CVIi? Vl'-f SvV? Vl'rf Vj-i? Vir? rtr.-m . r.-c.i r.v.i .-.I., nr. r.,r w ,'t 1 u 'ffr ...By. GEORGE BARR McCUTCHEON I S ' I CnpvHc (if, irwj, tin JfwFxrt 8. Slant it,. bu'kiiu jug nuiiliu liitl mm asked plaintively. "Vou have no rliflit to treat tin? throne I occupy n a sull ied for pranks ami Indignities. I did not believe you could be so forgetful." There wna a proud and pitiful resent nient lu lior voice Hint brought lilui to (ill senses at one.-, lie lind dollied lior throne. Iu sliauio unci humiliation lie rrled: "I am a fool, uu loerule! Vou lmve lieen too gentle with me, I'or thin despicable net of mine 1 cniinot nitk pnrdon, and It would be beucutli you to grant It. I huve hurt you, and 1 run never atone. I furi?ot how sacred Is your throne. Let me depart In din Brace." He stood erect iih If to forwike the throne be hnd stained, but Hhe, swayed by a complete reversal of feel ing, timidly, plcadiiiKly touched bin arm. "fitay! It la my throne, nflcr nil. i shall divide It, lis well us the slu, with you. Kit down iit-nhi, I bcK of you. For a brief spell 1 would rule heidd a man who Is lit to lie u klnc but who Is a deseerutor. There can be no harm, and no one shall be the wiser for this aentlmcnlul departure from royal cus tom. We are children anyhow, mere children." . With an exclamation of dcllclit he re lumed his position beside her. Ills "ytllodc."' the crlid in rondo terror linnd trembled ns ho took up hers to carry It to his lips. "We are children playing will) tire," he Uiunnured, this initiate, this fool I Hhe allowed Iter hand to lie limply lu Ms, her bend sinking to the buck of the chair. When her baud was near Ids feverish lips, cool mid while and trust ing, ho cheeked the upwurd progress. Hlowly he raised bis eyes to study her face, finding that hers wero closed, the aemhlanco of a smile touching her llpa as If they were lu a happy dream. Tho lips! The lips! The lips! The Mildness of love rushed Into bis heart; the expectant baud was forgotten; his every hope and every desire measured Itself against his discretion as he look ed upon tho tempting face. Could be kiss thoso lips but once his life would be complete. With n start she uiicncd her eyes, doubtless at tho command of the mas terful ones above. The eyes of blue net the eyet of gray lu a short, sharp struggle, and tin) bluo went down lu surrender. Ills lips triumphed slowly, drawing closer and closer as If restrain ed and Impelled by tho same emotion arrogant love. "0ien your eyes, darling," be whls pcrcd, mid sho olicycd. Then their lips luct-hcr Hint kiss of lovel Mho trembled from head to Tout, ht fectly jKuverless beneath the spell. Again be kissed a princess on her throne. At this second kiss her eyes Brew wide with terror, and hhe sprain: from Ids side, standing before liliu like one bereft of reason. "Oh, my find! What have you doneV" she walled, lie staggered to his feet, diary wllh Joy. "Ua;" cried a gruff voice from the doorway, nud the guilty ones whirled tu look upon the witness to their Miss fill crime. IiiKlde the curtains, with (albino leveled ut the head or the Aiaerlnm, stood Allode, the guard, hit face distorted with race. The princess screamed ami leaped between Lorry and tho threatening carllue. "AIliHle!" she cried lu frantic terror. lie angrily cried out soincthiin: in his native longtio nnd she breathlessly, Imploringly replied. Lorry did not no dorstiiud their words, but lie knew that Mho had saved him from death at the band of her loyal, erring cuurd. Al lisle lowered bis cun, turned low ami turned bis back upon the throne. "He-ho would have killed you." she said tremulously, her face the picture of coiiihlned iigony and relief She re luenibered the bllclitliij; klsies and theu tho averted disaster. "You what did you say uk,l. "L-I-oli, I will not l. cried. to li! la you!" hhe "I bi'B of you!" "I told him that bo was t put dow n his kuii." wal to "1 know that, but i.) v sj. "1 nch. to save you. sli. "How did you explain the licsltated ceneroilslv. la pi'lslst- id !' lie "I told him that I had 1 llud Hot been" I Im that "Say It!" "That 1 bad not ben -unVndcd:" she taspcil, standlm; stliT nnd straight, with eyes jjlmsj upon the ola'dlcnt guar.l, "Vou were not 7" he raptuievislj- cihsl "I said it only to save your lire!" she cried, turnlnit fiercely upon blni. "i shall never forgive jou-necr! Von must go you uiust h -uve hero at once! lH) you bear? 1 cannot have you near mo now; I cannot sit you ntalu. What lave I gtveu you the riht to say ut luer "Stop! It Is as sacred ns" "Yes,; I understand! 1 trust you, but you must go! rind tonic excuse to !ive your friend and tiHlay! tlo now!" she cried Intensely, tlrst pultinu her hands tu her temples, then to her eyes. Without wsttlni? to bear his retnon- trance, If Ind.ssJ he had tho power to utter one, the glhb-d swiftly tow.ud the rurtnlnt, allowing him to follow nt bis will, limed nud crushed lit the sudden cud to everything, be drtinj.d his footsteps after. At the door she poke lu low. tmi.erntlvo tones to the' $$? ML I M rSf V . o r: :i- TARK I motionless Allude, wlio dropped to ills knees and muttered a reverential re sponse. As Iirry passed beneath the hand that held the curtain aside he glanced at the fuee of tho uiuu who hnd lR-en witness to their weakness IIu was look In if straight ahead, and from his expression It could not have teen deducted that he knew there was a man on earth save himself. In the hull she turned to lilui, her face told and pale. "I have faithful Kiinrds almut me now. Alhsle has said be did not sue you In the throiierooui. He will die before ho will sny otliorwiso," she said, her lips trembling with shame. "Ity your command?" "Ity my request. I do not coiniiiand my men to lie." Ride by side they passed dowu tho quiet hull, silent, thoughtful, the strain of death upon their hearts. "1 shall obey the only command you have Blven, then. This day 1 leave the castle. You will let me come anulii to sec you? There enn bo no barm" "No! You must leave liruusturk at ouco!" she Interrupted, the tones low, "I refuse to ko! I shall remain In Edelweiss, ncur you, Just so Ion- as I feel that I may be of scrvlrsj to you." "I cannot drive you out as I would a thief," sho suhl pointedly. At the top of the broad staircase be held out bis bund and murmured: "(ioodby, your hlchness." "(ioodhy," sho said simply, placing her hand In bis after a moment's hesi tation. Theu she left him. An hour Inter the two Americans, one strangely subdued, the other curi ous, excltttl and Iniputlent, stood be fore the castle waiting for the currluge. Count llulfont was with them, bcgclng them to remain, as he could see no rea son for the sudden leuvetiiklng. Irry assured blm that they had trespassed long enouk'h on ihu court's hospitality and that ho would feel much more com fortable at the hotel. Anguish looked narrowly at bis friend's face, but said nothing. He was beginning to under stand. "Ij't us walk to the gates. The count will oIiIIko us by Instructing the couch iiiii ii to follow," auld Lorry, cnger to be off. "Allow me to Jul ti you In the walk, gentlemen," said Count Caspar, Imme diately Instructing a luekey to send the lurrlugo after them. IIu and Lorry walked on together, Anguish lingering behind, having euught sight of the Countess Pagmar. That charming and unconventional piece of nobility promptly followed the prime minister's example iiuil escorted the remaining guest to the gate, Kur down tho walk Uirry turned for a last glaucu nt the castle from which love hud banished him, Yetlve was standing on the balcony, hsiklng not at the monastery, hut at the exile. IShe remained there lung ufter the carriage had passed her gates bearing the Americans swiftly over tls' white Castle avenue, nud there were tears In her eyes. CIIAl'THIl XV. TUK IltrnoTMAL. AHUY Anguish was a discreet, forbearing fellow. He did not demand n full explanation of his friend. There was enough natural wit lu his merry bead to sec that lu connection with their departure there was something that would not admit of discussion even by eonlldcu Hal friends. He shrewdly formed his own conclusions and held his peace. Nor did he betray surprise when Lor ry Informed htin In answer to a ipics tloii that he Intended to remain lu Ldcl'.vcls for some time, adding that he could not expect him to do likewise If he preferred to return to 1'arls. Hut Mr. Anguish preferred to remain lu Ldclwcls. Had not ttie Countess Hag mar told lilui she Would always be happy to see him at the castle, and had lie any reason to renounce Us walls? And so It was that they tarried to gelher. Lorry loitered aimlessly, moodily, ulsiut the town, spending gloomy days li lid wretched nights. He reasoned that It were wisdom to fly, but u force stronger tl mil reason held him In I. del weiss. lie ventured several times to the castle wall, but turned hack reso lutety. There was hope lu his breast that she iuli;ht scud for him. There was at least the possibility of soclm la r should she ride the streets Auenlsh. on the other hand, v l-ated tin castle dully, lie spent hours vlth the pretty countess,,) I y thc tiohlc moths Unit Haltered nhoiit her llanie, ami he was ever persistent Hsdil hearted anil guy. lie brought to I. onj's cars all that lie could Icaru ol the princes Several tunes he hud seen lu r and had spoken with her. She luipdred casually after the health ol his fii.uid. hut nothing more, l-'rom the countess he ascertained het highness was Hleeplin; soundly, e.itlui: hcaitiiy and apparently enjoying the best ,,f spirits. Information decidedly Irritating to the one who received It se, ond hand. 'i'liey had bis'll at the hotel for over a v,sl; when one after, nsui Aticltish rush, ,1 Into the room out of breath ami scarcely aide to ontlol his exeit, incut "What's up?" cried l.ary "lias the is untess sacked pm :" "Not en j.uir coin' Hut something b IP. and I uiu lis discoverer. You le 1 ' ";l., T Volt Slid alsilll suspect ' fun, v lial.ri.-l of being the chief - .1 In the iilslu. ll-ll Job? Well, my l" i . I am now willlim to stake my life II. -t he Is the limn " Tin. news bearer v.i .1 -vn on the edte of the b,sl and Jicw the Pist long breath he had had ti i 1. i.K time. -WI.) do j.iii t ! iluk so?" J c other, all interest. ' II. aid him talking lust now. I III n't ki..w who the fellow was nt Ilrst but lie was talking to some . I.s. king soldier us 1 passed, ii as 1 heard his vohv I knew he t. .in.:. As s,.,. w as M I aid. There Isn't iiuv uin-stlon it, l orry. I mil positive, lie did not ol.., rve n.c. but 1 suppose by x time he lias learned that kls llti'l,. job Was b) two Americans vv ho heard the plot n.ur the castle gates He has nerve to come bore, hasn't he?" "If he Is guilty, yes Still he limy reel s.s-uiv Iss au- he Is a powerful prince mm uoie to resent any mvustitl. .... ...i,t. , iv f friv NN . . , "' l' f' 'dm there. Cure on. We'll go dawn, sod yon can see for yourself." iney to ti. cxirndor, which was swarming with meu lu strange uniforms Tn.xst ....... .. sinek ..rti.-. i.... . . ... . ROGUE buzzing conversationalists were dressed lu a rich gray uniform. Who are these strangers?" asked Lorry. "Oh, I forgot to tell yon. I'rlnce Lo ronz Is also here, and these gray fel lows are a part of bis retinue. Lorenz has gone on to the custle. What's the matter?" Lorry had turned pule and was reaching for the wall with un steady hand. "He has come for bis answer," he said slowly, painfully. "That's right. I hadu't thought of that I hope she turns him down. Hut there's (labrlel over yonder. See those three fellows In blue? The middle one Is the prince." Near the door leading to the piazza miruui ,,vepfil toon irrnv mwl 1,1 1 in The - uiao designated as (iabrlel wan In the' center, talking guyly and somewhat loudly, pulling at a cigarette between sentences. He was not tall, but he wus strongly and compactly built. Ills bulr and cropped beard were as bluck as coal, bis eyes wide, black and lined. It was a pleasure worn face, and Ixirry shuddered as he thought of the prin cess In tho power of this evil looking' wretch. They leisurely made their way to a spot m ar the talkers. There was no mistaking the voice. I'rlnce Gabriel and Michael were ono and the same beyond all doubt Hut bow to prove It to the satisfaction of others? Skepticism would follow any attempt to proclaim the prince guilty because his voice sounded like that of the chief conspirator. In a mutter where whole nations were concerned the gravest Importance would Ire attached to the accusation of a ruler. Satisfying them selves as to the Identity of that pe culiar voice, the friends passed through to the piazza. "What's to bo done?" naked Anguish, boiling over with excitement "We must go to Huron IiunglosH, tell blm of our positive discovery, and then consult Count llulfont." "And her royal highness, of course." "Vet, I suppose so," suhl Lorry, nick ing the ashes from his cigar with a finger that wus now steady. He wus serving the princess ugiilii. They hurrhsl to the tower and were soon In the presence of the fierce little chief of police. Lorry had spent many hours with Imngloss of lute, and they bad become friends. Ills grim old face blanched perceptibly us he heard the assertions of the young men. lie shook Ills head despairingly. "It may be us you say, gentlemen, but I am ufruld we cun do nothing. To charge a prince with such a crime nnd on such evidence would lie mad ness. I nm of your belief, however. I'rlnce (iabrlel Is the man I huve sus pected. Now I am convinced. Hefore we can do anything lu such a grave matter It will lie necesisiiry to cousult tho princess nnd her ministers. In case wu conclude to nccusu the I'rlnce of 1 )a vvsbergen It must be after careful and Judicious thought. There lire ninny things to consider, gentlemen. For my part, I would be overjoyed to seize the villain nud to serve him ns we did his tools, but my builds are tied, you see. I would suggesfthat you go at once to the princess and Count llulfont, tell them of your suspicious" ".Not suspicions, my lord facts," In terrupted Anguish. "Well, then, facts, nnd ascertain how they feel about taking up li proposition that may mean war. May I ask you to come at oncu to me with their answer. It Is possible that they will call for n consultation Willi the ministers, nobles mid high (.Hirers. Still, I four they will bo unw illing to risk much on the rath er lllnisy proof you can give, (iabrlel Is powerful, nud we do not seek a war with him. There Is another foe for whom we are cpiletly whetting our swords." 'I he sleuUiennt remark causisl both listeners to prick up their ears. Hut he disappointed their curiosity, noil they were left to speculate ns to whom the other foe might be. Hid be mean that Craiislark was secretly, sly ly, making ready to resist, treaty or no treaty? It required prolonged urging on the purt of Anguish to persuade Lorry to aecoinimny him to the castle, but, w hen once determined to go before the prin cess with their tale, he wus eugcr, Ini putlent, to cross the distamv that lay between the hotel and the forbidden grounds. They walked rapidly down Castle uvenue and were soon lit the gates. The guard knew them, and they Were luluillled without n word. As the j hurried through the park they saw many strange meu iu gray, gaudy uniforms, and It occurred to Ixrry that their visit, no matter how great Its Importune-, was III timed. I'rlnce Lorenz was holding the center of the stage. Anguish, with his customary Inipul tlvciics., overruled Lorry's objections, nnd they proceeded toward the en truiicc. The gunrils of the princess sa luted profoundly, w laic Hie minions of Lorenz slnred with III bred wonder upon these two tall men from another world. It could be seen that the rustle was asttr with excitement, subdued mid pregnant with thriving hopes and fears. Tho iiohlltty of (iiuuxturk wus there The visitors of Axpliulu were be- lug entertained. At the castle doors the two men met their first obstacle, but they had an ticipated Its presence. Two guards halted them peremptorily. "W e must ss- her n) ill highness," said Anguish, but the men could not understand him. They stoically stood tin !r ground, shaking their beads. Let us tlud some oiu' who can un derstand us," advised lxirry, and lu a few moments the) presented them- elves before the guards, accompanied by a )oung nobleman with whom they had neipnilnlaucc. He sinvcsl.! In ad vancing them to the reception hall In snle t lie dooi-s and found for them a servant win, would carry a message to the princess tf it were possible to gain her presence. The nobleman doubted very much, however, if the missive h.isilly written by l.rry could Ibid Us way to her. as she had never las'll so occupied lis lieu Lorry In his brief note prnjn1 for a short uudlen.v t r b.uis.-.f ai.d it An glllsh, Count lleibuit be present, lie her t ...t l,,s mission was of the most uu lure and that ll ivlalid to a dis.ovcry made concerning liie prince who hud tried to ulslu. I her. lu c-Ulelusi. n he wrote that ll.irou I; l..i,l re tpilnsl him to la) is r.atn f.teis before her and that he had come with no lu tentioti to uniiov tier. h le they sat In the waiting room they saw through the d doz ens of richly atlireil men nnd w . ;a. n lu the hall Is ) ond. They w ere co 'vrrs'ng nnln.aiisl:), CnitwiurU men ni.d weia cu with dehs-tisl f'l.vs. Axphulnhni with exul.itlon gl.wlag tn cieryj gluncc. l.ori.v's hcait sank witlilu hliu. It seemed bouts before the servant re I turned to .1I them follow him. The: his bhssl madly through veins I that had been nud lifeless. He Mil to see her again. Their guide conducted lliciu to a small salens in. where bo left them. A few moiiie.its later the door oin-ued, nttd there swept nulekly Into the room the Countess lsguinr, uot the princes. ' RIVER COURIER, GRANTS rier face waa drawn with the trouUe and sorrow she was trying so hard to conceal, l'.oth men were on their feet In an Instant, advancing to meet her. "The princess? Is she 111?" demand ed Ijrry. "Not HI, but mad, 1 fear," answered she, giving a hand to each. "Mr. at ry, she bids me say to you that she cannot see you. She appreciate the ImM,rtanre of your mission anil thank you for the interest you have taken. Also she authorizes me to assure you that nothing can be done at preseut re garding the business on which you come." "She refuses to sec us," said he slow ly, his fuce whiter than ever. "Nay; she bogs that you will excuse her. iler highness Is sorely worn and distressed today, and, I feur, cannot en dure nil that It happening. She Is ap parently calm and composed, but I, who know her so well, can see the strain lieneath." "Surely she must sec the urgency of quick action In this matter of ours!" crlisj Anguish half angrily. "We are not dogs to be kicked out of the castle. We have a right to be treated fairly" "We cannot censure the princess, Harry." said Urry calmly. "We have come liornu:' we would befriend her, and she scs fit to reject our good of fices. There Is hut one thing left for us to do-depart as we came." "Hut I don't like It a little bit," grow led the other. "If you only knew, Mr. Anguish, you would uot Is; so harsh and unjust," re monstrated the lady warmly. Turning to 1orry, she said, "She asked me to hund you this, and to bid you retain it as a token of ber undying esteem " She handed him a small, exijulslte miniature of the princess framed In gold Inlaid with rubles. He took It dumbly In Ills fingers, but dared not look nt the portrait It contained. With what might huve seemed disrespect he dropped the treasure Into his coat pocket "Tell her I shall always retain It as a token of her esteem," he said. "And now may I ask whether she handed my uote to her uncle, the count?" The countess blushed in a most un accountable manner. "Not whllu I was with her," she mild, recovering the presence of mind she apparently bad lost. "She destroyed It, I presume," said he, laughing harshly. "I saw her place it In her bosom, sir, and with the right hand," cried the countess as If betraying a state secret. "Iu her You are telling me the truth?" cried he, his face lighting up. "Now, see here, I.orry, don't begin to question the countess' word. I won't stand for that," Interposed Anguish good humoredly. "1 should be more than base to say falsely that sho had done anything so absurd," auld the countess Indignantly. "Where Is alio now?" ashed Lorry. "In her boudoir. The 1'rlnce Ireni Is with ber alone." "What!" bo cried, Jealousy darting Into his existence. He hud never known Jealousy before. "They are betrothed," auld she, with an effort. There was a dead silence, broken by Lorry's deep groan ns be turned and walked blindly to the oppo site side of the room. He stopped iu front of a huge painting nnd starcsl at It, but did not see a line or a tint. "You don't meau to say Blie ha ac cepted?" half whispered Anguish. "Nothing less." "Thiink (Sod, you are only a count ess," he suld tenderly. "Why why what difference can it make 1 niean, why do you say thnt?" she stammered, crimson to her hair. "Ilecuuse you won't huve to sell your self nt a sacrifice," be said foolishly. Lorry came back to them ut this Junc ture, outwardly calm and deliberate. "Tell us about It, pray. We bad guessed as much." "Out there are his people the wretch es!" she crlinl vindictively, her pretty face iu a helpless frown. "Today was the day yon know, u which he was to have his answer. He came and knelt In the audience chamber. All 1 1 rail stark had Implored her to refuse the hated offer, but she bade blm rise, and there, hefore us nil, promised to be come his bride. "The greatest sorrow (Iran-dark has ever known grows out of that decision. She Is determined to save for us what ber fnther'H folly lost. To do this she becomes the bride of a vile wretch, a mini who soils her pure nature when be thinks of her. Oh, we sought to dis suudc her- we begged, we entreated, but without avail. She will not sucrl Ihv one foot of (iraustnrk to save her self. See the triumphant smiles on their faces tlie brutes!" She pointed maliciously to the chattering visitors lu Die hull. "Already they think the castle thelt-N. The union of (iraustark and Axphiiln-Just w hut they most de snisl, but we could not make her see It so!" "Is the day set'.'" asked Lorry brave ly after a moment's silent Inspection of the dark browed victors. "Yes, and there Is to be no delay. The marriage contract has already been signed. The date Is Nov. 'o, tho day on which we are to account to Holaroz for our wur debt. The old prince's wedding gift to (iraustark Is to be a document favoring us with it ten yearn' extension," she said scorn fully. "And where Is she to live?" "Here, of isiurse. She is (!rausturk's ruler, and here she Insists on abiding. Just contemplate our court! (Hcrrun Willi those Axpliulu dogs! Ah, she lull wounded (iraustark more tbiin she has helpisl her." There was nothing more to be said or done, so alter a few moments the Americans took their departure. The countess bade them farewell, s.i) lug that she must return to the princes. "I ll sec .Vim tomorrow'," said An guish, w.ih rare assurance mid the air of nu old and Indispensable friend. "And you, Mr. Lorry?" she said curi ously. "I am very much occupied," he nitiin bhd "You do wrong In un king to deceive me," she w hisper,st as Anguish passed through the vhsir ahead of tlieui. "1 know why you do uot come." "Has she told you?" "I have Would that It could have boon you and not the oth er!" "One cannot Iw a man and n prime at the same time, I fancy," he su'.d bitterly. "Nor enu one be a princess uud a woman." Lorry recalled the conversation In the sickroom two weeks before nud smiled Ironically. The friendly girl left them at the door, and they passed out of the castle. "I shall leave Kdelwelss tomorrow," said ono. more to himself than to bn ... - ') .i'-s d 11, e p. .1:10.0. .1 M.trt and d-d n. t : :. I e iusi'a, tu. lv "' the , s;... is nl u.c s i,;,, A - ,e .. g 1 .01 ) :mu a, al j ,..: I Ut tho other lefus ,1 p, !l-! '' l'oni;:,v. "You vs. tht !;c that, tireu," aij I t til 1..I1 PASS, OREGON, MARCH 10, An"u!su a few moments later. "STie saw- me (ail your attention to her, aud ahe saw you refuse to look back. I don't think that you should have hurt her." Lorry d d i d resimnd. and there was no word between them until they were outside the castle guti-a. "You may leave tomorrow, Lorry, If you like, but I'm going to stay awhile," laid Harry n trilie confusislly. "Haven't JoU had enough of the place?" "I don't care n whoop for the place. You see, it's lids way: I'm Just us hard bit as you, and it Is not a princess that 1 have to roiit -nd with." j "You iii'isn that you are In love with the countess?" ( "KmplmtioiiHy." , "I'm sorry forycu." : "Think shi'll turn me down?" "t'nless you buy a title of one tf these miserable counts or dukes." , "Oh, I'm not so sure about that. These counts and dnkes come ovr nnd marry our American girls. I don't see why I can't step in and pick out a nice title coUiiKkb If I want to." "She Is not as avaricious ns the 1:1 V: 'if It VV . I W 1 Kj'.inis in d ol.. aires n'ibi::g 1 "Well, lie's House," -ia! 1 1 "'!':: counlo fci.ic.v?" I :; -!;. ii h"t n: ,t ( T, he l I J A-e tm-.l' : ml t'lc ll.: renoi t.:i. - I v- Vt--. t i, ci'i ' I v tr: li:..-. !.,T,,v ,,r .ietiou. be: there ic .v I'' i " :.;e. Hie h b . i n is .. . 1 to ! .ou Uji. : many of the e we kr i, a th:t t! 'Isli-ve S,'I ... . r : VI one-- I,-. ..uurul and hatipy. Ptin, the result of vv. a nlv -!i . ..-e, has marred hea i'.y ami undermine.! happiness. l'. Jlr. l-Ok WOMliN Viio c..v:ci- ir-s cyrK-i). V. .el.,- ', t-i. I v .a -: a third f a century of l r i e . ,' !e and , ' '." in : . s, a recori: fw:u :: no eate r l. . '.v 1'. i :! ,'.: .eases in. 1 iu il.'i-.i.; , .-. ... i . a rvcr nil. lie. .1. I'u i. . : .,' 1), : ;eice's !' l'f -n.! ' I'.i vvar l..n:.e, iu !-.,. ll legal ne ! y "i ft- . -.ii i. ' s .. r-!iv c el" I i; " i , .'.'i , I -i- ,V;,kn, .s, I'rel.i;i. v:i e or ha'!. oi ; . . .hicli tliev can not en' V: l;, v a i . .1 i at ;.ii.l reason able l:::.l ef '!i. u n; ..- a' . :.o- " ( t' r ' ' ' ht i: tinir 1 .... -.1 writ? ' 1 1 -. ii el . . .. iiTini i . , nt in . r.i. - . i '-.n' .- r : ,v,-'i. . i .orm- ' . '. - Vf. ll - : .1 i r, .t. V c. . 1 .'. ! 1 -a It. ah h .1 t..i w . l . muiio .,: i viil I -t :.-l -.'ire ...i.i' . ... : i.i ., It, ,;ih !. Int.- I',,' I.. .1 ...ulr v.-. i.-.-.l VV... . .tfr-inu Ull'l litiM-t fifii' .,io; th it :i iv.11.,1'1 I- '!ii!.)'.'l to; ll i.l . 'iiiii it ;. n .1 ' ir ; 1 ami filpt ' -...'.I li, t.. i ..i:,.t - . , nf (."1..C.' .I'-,-.., Aft. . I ... ... . .s, ,.( 'l .svetTIf 1' ' si t i.,1 1 .'. ' 1 I. '1 I' . ' .1 . i-w p,T S"U. 1:11111.1. :. .rsi ! . . ii.l : .( ..a el Cki teisr ne 1 i. t : . 1 :i If yon !. ki',.i i i-r a p' r'-'i I laxa tive try Dr. l'ierec'.s I i i. .ant l elli :a. The rcci nt (h ods in California b ive occ.isioni il h.utie loss nf Ijf... During the hrt high vva'er, two men were re orteil dinwiii.i in ti ii.utarii of tin' Klanuitii in SN!.iy ai county. Heme lime later, :i n eii, yet uniden tified, wus seen lining a lug in (lie Sacramento liver. 1!" was seen al Keiiiu t, at Keswick, at 1 tiding nnd at lied IWutr. He would c:i!l to the onlookers for lie!;., hut li e current was so swift that lie vvouid be nut ol siiil.t b, cou!.l g. falling th ther th as he ' surprisnl observers r wits. Ni.-Iit vvas '' mi . j t J i.t Red w as s i n i t him. liiow i d Llu'r and mi tuor He vvas doubt less A fivomt Kt'intriy for BaSci. lis .i."isant ta-te nave i:;;i,!e ( 'iianih. edv a fav.u ii,. vv :: ei.ll.llell ll .(eiel. nnl cold- .!,! jt ol p lentiii u ia or i in. nei s. It in t i .v le n giv - n as s ' ''.'.I a p. ,,rs, v 'a. 1,. I'or sale !. :nl 1 lompt cures s C ugh rein tilels of s null 1 - ; I', ir cough.. ' v danger s .i. colise- hut i reupv . tit liie iil ,:is:s. ;i'"'1' .v iS.-.( siiib- ' HO! FOH ST. LOUIS WILL YOU See I 1 IV T.I 1 t ) U vW IV K I s. tr i 3 i i m i-T I wA ' tote IWurf'i A t Ostler, ..f the Rockiei in Jdi!mn to the iitri.ti.mi at y. Uii. This n ouiv h d.n. k Sninj or returning via the u N n I V A L E D SCENIC ATTRACTIONS NEQUALLED DINING CAR SERVICE SURPASSED IN EFFORTS TO PLEASE Vine lor i:4 Third Slre.t uluviratcd bo.ikl.l ol Cooradoi tsmoui lijhti and rewrti MclllllDK (ieuci-iil A-nt 1 You Know liar Ytui Arc Taln j Ti:iit . Ns iri-t r,-i 11 4 U .t 11 ' v p .-1 a 1 I' i v Irt-n n'''i i.iunt ttt t U-if ion, Sit t'unr No, x-- .Sv. V:it- rni , Kountaiii 94- GUARDIAN'S SALE. Notice is hereby given that on t irdav, the 2".t!i day of March, 1J04, t the hour of 10 o'clock in the fore noon of said day at the front door or the Court Honse for Josephine t'ountv, Oregon, in Grant (Pass. Jre icii, J will offer for rale for rash to the highest bidder, the oudivided one-half interest of Mabel I. Smith, a minor, iu aud to l-ots in block iH of the town of Grants J ans, in Josephine County. Oregon, subject to tho claim of dower of Sarah fc. Smith. Dated Grants Pass, Ore., Febroary 23, ' 1,J"4' SARAH E. SMITH. I liuardian of thu estate of Mabel I 'Smith, minor XOTCE TO LABORERS MINERS. To all whom it may concern : AND Notice i i hereby given : That all those certain Placer mining claims, situated in Township .TJ, South; Range U west or the Willa mette Meridian nnd on the b ft hand i biinii of Josephine Creek, snd the j"Ulne Jay" on tho right hand hank, I iu the county of Josephine and State I of Oregon, ami lying between Fid !' Cnlrh. snd Dnvs Gulch, are 1 owned I v Edward Dailt y and David Hour. That said -Mining ctaims nic ludoir worked bv M. Murks, under uu iiu-eement iu the haturo of a Deed in hserow. Therefore, all labours aud miners are hereby notified that they are not m it led to a laborers lien on sum above described I ropi rty (mining claims. 1 cuder tho law. And w warn nil presons who are xvoiiung ici the said M. Marks, uot to attempt to tile liens airuinst slid nbn.e described minim? claims or titlitr of tin m we will contest nil or any li-ns, that mav bo filed on said chums. January .'Mill, i'.M. EDWARD DA I LEY, DAVID liOUil. Latjody Averted. "Just in tliu nick of time our lillie hoy was saved," writes Mrs. W. Walkius of Pleasant City, Ohio. "Pneumonia bad played sad Imvoc with him and a terrible couch set in b .sides. Doctors tre.ili d liim, but In grew worse every da v. At !. ngih we tried Dr. King's New Discovery for consumption, and our darling was suved. Everybody ought to know it's the only euro turn for coughs, coins and all lung discuses. Guaranteed by National Drug Store and Grants Pass Pharmacy. Price SOc ami $1.(10. Trial bottles free. T.ATVrT! A T'TTMTTfiATI I Original and only genuine Fkkni'ii T.v.nsy Warms for sale by leading drue-gists. j,o tier box. Safe and reliable. L Accept no substitute. BRIGHT'S DISEASE The largest mm ever paid lor a pre iciiption, chsnged hands in San I run eifco, Aus'. 30, lHOl. The iransler in volved in coin and slock $li:!,fii 0 1 and was paid by a party of business men for specific lor Bright's Disease and Dia lietes, hilberlo incurable diseases. They commenced ihn serieti" invesii. islion ol the Bpecitic Nov. 15, li"H) They intervieweii seines of t lie cured and tried it out on its merits by putiiug aver three dozen cases on the treu.meut nd watching them. Thev also got phy sicians to name chronic, incurable cases, Hid administered it (villi the physicians tor judges. Fp to Aug. 25, 87 per cent if the lest cases were eilher well or oreuressing favorahlv. There being but thirteen per cent ol failures, the parties were salisiied and closed the transaction. The proceeding of the investigating committee and the elini.-al reports of the test cases were pnhlisheil and ill he mailed free on ippheaiinn. AJd'ess John J . rri.roN Comi asv, 420 Moiitgomeiy St. San Kran cisco, t!al. 60 YEARS' EXPERIENCE 'fVn CCPVRtGH'ra iiC. Anrnnr flrnitng n tkt. h nnd ijp-criiiilo 1 nnt fjlll-'ltlt H.1t'tTNlrl f'llr t-lUMMIl IrfO f"t'M tT ItTI liiffiiiinn N pr.-tinl'lv i.ilf iMnl'li'. ( i-ii n,f . h'tW'"riMiitMiti,il, 1l'ii1tnk I . ,'i : 'it fn-ti. Ol Ion HL'fi 7 for n.'i'iitn, ii-Ul i I'ltctif tnkt'H tl.riitiL'ti MuiiTt A ( d. , lvu jyrruil Hunts', WMIKillt f!.rf. 1 . 1 1 - T K'Tl of Hliy ' 'I. .11.; MliiSJU Co.' lite;. ' It. 111 Mich Olll Is't MOTHERS and DAUGHTERS tiy H EX I CON A Tlie .Modern Kemedy for Women IlkMc.s v lins l uri d nine of lhe wor.t e.i-es OVARIAS AND UUulNE DISOCDEHS s i V e cnnriinlec a positive .'ure lor fiCiicoiT'lioca THE RE.MCONA CO. i'V Auusrs W , cud for I'.ooki San Ji f e, AUD THE WORLD'S FAIR OE THERE? 'ivfMJ LINE OF THE VORLD'' POtTLANO, OREGON v "J fKiSS ' . ll I I II R I II V Hi .ll i"4r:3 'nts Pass by W. A. Paddock. tomes, tom'' NOTICE OK FINAL SETTLEMENT. In The Coonty Court of The State of Oregon, For The county vi ioc phine. In the matter of the estate of j Johu P. Runan, deceaeca. ) Notice is hereby given that the final account of John ana aruu Smock, the executors of tho estate ol John P. R:mzan, deceased, has beeu rendered to said court lor seiriemei i,. and that a petition for a-Dual o'""- hution of the estate has neon meu mu said account, and that the 18th day of March, A. D. r.iO-1, at 10 o'clock, A. M . lias been duly appointed by said rourt for tho settlement of said ac count and hearing "lid petition at whicli time :-Iiy person interested in s.,iil estate nuiv ainn'iir and hie his exceptions, in tuid account, and contest thu same. Dated Fcbruurv P'.lh, IUO-1. JOHN RAN.AU. SARAH SMOCK, ' Executors. NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT. Tn (lie County Court of the State of Oregon, For tho County phiue. Iu the matter of the Estate) . ii i-i.. ......... of Jobc- OI IlOlilCU VJl:Mluei, . ceased. ) Notice is hereby given that the final account ( f 0. E. Harmon, tlio admin istrator ol tho estate of Horace Gns ti ni.r ih'CI use ri. has been rendered to said court for settlement, and that a petition for a final distribution cf the estate lias been filed with said account, and that thu 21st (lay of March, A. D. IU04, at 10 o'clock A.M.,hns been duly appointed by said court for the settle ment of mid account ami hearing suid petition, ut which tinieniiv person in terested in said estate may appear mil file his exceptions, in wiiiing. to said account, nnd contest tin1 same. Dated at Grunts Pas-, Ore., Leb. IS, ,t('4. C. K. HARMON, Administrator. NOTICE OF FINAL SETTEMENT. In the County Court for Josephine County, Oregon, tn the matter of t ho Estate of i Charles Lee Ellsworth, deceased. ) Notice is hereby given that the un dersigned, administrator of the above unified estate, has tiled iu Ki'd court, his final nccouni and the said court, Hon. J. O. Hooth, .Tndge, has ordered that notice thereof ho published in the Rogue River Courier, published nt Oiints Puss, Oregon, for tint period of four successive weeks and lias sel ThurMlay, .March 24, liiol, at the hour nf 10 o'chi"k a. ni. of said day as the time for settling said account, Slid all persons interested ill said estate are hereby notified to appear and pre sent their objections thereto, on or bo ore said date. Dated at Grants Pass, .Tosephim Contirv, Oregon, Fehruaiy 21, l'.K:4. J. E. PETERSON, Administrator. NOTICE OF FORFEITURE. Grants Puss, Oregon, Feb. 4, lilOl. To S. J. Paul : You ure hereby untitled that the undersigned, Frautu Novotny has ex-peml'-d during the veur ending De cember HI, I'.ml, One, llumlrid Dol lars in labor ami improvements on each of the following dest ri bed mill mg claims, to-vvit : Tlie Iron Horse Quart-. Mining Claim situated in Wolf Creefe ( nnrr giniz'.d) Mining District, Josephim County, Oregon, tlie location notice ol which vvas on March 111, 1!KK), filed for n cord w ith tiie County Clerk for , hine County, Oregon, ami tin anie now appears of record iu Volume 1:1 of Miuiug Records ol Josephine County, Oregon, nt page 831 thereof. Also that quart, mining claim known as tin; Climax, situated in thr Wolf Creek (unorganized) Mining District, Josephine County, Oregon, the location notice of which was mi June la, 11)00, lilc.l for record iu tho ottice of the County Clerk for Jose phine County, Oregon, ami the sami now appears it record in Vol. 12 Mining Records of Kltj,i County at page 11)0 thereof. Also the Dutchman Q-iartz. Mining Chiiu: situated in Mt. Reuben (unnr gauizuli Mining District, Josephine County, Oregon, as particularly de scribed in the location notice thenof tiled itt the ollice of the County Clerk for .Tospehine County. Oregon, June .'i, ra n, nun tun same now uppears of record in Vol. H of Mining records 01 sum ( ountv tit page 142 thereof. That 1 expended the mom vs afore said on said mining claims under the provisions of section -j.-fji ,,f ,M. p.,.. vi a d Statutes of tlie I'nind States and the amendment thereto, approved lantiaiv :, ISSi), concerning annual labor 011 mining claims, the rums so pcn led 011 each of said claims being tlie annual usse.-Kuient and representa tion work thereon, and tlie amount re quired to hold each of said mining claims for the period ending Decern, her 21, P.HlJ. You are further untitle ii (hat if within nin. ty days from lhe time i f personal s. rvice of this notice uin vou, or within ninety devs alter tin first publication hi reof vou fail ,ir refuse to contribute your ptn tion of such expenditure as co-owner, to-wif one-half thereof, your interest in eacli of said claims will 1. n ,1... ,,r. , ... I.- ,,r ,1.. 1 , 1 1 !".. " oe uiio. rs.gneit, vour co- I owner, who has ::!,. the expenditure (fjjre.iun-cd 111 accni, lance with the rc- 11 I"' '"is or 11, e :aw in sue!; I cases ' mane ami provided. FRAXTA No V( IT NY Co-owner. 33.50 to $tQ0 ., mocoio, to. DISCS Ton Inch $1 each, $t0 a dozen CYLINSZRS BLACK SUPn-f:ARDENED COLUMBIA MOULDED RECORDS 25 CENTS EACH, $3 A DOZEN Bran Much no durublm CcZum&Q Phonograph Co. ! i I r, Cream Bait mis Ko.iieay ia p Specif!, t Sure to Clve a?!r.'nni.' I ll0PC GIVE3 RELIEF AT CNCt, I It cleanses, aoolhes, heal-, mi.t reo.. f diseased mcufor.iue. It c.r. ii!ta..'j: drives away a C M iu tin lle-.dr.''" Restores t.'ia I'j'wmo! Tit to Easy to use. (.' ::.t.tiuj no i j n;.,im. Applied inio tlj' n-.i,t:ii a el i.;v-..! Lnra iaz- T I cc-itj at i,..i .i,r;; In. if''-.. :, Id ccite . i..j.i Ely BoOTBEns. i ; ' :L To Cure a OnltTln a D. j Take Laxative Ilromo (jutnine Ti I All druggists refund the money if. to cure. K. W. urove s tignatiut .' each box 25c. Rlue Print Paper by the yard a at tho Courier office. AND Three Trains to the East D; Through Pullitian Htanrinrd and wlceitiii ciir(iriily to Utnnhti, Cliicap kmiu; tourist nleeiiii cars ilnily tu kt City ; through 1'ulliiian tourist (lir curs (iwrnuiiully rmulucted) weeklytr,-. rat?, Kanvftx "t'itv; reclining thii'f sidta free) to the Kiut dully. j, HOURS PORTLAND TO CHICAGO rio change ol cars. for J Froin Portland n T'liicngu Salt Lilhu, DcnvorrFt; Portland. Worth, Omaha. Special 1:1") a. in. via Hunt ingtnii. Atluntic. Kx press p. m. via Hunt ingtnii. Kausus City, St. Louis, Chicago and, ilast. -L Salt Lake, Delivers t: v'n( u 1 1 1.,, I 1 I . ti ui 1111, vyiiitiiii f Kaiwis Citv, St-1 9.0 Louis. Chicago' II ml Kast. i I St. Paul AVa'Ifa Walla, XewTs: I t Fast Mail! ton, Spokane, Wul- -7:4o .m.j lace. Pullimin, Min-8.H'i via ncapolis:, St. Puul.j j ipoliaue. Dululll. Milwaukee,' ;. Chicago and East.: Ocean anil Itiver Scheilolr , For San Francisco Every live air-' p. 111. For Astoria, way noinUi undh Heach Daily (except Sunday) at Hp--iiliirtiuy at IU p. 111. Daily s'ervicea. perniiiiing) 011 Willamette and Vs. rivers. . For further information ask or wrik ' nearest ticket a-eiit. or A. L. CRAIG, ! (ienerai I'asseneer Air 1 lie Oregon bullion.! ik Navifjua Portland, Oregon. ASK TIIE AGENT Ft TICKJ3TS: VIA TO SPOKANE, ' ST. FAUL, DULUTH, MINNEAPt. CHICAGO, AND ALL POINTS KAST 1 TJtAirsX UAII.Y fast rri3ii.: XHW Kyi II'MK.NT TIIKOt GHtr liy Coaches, I'nluoo and Tr Sleepers, I)liiluK anil Huff. Mnnkiiie Idhrary Cars. . Ia)llilit trip throuith the Cse,' and ltocky Mountains, For full particulars, rates, foMcri.' call on or address ' 11. DICKSOX, c. r.i I'M Third Street, Portland S. G. YLUKLS, O. W. P.J fi:2 Kiri-t Avenue geaitle. lit r0PEG9' p Shouts Trta Carhvphonm rr.producma k,da ct mumlo r.ot ,ccoarjr (o lm to oUj, an. play any Inmtrummnt .4 4; 'i-'wajrasri Slj. $30 COLU.VntA RECORDS nt ny m. of Talking mreAfa. qua j v,eery street, SA FRAVCISCO, CAl. For StUe in Gmntc: . UtsamWmkVB - "ss "v vv. A. Paddock.