Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927, January 28, 1904, Page 4, Image 4

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- . i
fopwIgM, rml. hv ItrrWrt 8. Stone
tu u vail ii.jn-lf Of their liivlla
lived In E.lcl-
Chapter 1 (Jrchfall Lurry, n
wealthy American globe trotter,
fit n in IjIi into acjuniiitaiicc with n
charming foreign i:irl on the train
from Denver to Washington. Tin
pair nrn li it behind when tlm lli.-i
slops for ri iaiiH in West Virginia.
l.npt.r II Lorry wires nheml to
liolil tlm train, llu out tlm utiknown
gin rule twenty miles at. a t . ;i r i u k
jiiioi In a moantaiu coach. Tin ru is
no lovun liking, but n near approach
to it as tho rolling stage tumbles the
Imhwiikith alioot. (.'Iiiij t r III lorry
(linen with tlm foreign party, consist
1 li K of Mihh Guggonslockcr, L'nelu (as
j r and Aunt Yvonne, They urn n..
tivos of Ornustark, a count ly loity
liail never liranl of before, t.'lmiti r
IV. Lorry shows Hid Ion ium in tlm
Night of Washington. J hey leave
for New York to nail on the" K.-ils.-r
Wlllmlni. Mi Ha Uugg. -nslnrker naively
call Lorry her "ideal American"
mid "nvitna him to come and sec Ik t
lit Lilelweiss. Chapter V Wildly in
fafuiited, Ixirrr hurries to x'.w York.
Tim name (iuggciiHliii kcr in not on (lie
steamer lint, iln Hi ex tlm steamer
off. M iss O. waves liiui u kiss from
the deck.
A short, grizzly fiieed Minn, ntlln 1 In
a white uniform with red trlmniliiK,
followed liy threo men hliuiln rly
(riirhed. nli I'.v, uoliiir In the illici t ii.ii
of the Dnnulinit, us Silk had
Hilled III III. was Ijllile HIllllll lii mature.
rather Hloiit, (,-ray heiinted end eali
nowd. II In f.iep wim keen nnd red and
not nt nil the kind to Invite familiarity
A lie passed them the railroad iriiard
of Amerlfiin dtlzetihln teiiehed hi"
cup, nnd tlm two tnivclerw houe.
whereupon the chief of pollen uav
them n must profound Kalutalmii. fair
ly KwvcphiK hlx Hailille Nklrhi with hl
whlli! cap.
"I'ollte old codger," ohserved An
"IllH company timnii 'r. JuhI le( hhu
get you In do awcat hex If you fink
lio polite."
"Kv-cr Iwen there V"
"Well," n llttli. confuKlly, "I past
a UruiiKljirk liairKiiKO hiiiiimIht iluwn In
do yurils two weeks iiko, mi' (ley had
tun tip. I proved lie feller liiHiilted n
lady, nil' old IiiiiikIumh let me off, nay
In I'd ought to have n tneihil. Desu
Kiiyn are Rrent on iilhintry when la
llli'H l COIleeriled. If (t llllllu'l lieen fel
llut, I'd he In de lockup now. An', Kay
yon ought to nee de luekuii! It s n low
cr, wld duiitfcoiix nn' nil (hit wnt of
t'lntf. A tniiii couldn't no inure get out
n ho could lly up to de monastery.
I'ey'ro irrent on law an' order here too.
1'e prim chs him Ixuiied Hlrh tesl kind of
rules, nn' ovoryhody has to live up to
'cm like ns If dey was real gospel. 1
fought I'd put you next, gents, noh ymi
wouldn't bit doln' unyring crooked
"Tliniiks," . mild I.orry dryly. "We
ulinll try to conduct ourselves discreet
ly In the city."
l'rohahly n (lUarlcr mile further down
tho narrow, level Btreet they came to
Iho I in tun r, tlif gamly ntnres mid then
thu hotel. It nns truly u hostelry to In
fplro rcapoct and nduilratlou In the
Inlnd of such us S'ltzky, for It was huge
Slnl well equipped with the modern ap
pointment. As noon as the two Amcii
cairn had liecu given their rooms they
Kent for their luggage. Then , y went
out to the hroail plaza, Willi lis col
UioliH and nnirhle lMihistrailes, niM
lisikcil for Mtzky, reiueuilieilug their
Invitation to drink. T he guard had iv
fiimsl to enter the hotel li theiu,
urging I hem to allow him to remain on
thu phizn. He was not llieie whin
they returned, hut they noon saw linn
till the sidewalk he was arguing with
n while uniformed police guard, nnd
they realized that he hail Lecii ejected
from nai red pro inels.
They pr ptly rescued him from the
cdllecr, who howed ami Htroile aay as
noon us they Interceded.
"Iese fellers Is hllck i noin.-h to !..
J'oil are hwcIIs nu' I'm i,." Ka d
Hllzky, not n hit niiiiojcd hy his en
counter. "I'll Pet my head 'al inside ten
liilnulcH old liangloss will know win.
you are, where .vmi cuine ir,,ni an'
w hat you're doin' here "
"I'll het fitly heads he Won't Had not
what we're doing here." grlnn, d An
guish, hioking at Lorry. "Weil, let's
hunt up the thirst depariiueni."
I hey found the Utile apartment
which drink w-re served at la!,
nnd In-fore they said pio.ll y lo s,i.
Ill front of the hotel, a hall' 'hour I i
that worthy was In cvcecdlug
nmr nnd very much ilu-li.,
face. He said he would he I. . I,
(l-iys, nnd If th.y nc, ,lcd Inui i
purpose Whatclel- (1,,-y ,-i'llM
him l.y n nolo at the ,-..iiw.n ..
"l-'uiiny how ymi rim in i- ,,n
h ull hi every no,, I, ,.,.
world," urn-oil I ori.i as il.ev v,
the Htm ky cx Man o' u -irsm an
olf toward his hold.
"If we can run across !!,, i:
them nnd comuienling ijuite freely, li
was easy to hoc. Toward the end of
I ho dinner several ollieers came In, and
the Americans t'xik particular pains to
lit ll'ly Iheni. They were cleanly hlllll
fellows, about medium height, wiry
anil active. As n class the men ap
peared lo nverage f feet 7 Inches In
height, some a little taller, some n
little shorter. The two strangers wore
over six fis t lull, hroad shouldered
nnd athletic. They looked like giants
ninong these fjrauslark men.
"They're not very hlg, hut they look
lis If they'd he nasty In n scrap," oh
nerved Anguish, unconsciously throw
ing out his chest.
".strong as wildcats, I'M wager. The
women are perfect, though. Have you
ever seen a smaller net of women.
"Never, never! A paradise of pretty
women. 1 Isdlevc I'll take out nat
uralization papers."
When the two strangers left the din
ing risen Ihey were conscious that
every eye In the place was upon them,
"We seem to ho the whole show here,
iii'en," said Anguish ns they sat down
nt one of the tahles In tho garden.
"I guess Americans are rare."
"I've found one fellow who can speak
tlerman atnl IVem-h, and not one, ex
cept our guard, who can talk Lnglish
That cleik talks Herman fairly we
1 never heard such a language us the
oilier people use. Say, old mall. Wi
hetter make Inquiry nhout our friends
tonight. That eh-i I. prohahly won't he
on duty tomorrow."
"We'll aK him hefure xve go lo hed,'
agreed Lorry, nod -ipon leaving tin-
hrilliaolly lighted garden they sought
the landlord and asked If he could t
them w here Caspar (iuggensloeker
lived, lie looked politely Incredulous
and I h n;-1 1 1 fill, and then, with pro
found regret, assured Ihem he had
never heard the in. me. He said he had
llvisl In Lilelweiss all his life and knew
M'oryhoily of eoiiscilleliee hi the tuwll.
"Surely Ihere must he such people
here!" cried Lorry, almost appeallngly.
lie felt disheartened and cheated. An
guish was lilting his lips.
"Oh, possllily among the pfMiror rlasn
is. If I were you. sir. I should call on
Captain langloss, the chief of police,
lie knows every soul III Ldel uelss. I
am positive I have neer heard tho
mime. You will find I he captain at tha
tower tomorrow morning."
The two Americans went to hed. one
o dismayed hy his disappointment that
he could nut sleep for hours.
Tim i.Aier iv i a i
( Al:lll.iir.
TIH'.V sh pi rather late III 111
Inoililng. lir-t l-eeause they
were very much fatlgmsl after
thejr long journey, and second
far the liason Ihey had hecll Una-
hie lo woo siuiufier until hmg past mid
iiltl.t. Anguish stretched 1 self In
illy In l"d when he heard imi y's vole
an the adjoining room.
1 suppose we ate to consult the po-
' 111 older to gel a clew tu your
Ihariuer," he yawned. "Nice friends
uii pick up on railway Journeys; I'd
he ic iia lucil."
"Well, Harry, I'll confess I'm ills
gu-Icl. This has I u the most idiotic
thing I've eier done, nnd If you, say
the Wold we'll get not of here on the
lirst train freight or passenger. The
I illggelisloekel'sl pigs" - Mr. Lorry
"And they said they
xvelss, tlrausinrk'"
"They did, mid I'll humhly confess 1
did not know much of the principality
of (Jraustark."
"That is certainly complimentary.
hut, then, we lire a little out of the
lieu ten path; so It Is parduiiahle. I
was nt lirst under the Impression that
you xvere American detectives with ex
tradition liors for criminals bearing
the name you mention."
"Oh:" gnspisl Anguish. "We couldn't
find ourselves If xve nhould be sepurat
( d. captain."
The grizzly boardis captain laughisl
lightly with them and then n-ked Uir
ry If he would object to giving him the
fall story of his acquaintanceship with
the !illegl fiiaustarlJaiis. The Is'Wil
(lend and dishearleinsl American
promptly told nil he knew nhout them
omitting certain tender details, of,
course. As he proceeded the chief
grew more a'jd mure Interested, and
when lit last Lurry came to the de
ncrlptlun of the strange trio he gave n
Bty'dcn start, exposed a queer little
timiie for n second or two and then was
as sphlnxlike as before. '1 he ever vigi
lant Anguish observed the Involuntary
Ktart and smile, quick as the chief had
liecu to recover himself, nnd felt n thrill
0? Iriiiinph. To his linger nnd Impa
tience, however, the old nlficcr calmly
Bhcok his head at the end of the narra
tive mid nniiuiiiiced that he was ns
U'lleh In the dark ns ever.
"Well, we'll search iiwhile fur our
delves," declared Anguish stubbornly,
nut at nil satisfied.
"You will be wasting your time," said
the chief meaningly.
"We've plenty to waste," retorted the
After n few moments they departed.
Ilitruu liaiigloss accompanying tliciii to I
the gale nnd assuring them that he and
his men always would he at their cum
Iriand. Ills tuition admired the Ami-rl-"an
peonle. he warmly declared.
"That old eislger knows our penple.
ntid I II bet u thousand on It." said
Harry imgr.iy when they had gone
some hlile distance down the street.
Then he told of the queer exposure
lumgloss had unwillingly made. Lor
ry, mule exi lied than he cared to show,
agreed that there was something very
suqileioiis about tins new diseniery.
'ihey walked about the quaint town
for an hour or !uo. examining the
hll'lilings. the peonle anil the soldiery
with deep Interest, i'rom the head of
the in i iii street. Castle avenue, they
could plainly see I to- rnial palace, near
ly a inile away. Its towers ami tur
rets, gray ii in 1 gaunt, ran up among thu
i, roe ii tns't.,,s and Here outline, I plain
ly against the Jellow hills. Cnlllltless
houses studded the steep mountain
flope, and many people were discerned
Wall. big and riding along the narrow,
Igelike stt ts which wound toward
the summit, tar up in the clouds. Clear-
Iv and distim tly could he seen the grim
-tery, perched at the very pinna
if the mountain, several miles
aw av. I p tla re it n,., I.e. I bleak and
I and u n hi x . t i ii l:. In great contrast
to the l"M line-s and warmth of the
valley. I low n h.-low the grass was
iiioi-I and s.-tt. trees were approaching
li"' stae Where yellow Ulill fell tilltS
ningie with the rich green. Ilow ers
oro blooming, the laud was redolent
f the sun t liagraiiee of auluinn. the
ntinnqiiiere warm, ob-ar and Invlgorat-
g. It was paradise surmounted hy
solalbm, drear and deadening.
oed I. I
In i
In tu.
A mcl
of i'...
,,c !,. ,
111 llu
a: 1 ,d tow n -
gmi h.
d thl.iU.h I
I until alio,-
Hlockers as -.i si t-.
When khall we .,
"We can make a te
(filling then
pic of luipnriam ,
"I don'i v,,v tin
brewery signs a:
Anguish (unsoli
delitl.v no I , llgei
They str, ihe l
wund.ruig at ll.e ,,ii., mi ;
tin' pi city g ,r,l, r, .,, , ,.,.
Iliosplicic i;.:t j. ( !
crybody w ,, ,., , , ,,.
happy. 'I b, i w is i, I u .,
no i nsli, , h. . .- . i s t ii i ,
dleOs li, w ol Lie, in, i, i.i,
koiiig to i!-,r j
d I.
the d.-iaui
Ih'isl IV ,!,a, :,.,, ,
pass and Mom the In
the low laud.
"The ,.y aun
goisl night g.u.s. "
"I suppose el.-i ; o,;j
"Or lii ilium r " -.
and they reiiiii,,! t
1 he din II g hull w.
nun. a mixture ,,t n , ,
im-'h cvn I. It r., ..i., ,,
W ... I i, k. ,.s ;...
pie I..; 'lb,,- i,,,;, ,
w luspi led, as If he , a
Cst luighlsirs mi,;!, i
"They are i:n,;u, ,f ,,
class In w hich ,. n Msi
be In ".-
""l a hit of It, my hoy; not u hit of
It. We'll make a house to house can-
Vll-is If the police fail us. Cheer Up,
i In or up!''
"You go to thunder!"
"Hold on! I t talk like thai or
I'll go I k on you In a minute, I'm
here b. , ause I d so o .. nml I've
lllore heart In Hie chase nt this minute
Ih. in lull have. Ie not lost hope.
We'll nnd the liuggeiishh k. rs If we
have to hire detei lives tu Iran' 'em
from Ihe 1 ml.. I stales to their vcrj -b p. c'le gnhig lo see ihe p,,lns.
aricr breakfast, "
All -r breakfast they did go tu so
the liai-ou I Mt.aloss, After s ane In
quiry the) found ihe gloomy, furehml
lug piisoii. and Mr. boldly
pound, d .-li Ihe I.i,;,. gales. A little
j shinier Hew upon, and ii man's hue
J appealed l!v Month he isk,., w hat
' wanted, but he might as well hai
j ileniaiiihil tbclr lives, so far were they
lloui nn.terslaii.lii.g pis qu. l .
. It I ' iiig!'.." s.,., Angiilsl,
p'omptiv. 'll.e man asked soniething
, i-l-r, i.iii as the An, ernans si k their
. heads d. pie, atingly he wnhdix-w his
f lee and pi, sently svMlng open the
i. lies Til. v entered III. il he closed the
' ,l""'' '"Id". I them, locking tbeln In.
'I hen he ililci led tbeui across the ,-ourt
tu aii op- ii d in Hie aged mass of
g '' s.ouc As tiny slr.sle away from
the guai. I Lorry ciealed consiernatlon
hi d. in in. I .iu
"lb .w an- we to talk to the chief If
h1 !.-.irt nnih rstand us or we hhnV
Me should hae brought an luterpn--
Aliiern a
enter ,
ause of
hie ski.
r the i
ob-eiw at
itnmenl tl
1 I'
nil. distinguished
they foriued the
on ami were the
at bore uumlstaka-
luni atlnii.
i!e;is:intly lo many ol tie
them and recelvcl In r.
atnl pioioiind recognition
illll. il colirtei.Us , be
They bowed
so who passed
turn gracious
Military men
women stared
ilestii and
oil-Iv ; the uw
general ik.w. u
.rettily, perhaps
. hauls and cit.ei
and snille.l a Wei
.a. Iv
belli ma. i
I'M ire mo
six cl- i i.
.1 sole
ans of
llhl 111. I II
Is reliial
al.- p.
of 11
i on the main
mules and hor- lei,.
Mini Ihey
hi ..hi.,.
v by Ihe
lla'isp.a t
Lverv I.
Ihe tu
the pi.,,
oept s
.l-s. ba,
l.l.-.l will
li. lied a
II though Ihe
isl... lo is. Ins
toi.q.l.s an
In itne
been I rller. The
the absence of ve
streets. 11, ere were
s.-s. human carriers,
ale. but during the
s., u not more than
... i chicl.-s were
iiialit.v and as a
lain for their per
ly, with the few
I. w alked or risle
i fr.eiids were d,s
e. and Anguish ad-
id several weeks.
v .1.1 not Inui the ling
oble. l being I., secure
I slo t, hes of Hie pic-
it'j hli clcnriii Up 1" '"J tti1"'1 MV
We ll go bnek to the hotel and get
ready for the visit to the palace
"Don't you Intend to limit her tip?
(iad, I wouldn't miss a minute If I had
a chance to he with a girl like that!
And the other xvas no scarecrow. 8u
Is rather a beauty too. Greatest town
for pretty women I ever struck. Vict
im Is out of it entirely."
They strolled on to the hotel, discuss
ing the encounter In all its exhilarating
details. Keari-ely had they seated them-
wive on the piazza after partaking o.
a light luncheon when a uiaii came gal-
lonliiL' un to the walk In front of the
hotel. Throwing his bridle rein to a
i.m.rd he hastened to the piazza. 1L
nttire was that of a groom, and some
thing about him reminded them of the
footman who sat beside the driver cf
the carriage they had seen a short time
before. He ca me straight U wlicre uie
Americans sat smoking and, boxvlnz
low, held before them nil envelope. Till
address was Ureufall Lorry. Ksq.,"
hut the man was in doubt as to which
w a he.
Lorry grasped the envelope, tore !'.
open and drew forth a daintily wr'A
teu note. It read:
My Dear Mr. Lorry I was viry muck
imrprlseil lo see you this morning. 1
may add Hint 1 was delighted. If yon
will accompany this messenger wni-n lie
calls fur you nl 3 o'clock tomorrow after
noon, he will conduct you lo my hemt,
where I shnlt truly be charmed to irr
you again. Will you bring your friend?
Lorry could have embraced the m!0
senger. There was a suspicion Oi
hreathlcssncss In his voice when he
tried to say calmly to Harry:
"An Invitation for tomorrow."
"I knew It would come that way."
"Also wants you to come."
"Shan't I he In the way?"
"Not at all, my hoy. I'll accept tut
you. After this fellow- goes I'll let you
read the note. Walt until 1 xvrlte mi
Motioning for the man to "remain, b
linstemsl to his room, pulled out sonio
stationery and feverishly wrote:
My Dear Misa rjuggenslocker I shall b
delighted lo iiceuinpany your messeliKer
tomorrow, and my frU-ml, Mr. Hurry
Anguish, will be with me. I have come
half wuy acrons the continent to see you.
und 1 shall be repaid if 1 am with you
but for a moment. You will pardon me
If 1 say that your name has caused me
despair. No one seems to have heard It
here, and I was Ix-glnnlng to lose hopo.
You may expect me at 3. and 1 thank
you fur the pleasure von bestow. Yours
This note, part of xvhlcli had been
written with misgiving, he gave to the
messenger, xvho rode away quickly.
"Klin didn't wait long to xvrlte to
you, I notice. Is It possible she Is suf
fering from the effects of those three
days on tho other side of the Atlan
tic? Come to think of it. she blushed
when she saw you this morning," said
Anguish. Lorry handed him her note,
which lie read and then solemnly
shook linnds xvltli Its recipient. "Con
gratulations. I nm a very far sighted
young man, having lived In l'nrls."
t Ti 'ir reilfuno-i. )
-que pie and Ihe .
and lo I.I !e aw av sotiu
glittering boulevard.
he w as 111 the proje,
range scon
hours upon
lll'el, fall,
t so deeply.
w as so i i !j reconciled as to he exhll by ibe plan. They decided tu
vi-u ll.e i..v al grounds In the after
boon, provided Ihere was ini pndnhl
tiou. iv.,-i-i ing it ride up the hill for the
next d.i.v . A gendarme who siuke (lor
man f.nily veil told them they
could enter Ihe palace park If they ob
lamed a signed order r i ami the chief
steward, wuo might be found at mix
time In his home near the gates.
lhev w.-re strolling leisurely tuward
the hotel, for the moment forgetting
llieir quest in this strange, sunny land,
when the) espied a carriage, the most
coiispi, nous of any tbex had seen.
Ihe white horses were gayly caparl
somd. ihe iliiver ami the footman be
sale him wore i i . li uniforms, the xe
hbl.' Itself gleam, , ami glistemsl with
gold and
.tame Is
her A short
rude two young sol j
tb, :r shoulders, scab
i-.i; ag wnst their stirrups,
it. red In the tight red Iron-
I s close tilling Pi. i, i.
.It Ii in.iiiliigs and the re I
Ha- Am. I nuns had Holed
i-e of lis brilham y. IV,,,
c street w .-re how :eg deep
. up ,,-ts. two
1 ol. "' ex. bullied 1 r ,
"Hurry! Lank!" crcUilmul Lorry.
"There In the carrlage-on this side!"
II. s voice was hoarse mid trembling.
".Miss Gug (iuggeiislockerV" cried
"Yes. jiy."' They had stopped, and
Lurry was grasping a garden wall
with one hand.
"Then It's funny nobody knows the
mime le're. She seems to be some one
of consequence, flood heaven.' I
don't blame you! She's the most beau
Ly this time the carriage was ut
most opposite and within forty fei-t
(if wlicre they stoisl. The ladles Miss
ftiiggeiisloclier's companion was young
ami almost ns beautiful ns hcrsclf-had
nut observed the ngitatisl two, hill
Lorry's face was beaming, his hat wan
off. nnd he was ready to spring to the
carriage side nt a moment's warning.
Then the young girl nt the side of tin
vnman whose beauty hnd drawn a
nan half iirotind the xvorld saw- the
tall strangers and called her compan
ion's attention to them. Once niort
(ironfall Lurry and Miss (iuggensloek
er were looking Into each other's eyes.
The lady started violently. Her eyes
grew wide, her lips parted, and her
body xvas bent forward eagerly, a Ut
ile gloved hand grasping the side of
the open carriage. Her "Ideal Ameri
can" was buw lng low, as was the tall
f( Ilow nt his side. When he lisikod up
iigain, his eyes were glowing, his hand-
(nine face wns Mushed, nnd he snw her
smile, blush furiously and Incline her
I I gravely. The carriage had sxvept, but she turned tier head, nnd he
detected nu appealing glance in her
eyes, a perplexed wrinkle across her
brow, both of which xvere swept awuy
nn Instant later by the most bewitch
ing of smiles. Again her head was In
clined, this time a trifle mure energet
ically, and then the maddening face
wns turned from him. The equipage
lolled onward, and there was no effort
(li her part to cheek lis progress. The
men were left standing alone and dis
appointed oil the streets of Lilelweiss,
the object hf their search slipping
nway as soon as she had been found.
II er companion xvas aiiuizcd by the lit
tle scene. It xvas evident, judging by
the eager lisik on her face as she
turned with a question in her eyes.
"Turned down!" exclaimed the Irre
pressible Anguish dolefully. "That's
pretty shabby treatment, old man. Hut
she's quite worth the Journey."
"I'll nut go back to America without
her. Ini you hear that, Harry An
guish V" He wasexciled and trembling,
"llut why didn't she slop';" lie went on
"I Hi. you dear old fool!" said An
guish. The two shssl looking after the car
riage until It turmsl into a side street
half way down the shady stretch to
ward the castle. They saw her isun
paiiloll glance hack, but colli, I nut tell
whether she did nr liut. Lurry lonkcd
uneasily al Anguish, and the hitter
"You are wonderliiL' about the Cmr-I fcv. t?5 T:!n H '1 T7!-
i ...i... .. ,. .1 CS.f Ct' ;i II - y .
geiisioeiver name, en .- I 11 leu .xou XV nil I : jfiV 1 Jgl JJ s- -i- J
. ,.,,,. , ,.,,K ,,- , ,..
tiiiiiuics. Her name Is no more (iuggeu- I XSTJ
sleeker than mine Is. She and the un- i f-..a(;
i,c...l ,., .. I.II...I XI. ...1. I X.i '!
in. " s, .,-n 1 1 . i ii 1 1 1 nii-l licie, fcV
II. .,11 II. ..-.. Id I.I.....I O V....- .... V'illJ
must hnd out Just who she really Is.
lb-re comes a smart huiklng soldier
il-.ap. Lei's nsk him, provided we can
make lii iii understand."
A young soldier approached, leisurely
twirling a cane, fur he xvas without his
hie nlliis. Anguish accosted him ill
Trench niivl then In Herman. He un-ih-rsiooil
the hitter ativl was very polite.
"Who was the joiuig huly In the car
riage that Just passed':" asked Lorry
The face of the suhlier lluslusl and
then grew pale w ill, anger.
"Hold nn! I beg paidon, hut xve lire
strangers and don't quite understand
your waxs. 1 taut see anything Im
proper In asking such a question," said
Anguish, attempting to detain lulu, j
The young man struck his hand from
his hi in, am his e,es fairly blazed. i
"You must learn our ways. We nevcy ,
pass cnmineiit on a lady. If you do so
In your laud. I inn sorry fur your la
dies. 1 refuse to he questioned by you. '
Stum! aside, fellow!" j
Anguish stood aside In astonishment, j
and they watched the wrathful gallant
Hut down the Httcct.Vs back ns stilt ,
lis :1 hoard.
'TUainisl toiiihj!" growled Anguish.
"You remember what said
about then- respect for the Weaker sex.
1 guess we'd better keep off that tack
er we'll hatch up a duel or two. They
seem to be the eaters. We must con
tent ourselves with searching out her
homo, and w nhout assistance too. I've
cooled oft a lilt. Harry, mid, now that
I xe seen her. I'm willing p, go slowly
nnd deliberately Let's take our tmw
and lx perfectly cool. 1 am bcgiiinliiiJ
to ngive Willi xoiir Incog. propoliion.
of toughest sice
becomes dulled
by constant use ami mvst have g new
edge if it i.x to .lo e,uol work. Constant
work dulls a recti as it does nn ax, makes
him sliMf'-,rish ot hisly and dull of mind.
He needs a luiuc.
something that whl
restore the hcciincts
of mind ami activity
of lssiv.
Dr. i'iercc's C.oldeii
Medical Dncovery
puts new life into
weak. worn-out, run
do w n men and
women. It strength- F"
ens me wcuk siom
ich, purities the
blood, and effect
ively stimulates the
1 i ve r. The whole
bo.l v is built up with
sound, solid flesh by
the use of "Golden
Medical Discovery."
"I vv-ai confined lotny
ted tor four tnoiitlii
from January isl. isw,
and cuiiinii-ncrd In tnke
your medicine tniiimry
rMh 1S99 " writes Mri.
fcailie L. Slappard. of
poplarhtuR Mo. "I
took eiifllt ts'tlles of tr.
pieree'1 Cohbn Med
Inl Discovery, four of
Kiiviiiile PreH-nption,'
two vinli of 'I'lealnnt
Pellets." and one bottle
of ILi-lnr Pierce's Com
pound lixtract of rtniart
Ueed. as a liniment. obsluviite
constipation, and hardening; of the liver wai my
losil'le. I am at litis time able to do almost any
kmd of house work. Your medicine saved me
from idt grave. Thanks 10 you for the beuelit.
My rase' was hopeless when 1 'began taking your
medic! lie."
Don't be fooled into trading a sub
stance for a shadow. Any substitute
offered as "just as pood" as "Golden
Medical Discovery," is a shadow of that
medicine. There are cures liehind every
claim made for the " Discovery," which
no "just as good " medicine " can show.
Biliousness is cured by the use of Vr,
Pierce's Pleasant Pellets.
s. -..sST-s
Ihllit. !.- tow lllUHdur MK..fl.i
M oa Ik. nw., pu.j. .
Mknl M l i-,H.lird br iri. VOtbtr
sul pri- .. im ttrrj Ua.
w nave made
becauste we anl
72. J?.T..,?auS5 ..5 irIWifJitliW'XS
paw u4 jtut mmj !! W pmt'Hr r.fdesl H Ha) lllfc-'f
Hum ltMl MHftllljr. kst Mi mm4. Ml UaU I'm faM.
Note: A ireimine Iloreliide Itimble
SwinK Strop. fize'Jx'.'l. for 10c uUdmoiial.
Write lor tutaloue l.
CIihm I or Co.
(I'acitii' .Mrtil Order lloiio)
W.l Grunt Ave, San Kranci.-co.
Complete iti
Rotermund's Circulating Library
Come in and let us show
you how you can read all
the latest popular novels
Are you interested in Indian Bas
ketry or Head W'otk? We have a
line selection of Rallia and Heads
Masonic Temple, - Grants Pass.
For a bad tatse in tl.n moiitli take a
few (Iosch of I 'liainberbiin's Stomach
and Liver tablets. Price 2,"i cents.
Warranted to oure. Kor sale by all
1 ''.-:-.-..,. ;.-..
a .
Dislocated Her Shoulder.
Mrs. Johanna Soderliolm, of Fergus
Falls, Minn., fell and dislocated her
shoulder. She had a surueou lift it
back in place as soon as possible,
but it xvas quite sore and pained her
very much. Her son mentioned that
he hail seen Chamberlain's Pain Balm
advertised for sprains and soreness,
and she asked him to bay her a bottle
of it, which ho did. It quickly re
lieved her nml enabled her to sleep
which sho had not done for several
days. For snlo by all druggists.
"The nicest aril pleasanleRt uieili
cine I have uwd for indigestion and
ennstipatiou is Chamberlain's Stomach
and Liver tablets, "sava Melard F.
Craig, of Middlegrove, "N. Y. They
work like a charm and do not gripe
or have any unpleasant effect. For
sale by nil druggists.
t? ii s
Mrs. Laura. S. Webb,
Vlre-Prel.lenl H'otnnn'a Itemo
erullcl litbaof Norlliern tlilK
"I dreaded the change of life which
wai fait approaching. I noticed Mine
of Cardui, and decided to try a bob
tie. I experienced lome reliif the
first month, 10 I kept on taking it for
three months and now I menstruate
with no pain and I shall take It oil and
on now until I have paiied the climax."
Fetniilo weakness, disordered
menses, falling of the womb and
ovarian troubles do not wear olf.
'lhev follow a woman to thechange
of life. lo not wait but take Wine
of Cardui now and avoid the trou
ble. Wine of Cardui never fails
to benefit a suffering woman of
any age. Wine of Cardui relieved
Mrs. W ebb when she was in dan
ger. When you rotiie to the change
of life Mrs. Webb's letter will
mean more to vou than it does
you may now avc
void the
sell 1 bottles of Wine of Cardui.
siitTering she endured, lirugg
T."m Crlpiepliom reproica all kindm ol tnuno
A'of nccoaaacy fo lomrn lo play any Inainunmnt
tl .
.1.1- el
I, 111., I
Co K
. . .
let "
........ (Ill IS. . ,1,1s t
1 of. "t ii-h.iii the i. it, rounded 1.1 1 ,,,u,u t , in
1 -" '-' 1'IU If be S real be C.HI t.llk , ' " J .,
Irish." Inui tel. I liini he wasii t tun , ,'
hcl s. sli 1 li
Cotlt Mill, u
"I" '!ls li. .x.vll..,,., I',,,-.,,, . ,,, ,,,,
- '"' " ' I '-'-'. -'e.flii Into u i iorc I
''' 1 and M.-i-i'iiu: si, .,,!, , h ;
-r'"'' "f C e sliort. tierce Hum x ,.',", '
'hex lM.1 - e -li C.e ,, l.eleie. 'I . ! ' ' ,
. ,1, -.o. !. e o I',. 1
' ilutchiiu bis fluids arm like a vis.
II ii 'I.'- ic ii 1 1 what ser ice
.-in 1 be I.. MXI. loin and .xti,:uMi':" ' i
1 - '-'!' d tl c ;. Mo 1. ill,- cl.lef. pehle a ' " 'IMOaw
'J -h'-k. The y(uiJitei:JiVS. I vKNlVx.i. 50 YEARS' 1
. . i i " f. i.e. i i . .. ., iv . . . i - . v i.'u.j j. Ps
1 ""HIV IMll- I . ' -v v satj ayju. lal BMa.J j T J I 9-mmml - X
m T.aT asssa aV . W mWZT ; V f M I u .
L '"(..,11 1 -'i. .1. I I ' I fn'nul'm ii nr.'t-i'
1 l-.-l 111 ...:'l ;.H, ve.elMl lusillo C.U-! rotlttxl x.lcV..lTtJ of ,Y:TSV i
$3.50 to $100
.lliniL-' 1
. u ' ' " "aialar
. ,.i7r.i"V-Jl
fit any maka of Talking machlna
Elys Creasy. Galm
This Homody Is a Specific,
Sure to Cive Satisfaction.
It cloansc-s, Boothes, heals, and prc'.e.'ts thi
disenjs. d uiembriino. It cures Catarrh ni:
drives away a Cold in (In Head q:i!-k!y
Restores the Seises of 'PaVe. 11111 isineb
Easy to use. (To:;t.iins no i:.j'irion -b-:
Applied into the net:'" r.:el nb '
Ltirge Hizi, H ) cents rt 7': -i rci.- i s.' I
mail; Trial Si. :c, 1 ) co 1 , i a:!.
Blue Print Paper by the yard or roll
at the Courier office.
I.-.00 f.,..l In ... . W-
liiTlio County Court For Josejiliiii(40rtli 8'J dcg. 411 min i
County, Oregon.
In the Matter of the Estato
of William Diinlap, Deceased.
Notice is hereby given that the un
dersigned, James II. Colby, has been
appointed administrator of the Estato
of William Dunlap, deceased, hy the
County Court for Josephine County,
Oregon, and all persons having claims
against said estate are iintitird to pre
sent tho same, duly verified, to the
undersigned administrator nt the law
oflico of H. D. Norton iu Grants
Pass, Josephine County, Oregon, on
or before six months from the date of
the first publication of this notice,
which first publication is Thursday,
January 1-1, A. 1)., IU04.
Timber Land, Act Juneli, 1X78.
United States Land Ullice,
U'-seburg. Oregon, Nov. 2S, 1903.
Notice is berebv given that in compli
ance with the provisions ol the act ol
Congress ol June 3, 1878, entitled "An
act for the sale of timber lands in ihe
Htates of California, Oregon, Nevada
and Washington Territory," as extend
ed to all the Pnhlic Land Stales by act
of August 4, 1KH2,
of Jackson count v. Stale of Oregon, anil
.a resident of the town of (Sold Hill, ol
said slate, has this day riled in Ibis
ollice his sworn statement No 5NI0, lot
the purchase of the S's NW.N'a SVV'4
of Seeiion No. HO in Tow ntdiip ixo S5
South, range No 4 W., W. M., and wil
utfer proot lo show that Ihe laud sough1
is more valuable for its timber er slone
than for agricultural purposes, and to
establish his claim to said land before
Charles Nn-kell, U. S Commissioner si
Medlord. Ortgon, on Saturday, the tith
day ol February, 18114. 11a names s
witneSHes :
(ieorge McClellan, Fred. Mi Clcllmi,
William Cbilders, John E. Nye, aol ol
Gold Hill, Oregon,
Any and all persons clainiinu adverse
ly the above-di'scribed lands are request
ed to tile tbeii claims in tins othVenn or
before said (ilh dav ol February, 11104,
J. T. Humous, Register.
In The United States L.;
Host-burg, Oregon. '
In tho matter of thoappH
cation for patent for the
Consolidated Lode Min
ing Claims, iu the count,
of Josephine, State of
urcgou. j
Notice of Apphcntion fc.
United States Land Oflir
burg, Oregon, Nox-en,bp , j
rc,;.l ' 4
cuituo le ocreiiy given tl -Decker,
whoso postoHiee t
W aldo, Josephine eouutv I
Too Waldo Smelting
Conijiany, a corporation i
and existing ander, ami V
tho laws of the State of ;
and for and iu its behalf I
plication for a United s'J
for thu Consolidated Lor
Claims, mineral survev nn'
situate in So,.. in.. 1 -
south of range 8 west, t
Meridian, -(nnsurveyedi in.
of Josephine, State of 0rfP
prising right quartz uiiu,,
known aud described as ti
Pino, Fir, Cedar, 6aJ
Chestunt, and Laurel, and
ticularly described as fnlinJ
Snrneo ' 5
Beginning at corner .
identical with the southT
section !), township m
range 8 west, Willamette 1
thence south 17 mi.. ...... .."
. " ' 31 t .
uoruur uumoer is; tlieuce son- '
10 mill., east (X) feet to cor '
corner number
west 1
to the fj
Beginning at corner
Whence the southwest coir r
lion ai I.,,.-,,. s-un-l
west, Willauietio Mcridi, '
101th 8'J deg. 41) min., WM '
thence south 17 min. w
to corner number 2; t,U( .
ueg. 4U mill., east Ctll) feet ;
iiumhcrS; thence north 1;.'
lo(K) feet to corner number
uorth 8'J (leg. 4U min., west i s
corner nnmtier 1, tho plact
' Fir.
Beginning at corner n
Whence the southwest con
oi" i", n.wuisoiji siu SOQtlli..
west, Willamette Meridiar
iiorih 8U (leg. 41) niiti., westl
thence south 17 min., wen
to corner uuniber 2; tlienot'
:,! .1 I b.
Il l l-o,
"I X., S,
.1 I. s
' I lo
for Ic.i
-IK ll s
' . II a
1 : s
.- Is t, :.,
I tin
ll ill 1 Id VI
-illcl ,.f it.
sen ivh
-II ti nt
V c'.sh "
lii lu.Kliow 11 to Inc.
ask xx t y oti arc Hear, bll.g
llofo re
Ing 11 (.real .1.
Other guests
men us well as
li al t!.. v
I of :i, , ,;,
'f the I.,
the titcii
.11 ll.
1 1
111 1:
e . o
Cl 111-'
"1 oriah'h. I met Mr. iiigg.-iiUK-k-cr.
1 is ,c ;1; 1 ..s ,,, ,v ,t ,,,,!,.
tl"' 1 ill'. .1 .-..ales. 1 .j , ,t,Hi . ,
" n. 1 n in! ,e ll.ciii ir 1 ever bappcn.-xl
to be In this part of the XM.rld. As uiy
frhud uud I were near hero, 1 under-
Lion Coffee
' Iv found n FREEuMmo.
60 iliiti ioiit tames. Al! mv.
At Your tirtKor.
Ki-ii h ti. ,t.'f Mt I.") m
r 'i')i"tl trv lit-l ti-r mi
t (UMIlAl'lo ( 'M ll, I inn.
i-'i. t, r a,
ilir-iiir'i Wu
X il 111 t
Scientific teriwn.
A S vt U.-'ii..)T !1hir', , .ri. ,-,-i, ,-t,
it 1 . ti ,. 11 1 1. 1 m- m,. 1 . j , . j , ,
STUD FOR FRK CATAlOCUt n IM at roe. oi.e-
tattaa. Mia, aurta. ooa, and aalacllonm tor band,
omhaalra. nn, pteeoo, ato.
Sovon Inch SO cents each, $3 dozen
Ton Inch SI ouch, $IO a dozon
elaci: svpzr.:;ardened
columbia moulded records
25 oent3 each, $3 a dozen
Brand cr peace. Much mora dveabla than any othar cyUnda,
CouZBSMSsin Phonograph Co.
12: Goory S.rcct, SA rRWCISCO, CAl.
TT TIMT, ft rfci lii iaVrtan
Ilepartment ol the Interior.
United Sisles Urliee.
Hosebnrg, Dieiion, Nov. OT, )!ll)3.
A sutlicient contest atllilavu buving
been Hied in this ollice by John M.
Fades, contestant, against liumi stead
eniry No 0,l!(il, made December ll'
1110. tot E.'i NWl4', NK'4 SV4' Section
lit), Towriflnp : South, Unite 0 West,
by Charles A. Hill, conleslee, in which
it la alleged that Charles A. Hill has
abandoned said land for more than six
months last past, said parlies are hereby
notitied to appear, respond and ull'er evi
dence touching said alienation at 1(1
o'clock a. m., on February 13, 1H0I, be
(ore K L. liartlett, County Clerk
liranta l'aes, Ortgon, and that final
hearing will be held at 10 o'clock a. in.,
on Febiuary 2:1, IIHJI, brlore the Uegi
ler and Keieiver at the United Matet
l.snd Ollice ill Hoeeburg, Oieuou.
The sain contestani having, in a pro
per allidaxit, Hied November IK), lllo.'l,
et for lii lacts which show that aflei due
diligence personal service oi line notice
can not be made, it is berebj ordered
.nil uireeieit that such nonce be
by one and proer publication.
J. 11. Uooni, Receiver
JXAJLA .........
nn j I hi. a I r.iv I ii.xi.
Jriginal and .mly genuine
Fkkncu Txssv U aki-ks for
sale by leading druggists, to
mt Inix. Safe and reliable.
Acctpt no lubilitutt.
I lie largest sum ever paid lor a pre-
i"1"'1 nanus in han l-ran-isc.).
An. 30, llHil. T, tranter in.
"ive,i in coin and slock l IL'.oOn Oil and
as paid by a party ot business men lor
. --...o. or ungui s Disease ami lia-
oouerio incuralile diseases.
Ibeyconiiiieni-ed the sertnus mvesli
atlon ol the Swilic Nov. 15, HmH)
...ey M..e.vieeii scores ol the cured
ml tried II out on lis merits by puinnii
r "" 'tie treaimeui
"I at. huiii tbetn. Thev also got pbv
"aos to name chronic, incurable ca-e's
'".''' lercl it with the Ml,vs,e,a
' j'Mgcs. ip, An- o- a7 ;.n.enl
I I lie test , Vere K.Mwr
r.-uressuig favoiahly.
Tliere being but thirteen p"r cenl ol
-.Mures (he parties satisfied and
lose,) the transaction. The p.o. .'e.litig-
ibe investitat,,,,, eoinminee and ulr re,s,ri. ol the test .-as,,. ere
""' ished and - til be ,ai!r, ,re on
pplicatlon. Address JnN- J (., ITllN
omi'xvv Montgomery St. San Krai,"
ico, I al.
You know What You Are Talng
When you lake tirore'a T.,..i .
fonic, localise I forinu'ai.s ui,i,-,.
don every Untie sbovxinc Ih .. i
i", ..on a. i,i uiiiiuiie nn,.i.i...
No t ure Nu, l av.
tiy li EXICOXA
V2 Hnal . . .'..'.t Tar M
Grove's Tasteless Chill Tonic
tSaio i - Half Minion
-"LrrZJwri'pwioyouf no core. No Pa v. S(V
-a wna WT w a t.air... C - ., . . . -
af-af-aBj-aB-a---jJ1B-- ' rvv a oaocs .oof. uw PIDa,
a. The .Modern Lcincdy for Women
i '. !
r ..iiinni nal urrd'omeof j
uie orst cast, ( -a
We cuaraiilee T
is.sin., -ury ;r l.ciicorrhoca J
THE REX1C0NA CO.'T AoasTs Wsstidi
fend tor Hookle-.. .' c,. i .... r .
' v.... ie, vai.
To Car a Cold in . n..
aiTl' ''""" "r'"" Vn.nm T.Mn.
4cu TT 'V ,hr " s i ;
(leg. 4!) nun., cast t!00 few
number 3; thence north l; .
liiOO leet to corner number
north HI) (leg. 4!) min., wet'
to corner number 1, tb0
Cedar. 'f
Ucginuing ut corner njft
whence tho Boutlnvest. conn
tion 311, township 41), so-th t
west, Williimi'tte Meridia"
north 89 dcg. 4!) min., west 1
thence south 17 uiiu. west I
to corner number 2; thcucj
deg. 4!) mill., east COO feet
nnuibcr3; tlienco north 17 tk
1S00 feet to corner uuniber 4 3
north S!) deg. 4!) min., we,S
to corner number 1, the til
Oak. I
Beginning nt corner it
whence the southwest com.J
t ion 3(1, township 40, south r
west, Willamette iloridinl
north hi) (leg. 4!) mill., westl
thence south 17 uiiu., west
to corner number 2; thence '
deg. 4!) min., east not) feet J
number !;; thenco north ml
loOO feet to comer number j)
north D'J dcg. 411 min., wests,
cinier number 1, to jilaco of K
I'oplur. I
Beginning nt coruer ml
whence tho southwest corni!,
linn !.'. I .1,1s ,. I
,.,1,,1,,0, S.IUII1I1
north SI) (leg. 4!t mill., west S
thence south 17 min., wen
to comer number 2; thence
de,;. 41) min., east tlOO fecti.
uuniber 3; thenco north 1, a.
l.i(H) feet to corner nuinber t.
noi th 81) dcg. 41) min., xvesl
to corner number I, the
Beginning at corner iim
whence the southwest conic:
tiou 3D, township 4n, Houthil
H west, Willamette Mondial,
north 44 .eg. -M nun., west .1!
tliencu south 1, mill.,
M) dcg. 411 min. , cn.t loiHl fc
tier number 3; iheuco north
east ('.(HI feet to coiner nn:
thence north S!l dcg. 411 min.,.
feet to corner number 1, tin) ;
Beginning at corner net'
whence the southwest come.'
tion im, township 40, south ol
west, Willamcttu Meridian'
north I. mm ,,uc .--.on ..,
"ouin i. min., west (lot) feet I.
number 2; tliencu south Ss
min., east 1,100 feet to corii
tier 3; them',) north 17 una.
ii i 10 corner number 4 ; tlnu
V deg. 41) min, west MOil In
ner uunibi r 1, the Huce of !.'
The total not area of .
said lode mining cluims is an!
Spruce, 2i). mil acres.
Fine, ao.Cill acres. ;
Fir, acres.
Cedar, 2(i.c,i!l acres.
Oak, 20. (Wli acres.
l'oplar, 20.f.ill acrea 1
f'hesiiiut inclusive of conf
with ".Marion" lode miniiif
survey iiumls r ,122, 2i).ti(il acp-
I.aur.1 exclusive of arfi
Marion" ami ' I.x-itb," l, ,b
claims, survev number .V.'i
The unices of location '
'inarl. mining claims are ree-
ihe ollice of (he Clerk of Jf
county, Oregon, in the mis'-e..
milling records of said coiuitt
volumes and t the imges as':
Spruce, in volume 13, page 4
Fine, in volume 13, mge ill!
l ir, in volume 13, page 4ixk
Cedar, in volume 13, page .
''ilk, in volume 13, page Hi
l'oplar, in volume 13, V
hesliiut, in volume 13, '
Laun l in volume 13,
'Ihe ll,ii.hl,rl.. ... .A-
claims are se, ii,,,w nr. ...'-
wlltll of ranee M WiIj
Meridian, on the ..rti. J.,,1 .
the "Siiruce". " P..,.. ' '"
"C.dar," "Oak," ,,.,,1 "f
nil the "Marion" lode miiiine
stincy numiKT jj.i, ,..
thu "('lie.siiiut ' ,.,! ,i, '-x.
ind "Lvttle" lodo milling .
-urvey numK-r ,12 , on the -cin
in coiiflii-t with the "Lnun I. .
which coiitiicting ari(, BM, t '
Lvttle Lode Miuiuu t'i:.ia
owned bv unit I.. ;
'i t "The Wabln .,,,,. Ii i,,.. iu
".n v xMiipany.
Any and Hll
vrs. ly the mining gn unu. '
.ones. i.ri mi.... ... . .. .
oi, so (iis.ribul, surviv.d, '
and o.,l... . ' ...
,i , i 11 r'1-
tllll.-HM ,1.,, r Mri-..K., m .
I. ...., .". T
according to law.
-Kuuiior thereniider. v.V.
i hho ores' i.u- w
Kegister of ihe I u;U ti s. v
.. .. ai in, t.urg, in ih, . i ,
I)ougls, State of lr...,.,.,
le b.11,,1 m vinne cl lb," fo
s. s,u r.mare. .
n . , J. T. BKII
gtcr I tstaU., Uoi
Kom burg, Oregon. i