Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927, March 17, 1904, Image 1

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No. 51.
Here are a few Itarqaini for a short time only.
No. 188-230 acres about ten miles from Grants Pass, 70 acres in
cultivation, about 12 acres in alfalfa. KX) acres fenced; good frame ten
room dwelling house, two large barns, carpenter mid blacksmith shop,
fruit dryer and all necessary outbuildings; ix acres of orchard, all va
rieties of fruit; good water right; a No. 1 spring that will afford all
water needed for house use. All land not in cultivation covered with
good timber. Price fcluOO. Improvements worth the amount asked.
No. 171 100 acres three miles from city; good sized orchard; snail
barn and chicken house; living water; alwut 40 acres fenced: large
quantity of timber. Price (HMJO. .
Lota from 1 to 12. Block 92. Riverside Addition. G0 to S75 each.
Payment, 110 down, to per month. Title guaranteed.
Call on or address S
Headquarters for Real Estate.
, Office on E Street, between Fourth and Fifth Streets,
I have Sewing Machines ranging in price from
$1.00 TO $15.00
These machines are all iu good running order
and include the standard makes White, Singer,
Domestic, Davis. I will sell them on trial.
If you have anything to sell or want to bny any
thing call on me. ::::::::: :
South Sixth Street,
L. R WEB8TEP, Pbksidknt. W. B. HAMMOND, Skcbstahv.
The Southern Oregon
Title Guaranty & Abstract Company
' Tit let lOxumliicel, leriectel, Guiirnnteed.
A. 8. HAMMOND, Ai-tohnsv.
Grants Pass Banking & Trust Co.
i Transacts a General Hanking business.
: Receives deposit subject to check or on demand certificates,
f Onr cattonieis are assured of courteous treatment and every consideration con
sistent with aoond banking principles.
Safety deposit boxes tor rent. J. Fit ASK WATSON, Pres.
I ' R. A. llOOTII, Vice -Pres.
f I.. I.. JKWKl.U Cashier.
The First National Bank
capital stock, - o,ooooo.
Herein deposits subject to rheck or on certificate payable on demand.
Belle aightdrafla on New York fan Francisco, and Portland.
Telegraphic transfers sold on all points in the I'nited stales.
Special Attention men to Collections and general business of our customers.
Collections made throughout Southern Oregon, and on all accessible points.
K. A. llOOTII. Praj.
' J. C. C'AMIMlKl.i,, Vice) Pres.
H. L. IJ1L.KKY, Cashier.
All work la stric tly tint-class and
, guarantesd.
IIIKI.irNCi Jfc OUH. (.i-uiitM 1'aasM
Double Cylinder
Steam Road Roller
Makes Good Permanent lioails
Gravel or R.ock.
No road can be raailo
Send for catalog.
Buffalo Pitts Company.
Portland, Oregon. -
Grants Past,
Oregon C
$25,000 00.
Blue Front Shop
South Sixth Street,
t t t
General Blacksmithing
Scientific Horseshoers
Mininrr Tnnl Wnrkers
lasting without Steam
Front Street, west Palace hotel
opp. Opera IIousc.
Assay Office
Gold, Silver, Copper, Lead, $1 each.
Gold and Silver, $1.
Bought and Refined for Denial Trade.
Each and every assay done with the
idea that it may be checked.
Masonic Temple, Rooms 2 & 4
Grants Pass,
'Phone 633
rVacticesin all State and Federal Courla
Olliee over First National Hun k .
i'ilONi 21
Furniture and Piano
The popular barber shop
Get your tonsorial work done at
On Sixth Street Three chairs
Bath room In connection
Dry 1 6-inch Heater and Cook
Stove Wood or 4-foot wood, if
desired, can be had
by leaving orders at the Sugar
Pine Store or the Demaree
Music House or by addressing
.Grants Pass, Ore
Original and only genuine
F kkmcii Tasmy WAFra for
ale by leading druggi-tn. 12
per box. Knln and re liable.
Accept M tutxtitutt.
A fine Beau Spray Pump, aocoud
l.aad, lor aula cheap at Cramer Bros.
Southern Oregon Land Are At
tracting Notice.
Joseph Ol well, of Olwoll Bros.,
the Central Point orcIiaTdista and
frnit doalors, was in Jacksonville
Tuesday, says the Sentinel. Mr.
Olweli iu speaking of the tiip lie
made tliia winter to New Vork, slated
that lna experience led liim to believe
that a person raised iu tho mild
liuiate of Sontlieru Oreogn, had no
conception of an Eastern winter with
the thermometer down to 20 to40 de
grees below zero. Ho haa had several
xperiences with Eastern winters and
lie does not propose to renew the ex
perience any of toner than business
necessity requires Ins presence in tlie
East. lie had plauned to go on to
Loudon, bnt after a mouth's exper
ience with the climate of the Eastern
Const, he concluded that a wiuter
trip across the Alautio ocean wonld
not bo a picnic affair, so being for-
nnnto euongh to arrange his basiuesa
flairs, making a jouruoy to England
uot necessary, he hastened to Kogue
river valley, whore frozeu uoses and
froHtbitteu feet are aukuowu.
Of the apple market, Mr. Olwoll
states that Rogue river apples would
ooutiuue to have a salo at top prices
the best markets of the world, New
York taking the Spitzonbergs, for
meriunns prefer a rod apple, while
Loudon titkos the Newtowns, the
uropeans perfcring the yellow apple.
11 the great markets of New York
city Mr. Olwoll was able to see ap
pies from all sections of the United
States and to learu the preioreuces of
buyers and he fonud the Rogue river
Spitzonbergs and Newtowus not
equalled by apples of those varieties
from any other except Hood River,
which produces as good an apple as
lis valloy, but which does not yield
the profit of Rogne river for it costs
(30 a acre each season iu that valley
for irrigation and for spraying and
cultivation fully as much as in this
valley. The bright color, waxen
polish, und perfect shape, size and
avor of the Rogue River apples.
Mr. Olwoll found, made them sell In
preference to all other apples, and at
much higher price.
Mr. dwell stated that his firm had
shipped East over 100 carloads of ap
plus this year an t had ready sale, but
that they did uot dispose of all their
hipmouts, holding 30 carloads for the
higher prices that awlays prevail iu
the spring. Thcso apples thoy have
11 cold-storugo at Jersey City, just
across the bay from Now York. Mr.
Olwoll has so perfected their market
ing arrangements that his firm ox
poet to largely increaso '.heir fruit
shipments this coming season, and
will extend their operations to other
lections besides Roguo rivor, thoy be
chining to bundle other fruit thii
past season, having shipped several
car loads of apples from tho Umpqna
and the Willamette valley. In label-
ug fruit from this valley they will
hereafter stamp it "Roguo River" and
not Oregon, as has beeu their usage
heretofore. Roguo river fruit has
comn to be rocognized as amoug the
best iu tho United States aud to
brand the boxes Oregon, leads to the
nfemice that the frnit Is of but ordi
nary quality, thus injuring its sale.
More Riots.
Disturbances of strikes are uot
nearly as grave as au iudividnal dis
order of tho svstem. Overwork, loss
of sleep, nervous tension, will be fol
lowed by utter collapse uuloss a re
liable remedy Is immediately cm-
ploved. There's nothing ao efficient
to cure disorders c f the Liver or Kid
neys as Electric Bitters. It dispels
nervousness, rheumatism aud nenralgia
Htid expel malaria germs. Only 60c
and uitisafctlou guaranteed by Nation
al Drug .Store and Grants Pass Phar
The World's Fair Route.
Those anticipating an Eastern trip,
or a visit to tho Louisiana Purchase
Exposition at St. Lonis, cannot afford
to overlook the advantages offered by
the Missouri Pacific Railway, which,
on account of its various routes and
gateways, has been appropriately
named "Tho World's Fair Route."
Passengers from the Northwest
take tho Missiouri Pacific trains
fro'u Denver or Pueblo, with the
choice of either going direct through
Kaunas City, or via Wichita, Fort
.Scott and Pleasant Hill.
Two trains daily from Denver and
Pueblo to St. Lonis without change,
carrying all classes of modern equip
ment, including electric lighted ob
servation parlor cafe dining cars. Ton
daily trains between Kansas City aud
St. Louis.
Write or call on W. C. McBridu,
General Agent, 124 Third street,
Portland, for detailed information
aud illustrated literature.
Inflamatory Rheumatism Cured.
William Shaffer, a brakeiuan of
DcAuison, Ohio, was confined to his
bed for several wieka with inflam
matory rheumatism. "I uswi many
remedies, ' lie hat a. "Finally I sent
to McCaw's drug store for a bottle of
liarjibcrlain a I'ain lialm, at which
time I waa uuablo to use band or foot.
and in one weeks' time was able to so
to work a happy as a clam." For
sale by all druggists.
New Sunday Paper.
The Portland Daily Journal ia now
two years old, aud in that short time
has made great advancement from a
small beginuiug up to large metro
politan paper containing all.the Im
portant newe of the world aud print
td on all the latest preaaea and im
proved machinery. It now prints 1
Urge aud beautiful Suuday paper,
giving ita readers the newa, editor
ials aud the best literature every day
iu the year.
Term Held
In the matter of the Road petition ol
Henry Gross, et al lor wagon road in
Wolf Cieek precinct, it was ordered
hat John Hannum, W. R. Newman aud
W. B. Huratgo with the County Sur
veyor and view ont raid road on the 21st
day of March 1904, and report their
find at the next regular term of thtt
The following billi were ordered paid :
R Thomas, mdse pauper, Indian
Marv. ( 15 65
E F Meiesner, drawing jury list,
Kerbv. Urea aw
T O Naucke, Asst. drawing jury
list aw
Chas. F Skeeters, Asst. drawing
jury list UU
R C Churchill, mdse paupers. .. 10 00
Kinney ft Truax, -" ... auea
Mrs. J P Raman, wit. feel Cir
cuit Court a zu
Roene River Courier, printing.. . 2(1 85
Joe Schmltt. lumber for bridges 87 00
J C Lewis, rodman on survey. . . 1 00
Joe Schmitt, hauling gravel on
roads zo vv
Wm Mathews, hauling gravel on
road a 1 z
Bush, hauling gravel on road S 37
Q McCallisttr, 18 30
J J Wilson, " " . " " 7 87
Ned Dyer, " - a BB
Walter Strong, - is tu
Lon Umphlette"' " " ' 4 50
Wm Buell. " " " 1 95
Chet Moore, " " " ' 2 48
Wm Bunch, bridge work euckor
Creek . .. 17 00
W Campbell, bridge work Sucx-
er Creek li
Jai Howard, bridge work Sucker
Creek iu uu
Jamea Parks, bridge work Sucker
Creek if 00
Samnel Bunch, bridge work
Sucker Creek 12 50
Frank Kelly, bridge work Sucker
t reek o uu
Elmer Morey, bridge work Suck
er Creek tu w
11 II Gibbs, bridge work Sucker
Creox o zo
John Kranss, bridge work Sucker
Creek 7 uu
Geo. LewiB. board Drisonera 77 SS
w r Krenier, Insane exam (-').. iu uu
W 11 Fallin, stampa and exnreaa 4 70
Williams liroa. Door & Lumber
Co., lumber roads 12 4
Irwin-llodwn Co , stationery. . . 18 00
( A Savage, Asst. teachers exam 12 00
M A Goodin, " " ' 12 00
Martin O'Neil, wit. feea Justice
Court n 1 uu
Williams Bros. Door & Lumber
Co., lumber roads 70
S Espy, work on Grave creek
bi-i.lKe 1 00
Marcus Bobbins, Justice feea... 6 00
J C Handle. Conatable fees state
vs Chiles 5 90
F W Van Dyke. wit. fees state vs
Chiles 1 00
Hank Williams, wit. feea state vi
Chiles 2 00
B W Rings, wit. feea state vs
Chiles 2 00
B Mri'.wen, wit. feea state va Mo-
Donald : 2 00
Marcus Bobbins. Justice feel
s'ate vs McDonald 7 90
J O Randle. Constable feea atate
va McDonald 6 90
J W Kiieors. wit. feea atate va
McDonald 1 00
Ike Davis, wit. feea state va Mc
Donald 100
W C Woodson, wit. leea atate vs
McDonald 1 00
Chat, lioval. wit. feea atate va
McDonald 1 00
O. Walters, wit. fceastateva Mc
Donald 1 00
T Y Dean, wit. fees atate va Mc
Donald 1 00
John Hackett, tax rebate, (dou
ble aaressment) -, 6 25
John Handle, arreat of Insane
person 2 50
Irwin-llodson Co.. atatiobery . . . 7 00
A Umphlette, bal. hauling gra
vel Applegate Hill 18 64
J S Brown, bal. hauling gravel
Applegate Hill 20 00
Grants Pasa Hardware Co., mdi
roads 287 75
Bavlnn A Strouuh. cleaninii Court
House chimneys 9 00
C F Lovelace, commra sal 10 00
John Wells, commrs sal IU U0
Southern Pacific It It Co. freiitht
on road scrpr 24 60
Grants Pasa N. W. 1. i. P. Co.,
wa'er and light. . . .
19 75
7 IX)
Oreiton Mining Journal, printing
Court adjourned aine die.
Furnish Abund&nt Food
Lot Rlverltes.
The "auekora" are ou the run again
In Lost river. They never fall at
about tli ia time each year to exhume
themselves from tho deposit of mud
at Tule lake's bottom and hurry in
great achoola up the stream that givea
the lake ita water anpply, there to
propagate their aiieoioa. They are an
excellent food fish despite their ap
pearance of being anything but a fbh
aud Lostriveritea will feast upon them
abundantly for a sielL Aud ao will
we of the metropolis anleas Anderson,
of the Gap, for the first time in 20
years, fails to got around daily with
his wagon full. Mr Anderson
catches hundreds of them, conaumea a
few himself, sella as many aa possible
and boils in big vat for their oil th
remainder. Thla product he diajKiiaea
to farmera for lubricating farm ma
chiuerj. Kaltuath Falls Express
Cept. O.
Applegate In forma the
Klamath Fa 11a Express, that the de
partmt nt of the Interior ha granU
right of way to L. Heaaig for tele
phone Hue across the reservation.
The telephone poles have been set
from Fort Klamath to the Agency,
but further work waa postponed on
til the right of way was secured.
Work will be resumed on the line aa
soon as the weather will permit, and
the Agency and Fort people may ex
pect communication with the outside
world by the first of J one. The Hue
will eventually be extended to Crater
Lake National Park and a branc
from the Agency to Silver Lak
making connection with the lines to
Prlnevilln and elsewhere northward
and southward to Lakeview.
Need lea, rnpaira and auppllea for
all makes of sewing machines st the
White sewing machine agency Hai
Kiddle Hardware Co.
Are the
Best Selling
the World.
Apples in
Rogue river fruit lauds are being
exploited more exteualvely at the
present time than at any previoua
time since the settlement of that rich
argicultnral aud horticultural district
of Southern Oregou. Embracing a
ide stretch of country within the
couutios of Jackson, Josephine aud
Curry that haa, without attractiug
attention of the outside world, been
developed iuto one of the productive
fruit districts of the Pacific Coast, It
is not surprising that investors have
been attracted by the high returnsH
received by those who pluntcd or
chards that have been In full bearing
for several years and are now in their
prime. In view of what has been
done by those already in the valley,
it la surprising that so small an area,
comparatively, has been devoted to
fruit-growing. The greatest stage of
development has naturally boeu cou-
flood to that section of tho valley,
comprising about ono-thlrd of ita
length, lying adjacent to the railroad
botweon Grants Pass and Ashland.
A fact not genornlly known iu Ore
gon la that the apples of Rogne river
valley find their principal market in
Hamburg, London and other European
markets, where only the fruit of best
keeping qualities ean be shipped, and
that it commands In those markets
the top prices. Representatives of
the foreign dealers are sent to this
country to buy fruit aud contract
ith the packers or growers to take
the fruit direct by rail and water
shipments to its destination, a third
of the way around the world. Fre
quently the apple aro takeu from the
orchards to be packed, with extreme
care, the growers realizing prices that
Would seem beyond all reason by
Eastern apple-growers in what were
for many years considered the beat
apple districts in this country in the
Eastern states. S. L. Beuuott, of
Medford, Or., roceived U43. 10 from
the apples grown ou one aero of
gionud last year. For another acre
of a less desirable varioty received
280. There are numerous liistnuces
of a single crop of fruit paying several
times tho original cost (if the land at
oiuts throughout the valley.
Immigration into this region, ac
cording to information recoived
through Immigration agents of the
railroad, promises to be groater dur
ing the present yoar than during any
previous period of its history. People
oomiug from the Eastern aud Middle
states, whore they have had to con
tend with severe winters that occa-
ionally entirely ruin tho fruit crop,
and iu other years greatly diminish
it, aro acquainted with the conditions
in this atate west o'f the Cascades and
aro Investiagtiug tho opportunity for
investment. It is amazing to them
that the oountry has not been dousely
populated long before, and with the
prloes at which hinds are sold, whin
compared with relative production,
they eagerly grasp the chance offered.
Fruit posts aro practically unknown,
which is another strong foaturo with
newcomers. In some soot Ions of the
country, orchards are ao badly affected
that tho posts have caused a ban to be
placed on their frnit production.
Gives Health, Vigor ami Tons.
Herblne is a boon for sufferers from
anoamia. By ita use the blood is
quickly regenerated and the color bi
comes normal. The drooping strength
is revived. The languor is diminish
ed. Health, vigor and tone predomi
nates. New llfo and happy activity
results. Mrs. none, nnirei, m mines
borough, Ills., writes: "I have been
troubled with liver complaint and
poor blood, and have found nothing to
beuent uio like llerblue. 1 have
wished that I had known of it in my
husband's lifetime." 60o at Slover
Drag Co.
Ashland Teavcheis
Tho directors of Ashland achool
diatrist have chosen tliu following
teachers to serve duriug tho year
which begins next September : W. F.
Cameron, principal. U. W. Milam,
principal of the East school i O. U.
Oarlock, now of Talent, principal of
the new school building or West Ash
land school. Grade teachers: Miss
Mary B. Leslie Misa Mayuilo Mo
Williams, Misa Mary Mulit, Misa
Margaret Byers, Miss May Sutton,
Miss Harriet Oaniere, Miss Doc in
Willits, Misa Gertrudu Eugle, Misa
Ola M. Myers, Miss Mary Foshay,
Misa Adelaide Beebe, Miss Hattie
Uleason, Miss Grace Garret and Miss
Carrie Bentley,
Miss Lida Lottridge and Miss K(ta
Johnson, two efficient teachers, do
olined re-election.
A TavoriU Remedy for Bablct,
Ita pleasant taste and prompt cures
bare mado Chamberlain's Cough rem
edy a favorite with mothers of small
children. It quickly cures their roughs
and colds and prevents any danger
of pueumonla or other serious conse
quences. It not ouly cures croup, but
when given as skui as tho croupy
congh appears, will prevent the at
tack, for sale by all drngglats.
Under the new interpretation of the
school law, there are a number of
teachers who will dud themselves un
lawfully employed in high schools.
The decision of the Attorney General
applies only to districts where separ
ate high schools hare beeu cstabliahed
and not to districts where a ninth or
tenth grade has been added. One
effect of the Attorney-General's
opinion is that while a Harvard
graduate, for example, may teach in
an Oregon high achool upon hia di
ploma, he cannot teach upon such di
ploma iu the common schools.
Have yon seen the Rose Spray
Pumps for fiO ceuts at CranieBrosr
our latest importation stands today without a rival iu
- point of quality, style and finish; ' made from heavy
steel rolled-especially for the purpose; covered on the
outside with 3 heavy coats of very hard elastic enamel
aud on the inside with PURE white PORCKLAIN.
We guarantee this ware to be free from lead, antimony
or arsenic We guarantee every piece. You will be
pleased with the reasonable prices.
Wall Papers Another Big consignment just received;
beautiful designs, exquisite colorings
The stock is carried right here for immediate deliv
ery. Call and let us show you the largest line in
Southern Oregon uo trouble, we'll be pleased to,
There is uot a jewel glittering from
the hand of a rum seller's wlfo or
children that did not cost 'jewels of
manhood from tho homes of tho peo
ple George W. Baiu.
A Wise and Well Named Enter
The Lincoln Legion is a new tem-
peratico movement, in which me
total abstinence pledge) is made con
spicuous. The movement originated
last fall, when tho Autl-Saloou
Leaguo celebrated its teutli annlvor-
sary. rue name was cnoson oochuho
of Abrain Lincoln's splendid Bland
for temperance. The first signers of
the new pledge, Cleopaa Breckeurldgo
and Moses Martin, had beeu pledged
to total abstiueiico D7 years ago by
Lincoln himself, at the close of a
stirring temperance sjHieoli. A nne
volume, "The Lincoln Legiou", by
Dr. Louis Albert Banks, is the
legion's text-book. It can be had for
(1.00 at the hea 'iuartcrs of the move
ment, 110 East 125111 Btreit, Now
The Epworlh Leaguo is already
busy with a similar work for total
abstinence. Wo hail with' eager
gladness tho advent of this legion,
with which we can co-operuto fully
and wholeheartedly. Tho pledge
signing crumtdo must be pressed
throughout the entire country. The
time Is fully ripe for a grout revival
of porsonal and definite temperance
work of this sort. Thero cnunoiit he
too much of It, or too many workers
eugaged. God arced the Lincoln
Legion I
Local Option Campaign In Oregon
The auporintoiidcnt of Weinliurd's
Brewery says of tho local option bill :
"Certainly wo will not tamely al
low Its pasNiigo unopposed." The
president of tho retail liquor dealer's
association of the state declares: "We
can raise millions for defense.
They propose to assess themselves
(200 each for rampnign purposoi. Ho
the lilies aro drawn. Tho people of
Oregon arc facing tho question as to
whether they will allow tho liquor
element to dominate this growing
state. Let them carry the election iu
Juue, and uo legislature will touch
the temiwrnnco question for tho next
decade. Now is the opportunity for
tho church to act and aeoro a great
victory. We submit that tho churches
have no issue of such vital Importance
before them for the next threo months
as this one. They can, if they will,
carry tho day. ' Tho board of trustees
of tho Antl-Haloon League, mi 11 se
lectori by the churches, earnestly pray
for unulversal co-oiioration In the
stato ou the following :
1. That every milliliter in Oregon
bo asked to preach upon some l base of
tho local option issue, or to make ref
er nee to tho subject at least twice a
mouth until tho Juno election, once
at tho morning and once at the even
iug service. The saloon has been
driven from Mississippi by the preach
era making every text lead to pro
2. That tho pastors of tho state be
asked to make thla the subject for
prayer-meeting, or to make prnsr rcf
orencn to it once a mouth till election
8. That all young x opli; h ao
cieties bn nsked to make local up
tion and prohibition their theme nin e
each month until election.
-I. That tho pastor throughout the
state bo asked to plan for union local
op'lon meetings on the llfih Sunday
of May.
6. That the pastors of those
churches which have not yet observe
Anti-Saloon Sunday be asked to ar
range with the statu sus'rinteuiloiit,
Dr. O. L. Tutffs, for snch services as
soon as practicable.
0. That the pastors and cilllcers
of temperance organisation be asked
to ro-opcrato with the aus rintenleul
of the leagao in planuing Wcck-uight
meetings and precinct conventions.
7. That tho friends of the onuie
be asked to contribute liberally for a
siecial campaign fund.
Do you want the best located res
taurant in the city? Terms easy,
price right. J. D. Drake, C St., be
tween ith and 8th Sts.
1 vi w, w vt kvnum 51
Of Using the Malls for
. lent Purposes.
E. S. Ealon, age about 88 years,
was arrested Monday by Conatable
Nelson J0110.", on a charge of using the
U. S. mails for fraudulent purposes.
Katon had been working near Sny
der's mill, cutting wood, and n0:t
his arrival in town Monday was iden
tified aud placed under arreat, Just aa
he was ou the eve of hia departure for
Kugeuo. Tho Information upon
which the charge is based, was re
ceived In a letter from the city mar
shal of Lewiston, Idaho who sent a
letter signed by E. 5. Eaton, Glen
dale, Oregon, offering to sell one A.
M. Dunn of Lowlston, a (10 bill,
"which could not be told from the
geuuiue, for (1," and stating that
'big money could be mado easy. "
The letter purported to ofTor couuter- '
feit money which could uot be dotoct-
ed from the genuiuo, aud Stated that
the recipient was interested he
could send a money order for (1 aud
11 return would receive a sample $10
bill, with full particulars and rates
fur wholesale quuntites.
Eaton's defense seemed extremely
weak, and was to tho effect that he
proposed to furnish confederate
money, not counterfeit. Iu proof of
his assertion ho referred to a (10 con
federate bll or linitutiou of ouo, which
the olllcer took from his person when
the search was made.
Deputy U. 8. District Attorney W.
W. Hunks, Deputy Marshal Jas. Wil
soli aud a postal inspector came down
from Portland and had the prisoner
examined yesterday before Justice
Montgomery, who promptly bound
1 im over to the fodoral grand jury,
with bunds placed at (J000, Iu default
of which ho was taken to Portland.
Quito a number of damaging docu
ments were found in Eaton's possess
ion, showing that ho had boon a party
to wildcat schoinos of this nature be
fore. Letters were fonud from
womeu who hud sent him (1 for his
uervo spocitlc!" from men who In
quired as to his recipe for making
Ave gallons of old whiskey out of
35c worth of drugs aud powders aud
;l quart of good whiskey;" also from
parties who desired to learn his "so-
cret'for making butter from butter
milk," and other swindles of that
nature. Gli mlalo Newa,
Working Overtime.
Eight hour laws aro ignored by
those tireless littlu workers Dr.
King's New Life I'll la. Millions are
always at work, uight aud day, cur
ing indigestion, biluUNuew, constipa
tion, sick headache und all stomach,
liver and bowel troubles. Easy,
pleasiiut, safe sure. Only 3-o at
National Drug Store and Grants Pass
St. 1'o.lrlck Soclnl.
Tho C. E. society of the Presbyter
ian church will give a "St. Pat
rick's" soclul on Friday evening,
March 18, at I ho church parlors. An
entertaining program will he present
ed und refreshments of four different
kinds will bo served from four tables,
at a charge of seven cents at each
table. The admisHiou will bo aoveu
cents and every aeventh peraon wilt
be admitted freo. Evry person at
tending will bn pleased at leaat aeven
times ami will enjoy seventy times
seven cent worth of pleasure.
Absolutely Pan