall. Jousrinj
J. E. I'srsKsow, Adjt. j
Woman's Belief Corps- -(ieneral It
2!, meets id and 41 Ii Salunliti,
iu "at A. 0. U. W. hall. i
Mrs. Hose VVeidiuu.sF
Mrs. T. B. Cornell, Secy,
Order of Pendo While Rock tW.
100, uieetsin Woodmen llallst"
nights. K. L. Coaoa, ton,'
C. E. Maviik, Secretary.
Hojal Neighbors of Ameriea-t.
Stipe Camp No. 2000, meets lnti.
Enduys at A. O. U. W. hall
Rose (iravlin, Gi,
Henrietta Zoller, Recorder.
Break Up a Cold j
Modern Scientific Remeif
Colds and La Grippe.
I Your money back if you x;
Slover Drug.
Solk Agents.
Great ReductE
-IN- I
Prices of Dentisir
Until May 1st, 1 004.
liest Rubber Plates, hi
Teeth, full upper or lower se;
former price$i5.oo, now $io;
per set. Gold Crowns, fore .
price $5 oo, now $4.00 ea:,
Platinoid Crowns $2.50 tV
Gold fillings $1.00 and e.
Silver or Atualgaiu filliiiRs;
and up. The most diffic
cases solicited.
All Work Guarastei
First Class.
Remember that these pri?
only continue until May isb'.
Dr. Jennings' Dental Of(i.
Opera House Block, ' i
Grants Pass, pre'on.
No. 3A F. P. KJ
To the Kodater the symbol Xo. 3A F.P.K. means
perfection in a Kodak. Nothing better made. You
would not ask for anything better. Takes perfect
pictures 3'x5i;. Call and see sample pictures.
LoaJs in daylight develops in daylight.
3A Kodak $20.00-E Developing Machine $7.50 T
A. E. Yoorhies
Dealer In
Photo Supplied i
b Two D
or. .yvery