Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927, March 10, 1904, Image 1

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No. 50.
Here are a few Iliirgains for n short time only.
No. 183 280 acres about ten mile from Grant Pass, 70 acres in
cultivation, about 12 acres in alfalfa, 100 acres fenced; . (rood frame ton
room dwelling house, two large barns, carpenter and black.-iuith shop,
fruit dryor and all necessary outbuildings; six acres of orchard, all va
rieties of fruit; good water riht; a No. 1 spring that will afford all
water needed for house use. All land not in cultivation covered with
good timber. 1'riee Improvements worth the amount asked.
No. 171 10O acres three miles from city: pood sized orchard; snail
barn and chicken house; living water; about 40 acres fenced: large
quantity of timber. Price S1UU0.
Lote from 1 to 12, Iilot-k 92, Riverside Addition, t0 to STo each,
Payments, $10 down, to per month. Title guaranteed.
Call on or address
..Headquarters for Real Estate.
OlBccon E Street, between Fourth and Fifth Streets,
The Rosebud Bakery
30 5g Bread Tickets
6th St. nxt
i' L. R WEB8TEP, Fhksidknt.
The Southern Oregon
Title Guaranty & Abstract Company
Title lOxiiiiiliicil, I'erPooleil, tJiiuriintiM-U.
A. S. HAMMOND, Attohnky.
! Grants Pass Banking & Trust Co.
. Transacts a General ltnnkini; Im-ineas.
' Receives deposits subject to check or on deuiand certificate.
Onr cuMomen are assured of courteous treatment and every consideration con
' latent with sound banking principles.
Safety deposit boxes for rent. J. Kit AN K WATSON, Pres.
1!. A. HOOT 11, Vice -Pres.
I I,. JKWKU., Cashier.
The First National Bank
k." 1
;Hf Keceive deposits sulqect to check nr on certificate payable on demand.
r Sells )Kt drnftx cm New York San Krancico, anil 1'ortiaud.
., Telegraphic transfers sold on all points in the Cuit.-it Mule.
(Special Attention uuen lo Collections and gi-urral business of our cu-tniners.
' Collections made throughout Southern Oregon, and on all accessible points.
1(. A. l'.OOTII. Pres.
" J. C. CaMI'IH'.I.I,. Vice Pres.
. ; II. I,. (,II.I;i:Y, Ca-lmr.
if '. I ktafk
t m t r v-a
- 1 tr-S,
?jt . . .......... 1 HllHIIii aV' T ..f
''n1 All work, la strictly lint class and "
i?W IIKFLINt; V (SOL'Ll), tirmitss I'iikw. Ore.
Double Cylinder
Makes Good Permanent Uoails
Gravel or Rock.
No road can be made lasting without Steam
Road Rollers.
I Send for catalog. 1 I
-5 -BP-
- Buffalo Pitts Company,
1 Portland, Oregon.
to Coe. K
$rn,ooo 00.
1 ' ,ri m.
Blue Front Shop
South Sixth Street
t t t
Gcno;al lilacksniitliing
Scientific Horseshcers
Mlninx Twil Wirl.-rrs
Road Roller
3 1 gaBB'rrs3aaa&g5saeKg
g B Front Street, west Palace hotel j I
I sells
opp. Opera House.
Assay Office
Silver, Copper, Lend, fl each.
Gold and Silver, $1.
Bought and KeGucd for Dental Trade.
Each und every assay dime with the
idea that it may bu checked.
Masonic Temple, Rooms 2 & 4
Grants Pass,
'Phone 633
A T TO K N K Y - A T 1 , W ,
("indices in all Slate an.! Federal Courts
Oliiceover First .National i'.ank.
i Hants Pass,
Full flf:sortnient of Wiih lics, (Melt., Sil
V(?rwnro ami JcHi'lrv, ti-ioj
a-?HrlmiMit of llriirlt ls inn!
Heart lfiiii,;',
ijlemnnn' Drug Store.
I'llONS 21
( iinnlure mid Piano
The popular barber &hop
Get your tonsorial work done at
On Sixth Street Three chairs
Path room in connection
Dry 1 ft inch Heater and Cook
Stove Wood or 4 foot wood, if
desired, can lie had
hy leaving orders ;t the Stiar
Pine Stoie or the Detuarec
Music House or by addressing
Grants Pass, Ore.
CGotziah Ct CoJ
ST. PA. LI Li. ;
. .1 ...
Needles rviirs and fuinlies for
all nuit-n of win nia hines at the
Whiio wwing mai In no ag-ucj Hair-
Kiddle Hardwire Co.
i 7 t ..
About Ons
J. S. Elder, W. M. Masters, Clyde
Ilurtlerodo aud Chas. Bacrrai have
returned from Christmas lake, where
tlvoy went to afciu sheep. They ouly
succeeded in saving abont 1000 pelt'.
as some of the sheep had been torn by
coyotes and others covered with anow
and could not be fonnd. The boys
think the number of sheep killed lias
been overestimated.
After three days travel by way of
Thousand spring, Christinas lake aud
the old Yroka trail, wo were com
fortably located 0 miles northwest of
Christmas lake and 20 mik'8 north of
Silver Ink 11, near a small batte sur
rounded for miles by juniper timber.
This butte is very rough and rocky
with small canyons in which the
sheep were cornered and stayed by the
hundreds. Most of the 1000 or possi
bly UuO were shot
Clubs of juniper were also used,
cnt from the near-by trees, the az
used iu cutting having been stolen
from the sheep camp. The-e clubs
wore about four feet long aud four
luetics at t lie big end, the bark all be
ing worn otT from violent use. As
many as eight or 10 clubs were found.
The first placo sheep were killed
was tho extreme, sou thorn part of the
butto at which place about 30 wore
in one. pile ou about one-half acre of
Sheep wero scattered promiaeously
for tho next quarter of a mile north,
when suddenly onp comes upon a pile
of about t',00 ou less than one acre.
then within 103 feet, jnst over a
small rimrock, another lot of 200 or
800 am scattered fur 200 yards to tho
iierders camp ground, at tho point
where the nincacro started. Here
were about CO which never got off tho
The herder was visited by one of tho
men jnst at dark and told to stay iu
his tent till daylight the next morn
ing wh?n ho conld start for Silver
lake. The ammunition belonigng to
the sheep camp had beeu stolen some
days previous to tho awful work
such no man can imagine uuless ho
could see.
Many of the sheep were only crip
pled, having their legs broken.
.Most of these were killed by the
owners two days after tho slaughter.
Many of the sheep wore torn pretty
badly ly coyotes, thousands of which
are iu evidence. Paisley Post.
More Rioti.
Disturbances of strikes are not
nearly as gravo as an individual dis
order of tho system. Overwork, loss
nf sl'cp, nervous tension, will be fol
lowed by ntter colhpso unless a ro
liable remedy is immediately env
ployed. There's nothing so efficient
to euro disorders c f the Liver or Kid
neys as Electric Hitters. It rtistiels
ncvousness, rheumatism and neuralgia
and expels uiulurin germs. Only 60c
and saiisatetion guaranteed tiy Nation
al Drug Store aud Grants Pass Phar
Heavy Los
to Stock
Hi-ports from Kluiuath conutj are
to tho effect that the hay famine has
reached the expected crisis and that
thorn without hay who wero uuuhlu
to sell or get their livestock out of
tho country arc, now seeing thorn dio
A limn who two weeks ago drove a
I11111I of horses from Langell vulley to
Honaiizn a distance of 13 miles
counted tho carcuKKcs of 100 horses
tlmt had starved to death. A private
letter nceiveo this week iu Ashland
detailed a number of owners who
wero losing horses rapidly. The
weather since the 'Irst of January has
In en quite severe and is such as to
huMcn the death rule.
H:iy hits reached ill) per ton but
there is not enough to feed all the
stock and the continuous stormy
weather is adding to the death rate.
I lie Indians will also prove heavy
losers as their winr grass liny not
very nouri hing at best is extremely
Should the stormy weather con
tinue, the lnuiil r of di ad horse
alone may reach lonOor l.'iOO. Valley
Working Overtime.
Klglit hour laws are ignored by
those tireless little workers Ur.
King's New Life l'ills. Millions are
alwars at work, night and day, cur
ing indigestion, bilousuess, constitu
tion, siek lieaduche and all stomach,
liver and Ixiwel troubles. Kasy,
I'linnnnt, safe sure. Ouly 2 at
National Drug btore and Orants 1'ass
C.'hauucy W. l'arktr, a miner resid
ing in Ashland, was very seriously
injured Friday night by su explosion
of dynamite at tho Urowler, a (juartz
property on Wagner creek. A fuse
which he had lighted not prodaciug
the explosion as soon as expected,
Parker rituriud to re-light it, when
the dynamite exploded. l'arker
tulTtrcd a broken arm aud a dislocated
kin 0 and his eyes and face were filled
with suud aud powder. J. H. Gilder-
sleeve, who hurried to Parkers' assist
ance was caught by a shot that went
off a few wconils later. He was hur
led backward a dittauce of 10 feet
or more but was not seriously iujured.
II Svj Mil U.
V. A. Dunfnrth of La Grange, Ga.,
o tiered for six months with a fright
ful running sore on his leg; but writes
that liucklen's Arnica Salve wholly
enred it in fire days, ror ulcers.
wounds, inic,ita the best salve Iu the
wot Id. Cure guarauierd. Ouly 2":.
Sold by National Drug Store and
Grants I'ass Pharmacy.
Money for the Enterprise Raised
In (he East.
Milo P. Ward, iu a recent Interview
with a Telegram reporter, haa given
out the following welcomo Informa
tion concerning the Rogue river line
ditch :
"Business conditions iu the east
have improved greatly in the last two
mouths,' say Mr. Ward, who has
been in Indianapolis, Iud., for the I
past nine mouths.
"Especially is this true of mining
Investments, which are attracting at
teutiou throughout tho financial
oenters of the country. "
Mr. Ward has spent nearly a year
in the endeavor to float the Gold Hill
high-lire ditch company, in which he
is heavily interested, at Gold Hill,
in Southern Oregon, of which he says :
'Within the past two months,
money matters have shown a marked
improvement. For three months be
fore that time, finances were very
shaky, and it was difficult to secure
financial aid for any enterprise ; but
the recent advance In Wall street has
aided me in carrying out my project
to a successful termination.
"Tho amount of money involved in
the enterprise is close to 1 1.000,000,
and means much to Gold Hill and
Southern Oregon; both from a niinlug
aud agricultural standpoint The
ditching will be used to convey water
for placer mining as well as for irri
gation. The ditch, when completed,
will bo nearly 100 miles long, and
will be used for placering a bed of
gravel, which has proven very rich ;
but ou account of the Inability to get
water 011 the ground, 'has lain idle,
and very little development has been
'It is now the iuteutiou of the
company to begin active operations
and push this big enterprise to a suc
cessful finish.
"I was more than pleased at the
change of sentiment that has taken
place in the central Btates relative to
mining investments, aud the good
fueling that exists; especially as re
gards Gold Hill and Southern Oregon.
The industry is now looked upon with
much favor, sluco many business men
are drawing dividends from the pay
ing mines of the west, aud look upon
mining as safo Investments. "
Mr. Ward Is now in Gold Hill plan
ning future operations. He is one of
the firm of Davidson, Ward & Com
Civu hulth, Vigor and Ton.
Herblno is a boon for sufferers from
aiieamia. By its use the blood is
quickly regenerated and the color be
comes normal. The drooping strength
is revived. The langour is diminish
ed. Hen 1 tb, vigor aud tone predomi
nates. New life and happv aotivity
results. Mrs. Belle. Shirel,' Middlci
borough. Ills., writes: "I have been
troubled with liver complaint and
poor blood, and have found nothing to
benefit mo like Herblne. I have
wished that I had known of it in my
husband's lifetime." 600 at Slovur
Drug Co,
Jackson County Resident Takes
Lively Interest In War,
Mr. John Develiu of Applegato was
in Jacksonville Wednesday, says the
Sentinel. Mr. Develiu takes lively
interest iu the Japanese-Hussinu war
for ho is au old uiau-of-wara man
himself, serving threo years aud three
mouths iu tho United States uuiy In
tho early 'GOs. Ho served for two
years Iu the American bast Indian
squadron and was a blue jacket on the
Sao Jacinto, a steam frigate of HI
guns and having a crew of 850 uien
and 40 mariues, and which was one
of the crack fltihting shliis of Uucle
Sam's navy. The squadron was au
dor the command of Commodore Arm
strong, who succeeded Commodore
Perry, the American ollloer who for
ced Japau to open her ports to foreign
trade aud thus paved the way for the
wonderful progress that that remark
able peoplo have made. Iu ISTiS Com
modore Armstrong called at Yokaho-
ma with his squadron having aboard
the Sun Jacinto Consul General Har
ris, the first representative of the
United States to the court of Japan,
and who was escorted toTckio by a
detachment ot marines aud blue
jackets. Mr. Develiu was not with
the urty that visited the Mikado's
capitol, but he saw much of the
Japanese aud he has great faith iu
their fighting qualities, and as sailors
he thinks that they will rank very
close to American or Iiritish tars. Of
the outcome of the present war Mr.
Develiu is of the opinion that the
Japs will be the victors.
Indamitory khcunutlira Cured.
William Shaffer, a brakeman ol
Deuuison, Ohio, was confined to his
bod for several weeks with iutlam
matory rheumatism. "I used many
remedies," he says. "Filially I sent
o MeCaw's drug store for a bottle of
Chamberlain's Palo Halm, at which
time I was unable to use hand or foot,
and in one weeks' time was able to go
to work as happy a a clam. " r or
sale by all druggists.
Attorney K M. Calkins is iu Glen
dale today, and is representing the
defendant in the justice court in s
salt entitled Brad Kadcllffe vs. Fred
Hartley. The latter is a Southern
Pacific trainman of AiliLand. Bad-
cliffo had garnished the defendant's
wages due from the railroad com
pany, to secure payment of an alleged
Dili, 1110 items 01 wDicti ran overs
period of two years. Inasmuch as the
bill is for liquor, aud as during part
of the time the alleged sales occurred
when Ashland was "dry," the trial
of the case is expected to hare some
interesting features. Tidings.
Japanese Are Familiar With
the Country.
Iu its campaigns iu Korea and Mau-
ohuria, Japan will be fighting on its
old battle fields. Less than 10 yoars
ago a victorious Japanese army fought
its way northward np the Korean
peninsula aud then turned southward
to the capture of Port Arthur.
Iu the spring of 181M, Chiua, on the
invitation ot Korea, seut soldiers
there to suppress an insurrection.
Japan objocted and on July 25th hos
tilities began by the toriiedolug of a
transport carrying 1700 Chinese sol
diers off the Koreau coast Several
minor naval engagements followed
and August 1st war was formally de
clared. Meauwhilo both powers were
transporting troops to Korea. Japan
landed 80,000 men at Chemulpo and
10,000 at Fusan, at the extromo south
eastern point of the peninsula. Chiua
massed a force ou the northern bound
ary of Korea, at the mouth of the
Yaln river. This army then marched
100 miles south to Ping Yang. Iu
September 84,000 Chinese woro bo
sieged in that town by 40,000 Japa
nese. The place was carried by as
sault, the Cliinesa losing heavily.
A few days later a Chinese squadron
oonveylng transports to Northern
Korea, was discovered by a Japanese
fleet of about equal streutli under
Admiral Ito and was defeated after a
desperate fight in the famous battle of
Yaln river. Tho Chinese force con
sisted of two small battle ships and
six armoured cruisers, besides gunboats
and tordepdo craft. Admiral Ito had
no battlo ships, but ho had five
oruiBors, superior in power to the
Chinese vessels. The horror ot the
battlo exceeds that of any recent sea
fight The Chinese ships wore soou
disabled aud sot ou fire aud surgeons
hurried about tho decks killing the
wounded with prussio sold to save
thorn from burning alive. So eager
wero the men to bo put ont of misery
that they strotchod out their arms to
the hypodurniio needles and begged
for the injection. Five of tho Chluese
ships wore lost aud about 2000 men
wero killed. The Japanese lost 200
mon but no ships.
Aftor the capture of Ping Yang, the
Japanese pushed slowly northward
conveying their Mold guns with dilll-
oulty through the mountains. Tiny
reached tho Yalu river late in Octo
bor aud thou fought their way across
Manchuria. Meauwhilo the Mikado
had lauded 80,000 men near Port
Arthur, which was defended by a gar
risou of 20,000 Chinese. A part of
the Japanese Koreau force turned
south and helped iu tho capturo of
Port Arthur, which fell lute Iu
November. Thf rest of tho invading
army passed ou toward Niunhwang,
au Important trading city on the road
to Peklu, and ouly about 8M) miles
from tho capitol. Further to weaken
the Chinese defense, a third Japanese
force was transiiorted to Woi-hai-wei,
the naval station across the struits
from Port Arthur. This fell in Feb
ruary after a siegu and tho destruc
tion of four warships iu the harbor by
Japanese torpedo boats.
The next month China anted for
peace, liy the treaty of Shimoueseki,
tho Pekiu government guaranteed tho
dependence of Korea, cudi d lower
Manchuria to Japan aud agreed to
rny an indemnity of 120 million dot
lars. Had this treuty stood, the tires-
nt war might havo been averted.
On the pretext that Japanese occupa
tion of Manchuria vould menuuee
Korea and China, Russia insisted
that Japan cede hack the prnviuco and
accept an indemnity. Two yoars
later the Czar's forces occupied the
territory and took possession of Port
rthur. The resentment which this
action aroused iu Japan undoubtedly
helped to bring 011 hostilities this
Build a Tempi of Quaint
Tho Siamese National Pavilion st
the World's Fair is a reproduction of
a Biamose tcmplo at liangkok, Siam.
It is lib fuet square and stands just
west of Mexico's building. The arch,
itecturo is charactsristlu of Slain.
The building Is iu the tho shupu of a
cross. It is crowned by a high pitch
ud roof with a concave rlilgu pole like
tlioso ou Chinese pavilions. This
ridge po'e is terminated by the point
ed oruameut which is seen ou the
temples of Slam. Each wing of the
building has three gables which rii-e
oue above the other.
The structure stands iu tho center
of the reservation aud a typical
Siamese garden surrounds it Two
tall flagpoles stand at the entrance to
the rsservatiou. They are paint, d
red and are crowued by tho Siaines
goug" In gilded metal. The roof
is of felt, marked at the laps by zig-
lag lines of big brass washers.
The interior is Iu one aptrtmeut ex
cept a small room, 14 by 2:1 feet,
used as the executive ottlco. Ko posts
obstruct the interior view. The roof
Is carried on Siamese trusses of pe
culiar construction, paiuted red and
stenciled with gold ornaments.
In the staff d 'orations, the Siamese
is nsed ss a motif. The elephant is
the beralulo aulmal of Slain. The
Siamese flag being a white elephant
on a red Held.
Insure your homo iu the O. F. H.
A. aud by becoming a member, share
in the profit. fllH,n:i(i saved to Iti
merubers In I901S. Address, Hec'ytl.
K. K. A. McMinvllle, Ore., or If. 11.
Hendricks, U rants Pass, Agent lor
Josephine Co,
Homes Furnished Complete
Our NEW GOODS are charged with
QUALITY at a prico that gives to tho term
BARGAIN its fullest meaning.
New Carpets
New Wall Tapers
New Portieres
NCW TapestriCS Couch Coverings
by the yard.
New Linoleums
Pillows and Pillow Slips
for the Camp and Trail.
A Good DIG COMFORT for $1.35.
Como and seo tho now goods.
Quito b. Gathering at tho
School Building.
The mothers' mooting held at the East
school building Wednesday, Feb. 24th,
was the first of a series planned by a
committee from tho Women's Club ot
this city to be liuld at intervals during
the spring term at the several depart
ments of our public schools. About 35
of the mothers wero present and partici
pated in a discussion of the subject uf
A continuation of those meetings can
not fail to have a salutary influence on
all concerned ; and ill in time, as the
meetings become well organized, and
teachers and parents become acquainted
with each other's methods, euch taking
up the thread of discipline and character-building
where the oilier luavts off,
and with the assurance of each other's
sympathy and f ncouragemont. bear rich
No formal program was adhered to
for the first afternoon. Huperintmidont
Young welcomed tho mothers and as
sured them o( the appreciation and
pleasure felt by the teachers at their
presence, and the Interest und sym
pathy manifested as to their efforts on
behalf of the children. Ho also gave
them a pertinent illustration ol the ap
parent lack ol Interest frequently shown
by parents as to the school lilo of thuir
children j too often allowing It to be
entirely secondary to soeliifand business
life. For instance, we would not lor an
instant entrust our household duties,
the managemoiit of our property or busi
ness even tho stock on our (arms, lo the
entire care of strangers without our fre
quent superintendence and thought ;
yet, with startling Inconsistency, we will
relegate the training and development
of our children mentally, morally aud
pi ysirally for the lurger portion ol the
day during nine mouths ol tho year, to
strangers, without s thought, or occa
sional visit.
Mrs. Hoy Wilson favored the mooting
with a zither solo, alter which the teach
ers and mothers discussed the subject ol
"punctuality," the great Importance ol
instilling tlmt principle, tho bearing
that such principles havo on sucrocs In
life, and the responsibility that parents
and teachers mutually sustain In the
It was veiy apparent that thore pre
sent fully realized their responsibility
and were ready to assist and sustain
each other in the discharge olit.
A larger attot dunce is hoped for at
the future meetings. Tho subjects (or
lifCiission will be announced later.
Mastodon Skeleton Worth $50.
000 Unee.rllted.
The complete form of a mastodon
was round at Hillside, on (Quartz
Creek Saturday according to a dis
patch to the Tost'Intclligcuccr from
Dawson. It was imbedded HS feet'in
the earth when found aud it m et Sul
fated the usn of a steam thawiup
plant to lineal th tho liiimenwi animal.
The hair and the skin of the beast
ara in a jicrfcct statu of preservation,
although the flesh is soiucw hit d oiii
posed, and the big tusks, which re
uiaiiied fastened to the skull, aro in
good condition. It is said the skel
ton Is worth alxiut ,, as there
are but one or two of them In exist
ence in this condition. Three men
llerson, Hwanson und Herter discov
ered the mastodon. It was buiieil in
au old channel and well Iu the znm
of almost pcrpetunl frost, which ac
counts for tho good shape it is iu.
Proptr Trcstmtnt of Pneumonia.
Pneumonia is too dangerous a dis
ease for anyone to attempt to duotoi
himself, although he may have the
proper remedies at hand. A phyii
ciau should always be calleiL 1
should be boron In uilnd, however,
that pneumonia alwavs results from a
cold or from an attack of tho grip
and that by giving Chambetlain'
Cough Kemedy tho threatened attack
of pneumonia may be warded off.
This Dr. W. J. Smith, ot Handel s.
Ala., who is also a drnggist, says of
It: "I have born selling Chamber
lain's Cough Kcmcdy and prescribing
it in my practice for the st six
years." Sold by all druggists.
xxx. r. z. n. column"!
tAA mymwfciwwMfcmMWM miimmJ
ThoW. C. T. U. will meetattlio
home of Mrs. Lee Calvert ou Friday,
March 11th, at 8:30 p. m.
Archbishop Ireland says that of the
400 saloou keepers iu Minneapolis,
uot 0110 is a Catholic, and adds that
men must get out of the saloou busi
ness, or get out of the Catholio
Local Option In Oregon.
Tho initiative petition for a local
option bill received 8H10 signatures,
or 1B0O uioro than was required by
This means that the people will
have an opportunity to vote upon the
bill lu Juno ; aud if it receives the
majority of tho votes cast it will be
enacted into a law, giving to the state
local option by precincts, wards aud
counties. It will apply to precincts
whsther within or without iuoorpor-
ted towus and cities. The people in
any locality can call for a Tote next
November, and 011 the first of January
ullowiug tho legal salo of all intoii-
eating liquors will cease within the
territory which declares itself for
prohibit lou.
This Is tho first bill present" d to
the peoplo for their suffrage by iultla-
ivo petition.
It is very important that all friends
of tho cause reglstor at once, that
they may be entitled to veto. Also
that they secure a copy of the bill
from thuir county . clerk for thoir
study. Free copies can be secured
after 1st of March, 0110 for each votor.
See that your neighbors have ons.
Tho prohibition party as well as the
Ant-saloon league are committed to
the bill aud working iu perfect accord
for its passago. (J. L. Tufts,
Hnpt. State Anti-Saloon League.
Creed of Christian Patriotism.
I believe that human governments
ire ordained of Qod, aro bouud in all
their acts by His law, are ossential to
human welfare and are, thorefore, to
bu loyally upheld.
I believe that Christ's law, "Ren
der unto Caesar the things that are
Caesar's," binds mo to the intelligent
iud faithful performance of my full
luty as a
I believe that duty iuolndes tho fol
lowing :
The payment of all taxes justly as
sessed against me.
The study of the questions to be de
cided at the polls.
The knowledge of the several po
litical districts In which I reside, and
the records of thu several candidates.
To register and vote aud to exert a
IMisitlvu Influence at every general
iud primary election, so far as I may,
for tho triumph of righteous uien
mil measures.
To tako an active Interest in public
itTairs and iu my country's history
mid welfare.
Thus believing, everywhere aud
ilways, tho first affections of my
heart and the first labor of my hands,
next to that due to Christ's world
wide Li nudum, shall be my country's.
Do you wunt the best located res
taurant lu the city? Terms easy,
price right. J. D. Drake, O St., bo
tween 7th and Htli Hts.
Absolutely Pun)
' if